The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 7 June 1906

Total Pages: 16
17 32 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 655 17 IfOS shall ll_<? Press the Peop'.eV right a i.nU.n, L'nawr. by inHuenc* and unbribe. by gain; Wire, patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, t '.e.'_-T'd to Religion. Loyalty and Law. y?__» As Reuter informed us, the royal marriage ai Madrid takes place to-day, May 31st,
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  • 336 17 Hi M.uriage 353 DM Stranding of the Montagu 353 fke Bon. b I annga sl Mad-id 353 The Anti-Opiuin Bssolntion 354 h I)..\:tt 354 of Till 354 Splf- possession at Madrid 354 -in the Straits 354 1 Problem in Russia 354 lha late Mr Hudson 354 Ifl annsla 355
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 41 17 On 29th May. at Kuala Lumpur, the wife of R. G. Watson, Commissioner ot Lands and j Surveys, F.M.S., of a daughter. On Sunday, June 3rd, at "Hillside," Singaj pore, th* wife of C. E. F. Sanderson, of a daughter.
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    • 97 17 I Hipuell-Moens.— On May 2, at Belgrano, Buenos Aires, before the Registro Civil, Humphrey Hai.lam Hipwbll. of Wavertree, Liverpool, to Gertrude Hermine Isebree Moexs, daughter of the lat* Dr. A. Isehree Moens. Goes, Holland. On the ISth May. at Shanghai, James Ran dale Anding, eldest -on of late Surgeon
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    • 31 17 Watson. On May 21st. at Bellevue, Kandy, in her 7»lth year, Emily Laughlix. widow of j the late Lieut. -Colonel Albert Watson, of the ■S3id, 58th, and Ceylon Rifle Regiments.
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  • 481 17 Tlie B, I. Thoogwa on Saturday aud the If. M. Tourane on Monday arrived with Euro- pane mails of May llili and 12th. Homeward I advices go to-day by the P. A O. Oceana. At Friday's meeting oi' the Legislative Counj eii the Juvenile Offenders Reception Bill passed
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  • 262 17 That is a had business announced ie to«d s telegrams, tbe stranding of one of tlie finest firat-elaaa baltle-h*p3 ia the British navy, the i Montagn, oi ***** tons. U«vw il i.l^>p'M'H i aui u.e.isily where i. a#t rueatijacl, hu* that the position of the
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  • 533 17 The Both Outrage at Madrid. June 1 li is difficult to express the horror which 1 the news from Madrid must inspire in t'ne heart 1 of everyone (who reads of the fool attempt to assassinate the King and Queen of Spain o* t heir wedding morning. At such a
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 62 17 CffrJU DAYS' FREE TRIAL -W- f Hc« refunded" _JV*£s /fa *l\i r > Jl fc, wa* lilll to '•Bill M ,I I'unlop J rjy«l lr>t«rt«:- Ltvir Rim J I T'lrfira l>. "5T k < daud Delivered Free I* i _T5 a rt I V ?H0 s '-oond-tiand CycleV £tt*£2.W K
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    • 29 17 DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. BROWNS SPECIFIC. Tu I had ;it tba Singapore Diapax&iar, or j cf Mi* Baoww, Graaadale, Rive: Valley Boad, j > illg.»|K>lo. 1 Apl 23 mwf 2810 I
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  • 1214 18 I Is regard to the apinm trade, or aa the usual faddist type of mind loves to call it, the opium traffic, that has been made the subject of one of those resounding resolutions thc House of Commons so often sees introduced by the sort ef
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  • 161 18 We commend to the attention of all who keep an observant eye on the fortunes of tin mining in the Straits the suggestions and ob- j servations of Mr Wakxefokd Lock, so well- Inaown as associated for a time with the j management of Raub Gold
