Singapore Monitor, 10 May 1983, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 27
1 27 Singapore Monitor
  • 17 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 2m 1)11 lON M.C. (P) No. 13/5/83 ISSN 0217-1325 Tuesday, May 10, 1983 30c#fTU
    17 words
  • Article, Illustration
    279 1  -  hnigramme now for the hrturo: Dr Yeo warns of lobseekers being computer Illiterate By BERTILLA PEREIRA <X)MPUTER should move oa to become the fourth R of elementary education to complement the other three Ra reading, writing and arithmetic Aad every cftuawatl meat be aansared to this end
    279 words
  • 319 1 THE HITLER FORGERIES UPI BONN, Tueedey THE Stern magazine reporter who claimed he tracked Adolf Hitler 1 diaries to an East German barn has admitted s hiah rankina East German police official aapp4Mhlm with the The Kd*his editors he had SJPOuTau 1
    UPI  -  319 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 119 1 Best Value A fofr>4of>ty S\ EteQance Nouv©M6 all-steel woods froni Lynx Femme Fatale on the prowl WWZ Vgw Mr,m\\ Amm\ \m7mm\ \m\\\. mum 4m\f \m\m\jf'' MX. JL Women golfers often face a big handicap on the course Because most clubs for women are of inferior design lyfiH &i Now Lynx
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  • opinion/letters
    • 101 2  -  PB Singapore 0314 I REFER to your report about ths winners of the Bis Sweep. Instant millionaires are all asaMßJasVsaWs* 1 (SM. May fl) 1 believe that ia this world there are no easy ways to become millionaires overnight About 2 fl million tickets
      101 words
    • 232 2  -  WHAT PRICE. SANITY ftagssnn •!•< MUCH mmm bee* written about OWtlook of A ago. 1 food loMil 1114s DM J J DVCaIMT jWI Ol tte ftrini IB tke (wckiof cum out I called a plumber about ball A kilometre away from my bwi*
      232 words
    • 161 2  -  HLPLY NG YEW HANG I REFER to the letter ''Shades of the moiree^^ when ha wrote to thai ministry requeetinc more welfare relief for his The writer wrote to us or Jan^M, him a atve-ei to take cere of has mother
      161 words
    • 207 2 r FT APPEARS that the last chapter in the saga of the Geeadue Khan aaarios, mm mm jg ritislid esclnsively hi this ootnroa, has beeo ckoeed wtta the afMcael aaaahMaaa by tha People s Daily that they are TW final shred of evidence which rwwae ezparts examlninc diaries
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    • 14 2 HUMHJTT UdtesoUd of iUltte Ckxifucius, Chinese philosopher (551 BC--479 BC)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 PRESTO is here again! Faber-Castell's Presto pencils are made in Germany. Excellent workmanship and superb quality lead are clearly evident in every Presto pencil. Those that have tried Presto pencils find them more satisfactory to use than other ordinary pencils. Presto pencils from Germany. Put some on your desk. They
      110 words
    • 3 2 I vPi£ J
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • home
    • 986 3  -  The fine art of bargaining :siqhposts: N BALAKRISHNAN TO bargain or not to bargain, that ia tan question A story is told of an English schoolboy who was advised by hu father before his first visit to the "Bear shout the jmanrtaace of bergsiasag at the
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    • 396 4  -  THE RITUAL KILLINGS TRIAL By SIT YIN FONG AFTER the successful kidnapping of Agnes Ng Adrlaa Lim began to think of collecting ransom from his nest victim. So he ordered his mis trees. Bee Kah Hong, to got a "rich victim Hoe said this today at the
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    • 228 4  -  •y JULIE LIAU ONE oat of every five people who take antassotaca and painkillers could suffer from kidney diseases, according ta an Australiao kidney espert "Moat of these drugs are commonly prescribed for the treat meet of arthritis, bacterial infection, haadachaa ar i i w
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    • 208 4  -  By OEI SIN GIOK A BOOK shop aad its managing director have been char gag under tha Copyrights Act aa they are alleged to have sold pirated copies of Youth II and Enouire Chinese novels popular with taaaagari wrtttaa by Halaa
