The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 21 April 1926

Total Pages: 18
241 258 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 298 241 \hhKS. Ka-« m P trliamont 141 AuaiT:nir I's 241 iad A r.nt- xation :M:i ary Nuisam-f 24') I X B AM) Ol XT NKWS. I r Wills 249 Kill- Hi> Aunt 24~> u> Vi»toria-st Affray 24."> Mininir Share- 24»> <-M F— I 111 Pror«-v-'i,', 247 Mamlalay Villa 24:» i.
    298 words
  • 171 241 A»i tt, MM $13i>.U0 12.00 White tfO.OO r Black 40.00 Ta:>ioc*i 5.55 S »lto Small 7.50 11.60 Snadricd II.TO Benares unt 4.000 am? Hin Chau Mark I Kajrle (New) M 0 S:am o.d No 1 B^o RanKJon Birtan 280 R'tnfrocn SioWh 2M Sim Broken No. 1 220 SUai Proken
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  • 712 241 April 14 It was but natural that the subject ot the Singapore Base should have had many references made to it m the debate on the naval estimates. Some of the points are very interesting: others are of merely academicinterest, for instance, whefher it was at
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    • 94 241 GIBSON. Mar. It, at "Ko^herry." Gordonroad, Cnmherley, to the wife of Asnley Gibson, of the K.M.s., daaghter. LAVILLE. At Rata Gajak, Perak, on llth April. I9M, to the wife of I-. V. J. Laville Bsqr^ Malayan Civil Service, a daaghter. DAY. On Sunday, April Ith., at Nrixham. Deron, tlie
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    • 178 241 RAFT-TAYLOR. On th»- l.">th March, at Hrompton Oratory, Roddick .IniiK> liait, of Batu Tiir;». Stlan^(;r, F..M.5., younger son of Mr-. Rait, of 2"). Rotsad-cardens. SAV.T; to Charlotte Taylor, daughter <>f the late (>. H. TaylOf Wld '»1 Mrs. BodCSOa, •>!' Melbourne. CROWHURST-KENDALL. At Koala Kang>nr, on A»)ril Xth. Har«)l«l
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  • 263 241 Advice op to the date of Mar. 25th arrived l>y thy mail which was delivered m Singapore on Saturday. April 17th. This weekly leaves on Friday, April 23rd, by thf P, ami steanu r Devanha. Singnpora has ranVred from heat wave during th-.« past week, and m
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  • 68 241 April I*. Bank 4 m.s. 2 A 3-8 Bank demand 2 4 Private credits 3 m.*. I 4 17-32 New York, demand 56% Credits 90 days 5H»>, France, demand 1610 India. T. T. 155 V* Honffkonp, demand 3 l 2 p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 120 Java, demand 140^, Bangkok,
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  • 776 241 April 15. Every year a certain number of the people who have been struggling to make ends meet m this now expensive part of the world retire to other countries. France is for the time being a favourite, for there the pound sterling is capable of purchasing
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  • 713 242 April 1G The "Conquest of the Air" is proceeding apace, with bigger and more reliable machines, and new devices for safety and speed. Also with the increased activity there is an increase m the number of accidents, though we doubt whether the percentage of casualties is greater
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  • 863 242 April 17. It must have struck everybody who read the Navy Estimates with care, that the reduction compared with last year is mainly that of not providing for all the programme marked out. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is a wizard with figures and a magician with phrases
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  • 570 242 April tt China and its civil war m prominence this week-end. Kuominrhun national armies, tl sympathy with the Kuomir.tan Canton, have been driven awa Peking by a combination of the A Generals, of whom Feng Hsu-yianv i not on* 1 Heavy fighting if report and the
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  • 670 243 April 20. inn- <•: Ibc most tiresome nuisances .it \»y th»* war is the passport sysBefore 1 1> 14 Britishers used to able to travel about anywhere, at isi within the very broad limits of Empire, with no document to ow who they were, what they were
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  • 343 243 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penan**, Apr. IS. A settlement was reached m the dispute between the light, mien and the IVnang Harbour Dbafd after negotiations led by Mr. (J. \V. A. Trimmer, Chairman of the Harbour Board, the men to receive 20 dollars per month for tht-
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  • 284 243 (From Our Own Correspondent). Peaang, Apr. 19. The Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association annual meeting was held at the Caledonia Club yesterday, when Mr. ,1. \V. X*. nnedy presided. The chairman stated that the accounts for 1916 showed a profit of $1,810. Referring to Indian labour conditi >ns
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  • 30 243 Mr. Charles C. Reade, who underwent an operation m Singapore last month, returned to Kuala Lumpur on Friday m much better health. He has resumed duty as Government Town Planner.