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  • 389 18 Royal Selp- possession at Madrid. June 2. The result of the bomb outrage iu Madrid vhich ao terribly imperilled the lives of King \lfonso and Queen Ena within an hour tfter their marriage ceremony was completed, urns out to have beeu a more destructive jxplo.sion than at tirst appeared. The
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  • 427 18 Me E. W. Birch, Resident of Perak, writes I a letter to the Editor to which we invite the attention of the Committee of the Singapore Cricket Club, the Singapore Recreation Club I and those of the various periodical Regimental Sports. Mr Birch has
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  • 425 18 One of Tolstoy's recent works 44 A Great Iniquity** is aimed at showing that tlie land question has leached ench a state of ripeness as fifty years ago was reached hy the i|uesiiou of serfdom. He Baya thai the removal >!' the j sin of
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  • 114 18 The sad aud sudden death of Ur 11. 11. Hudson, Sulicitor-Qeoeral, IVnang, ss i>ei 1 hy telegram from our correspondent, reca tlie death, under rery similar ei renin < lain***, t ths lite Dr. J. A Dl Vo >. I Uusub i i for the Netherlands,
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  • 149 18 The Chicago Scandals. June 6. Thb intense interest, not 0 tion, aroused in tho Cnited a J; Nkjll's gruesome revo] At j n aecreU of the meatpacking i a j point fc^Jj H. J. M. Ellis of Singapore, ehamml ina special article from with what is perhaps the top fin,
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  • 392 18 A Singaporean now aaasaonl n] the Editor 6ome account of ihecotKr theatres there. Thi:. entirely mma advice so of teu given in thh the unfortunate decision 1 Hall into a theatre, cheek h\ Victoria Hall. The "convert implies the complete eeetracti Hall to its foundations, a souiet
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  • 43 18 Tba GipUiai Cup 1 tli. \V!.it>u:it.i i t!.'- fott»vi«f H ret ■::!>»«]. H ft. T. M4 ii s. if .">.\"-"i H \V. Tr;""'l H .5 k I,"n:" Ii T-Mi I w. w i' \V. Kin- I H .T V. i brii
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  • 1116 19 xI) MU WEILL* SWEEP- s {Si% CONDEMNATION. rtfiWSOF AN AMERICAN Dinanpore Pros Press.") >f the sweeping crmdomna- erican Labour Ooaamis- j ed meat industry, m mi tho Str lit- 1 piO! ision- ETO SO much e past «pi.t iter of a century .hiv building up
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  • 345 19 AGRI HORTICULTURAL SHOW. Tho prize-list of the third joint annual Agrihorticultural show of Ihe Straits Settlements and P. M. S to be held on Rafflea Reclain nion ou Aug l'i. 17 and 18 has now been issued. Copies are being widely distributed, and any n n desinoi* of buving one
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  • 1330 19 It is a pleasure to find, not only that our remarks in this column recently on the subject of the Athletic meeting at Ipoh, have been received with satisfaction in the quarters most concerned, but also that the one feature about the proposed meeting which appeared to be
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  • 789 19 Following are extracts from an account contributed to the "Japan Chronicle'' by Mr Herbert G. Ponting, F. R. G. S I was a p taaenger 1 y the N. D. ste. oner Roon which left Nagasaki at.G. 1 5 sou. on Wednesday. Shortly
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  • 55 19 The following properties weredisj lof b\ d si P< well I C 's m er m i !anV 1 er \l2 po i tl Uing o. i! ij 100. Twenty fn <-ii ments o Gral mg rd, i i v im Pillai oen Kai on-r M K.
