Singapore Monitor, 30 April 1983

Total Pages: 28
1 28 Singapore Monitor
  • 14 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR Saturday, April 30, 1983 M.C. (P) No. tmm ISSN 0217-1325 30c4Mltt
    14 words
  • 182 1  -  TABAH TANAR JAKARTA, tot SINGAPORE'S Fandi AJanad aad David Lee will no loafer ha aaaa te play far laaaaaaian clubs unices they are wtllsag to take oat ladneeaian d Football Fader atioa (PSSI) yesterday decided tbat foreign atoyw wffl asdaa allowed to Pi Tkie follows
    182 words
  • 22 1 Aft MaVattr, m\\%m !4V*y 190 to ts ilvy, MvWCTWtYfe Cociavt •QT wuTrwi from May to Stfwtay (to*a*i af taday to FrtotyV
    22 words
  • 627 1  -  Forum says: Mere technological and economic projects are not enough MASAKI WATANARE forthcoaaaaj vadt by hthaev Bat the Jaaaaaee who toad to see rotatioaa within fee more ooacrote fiaaaawarh of ow-gosng tecaascal and caltarsJ cooperstaey eoasTdo. Thai fcpaaaaaej batwaaa a call far ba> aaaeaaaseat
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 Inside Your pull-out racing guide and trackwork Two etovUts dlo of iMtoffOe*: 4 TV 44 VtacUo: Po*** 20 II 21 Woatloor: Partly cloudy wttli sMow«rs Ammtm9T Mealier Reed all shout taa top Soviet spy m fsagspnrr aad wkat •fltlenTJifli Wt ffl> Iflfte fliNI tort of person he la Read aow
      102 words
    • 53 1 Ottldtoon oil ovkw XmHm) EVERY THING MTDOT GO To make way for our new fashion store at Centrepoint... and our new home furnishing store at Specialists' Centre, every single item in our store must go* ROBINSON'S Speo«i>«is Centra. Orchard Road T«l *****22 Shopping Hours MonfoThti Sun 10am to 7pm friosat
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  • opinion/letters
    • 271 2  -  REPLY CHONG WEE LIAN (MRS) (NiHwl Devdhfew?) SEVERAL letters have Maaa printed la the Press following National Development Waist ir Teh Caeaag Wans speech oa HUDC policiea Ml Parliament Ml March. letters, we feel, have already been amwored My Mr Teh m
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    • 13 2  -  BLOOD DONOR "ri MvljflMSKWrtiiAiv^kmi.
      13 words
    • 142 2  -  AN OBSERVER ■haaaporr 1024 AUSTRALIAN Foreign Minister BUI Win said tba other day that be la mind hamanitarian aid and not the aort of aid which in aay way aapporta the military activity of the Vietnamese forces. we tbe pailoaophjr ssys,'
      142 words
    • 132 2  -  EFFICIENCY Smiapore 0314 tJas^ traffVc Ughts akaaj •acting theee roads: Clemeati A venae 4. Oetneati Avenue 2 and Oetneeti Read. As s fraaaaM traveller along that stretch of road, it Is indeed vary frastratiag to note that the timings of the traffic lighta
      132 words
    • 21 2 THERE Is notMng either food or bad, bat thiwhiwg makes it so William Shakespeare, English playwright (1564-1616).
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    • 189 2 TIRED of gloom and doom, a newspaper ia British Columbia, tba Kelowna Courier, decided to emphasise only good bows. It ia audi a nice aaaa, I aafced some rolfcaafaea what they would hope far at stories If wo tried tba Tee* r Nowa EdKor" The hase to write
      189 words
    • 152 2  -  TAK BOLEH TAHAM Sinfapore 0120 I REFER to Motor Brendan Cote's letter, "Estra photos taken only for resorvtata' coovenience (SM, April 14). Maj Chia haa definitely massed the point of boo letter In soy earIter letter, I hod asked whether I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 466 2 ?S5bmp jQgi MJBpinSiSS ttSi A* OVERSEAS UrWON TRUST UMTTED Oainpsiswc In wm IWnwWW ef Slncaasrsl NOTICf Of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE It HEREBY GIVEN shot WW T BJ fjBJfMfJ Annual General MwMwmj wf 0 BBJBJ Union Trust Limited we* be MM 1 Mandarin Court A', 4th Floor, woeascrln rectal. SMMwJ
      466 words

  • home
    • 181 3  -  •L CATHARINE FERNANDO "CHILDREN of all the aad mmm pM Bdn am stow attic Big Top la Stare Gar aaa, aff« saade aa dM■WMj tt mm fmm> eircss satics al G^^^ttltTck ester aad everyhody esse with water, the ass ehsltots Lady ap nut
      PICTURE: ASMAH HAANO  -  181 words
    • 349 3  -  A response to Modi save 1 BERTILLA PEREIRA THE ptuirmaceuticals industry, in reaction to the Medisave plan, hat recotrimended that there bo more public education on self-diagnosis and that there be rest restrictions on certain drugs to allow for more self medication The report,