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  • 371 243 FOURTH RESTRICTION YEAR. Stock Afloat In Harbour March robber declared m April, 919 tons. Stocks held by the Harbour Boards, Singapore and Penang Xi«:j tons. Additional Exports. Declared uncouponed stocks on payment of 42 cent? per 1b export duty. March: F.M.S. r> tons; S.S. Nil; Johorc >;
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  • 712 243 A DIRECTION BY MX. SKAH LIANG SEAH. The will of the late Mr. Seah Liang Scan, whose death occurred m December, was the subject of proceedings before the Chief •lust ice. Sir William Murison, yesterday. Several questions were raised, the principal one relating to a direction by
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  • 110 243 YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Robber Association held its Tooth, auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 856,251 lbs.; :*HI.BI tons. Offered 565,740 lbs.; 252.57 tons. Sold 481,686 lbs.; 214.99 Spot. London 2s. Od. New York 4K cents. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb. Standard
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  • 91 243 Messrs Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, auents for Remban Jelei Rubber, Ltd., a<ivise having received a cable from lh<secretaries of this company to th*- effect that the directors ha c decided to reconiI mend a final dividend m respect of the financial year ended Dec. Slst last of 12 per
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  • 2139 244 THE ANNUAL MEETING. A Review of the Year. The' annual general meeting of the congregation was held in the Chapter House last evening, urwk r the Presidency of the Yen. Archdeacon Swindell, there being a fair attendance of members. The fol!>wing \vt it* elected or nominated to
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  • 85 244 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 16. The Pinang Gazettt 's Allahabad correspondent wires that Capetown despatches state that a definit? conclusion has been reached with regard to anti-Asiatic legislation m South Africa. The Union Minister is expected to make an official announcement m the Assembly on
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  • 55 244 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh. Apr. 15. H. R. H. Prince George is revisiting Perak to-morrow and Saturday as the guest of the Sultan of Perak at Kuala Kangsar, where a programme including elephant l ides, water sports. i,olo. a dance and a trip up the
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  • 28 244 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. IS. Mr. G. A. Hereford, District Judge, is indisposed and is undergoing treatment at the Hospital.
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  • 65 244 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 16. The death occurred here to-day of the hon'ble Mr. Yeah Guan Seok, partner m the legal firm of Logan and Ross, and Penang Chinese representative on the Legislative Council of the Colony. As a token of respect
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  • 124 244 The annual report for the j\ar UI2S (for presentation at the annual meeting to be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 24th, at the Bank's Offices m Chuliah Street) states: The net profit for the year as shown by the Profit and Loss Account, after
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  • 32 244 Mr. H. L. Hopkin, of the Straits Times, returns to Singapore by the Blue Funnel liner Antenor, which sailed from Liverpool on March 27. Mrs. Hopkin remains some time longer at Home.
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  • 119 244 MANY CASUALTIKs. roriLATION IV\M( SI |>I« KK\ [Aneta Service.] Weltevreden, Apr i^ Tremendous rainfall has occum <ianj£ and the west coast of Sumai m the space of twelve hours 174 re? of water fell, causing an i ii urflow from the mountains thun the low< r-h
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  • 623 244 Ninth Annual General Meeting. The ninth annual general meeting i Ho Hong Bank Ltd.. was held ai tei-ed Office, No. 94 Murke: BtKet, 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday. 13th April. 1. sided over by the Chairman. Mr. 1.. Siang. The others pre-er.t wtrc: See 800 Ih, Tan
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  • 576 245 W. Stevens from Singapore arrived IV pa fig "n Thursday. (.11. G. (lark*- is acting as District during Mr. I*. A. F. David's indiaM». (i. J. Dicks-. n has Wen appointed -♦•< retary of the Malacca branch ot \l;i.\i\;»n Agri-Hoi ticuftural Associa.May Dexter, a well-Known young
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  • 1290 245 "A CRUEL AND COWARDLY ACT." Murderer to Hang. In the Assizes Court, Johore Bahru, on Monday was heard the case m which a Chinese named Lee Kow Bok was charged with the murder of his aunt Kuek I^ee Lan on the night of Jarnuary l^th. at
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  • 248 245 Preventive Fleet's Captures. Only two captures are reported as having taken place so far this month, as a result >f the activities of the F.M.S. Customs preventive fleet. The Serendit, at 11.30 a.m. on March 21. while off Pulau Pisang, sighted a prau under ■ail, and gave chase.
