The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 19 August 1909

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 265 1 Lpadbrs. (<n«»ranr«- cf Law Making 113 East Coast Companies |]g lk'r«»sfortl and Defence 114 Rublier Re^eaivh \\4 Municipal Shortcomings 14 Bervsford's Roply to Defence Enquiry 115 American Tariffs 115 Rbports and Meetings. Triad Society Case HO Bi# Opium Seizure m\ Miw Monthly Beports 125,126 Fia.sor and Co's Shar« Circular
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 72 1 On July 31, 1909, at Shanghai, the wife of Geosoe Michael Billings, of a daughter. On August 1, 1909, at Shanghai, the wife of W. A. H. Moule, of a daughter. On the 18th August, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, the wife of G. S. Ckane of a daughter.
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    • 145 1 On July 30, 1909, at Shanghai Wim Kebl, chief officer of the s. s. Hudson of the Standard Oil Co.. aged 55 years. At Pangkor House, Penang, on the night of the Hth instant, Elizabeth Bruce Brereton (Betty), infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brereton Martin. Hill. On August
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  • 64 1 (CoKKECTED UP TO Ang. 18 Bank 4ms 2/4,\, demand 24, s Private credits 3ms i/4-fl credits 6ms 2/4f France, demand Bank 294 J Germany, demand 239 India, T. T Wl Hongkong, demand 25^>dis. Yokohama, demand nom. 113f Java, demand 139^ Bangkok' demand 60 Sovereigns, Bank Buying $8.54 Biuk of
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  • 999 1 Aug. 13. Of necessity m this Colony the particular study of new or altered legislation has to be left to those professionally and technically fitted for that task. The result is that it is done quietly at Committee meetings or meetings of the Legislative Council, neither
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 fere shal' the Press the People's ri^ht tn.-.intain, Unawrd Hv influence and unbril>«d by gain Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw* Pledged to Religion, Loyalty and law.
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  • 875 1 Au^ U The mail brings us several items of iute:efct that mi^ht well kifi l>een rsi'erred to m the wire n^wii, instead cf our allowaLCtj of so many words auk n 4 r h being f.ittered aw.^v iv messages infant for further and possible smaller eWen cable
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 Suhgcriterts to th© "Singapore Free Pretw weekly returning from Euroj>« to th» Strait* hj any of th* mail lines, M* invited to send to the Manager the nanit of t'leii steauiei and dat» of arrival m Siu^apon*. Copies wiil then b« n\H\ Uil to meet them at various ports ot
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    • 49 1 F. CLARKE CO., 207, Queen-st, Singapore. Livery Stable Keepers Fodder Merchants. For Rubber-tyred Gbarries and Bast Rubbertyred carriages, ring op Telephone 916. FODDER delivered to any part of the Island. SPECIALITY FURNITURE REMOVALS m our own vans, by our own men, GENERAL CARRIERS. C. ZIMMERMANN, Proprietor. Jan 18 no
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 204 1 THE WEEF. The last mail from home arrived by the P. 4 (>. J)»vduln on l'Yid*y .with daXe*-up to July 23. A homeward mill was taken on Mondiv by the N.D L. P. Ludwig and this weakly goes by the B. I. Thongwa to-day. His Excellency the Governor has visited
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  • 996 2 Aug. 16. When Ix)rd Charles Beresford was relieved of his command of the Home Fleet m the middle of April last, before the usual term of occupancy had expired, it was known that the long-standing differences of opinion betweem himself and the Admiralty bad reached a crisis.