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    • 128 3 MORE blood donors are needed, the Minister for Health. Mr Howe Yoon Chosai. said yesterday He said that with the precautions taken by the Blood Transfusion Service, no one suffers any harmfal or IM effects by donating blood The Minister was pre- senting awards to champion
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    • 71 4 were'Ttjloa** tmt Seeuujrere Geeermi Hi.plUl yeetoreoy -■t wwea eeettryf al uui SS "Tl cell to tte ataria* Petfce at 1.47 eae ew Priaay, wtecfti ttti errerel eeea MertM Police laeeßoallelety aicrtee* tte etet's ajeet tore. Ot» BMMt, Vlcter Puiysattkt. M, jMed eoUerd ttw trewUr
      71 words
    • 223 4  -  ®r ANG FONG HWA project luivo boejea visitKg DT A J Dott at NUS to stady taa latest teceetaaee M aoil mcavation Dr Datt, a iectsrer at taa rupirlint of BaiMasg Iclaiei, goaf taa taeav elqee ta three ar faar
      223 words
    • 200 4  -  1 WONG SING YONG THE Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) is isismiiiaf its drama unit following the appointment of Mr Leong Lap Yaa as director m March this year As from May 1, Mr Foong Cboon Boa, tbe pr as sat Controller for Drama, will be appohated
      200 words
    • 279 5  -  Joint Consultation between management and workers iy YONG POW ANG JOINT roaaallallea awaWwM mmaimiat awa workers should be carried B dectaaaa It made but tbe final dectaioo nw be tba prerogative of management becaeae it holds tbe ultimate responsibility in a com peay This waa
      279 words
    • 565 5  -  THE RITUAL KILLINGS TRIAL iy SIT YIN FONG TAN hfm Choo, wife of Adrian Lim sad omm of the accused hi tkm Too Poyoo of tae two children. Mr JtaaicTlTlMillMij »H Taa only aaaattaa rernaheeag a whether aaa at aa, aa aaaaa.
      565 words
    • 148 5  - SIA's 'phone home' boon 10,000m up ■v YEOW MEI SIN PROM Mat month yoa will be able to phone borne while being aboard aa SIA hambo airliner threat: at 10,0*4 metres Prom May I, SLVb fleet M IT 8747 a, IsrNOfcg tba new 1747-MO Big Top air craft, will all
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 499 3 g OVERSEAS UNION BANK LIMITED Jjj t Incorporated |p tha Republic o» Singapore) 9 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING B NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Thirty-*ourth Annual General Meeting fl of o*6*BBBl Onion Bank Umitad Mill ba held at Mandarin Court 'A', 4th floor, fl Mandarin Hot*, Orchard Road.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 967 4 I ll»aerpcraca< to) she RapuMto fj Saafaporel I NOTICf OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING I NOTICf It MfRfBY GIVEN that tJkt fhSSSBMSJI Annud General MtMMj of On iiii IMton f nearprtoe Uraated w*h be hekf mt Maooaxtn Court A. 4* Fleer. MMtMM HtAtf. tj» tjgj MftJ MJJM I 12.00 noon to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 119 5 National wants you to experience HI-FI anywhere under the sun. aeeaaaaaaaaaaafl K3i It comes to hearing g*sw Basses! ,he SOund of component stereo ggaaaV far from your Irving room Such <a\- advanced RX Compo features as bsssssssssssssssssssfl sssssssssl *O r aph»c equalisers. Tape Program j—M Sensors, Dolby NR Systems and
      119 words

  • world
    • 173 6 AP lAHtmM, Sahaday POLITICAL MMitvariM afpaard to hm cootod 4mi iftar SIT of te W m—nhori of Thallaadli Lmnt Hom of Pirll—i—I gave (Mr lined support for Print Miaiator Proas TknlmMi yaatordajr, official parttamoMtary soarcos aaii Radio Tiilliaf eiaftui tho Hlwlai way of support ja
      AP  -  173 words
    • 32 6 EUCADOR'b Pmokmnt Omwmkko Hurtmdo (toft) on Thundmy cmmmmd thru mm dmbnm mi mm mm ot a mmm mnomnMjmmrm f £j£jJ 00 oommvod m bo bwmo\ PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  32 words
    • 102 6 Reuter INDONESIAN cabinet waiawiri aad imissai den are among high raakiag officials who must get preairtuntisl approval before they can divorce their epoeaee or wife, a new"decree aaS today Lower-raakiag offi cuts must got the per mission froaa their saperlors, the decree said
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 216 6 Former KGB agent reveals on TV Reuter TOKYO, eeweway TORMER Tokyo-based KGB agent Stanislav LiTchsahn waa quoted at saying la a kassvewaa interview broadcast yesterday that about half of tba Soviet toernaUsts in Japaa were with the KGB, the Soviet Intelligence agency.