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  • 851 20 The Sandakan Recreation Club has been <i i .solved. Ilis Excellency Governor Goerita of British North Borneo has l>eeu presented with an address and handsome pair of biuoculars by the inhabitants of Labuan. Ofa lengthy list of bankruptcy matters l*fore Mr Justice Fisher in the Supreme
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  • 925 20 {From our gam Correspondent.) Tokio, May 10th. The Siamese Prince, upon his return from Nikko, has been housed in the Shiba Detached Palace, as au Imperial guest. Ou Saturday last His Boyal Highness Lieut. -General Prince Nakornchaisi inspected the Yokosuka Admiraltv. Ou Monday he was received in
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  • 185 20 Occultism amongst Malayan Iribes. To thk Kditor. Sir, Can any readers of your widely circulated' paper give any information respecting the Berbalays, (inhabitants of the Island of Sulu, on the North East Coast of Borneo) or I refer me to any works containing an account of these interesting people
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  • 818 20 The warnings repeatedly given of the spirit of j unrest among the natives throughout South Africa are amply justified by the latest news. It is not that Bambaata's action in itself is serious, bnt that with a restless spirit all over the suh-continent, and mysterious
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  • 338 20 i^, Madrid is greatly excited over tl lettes of the future Queen -v. lf «atoi being made by Spanish drrJE -i* capital city. A firm the head of whs entrusted with the product dress. Senor L.Heree hm sign to the King of Spain, who U
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  • 290 20 THE RUBB ER ESTATES OF JOHORE. LTD. Tho statutory meeting oi tL _j he d at ta<- --tli Mof the I Commerce 00 10th of M _irl ham (chairmaa pn i_. The Chairmaa, in th ment, m«d the ea| ital of the. fully sub cribed, and th shares .d been
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  • 289 21 .r« ixo nis Plimsoll Mark. j; D .rr yesterday Awaug •ba b sl sh inser Kian *ith overloading his vessel 6 4ofOrdloof 1887 1 fl 1 lit de, o. p. r oeasdocted the M. M. Elliot was for the i ■roaacuiio" tZrt.-i..] Wi.' eior Boarding Officer, ied
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  • 113 21 THE P. O. Co. ISSKKGJUE ..tKV li a nieii,tQ ,f travelling public nd Oriental Steam Navigation two -teamers direct to I i md B de.ring ,Jme\ t^e s.s. > mails on the 16th June, rithont transhipment and thc '•■l'fiii jht Liter also proceeds M one of the largest i- we
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  • 224 21 r>u_ Neueste Naehrichten," a **sp ashed bv the Qermana of KiaoBtaanathe following not ideation from tai -i the province Shantung: ••rms which desire to establish RTouhl do well to secure the ling laud as soon as possiKicenl f.r a few very large plots in hloefc no more
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  • 852 21 FRIDAY, J UNE 1, 1906. Iu the Court of Request* vesterdav ludqment waa given in favour of the defendant m the inilkcase already reported in these columns. t j Uwusg to the accident to the Koon aud her i bamg docked at Nagasaki for repairs, it is feared there will
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  • 102 21 A ConniKATKMi o» Pi orEHTins. j The capital of tlie Company formed to acquire Kent, Uganda, Wardieburn, Bstspkdale, Klang j Gate, and the Mount rotates— tn which may be j added three otheramall places iu Klang— consists j of £I*o.o*o, of which 61 15,000 i* being
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  • 481 21 5 10 aimu *l general meeting was held in the Iow"n Hall last evening idlst May; Mr XV. G. St. Clair, -President, in the chair. Among those present were—Messrs 0. B. Buckiev, Waddell, Lunradi, Valois, Wack, Knight &C. The present committee was re-elected on motion of Mr
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  • 192 21 'The Bengali alleged io have stolen a parrot, which was a "fluent" Bengali linguist, from a countrywoman, was brought before Mr Scott yesterday afternoon. Sergeant Brereton asked ihe Magistrate to allow him a short postponement to enable him io liud the bird but the Magistrate
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  • 285 21 Yesterday afternoon before Mr Scott a Chinaman was charged with dishonestly retaining stolen property. The facts of the case were thai on May lo the residence of Mr Buxton iuNiven-rd was entered by a burglar who stole some clothing, a clock, aud about a dosentinsof milk.
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  • 563 21 The PcxisranrT of Ham. I see no reason to interfere either with tha^ conviction on with tbe aaateame on the first charge or tie second charge I think tiie .mnvictiou was wrong. Mr Justiee Fisher thu* delivered his lecision upou the appeal brought on behalf ef Marimutu. the
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  • 281 21 Mr Justice Fisher yesterday afternoon wan engaged in the Supreme Court upou the examination of Chinese bankr pi a. lu one case, that ofa storekeeper, debtor, whose liabilities Were about $20,000, stated that ho had lately heeureraployed "as arubberope:*"' to report upon a Malacca a.n •om, but
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  • 140 21 FOOTBA LL. .s. C. C. v. Or. c> ttesawoone. Tlm Club played Gr. C mpany of the Bhnrwoods atsocesron the B^planado yesterday ami a line game resulted. <>. Company has <*ne of best teams* in the regii aui and tha S. C. O. fielded a fairly good efev 33 fo?