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  • 184 245 There was a large gathering of members of the Sinhalese community on the Oldham Hall grounds yesterday afternoon, when a party was given for the purpose of allowing the members of the community to exchange greetings, the occasion being the end of the Hindu year and
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  • 65 245 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 13. At a meeting: of the Municipal CommisBlonefl a resolution was passed approving the s-heme for a coast road at the North Beach extending for almost a mile. Si vc r.ty-five per cent of the land has already been
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  • 399 245 CHAM HER OF COMMERCE MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent;. Penang, Apr. 13. Presiding at the annual meeting of the Chamber uf Commerce, Mr. R. N. Holmes reviewed the activities of the year, touching on the tin and rubber industries. He condemned the local telephone system ar.d stated
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  • 194 245 Hundreds Sleeping Outdoors. Hundreds of Asiatic residents from the town districts have been spending their nights m the open, the Esplanade having been the centre of unusual crowds during the evenings and nights for the past few days. With the temperature just over 92 m the shade,
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  • 176 245 SEQUEL TO VICTORIA-ST. SHOOTING AFFAIR. Nothing further has been brought to light eoneemißfJ the incident which occurred m Victoria-street on Sunday night, when Mr. Dickinson, A.S.P., and other European police officials were fired at by some unknown men. Three Chinese were produced Uefore Mr. Bull m the Second Police Court
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  • 2136 246 THE ANNTAL MEETING. A Review of the Year. TruT annual general meeting of the congregation was held m the Chapter House last evening, und* r the Presidency of the Yen. Archdeacon Swindell, there being a fair attendance of members. The folljwing were elected or nominated to office:
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  • 85 246 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penanpr, Apr. 16. The Pinang Gazette 's Allahabad correspondent wires that. Capetown despatches state that a detinit? conclusion has been reached with regard to anti-Asiatic legislation m South Africa. The Union Minister Xi expected to make an official announcement, m the Assembly on
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  • 54 246 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ip«h, Apr. 15. H. R. H. Prince George is revisiting Perak to-morrow and Saturday as the guest of the Sultan of Perak at Kuala Kangsar, where a programme including elephant rides, water sports, polo, a dance and a trip up the Perak
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  • 28 246 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 15. Mr. G. A. fereford, District Judge, is indisposed air, is undergoing treatment at the Hospital.
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  • 65 246 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 16. The death occurred here to-day of the hon'ble Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, partner m the legal firm of Logan and Ross, and Pennng Chinese representative on the Legislative Council of the Colony. As a token of respect
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  • 124 246 The annual report for the >\ar 102", (for presentation at the annual meeting to be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 24th, at the Bank's Offices m Chuliah Street) states: The net profit for the year as shown by the Profit and Loss Account, after
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  • 32 246 Mr. H. L. Hopkin, of the Straits Times, returns to Singapore by the Blue Funnel liner Anterior, which sailed from Liverpool on March 27. Mrs. Hopkin remains some time longer at Home.
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  • 134 246 MANY CASUALTIES. rOll LATION PANIC STkH KK\ [Aneta Service.] Weltevreden, Apr. j^ Tremendous rainfall has occurred <iang and the west coast of Sumatra. w% m the space of twelve hours 370 res of water fell, causing an am terflow from the mountains thundetinir int the lower-lying
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  • 627 246 Ninth Annual General Meeting The ninth annual general meeting i Ho Hong: Bank Ltd., was held at iti I tered Office, No. 94 Market Str». 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday. 13th April. UK, piv sided over by the Chairman, Mr. Lmi hstf Siang. The others present wire:-M<
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  • 582 247 11l Stevens from Singapore arrived Pcrang °n Thursday. < 11. G. Clarke is acting as District «iui iritr Mr, I\ A. F. David's india- J. [>icks«n has been appointed .etary of the Malacca branch ot Ma.'avan Agri-Hoi ticufturaL AssociaMay Dexter, a well-Known young iian journalist who
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  • 1294 247 "A CRUEL AND COWARDLY ACT." Murderer to Hang. In the Assizes Court, Johore Bahru, on Monday was heard the case m which a Chinese named Lee Kow Bok was charged with the murder of his aunt Kuek I^ee Lan on the night of Jar.nuary l »th.