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 119 6 Reuter ■AMDAM tCM KQAWAM BRUNEI hai denied threatening to end Saetl'i production aareement aalett Britain dopoealoaco at too and of toe year A Brwoet jeojerneneeit Enarie^^ Brunei's relatiom with Brltaja ha been over tha plans for the taltanate. "The srrangement betwaaa BraaaT aad the ta
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 281 8 Sweden launches hunt for another vessel Reuter NORWAY threatened yesterday to sink a foreign submarine reported to be ss oaa of its west coast areas as Swedea launched a hunt for another suspected submarine hi its coasts! waters Norwegian Defence Minister Anders C Siaastad
      Reuter; PICTURE: AP  -  281 words
    • 142 8 Reuter ITALY'S viUrn CWletian Democratic Prime Mieieter, Amkatore Faafaai, has four party coali tioa m rMMem\ reins, reeifned lest nifht sad opejjMd ike) way far widely expected early eeecMr Fanlani fait after a loaf parliamentary debate aad a final cabinet meetkea For Mr
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 17 8 Reuter LONDON, SwtufWwy TifcMtwwiaswaa my mwimi If mm wm mrmmmrmmt.
      Reuter  -  17 words
    • 183 10 Reuter POLICE using teargas aad baton charges cleared stnae throwtag students from tke streets of tke kef t beak yesterday after twe hears ef violent clashes Up to M pilicamsa aad demoostrstors were iiijured snd 40 arrests were made, police said
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 230 10 RISING UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM Reuter THE threat to world economic recovery posed by a strong US dollar aad high interest rates was underlined yeaterday at talks between haa West era economic officials at the Organisation far Economic Cooperstion sad Development (OECD), Tha two-day
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 101 10 AP MEW YORK, teesraay THE US gcearamaat reported a 1.1 par cent rise in its main gauge of future economic growth, and tbe •back market maun I its upward climb in the week'i final session The Commerce Department oaki tke Merck b> creaae la
      AP  -  101 words
    • World Briefs
      • 64 10 Reuter WAfJHMQTON, lataoohju. A former US intelligence mwmi icceaid of iaatgej military secrets to the Libyans killed himself yesterday with a shotgun police ss id Wsldo Dubberstein, 71, had earlier failed to appear ia court to answer charges of accepting USI42 000 (about 5f44,000i from
        Reuter  -  64 words
      • 47 10 Reuter KRtfZ: Switzerland yesterday ordered tbe closure of tba Soviet Novosti News Agency's office In Berne and expelled its bureau chief for what it called political agitation, disinformation and interference A Justice Ministry statement said the government had protested to Moacow. Roofer
        Reuter  -  47 words
      • 39 10 AP "wtod hammer toward well-wishers at Tokyo s Imperial Palace. Tho hammer feU abort of tho elevated veranda f^E'gy or mrohrto was delivering remarks to hit subjects from behind i thick glass partition AP
        AP  -  39 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS ONLY COME OMCE Jj FROM 30th April to Bth May'B3 Jj Geok Fut Hang celebrates its 36th Anniversary in conjunction with their Branch opening of ftf SIN LIP THONG. >S XL We promise you an 'Eye-Opener Exhibition. mT j Our exhibits are: \%A c Images of Buddha
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 172 7 Sgggggtr^tVfir^al^ ■uHgggW cnttßS_i TBE UNITa^ LgggggggggggggggggW lntrlKul llMt EVER IN SINGAPORE th.sw.KHicHul^un.ry^ p^Ktia! A WORLD FAMOUS VJT cxcitcmrnc, thrills snd run iTdBl sV3 INTERNATIONAL QRCUS The Gerry Gxtr's Circus is brought II U I r\rf he Gerry CorclesGrcus hes H*™" ■F <fl F mtcr rut v >nal art .sirs. ferocious
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 MISSED THE HOMEMAKERS FAIR ■■■■■F Just sArrived I I New range of I W kT t %m\m Italian sofas ™T" ,i,, r sofa beds, I t i I rosewood furniture At prices. jjH Bsarvl I I 1 mm I hARRPY AT ABBEY'S WE ARE THE HOMEMAKERS SSSSvS LTO 101 Thomson