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  • 876 2 Aug. 17. Some time ago there appeared an article m this journal advocating the formation of a Government Research Department m connection with the rubber industry. Not that we were unaware of the excellent work that is being done by the scientists at tached to the Agricultural and
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  • 1184 2 Aug. 18. Penang apparently is joining m the general feeling that the appointment of a Commission of Eaquiry into Municipal administration m this Colony has become one of the most pressing needs of the timeIn whatever way the public regards Municipal work here, they cannot avoid feeling intensely
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  • 819 3 It was hardly to be expected that a determined fighter like Lord Charles Berekfoed would allow the finding of the subcommittee of the Committee of Imperial Defence on his lettor to the Premier to pass without a reply. Obviously he i* m order m retorting
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  • 1434 3 Aug. 19. The subject of free trade versus tariffs, and free trade versus protection, may ba thought to have but an academic interest for the people of this Colony. In so far as we are merely traders and merchants, this may be so, but as regards the raw
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  • 211 3 Tiie Singapore mortality returns for th-» week elided Aug. 14'h. show a total ot IBS deaths, 140 male and 40 female Tie ratio per mille was 34 66 and the chief cau^s < f deith were malaria. 34, typhoid 1 and iVver not specified 17. 13 died of dysentery. 16
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  • 133 4 It is suggested by the Comptroller- General «f Customs, as a means of crushing out the illicit traffic m opium, that the duty should be re imposed and the money devoted to buying the consent of the opium-smokers to their being sent back to China (says
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  • 773 4 A GOVERNMENT IMPROVEMENT SCHEME. WONDERFUL TRANSFORMATION. M*rty Singaporeans who pass along North Bridge, or Beach R >als daily, are probably ignorant of where Kampong Glam begiDS or ends, although the name U familiar enough and possibly some have never heard of the Kampong at all. To give them
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  • 943 4 SMART WORK BY C. P. O. L9on Schwartz, Fernand Dreyfus and Salih Adad appeared before Mr Colman, Third Magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of possession of 138 tins containing 690 tahils of illicit clnndu, valued at 52,070, at 2(5 4 Sophia Road. Schwartz pleaded guilty, but Dreyfus and
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  • 764 4 CLAIM ON A PROMISSORY NOTE. la the District Court, yesterday afternoon, before Mr C. J. S&unders, the case of Montagu Harris vs. Neo Pee Keng, cashier with Messrs B^hn Meyer and Company, came on for hearing. Plaintiff claimed $313 33, principal and interest due on a promissory
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  • 68 4 The first match m the newly formed R. A. Half Company League was played at Blakan Mati on Tuesday night between the right half 78th Co. and the right half 80th Co. A good game ended m a win for the right half 78th Co. by three to one.
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  • 83 4 A novel flying* machine has been invented by a Russian student at the Dresden Polytechnic a man named Arkadi Jo 6 pi who has devoted a considerable amount of time to studying the flight of birds, and has constructed a model machine based absolutely on the formation of a bird's
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  • 313 4 TRIAD SOCIETY, ANOTHER RAID BY THE POLICE. Thirteen Chinese Arrested. Tha local police have succeeded m raiding another initiation gathering of a Chinese Triad society. Thirteen arrests were mad« From information received, Mr VV Pdacock of the Chinese Protector au>, and Detective Inspector Fray ne and tlirat native constables proceeded
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  • 486 4 Amusing Fake DEbCRiu&D. Rev. R. A. Jaffray, one of the missionaries m Kwang- ei, explodes all the fieqnent reports of rebellion m his province. He ie at present m Canada and writing to his father's newspaper, the Toronto Globe," on the of China politically he says Generally
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  • 154 4 At the Kuila Lumpur Goal last week, a presentation was made to Dr. J. Ling Niven by the staff of warders on the occasion of his leaving the Government Service. The presentation took the form of an engraved silver cigarette case and a handsome pair of silver-backed hair brushes. France
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  • 446 5 Friday, Aug. 13, 1909. The August number of the Agricultural Bulletin among other matter has many extracts from Mr. Canruthers* report on the progress of agriculture m the F. M. S. during 1908. There were 193 deaths m Singapore last week giving a mortality rate of 36.16. Of these 45
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  • 420 5 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. G3nuine investors were pleased m a vviy at tha setback reported iv the price of rubber at the last Sales, for it helps considerably m eliminating rash specu^ion and over-buying inshansfor forward delivery, the chief causes of undua and uuhealtby il Hit ion of pi ices,
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  • 601 5 (From our own Correspondent.) Batavia, Aug. 7th. Mr Cremer, President of the Netherland Trading Factory, will represent Holland at the Hudson celebration, m New York. Mr Hudson was an Englishman. While m command of a Dutch merchantman m 1609 he discovered and sailed up the Hud son River.
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  • 256 5 ANTUNG! -MUKDEN RAILWAY. From Antung Mr Little proceeded to Alukden by the military railway. The distance is just under two hundred miles, and the j mrney occupied two days. The railway is of narrow gauge, and very light construction, and Baldwin locomotives are used. Except for a short distance out
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  • 27 5 Further section* of the Siamese Northern Railway Line are to be opened on the 15th, about fifty miles more, bring railhead to within 120 miles of Chiengmai.
