The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 19 September 1907

Total Pages: 16
161 176 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 308 161 A Lab< ur L+'it<l»r on th*« <iloU*-Tr«-t n;i Socialist S<juabhle.s at Stutt art 162 Koad-ide Kubl»t>r-Plantin^ H',2 IVath Kat* s» in Singapore and the Transvaal ji2 China's Industrial Future i&j I .at- uv Members and Swigs Man<» uvrea 163 Vmrantint- and F. M. S. Lalxnir 163 K»*ir Hurdie on
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 55 161 Harrison.-On August 18 at Harestone, Red lands-road, Reading, the wife of Captain A. P. B. Harrison, late Rifle Brigade, of a son. On September 4, 1907, at Shanghai, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Large, a son. Asimont.— On September 12th, at 116 Emerald Hill, the wife of W. F.
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    • 70 161 On September 3, 1907, at Alameda, California, Frideric Ogden of Ogden Bros., Shanghai. On September 4, 1907, at Hankow, W. J. Wiglesworth, Chartered B&nk of India, Australia and China, aged 26 years. On September 5, 1907, at Shanghai, John Alexander Stewart, aged 67 years. Elphick On the 13th inst
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  • 1520 161 *h v th- P^se tfic Peopi-'< ri rh» maintain l'm«H ?>>• ii.ftirrc" ri'.-l MJhtHwd W eain; H*re ixit'-iot Tnith iier e'o-ion-i precepts draw. PleHijed to Religion, Loyalty and |<MT« Sept. 13. It is proper that some notice should be taken of the transient
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  • Page 161 Advertisements
    • 276 161 Mtaritan tl> r^ e "Singapore Free Press" ■Mkly returning from Europe to the Straits hy any of the mail hues, ire invited to send t<» |j hhm the «>t theii steamer and date of arrival in Singapore. Copies will then be mailed t«» meet th»m at various poits of
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    • 69 161 HANDBOOK TO SINGAPORE By The Rev. G. M. Reith, m.a. Second Edition. Revised by Walter Makepeace. Publishers FRA3ER NEAVE, Limited. Price §1.50 per copy. I WANT WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT IS THE NEW POPULAR REFRAIN. -THIS ONS IS JUST AS GOOD" IS AN OLD, OLD ONB. WHEN
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  • Page 161 Miscellaneous
    • 234 161 THE WEEK. The last mail from home arrived by the P. <& O. mail Ocean a on Friday bringing dates up to August 24. The N D.L. P. E. Friedrich took a homeward mail on Monday and this weekly goes by the B I. Tara to-day. The September Assizes concluded
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  • 1001 162 Sept. 14. TodTQ has beeu, towards the eud of last uiouth, an Internationalist Socialist Congress at Stuttgart, whose proceedings, as brit H y reported by telegram, seem to have beeu not quite of the harmonious and brotherly older that the ostensible principles of Socialism would seem
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  • 450 162 Roadside Rubber -Planting. A friend makes a suggestion which has a distinct utilitariau value, if it may ha found to be in harmony with the aesthetic principles that animate our Civic aediles in the matter of the arboreal adornment of the highwaji of Singapore. On reflection we do not know
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  • 918 162 Sept. 16. Death rate statistics must always have a vital interest for those whose duty it is to look after municipal hygiene. And it is here that comparisons, always allowing for the influence of favourable or unfavourable local conditions, have a fascination for the
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  • 732 162 We do not remember ever to have seeu the great question of the industrial future of China so powerfully depicted as our readers will find it in this issue, from the pen of Asiaticus," in an article quoted from the Pall Mall Gazette. Those innocent persons that
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  • 1634 163 Sept. 17. Thai telegrain that was published at the ol m of last week referring to the visit of a British Committee of Enquiry into the military system of Switzdrland, may contain hi more in it of the potential making of the future historv <.>f
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  • 245 163 A Hongkong paper has printed some of what purport to bo Mr Kkir Hardie's opinions. Mast of them necessarily are not worth the paper they are printed on. But in one paragraph the Labour leader evidently begins to get an inkliug of what Chinese competition
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  • 1078 163 Sept. 18. From the telegrams published yesterday aiid to-day it trill be seen that cue of the possibilities of the greit Kiilway Labour dispute that has boen simmeiiug for many months piit, may ba a combined strike involving the majority of the railway companies in England. ludeed
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  • 488 164 A legal friend here wh > is in occasioLal communication with Sir Win field Bonser, who was for many years Attorney-General of the Colony, afterwards our Chief Justice, subsequently Chief Justice of Ceylon, and now a member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council,
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  • 1522 164 Sept. IU It must be a satisfaction to tho members of the British Cot ton- growing Association to see that the cotton crop of Egypt has this season reached record dimensions. This is not of course to shv that Kjjvpt is within the Empire, but at least
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  • 401 164 The celebrations in honour of the Sultan of Johore'B birthday were marked by the official banquet given by His Highness in the Ist ana on Tuesday when His Excellency the Governor and Miss Anderson and a numerous company attended. The guests included besides H. E. and Miss
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  • 32 164 The irarriage of Mr. Sjug On^ Siaug and Miss Yeo Hee Neo will take place at the Presbyterian Church on Sept 2*, at 4 pin. The reception will be it Hollan^ia, Llcvd-rd.