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 165 9 WADTOMOBIUASSOajmm SPECIACUIAR w4j\§ at—A—3 WORLD TRADE CENTRE HALL 3 17-21 DECEMBER 1983 TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENTS IN ROAD SAFETY No one can be more relied on than The Automobile crowds, benefitting participants in the show more than Association of Singapore to stage such a mammoth show ever before. This promotion includes worthwhile
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 Tlie Stanifoid Arms is foaming li c v id it beer, a P lx^^^r^ dinner, bar service until 10 pm, a ha\ei rf peace, oest US prime rib, <: an exemtive unwinder, £> bangers ,^^L^^%v it cuirfes, the best 1 •3irfezwus in Singajx)re for an evening drink, and much more
      63 words

  • money
    • 80 11 AP STOCK prices were mostly higher hi late trsding yesterday Car aad oil issues paced the advance aad* computer mining aad steel stocks alao moved ahead Tke Dow Jones Average of SO iadaatrtab rose tee points to a record 1.226 20 its ninth new high la tke
      AP  -  80 words
    • 389 11  -  Contractor claims $3.59 m for work on hotel and shopping complex By CATHERINE ONG DEVELOPER Ho Kok Cheong and contractor Chna Gun Haat ara ssgjsgsd la a legal tussle over tha $122 million People s Park Chinatown Ceatrepoint project. Chng Gun Huat Pte
      389 words
    • 101 11 SHARE prices con tweed to bold higher levels veebarday aa tie turnover increased eased of tke long Strong pss formers in tke heavy tornovor sac haded SPP. up 17 cenU. Ganda Holdings, up 14 cents, and Amalgamated Steel Mills, op 14 cents OCBC. which put
      101 words
    • 97 11 ANOTHER batch of forged Multi Purpose Holdings shares has come to light. The company haa reported nine certificates for 1.000 shares each to be forged. Loot month four certifies tea were found to bo forgeries All IS certificates were witnessed by Kirn Eng Securities
      97 words
    • 142 11 thai* of today KEPPEL ■hares have run an erratic course (or the past two weeks, hitting a Ugh (or IM3 at ti 10 dipping, rising and finally arnppsag J< cents when the •hares went ex-dividend Tha general world outlook for the marine industry is bleak, aad
      142 words
    • 277 12  -  Airlines share was 3.5 pc last year despite recession, says chairman Pillay •f YEOW MEI SIN DESPITE the global recession which si fectod the expansion plans of Singapore Airlines lost year, tbe airline contributed 11 par east of Singapore's gross domestic product This hi said
      277 words
    • 315 12 rMONEYI TALK THERE art signs that mora stable timet ara aaaaa far taa Hoag Kong property market ha IMS. says taa Rating aaa Vaa> attoo Doeartaaoat af taa COiO©y 9 sss? F is? c^s pertirakwlf traa af ■nailer domestic ■aaa. la gfawam taa outlook lees
      315 words
      • 40 12 EU YM tMg Hoktiagi has ■asiaaril that Ms group pre tax profit is aa from $13 million to $14 million in IMS A fast and final dividend of 7 5 per cent has aaaa
        40 words
      • 41 12 TAN Chong Issior Holdings produced are-tax profit of $2S S4 million hj ISSS, ap from SSS.M million in ISSI A bones dividend of lft per cent has been added to the final dividend af II par cent
        41 words
      • 31 12 UNITED ladustrial Carps groan operatssg profit far ISSS aas $S ST sxittssa, m trees SS.SleaiMea lleneter, losses 71 A tasaTaUdesd of I per ceat a proposed
        31 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 56 11 SU'S CMnMUTWI Tl MM MP: PWE 12 jm m m\ The new moved. L\ a LaaasswV am I LVXVXVXVXVXVXVJ >tgggaggw m H because you were born under LVAVAVAVAVAVAVB Mt star you aaaaw nave to do those snappy ssssssssssssssssssssssssal ssssssssssssssssssssssssal IT ggggggggggYsYngggggfi Tonghn Shopping Cmntrf §03 22, Show Cantos 004 64.