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  • 1508 5 Oa the subject of educating the people m hygiene, it may be said that Dr Gilbert Brooke's Hygiene Reader for Schools is now m use m the upper classes of Straits Schools. We are allowed to quote the chapter on Insect borne Disease, a simple and complete
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  • 241 5 C. Coy. ts. D. Cot. At Tang! m last evening: 0. Coy. gaine-i two valuable points from D Coy. by beating them by one goal which the goalie might have saved. From the kick (ffC. Coy. carried the ball into their opponents' territory and quickly forced a
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  • 157 5 VADE CUP. F. G. Stevets, 2, beat W. J. M;.yaon, 6, three up und two. Crabb Watt, plus beat Strattor. S, two up and one. Sir Arthur Yourg, 5, beat A. Reid, 5, nine up and eight. T. Tieadgold, 11, beat A. W, Still. 8. bj one
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  • 33 5 The following is the re&ult of the (Vvpt) tition Malay States Guides 432; Middles** K^ eiment 373 Singapore Volunteer lufaiitiy 350 Mth D-ccan Infantry 330 H. M. S. Cadmus "210.
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  • 18 5 Mr L?ong Cbin is now managing the New Tambun Miccs, Ltd., m succession to Messrs. Wictett ai.d Perry.
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  • 580 6 Mr D. Sandm%nn, who was deputed by the German Government to make a thorough study of tropical products, has bean m Kuala Lumpor, where the Malay Mail interviewed him. He spoke much of the changing conditions m Brazil, but does not fear overproduction m this generation from that
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  • 326 6 Toe full scores of the match F. M. S. v. the Colony, played at Penan g on Monday last, the Colony losing by an innings and 24 runs, are now to hand. A. S. Bailey b Henneasy 0 b McKenzie 0 R. T. Reid c Bradbery b
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  • 778 6 There is an epidemic of moustache shaving among the legal community. The Singapore Chinese Girls' School will reopen after the midsummer holidays on Monday, 16 th instant. Winifred, Lidy Howard, of Glossop has returned to England from her long tour m the Far E*st. The mining
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  • 607 6 There was a small attendance at the Legislative Council yesterday, which met under the presidency of Sir Arthur Young, Daputy Governor, there also being present Mr W. J. Napier (Attorney General) Mr J. O. AnthoniEz (Colonial Treasurer Colonel A. Murray, V. D. (Colonial Engineer Messrs T. S. Baker,
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  • 273 6 The annual report on the P. W. D. shows that this department of Government got through rather over two and a quarter million dollars during the year 11*08. The percentage cost of supervision varied from 3.34 m Province Wellesley to 541 m Malacca. These percentages were considerably
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  • 953 6 [From i ur w^'ii Con^spohtlew.i Leaving Penang. After the departure of the guests on Jhursday night, the sth August, the Sea, Mew set 9ail for the Lmgkawi Island In the early morning she was off the coast of Dayan« Bunting, the Southern Island, and thence steamed m
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  • 176 7 The report on the registration of births mnd deaths m the Colony is based on an estimated population of 628,010. The birth rate showed a decided and very satisfactory increase over the 19C6 and 1907 figures. This increase is noted m all settlements. The percentage showed a
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  • 69 7 The Riffik Moslem football club is exempted from registration. Mr. J. C. Cowap goe3 to Ponang as Deputy Government Analjst there. Mr. J. S Webster, M. B Ch. B is appointed a medical officer iv the Colony. Appointments under the Mahommedan Marriage Orcinacce of Kit his for the
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  • 449 7 Since the old dtt coinage was superseded bj the nevv decimal currency, inconvenience was occasioned by the Postal and Telegraph Department still adhering to the att stamps and att charge. On the 15th cf this month this temporary trouble will pass away. On that date the new
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  • 119 7 The piracy of a junk is reported at 8 linam. The junk was proceeding from Sha-tan, m the Nam Hoi district, bound for Canton, with a cargo of rice valued at £*200. While off Siinam she was chased by a pirate junk, whose crew, afrer a short
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  • 78 7 > < We mentioned at the time the splendid Miy 24 h Empire Diy issue of the Times, of 72 pages, containing many special articles. A facsimile has been made, reduced to about one-third, containing all the matter and maps and picturep, but of course very ■mall m type, though
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  • 1053 7 Gold Dredging for the Tear Shows Rather Better Results. The seventh annual ordinary general meeting of the Duff Development Company, Limited, was held on July 20, at Winchseter House, Old Broad- street, EC, Mr K. H. Jan, ee (the chairman) presiding. The Cbairnian said I regret somewhat that,
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  • 18 7 Police Inspector Branagan is retiring on pension. Detective Inspector Bourne has taken charge of the Sepoj Lineß division.