      208 words
    • 295 5 Trainee models asked to pose in the nude Lian He Wan Bao h^ve^eeo U their clothes and poaing in the nude for a modelling school Unwary applicants to the school wWch adv^fawa^f^uil $50 photographing lee nude and when they refused, they were told taa)
      Lian He Wan Bao  -  295 words
    • 150 5 Lian He Wan Bao A LOCAL car company has imported s car which is believed to be the smallest in the world Tha Susuki CV lis a lace twin seater imported from Japan It has ail tha features of a normal car four
      Lian He Wan Bao  -  150 words
    • 126 5 Lian He Zao Bao THE Singapore Hotel Aaeoci Computers to purchase aa NBC computer system wiU be ueed for training hotel staff, cornea equipped srtth The chainrtaa of the assort suoa, air Pakir Singh, eati mated that st Usast 10 to It per
      Lian He Zao Bao  -  126 words
    • 204 6 What made our economy a world model is now in doubt for rest of the century, warns economist OPEN ecxxxxny with access to world markets and sources of materials HIGH inftow of foreign capital investment, both long and srKXt-terrn DOMESTIC housing, kept down by government POLITICAL
      204 words
    • 283 6 THE four factor* which have made the B»Jfa> all la doubt hi th* ramining part of this century, a leadinf iciainsnst has Dr Lee Soo Ann, dean of the NUS flb af ness A t dmTnistrstloa, says
      283 words
    • 214 6  -  1 VINCENT FONG DONT look at the sun oa the morninf Of June U. ft could coot you your eye* That's whoa Stagapore will ex partaaco a partial aolar eclipee as taa saa crpssil from SO degrees ta lew will start at 10
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 14 4 wTmm-m fl fl V slesjwf* BBBBBsBfI fln^f^nj&^lK r T287 BBSS' BBj iBBBF i BnSVv^'dßßa
      14 words
    • 204 4 BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER Make money writing earn while you learn. The Wrung School, founded in 1949. shows you how to write articles, abort Monet, novels, romance*. raoV> and TV *cnp«* that sel and keep on •riant. Top professional wnterv through the medium of the achoofs compreheiHHve home study couraes.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 \T totaatJaX TfWotefslß Ws\ /aaaaaV thal trie uiWrJVt<ywn cat n 1 x cr anaannVA\ KWW V C ht ttcr to -utw! /4r prepare it» < *J r hcr ß Tral asn*\ /ausf ftl BcrfKwayTcow fl fl/ the cofraparry (liarKwayTcow (xxjrurv fatManaV (withcxx*les) T% N Western star, (nru loriarnearcw hnu nini}
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 203 6 2000 the NCN MrnXfrntm mmtqm nan to you the saa* BJpW^ unroaproaising standard* BB^^ engineering tinllmrr have Mdr available in diif*r*nt aodee: RtMINt.tON products faaou* for over Nora*l tac lypr, »jitraaat ie Mold tOO vara. ran type, Nor—lface autoaatic Underocor* Th* RMtrunir 2000 utilifM th* eeeily and MID fWDI »»T|*»JMtta^^
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 306 7 We put a second lens in our National colour TV so you can tell its qualify without a second glance. Trust National to do things in double jjm I (jp^i-^l^V^ measure when it comes to making a first-rate H^^^*ljafcNv TVset f J TTiat's why we put an extra "p re-foe
      306 words

  • world
    • 212 8 Damascus hints at acceptance of modified US peace plan Reuter DAMASCUS, Tuesday SYRIA has given iU first hint that it might be willing to ac cent a modified version of a Unbacked plan for troop with drawsls from Lebanon Taa official Syrian news agency Sana dropped taa
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 339 8 AP Reuter awouf, Tim* AFTER overcoming snags in mm parting the paperwork that delayed the departure by one day South Korea and China signed their first official agreement clear hag the way far the return Chi and crew trip hack home waa
      AP; Reuter  -  339 words
    • World Briefs
      • 59 8 Reuter Enrtle~has ordereTan Inquiry into how four Philippines soldiers were working as guards at s go-go bar cnat was raawaa ey pouce. Officials said the soldiers tried to stop policemen huislaaa. hake a dasco hi sirthisat aaaJ darang the weekend te arrest about a donna