      56 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 713 12 Aclvortisement IfS tlßie tO give yOU 1 family [The restaurant which treats that special Movenpick treat kids as ver y B P ecW Q uests CHILDREN are eery specially A visit te Meveeawrk aaaa aeakee treated at MSvoaeick Upoa arri- a Base wuhiad eetaag far tte rest EATING oat caa
      713 words

    • 310 13  -  CHENS' TUA KOH HAS THE MAKINGS OF A CLASS ONE HORSE 1 1 ■I B J SMITH peon> hot to chalk aa aaotbar wfci hi Race PWs at Ipeh today. Thai Irwhhiad tea af Welah latat kaa woa hece placed lk tenee la Matarts om
      310 words
    • 138 13 (UAMNi ZAOPAO) (LiAM Hi WAN MO) Rax* 1 4 ueaa Maftara« 7 Mardafea Brtdg* Law fammm 12 RaV^Cotl? 8 tieo trim 7 Maiuaaa andp* 10 Oaa* Start Rfjc* 2 C Hi if 11 Wl 10 Ontario fj omwii 5 Vtotorta Park I3**au Ttoiuen Rax* 3 t laialiaa mm
      138 words
    • Article, Illustration
      0 14
      0 words
    • 345 14  -  B J SMITH ay JprtS'SJ 'iff twSTS fca flail »»■«>■ Z *UA t mmmimV kw4ttoj' a Ok Bmbww Tbm (MUMr) ST.4 J Sum> Twa'cMMA* (AaarwaaM) im Mi, fawwaw* Fw BWWJ BBaWWMj s» 24Wan hi 42.4. B« wmVUUm to Csaw \wm wm rMiTk^'^il It* FtWJC WM
      345 words
    • 152 14 Cteoo 9 Mr 1,400m (WHwn. 12-73) MmtlMOO i rw IIMMP OM m Strata?*?»tmq mqi n»umtm %m i<u MMCMVOMNMi wlkfv Ml i tU MmImm-AmmiP *I«| AM M CM MH Onw KMM» Bmm Ml 1JM iM«a3«MM^taMwiai W141 JSIMIOMMVMIIMI 0% M Mi M l.«l M>1»-1« *<> imm MMOMMNNklMllMWIilMMi im
      152 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2765 15 Omo 3 Dhr 5 1,400m (VMngo: 00-77) StokN $14,500 I ***** MTmM W App OoM (0) MMM'St MOmmTkiAMb OMiMto *****4 to IM CM 94 MM ****** AM|oM 1119M M2M CM tail TtooM *****9 ta» A MMi 111:191 9-1»-M W99n C44MOBMOy I199M 9bMo Of VM *****71%4»-« toM 04-1 M
      2,765 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 53 13 It's incredible! Ponyl2oo now from <fcOniOt% nettARF S*£-V/j1%7%J (wHhakcon) V/s/f our showrooms now for this incredible offer. POTTY MOTORS PTE LTD Showrooms City Plaza Ground Floor Geyiaog Road t~ mm* dM Singapore 1440 Tei *****91/5 Anson Centre Ground Floor Anson Road Singapore 0207 Tel 2248 166/9 8l>oe»roome open on Sunday
      53 words
    • 2 13 met l»mt-t-a
      2 words

  • leisure
    • Article, Illustration
      291 17 AT tke fUrt of eack mmci, Ike UUioa crazed amoags tea /eagerly await tke new seasatloas from tke catwalks of Parle, MUaa aad New York. Amidst tke wild coafutoa ef acw leagtks, aew ska pcs aad aew eosasjw tkrowa -poa ea eil at tke Mine tee, it Ii
      By INEZ WEI  -  291 words
    • 649 18 from SHa doyo of o)t# oaoofawona lo ooooot ovary Rtofof city, ran mOo chapter', todoy'a standard*. Ho Iroooo tt* ii f ilipiaint of a** owjrttoJ frond In loot of a aortas on A LONG, long time mm\ Chfctlti mar tial filrm were pJaia, simple affairs Faw
      649 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 10 17 TV ft MWCh PtffM ZO ft 21 COJMCS: PfJM Z2
      10 words
    • 89 17 Origins of the HB^^Pv] Wu flick I T** 7 o_oi RODENSTOCKSUPERSIN. Clearer, sharper visioa fk AW WAA mpß^LAi^*? \m Rat&nstock Suptfsm tons Ordinary coated tons Seeing is believing. Now from Rodenstock. Supersm multi-coated lens The all-purpose, anti-reflective lens made with that unique touch of perfection as only Rodenstock knows how
      89 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 403 18 Unrivalled choice* Jmm\*%9 cUm/superior tourist hotels S W Fully Inclusive prices Pbi%ll Baßßße##' Special dlscotihW Convenient departure* Few mot* latacwiaBon, caS 35 years a Best Seller M 4|t»4 Superbly planned Itlnerarie. |\CN>IIK I Dedicated Tour Manager* the reliable tour Most modem coaches 33fi0-.111 i Dependable and courteous aSPnir ars" coach