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  • 238 7 Attempted Murder. The Malay "doctor" case, mentioned yesterday, when poisoned rice to prove the culprit's guilt was administered, came before the Third Magistrate yesterday. The charge has grown into one of attempted murder. Two of the victims were removed to the General Hospital and lie m a precarious
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  • 350 7 In British Ships. Much controversy has arisen of late m connection with the substitution of Chinese for B.itish crews m ships of the mercantile marine. According to statistics just received from the Board of Trade by the Imperial Merchant Service Guild the number of Chinese shipped at eiehteea
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  • 185 7 la a country within 4S hours' journey of London, and certainly nearer to England than a good deal of Europe, the inefficiency and barbarism of the East of a century ago a:e still m full swing. The Times'correspondent at Fez says So economical is
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  • 102 7 A circular has been issued to the shareholders of the Anglo- Malay Rubber Company, Limited, A number of shareholders have recently written to the beard, expressing a desire that this company should follow the ex ample set by several cf the leading rubber companies, and divide its capital
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  • 10 7 H. M. 8. Cadmus left for Hongkor g on Saturday.
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  • 605 7 Across the flats the bright sunshine threw its searchlight, exposing the stranded junk that sprawled a piteous sight m all its naked desolation. The planks that formed the deck had long since been torn with ruthless hands from its resistless sides, which gaped m seams and fissures,
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  • 409 7 The accounts for the year ended March M last show that the operations have resulted ia a profit of <£t\o7 I, as compared with a profit for the year ended March 31, 19(8, of t4,301. The reports of the estate MUMgtr, Mr. John Lamb, and the
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  • 925 8 A rikiaha coolie has vanished with $133 m copper. The sum was left ia his vehicle while a bill collector went into a house m Rochore Uoad. The collector employed four rikifehas and had m them about $1,000. The Perak Pioneer hears that Miss Daisy Legge,
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  • 202 8 A team of tbe S. C. C. played a P. W. D. team on the Esplanade on Siturday and administered a severe defeat to the roads works and buildings men." Scores. S. C. C. Hadden b Coelho 6 Greg son b Pearse 2 Bullraore b Scharenquivel 24 Fulcher b
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  • 106 8 An announcement is made by the F.M.S. Railway department, notifying another step m the utilisation of tbe railway from Singipore on to Penang, namely that from date goods traffic from Tink-rd Station to all stations on tbe line can now be accepted and dealt with. Until the wagon
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  • 366 8 Those who know what it is to wait at the post-office counter to get important letters registered just before closing time for the foregn mails will be interested to learn of an ingenious machine invented by a young Hungarian which does away with the need for securing
    P.M.G.  -  366 words
  • 152 8 A well-attended general meeting of the Setul Hydraulic Tin Mining Company, Ltd was held at Seremban on Wednesday, the 4th instant. The accounts for the year 1908 were passed, and a scheme was decided on by which it is hoped that the prospects of
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  • 1341 8 Singapore's Rival m the Far East. Ten years ago the very name cf Sabang 'was unknown. To-day it is as familiar to the mariner as that of its formidable rival for coaling honours, Singapore. On the extreme north east point of the Dutch Sumatra Islands, and
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  • 366 8 Mr J. M. Be<k Arrives m Paris Mr James M. Beck, chairman of the Subcommittee on Aeronautics for the FultouHudson centenary, has arrived m Paris to work m connection with Mr Cortlandt F. Bishop ia doing all they can to interest European avutor6
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  • 298 8 The Sungei Kari (Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Limited, has been formed (inter alia) to acquire, as from July Ist, 1909, the Sungei Kari Estate, situated m the Serdang district of Sumatra, having an area of 1,750 acres, of which 775 are planted with rubl>er and 180 with
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  • 25 8 m Mr Allen, Chief Clerk of the Treasury. Telok Anson, has been arrested on a charge fo breach of trust m respect of 1 15%>.