        Reuter  -  59 words
      • 58 8 Reuter UNITED MA TON* The United States, accused by Nicaragua of making wsr against it, tony hjssaajj a new call for direct talks Addressing the UN Security Council. Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Miguel dEscoto Brock man said bis country had come to answer aggression and
        Reuter  -  58 words
      • 107 8 AP WASHhMQTON: Major US bankers were warned today by the Intern*Clonal Monetary Fund (IMF) to keep their promises to boost lending to poor countries if they want an end to the poor countries ftasarlsl In akin The waraaag waa made hi a speech
        AP  -  107 words
      • 35 8 UPI MCdJCOW: Conwananaft Part* Cases' Ynrl Andropov zyovmi ai mm r ore€», giving mm iwo oi umb ivretnlin t three major Job. si>d indicating he he* a firm grip Ml power UPI
        UPI  -  35 words
    • 276 9 June 9 decision is her biggest political blunder, says Michael Foot Reuter as 1 aaaeVsV. 4*o do so Mrs Thatcher, who hae ruled Brtteia foe poll havo^ooo^postered ~VSoI tot mo mthang ease sod it has tyTthiak it waTadiiaahli to sod that eacer tanaty" Box
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 148 9 Reuter PAfhjft, Tuaa FftENCEdjcjUoa i^ritora^^ *I» called ia tat meter* law *ggg to taa socialist govers to assa-ttg dn to 'snoot 'sat' '*™»7 the aasreek* naUooaJ assembly would start discwastsw the bases oa May 24 to spite af two ksat protest
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 129 9 UPI PASADENA (CafJcmtal, Tune THE best view of a nevly-dbKorered comet will be uangsa uiuwj aawn lotnorrow when tne glowing mass makes aistory'i second closest of a comet to jsrttsijy laat will make Its closest encoenter wltk earth km*?mm plane*""** C mm
      UPI  -  129 words
    • 304 10 LAT-WP WMHMOTOM, Tmlily PRESIDENT Reagan looks likely to approve a policy switch at the Strategic Arms fcsdactios Talks (Start) wttk tha Soviet Union that would uscrease number of «°woukfbe allowed porpow While this would appear to contradict the goal of the negotiations
      LAT-WP  -  304 words
    • 87 10 UPI kMXICO CITY, Tuweday MEXICAN police turn* m trxmi m the CMrrk mi SmU Cm TlefMCwya yesterday •iter aaere thaa 271 kg ci fkrewerfc. were •xcMeatally Uechil a* at ritkfteee BililriHia kitkktf si lean* M eee«4e aae htbjruaf ilk other. chorckajeect esswaaaawal laic aa Saaasay ta ctlearate tha
      UPI; PICTURE: UPI  -  87 words
    • 289 10 Leaders of banned groups petition Poland's Parliament Reuter SENIOR officials of the banned under martial law have jointly cha! longed Potash authori ths*. Solidarity leader Lech Uvee*of lor union groups dis solved lost year said in a letter to list Sejm (Par liarnent) that restoration of union
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 139 10 UPI GENEVA, Tuesday TOOTHACHES used to be s problem ia rich countries but is now more prey stent in taa Third World, taa World Health urbanisation said yesterday For the first time ever in 1 Ml more people in the developing world were victims
      UPI  -  139 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 134 9 Why a Sharp copier should be your clear choice. Two well-known independent research LIHMLSBB X39PI H^X^^i>#?i^/vjsjß organisations have pul Sharp copers ahead ■■■■■BS of the others in sates and overall performance mkMM**ur j**T*T_"fl h -r"""TTTT^*"*" Twn claims that no one else can duplicate mm So i s ctear why Sharp
      134 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 181 10 BIOTEC SYSTEMS AND ERGOTOP (mode and ■tiipm ted froiii USA) VDT furniture that increases efficiency while reducing fatigue. I 4m\ lust like your computer, Biotec Systems end Ergo Top ere *WmW adaptable and uniquely designed to satisfy your special requirements simply, inexpensively and efficiently. They are ergonomically jL\ designed to
      181 words

  • money
    • 66 11 THE Dow Jones Average of SO industrial stocks fell 4 M points to cloae at 1 228 23 After trailing for moot of too session, stocks rising ia price outnumbered falling issues f to on tae New York Stock Exchange Volume fell to 03 07 million shares