      403 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 59 19 JADE: 1701 M MVI <mSSSS) 11am. I.M, 4SS, S.SS 4 SAO Me fim Umt nr- am! """""asu^^ REX: RfXT OUN6B THK MOST ISi ffrSmW FILM mW-MM BmM B-naaßmataPOAMeuT il J I finah mm m%xm... WJI m m m m m i l X£r ciipsa% OUVSJTS ITOSV a OmtSSt Mc HtsssW
      59 words
    • 96 19 MAJmCIJtI <7J7tSSt> Cmmh Ooofctwf Onto/No LM X □Of TO Flirt L£NOTM>Lf Aftf NOT! TSStS X S SHOWS DAILY: 12 Ift. 4.00 A t.OO pm 9 t_ BEST PICTURE 6 O ACADEMY AWARDS I O US lAC riNI Ben K»mm-\ 1 JJ QANDHI I ossssruwsri bssw- iO A Tm h'mi to
      96 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 168 19 OtRRY OOTTin C9ICUB GERRY Cottle's Circus, a SO-stroag British circas troape, la hare la Siagapore to eatertala yoa with soflM lively DtrfonoMfitt hiiiniiini todiw Highlights af the cirrus wJh ladltfajJlar beers. Mffy iGstrjs? The perform aacaa wlU be bold at the Kallaag Shore Gartfoa next to the National Stadium at
      168 words
    • 665 19 BRAHMS' music W- JlnH THE fllijssiri lifti "dB my Ommi, foetanag Salvetere Aeearde (right)oajbsrtatie, mm FTVictoria Owm Uiilillpm tody. sS5TS£ K? iMlataN i IM VUum". ftrtiii prM n m, MNNTt AND MAPS b< IF yoa like aatlaaaa, H4i7*> ]rov laot chaace to vtewllae oM prtata aad aatioae maps of Sort*
      665 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 107 20 Our designers collection Breathe 90% Purs Air for Lets Than 2t Par Day with Dial-An-lon from USA. office, Moet effective in air-con offices, restaurants, lounges, conference rooms arid clubs. Dial-An-lon removes dust, smoke snd odour from the sir. At the same time it revitalizes the envwonment-keeps you energetic, alert and
      107 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 1304 20 Tv radio Bh, 2.00 BBasmml "oh Mm* (E). A ht*rt wemang story of the friendship X wfl SB* between young white boy and fmh MB- *3Bj "J, Hawk Red Inrjen drifter and pert time PC**'*A_* fflM Q rX Oor M ad Shebto ovected tma turn with WO Sempaon. For Francks.
      1,304 words

  • tv & radio
    • 184 21 CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHTS Dallas: Jock's WM (10.10 pm) MISS ELLIE finally decides to declare Jock legally deed Harv Smithfiesd arrives at Southfork to discuss the legal procedure for doing so He tolls the family they need character witnesses to setshllsk the fact that Jock
      184 words
    • Article, Illustration
      123 21 CHANNEL 8 HIGHLIGHTS Othsooo Documafwaay. Two Moor ChoMsngo (0.20 pm) ABOUT 300.000 workers need to fo bock to school School for them mesne s rslrsseana scheme since only 200.000 of them have completed Primary Six education. These workers sttended BEST (Basic Edncotion for Skills Training) cLeasee Jointly
      123 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 682 21 mm\\\ Bsa\ aSha 1 sY^T^snnnY^^BB 1 Bsa\ 11.00 PM I ScyoSooPO 100 News tot- A Woothor Report tcSowod by Pro- 11.00 paj Programme Summery (C 1E) 11.00 Musical lowed by Weekly Share Market Review gramme Summery 7.1§ Tho Practical Noto Book ChSdrons Comer 1.00 Newt 0 Weether 1.11 Loin Ouorlor
      682 words
    • 421 21 (Phorwi •mM UpwiveTeeiwicwi*. S30 7 00 s is (*****7) fmmt M (Cyilifrl On T—MM (C>/130 3 30 7 00 §15 (*****03) Fwmy |*yi (CVMWI MM TM4MM (tWH. 1 30. 4 00 630. II (*****00) TIm BmI fan ill l^i Mi Mlillil TMMlM (CV1 30 330. 7 00 018 (*****7ft) Ew—y
      421 words

  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 714 22 l#alsur«a/comics I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Shsrwood and Stsn jjjjgg I ACT THE LINC6 IN SOS THCY 1 ['VvA5 XVONDPRIN' rVMCN ntf 1 11/ W\ amaamßammmmm9tmm DON'T FOUL OUR LLCR SONNA HAUL OFF' J| horoscope TifM|r Sk V''blLwL^B BvJronf ..V I Tt I llf^ElivV ARIES March 21