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  • 1221 22 HERE AND IN AUSTRALIA. A Comparison bi Mn Warneiord Lock. (Special to the Singapore Free Press." Mr Warneford Lock, who has just returned from a trip to Australia and Tasmania, was induced by a representative of this paper to express his views on the subject of tin
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  • 278 22 THB LONDON CHRONOGRAPH SHOW. Tbe Loudon Chronograph Show uow open i ou the Beach-rd Reclamation is beyond doubt the best animated picture exhibition of its kind that has ever visited Singapore. The large show tent is lighted with electricity and coded by fans and is arranged with a view to
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  • 231 22 It will be remembered that some weeks ago there was a collision between a tram and a gharry on Selegie-rd, the gharry coming out second best and thc syce and fare being arrested and fined. There was a sequel to the ab tir in the
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  • 193 22 A QUAINT EARTHQUAKE CREED. "An ludiau writes to the S.C. Morning; Post as the result of a discussion on the M causes of earthquakes,* 1 to say: It will be interesting to know that a Ifahoi medan in India named Mine Gholam Alumni of I KadidU in Punjab, who alleges
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  • 844 22 Mr. H. A. Wickham Condemns DrasticMethods. This is from an interview with Mr H. Wickham in a Colombo paper Mr Wickham was greatly surprised at what he called the M drastic and barbarous tapping now done on Ceylon plantations. It may be all right,
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  • 139 22 Tho "Morning Leader*' thus notices the inadequacy of the world's tin production to cope with thc glowing demand In the words of the M Iron Age," tin is Incoming a precious metal. Consumption ha. reached about 90,000 tons a year, and the worlds best supplies come from the
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  • 731 22 L London Rubber Broke* p rmm. (7W, 0 f r.,;, Mr A. O. Devitt returned t r< Kintuok, on S ,tu,.l ay oloi spent nearly a month ia tU u. i mg to a representative rf th la Z? started at Singapore and went ri j
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  • 1502 23 I'. .i ha ia. Evna, London, May -1,1 90*;. itioD football season was oue interest, the visit of the New „2 i big impetus to the Rughv was maoh mmood and the tour of \t Autumn should eonI work. i ,1 expectations, the final of [sa -:on
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  • 135 23 Whal is the attraction lhal noisome over drains and tlie coping of bridges the same, have for agahs and am the, what time their puling Anglo-Malayan charges -tender rears a-v supposed lo be eating the fresh i morning airy Oo along Northam, Perak, or Anson Bonds and
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  • 1067 23 Loudon, April 1906. Exile. It was snowing early this morniDg too bad. as May is nearly here, but I have longed too often, in steamy Colombo, to see i^nd feel a snow flake, to mind them now, even if they are a little out-of-date. Dodo
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  • 1015 23 A Mohammedan scholar has written a bio- graphy of the Prophet Mohammed. Washington living's Life ofthe Prophet is charming literature, with all of the graces of composition that were the endowment of Macaulav and Froude. Carl) les essay has brought out the heroic side of the
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  • 685 24 London, April It'th. Dearest Exile. It is Primrose day. so of course I went to Westminster to see* how Lord Beaconsfield looked. He had more wreaths than ever, green garlands rounds his pedestal, primroses aud i violets at hi I feet, and over his head a
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  • 371 24 I The prevailing scarecrow in some ol the Philippine papers is the Japanese peril. It i prol ably accounts for the tone of the appended. Irom the Cablenev, s of May 16.— Some sensational statements were made before the House i Naval Committee by Admiral
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  • 435 24 It's no good saying Well, they're making a mess of it! Their worst enemies could'nt wish for better. It's no good saying, "They'll split up soon they're quarrelling already among themselves. They lnvethe majority, they are bent on mischief, and mischief they'll do. They are beggars ou horseback,
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  • 514 24 A Rapidly Made Railway. The importance of the line which bas jusl been opened from Tort Soudan to Berber is enormous. It is the first serious attempt al developing the commerce of the Soudan. The idea dates back to the time of Ismail Pasha, who