      66 words
    • 321 11 STERLING phammslsil SgSaWJt the Singa ■Ore dollar this BM »Iter the an nouiiceanent in London laat night that the UK general election will be held in June The British pound lost 4 rents from Last night a clone of $3 JO to $3 2500/2625 Trading was
      321 words
    • 257 11 NERVOUS investor! held out of the market this morning after a two day shakeout that saw mere thaa 17 points knocked off the Straits Tames lades. About half the shares were aagaitii la quiet ITS Blag in the first hour with shares dealers waite?' which way the
      257 words
    • 90 11 ttm t C HWANG was not the seller if ■here* ia Diners Cl«b Kjbjajfa, that were booght by Johna HoMiagi raeiemlal followed Monitor re pert that Mr Hwang, a maior shareholder ks Dhaers Hah Malaysia, waa hetovwa tnjbaanneaai sasasrs of 1.12 ■raaasl
      90 words
    • 259 11 DESPITE reaching its IMS high yesterday Sime Darby bat bene fitted leaf than moat market leaders from tha current bullish trend la particular, its performance over taa Cot two weeks has sa somewhat hesitant Now tha shara is looking attractive for cba rt
      259 words
    • 182 12 A WORD of caution from James Cowan Associate* Don't let tba short term market euphoria blind i^taSmti 1 to Urm Recently, markets have bean ssasrhag a rsfl anally. Cewan says IB MS weekly newsletter. Fore"^^xassaaiS monetary tadicMirs Only taa real estate market seemed to be ia contact
      182 words
    • 105 12 ABU Hanifah Noordin and Michael Yee Kirn Shine of Nordin, Hanifah and Co ham been snsaohsted receivers torhxhT MaUysia Textiles lit |SJfJffJ|SJSS say THE Stock Kichanaje the official list under the second trading section of properties Trading began today There will be two one with dividend for the
      105 words
    • 289 12 AS SOME of my col leagues are swsre. I have sought aad planned omtssW IS years or berdeo of responsibil Kiss bet carefully laid plans were frustrated time and again by the who gToSrtsd for future leadership of the bank SS years,
      289 words
    • 247 12 lilk>il atacaa ai^aaaaiay CaU Mara«a*»*9/» Ift Eaao 9 99T99 Paad N 9M/9M G I H 1 M/l 99 Gee*** 4 M/ 4 U Haw Par 1 71/1 79 Heme 4 M/ 4 19 l£aoT4 Ml" laataa I N I 19 AraaCaaat ft M/l 49 Jacaalatl IM S lack
      247 words
    • 34 12 XSffmmSS tt/bo TT urn Mil I IBTI I I Till i tar iJtir IJtU IJH? ItttT iiwr 1 JMT DvttKMflMn M.%M7 PfcMfclraw »«?< NfaKii Mjtn y" mi ■uwr ITJtTS tiw timn ttttn UN
      34 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 103 11 PIM UJ MVtrSITy CMCWIIt rTtfJBCIS: rl§B 1Z COUtSES WULUI ggawßgH BUSINESS INOUSTtY aensanuamaH fh >ti SALfSMENand £W*A SALESWOMEN: COURAGE^ GET MORE CONFIDENCE RESULTS LEADERSHIP P«M I«iwn**lMt Dili CimpilhlM rummt Cmhi hdm COShTSO betas yea. MM BBS] BWjenSß! OrvWßp urn contKMocc Acqum pro «*> cw**e»ca JJJJJjJ P'OOucH Spm* eSeclMj NAndUotwKkOAt Cjptf*
      103 words
    • 144 11 m\mm LT»^TPJ^F^aT^T B?]V'S*B 5^ 100 JALAN SULTAN #04-19 A 04-20 SULTAN PLAZA. SINGAPORE 0719 TEL *****78/9 *****66, *****97 MALAYSIAN PACKAGES CHARM Of MM fl DAVS-ft NfTIS) KUL/QtNT/€A«T COAST DEP 10/5. 24/5. 7/8. 21/6. 12/7. 26/7. 0979. 23/8 6/9 20/9 4/10. 19/10. ft/11. 22/11 EA9T CHOICE OEUOHT9 (ft DAYB-2 NfTES) DEP:
      144 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 141 12 Lanfl k I Lam "■l^ ~w,-l* ^**"l"M PRsiaanV 1 aaaaaaaaaaaan < aun nowiYftnibM M Dt>N.YoiffJwr offtr pilot* -ONLY $1.35 (usu*l $1.55). Controls heat, glare ana* fading Reduces aircondltioning coats Makes glass shatter-resistant Improves outdoor beauty Maintenance free Easry application self adhesive 3 colours Ofay, Bronze, Silver SUN-X (SJEJL) PTE.
      141 words
    • 75 12 KREO-UTE P#f*oool Light $t>rit>s. Show your loved ones that you really care Give them a KPfOLITE j KREO4JTES make p4*rt*ct gifts for weddings. birthdays, anniversaries. festive seasons etc 1 Plus our range of lights I comes complete with a I digital clock and I automatic electronic eje^T" dimmer system m
      75 words

    • 276 13  -  arrow VIOLET OON WINE dominates this week s is see First we have s story 00 Booceffksr shop today He is the epitome of the new STSaTSv afftti^MiVS shoeid not be the centre of the vmM 11 1 ifl eaasnaal a a. worw ua compel*? «i