      714 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 646 23 BBL BANQUE BRUXELLES LAMBERT SA (Quoted In Miftions of Pslrtan Francs) cuinoiaam Prom and Low Account Co "?£S*i"*'!!* Si! 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS m at Mk September 1962 aa al am September 1982 «ajf" "J* 1 "j"/" AndraDequaa Atttte Wee Cbaarnen Interest tnd commission paid 80.001 102.140 at hand and
      646 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 355 24 classified tele-service: 273-9090 AMMOUI«CEMEirT| (BUSINESS) bb^Sbsmss^ a aaaaa Faaea cat Naafad at Tat 344-1442 AJn«OtJIICKMEirT (PEESQNAL) mmMP MM A«a kotow 23 s**is wflti m no vmVi i"s*aat?v ■dm jmotograpn to S M Boa iM o«a Taa Bmjapom Manaer lm t. HHiißHPta Head. 03-01 A Oaaa Heuaa. S9JSM! mm mtrmmmtram m
      355 words
    • 246 24 m> m> Z A loading Furniture Z Manutaclurlna. Co Z m m Aran* Km vacancy m> Z m z Z DISPATCH DtuvinY cure m m riatataMi mMh ctooo o *^P****., m mßWMmmm MTHM talari neaaoaMo intorootod eeaticenta 5 n» TUB a>Mftt9a9NML w I TTI -TT?- V n> BCPJMITSSIaT m> E
      246 words
    • 436 24 ia proud to praaant CHIVAS DISCO DANCING •ar ra*M la a ally asclwaiv* afmb M aMgaaara aa ealoaataa mt SSSSJ CbJvaa CMoa M Barapa. Managad with a bland of Kurupaan ronoapM, aa piaca apumuffl aaapaaaa aa pippa our aUrT. aad you, our With a faapa at* ntuaical araa A aaaoaa,
      436 words
    • 362 24 ots •*a j *l4 T 06CO4>MTI¥t. Starata Samana Bands Varhcal Son Br••«•>! BbK Shower Sowm Va* Fun Intro B1 M Hong Leong Buaohng Tat tSS4B*B OitVc> Equipment af rurmmun •BT7 raHfat emmrmm Coat (Mat /Buy a aaaa aFfjar copaw Meaaa caa bima« »ta lm Tat MBM3IV Mo~87» Pscktn at Movcn
      362 words
    • 338 24 LNAT.AOI LlrStAO*"" 1 MMM Ii IS Mf Dm AwjmM M m* Hm ii HI UM mm mm U mUmm mm mm ■wrtAv hiaihilav Ai*»— M-A»m*Mm Mm. WmM mm mm mmmmt wm mm mm him*.. ■MVtAV DMTTAY PjpHBI PNpMIM PrM. IUIIMkM Cimumlbl 17 TA m* Mm <*■■■ I lIS M mm
      338 words

  • sports
    • 35 25 §CA»tW ZkMN»a»vSfevp9 mm wNti MioflHtc H win CV#f SCOC#d wm ttlsVd 9UC* C££9 tO #2J| jfc-Mjfjj*? AffM%«JtaWSAM ■T«B>a«VaVUfM ttf* ■fefMMtaVff 1 #Ku*l *f*4T**fr*lw aSWI««FwI9Jf/ "II wWI WtT**PT fv«a*aw9jO tvvVTtvv #J»J wSjaJay PICTURE: AP
      PICTURE: AP  -  35 words
    • 346 25  -  Rl ERRS AND PAYS HEAVILY FOR IT Badminton JALIL MISWARDI RAFFLES Institution made the tactical error of stretching its singles strength too thin against Anglo Chinese Secondary in the National Schools Under-17 bad minton championship final at the Singapore Badminton Hall yesterday aad paid heavily for
      346 words
    • 490 25 I B.klp LESS than two years after it had joined the international badminton fraternity, China looks set to extend tta glow hog of the sport at the world champion ships here next week When the championships were last held in Jakarta three years ago, Indonesia
      490 words
    • 173 25 Riujby RAFFLES INSTITUTION qualified for the final of the National Schools rugby championskip when tt beat Saint Andrew's 20-4 at Police Academy yeaterRaffles went ahead in the second minute when captaia Robert.Oaa slipped the tackles of three Saints to score c But the Saints came beck
      173 words
    • 434 26 Cn< kH ST JOHN'S, Antigua, tot ALL-ROUNDERS Ravi Shaatn and capUin Kapil Dev. with two valuable innings ia completely contrasting styles, led India to a useable first innings total of 457 on the second day of the Fifth and final Teat crick at match against the
      434 words
    • 153 26 r Sim Reuter 808 PAISLEY haa just three weeks left at a working msesgsr ia Urn EaglMa League, but his commitment to Urn job at Liverpool kt as strong as ever. He knows his side still chawing that elusive last point
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 81 26 At hit tii Reuter TOKYO, tal THE warM'i Arst permit prayed pa y aaaa t a for coa_petlag athletea will aptft tart tt) May ft. It hi twtmg irgaa-id kt Iktt wttk ttw ktttttlAAP aaaay'cwwtriee have rt- At the Tefeye mm