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  • 250 247 Preventive Fleet's Captures. Only two captures are reported as having taken place so far this month, as a result >f the activities of the F.M.S. Customs preventive fleet. The Serendit, at 11. 30 a.m. on March 21. while off Pulau Pisang. sighted a prau under tail, and save
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  • 186 247 There was a largo gathering of members of the Sinhalese community on the Oldham Hall grounds yesterday afternoon, when a party was given for the purpose of allowing the members of the community to exchange greetings, the occasion being the end of the Hindu year and
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  • 65 247 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penan g, Apr. 13. At a meeting: of the Municipal CommisBionefl a resolution was passed approving the sjheme for a coast road at the North Beach extending for almost a mile. Sf venty-five per cent of the land has already been
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  • 400 247 C'HAMHEK OF COMMERCE MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent;. I 'man ir, Apr. 13. Presiding at the annual meeting of the hamber uf Commerce, Mr. R. N. Holmes reviewed the activities oi" the year, touching on the tin and rubber industries. He condemned the local telephone system and
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  • 194 247 Hundreds Sleeping Outdoors. Hundreds of Asiatic residents from the town districts have been spending their nights m the open, the Esplanade having been the centre of unusual crowds during the evenings and nights for the past few days. With the temperature just over 92 m the shade,
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  • 176 247 Nothing further has been brought to light concerning the incident which occurred m Victoria-street on Sunday night, when Mr. Dickinson, A.S.P., and other European police officials were fired at by some unknown men. Three Chinese were produced fjefore Mr. Bull m the Second Police Court
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  • 1632 248 The race-course presented an animated appearance yesterday morning, when quite a number of members among whom it was pleasing to see many ladies turned up to watch the work of the horses m training for the forthcoming meeting. It was a fast work morning and the horses worked
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  • 113 248 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Apr. 13. Curry tiffins, ilances and concerts, varied by an elephant ride to the famous mengffehmchor water slide m Perak, formed the bill of fare of "Mr. George Windsor" and a party of officers and men from H.M.S. Hawkins who visited Perak during
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  • 1118 248 ACTION AGAINST EXECUTORS DISCONTINUED. "Instigated by Dr. Birnie." Further litigation relating U shares m the Eastern Mining and Rubber Co. occupied the attention of the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, m the Supreme Court >esterday morning, the action being one m which Tan Bertha Nio and others
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    • 214 248 To the Editor. Sir, I was vilified to read m ti yesterday that the law m n-sf < gistration and notification oi ments of Aliens had been sp*< m favour of Mr. Firestone m or<j. cilitate his transhipment from i: to another m Singapore. I wondered at
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  • 323 248 The following petition has beefl i ed to the Colonial Secretary bf Mr. Kuei; Si ah En.v. on behalf of dweller. :i attap houses m Grange Road area: We have the honour to submit our humble petition thtongh fMP :r See against the a;-ti«-n of tfe
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  • 1602 249 ACHEEN AGAIN. 1 torn Our Own Correspondent). Haiavia. Apr. 10. The vi«ud> m Acheen have not yet rolled -h >wn by the news of a new attack commanded by Captain Paris, ,i engaged m rounding up the rest „f tr •Is concerned m the previous atThis time it
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  • 44 249 Coincident with the arrival of Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer m Penang, the lightermen m the employ of the Penang Harbour Board went on strike, as a result the Pier is congested with merchandise, a large number of motor-cars of various types lying about.
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  • 554 249 PRESIDENT'S APPEAL TO MEMBERS. The annual general meeting of che Singapore Natural History Society was held m the Raffles Museum yesterday afternoon, the President, the Rev. G. A. Dexter Allen, M. A. presiding. The usual business of adopting the report and accounts having been dispensed with,
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  • 184 249 UNSUCCESSFUL APPEAL. Apart from altering the term of alternative imprisonment m default of payment of the fine from two months to seven days —it being admitted by the' Crown that the Magistrate had no power to impose more than seven days default imprisonment the Chief Justice
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  • 42 249 Mr. J. H. Dickson becomes acting General Manager of the Eastern Smelting Co., Penang, during the absence on leave of Mr. P. M. Robinson who, with Mrs. Robinson, went Home by the Morea and will be returning to Malaya m the autumn.