      276 words
    • Article, Illustration
      471 13 Chef Yamaguchi's eye-pleasing, tasteful, culinary delights for Mr Nakasone and his party WHAT do Japaneee politicians tat? I aaat know aaaatna raat of them, bat Prim* MiiuOter V Nakaaooe who was health sad MtttrsTfo^k' I*'"1*'"" 1 He goes for uncultivated vegetables ads, s relatively new introduction by taa
    • 794 14 YOU don t have to travel te Germany to exper lence the joyous mood of a wine festivsl The Holhiay lan will he hotasag a German wtae festival from Friday until May 25 The Wine Peat kicks off to s rnartat start at th* Garde* Ball
      794 words
    • 581 14 THINK of what Fsu choo to to Pana and Fill t■PHI nod htaaoa's to to London I would like to believe that Eecoffler it te Singapore what these shops are. to their cities outrageously au from wise aserchaat behind Es^llw%acof n tier will be opening
      581 words
    • 638 14 1. D* yoa have to spend a hat af money aa whse far a party Nat necessarily For a party of more UumlO guest* whether it is s There are good*Uble wines from various countries France, Germany or Italy Price starts from v 7b 1 What's
      638 words
    • 799 15 P <v WHERE TO EAT HAMBURGER, the talk of town, is being featured this weak. That juicy beef patty sandwiched between a bun is fast becoming a staple diet of our younger generation We have compiled for your convenience seven fast food enterprises with tha
      799 words
    • 126 15 GET a taste of German foods and wines at the German Corner food promotion at the concourse of Lucky Plata from 11 am to 8 pm daily till May 19 Foods to be featured at the promotion include a selection of mixed teas,
      126 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 135 13 All about wines: Pages 14 V 15 Where to eat hamburgers: Page 16 Soothe away the gnnd of a long hard day to the st rains of an old 'favourite tune. Relax and unwind while you enjoy our bartender's concoctions and the music mixture of evergreen, oountry and contemporary by
      135 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 117 14 ''"I >|h jp and Friday at Lunchtimc Fabulous fashion and food beckon. Every Wednesday and Friday. In a different show and mood. Tempt yourself with our spread of epicurean delights while we bring you the latest fashion in town. Wednesday highlights fashion from D.M. Fashion Pte Ltd. Co sponsor Beauty
      117 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 126 15 ffl X**#* I MA CHEW 1 Seafood Restaurant Lounge scintillating seafood hj to fresh and full flavoured Kg Whtrt you caa take year pick af the finest 'live' seafood. H TIT OUT THESE CHEF'S SPECIALS l\ 9mmu mm lerhisnsd Bed lasppsr fj Prawns Iff a Barbecued Lobster r/J a Prawn
      126 words

  • leisure
    • Styles you can afford
      • 60 16 Modol Jlro plays a soafiatoatal state (pictaro af loft) la a dasky pink cattaa skirt mmm taatrkiag aaats wltk waist tios. J oka oa ais rlgkt sUrtfjs tko Maos la a skortlat ploatod aaats, wailo Jokaay looks oa la a waits loaa, sloowsd od aatsaa
        60 words
      • 49 16 la tko pictaro Mow, Joko looks •Mart la a crisp cottoo twiil salt af a Hi slHTii skirt wttk salt pockots sail ploatod aaaaa. all la Kjkl Jlro rotoos wkJto twftL Jokaay cools off la a llakt cottoa skirt aad saUUsj paats la
        49 words
      • 417 16 HONG KONG de signer Bobbie To be Usras that clothes should be fan, easy to put togsthsr, wellmade and yet inexpensive. It hi these concepts pat into practice that have placed him amongst the hottest designer names in America, with his label being
        417 words
    • 477 17  -  DESPITE BRITISH ACCENTS IN A NEW YORK BROWNSTONE BILL MOORE SNOW dkto t fan tkrough tw tote in tae skylight la taa Second Act Taa whoa taa New Jeraey-ite mother di npeee ta oa bar New York City Bat Derek Nimmo i production
      477 words
    • Article, Illustration