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  • 957 9 loyounger days one would have introduced the matter somewhat m the manner of a Shakesperean quotation, let us say like ♦•Now i 9 the winter of our discontent m-ide glorious etc and so forth Being now older, not therefore be it remarkel wiser but more disillusioned one
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  • 973 9  -  A ship sailed out of port last night, I watched her sailing down. And every peering point of light Seemed as an eager eye to sight The lights of Sydney town. For Sydney ways are gay with song And places of delight There goes no merry laughing throng Nor
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  • 1056 9 It was Sir Charles Dilke who first designated the "wool kings" of Australia Squatter-aristocrats." Of course the word squatter has been m existence ever since Capt. Cook discovered the continent, but the hyphened name first appeared m Dilke's 44 Greater Britain." I am going to deal with the M
    H.M.M.  -  1,056 words
  • 1088 9 Tt is odious to be without money. To get on without it is like travelling m a foreign country without a passport, one is stopped, hampered, suspected, and made ridiculous at every turn. The want of money here alluded to is not altogether that which arises from the
    O.M.K.  -  1,088 words

  • 30 10 Ladies Medal. Ail the other cards t:ikca out were not returned. > < Mrs K>wUnd Allen. 54 4 50 Mrs Bowes. ?>t* 3 r >'> Mrs Gieen. 59 4 r >">
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  • 121 10 The replayed tie between Straits Union and Rocbore Police m the Junior Malay Cup competition was brought off on Saturday evening, before a fair attendance. Bjth clubs were well represented. In their two previous meetings there was no score. The first half ended uneventfully, play being of a give
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  • 170 10 The log of the cruiser Hermione,'* which was paid off lately records that she has steamed 51,000 miles during the two years' commission on the Cape Station. This distance takes no account of the mileage m connection with battle practice exercises, &c, so that it will be
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  • 83 10 Many friends m Singapore and Penan g will be sorry to hear of the painfully sudden death of Miss Hill, who was staying here and m Penang with her sister, Mrs. W. A. White, not long ago. Miss Hill came on a tour round the world, stopping with one sister
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  • 318 10 Straits Settlements Rukkek Co. Commenting on the report of the above the Pali Mall G.izette says lt is surely a little iidiculou3 when we ti id that it takes directors' fees of £1,500 to earn a matter of il«>,'(o gross, and only t*?,^3_ net. It is worse than
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  • 1030 10 Unearned Increment." If the dear departed could come back within a reasonable time and indicate where and what their bank balances at death were, many debts would be satisfied and some heirs made happy. Mr Horatio Bottomley none should know better the value of an unhonoured cheque introduced
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  • 264 10 The S. It. E. (Y.) held their usual monthly handicap shoot at Billestier last Saturday. Unfortunately slight showers and a rising wind caused some embarrassment to the marksmen. The result was as follows 200 SCO 60 Total. Sapr. J. Macmullen 30 28 27 17
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  • 84 10 The Monthly Handicap of the Association took place at B^liestier on Sunday. A large number of members competed, but a troublesome wiud at 600 yards >p^ilt some promising scores. The lesult was as follows: "A" Class. 2 0 300 600 Total Corpl. U. W. Chater SI :J5
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  • 200 10 The competition far the August Mtdal was played for on Sitimliy and Sunday. the winner being: Mr. Gh Drummond. who returned a nett lean of 69. The following cirds w^realso returned: FT. B. Btlmood 72 W. N. Mutertoo 71 P. Townley 7t A Smith 7~» W .1
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  • 108 10 The following is the result of the play for the August medal of the above club. A general meeting of the Garrison Golf Club will be held on Thursday 19th at 6 30 pm. m the Club House, for the purpose of voting money for the additions
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  • 145 10 Five tigers were brought into Pekan dur iog the fortnight ending the 7th mst The Sultan of Kedah has expressed a de sire that Kedah should have stamps of her own and not use those of the F. M. S. The output from Mr. Duncan's mines
    Malay Mail  -  145 words
  • 525 10 Balfast has been celebrating the anniv* saiv of the battle of Aughrim (a n. 169] with a riot m which many persons were injured and fifteen were arrested. This year has seen many diverse forms of military jubilation but Belfast alone has had thnappy idea of commemorating a battle by
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  • 188 10 The article that appeared on Monday II this journal on S&bang as a rival m the ecu trade of Singapore, was read by tkt Shipping community with interest, aud lei to a discussion on the German steam* -r Korat, just arrived from Dutch S. E. Barre as to whether Singapore
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  • 1553 11 The annual general meeting of the above club was held yesterday m the club, Capt. Sir Arthur Young presiding, supported by the following members of committee, Messrs Cactrell. Perkins, McKenz.e, Mayson, Lt. Clarke, R. L. D unman and about fifty members. The notice calling the meeting and
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  • 202 11 The report to be submitted to the meeting m Hongkong on Aug 21, states that the net profits for the period ending 30th June 1909, including $'2,006,234 08 balance brought forward from last account, after paying all charges, deducting interest paid and due, and making
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  • 116 11 Mr. William Gow (64), of 13, Rood-lane, E.C., managing director of Messrs. Gow, Wilson, and Stanton, Limited, tea brokers, and a director of the Caledonian Ceylon Tea Estates, Limited, and the Malay Peninsula Johore Rubber Concessions, Limited, left personalty value <£16,598. Mr. Berkeley, D. O. of Upper Perak, writes Since
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  • 1671 11 BRITISH RULER IN JAVA. A Dutch View. (Special for the S. F. Press.) If we had to believe all that is reported by the widow of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles m her Memoir of the life and public services etc." about her husband, he would appear to us a
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  • 44 11 The Ladies monthly medal for August was played for on Monday, August Bth, and the following scores were returned. Mrs A. Pearce 49 8 41 Miss Worters 51 3 48 Mrs Hartnell 53 5 48 Miss Gentle 71 10 61
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  • 121 11 A. J. M. Allen, financial clerk, sub-trea-sury, Lower Perak, has been arrested, and is m custody now, on a charge of criminal breach of trust as a public servant m respect of a sum of $155. The hearing of the cisc was remanded by Mr.
    T.O.M.  -  121 words

  • 824 12 The day is too bad for a country excursion, so to put m time I wander down to my favourite spot, the wharves. The people of this city swell with pride when they speak of their wharves and of the amount of tonnage which comes into their
    Free Lance  -  824 words
  • 290 12 "Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer's game, and the philosopher's game which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds and hurts nobody m the mean season. All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free Press." Original problems,
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  • 131 12 The report for presentation to the Shareholders at the thirteenth ordinary annual meeting, to be held on the 23rd icst., is as follows The General Managers have now the pleasure to lay befoie the shareholders the accompanying statement of accounts for the year ended olst
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  • 93 12 Raub G. M. The following is the result of crushing operations at li-iub for the four weeks ended 14th instant Bukit Koman Stone crushed 3374 tors. Gold obtained 957 ounces. Average per ton 5 dwts 1G grains. Bu kit Malacca Stone crushed 1779 tons. Gold obtained 78 ounces.
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  • 106 12 ■> < Mr. H. N Ridley, who was on his way to the Agri-Hot ticuitural Show m Pen aug. fell ill on the journey and has been admitted into the European Hospital here, says the Perak Pioneer. We understand that Mr. J. W. Scott, Private Secretary to Mr. Justice Braddell,'
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  • 509 12 Street Fights. Street fights appear to be getting more frequent m Singapore judging by the delinquents at the police courts. Tan See Keng and Tet Licg Sim were before the Third Magistrate yesterday and fined 51. 50 each for fighting m Tank Road. Teng Kwan and OwPo were
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  • 291 12 Those who wish to familiarise themselves with the story of the modern liner may learn much from the study of a dainty volume, entitled The Progress of German Shipbuilding," just issued by the NorddeutscherLloyd Company. The book, which is rich m photographic reproductions and coloured plates,
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  • 39 12 The appointment of Mr P. J. Sproule to act as Judicial Commissioner, F.M.S is thought to be the prelude to Mr Innes coming to Singapore to act as Attorney General when the Hon'ble W. J. Xapier leaves the service.
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  • 512 12 Sensational Developments Anticipate!, The first arrest m connection with the at tempt at smuggling opium into Manila Wa made when Louis T. Grant, a well known merchant and planter, was taken m custody on charges of violating the opium law. report the Manila Times of 31st ult
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  • 452 12 A small boy enjoying a holiday from th noises atd stale air of Lordon found tb< joys of the country not all that they ar«* painted." In the innocence of her heart his well meaning hostess gave him a new-iaii egg as a special treat for his breakfast He tried
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  • 323 13 Mr H. V. W. Vade of Singapore, who was lately on a visit to Ipoh, has presented the local Golf Club with a silver cup for competition under handicap and the competition .vill probably start on 28 th inst. The stiff breeze that was blowing yester.l
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  • 273 13 Manager's Rkvorts for July. Block 11 Sungei Gamkang. The tribaters working the valley near the Southern boundary still continue on payable Karang, though not so good as the previous month. Four contracting gangs have been working the western bank near the centre of the lease
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  • 60 13 No. 1 Hill. This party having struck a narrow lead of fair karanj* has had an improved output. No. 2 Hill. Tiiis party are still working ground of the same quality as previous month. The total output is as follows No. 1 Hill HA bags ti.i.oo pik. No. 2
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  • 143 13 Tailings. The Inspector of Mines is bere boring the Sully, he got one hole down yesterday but got nothing. When this boring is finished I *m sure we ruusn't have any more trouble about this as the department will give us their authority to dump oar tailings on
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  • 1313 13 Though one is quite prepared to admit the possible danger pointed out by Mr. Scoular at the S. C. C. meeting m regard to the proposed new committee election rule, a danger indicated m this column last week, we are inclined to agree that the rule as it
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  • 239 13 Tiie following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and (Jo's Saleroom yesterday afternoon. No. 352 Victoria Street, 1907 feet, Statutory Grant, quit rent $2, monthly rent §30. Said bin Salmi Bidjabir $3,200. No. 353 Victoria Street, 1,921 feet, Statutory Grant, quit rent *2, monthly rent
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  • 306 13 Hitherto we have been wont to look upon Mr Clayton rather as a little leaven of intelligence m that lump of mediocrity, the Penang Municipality. But if he is going to make it his business m future to uphold the banner of red tape, as he did yesterday
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  • 38 13 Dr Lindahl, of Copenhagen, says that tears are antisepetic, and kill certain bacilli. There is no limit to the wonders of science. Here is a substitute for Marienbad or Vichy brought to one's very door, so to speak.
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  • 678 13 Free Fight. Some forty or fifty persons eD joying* set-to between two Cinghalese might have been seen yesterday m Bugis Street. Both of the combatants had been up before Mr Green previously, No 1 for disorderly conduct and No 2 for stealing a watch and $26. On that
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  • 36 13 Messrs McAlister Co., the h>c*l agents advise us that they have received telegraphic advice from the Manager at the Estate informing them that the estimated crop of dry rubber for July is HOO lbs.
    36 words
  • 42 13 Tee following shows the output of tin from the Menglembu Lode Syndicate's mine for the first seven months of this year January 97 pikula February 142 March 172 April 205 May 183 Jane 341 July 354 Tofcd 1,414
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  • 40 13 A tiger has been seen prowling about near the twelfth mile stone, Bukit Timah Road. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood declare the animal to be an old identity who likes easy meals," such as goats and calves etc.
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  • 1249 14 WHAT THE HOME IS TO BE. A Handsome Structure. On Friday, the 27th instant, H. E. The Governor will lay the corner stone of what it expected to be one of the handsomest of Singapore's new buildings. We refer to the headquarters of the Young Men's
    1,249 words
  • 247 14 Tennis Tournament Em»s. The members of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club were "at home" to their friends last evening when the final match for the tennis championship of the Club was played. Mr Song Ong Siang was the runuer-up, but it was not thought that he
    247 words
  • 188 14 rso cne seems aunou.s to buy up damagfd ships just now. and though there was a good attendance at Powell aud Company's auction rooms yesterday, no one cirae forward with any offer for the Tancarville. This is the hulk of an oilship which was burned out some
    188 words
  • 136 14 The following is the result of ballot for Election Committee. Benjafield, RJ. Broadrick, Col E. G. Carver, C.I Dunraan, \l L. Dunman, W Hdlin, E. F. H. Fort, Hon. Hugh Gahapan, A. V. Mayson, W. J. Perkins, D. Y. Robertson, J. Saunders, J. D. Scouiar, X After
    136 words
  • 919 14 General Manager's Report for 4 Weeks Ending July 17. The mine measurements and assay returns of prospecting work show a total of 1015 ft. for the period (4 weeks) under review, made up of 86 ft. sinking, 222 ft. driving, 565 ft. crosscutting, and
    919 words
  • 166 14 The Captain's Prize proved a very ponulur one and the competition for it has been going on for a month, a four-card compet, tion with handicap. Three tied for ti™ place, the scoring being. W. J. Trowell 36 37 37 37 U p..
    166 words
  • 52 14 The August competition for Ladies" Souvenir spoons was played over the short course on Monday. Aug l»;th, an«l results] m a win for Mrs Carver who rtturiu nett ssore of 42. The following cards were returned. Mrs Carver 47 .*> 4j Mrs Fowlie 4*> 2 4:: Mrs
    52 words
  • 57 14 January to July. 1909. Total. Duty. Pikuls. c Perak 254,402.72 2,18*.41i«.MSelangor 148.1C5.0s 1.27-V279.1W N. Sembilan 27,790.r,7 *****.72 1908. Total. Duty. Pikuls. Perak 269,526,99 2.309,025.7;' SelaDgor 161,549.70 1.379,11 N. Sembilan 39,817.11 837.021.11 Pahang 20,398.34 119.59:*!. Tin Duty. Decrease. I >ecrea>< PikuLs. c. Perak 15,114.24 120,6 c Selanj»or 13.381.
    57 words
  • 379 14 The new Philippine Tariff Bill, now m conference with a number of minor amendments made by the Senate, will be disposed of Ijefor* Congress rises. It was fiamed by a Board of the Philippine Government oHicials m Manila after long investigations and hearings under the president, Colonel
    379 words
  • 126 14 Madame Monti Hildini, the Italian prt« donna, so well-known m Europe audAmt is pissing through Singapore on a httM tour, prior to her season m <>rera it Imperial Theatre, Varsovie. Visits artists of the first are not too fi> pNBV here, and it is hoped that Madam* B^idit will
    126 words

  • 2448 15 (By Submarine Telegraph.) (R~t'ter'.< Agency.) Rec Aug. 12, U. 40 a.m. A: Constantinople the Council of Miniscr* met to discuss the Greek note. Hilmi Pd9ha being afterwaids interviewed. said that the reply of Greece was m some rr^pects satisfactory, but it was inc3mplete pd wanted strengthening. Turkey had no
    2,448 words
  • 59 15 {From our turn Correspondent^ Fencing, Aug 12. Yesterday afternoon at half past five o'clock Miss Anderson distributed the prizas won at the A^ri- Horticultural Show. The Planters' Cup for the best sample of sheet, crepe, block, biscuit, and scrap was won by L madron. His Excellency
    59 words
  • 42 15 Kuala Lumpur. Towkay Yap Hon Chin, who was arrested m connection with the recent secret society affray at the Pudu temple, has been released on his own bond for a sum of $10,000. There are also two sureties.
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  • 17 15 The Sereudah Hydraulic Mining Company's July output amounted to 014 piculs of dry dressed ore. > <
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  • 29 15 Kuala Lumpor, Aug. 14 f h. The Malay Mail learns that Mr Thomson, formerly assistant adviser m X elan tan, is going to Perlis as Resident.
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  • 52 15 Penang, Aug. 14th. Mr. C. J. J. Roberts, late of the Standard Oil Co., Bangkok, whose extradition was not granted from Penang, and who went on to Colombo, where he was rearrested and remanded to the 13th, is held on the same warrant that was juigel illegal
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  • 37 15 Ipoh, Aug. ltith. The famou9 Menglembu lode case which has dragged its weary length through the law courts m many twists and contortions, has now been settled, the casa having been dismissed with costs.
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  • 27 15 Penang, Aug. lt>. Mr, P. J. Sproule Las been posted as Acting Judiciil CointnissioLer, Federated Malay States, and will go to Kuala Lumpur. > <
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  • 32 15 Ipoh, Aug ltith. This morning Mr Frank Harrison was charged with mining on land for which he had only obtained a prospecting license. The charge practically aimuats to illegal mining.
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  • 38 15 Kaliu Lumpur Aug 17. The consecration of the new 15 1 shop of Singapore takes place at St Paul's Cathedral on Tuesday next, and his enthronement m Singapore will probably take placa on November *2 r >.
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  • 46 15 One Shot Down. {f~n>s/; our *WH Corr\s/)o/u/e*ic.} Ipoh Aug 18. A party of detectives had an encounter with armed highwaymen at Kampar on Monday afternoon. The robbers were caught m the act of robbing two miners. c >iie robbe*- was shot down and captured.
    46 words
  • 158 15 Aug. 18 Tk* $6845 Gmmbier wm mm mm buyers 11.124 Gambier Oube No. 1 M 14.124 Gambier Oube No. 2 m 12.0# Pepper Black (ord'u. S'pcrt) 1 2. 00 Pepper, White (fair bujers 18.25 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.)~ 16.00 Nutmegs (80 to the ib.) M M 22.00 Mace
    158 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 40 15 PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS. Always m stock Cameras, Plates, Papers Films and every kind of Photographic mate rials. Developing and Printing executed m good style and with despatch. Price list free. KONG HING CHIONG Co., 104, North Bridge Road Jan 5 6.1
      40 words

  • 864 16 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Cap. Iss*i!. Paid. LastDiv. Bcykrs r»,, 150,000 I I Anglo Malar I2*lnt Ho &EIL1 M 30,000 1 1 Batu Cares* lo I 2« 80,000 1 1 Batu Ti*a (Selangor) 5 117 100,000 H I. BukitKajang I 1 n Contributory 17 ti I H 30.000 L BukitLintang
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 665 16 CLEARANCES. Ang 12. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit. str. f Cox, for Telupi n via ports. Benin, Brit, str., Cole, for Haiphong and Saigon. Benoa, Dut. str., Schlette, for P. Berandan. Solva, Nor. str., Tellefsen, for Bangkok. C. Ferd. Laeisz, Ger. str., Wagner, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Singapore, Brit, str.,
      665 words
    • 782 16 Ang 13. Trigonia, Dnt. str., Hulsener, for Pladjoe. Bull mouth, Biit. str., Powell, for Palembang. Ban Tong Seng, Brit, str., Angus, for Palembang. Brouwer, Dut. str., Resner, for Moeara Saba. Japara, Dut. str., Karssies, f6r Muntok and Palembang. Reichenbach, Ger. str., Peters, for Hamburg via ports. Resident Schiff, Dut. str.,
      782 words