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  • 771 164 To morrow 550 odd yean* ago there w a «j fought at Poitiers one of the moat fdinofls fights agains* odds recorded in British history. This was the occasion as every school. boy knowe, or should know, when the Black Prince defeated a French army nearly
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  • 877 165 Tbe output from Pu9ing Lima mine for the moDth of August last was J**2ti piculs of •n ore of an approximate value of *47,000. Tue Times of Malaya hears on good »r:tv that Mr. K. H BraU has resigned .►position of OSi-Vtl Handicapper to the -♦r^.^
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  • 438 165 AN ERROR OF JUDGMENT. Verdict of Accidental Death. The inquest on the death of Mr, William Glove-, who was killed at tbe Town Hall last Saturday, was concluded yesterday afternoon by Mr. Hooper, the acting Coroner. Mr. R. Peirce, Municipal Engineer, said that about 11 30 on
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  • 227 165 On his way to India, Australasia, s.ud South Africa, the well-known Labour leader Mr. Keir Hardie, arrived in Siugipore yesterday morning. He came on by the P A O. mail itoaaaef Marmcra, from China. In Hongkong: and Canton he was very busy "sight seeing,* 1 bnd on
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  • 96 165 Special Envoy to Peking. Tokyo, September 51 h. In onsfuiienee ol the strained lelitiocs between emd China, in connection with Yariom ■Cgotiatiom rtspdctiDpr Manchuria, a Rood doaJ of tpecalaiioo has been eviueni oonceniiag the rfcent meeting of Viscount Ito and Const Okuma. It if Dovr reported
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  • 134 165 The Syliabufl of the Hongkong College of Medicine foi tie i onion eommeociog on September 16, hai been issued. Lectures on A cat >my. Chemistry. Medical Jurisprudence Tutorial Osteology, Midwifery, QjBttOolog?, Practical Chemistry, Surgery, Biology, PatLoloqr, Bacteriology, Physiology, Practice of Medicine, Materia Medic*, Tutorial Midwifery and
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  • 320 165 An interesting series of seven Chinese images has just been presented to the Museum by a former Library Clerk, Mr. Kong Tian Cheng, who at present is travell- iLg in China. They represent (1) Lao tzu, the founder of the Philosophy known as Taoism, who lived in the
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  • 200 165 15 u rglar's Endeavours to Escape. At *2 a.m. on the 6th inst. a young Malay police constable was on duty in Arab Street when he discovered a ladder placed against a house in an adjoining lane. He watched quietly uutil a Lance- Corporal came along.
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  • 302 165 London, Aug. 28. In reply to a question put to him in the Lords by the Earl of Jersey, Lord Elgin gave information re the reorganisation of the Colonial >ftice on the lines agreed upon at the recent Premiers' Conference in London. Government proposed to divide
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  • 62 165 Tb© death rate foe the week ended Sept. 7tb for Singapore was 47 f«5 per mille, a CODffidwable reduction on pa*t week?. The total cumber of deathl vvas 244, of which 44 wore due to phtbitifl, 37 to malarial lever, 22 from beri-'beri and 22 from debility
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  • 428 165 Sandakan, August 30. News has reached here tbst the Exploration Company, operating hi Manidu Bay, have found traces of gold in an extensive area of black sand. Mr G. H., to whom the disooveiy is dr/e, states that prospects are very favourable, and if successfully proved, dredging
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  • 420 165 Fraser and Co. Cikculak. The activity of the Market has been well maintained and Mining shares have been the principal feature. Raubsruade a rapid advance on the Monthly Return of 1,04n o/s and large transactions took place, but they have eased back a little with a fair
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  • 88 165 An Empire special, dated London 3rd inst., says coal has advanced three shillings per ton and will probably advance higher. This sudden increase has caused a popular outcry both manufacturers and householders complaining bitterly of the hardship. Ironmasters are closing their furnaces and it is anticipated that some of the
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  • 820 166 Mr. T. C. Taylor, M.P., leaves B±tley for a tour round the world. When in China Mr. Taylor intends to make a study of the opium question, in which he is greatly interested. He will be accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Taylor. The Revd. Q, M.