      150 18 CHINESE opera Is s dyiag art la rthsfjpiri. Oar local wsyaags are gettiag to he lew aad far betweea aad evea sjaallty of prodactioo aad siagiag has dropped drastically hi attempts at aad opted lor electric galtars aad Wall, If yoa fare a traditional spsra heff aad lomg
      150 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 309 17 OMmlßhtof jjUpjjgm Official Farn ol thm Los Angmm*% Who will be the 12 th SEA Games champion? C coii^ M X KM of hMKCky R flj ImmHRM A»h to 10* Pmm 1 K*co SU) AX-1 Comw rj4r iitttoaoa>haa 1 Maarx-axcomaw 5 toil c# Kacotor HtoV 1 pjj MONITOR 2i ato
      309 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 63 18 JAlfc tm Uttti iriasttrTi MY fjnMMa) iwan, ijg, Qjffa, UI t %M aa waa Uat r^IIIEMOST I gg""j 8 Ql|ll|l| is FILMM j\jrjl The Order was IM| MASSACRE... SOuUl' E CAMKE BER6EN I^STWU)SS fOuvawa srenva oamomo HMtfWEMBC *C 0 EMBASSY RtUASt «snW UMe IPfltt TsWuttsMY 1 tod? ffry hob, ROHel
      63 words
    • 31 18 X (iISStHW A BEST PICTURE X Of O ACADEMY AWARDS t 6 D«£C TO« WMmmrt 9 J x MttYlMkWYl #H H MR 2 CAW MTI 0 I mar Bi^t'■mimmii fl OSBgj
      31 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 491 18 COMPUTBR CAMP: IF you art betweoa the ages o# IS tad II, jos cm jota the Computer Camp oriaaM by the «nw rirKM tompgt or Hobby Club hi imoci ■Uon with the National IIBllllilfllllifellllHl^^^H^H^IHH taTta32«M*AYT5: The camp will ba bald DINNER THEATRE lalfcaMif might like to sea from Jane I
      491 words

  • 385 19  -  Boat leisure rWeslblif. Angela Herickx Film: THE BOAT Doctor. Wolfgang Petersen •••rrlnQ: Jurgen Prochnow, Herbert Gronerneyer. Hubert us Bengach arswsrijig at Odeon THE BOAT, a filial is Bans, to perhaps moat remarkable for that very fact. It hi one of the very few films Of
    385 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 246 19 YOU TOO O mWM potential Aa result, they read at about 250 wp m arid comrxehend onry 60>70%. A SPEED READER can read twice to 10 timaa faeter and understand just aa much It you value lima and the extra power that comes with increased k novvtadge, then you nghtaway
      246 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 197 19 Pwwy am ICyi 30. UO 7 00 o n jjjjjjjjjj PuMf Bay* |Cy 1-30. 3 30. 7 00. 0 1ft tmhi *yn im 4 oo uo i» «Cy*30. 7.00.01ft *****37ft) Mw 330. 7 00. ft lft (30ft4170| AMM LMI WgHTo U|M (CV7 30. 0.30 (300IM4) wrr* oo. »5 LoolHg*oMgifCVI30. 4
      197 words

  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 636 20 Tv radio M Immmm mm ii P—»■ m «•*•«•>« P 1 SSS fl aV- ;j 'Jan>a**<l th# contestant, arc The V«f Hksnsaw f •00 to wm Shop Sheng and the NUS Choc J J If life* 'rfjk The Mm ernphasiewe tho tmpof- Oreswno anr^aas^aun iwoiliahop and toe vcfluc of keeping
      636 words

  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 214 21 l»Bl«MrtB/comics I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Sherwood and Stan Stuneil 1 IThe fmmt btaktpd. out I «wi©Mec>, Vta*- ua OFFTJ/BpnK^^^g AJUES Marc* 21 to April 2t LIBRA xXm I \^^^^^^^m\m Difficulties in your borne life September 23 te October 22 1,4 1 Mi oTa¥j |l?tTeaaau- 1 I
      214 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 251 22 J jtf Hk classified tele-service: 273-9090 a««0y«Orm Office r>ro«uctt 7 7 3-0304 7 7 3-0347 Crtanfj Junk Star* 340-4017 Funon Canary 7V-M47 AH 4M1Q.41 737 7497 ran* Haraa 737 4941 Tomunvon OMMMO HM34O-047] eiaoan no** au».i>« rite Aa IM.Weoi Conk Way.Hang Laaae swa Srws Ct ricwaia a*] 774 4001 7
      251 words
    • 397 22 •Ml Cat Dtjnial a** 44ii CiPTM* »»nl *C«i 130 1350 F u m*nd IMnl-A-Caf 734-0370 H4Mf Soon AwM 337 7433 Km S«. Meter VmrnSm mrnVM 13 7 -ttft 134 9414 MawmtMw TriwMl't TV i47i UM«U4> TtManat Sary TV 7444 TV 43/1 *am*' 4H i JkJ Chun Mai CatarMM 444
      397 words
    • 209 22 MONITOR'S DIRECTORY Cm* 744 1444 kiMMU Tr«Htl T23 1347 PACLAL JMiWbfaW) •MiwtM tPJPJM 330-7U4 Ann******) Fkx.ji 734 47T4 04j fhwi war m-«v4 Dywatty rtarwt 4 Cm 47 4 470 3 PBITK *'OI 444 TOT 1 7 Fun t FMraM 4 M«f*ry 771 944 i Javont ntwwt mo-otm IMI Coatl Windy
      209 words
    • 288 22 Sock Lim md A Co 747 7347 Mong Fait Cana Furn 337-0934/449-434? lmpari*l Cana Fuin 444-141 Inn Fum.lufaTls 4400, 704 3077 itaiy tntartor Dacartn CP 794 1734 79? 444* Anna Foo Sara Clr 744 7too Lanpatnty fHo LM M9-OTO4 MtilMJini TraSO MM 134 1474 •moron a«>i. TraSMg AlviA o*t»C€ oV