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  • 819 24 At the request of the Italian Government. the Congress of the International Postal Union, held this year in Koine, was twice twice postponed. This has had the agreeable result that the permanent office of the International Fnion in Berne has been allowed so much
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  • 149 24 The Police report a serious gang robbery at Bukit Timab in the small hours of this morn- ing. It appears that at 3am a gang of twelve j Kehs armed with clulo and carrying torches j entered a house in a plantation between the 7th
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  • 222 24 San Fuanvisco (>UM It is rumoured that :i ifj will shortly enter Into p-^ tic Mail Steamship Co new line will be eontroV pany, and will nm in '"^C<*; railway o < ned by ti.: (ireat Western. It is it is almost acertaintv. new line of
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  • 210 24 This morning before Ifi Colw io ii i Court. Mr Wyllie.A.S. P. had three Chii up on a charge of runomg i lottery. Theneo had stomal kinds of I igatelle method of gambling had to roll a |mmti el matbk nail studded face of tl n muttered. pocSeta
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  • 226 24 THE L ATE MR H. M. BEVIS. Bun mi jn Bj A London paper git tk J nu! death of Mr Bm k uumb Ifanagerof the Hough ag at Shanghai Mr Herbert Maur: year ago from Chim. when Bsansger. and settled in a house iu S gardens. Victoria-st. li I,
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  • 443 25 *^^^inlavson has been appointed h7 [»r" itate Pathologist, Singapore. Pionssr" hai it that Mr Bariisei msr, goes on -hort lesruhof health. Ite Past Offios Ordinance j 33ian British Postal Orpto2 6 6 centa np to 10/6; sol •<■•-: ju. •dia met with bad weather I Colombo
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  • 972 25 Feiday, Irt June, 190€. PfcKS.NT His Excellency the Officer Administering the Govern IT u »ent (Sir William Tavlr. ix.c.M.o.i na Hon Me the Acting Colonial Secretary (B.L.BBeckman.l tho Act. Sttaaney^QanL (J. Ii Ernes.) tlie Act. Col. Triasmst J.O. Anthonisz) tiie Act. Auditor-General A T.Ih cant.) tl'" Col Engineer
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  • 1226 25 Quicquid agvnt homines nostri est farrago libelh I Juvenal. From disasters and cataclysms like those of Vesuvius and San Francisco the world turns to hang with horror and loathing on the abominable outrage that some malevolent Auarehist perpetrated at Madrid last Thursday. For many months, with
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  • 798 25 First Annual Dinner at Gk.-nu Hotel. Speech by Sa ,>ohn Anoersost. The first annual dinner of the Federated Malay Slates re.idem and their friends in Loudon was held at the Urand Hotel, Trafalgar Square, on Friday. M y 4th. Mr F. Douglas Osborne presided,
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  • 1668 26 Present Mr rJ. G. Broadrick, President. Messrs Wm Macbean, Cheng Keng Lee, Dr Murray Kobertsou, 11. L. Coghlan, A. Bailey. Rowland Allen and C. McArthur. Mr K Peirce, Eugineer, and Mr J. Polglase. 8 -cretary, were also present. Minutes. The minutes of the ordinary meeting of May is
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  • 258 26 The important combination of the Cunard, 1* and O, Orient and Pacific Mail briefly mentioned in Reuter the other day is foreshadowed to some extent in these remarks of the Chairman at the general meet ing of the Orient Co A consideration of these accounts again
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  • 310 26 timet excitement has been. caused tlnoughout America, owing to the revelations af Mr Neill, tne LaboUS Commissioner, who inspected the meat packi in" houses at Chicago, and discovered horrible malI practices, including th* conversion of putrefying matter into canned meats. I Mggdem tctegrmm. 1 Havinglived in the East
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  • 425 26 A special to the Times of Ceylou dated May 2'J* says that the prospectus of ths Jugra Land and* Ruhber Estates had been issued and that the Company would go to allotment on £80,000, which amount had been underwritten. The T. of C. says. This is the biggest
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  • 208 26 It will be remembered that BOtne ton da ago two long-sentence prisoners managed to make their escape from the Criminal Prison and mysteriously disappeared, and Dpto the pro* seut it has uot been discovered how thev made their escape. The very night however two men broke into
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  • 626 26 I How The Celestial Emm r In Japan' i When the doom of I. Far East was being kmdfe, in Manchuria, M. Ussar tIJ sentative of Muscovite fided to a friend of Zl success of Japan would 1... ,H China, the overthrow and the destruction