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  • 983 166 Quicquid agutU homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal. It is hardly so much as a Topic of the Week, but the eminent enemy of his countrymen abroad amusing, isn't it r who goes by the name of Hardie, when he moves on to India, might look
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  • 769 166 HOGAN CO., LTD. IN LIQUIDATION. A meeting of the shareholders was held at Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's office yesterday afternoon. Mr St. V B Down was moved to the chair. Others present were Rev. N. Couvreur, J. McKenzie, W. Webster, W. Makepeace, W. Gutcher, A. E Mulholland, P. T. Evatt,
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  • 15 166 The output for the month of August is 127 Piculs.
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  • 14 166 The nest Tanglin Club At Home will take place on Friday the 27th intt.
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  • 528 166 ACCUSED AT THE lagtZß-S Sabapathy a Kiiu^ w^ charged w*k \b* murder of another Kling named Govindai on July the 4 h. Mr. P. J. Sproule to D. P. P. prosecute and Mr. A. C. Rudra defended. In opening the case the Deputy Pubh Prosecutor siid
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  • 191 166 On the 31st ultimo, 7<- report* i -h.r Full Court of Appeil orders the a-i. s ion of the appeal preferred 1 v ihtMCMlvicted of gambling in the ai» v« Clui) Yesterday afternoon Mr. Adau; 1 <>'i on behalf of the ippaUaati, (1 Hjng Hmg Mm
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  • 158 166 A Foreign Office report from B t'uat it has lately been discovered tt... State ie very rich in a rew and IMfe of Manihot rubber producing trve. a; peculiar to that locally Lnown M W Manicoba." The discovery, the report is a matter of u.'icli MptftattGt
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  • 27 166 Captain C. F. <i low, r.\., bftf ed from Hongkong to IStfc -D"' l tacbed to the[\rn:. >rdinance O" dutv from tha f fate n •>.h v«.
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  • 709 167 r>; Years' Service AM Nine Medals. jS^rgt.. Major Robert Elliott, of Octavk--trew, Hittersea, who claims the longest utmuous service of any man still serving •n the Army, has been the recipient of the Koyal Victorian Medal His service extends from Januarv, 1842. A letter written
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  • 197 167 uaese secret societies are gradually i-^.Lu' away iu the Federated Malay States, ind Ine old dangerous ones are already it act, writes an official from that part of orkL* Evening paper/ Sia is a Chinaman who flat a taste lot the Silent and Swift. ne tii.. lights of his
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  • 1398 167 CAPTURES AT SEA, AND A FAMOUS CRUISER. In connection with the Hague Conference, and the discussions there regarding the rights and responsibilities of neutrals. a home paper reminds us of the anniversiry of the beginning of the career of a famous Confederate cruiser for whose destruction of
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  • 102 167 Mr Hermann Miilinghaus is authorised 10 tile a specification of an invention for improved process in treating tin ores and t.n -lags. H E. the Governor has been pleased to ippoint Mr M. Rodesse, Sheriff and Daputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, to act temporarily as Official
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  • 234 167 Men and women who for years have earned a. living through their cleverness at figures are to be displaced by a machine. The inventor, Samuel F. Carlin, has, says a Chicago dispatch, produced what unprejudiced investigators have designated as a mechanical wonder, a machine that will add
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  • 148 167 A Mark of Inferiority At last the tables have be^n turned in favour of women with natural feet, and their sisters with the boiiad and deformed feet relegated to a back seat in the s o< ial world of China. The Thone has decided that all
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  • 453 167 Mr Linoelot E. Gaunt, of Messrs Allen and Gledhill, returned from bis recent visit to Australia by the Oc*ana on Friday afternoon. Mrs Gaunt will follow in about three months' time. On Sept. l9t, at the Shanghai Municipal Electricity Works was started on a trial what
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  • 455 167 British Noeth Borneo New Bondi. The British North Borneo Company (incorporated by Koyal character) announces an issue at par of ,£lOO, 000 Five per Cent. 1907 bonds, the proceeds of which will be (Jevoted to (1) the extension of the State Railway, .£20,000 (2) general purposes of tne
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  • 219 168 The quarterly returns of imports and exports tor the 3:raiu Settlements for the three months eided June 3(hh have now been issued, and the following 19 the summary, with comparisoas of the corresponding quarter of last year. Imports. 2nd Qr. 1906. 2nd Qr. 1907. Singapore $58,968,230 $61,902,304 0,879,627
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  • 379 168 l> TO- D ATI APPLIAVCI POB THI FlKi: Hi: MADE. -V new ::nd thoroughly modern tire escapo at rived for the Singapore Fire Brigade on Satmdiv Afternoon t>v the ss. Glenstme irom. London. Ic has been constructed to Mr IVit.'s •pacification by Messrs Merryweatber and Sous, Ibe
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  • 186 168 DARUL ADAB CUP TIB. Darul Adab'i ekreo met Central Police OB Saturday but ou the Reclamation ground in the above competition. Mr MicCabbin reforoccL The Police won the toss and chose the CUia] tide goai and the I.Untl A lab kicked off. Both diflftsj played well in the dribbling
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  • 322 168 The annual general meeting of the above Club was held last Friday night at the Club house. There were present all the officers of No. 2 Co. S. V. I. and the Adjutant, Capt. Colbeck. The chair was taken by Capt. Glennie. The working account and balance
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  • 179 168 Following on the week-end cimp of the S. V. A. gunners at P.isir Panjang, another successful c.imp was hold by the MtTJmi this week end. Learing Johnston's Pier on Saturday afternoon, launch was taken to Raffias Light, or Coney I=laud, where the detachment with two irons, under Capt.
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  • 149 168 Four Hylami were removing a cupboard in a handoart along Thompson Road on Friday afternoos, when tho door of the cupboard opened and n, hand stuck out. A Malay Baw this and hurried eff and informed the police. Inspector Hart followed the Chinamen and found a
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  • 112 168 About three o'clock on Sunday morning a fire broke out ia a Chinese Shop in Crawturd Stiver, Rochore, but was extinguished by the inmatci before any serious damage was done. A Chinaman was lyiue smoking in a bed in the upper sturev and accidentally dropped his
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  • 94 168 Much interest has been taken ia the Foursomes Prize presented by two members, eighteen holes, the combined handicaps of the pair? being not less than ten. The semifinal between Capt. Young and Haubury v. Sime and Pentreath has been a particularly close game, and after throe ties ended on
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  • 1213 168 MOORISH HEROISM. Red Kaid's Gallantrv. Despite a perfect ha*l of shot and shell from the troops and from the warships, the tribesmen rushed to the assault across a bulletswej t plain, charging with a heroism and disregard o: life that excited the keen admiration of the
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  • 582 168 Effect ci the K.v :<■•>- A recent issue of the NoftL Cbii published at Shan^h.^i <; ataiaa aa attic) dealing with the suppression of li deus. To ascertain. lar m possible. %%»,<* there were any grounds for the rumour;- tin foWbiirtjf of dtiaturbejM i::
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  • 8 168 J» <+» < y.e«,s:s Wee Fin* -te. 1 aers :a
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  • 696 169 h pa* i^ra wi< it'- .> u^a(l r k i n >.ci>» Mr a&d Jtiia AJ. K.&i and >I .Mrs LJrudcrer. Chief luspeclcr Williams of Malacca will ■swwawly be coining to Singapore as Chief Inspector, Inspector Evans, from Province Ifjkllij. w iH r»:!i»-v6 him at Malacca.
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  • 54 169 TLh result <A the seconl rouLd cl tfce 001l ..liship, played a! the On- D Golf C:ub L>nks. is u lollowt.— P«rnMo bi itt K-.vrftt, 5 up aad i lo puy. KhkwooJ bcal Finlav«or, 1 up. CaxopUt] btftl Mii!:ir. Bupu 1 6 to plat 1' Xcsl !tt
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  • 274 169 "Mtclaine" Las portrait of Capt »onajowski and his bride Misi lUatcher, aud u'lves I he t'oilo'-viusj account of the wedding A! St. Clement's Church, Worhvby, on August 1 111), the marriage touk place of C&ptain B. R K. Donajr.vski, A.P.I) late the King*! Own Regiment, with Miss
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  • 337 169 Col. Walker, CM G., is very anxious that Ja-Jica fa iu Singapore should enter f( r the competition! at Uie Ladies' ]l .sV.\ to ba held at Taipiug on Friday, 27th, and Stturdav26 h iss Theie will be quite a good gath^ri-i^, and Sji.i.i^jr is sending a
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  • 21 169 Tie appoiiiTL-ieDt of Mr F. A. anreaen m loipector of Bcbcola, Bekngor, bai teen c. cfirmed with effect tram Ma;. 30.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 284 169 to i .iK fi>: ion l>cdi —The following circumstaiico occuired at a league match pUved here en the 8:h iust :—between S. V. S* and T. H. O. K. Clubs. The ball was placed for a goal kick by one of the backs ot the S. V.
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  • 480 169 CANDIDATE VIEWS ON THEMSELVES. Tho tnrre'iii^ of the Peaang Chamb3r of Commerce cm Wednesday last to decide who should be recommended to Government as the representative of tLe senior settlement on Council, wiil we should think go down in local history as the mos; 1 uuiaa meeting
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  • 502 169 Alleged Mubdbb at Axsos Rjad The riling foodseUer, Sabapatby vis again in the dock at the resumption of the hearing yesterday by Mr Justice Fisher. Prisoner stands charged with murdering another Indian :i.;Lie.l G-jTindam in Anson Road on July 4:h. liy :s defends I byMrßudra. MrR. P. Sproule,
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  • 627 169 Activity kubbbu i ii*\>i;.India RuHir.i JoCBXALOf r J-:i-The holiday reason in London has been remarkable for the display of interest in cq,n nection with various rubber companies, and, to a certain extent, indicates that the poton tialities of the plantation industry are being more f'jlly recognised. The prices
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  • 163 169 Tl second annual m< tnderA S A. prill be held in [poh oo I I Siturdav November 29>h cd 3 t-v-L:.-, the ourae aci the ar. oents will 1 a sance I tlw exception of the Vetei > (150 ard«) v Z: I m ile, mi!e, 1
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  • 96 169 Shortly before d Mr Ptt b^pi-;iu' ud tof the Fu v> I a telephore mw-sage f roin 1 »rtCannic^ Offioarc Me&§ at BL aftg Mati wm dd fire. He turoet] out detacbuieni f <%. dcz^a meo, with >!' IVili D, officer, a I ook tbcusand ftal I
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  • 18 169 I kuti of wolfram were exported fr b Seian^i' <hr J August, an ;ncrtu^ <>' 1-* pi** Responding mosth
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  • 845 170 I have not looked him up in the text booki nor do I even know whether he possesses any classical name different from that of his civilised brother in the west, but of this I am 4. lite certain that if perhaps not as nobly
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  • 1364 170 Continuing my stories cf the other day, I may say that Burmans are great smokers and I once found a sentry sitting on a powder magazine smoking a cheroot, not the comparatively harmless article we know in the Str.iits as a Burmi" but one of Kipling's best Whacking
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  • 1147 170 We have all heard good stories of the Mata Mata, but as the following incidents all occurred within tny own experience, mv stories have at any rate the virtues of truth and novelty. I have known the Mata Mata in three lands Burma, Siam, and Malaya, and I
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  • 1119 170 Collectors and bargain huuters ail the world over delight in the function of which the title words of this article are the text. The desire of possession under competition of some coveted article to eurich or complete the collection is one of the keenest kuown to the
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  • 706 171 Ot Mm dav two hundred and ninetv-vight 111 a^o thero was born in tiie Cathedral j CitJ ol Lichfiell a man who ba3 been uilstaWa fjr another of similar name more i ftM i^rhaps than any other of England's fomooi men. Seven persons out of ten
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  • 1173 171 How a Vast Inih stry i^ Carried on. Just at the present moment we have in the Colony an up-to-date cinematograph which shows that the future of the ememato-raph dfordfl a fine field for speculation, for the progress of this invention, in itself one ot the l-iarvels
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  • 148 171 One of tha newly recruited special Chinese police constables Ti All Chow, was ar. raigned before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on an allegation of extortion. "Acting Inspector Treadgold conducted the prosecution. Chan Ah ToDJP, a pork-seller, said that on the Bth iust.'he
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  • 154 171 > < Mr C. E. W. Stringer, H. B M. Consul at Chien m:ti, his been appointed Cental to Mexico City. Mr Regiaald Tower, who was the first'British Minister Plenipotentiary to Siam, has been Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico since last year. Mr Th H Lv 1- has bpen appoiute.J Consul
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  • 938 171 From mail p-pnrs we tdk* *he follow!: j extracts dealiug v\ith matteis of i^ierest tm rubber planters and share holders A New Souece of Supply. A report upon the bulb rubber found in Portuguese West Africa was recently received in Lisbon from Professor Carlos Ceraldes, who has been
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  • 1354 172 WELLMAN EXPEDITION. Mr. Wellman's Camp, Shtzhergen, July 20. It has, so far. been an extraordinarily unfavourable July in Spltabergen. Bell Sound, head-quarters of the whalers, is full of ice, and even the whalers have hai to seek the other harbour, Sealing sloops putting in here to
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  • 545 172 Edgar Graham was arrested by Inspector Atkinson, Criminal Investigation Department. at Sanywe aud brought down to Rangoon on August *2Sih on charges of impersonating a British officer, having represented himself to be Laptsin T. D Jackson, King's Own Keg. aoi of cheating. At the Cautoninent police
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  • 168 172 > «e> < The Russian Government his consented to pay the sun of 250,000 roubles as indent* nitjf to the Uninese in VUdhostock who sustained damage duriug the Rus;so Japanese war owing u» the Russian outrages there. Great excitement was cancel at Swatov few daji ago by'the removal ol the
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  • 254 172 Peking, September 9. Hsiang Chi Hang, the Provincial Treasurer of the Minchi Provinces bap been ordered to submit himself for official investigation. This is due to representations being made to the Peking Government by the merchants of the Minchi Provinces. Owing to the resignation from the
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  • 200 172 Premier's Advice. Marquis Saionji, the Japanese Premier, lias issued instructions to the heeds of various Departments of the Government in regard to the intercourse with Russia. Japan and Russia, he points out, have been intimately associated for 50 years. Unfortunately the two countries were compelled to meet
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  • 163 172 A Malacci M:»liv BMMsd Imbi biu Hadji Ha mid was brought l.efore Mr Greer, the secoucl magistrate, yc sterday afternoon, for preliminary enquiry into three charges of housebreaking ana two of theft. The accused told the police he has spent twenty years in jail. Sergeant Little of Orchard
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  • 114 172 The annual conference of the High Commissioners under the Ministry of the Interior was opened in Bangkok. H. K. EL the Crown Prince attended the tiftin given by Jl. R. H. the Minister an the Ministry. .In addition to the High Commissioners the guests also included the
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  • 69 172 Adsktti Bein«> Transferred to Manila. Chefoo, Sept 8. Adsetts was transferred from his prison on shore to the United States cruiser Gal\es*on at 6 30 pm, yesterday, by force. The Galveston leaves Chefoo on Monday evening for Manila, where Adsetts is to be landed. Some days ago
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  • 461 172 LEWIS AND PEAT'S RUBBER REPORT. STRAITS AND MALAY August 2;jrd, 1%;. At Auction to-day the following Lots com prising about 8 Tons Ceylon and 86 Tons Straits, were offered and sold as follows Per lb. L.E. Muar 16 cases No. 1 block few dark streaks r, Bo ld i;, 18
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  • 219 172 Two American Congressmen, the Hon. J. McKinney and the Hod. J. M. Reynolds, are at prtsßnt in Hongkong Thev hav** just returned from a studyot political conditions iu the PhilippiLe Isl.iuis. The members <»f the Kuiia Luirpur Y. M. C. A. have iiivitsd the members of tiie Singapore Y. M.
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  • 572 173 ■f' -»r playing in a common gaming ho\me aix Kens had to pay each in the third court yesterday. Princaes Patricia, who has only recently returned from visiting Princess Henry of Kit ten berg at Osborne Cottage and the Duchess ot Albany at Claremont, is very
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  • 363 173 A -or respondent writes to the Lahore pa--Miss Harris, the missionary lady, .hose death in Lahore was sympathetically chronicled in the I't'ril and Military Gazeftt i frw dajs ago, was in some respects, a wenlarfvl MM, and unique character in the Punjab. That is why I think
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  • 1051 173 Ample notice is being given by the managers of the Ipoh" Athletic Meeting of the second annual competition which is to take place on November 29 and 30. The meeting last yeir showed a good balance in hand as far as our memory serves and produced racing as
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  • 629 173 AND A GIRL BENEFICIARY. Mr. Justice Fisher was engaged yesterday morning in the Supreme Court upon an action concerning a Chinese will and had the task of deciding to whom passed the valuable property of Chea Jim Heang, on the construction of the will of the testator,
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  • 123 173 As insMnciu,: the heavy charge which is inade locally tor electric power we may quote ft recent contract which the Penang Municipality has agreed to. The Pining Gazette applied for a special trade rat^ for its machinery and was granted a day load for tire
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  • 139 173 A quiiut objection to religious instruction for girls iii school is said to have been put forward in Akyab. Mr O. White, the Inspector of S .-hools, asked Biaung Po Saw, the Deputy laspec^or of Schools, according to an Akyab piper, his opinion as to imparting Buddhist religious instruction to
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  • Correspondence.
    • 193 173 To the Editor. Dear Sir, —Allow me through jour columns, to express my surprise and indignation at huge traction engines trailing their unwieldy loads beirg allowed to traverse our country roads at the hours between 4 and 6 pm. just at a time when people
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  • 516 173 THE CHETTY AND A NOTE. Alleged i^ of Forged Document. The Chief Justice Sir W. H. Hynduian Jones, yesterday resumed the hearing of the Assize cases. S. Sabapatby Chetty was arraigned on the charge of using on June SB as genuine a forged document, a promissory note for
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  • 142 173 Ualer the title 'The Making oi Harktu)9ii at Home and Abroad the issue to hand oi' "Black and Whit*' has a picture of "a Cadet Corpt in the Straits StjUJeineiitb,"' namely, the Malacca Cadet Corps, photographed on *he occasion of the opening of the miniature rifta range at Malaga. ArooLgst
    142 words

  • 1966 174 Flourishing Hydraulics. A recent visit to the property of the Biuseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Company furnished an opportunity for a better appreciation of the work this flourishing company is carrying on than any number of annual reports, and there are no doubt many who are willing
    1,966 words
  • 268 174 Thursday, Sept. 19, 1907. THE ASSIZES. Last Case Falls Thkou«;h. Irilappa and Verappa were before the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hynduian Jones, at the Assizes yesterday morning on the charge of havirg used as genuine on July 5 at Singapore a forged deposit receipt for 8250, stated to have
    268 words
  • 227 174 Cricket is flourishing in the Settlement and on Saturday last two good teams under the captainships of the Hon. H. W. Firmstone and Mr. Sydney Moorhouse respectively took the field. The latter team took first innings and compiled 120 of which Moorhouse himself put up 48 with Humphreys
    227 words
  • 140 174 A Cliiaruj.n vras arraigned before the B^nch Court, If asm Micheil and Gibson, yesterday afternoon, i>n au allegation of theft of jewellery valued at $1,732 lM from a house lit CfCtl Street. Djte^tive Inspector Stenhou«v. c-onlucted the prosecution, and the accused claimed to be tried. Yip
    140 words
  • 156 174 A Cantonese named Wong Ah .Si was again before Mr. Column, the third magistrate, yesteiday, tor committing a rash act by blasting rocks at Mouct Wall:ck in a manner likely to endanger life Itetective Inspector Fravne conducted the prosecution aud Mr. G. S. Carver defended ihe accused.
    156 words
  • 521 174 Gymkhana Collai-.-i;?,. Bombay, Sept. 4. A shocking accident happened in the 1; O|JJ bay Gymkhana tonight when part of the r<*y collapsed. Two members were temporarily buried and injured, one very seriously, whil! a large number of others escaped njiracul ously, some with slight injuries. For tli
    521 words
  • 344 174 HERO OF THE GEORGIA." All investigation has bt*en going oa to tind out the cause of the accidents in the turret of the battleship Oeorgim, Tin practice was being conducted on her eig inch guns, ar-.d by some means, not jet discovered, a gunpowder l;ig eaugt lire while it was
    344 words
  • 140 174 Shu la. Aug. An India Arni> Order *s about t<< b*- directing the immediate formation of tw >u;ttiv Mountain Batteries of six van* each 1 al service. These new batteri< s to l>< Bomw ed 'ilftt and 32nd, will be or. tiic HBC J as regards pay.
    140 words

  • 2855 175 By Submarine Telegraph.) (Rent* r*J Agency KecS-pt 12, 11.16 am. Kirl Carring'ou, the President of the IJjard of Agriculture, speaking at High \V\oouibe, said thtre were 10,000 fewer mk bred in Engltd this year than last. Asa re>ult howe T er, of a consultation l*-tweeu the War Office and
    2,855 words
  • 117 175 {From our 9UM Com spun doit.) Penang, Sept. 17th IHO7. Interviewed by the correspondent of tie Gazette at Penang, Mr. Keir Hardie said he was impressed by the system of control of Chinese labour in the Straits, but Le regretted the paucity of Malays. He predicted success for
    117 words
  • 62 175 (CoR*¥CTKn UP TO Sept 1* Bank 4 tn's 1/4J demand 2/4 Private credits 3 2'4 T V erodha 6 ni/s 2/4^'^ Franck, deinand Ban!:... 293 Gfrmant. dtuia&d IWJ rNDiA. T. T i"± Honokono, diMtad 4y dia Yokohama, <i?myco H^l Java. dmnin<i 14* BmrovoK, demann Sovereigns, Bank Buy ire $3./>0
    62 words
  • 130 175 S'ptembar IS. Tit Inyers B2 *5 Garabier m GamV.ier Cube No. 1 10.35 GarnbierCube No. 2 9.70 Pepper Black (ordJn. S'pore) 17.75 Pepper, White (fair L.W. 5 p.e., 2:\ 8" Nutmegs (110 tx> the !b.) 21.00" Nutmegs (80 to the IK; >„ 31.00 Mace (Banda) 64.00 Cloves (Amboina) Liberi&n
    130 words

  • 169 176 (Compiled for the Singapore Free Press.) Date of passing Anjer; Nationality and description of vessel; Captain's name. Where and when sailed Destination. Aug 28. Heliopolis, Brit. str. Martin; Hongkong, Aug 20 for Durban. Aug. 29. Clan Macfarlane, Brit. str.; Price; Kraksaan, Aug 28. Aug. 31. Westfalen, Ger.
    169 words
  • 582 176 MINES. Capital Capital Issoe Paid mm Intted paidapValat op Company WaoUtloa $300,000 300,000 10 10 Beiat Tin M. Co. Lt4 UH $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited MS $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseb Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 13 50 £400,000 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Development Co. Ltd 2.6)
    582 words
  • Page 176 Advertisements
    • 53 176 SPECIAL FEATURE A CHEAP ADVERTI^MSN "POPULAR WANTS." if you have a House to Let, Rooms to Let, Want a SituauoWant to Buy, Sell or Exchange Articles, Want Assistants, Bouse Rooms, try an Ad." in the Singapore Free Press," at the NEW CHEAP RATE SI for I, 2, or 3 Insertions
      53 words
  • Page 176 Miscellaneous
    • 643 176 CLEARANCES Sept 11. Oiisaa, Biit. str., Fysh, for Sonrabaya. Sept 12. Deucalion, Brit, str., Jackson, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Resident Schieff, Dnt. str., Unus, for Batu Pahat. Grotiui, Dot. str.. Ouwehand, for Batavia. Van Piemsdijk, Dut. str., Engelsman, for Batavia via ports. Malacca, Brit, str., Sanderson, for P. Swettenham
      643 words
    • 612 176 Dott, Nor. etr., Dannevig, for Bangkok. Heim, Nor. str., Eriksen, for Bangkok. Bangkok, Ger. str., Klimmet, for Bangkok. Tringganu, Ger. str., Reamer, for Labuan, Sandakan, Sulu, Zamboanga, Iloilo Cebu. Emilie, Dut. str., Snlong, for Rhio. Van der Capellen, Dut. str., Klasen, for Batavia. Brouwer, Dut. str., Bouman, for Djambie. Suevia,
      612 words
    • 506 176 VESSELS^ IN PORT. fflen-jr- W*r FUf and Tons Commanders Arrived K-om k^ *hX Wright Am. tra., 364 Hamilton May IT Ha* ila [Joe* Pharns Dut 183 Keiret Sept 17 Pontianak Bentfk* i* Ship Flur ft Toot Master Arrived from Consignee ffor Whcr Alala Brit 2041 Farmer Sept 4 Manila Borneo
      506 words