      288 words
    • 306 22 PtMrly Cnprg 4 Trap 774 47M 444 4407 447 4T37 WW MM LM Mttar Fu/nt 440 74M Ma«4C A IMaally Snop 330-0090 Cim taa MaaM Cantra 330-07*0/337 4791 4-0 annafii nn Art r*l#»"OVU»i mmm Stud* 330 794T/3M-01T4 M*r i»*lon MOOM Studio 734-1701/735-444? MMMrX AO3OFWMI 330 7900 UN On Ma4MA«M AS
      306 words
    • 591 22 run— lIM a*. Mm PtliM* MJlimlm C.■-.»*»! II Mm* Mm C\mm I MAP mm Mm SAM) PMfIAY MM) OMf>W*v Piliaf IMpltMlM PMMMJ M>t»Mf Mica f—iiilit 17 Mmi mi tm CmmmmMl til MpM c«i OMTtAV 134SPVAV StllM* MM mm, CM PIUaM MM Mt Mi QMMJ I IT Mpmtm MJ t ■Minlll
      591 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 407 23 classified tele-service: 273-9090 /Joilt*?l/PI SeCV9€ 4*6 04* root ajpj a Oaraant Houao orrtootrP Cat »**tnd Ng raw' Hal heap you to and ant o>*cAry M you ft «**mg tu> a part if aattjata •tomer*** fab cat ram now at a* 77*3*3* 77*0030(0 am 0 pm) 030) rt747 ataajai AA*Atw to
      407 words
    • 244 23 mm mmm teteleMn aautt a* iU—* a^NKWWU inrteet «rear*»»a a*o Oj4»Al •TTttSl t ■"■*> "ICS ritkM •m t* Ota M KM o)M oas**aj*)o oocyjrMTtoa s m oVr C) m*Tm iel**« Jti-QO SS lojsff»^ m\A?^m^mm m^m\ammm'm t -AAjet*-* tm&m&mwTma* m im A| ■o**W yy*J»>*->B 4*3 Smmmt m mm* ta* twt U
      244 words
    • 226 23 DRIVERS Clatoo 1 trvcho talary MM CARGO HANDS a tjpjfi o)artte>a talary S3OO Ta*. HI IjfMJ (Alori) AttJtaW»a aaaaMaataattn. A4aayaa taaaAy aereeaataTy at. boy* JrA4MA4AI pnone 224 PM7 2240*70 or oa) OjoSt 14*J0, Mllf%0j)l StTOOI #01 23r* MuAl Hoil> Car Pork Sport 0104 osOVm\\&W9V& 9 aftV# 000m U CT mmm
      226 words
    • 495 23 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I Mr Wang All Sye of No 4 Loronf Jodoh. fftenjpnr* IMB. have applied for a Pint Claaa Boar Hooot Ucaoct ia roan** of premises at M/S Wong Chtow Wang Eating Hoaa*. Blk IM. »01 SSTt Aog Mo Kw Avenue Singa pore 2tf4, and
      495 words
    • 496 23 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN UuH I. Mdm Ann* Goo of No SM Pasir Panjang Road aaMBsMW Mil. have applied for a Second Claaa Boor Hooac II react to raapict of prim at** at M/S Georgie Fast Food Delight wo& 08 Cuppage Plata. Keofc Road, Singa pore ttn. and
      496 words

  • sports / racing
    • 465 24  -  'Horse racing is in my blood and I will make a comeback when I have recovered' B. J. SMITH SINGAPORE Jockey X C Woon has no qualms about racing again cleapite having been injured in laat Saturday s fatal three horse gle-uj> at
      465 words
    • 663 24 TODAY S TRACKWORK ENTERTAINMENT X did dazzling (alloc- oa the tract at Bukit Timah that rnor* inf. showing he has retained his wuasing form Trained locally by I van Allan. Entertaiiirnent X was pulling double when he clocked Ml for a 100
      663 words
    • 213 24  -  B. J. SMITH CHRIS G WILLIAM reterm for a brief visit vUck begins this Saturday at Bvkit Timah G William woo the jockeys premiership in 19M, riding Priiripally for Pw>m train or Till Cbooa Bong. For this visit, ho has boos sponsored by llMaporc
      213 words

  • sports
    • 584 25  -  LETTER TO THE SPORTS EDITOR STILL NOT TOO LATE. tupiiM mm WE represent a group of SI soccer fans who are becoming vary toacaroel about Singapore 1 soccer prospects in the SEA Games Though the Football Association of Singapore has said he
      584 words
    • 222 25  -  ■y S GULAM NATIONAL Football L**£M Secor^DtvhUon jTuTooo»t S uTSir^pro" Mm ibXtft tk, riWUOf) DM WMB IMJf fth calved $IS.OOO and Equipment Far East. Jubilee manager Gur nave anapA received the letter of sponsorship from Mr S Thavane son, the managing dime
      222 words
    • 65 25 NISSAN driver William Lyon again demolsshed the opposition cemnrhmgt 17 Other drivers to lake ton honours hi the second round of the Castro! Alpine Auto test Championships held at the National Stadium driveway on Sunday Lyou scorched his Nissan Pulsar I I to clock a total
      65 words