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  • 887 249 (By way of, complement to Mind, July 11. 1918). Some, at any rate, of the following examples may, for local readers, have the merit of novelty, m addition to thtir high authority. Thus. Belt, whose 'Naturalist m Nicaragua' (C 64) has lived, and is likely to live,
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  • 25 249 Miss M. Senior has assumed duty as Nursing Sister, Hospital, Alor Star, m place of Miss Howard, who resigned on the termination of her agreement.
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  • 262 250 THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1926. PICTORIAL CURRENCY. 1)KS( -KIIT1ON OF THE NEW DESIGN $3 NOTE. About :he beginning of next month the Currency C mmissioners will issue a r > nut,, of an entirely new design. The new note is printtd on white papei j.nd is almost of the same size
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  • 61 250 The hon. sec, Imam Haji Abbas b. Haji Mohamad Taha, sends us the Sixth List of Subscriptions amounting with the former lists to $HSo\.V2. This includes a contribution from the Moslem Association of $60; $170..">7 from the Geylang Fire Relief Fund (through the hon'ble I). Beatty)
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  • 147 250 I'rt -shyterian Minister Leaving I'cnantf. Thi Rev. Archibald Ewinjr. M.A.. Minister oi S;. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, rYnang, i< relinqutthing his charge this month and on Sunday next he Will preacl his farewell sermon. On the -4th he s;»'ls on the Klanjr for Singapore and thence by the
    P.G.  -  147 words
  • 262 250 Mr. Justice A. V. Brown, Senior Puisne Judge, fonaitg, has returned to Penang from K'.nlah. Dr, C X. Abraham, second son of the late Rev. S. Abraham, has been appointed Assistant Health Officer for Kinta. i Mr. C. P. Slater, who recently arrived m Ipoh to take charge of Messrs.
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  • 521 250 THE INTER-STATE MATCH. Rain Stops Play. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur Apr. 14. The inter-State match between Selangor and Xegri Sembilan opened here this morning. The wicket was bumpy and Mustard, winning: the toss, put the Negri m to bat. De Vitre and Foulds were dismissed with the
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  • 868 250 SOME HARD HITTING. j The S.C.C. second eleven entertained Johore on the Padang yesterday, an all-day match lesulting m a win for the home side bj the handsome margin of five wickets. Although rain threatened at the commencement and ominous clouds hung m the sky throughout
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  • 29 250 It is understood that the Hongkong cricketers, who are returning the 1924 visit of the Straits m May, are leaving Hongkong on the Rosang on May 15.
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  • 50 250 [Reuter's Service.] London. Apr. 12. The following are the results of to-day's League matches: Division I. Huddersfield 3, Bolton 0. j Division 11. Wolverhampton 0, Fulham 0. i Swansea 0, Clapton Orient 0. Port Vale 1. Notts Forest 1. I Division 111 (Northern). New Brighton 1, Tranmere 0.
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  • 15 250 Dr. Fletcher, pathDlogist, Institute of Medical Research, is expected m Kuala Lumpur early m June.
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  • 132 250 PUBLIC OFFICIALLY W AKM; h A Disquieting Situation. The public are warned th.-.r tion of water has incivased M > ;ri to the hot weather— that tfct J greater than the mains can from the Reservoirs, and that m a days it will be necessaiy to shut
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  • 409 250 SINGAPORE BUILT MOTOK-SHli\ A new twin screw steel motor ship. Bintan, built at the (Jftitod Knmn. yards at Tanjong Rhu. has recently added to the fleet of ships owned by T kay Oei Bok Sien, who owns the Kmrner, Pontianak and other ateamers which well known m the
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  • 236 250 The case for the rtgi-tration of M —which the Straits Settlements A has recommended to the "careful et^d ration" of its incoming Committee— is > answerable. Its weakest p »int is that would probably create anotlu 1 Governnun Department with, probably, anothc I officials, leading to expense
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  • 174 251 R DEFEAT THE POLICE. R .J Artiileiy had a very easy vicv«t the Poli^o at Blakang Mati on Satu thank- principally to the fine rship of Captain Armitage i win »< ored 140 between t.j^ml. On the eompara--mall ground and against the modelling these two batsmen scored i: t
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  • 61 251 >m Ou« Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. Apr. 13. v a ;i Jit l »»'\ing tourrianu-ri his* I the Town Hall, during which Boy > defeated De Vera on i^ints m a oond foßtesti The champion senHUMfe, Muee were drawn, an- 1 u»-rr to Dl Vem Soc
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  • 46 251 [Kcut»: s Service.] l.«mdini. Apr. 13. v .iliards. :tt Thurston's Hall, Lomlon. Km Bteur billiards championfirst heat, the ti na l scores were G. r. Australia, 2,000; Malcolm Smith, I.Jl'. J. Karlam. Kngland, T. M,« y. Noith Ireland, P. Routledgv. Africa, arc also comptting.
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  • 27 251 I Re uter".-' Service.] Buenos Aires, Apr. 13. 1.- Arfeatiae Davit Cup competitors Hdled f.i Spain to play Hungary at ona on May loth.
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  • 113 251 -l Urn (J.vrin.r isn't busy devoluting atarUsj his precarious little plans, Hh rapacity for innocent enjoyment ai great at any other man's. Why then should his Singapore critics tc further provision f:>r tennis courts I rermmeat House? Moreover, His Bey, whose golf is hardly up to
    S. Echo  -  113 words
  • 175 251 'V ter, watt:, the subject of anxious evi-iywlu'iv. and m every ••Id m I\ nanir! "but not a drop of »ud m th. agenda for to-day's of th»- Municipal Council. Our tar the moment, full again; Urn »h<»ught lasted for another ioa ui.uld have b.en a very om
    P.G.  -  175 words
  • 410 251 Capt. L. E. Travers, R.E., and Capt. I. K. Price, R.A.S.C, have arrived and are taken on the strength of the Command. Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer is m Penang on the affairs of the Pcnang Harbour Board and will be away from Singapore for about
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  • 182 251 Nine Months for Dishonest Servant. The sequel to the theft of $2,000 worth of jewellery from Mrs. Lee Choon Guan's residence. Mandalay Villa, at Tanjong Katong, was heard m the District Court, before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, yesterday, when Wong Sui. I servant boy, was
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  • 141 251 The annual general meeting of the Malayalee Association was held on Saturday. 10th inst, at the Association premises. After passing the report and accounts, the following gentlemen were elected as officebearers for the earning year: Mr. F. Xeolnnkavil President; K. P. Menon Vice President; V. M. Gomez Hon:
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  • 1130 251 Y.M.C.A/S OPPORTUNITIES IN MALAYA. Ycuth and the Future. "The future of Malaya will not be deter mined by its tin mines and its rubber estates, but by the character of its people,'' Sir Arthur Yapp, K.L.E.. the National Secretary of the V.M.C.A. declared, when emphasising the tremendous
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  • 281 251 JUDGMENT FOR TRUSTEES. Mr. Justice De ane yesterday morning deiivered judgment m three actions m which two infants, Thomas Augustine Basapah and John Alexander Dasapah, sued two trus- tees, Sana Mohamed and Kandasamy Ratnam, claiming to have leases of trust property m which they had a
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  • 90 251 Alleged to have obtained credit from different persons while still an undischarged bankrupt and without disclosing the fact that he was an undischarged bankrupt, an Eurasian named J. A. de Rozario was produced before Mr. Clarke m the District Court yesterday and remanded. He was represented by
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  • 73 251 Local fowl rearers and poultry farmers are complaining of a disease known as fowlcholera which is causing hundreds of fowls to sicken and dk. The disease shews itself m an inability to eat. The opinion is that the disease is brought into the Colony by poultry imported from
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  • 37 251 THE R OTARY MOVEMENT. Surprise as expressed by Sir Arthur Yapp, whe interviewed yesterday, that there is no Rotary Club m Singapore. He stated that he would be pleased to hear from anybody interested m the movement.
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  • 2150 252 SATISFACTORY INCREASE IN PROFIT. The annual general meeting of Teluk Anson Rubber Estate, Limited, was held yesteiday, m the Hongkong Bank Chambers, tho>»- present being:— Mr. A. E. Baddeley, Chairman, the hon'ble Mr. D. J. Ward, Mr. .1. R. Crawford, Mr. C. J. Stephen, Mr. Whitehouse, manager,
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  • 542 252 Singapore, April 14. Although the price of Rubber is substantially down daring the weefc Rubber shares have fluctuated within narrow limits and the market generally closes firm. Tin has fallen £9 m London but locally is practically unchanged. A notice has appeared m the local Press regarding
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  • 549 252 NO. 2.— DINNERS I HAVE BATEN The average housekeeper U?av<- lh subject of meals far too much t imagination, always limited, of h< cook to arrive- at much variety m E;.-». menus, which must necessarily b<monotonous. But as pood and nourishing food j an essential to fitness m
    E.I.  -  549 words
  • 186 252 CHINESE KILLED BY LAND-SLIDE. While removing earth from the -id. a hill m the Yeo Chu Rang- district I Tuesday, a Chinese was swept away b> a land-slide of five or six tons of earth and thrown against an iron truck. H< sustained injuries from which he
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  • 61 252 A charge of causing grievous hurt by a rash act was yesterday preferred against a local Swiss resident, J. Schwenvor. It is alleged that the accused was driving cai No. S-2963 when he knocked down a Tamil at the junction of Stamford-road and Hill street, on Thursday
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  • 1843 253 V). >— BEHIND THK LINES. Specially Wrilten for Free l*res>). morning it was bright and sur.ny -rm, and once more our spirits h:.-h. We had an early breakfast tad wt-n- then marched off to the. railway itatfoa bj our Transput Officer, and our ■aitMM lest we .-hould
    M.H.  -  1,843 words
  • 403 253 ONE KILLED AM) THREE INJURED. Faction Vight m Albert Street. A wild exchange of shots during a faction fight between rival gangs of Cantonese at the junction of Albert Street and Selegic Road at about 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, resulted m the killing of an innocent
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  • 320 253 GHOST CURES DISEASES OF HEART AND MIND. Situated m Oxley-road, and bearing; the number 3'S, is a vacant house, the doors and windows of which have been nailed Up for months. The houses adjoining are occupied, but the landlord has been unable to get a tenant for
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  • 772 253 Action taken at meeting of Committ**** No. 3, on 9th April, 1926. Decided that the salary and statu> of Mr. Caunce, Asst. Sanitary Engineer, an be considered when he has reached the maximum of his class, and that the question of granting a special allowance to Mr. Sm«?dley,
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  • 677 254 The next session of Assize will be held at Singapore on May 4th. Mr. E. A. Dubois, Timur estate, Johore, proceeds to .\ustralia on leave next month. Dr. J. I. Baeza has been seconded for service under the Government of Kedah. Mr. G. C. W. Davson
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  • 1511 254 THE ANGULLIA BANKRUPTCY. Son's Racing Transactions. Mohamed Angullia, a son of M. E. Angullia, a bankrupt who was recently sentenced to three months imprisonment for failing to keep proper books of account, denied m the Singapore Bankruptcy Court, before Mr. Justice Deane, yesterday afternoon, that he was a
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  • 135 254 Verdict of Death from Natural Causes. At the conclusion of the inquest held on the late Mr. Thomas Felix Cuthbertson, the Coroner returned a verdict of death due to •natural causes, i.e. cerebral haemorrhage. Mr. A. E. Stone, of the Straits Trading Company, gave evidence
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  • 77 254 Of the total of 280 deaths which occurred m Singapore during the week ending April 3rd, 41 were caused by pneumonia, 37 by convulsion, 22. by malarial fever, 21 by feaver not specified, 20 by phthisis, and 13 by debility and age. The ratio per mille of population was 28.").
    77 words
  • 796 254 NIHtfBERS OF EL UOPEANS BFINc, DISMISSED. (From Our Own Correspondent >. Bangkok. Apr. 1»» The dismissal of oftvials m the (Jowrri ment service still contir.ues and MMUethinfr like 9,000 have now pane. Quite numuof these are European, who, only a f^v. months ago, little dreamt that they
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  • 24 254 [Reuter's Service.l London. Apr. 1"». At Tinrstoa Hall, m the Empiie l»i!!i--ards, Eailam. England, scored 2000 and thubeat McCluney, North Ireland, who ma<l«--879.
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  • 35 254 The tie for the Committee's <'up was played off on Sunday, 11th instant, anil n suited m a win for Dr. A. J. Lim, with MM eclectic score of 38—5 33.
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  • 1050 255 Qnirqnid agunt Aom.ittt nottn e*t farraji ...,li Juvenal. The design of the new five dollar note, which will soon come into circulation, shows a bit <>f gaudy colouring, and how it will •and the actinic effects of light and the -•rk touch of the working man
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  • 631 255 BRISK HOI TS AT K. Ll'MPl'R. Walley Wins Well. The Woodsriale Boxing Syndicate, of Singapore, are to be congratulated on the ■plmdM programme which they staged last evening at the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, says Thursday's Malay Mail. The five bouts Wtont quite the best seen locally for a
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  • 1094 255 SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING. The seventh annual general meeting' of the Mentakab Rubber Company, Limited, was held yesterday, the Hon'ble Mr. J. Mitchell presiding, and others present being: Messrs. Chew Woon Poh, A. E. Baddeley, D. Phillip (for the Secretaries, Messrs. Harlisons, Barker and Company), J. I. Dawson, G.
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  • 127 255 THE MARCH STATISTICS. The following is a comparative statement of the total value of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel post, imported and exported to and from British Malaya during 1925 and 1926. IMPORTS. 1925. 1926. Increase. (In thousands of dollars). January 65,347 87,905 22,558 February 59,180 80,105 20,925 March
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  • 118 255 The Deputy Controller of Rubber semis statistics compiled for Rubber Restriction. They will be published later, but the following are extracted m the meantime. Fourteenth Qr: Exports from British Malaya, February 30,440 tons; March 35, 012; Restriction Area 22.136 and 24,585 tons. Dealers Stocks: February, Singapore 1y0,825; Penang
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  • 159 255 The Overseas Bank kindly informs us of the answer received to a telegram sent by them, enquiring as to the Coupons on the five per cent gold bonds. The Bank Industriellc at Saigon writes: The Boxers Bonds we are now ready to deliver to you have
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  • 1600 256 MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1926. MONEYLENDERS' INTEREST. IMPORTANT POINT BEFORE COURT. JH>*s Money lenders* Act Apply? An important question relating io whether there is available m the Colony relief from exorbitant rate.* of interest charged by moneylenders occupied the attention of the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, and Mr. Justice Deane.
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  • 112 256 The following had the honour of dining at Government House on 17th April to meet Sir Arthur Yapp, K.8.E.: Hon. Mr. J. H. W. Park, 0.8. E., Hon. Mr. C. H. G. and Mrs. Clarke, Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Song Ong Siang. Hon. Mr. J. Mitchell, Mr. G.
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  • 12 256 Dr. Rattray has returned to Singapore after a short visit to Penang.
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  • 976 256 S.C.C'B GKEAT WIN. A Whitley Hurricane at Tanglin. Cricket of an extraordinary character marked the meeting of the S.C.C. and the Services at Tanglin on Saturday, the Club winning a remarkable match by three wickets five minutes from time. The features of this game— the cricket "tit-bit" of
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  • 350 256 The respective second elevens of the Hv ;i Padang clubs met on the S.C.C. ground on Saturday, the game resulting m a wir the home side by 99 runs. Winning: the toss, the visitors ha«i use of a very fast wicket. The opening pair, de
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  • 174 256 [Router's Service] London, April 17. At Manchester m sunny weather and b< fore r>o,ooo spectators Scotland beat F.n^ land by one goal to nil. The ground wa~ soft. The weather was sunny after a wet morn ing and there was a stiff breeze. It wathe first international
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  • 49 256 [Reuter's Service.] Torquay, April 17. In the British Hard Courts Championshipfinals, Brugnon beat the li^-ycar-oid 'ani bridgi freshman H. W. Austin, wh-> if •< yarded as England's new hope, 7 •">. 4 3_6, B—G,8 G, f>— 3. Miss Joan Fry l>eat Mrs. Watson L 7— iK C—
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  • 27 256 [Re liter's Service.] London. April 1". At Thurston's, London, m thy Empirv Bi liards Championship, Malcolm Smith (Scot land) 2,000. boat Rutledgo (South Africa; 1,801.
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  • 6202 257 [Aneta Service.] Rugby. Apr. 12. M Baldwin to-day «>j>ened the optical con■>n at the Ini|>erial College of Science, it! KsSJSnSJEton. The Premier remarked ..n the great progress which has been m this country m the manufacture of i\ instrument >. He said that when war ;i m« and we
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