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  • 39 26 After turbine Pre. en Btampl M manv. tl.e steam turbtoe I pOMt I llvblfl t' motive, i tbrongh tl a turbiii ted of m rim- i boil H n to the t! nw* tm pipe noz/
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  • 2280 27 Fkask T. Bcllen < 4•♦ Thr ('mine of the Cachalot," <tv). i A r r>r raw i .ur, iieais R_s»ev_t>.,« i .here is little difficulty in j fruitful a topic M the above, j that in the brief >pace at my t u a propose to
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  • 248 27 Paticular. are published in some American engineering contemporaries of a scheme having for its object, the construction of an electric mono-rail system between Brooklyn and Coney Island, and it is proposed to do the journey at a speed of 110 miles per hour. From details to
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  • 226 27 Most sailors carry n sheath-knife, and no fisherman is without i ne when a trawler goes to sea. But it is only just beginning to be recognised what risk to shipping may be involved in the practice. It appears that knives of a highlymagnetised kind are nowadays
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  • 296 27 A new method oi electrical welding rail joints j is now beiug employed in Germany, and has been adopted on several rabvays. There are three kinds of welded joints which have come into general use in this country and abroad, namely, the Falh, or east-welded joint;
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  • 587 27 Rise of the Nippon Ycsen Kai sua In an article on the rise of the N. Y. K. lin* The Syren and Shipping considers the advance Japan has made as a maritime nation is graphically exemplified by the story of this the largest steamship c nceru iu
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  • 303 27 PROSPERITY THROUGH THE CHINESE. SI'RIKING FACTS FOR BRITISH WOUKMI*. The Johannesburg Chamber of Trade haa adopted the bold course of sending an open letter to British workmen (bound in a yellow cover) giving in brief and striking form a series of interesting figures regarding Chinese labour iu the Transvaal gold
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  • 166 28 I Says the Pioneer The delays in telegrams between Europe and India are becoming nine frequent, Reuter's service of news being specially affected. This shows that the traffic is steadily increasing ia response to the reduction in the tariff, aud that the cables are unequal to carrying
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  • 336 28 ITheie New Kole in* Battle. In the April number of the u R.E. Journal,' Colonel Hickson gives us a very interesting paper on a most important subject what may be called the new role ol the Koyal Engineers on th© field of battle. I is quite a new
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  • 484 28 IDsa.tic RtTI.SS. The Army Ce.. eii ba' uol yet relaxed their efforts to eliminate extras igance in tbe conduct of officers 1 messes iu the Arm'., and some drastic rules ou tbe subject have ju>t been framed aud will ehorth 1 issued. Commanding officers are t<>
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  • 834 28 Mr A Stewart, registrar of imports and exporis, has been io Penang ou a four of iuspec- i tion. The Perak Turf Club's annual race meeting has been provisionally fixed for the 23rd, 25th and 27th August. H. H the Sultan of Perak has contributed $1,000
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  • 254 28 The auu:al inspection of the Singapore Volunteer Infantrv rapeued ou Saturday afteri noon. The men fell in at the Bras Bassah-rd Drill Hall at 4 o'clock aud with the cadets and cadet drum aud fife band marched to the Raffles Reclamation Ground where they wore drawn
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  • 760 28 Deh.-NB Greater than thb Supply. (From P. M.G. Special Representative.) Tin has become to-day (May 11) a metid iu which widespread interest is being taken. Its price is approaching L'2oo a ton whereas a year ago it wa? r j inore than l'i 38, and it
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  • 322 28 An LMTCn pm i n a d r i- no i o i u; rnrron. Dear Sin,- 1 m notice, winch apfamid in fg p lp efforts which a Committee of p, making to establish an anu, ing at Ipoh. Ou behalf of that Committee I say that
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  • 229 28 The Auuual v >! t..« 1' Force were held on th. Ruffle* £T und yesterday. commencing il 10 ar The programme shooed tvmty 4 I but owing to thc paucity afeasma European contingent in. evasti I r I panns were psr} poorly eaniertei ai altogether. 'Ji.*- native contingents.