    • 128 25 Optimistic of our soccer chances on paper SINGAPORE v in Group A with the Phil ippines and MatMaaaV according to the soccer draw of the 12th SEA Games held The four teams hi Group B art Thai land Indonesia Burma and Brunei Soccer official! were reluctant to com ment draw
      128 words
    • 139 25 AP MIWPOftT (fthodo laksndV, Tuee Philippe oTtle yesterday to a BOW world record awn victory ka the BOC challenge single handed sailing race around Unaware has unofficial time af lis) days, S aware sod IS minates had ecUpsed tha old mark by II
      AP  -  139 words
    • 91 25 SINGAPORE Will now km to ?Ith Asian Scwooto" 1 '^^terna* Singapore previously bad to play only Hong Kong and Thailand In our group, but India mm its entry late, and were put into our group. Combined Schools team manager Wilfred Jamas said
      91 words
    • 208 26 Reuter 1 ■JO 08 JANffMO, Tuesday FLAMENGO clinched a place hi the semi final of the Brazilian soccer championship after drawing 11 with arch ri*nis V asco da Game in a six xling game marred by a tumult when V asco striker
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 183 26 Soccei Reuter MANCHESTER UNITED 3 LUTON 0 LONDON, Tuooaoy MANCHESTER United, who face Brigh too in the ssssfJMb Football Association (FA) Con final here on May 21. plunged Luton donor to Division Two with a S-t) win last night Irishman re. who dancer
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 151 26 AP DUNDEE Tuesdey DUNDEE United, virtual ly unknown outside Britain until that season s UEFA Saws-Si: is just one match away tresn a setwansjsns niece in the annals of Scottish soc cor. Victory hi the league c _J mml 11 1^ neit saturoay win give
      AP  -  151 words
    • 120 26 Reuter rXIfSSCLDOItF, Tuoo SPAIN, spurred by tho brilliant form of Jooe Hi beat Australia 1 rday to take the uSseeo ao4 /ntitn. aoo-i Higaeras, who only dropped one set in his five singles matches dor ing thetoagnament, east toset nSs^^^f^TZ^^ support from
      Reuter  -  120 words
      • 46 26 UPI Belgian First Division If we finish second in this competi tion, itcan be said the beet team did van Hlmst said only one point from a goalless draw agsinet Beveren and gave up its top apot to rival Standard Liege UPI
        UPI  -  46 words
      • 36 26 Reuter VAKNA (gilgarlt): Ditcfc middleweight Pedro VH Rwun#door a former European silver medallist, waa inrnrWinjrJy eliiniMten in the first round of the Europenn amatenr honing points docsstoo by rnwdnJUat Hlya Angelov erf Bui
        Reuter  -  36 words
      • 51 26 Reuter LUGANO (Swltserleed): American Lisa Bonder was the first seeded play er to fall on the opening day of the SftlO.aooSwtss Women's Open Tennis t °Bonoer S 1 crashed out t-4 4-1 to clay court specialist Pat Me Wj of sWatl ranked tl in the world
        Reuter  -  51 words
    • 68 26 T.'ibk* T Reuter TOKYO, Tuaa mmkgfj mm rT?I tat 144/ World Tatati\ Dot lav lie Israel to tae Asian Games In New Deal! He taid tae Israeli deiefstion was goinf to senport Seoul as tae venue for tae 1*47 chamoionships withdrew
      Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 93 26 mmam ANCHOR "^^ctßtWlp 1983 SQUASH LEAGUE K*G*nßCDlBtMobt#C»wl SQUMH »¥CKIT> AawXXIAThOtw Business Houses are invited to participate In Tret Anctvof ts*jeww)ee Houeee Squeawt Laaajua 1963 aattaa. The qualifying rounds commence June 13.1963. The mMmXfMm) comprises 3 sections Two for men (Open and Graded) One for ladies (Graded) Registration forms and by-laws
      93 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • Article, Illustration
      519 27 Indonesians unleash their secret weapon to stop Chinese f i. »i Iniint -r COMMENT BY KENNETH JALLEH THE young man they call the Iceman >- l J u_ nas amvwo. ne is aw*jUßsrwsn icus champion who, with compatriot Liem map again in thTworld championships in Copenhagen over the
      PICTURE: UPI  -  519 words
    • 232 27  -  S. GULAM SOCCER LOVING Sura bays, home of Indoor stsn champiQM Ntac Mitra, overjoyed with the vtcout Singapore's *FaDdi Ahmad for the highest award the city can give a Fandi, who scored both law goals hi Niac Mitra s 2 0 triumph over means Very
      232 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements