The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 May 1907

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 250 1 J ttl li: i Military (.-ottiibat'on. 1>73 1 a 27i ■p I.<nc :-7 1 r A !;f ii\e 74 i o If kVi xi 275 r I "Tho Mikado." 2,5 L'7."i i i a 275 :*7t; I Alr.ohol 277 v m ill Murlor 282 .'unicr 'hi I mftiL vjirC'iavi
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  • 113 1 May 1. *7. 6 60 wCUkMowl !0 37£ fi bi.rCutfjNo. 2 9 374 I '^dLi.S f pcre; 17 80 ftfptr, W kilt (Inr L.W. 5 p.c b^jy^ra 25.65 v Bc«(Uoto4h»Ac] 25 50 la tlo lb.» 41. Maoc (BarA norn nom hi (Mm 22.<0 t n p;.rl (fair qntlity' com
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  • Domestic Occurences.
    • 55 1 j At L*cr.ic Cottage, Jjennia Hill lr/»ud. on I the 2t>th instant, tho wife of A!?x<».rKler Ficroirg, of a daughter. tfVKRTrTw March 23, at fct. Jean de Luz, I the wife of J. McCarthy, F.IUi.S.. kite of Bangkok, son. At Amaranth. Cavanash-rd, on April 2Mb, the wile of Juhsi
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    • 82 1 On th j 1« th ultimo, at St. Ar.dr cw *a Church, WelU Street. W«et, by the Rev, H. A. Cumbeiiege. m Ox^n, assisted by tho Rev. E 11. G^mes. y.A.. Oxon, Sydney Gkrald Gomes, f r c s\, E^inbur^h (formerly ia the I Pcrak M^ka! Service), to Makian
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    • 74 1 I" Ot-oo *c be with Jogu.'.** (hi *k;1 KKh. at 4< Ncd-HuMfia" off Kamf*onpr Java-H, Kid»ra. aged i 2, v ;c youngest I cnild of Mr and Mr;. H. H. Leicester. j Funeral at 5 p.m. to-iiiv 5 J On the 27 ih April ISO 7, Wufred Joseph Lnui3
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  • 77 1 (CommseTas up to M*y 1.) B*ok4a^i 2/4 -J deiuapf: t 2/4^* Priv&tc credits m/-* 2/4J tf credits G m/f 2/4^i Peakcb, demand Bank.** 294 Germany, demand 239 India, T. T, 173-i Hongkong, demfjul t c 7*% die Yokohama, domanc. „c 115 Java, demand 141 nom. Bangkok, deniravl f-2£ I
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  • 876 1 The Aud it of the Military Contribution. April 6 I \YV hive alroa )v hinted the attention of the " m6mltera of L°gislati?e Council to the incut importaut poiat, there m lo v :c mom important, of watching over the expenditure of t l .e Colony en its Military Contribution.
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  • 1173 1 Apill 27. By tho latest advices from home ws fiud thie reference to the reduction of garrisons at various stations, including Singapore i— Speaking on the Army Estimates, m the House of Commons, Mr. Ashler wM they were asked to vote thie financial year 14 v OOO less
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 w .-^b. r t» th^ "Singapore Free Prcee -♦-W7 rot«rrdL.t; fr«.na Europe to th Str Hi ai«y cf the n&ll l.tsi, \ry invited to send to tho Matap^r tic crjr.o of tHeit «U-&inc-i azi«l date cf ar ival ia Corioe will then be ■d t-- m-^* tlirm at various p
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    • 110 1 j Linsum Estate Robber Seed Stumps The Manager is now prepared to book orders J for the following (a) Seed for the autumn crop from trees 25 ;9; 6 ycaro old. (Over 3,000 r OOO seed sold m 1^06.) (b) Stumpa from 10 to 18 monUio old packI ed m
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 245 1 THE WEEK Miilak tram home arrived by iho F. <tO D-vanha cv Pridav last with dates u^ t<^ April 7th. Tho ND L P. X Luitpoid took a bomoward aail on M-»uda.y and this woekly Roei by tho B I. Taroba tfr4my. j Training Cor the nux«3 has rjGeu continued
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  • 1120 2 April 29. Somi farther n Bactioa upon ii>o U»lo ram rrferring to the iaauo of the Straits taaa le*d« 'is to theoonelnaioo that there ifl an ambigc ij about it that wolly f/oiats to les3 fiiToarahle us being the trtiaone. Tho aotual wwpding of the vire cis
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  • 543 2 Apul 30. I There id tk farther tole^rana stood ihe iasuo of the Straits L-xms that do w not £ive much assiskmcx} tow&rdi .1 conception of whit hat> reaily eeonrraL That says > T*e underwriters took 44J p*r <v*t of the issue, and art well zatUfied
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  • 726 2 We n*> ptftiooltf frieaa to triads of Traded Uaiouo, out* r,pv?^#.j being tao utter dishonesty tht.t inv.>Uail of protectionist priaapiotj :< Jinvi 'leai-*9 the apphoation priu eipies to the imported p*O>to)Otl of Em khour, often IOJOJOtoii Be; 10 UO4 I all that, i» a uutter
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  • 395 3 if! obj *i caa hams teoc m the auadi uioa they UKlitQted a Urn F\ orid Ordir.;tr>»igu:nst r Jot-i L»' fpf selling; 1 bottle of P T purcfcaaiif *eat m t^ttiO of tail \rell-known I <"\z-r.d. He was told tdero v^as -m etock but a bot tie
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  • 1104 3 May 1. VVu^n tbe Mai] kft ft had Already beI !:::<r*n tLat. o^ricj; to eoo-o reproson- U lUI Ui b«tl made to Mrs. DOyly f Aiirn ti iho B*ivoy theatre, that tho GilM iad BdfifHl op*ra Thb MiiADO to Licit b L been !n active
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  • 948 3 May 2. We&k it is remembered the present U.oicui Premier xraa coco cao of H^r Bf.ijes'y'a Ministers daring the later jean of the* isle Qievn Victoria* rrig-ri, z.n& thereto Sir Hbfby Campbell-B^NiiEr.-man well tccuetomcd to participating, or pretending to participate, m tbo ntiul ioju! deacons trutionß connected
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  • 466 3 Or. DAweow Buiura osticaato :^o ooa sumption of alcohol m the United Kingdom during 1906 at 86,000,000 R&iiock', and the expenditure on aloofco! during tLo si,me yea,? o,t ,£3 16a. 3d. per Load of the popuU. tioa. In this etatement there mubt lie, id some obscure torn,
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  • 171 4 We thiai ire might with some little .id" rantagj K-Ji thii little iucideut recorded m th*» nail jv.p*»r, nhicfa w* p-ve heading! inJ ill. It id oertaialj iottrncuva, &a oocurriog m part «.'i wh it ii oommonlj accounted the moot i giotu section ol the United King--81 Ttrosh
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  • Correspondence.
    • 558 4 To :3t Edi ok. ttu, M. i\ 11m permittee! through jrour aohinuM 10 draw the ati Dtioa of yniir readers to the n<«.;r prvj. i. of M iy, ;iiid to i pu I.^1 hopn thut uo Liu 3 via.v be lost b> tb**Lf. m Making <luu arrangem«*ul
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  • 1020 4 It if some time since the Rister bohdayp, j. very deadly visitation to th» Tropics, were upon us Wh are indeed no? almost on the cv*» of Whitsuntide, which it HingapoTO is even of a more deadly dulnea* No Eoi^y tniina rushing into »o>y stat oos MW&llowiog up
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  • 1009 4 It w^.3 Mark T"ttm who hiadel <ij^a Cologne to a Jeligbte-3 and e?«>r wiiewiwf circle of readers as tho famous city of 6:sollfvil stinks. Odojrne is tbi:s f^mo'is for two thing*, itd throe mjtb'-ul Yin,:* 2nd Ifae genial Marlfi oeserip'-on of i T 2Stevc» having been a Cologc or^
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  • 590 4 \flwm pur *«4| c^nrf/im^i^j S| I^.tiio plasms Of.Tumuniiv I to rocei7tyi but Maty J the Government is the oj-,i:i I bmta planters, *ad m., t people i| that the u<)w ■aouoUtftOß, wiuch w«i- 1 ally NteblithM at Kiula I j mfej/aadei&tiraeettl 1 m the inoet hkely
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  • 181 4 > < Bj 'he'ai/ Ante \M BbrOiittM I^hvi! g for Li-b«>u 3 4 I* v r;. ft vd.Fither Car-i- i >* •ri :»mvh. Duriiijj fai* F.itln-r Cufine Alph "J-o fp.:: I »ki bis plu-o hs Vi'.^r G Pi>'tU^Ue?rO Missives v imtiK-diittH ii-d ill if peift-ct us poBfiil»!M -h«ir m;
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  • 363 5 >'-. n. I Hrltlsh v!;e- consul at \li w tiaassWreJ to Formosa j i [ttdun ilo.-r Xev.-;»" h responsible st the number of motor B 2 a Calcutta has u)vv reacbed B l ihe nutsbsr has alreadf •«>). wl ereas unf r*-:v ite M idr.i^ is
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  • 158 5 :r,,: dinner \>x the Singapore incaatriao nociitinsi was held m the $i»£ Hob last evening, when the fol- down table.— K. L. Leigh Care, i-'iit, F. ffifton, H«»n. Sec, F. C .P. II Hun listens. F, Niblock, T. O. C II Muss, A. J Bon, C. H.
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  • 47 5 aj: Bnuicft «»t' tho Association Df J Si iut i! m Inttmelor and W P«jrk au r<mifiT basomnplH•t ;r»s m First aid gwrtteMM rualilled tor c»»rti—Mfwn F X. I>hil. O. Trim John I H M*rtia, T-h Lo Ooek, A. E R G. Toug.
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  • 36 5 }nf rae«l that ItlegiMi bas been I from tkt Omwu Aleuts stating kMUlfor the general public ;-i »>a the evening of tho'Jtth instant v rnportant noticotoT>tnjon^ Pagarshare*"«i*rs .'i mictioa with this ;ippear9 on
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  • 885 5 TANJONG PAGAR WORKING, PROFITS OF TWO MILLIONS. l{o\V THE GOVERNMENT 18 ACTING. ExTEursrvi iamu>raiESTa fob. At the meeting of Legislative Council on Friday last there were laid oo the table three ol the ia »->t interesting docamenti as I'.tr .ts the resident* of the Colony ore con<»i:a»>], which have
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  • 1663 5 TKAI>iNOIX "BIRDSOF PARADISE." Lvtff;vilw \*itu a Xatcbalisi Mr. Walter (i ttjfeliow, the famous traveller, explorer and naturalist, has just returned to Singapore after a sojourn of twelve months m the wilds of New Guinea. To within a weel- or so, it is just a
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  • 214 5 Tub l'vi.yi and Slbdicated Wivk. Yesterday morning before Mr Michel S Bfc> J. Mcken/ie. manager of the Singapore Dispensary responded to A summons cbar^in^' I him with* storing dutiable bquors withoui j ,i licence from tho Farm and selling tbb same withoui: a licence. Mr P.
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  • 33 5 The friends of Mr. W. A. N. Battensjerg will l>e sorry to hear that he h*3 sulfem: a bireavemeut by the <lea*h of his father Th"» c id news was received by talograas*
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  • 590 6 DutOßl ani» D^schaßwC. Re O. P. Pera Mohammed, of Canp- *)11 Lane trader. Mr Parson*, appearing tor the petition::*;; creditor, a chetty, on a •udgment B^tQmor.s, eectnred and receiving •rder of adjudication. lio Chop Van Teck. Mr Elliot for Chop \\a.n Hon^ to whom debtors wer.- indebted
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  • 247 6 Mr W. H. Ilastings of Lahad Data writes to tLo British JS'orfh "Borneo Herald its follows Are the da ys of miracles over!- This is r he question thr.t ttverjho&y here m Luhad Data are asking themselves. A rum, well known here, who has for over
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  • 57 6 MORE HELP. A Ui.-: instalment of .£lO was remitted peataday to Misi Ir»-r:o Campbell, the unfortunate young lady who vas rendered homriaaa bj the Jamaica EartbqiMJce, AHwadv a*.-1; :t •••..<. lf 1 $10C.(»0« To-Oay'i contributions. Wad |5. Anotht-i o: C* frieuda s Qibaoa Flenißg (per Him <;iare
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  • 435 6 What Ks^Tfl Pi:feat tul Civj; A gc-od deal of interest was centred iv the match on the Esplanade last evening be- j tweon the SjC.C. and asakcted eleven of the West Konts, and a large crovrd saw tho soldiers deservedly the victor.-;. Prom thf kick off the West Eents,
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  • 546 6 I'lie China Mai' gives publioit} to :i *Ui:gestion for a Far Ka?t Club m London for men associated with the Far llast. We j bare our doubts whether the proposal will catch on general!? China hands, seem t<» favour the Thatched House. 1 Straits men gravitate,
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  • 611 6 mmmm mmm Hr H. N. Hid W, Director! of Gardens, lias been granted bum months leave. j It is understood that Inspector Dooley nf j the Marine Police, w%o has boon seriously ill m bospital, is to be invalided 1 home. The public will 1« sorry
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  • 50 6 i«Jilitioxi >« thstumt preriouelT .».c--ksowledged v haTe plennro m notiag f receipt r»f i'urther donations to-day. Pinerioush Acknowledged IISLO6 I To^daj's ftubf-criptxon. A. K." 14.00 Totnl 1196.06 A fir*< iu^raltiient <>!* xi" hai been remitted to Mi- Campbell, i^;» ye trust that tin* jum ill j:utde
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  • 89 6 I A very favourable report hai come to«l from Batavia by the engineer .ila^Tr^T.ud who i- m charge Samplei of the ecal hart bee*- 1 tested at :':<• K-aJ nia i«_- florin t imut inßataTia and the resuhi hare ceen t;e Mao as m London
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  • 430 6 A OCkl <"■•:;■ B announce that 1 ii^ I under Kule 14 oi a Rcneaule oi II id aoeordas Ritbcectioi) 1 i -i )oag i'a.Tx- Bocfc Grdmaa [j •d to appoint tbe folio* n~ 1 a lVnan,' r T\r I 1 Doak Boarjl I 1 Tl.o
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  • 221 6 Yesterday ptore Mr. oluifti i KHl^ KoTemj* CHKcer «v pbaiyJ a* received an illegal gratification a muimrtnerec! bimintlifl v given bin ie n ing-bowe rasaer kdA vAmrtitd I the MMJ &KMB tlw BMMapere I < w r doctic^ Mhote a!i«'i pi T O£Hcr:r to nteoi &OM
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  • 1248 7 v, \l aj'tnt )>jh\''n,s iSfitrl at farrago JUVENAL. It i- v 9,n*te ovidasrt that the trend of f a rs i Europe, indicated by the character IrjslrtiiH ia England, and events ert«aordutary strike iv Paris iast ward a social war, which, if it will l>e th-3
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  • 481 7 A Warning to SIHOAFOBE. The following note from the Englishman, mi^ht well b* taken to licart hore hy the Poßee seoiug that the use ot the rovolvor I has bean ue_ruu m the rooant murte oi* Sjed AloSffiftff It is unu3ual for natives to carry firearuis h«3ro
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  • 89 7 A .San Fkanciaco message to the Asahi -:tatcs that the Japanese labourer-» who are i proceeding to Hawaii for tho purpose of con- J tinuing from that point on to America, arc greatly distressed on account cf the new regulations. Japanese labourers, to the number of
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  • 928 7 1 London, sth April. Out of the paint pou I cry uuto you, Mr. Editor, f.»r Londan is having iti Spring j :leanicg airi the streats« or rather what our J American cousins call the sidewalks, are rendered almost impossible by reason of the quantities of ladders
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  • 56 7 3i> Herbert Wn-ui, i«tt^ Controller oi the Exptjrimrtut Stations, Ceylon Botanic Dep Jirtment, ha« retired from trovernraeut i ■frrioe, and will not be taking up bif appointment at the Pusi Inatit\:te, Bengal. lie ist.ikin^ up private work aad is retained as Economic Botanist and Consulting Chemist to certain London an
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  • 873 7 (For the Sin^ap^re Free I'ress. Much l:»th, 1907. It might ha.\<j been a !>omb from Mar.-, Mr Sydney Whitman's intoivie^v with tlu< Sultan ani its publication by the "Daily" It Li characteristie of the «ferTadii pre*s that anything t<> their «li«adrantapwhich is brought '-o light is
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  • 125 7 > The annual report of the Prisou.? for 1900 U utgned by J£r <r. 11a!!. Tie uvorag* Dumber m Singapore J73, Pemu^ 39.' ;irA Malacca 33. Tbare 3,«»80 a-lmis- si.^as into Singapore ]*r:<on of Aiiatict, ami the number of -utenee-i exc-'eiiiu^ out year was 144. But for tbe committals for
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  • 1878 8 RUSStk$ VIEWS. In a loading article entitled A I'uiare Threat" the Novoe Vremya deals itb the Chinese ■MBoevvrea which were held towards tho vvd ol last month ii* the ueigh l»ourhood of Cfaac£ te-in m 110 nan province. ft gives the opinion oi tho ftrarffinn ofiot
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  • 201 8 The estate which this company is formed j to aOQUIFG .;-> s.t;.iit« n t'i" jum-v O^'t^i of i'»o Island of Sumatra; 1: consists of 5,000 acres held nndei a native eoncessioii on an easy K-Lta".. Upwards of 72,500 trees hare been planted, ranging op to
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  • 1191 8 REMARKABLE DISCO VEEY ON ELEPHANTINE. A CEMETERY OF B ACRED KAMS M^r-rli SO. The L>Uinu oi Fkphlßtinn -6, us you aw probablj aware, a little to tie north of tie first ca'aractcf the Nile, ju:-tc»i pcsito ImooH Two parties of ex :^vators Lave been veiy busily ;it work oaths SOU
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  • 611 8 -v nirifiu I >j .m "t.». i hag litioctil r vii v. oftt acn franco Shmcifw I *atj political vi a sue t t. r :>. i -i: hiwi' m t c i .v i\ i (ration of t- b ri -i. -I ■•< at* m
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  • 1112 9 i»r t- time, J ii k Crimea v.,d show i i ac to iadnlge i. rhat do- ti-t "Soastio^i tUGriffin,* 1 Tin bjw is -t ;i to inga bjs (»f ia realli ixmf ol m >•. It mai appear oa the I, Ib'Jt if so it .u>--
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  • 1155 9 T:...-..- an article upon "Poultry for Prizes and Profit* 1 indeed, X much doubt if 1 cc ild distinguish between a White Leghorn and a Black Laagshan, bo thoee careful housewives and poultry fanciers tvho wish tc unprore the strain of the übiquitous ay m r :u
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  • 1765 9 II J itii. Kruit* after he I.v.v "r^fflftgftfi v alienate tho affection of the Chief Office] and am sorry to say that for the rest of the voyage he chummed up with the inhabit* ant Hot tho fo'ealeand even adopted some of their bad habits, j rein hia new
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  • 1101 10 I had btxin reading a home piper m my •>a chair on the verandah the other evening when a little paragraph on an aeroplane contemplated by the Maxim caught raj eye. Having always been deeplj interested iathe question of aerial navigation I laid down the paper and be^an
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  • 370 10 A Do<. Stobt. ..•.'ill .\[>lu. t;i the ilijjri>t nle's Court t-o-day before rA* V' Just lr f) Isaa^ on Manager of the Borneo Company's mine at Pantai, appeared m answer to a charge <>f criminal uiis-iippropri uiou of a do^-collar." Inspector Barb* prosecuted, and the Defendant, who
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  • 108 10 I be annudl general meeting of tbe Society took pkoe yestanty evening at 5.15 run at the i Victoria Memorial Hail, Mr w! G. St. Glair, President of the Society, m the V>* Will The Committee' s report and accounts were, ai^r J:sc^:od, duly accepted and passed.
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  • 82 10 The Japanese squadron about to fisit Portsmouth is expected to arrive about the end of May. It will consist of the new armoured cruiser, Tmfcuba, and tho protee'ed croiaer Chitoie. SpecUl interest attaches to the Tsukuba, as she is the fc»t large armoured ve^xd designed and built m Japan. ,^he
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  • 323 10 [Details or His Ksmv*tZoV. Some of the circumstances that cause! Sir j A. Swettonhai'i to tonga the Governorship of Jamaica *n made Dahlia for the first time to-day In aa article m the M Sundard." It will >>c raoMmbwed that 0:1- the American ■qoadroo boding Uue.ia.lets after
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  • 81 10 It will be .v.aieuibered tluiftome tuna m November iasf the bod? of a Chinaman wbo bad obviously been nturikraj was found m a lane near \ne Sinn- Hill. Tho unfortunate victim hid beon fearfully backed with a parang A man BMMd iloh Hock was Busp6cte«i
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  • 36 10 The Russian Department of Comrconi. cations has introduced a Bill m ♦boDooma to Department hw asked theDoan* to antborte the espendrture of 300,000 robleo for thepuT pose of esrveyiw! tho roote this year
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  • 397 10 Monday, April 29, 1907. By last letter, Mr H. Payne Galluev was at Monte Carlo at tlio be-jiniiiit.? of the All interested are requested to baas free Monday. May nth. for the Mbffieoe Centoearyat the Victoria MemoK.u' Hal; at Mr \V. A. Oueeadei:. I. 0. I*, imported the whole or
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  • 524 10 morning when a very i :trffe members turned on: to w» tH* C^? The OMm was idll m wan- < BiktatarriTiltdurio^the •t dMrtaut galloway iiarne<i m the app.rira.noe of the UtTer \wudi tbo owner Mid &.400 -j brown unvo, witL a «tron~ r V her QiWMilMl
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  • 293 10 On Siiuratj Aonm, it 9t km k Cathedral, there v,as otUnttl, n tfct prt suue^ of a Urge assembly of i'rioud*, m.-luo intj 11. E. the Qtmor,ttottiffMfMf -M C. G. Emer-on, of Singapore, with Miss C Louise Broekoian.>er of Mr E L. fir... man. Assistant
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  • 184 11 sjasae Fos *r.- Uoj, Neebit r.iid Oassittio'n i. for i t.. i^-.d Uok from i 1. 1 lVavf-u 17 Scoreai Gasx] b Baa 1 3 l II id 8 '1 Hfsssar b It-clu o \V. b Benv< C -o c li:.ii ..1; <> i 5J p. a 1 <
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  • 78 11 It Hun- ic&p a-..- >••-i. B uL Bwi Club on S radar morning, >• rwult: 1 Sinclair! ]•"> bta 1 l. n. 27 wes; *J lidii^D. 12 ->c?- Wald, 8 seos, 1 u^.in. i ■■id- tcislch, 1 nin. IS sees. and 'I he furs::, fought Sine wi and Haasen
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  • 138 11 1:. r;t tii»- Ariijv aatl v\ Singapore: M Batn. Sherwood -.!:.«»been i lany montii* their def rtTire for ipy«l nrleramtl tir-: instance Tk p d tl. snselm %M.l>t l3iWy good eT'^rtiii^ rc.aiI «.< r ;i:si:ly j y. Jar m consetl tTwaimiliei iatoewnya oJctUot at;» keep Urn •oaal
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  • 13 11 ■aay jmn vpesi tb*i*. t. o:.n '.firs ol «iiJ n rhrrv '<• l»*l hi«
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  • 91 11 M ii j Currie »'w (V- p ForiOMatos 'itunateeji u^h to ro ashore m 1 k>re< St««4 ts ou the S^gaj>ore, armed here lu^i evening. Wng a wie v overdue She had on board 136 hones (ivc :uuiii£ ...r'.o valnabie racers, and the Kua,h Losspor Griffins) and
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  • 734 11 H i i 8 ntni Floateh A i:^:..l sends us :^ri excellen photoi graph of tte salved two-thirds c»i the liner '^i: 1 iheliee alongsldi •U« uay m the docki at Southampton Tie builders of ;r rteamer. Harland and Wolfi i BelEaat it ia understood,
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  • 142 11 T..< auxiliary screw schooner Htna ha» arrived at I.y.te.t.-:.. Hoi return bo Lyttel- ton docs not mcLii that the ecu.vli for the I Blingamite's treasure has been 1 Imt merely thai tbe timbei with which die j wai ftded i;- required. When she left Kaipara I l
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  • 621 11 TUESDAY, A pril 30, 1907. Mr Henry k ■w]^ was eutortaio^d to a farewell dinner •>.•. Saturday *2iad inst bj Die Bhanghai Violuafeer*, on the occasion of l.i? BpfMnoachios decaftun* froiyi the Betckment. "Oiv^ an engineer money enough/ is Sir Eobert Ball's dictum, M and he'eaa «lo j anything. But
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  • 288 11 Burma liatt now deckled on the Surrey of a railway line to the Siamese border an«i the j bofie is expressed that the Siamese Govern- i meat will run r short tine westwards to join i;]» wilb tbe projected Burmese railway t'» Myawadi. As s
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  • Correspondence.
    • 421 11 Who is to Blame" TO TllE EDITOB Dear Sir, —Tfee case of the nwAing down of t v ,e Chinese Twakow on Johcre Hill, and lie enquiry heM m Colombo ato the mpocsibilitr/if aar. nftbeP. sad O. ressel pasted at the time itt^iadrme thai I waa witness last Thursday weelof
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  • 229 11 STAMP FEVER EXTEAOni'LSAin Labur.D, Apru -*th We hare not much to write fcSost by thu ISlail; news, thero is none. Lsinu ba.stamp mad, fby, not being: philatelists. we do not Iv-no-s- but there it is a.l iho ?ame In such a srijll Colony you would h^rdl, believe it
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  • 282 11 Vc-st'jitiiiv. the firm nl Messrs JobnLii tie aad Coy. and Mr Poliiiowsky, an a* biMaLi responded to a citation before M» Michell, issned at the instance t 3>r. T I,'. Brooke, Assistant CrOTenuueni Al it, »i/ Inspector inler the Poisons Ordinance ot U'O" :to explain
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  • 1470 12 INQUEST AND VERDICT. A CLUE FOR THE POLTCE. Yesterday afternoon m the Coroner* •Jouit at Sepoy Lines Mr. Alexander G-entli iieU an inquest into the d^:h of Syed Ab Jo] Kadir bin Atea o '«>tf whiif ■^as c<r;se«l by a hullet tir«3*l hy an unknowi on
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  • 266 12 A Wsaltot Buoia. A verj wealthy DUO, worth probably a million dollars/ was the description applied by Mr. Elliott to the late Dian^ Passandn Uinbok Dally bin Hadji AH, m an ecclesiastical petition heard by Mr. Justice Fislier m the Supreme Court yesterday. The two executors, Lainasudi
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  • 82 12 A New Development. The Chinese Government having decided to resume control of the Peking- Hankow Hallway, it h propoa d to obtain a loan from Eng and. The low. will be treated as an ordinary business loan, interest on which M to be charged at the lowest possi'.le
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  • 1425 12 OBTAJKir** Credit Whilst a IUvERriT. Yesterday at noon before the Jiench Court Mr. liene Lowell a local lawyer, was charged with having obtained cvadit Trhflst an undischarged bankrupt. Mr. 1\ J. Sproule, I>. P. P. proaecntad and Mr. W. A. X. Ixi'tonbor- appeared for the defend. Joseph
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  • 361 12 The Coloxi\! to ult%i:\ kMW B. It will be remembered that during I bfltjwr* session of Parliament I nafctr fttiliM were pat m the BtVM of f'-oihii! M with le^ar. to certain casos iii which ex-Governors of Cok aios had taken pr_>mi:';!.t MX n tfct f ni/.ation
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  • 39 12 Mr CLuiJ Severn has arrived h over the duties of sooreUry It tlin Q**m and secretary to the High Cominiisi«»uer oi the F. M S. Mr Severn is \*ry well known iv Singapore ml will reuew man> pi frien<l*hir>«;.
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  • 210 13 n^nj H Mr Jame«S^iiir, '.he dorks manager of <f Al ipp f,, i-.w»»d tor H- zne ia a da^ H lr WS% si" J 'P llll V<*n<»ii^-. He will H h, i] si ml a >•- H j. 11. ry, t v ss»u m charge H
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  • 437 13 rol my ft-... Through >.-.•- (tf-y chain the Y» eterdaj a parson i" pr nted «m hi? car.l. r tttU h!-< fa !S p iia f tbn le note, I tnts for d uritj who •••>ine up worn p man eoeet ragfl bo i leeklj .i
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  • 919 13 Race horse owners who propose entering ♦heir horsea fjr tho Batavia meeting on June Baud 9, and tbero should bo many, will be interested to hear a aew md valuable prise has jur-t i)^en reoeived by the Oommityee. 1% m a. handsome ailver cup val w\ at
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  • 103 13 S. CO. v. RuusfcLLs Infants?. P«>!!uwiu s *t:;e reoeilt v:e!-»rj nf th»* lecoml r e-ni of Ruhshlls Infiuitr? ov*»r the clv *ec -ii'lb. the £.31 eleven of the 95 h «rit£ je«i i hiDvlsoaa^ win ,V.. tbo of tin S. C. C. pivmior sivL* no thn B^pUmida las iVHimitf.
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  • 86 13 SiDoe ia-;t ackno#iod/rog o^nt'ibuMon^ to this fund which :'s to help a diqtrosscr) €-«mily m J.m.iica, who w^re mined ia t^ Eutbquake there, we have received on* fa'tner donation to-day. Pievi«iusly a-?Lr.o77!e']-'3d *****6 A Friend 10 0< s Total 146 06 Of this amount .£lO his
    86 words
  • 694 13 when the hxi:i sjh>rt>:r.ta waa awakened hy th^ firt»t clap of thunder r«t midnight on Monday and he^rd the rain pelting down, ho immediately lookn.! at his watch and thought if oulf this c >ntinxs«s for aa houi •>r t?:o, th«re w\\\ be some fine gallops lv
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  • 190 13 0;i Satu'daf U>\, in* M xim Company pitmdod ai lull strength under Capt Ivnjatitsld at M L»biador M f>r the annual in*p; <jti«.n of 'be unit. Col. Wright 2. a. was the lasieitia^ (ME or. me unit was brought into action -of sHC'iouH dLud fired
    190 words
  • 493 13 AN IMPORT ANT CASE SETTLED. Al I —IE Breach or A;»bb.\ikiit. An important case involving an aDffpd breach of agreement was *o have corno on f «r bearing before the Chief Justice, Sir W. II Hyndcean Jones, m the Supreme Cou^ v-stMrliv, m which J. M. L v^n cml the
    493 words
  • 203 13 Notice or a Bill's Dishonour. In giving jn>lgmeat testerda? iv tbe oase of Ca lonaa *txl Co, vs Shaik Omiir bin Bthenir, Mr Jostice Fisher tlie on);--ixBXto was whether th 3 uotic of disho*iour (of a bill of exchange %iveu by drfoudaut lov tbo K°ods deliTered) w
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  • 158 13 iiARKIOTT PR ZEB POB Ladiep. This wca a gtrske com oetition and was won by Mr*». Maddcckn. Thu scjrci* wero tfrB.M»'4oekfl ...62 77 U«9 3<5 12b \lrq ilotfell 7i 76 lf>4 21 130 Mrs. E\ine 66 71 137 acr. 1«7 Mrs. Koek 78 €4 142 ficr. 142
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  • 575 14 Mr Honry J. Neville has come down from N-tgaaaki to assume the m<»nigemont of the Sin^-ipore branch of MeHsrj M. Ginebur<» Co's business m tho pLtoo vi tho lste Mr Mosoley. The Sarawak Government yacht Zibora arrived on Bviad^y rcorLiug to tr.eot here and embark for
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  • 193 14 Hymnal Advkrtxsbmbkt. Referring to the late Mr Beecham aad his gift for advertising, the Asian records tho following which may be old, but seems worth repeating Mr Beeoham was a man beloved of newspaper proprietors. He had the American gonins for advertising and made about the biggest
    193 words
  • 117 14 Amongst the passengers by tbo Tarcba from Rangoon to Singapore* are Mr and Mrs M >wer of Ringoon. Mr S. A. Mower ia a well-koown business ruan m Burma, being chairman of the Bi.nk f Burma, Ltd., the Rangoon Docking and Engine* riDg Co Ltd the Rangoon 8 earn Rope
    117 words
  • 529 14 TO FLOAT A COMPANY." Am Action bt a Baossß. Through a rciMiuderetanding, whlcil rrocludecl ooucsel r'or tho defence (who Wm» engaged elsewhere) trom appeariug, there was no eTideuce for the defendant m an tction brought by broker before the Chiet Justice m the Supreme C<»urt yeatefdaj to recover money on
    529 words
  • 416 14 Ah Aorioif Ssttlbd. A battiement v?as arrived at m the aclion brought by Aoc;uliift and Conipan?, the Morcantila Printing Press. Rga'net Edward B, Ilolmo and Coaway Cfaarlet Sarro, m connection V7ith the pruitinc; of tho now defunct weekly know nas tho Tatie-r. There w&a a countorclaim aj^ainst
    416 words
  • 345 14 Ou the eve of tbe Settlement, there was naturally not much inclination to enter into freeh commitments, and bonioese ha* »>een t f a very restricted character, oooeistmtjchitflf of realisations. It was known i Lat a, large nil nber of erx'cul&tera had heavy difference-* to meet on
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  • 187 14 The f >urtb ci' tne large eriuWtioM cf A«:ii Korticult-iro and Nitlve Indu- t:\os •Till tal:o p! iv K«i;/*a Ki:i£Sd,r, P&r::*c, ;u tLo Hth, Kkh and 1 Itti August tieit. It i= UoptHl the public will v;-d':>3 tho d::to of •ho Bl:ow a. c widf4j kmiwa M
    187 words
  • 139 14 Tho following propertied wvxo disposal of by auction bt Powell oo*l s&ieroosa on Tuesday afternoon. Tv: o houses Nos. 61 L &6 Amoy Street, kotel area 6.109 square feet. Leasehold for 999 yean*. V. V. R. Somasundaram Chltty ei7,SOC. The Anglo-Chinevbo roaidu&oe known a3 Komuitis, No. 16
    139 words
  • 196 14 The fciorj of a young Gerr-na lady's successful rtniggla with circumstances has just been bro-ight t o light with the departure for tho China misriian field from Edinburgh of l>r Paulino lfaieEi Fraulein M&ier was the daughter of a v ilage builder of Mockmuche, iii Wnrtemberg, whore bbc attended a
    196 words
  • 435 14 L br»ry. For a full br&uj c 4 V-xad fore wire ff being was ir,>o4 U s*.i «p ed Ei<-k it a b<y k. IJ* t<i*e to^D m South P tab indie, tb 3 t.^^^^. >ari-fl of tain of the (XTiiitrT. mi n 2iob habits ac<i custrms axo
    435 words
  • 408 14 3BVBIIR &EOOKB PBT/T E» MAtflL/. The Manila M Cftb»w»«*" of 20ih w* n ports: Yesterday mon&iag at 6 coioofcttie inhabitants of this city wore a^Jisaod fey is earthquake shook whioii tested tor sboat 40 seconds and as Car aa can be &s<y>rtaine4. at tended from the
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  • 32 14 m i The f rieods of Chi*f Icep^r Kj*who h&8 beeo m hospital flArzaff WJ 1 b«id attack of dys^ctor/ will bo p^ts.^ hear he is now making ii rap rt*-' x
    32 words

  • 2685 15 (livid** 9 Ayervj) [hj SuluawriMH 'We^ .i -v im C4t'j^~l m tho Doumi P vI tio r>j>il:n< >A tho rop»rt of a infftbatpotitioslntisasMNS I bsi hi l ied lo tho naet tun*, prior toe 'on, m order r truth of whj h ki tv t^ G »v2mnseiit 025 c
    2,685 words
    • 23 15 He*. April 27, 3 2d p.tu. A mifiMODAry has bnen atUdM at ChaTun^fa, Yunnan, ;is the re-suit of an AntiChriftiiui inovomcut.
      23 words
    • 76 15 The Yioeroy hai orchiv-Ia protest agaiasi tuo forei^Ders ia China \*h > havo purchase^? tho MukJea-Asia Miotun lino. (A icccnt Shinmintun t?^ra:n :3tUodth;i: it m rjimoirod tboro that, as v rosulfc of negotiaiion^ which have Iv^ca ia pr i^resa betweoiJ«paD ;»nd Chiaa, the Jupzn^-o Rtiilway botweeii
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  • 58 15 MINERS BURN OFFICES. Beoeived at 3 33 pm. >lou<jrlioa^ f Mdy Ist. Two thovii-*ini i^iuors have struck work and crea^d a riot at t:w Poronii Pit ia ti> i Bokksudo, J*paa. They sol firetotbo baildioga boWiginc to tbe inino. Three riotert .were killed a.^J ■avaralof tho poliv>3
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  • 36 15 MANY CHANGES EXPECTED. Tbo Korean On*tom« effeera hava been warned hat tbo D »rio v br;ngja^ over large consignment* of mrs anl iniDiuni turn. Qreat ebanflM are expected aawng tbe Chinos b:c»b official?.
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  • 143 15 (Compiled for the* Sinpcp-jr^ '-^ryo Presb.; Date o£ pfta§Tfi£ Aajerj Nat>»naiity an-i descriptioa of wss**! Ciptaia's ru^roo. \V:-jr-3 ;wi v -t 1 O^i^tiiVktiou.) Aprii Ij. B'^ »fcr D".y r* itavift, April l f Amaterda April 17. Dut. Mr., Wilia 1 Bagabaij ButnvU, Aral 1 T i ilo<
    143 words

  • 558 16 MINES. Capital Capital Issac Paid lilted paldopValoe cp Lorn?**? iMM $300,000 3<*».000 U» 10 hcl'jLi Tin M 00. Lie 19 50 $300,000 225,000 1(> 10 Braang Limited 10.50 $600,000 60",0l0 10 10 Enuwii Hydraulic Tij: M. Oe. Ltd 19. £KKMK>O 350,000 £1 Duff Development (h. Lie 275 €60,000 60,000
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 115 16 THE DIRECTORY for BANGKOK Eighteenth Year of PvJ)b'czti#n. NOW READY. lfti Directory for Bangkok and £iar* containe a complete and Official List of the Government Departments and the Plinei|>eJ Cotarticrcial Housee m the country. It isreplete with information absolutely essential to tho Merc-hart, the Trader, the Professional Man, tho Traveller
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 683 16 CLEARANCES. April 24. Babaian, Dut, ftr., owart, for Bangkok. Aj ril Vk Ruby, Brit, fetr., Mom?, for Keiantan via, ports. Hebe, Brit ctr, Inkfefccr, for Penang and Peii. B-Uy, Dut. etr., Boj-ug. for Ba^an vi ports MaLn-ca, Brit. Nt»., Handt-reor., tor Poit tfwett^nbHiii \i.'. r<»itir. Hohonet «ufen, Ger Ftr. Ja#ger,
      683 words
    • 681 16 Victoria, Bwed. etr. UeUber^, for B&igon. Kapurthala, Brit etr., Leartnont, for Port £wettecih&m Pcnan^. Sri Wongsoc, Dut. Btr., Uaud, ff»r Miia-r and Malacca. Bot3y, Dut. ttr., Bojec£, for Ba^gan ports. Citoang Chow, Brit. Etr., Ru^s^-l, for Sourabaya. L:-arnm£», Brit. etr. For. for Feaa&g vad Ooleatta.. Belaogor, Brit, atr., Duly, for
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    • 558 16 VES6EL.S IN POUT. o Men-of-War Flag and Tons Comnut&ders Aadaai From McOellaa Am. tra.. 1870 Lothrop Jan).' Manii *wi Bello F.M.S. Yacht 48 Ahmat jfeb J P.SkoC Zahora Bar Yacht 95 Landaff Api 2k KaaUaf Ship Flssr Tons Master Arrived rone Ccnster>e( Antenor Brit 3563 Eiifiband Api 25 Hong'kon^ M«jißfield
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