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  • 124 28 STRAITS COM PANIES The raped el Has PStaKi B I*os states that __!'»0 acrthe are i BSafer rnld-r. Ti d ae.piired a farther Id .»n the hash <»f II par J the total aaaa af thecal i »b»z. vhich «W| acseo ai Hm »h?|imraita ai whhh read-md l.' parlb. Theaxer
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  • 144 29 DETAILS OF THE ROON DISASTER. where to b3 accurate, the j lUl l" reeeotlv weut ashore, lies a con- j V i; bv I. from Shimo- rted that a dense me, and. as the island is course nauallj followed rasaki to Shimonoseki, it 1 U _L ~4 be vessel waa
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  • 237 29 i SiiarPAnn EMOLara. t that t\\<» Chinese longtheir escape from the under rather mysterious cir- I m ids their escape .1 early the next momi\ i by a Police patrol j rgling ;i house in Chancery escaping after a des- man arrested waa pri- I the Prison
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  • 194 29 e to ro ord tbe death of Mr. lie \> as oue of the old i Few remain, and a i and w I h name of Nota- IB_ iro join the tii m ■> md i Jo., ia which be betiaae, ind retired from
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  • 194 29 Belore Commissioner Howard recentlv in the Court of Requests, Hadji Mohammed, a a pilgrim broker living at No 11, Kelantan-rd, brought an action against a Chinese pilgrim bmker named Neo Boon Whatt for $6$ damages alleged to have been* sustained bv the former through a breach of
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  • 187 29 Juki Monthly Medal. This competition was played on Saturday June 2 and Suuday June 3 and resulted in a \viu for Mr Coollie with scores of 40 and 4* on a handicap of 14. Mr Everitt put in a nett score of 7m and his efforts of
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  • 551 29 The total amount of tiu are exported bi the tributors ou the lands of the Koyal Johore Tin Mining Coy, Ltd., during the month of "May was pis. 2-56.—- 841 bags. The German steamer Samsen arrived here yesterday from Swatow with 820 coolies. Que man died on
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  • 557 29 When the French mail, the ss. Cob'donien came in from China on Monday, she was observed to have the Union Jack flying at the main. This was a delicate compliment to H. E. Major General Inigo Jones, commanding the Straits, who was a passenger on board
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  • 136 29 Electrical current, constantly traverse the earth in a general but varying direction from northwest to southeast, at an angle of about seventy degrees with the geographical meridian. A Belgian astronomer, M. Guarini, contends that these currents are due to the action of the sun und the earth with
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  • 137 29 Sued Upos a Promissory Note. In the Supreme Court yesterday, before .Mr .lust ice Law, an action was brought by the attorney of Bamsamy Chetty to recover $10,000 from the defendant Tan JiakSu, a half brother of Mr Tan Jiak Kim, a member of the Legislative Council.
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  • 61 29 On the Esplanade last evening, the ciub won eood game by three iries to nil. I>r. Ula Lii n and A. M.Hogg scored thei i; Nathan <!•.:■ c) and Mcll raith fail 1 .nvert Nathan howevcrwas wvy unlu I one occasion, a well
    61 words
  • 1095 29 The Rev. P. N. Hunter, Chaplain to the Troops. Singapore, gave an exceedingly interesting address at the Princep-st. Church on Monday night on his experiences with the troops in South Africa. He stated that he had had some trouble in getting permission to go,
    1,095 words

  • 313 30 Keltens d'Almeida. On Monday morning at the Cathedral of the Oood Shepherd Grace Darling, second daughter ol Mr and Mrs P. A. Reutens. was married to Mr Vincent F. d'Almeida, the ceremony being performed by the Reverend Father Rivet. After the service. Mr and Mrs d'Almeida with a
    313 words
  • 226 30 P. gera arrived here by tiie N.D.L. Zieten. -From Hamburg: Mr V. Strauss. From Antneip: Dr Gruen, Miss Vemast, Mr d. May. Prom Southampton Mrs Aise and child, Mr .nd Mrs Hendersou, Messrs ff. Waters, E. Worihington,H. Allen, J.Bauch, S. Cocks. A. Atkin,
    226 words
  • 45 30 June 15, Passengers expected to arrive hero .7 tho N.D.L. Mr Carl beege, Mr :i Baur, Mrs Fridy Baur, Mr K. Poortmann, If r and Mra F. Groves. Miss Hall. Mr Edward T.Bailey, Mr O. Hisgen. Mr Conrad Schmid, Mr G. Beennaaa.
    45 words
  • 71 30 Spe< Uj 1 1 tnpiled for the Singapoie Free Presa/' Onto t 1 passing Anjer Nationality and des--1 ripUon of vessel Captain's name; Where and irhen sailed. Destination. tfay 25. Islander. Brit str; Wright Singapore, May 2 s Christmas Island. May 27. Malang. Dut str Klyn: Rotterdam,
    71 words
  • 106 30 (June, 8.j Tin buyers S 88, Chunbiar buyers 7.30 do. Cabe No. 1 10.75 do. do. No. 2 9 00 ?9pp9r, Black (ordinary S'pors. buyers 20.75 do. White, (Fair L. W. t> p.c, -23.62 Nutmegs 110 to tlie I.) 33 dc. 80 to the ib. 53 tf^oe vBand*) 145.
    106 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 613 30 gbbcrtigcmcnts> THE "Singapore Free Press" AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER Cable Address M Advertiser' Singapore. TELFPHONE NO. 61. Published at No 30-3 Raffles Place, Singapore The leading English Newspaper in the Strait Settlements Johore, the Federated Native States of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong, Pahang, the Negri Sembilan British North Borneo Sarawak, Netherlands
      613 words
    • 546 30 THE LONDON DIRECTORY, CONTAINING over 2,000 pages of condensed j commercial matter, enables enterprising traders throughout the Empire to keep in close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Besides being a complete commercia. guide to London and its suburbs, the Directory contain lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods
      546 words
    • 325 30 OCEAN STEAM fjgn, China Mutual Bb The OosspatinTslssii Liverpoo' ontwa Japan every wrak, r-.J r". lor London every ferbi^ monthly. One s e-teuds In Taa ing cargo cn Pacific Pistes u The Con: r a-e ie-pitched fa A ■raj fortnight, lot Java j Throng* I ..-.pan, Malar Matt* Bkuoo pest
      325 words

  • 3593 31 0, mm hnVgrsphO Ageneg.) iHK DANISH WBDDIHO. Ke.-. iv 1 May 80 5 pm. nodding contract has been the British Embassy sour of the Prince and Wales Thr Ministry Humours of Changes ptreng lumonai of Ministerial u is mentioned as being likely to 3 expected that Mr Winston w
    3,593 words

  • 261 32 May 31.— Per Knehin*: Mrs Waddell. Mr and Mrs Rentena, Mr J. Allan. Per Amherst slessrs Benet aui Simons. Per Sri Muar Mr and Mrs Staples. June 1. —Per GlenfaUooh Mr W. H. Munro. Dr C. H. Kertz. Per Japan: For Singapore —Major J. R. Stansfeld, Lieut WJPF.
    261 words
  • 76 32 (CofcMMSlM) cp TO Juno j'l Ban.: i m s 2;1, 7 ilqwuiiil -/4; bk^ Ptiiate credit* 3 ia/a sS/^A ;Ri! cvel>s .J w^ 8/4* u l Fm4XCK,d*e*nJ&4at 2D^J Jj* Germany, demand... 2»W M India, T. T. '74^ ij|j. j: Hongk'jno, iJdiu:iiiil 9\%4m \ju tU Yokoh.v.m (join.ui.l lit- 1 .rFS
    76 words
  • 791 32 May 81. Haliotis. Dut str. M.-tin, for Sauga Sauga. Batavier, Brit. str.. Morris, for Kelantan via ports. Banka. Brit. str.. Rushton, for AnsmUSS and Natuna ls. Flevo. Brit, str., Hendry, for Kelantan via ports. El Kantara, Frch str., Lemonier, for Marseilles via ports. Boribat, Siam. str., Raon, for Bangkok.
    791 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 70 32 A LITTLE DOWN. AND A LITTLE EACH MONTH B Until the Purchase is Completed— are the Terms upon which We are prepare! to Supply Ml Any Piano Stocked by us H WE OFFER YOU a large Variety of makes for Selection SUCH AS:- H Steinway, Bechstein, Colhird and Collard, Krauss,
      70 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 1075 32 VESSELS IN PORT. W Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Con si?nees ML* Beechley Brit 2454 Forsyth May 'Newcastle Wm^ A K Ban Whatt Hin •Brit 195 Rawlingeon June I Mehmi BtrsitsQgr Hf Ban Hin Guan Brit 243 Hunter June t> Teluk Anson Fh> Wf Chakrabhongs Siam 352 Danholt June
      1,075 words