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 660 27 SPORT FOR ALL DRIVES ON TO BECOME A WAY OF LIFE Jeffery James FRANKLY SPEAKING SINCE tht Singapore Sports Council went into action toa years ago, sport for all" hat been wheeled to more than hast t slogan it has become a way of life
      660 words
    • 264 27  -  S/ ininwui S GULAM THE fir Is took centre stage aa Urn Hkagspori Open iwimming champtoanatpt aad trtahi yesterday as Ckristina Thsm in tke 200-metre Mtattatitht and Chan Mai Phi (100 m freestyle) broke meet records. Ckristina clocked 2 SS 04 for her favourite event, heating
      264 words
    • 78 27 Reuter SHEFFIELD, flat CANADIAN Oaf Tharhara left the world perfessleaal saeeher chesas4auehes hi ssars hast ssght afW harseag Ms was has haat she baby she was expecting hi (Meter. Tberbsrs, the ltM ehsmples. heard the aewt hetare the ttart ci Sl-frtMt semlflaal against Tauy Kaswles
      Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 57 25 The latest JVC organ with the best sound from JVC, the sound specialist. free A \\v*\ One JVC Vl Cassette Player CQI fW with every purchase VICTOR MUSIC CCNTRE PTC LTD., #§3-13 Ptaaa Hiigtpini Teh 33t321S MO6-03 to OS Lucty Pbua 1d: *****11 2 Music Sen: *****45 9-12 ftV uauu
      57 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 86 26 I back! Time to relax. The popular band. Also appearing nightly till lam The Shang, is back to render their Ali Ahamed (One in a Million You) repertoire of enchanting music. Firefly, Re-discover their rich, mellow Speedway the showmanship' band melodies. Hear them out at the lon Bar the most
      86 words
    • 273 26 Mother, love the sweet scent of success! I Win an exquisite, I K£— expensive gift II for your mother B I absolutely free! P I All yOU Kjvt io do m tend her _pwu>i M«»hfn DjJ mrm ywiwr Tew- A<h n*imw mmj r"u I uwM »in her vjlimMt firri from
      273 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 50 27 v!) Ii J STAOTNO W TODAY TYPE UP. tfSftl ROTO X 2 $186.00 IMtf ROTO GRIP $***** I lea> M gf^MM ROTOUC2ls3fXoo|mif| While Stocks Last! y 25% WSCOUMT ON Ail OTHER BALLS IAOS AND SHOW Inehisivs of piofeeaionsl drMline The Wo 1 Name m Bowling Jackie's Bowl. Orchard Tel *****21
      50 words
      15 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 331 28  -  ■y S GULAM MAVP wbooe^eoAortion^ won in |whach*Ssiw aaaa la offtciai Gomes triak, waa ■mang taa twinv for taa 12th Maris aaa baaa selected ea the beak) of bar aaritwsaoan ha taw recent Snnya Samaki Cap ia Haas* ok. afcaaaata
      331 words
      • 67 28 UPI LOS ANGELES: Tie Leo Aaaaaaa Olympic Organising Committee i elan te baaia early tba traditional torch relay from Ofyasplo te Los Angeles to open taa IPSt Games bsa come under fare from tke Greek posersTbe Greek Minister of Culture. Melina Mercouh. was strongly against tae
        UPI  -  67 words
      • 70 28 Reuter MADRID, Sot YeanJck Nooh of France reached the aerni finals of Urn hladnd Tennis Grand Pni when he beat Chile's Hans Giktemeiater 7-4 2-« »-7 jreaterday Ha sow meets Haass Gwathardt. who baat Cartoo Kir msvr of Brazil 4-4 7-1 S-l Csachsslnvskls's Pavel Beast! also
        Reuter  -  70 words
      • 47 28 AP fttOtXX>W: hlJkhoil Svecheatov. 17. of Urn Sovtart Umoa ***** Urn world record for 20 kilometres indoor cy cliauj yesterday ween he clocked 24 miirates >2 12 eecends, booth* the previoao beet ef 25 14 by C4s RMter of D Tkm 19M AP
        AP  -  47 words
    • 159 28  -  1 LYE YIN FONG aertroaspow^ SSy af taTß^ Reliable soarcat bi Urn SEA gaatas ocgajMMsc committee mM Urn mm committee, oat irf the ll formed ender Urn eaobrella of Urn nig g cofnmittot, wat formed ta maattatt t Ufa standard af aaihatMiaaUl mmm ereafcrf^ At
      159 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements