The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 31 December 1889

Total Pages: 22
807 828 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • Page 807 Advertisements
    • 175 807 JOHN LITTLE k Co. GUINNESSES EXTRA POREIGN STOUT. Bottled m Dublin. GUARANTEED GENUINE. Selected from CHOICEST Brkwini.s. Certikicatk. "Having analysed E. k J. Bubke'i Dublin Stout. I can certify to its being an article of the very first quality, rich and full m flavour, and its general character most highly
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    • 451 807 Riley Hargreaves Co. Established 1865. Engineers, Boilermakers, Iron and Brass-founders, Bridge Builders, and Shipwrights. MERCHANT ROAD, SINGAPORE, AND AT KWALA LC/MPOR. :o: Sou Aobmts for the Straits tor RUSTON PROCTOR k CO.— Portable and Horizontal Engines, Centrifugal Pumps, Steam Navvies, Saw-Mill, and Mining Machinery. For which they have received 230
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    • 177 807 ROBINSON Co. BIMGAPOU and Pknanu (Established 1858.; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outpittim*. LAD IKS' DEPARTMENT. Silk and Satins. Milliner}'. Umbrellas Uutrimmed Hats. Parasols. Dress Materials. Laces. Hoots and Shoes. Ribbons. Haberdashery. Hosiery. Corsets. Gloves. Underclothing. Velvets. Velvcttas. Velveteens. Crapes. Plushes. Gauzes. Embroidering. Fancy Articles for Presents. The dress-making department is m
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  • 122 808 *>••*** w I p»disc Articles. Portugal m Fast Africa Bog Commerce with Australia Gambling Laws >1 Cheap Labour M Reports. Lawn Tennis Singapore Perak 818 do Singapore?-. Malacca 823 The Pcrak Team Blfl The late Sir Thomas Sidgrcaves.. 818 Christmas day at the Hospital Big Cricket.-- R. C. C.
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  • 55 808 F (Corrected Vf to DIC. 30.) On London. Hank m/i 3 1 demand 3i* Private credits 6 rn/s 3 2 documents 6 m/s 3i\ %m/t 3/2J Bank demand 223 Private 30 d/s 227 On Mongkonu. Bank demand ..i%prem. Private 3od/s ij^prem. On Java. Bank demand ..192 Private 30 d/s
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  • 98 808 (Dec. 30.) Tin 34.25 Gambicr 8.15 do. Cube No. 1 n. 75 do. do. No. 2 10.25 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porc) 17.05 do. White, (Fair L/\V=5% 30.50 Nutmegs (no to the Ib.) 115 Mace (Banda) 100. Cloves (Amboina) 19. Bally Col lee (10% Blacks) 27." Tapioca, small pearl (Fair
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  • 36 808 Domestic Occurence. MARRIAGE. On the 28th instant, at St. Andrew's Cathedral by the Rev. Perham, Johannes Diederich Reese, master s. s. Hecate, t> Altha Maria, clJt st daughter d Captain < arl Habekost, s. s. j Pontianak.
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  • 467 808 I he M. M. steamer Caledonien^ with th< London mail ol November 29th., arrived on Wednesday last. Christmas Day. The I*. <S: >. steamer Clyde, with the outward mail of December 6th., is expected to arrive this (Tuesday) afternoon. A mail for Europe left on Friday morning per
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  • Page 808 Advertisements
    • 78 808 KNIGHT CO., solicit a trial of the newly imported Whiskey of John Dewar Sons (LONDON AND PERTH.) OLD HIGHLAND WHISKEY. "Extra Special." This we can highly recommend, for its matured and fine mellow flavour. Towards of twenty years m the Cask. GOLD MEDALS. EDINBURGH v i3B6) ANTWERP (1887) LONDON (1888)
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    • 386 808 J. M. LYON CO. \ll tMJ MICMAMK M. K\i.lN!-KKS. MILLWRIT.HT \WOmWOV*W U w:> Co.MKACroKS Ai.iih)N Knoink Wok: Bl v I Road Okkick ani> S\i.k-k»)o.m Street, near the General Post OtTice SPECIALITIES Small Steamers ;md Launch. -s Elephatf Land Boilers. Lyon'i Tat. ni Ki'e Mills Self-acting Tapioca Machinery. Colonial Wood Working
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    • 51 808 GAGGINO CO. Have just received 3 Fresh Italian Butter ai 55 cents per II) tin. I butter will keep fresh for m\ months. Spin Peas at 10 cents per ll>. ..J Medoc at $3.50 per case. I-. m. t Branca Tonic Bitter-. Mixed with uatei these Bitters facilitate the digestion.
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  • 901 809 Ikrr 1" t'.r the I> I by influent c and m iin Here patriot Trutl ■'(edged to Rrlii'ion. I ov.ilry. and Portugal and East Africa. The telegram published this morning concerning the critical condition of our relations with Portugal, is precisely what must have been expected.
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  • 1245 809 Commerce with Australia. THE development of the connection between Singapore and Australia during the last fifteen or sixteen years lias been characteristic of the energy which English merchants put into their business operations both at home and abroad. From a very small beginning the volume of
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  • 1234 810 Gambling Laws. The inconsistencies connected with all legislation on gambling and the rather arbitrary and indefinite character of the boundary between what may •><■ *l ()m> *nd what may not be done have b»*eu not long ago made- the subject of a public utterance by that
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  • 2211 811 Cheap Labour. A short time ago we threw out a suggestion that a Planter*' and Miners Asm>< i.ttion might do something towards remedying the present state of ihi labour market m respect to agricultural and mining industries. That the supply of labour is gradually diminishing m
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  • 2001 812 A Scratch Match was played on Saturday between a team of the Officers from H. M. S. Conquest and one from the Rallies Cricket Club. The Raffles won by 34 runs. Appended are the scores H. M. S. "Coxuufst." Revd. Mr. Butcher Ibw b Beins o Mr. Pallet ck
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  • 4030 813 Perak v Singapore. Play m this m itcli began about i a.m. on a damp and soft wicket and >l<'l>;>\ outfielding ground. Hornby, the Singapore Captain \\*m on the s rin of the coin and t<> get the best oi the wicket elected to go m, Perak taking
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  • 2555 815 Analysis of the Bowling, Singapore. Perak v. 58th [Northamptonshire Regt.) This match was commenced on the plain immediately on the completion ol S. C. C. v. Perak match. It was generally though! that although our visitors had beaten the S. C. C. they would have a harder nut to crack
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  • 355 817 (Pinmng Gmm At a meeting of the Chatnbei oH ommerce held yesterday to discuss the Trades Marks Hill it leemed to be the general opinion thai there is sufficient protection already, and a resolution was adopted declaring the proposed measure to be unnecessary. A cricket eleven from Peralc
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  • 1628 817 {Front our own Correspondent.) Barnum and the weather are at present the leading subjects of conversation m London wherever you go, you hear, "Have von been to Barnum's shew yet?" Or else "We all have dreadful colds at home from this horrid weather." But Barnum has the best
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  • 330 817 {Government Ga§eite, 20th December, 1889.) Mr. S. M. Gregory is appointed accountant, Audit Office; and Mr. P. A. Renteni chief clerk of the same office. Mr. (i. A. Lclrov's leave has been extended to 26th September, 1890. An Order of State is published dealing with persons suspected <>l
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  • 174 818 The Bangkok Times states that a meeting of subscribers to the Borapah Railway Co. took place at Messrs. Jucker, Sigg Co's office on the afternoon of the l6tn inst. i<> consider a proposal made by Sir Andrew Clarke's syndicate m London to build the line under
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  • 881 818 Singapore v. Perak. The four-handed Lawn Tennis Match Singapore v. Perak biought together quite a fashionable gathering at the Ladies Lawn Tennis ground yesterday afternoon. At first it appeared that Brown and Mactaggart would win m a canter and when the score was called (although we didn't hear
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  • 415 818 Below we give, by the courtesy of a friend who knows, an estimate of the cricket performance and style of the visiting team from Perak. It will be of interest to »cc how far these critical remarks are borne out by the doings of the team m
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  • 441 818 Those of our readers who knew Sir Thomas Sidgreaves will have received the news which Renter sent us on Christmas Day with sorrow and the greatest astonishment. Always genial and cheer)' he was about the last man one would have SUDDOSed likely to raise liis
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  • 455 819 It may not be altogether uninteresting to the public to know how the patients, their nurses, and the medical staff agreed to spend Christmas day m this admirably managed institution. During the whole ol Christmas Eve the Sisters, aided by Mr. Roiario and souk*
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  • 1466 819 ylon Übserver.) Lokoon, !)n i-'. At a meeting ol tin- I Company held yesterday the execution <>i the agreement -1 i»> the Indian Council was authoi iied. One thousand gas stokers, defying the Union, adhere to the South Metropolitan li.i- Company. 'I he places ol the n mainder
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  • 911 820 Pinang Gazette The following is the Report of the Committee, which was forwarded on Saturday to the Governor. Memorandum to His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, k.c.m.g., from the Committee to promote the appointment of Commissioners to improve the Harbour of Penang.
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  • 1189 820 Its DimcuLTiF.s, Dancers an?> DEVELOPMENTS. Chatter 111. (her Kitropen>i Experiences. The Hotel is a large and roomy place, much like Xewgnte. The first impression of the building is spaciousness, which impression* caused the Snark to hope audibly that it was as cheap as it was spacious. (The sole
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  • 345 821 (Ptnang uasette.) Dr. Hardaker, surgeon of the s. s. Meanatchy, has been appointed agent to the Straits Government Immigration Depot at Negapatam on a salary <>t £,><»> per mens< m. As Mr. |ustice Pellsreau has decided that the Municipal Commissioners have a righl to accept their own resignation,
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  • 441 821 <Mi Saturday evening Mr. Stringer as President ol" the Singapore Cricket Club entertained the two Cricket elevens as well as the I. awn Tennis players at dinner at 'he Singapore Club. The table had been most tastefully decorated with devices of cricket bats and stumps festooned with
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  • 1866 821 (Mi Saturday nighl m the Town Il;i!l Theatre \v;is produced harles Selby's melodrama of Robert Macaire, "or, Les Auberges des Adrets. The story <>!' the play is divulged m two acts and is not ol a very complex character. Charles Dumont is the adopted son ol an lnnkeep<
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  • 280 822 Some liidit is thrown upon the telegraphic intelligence of the recent conflict between the Portuguese under Serpa Pinto and the British protected Makololos living on the Shire river by a perusal of th<- substance of a recent despatch received by th<Portugese Government. This document
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  • 367 822 An interesting juvenile murd< r case has occurred here a Malay boy ol v pears ol age was selling cakes m the town another boy about 13 yean old cam asked lor two cents worth, eating the 1 and letting the vendor follow him home for w
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  • 256 822 We arc Ljl-ui to observe, says the L. 1 < Express, tliat the Viceroy of Canton has secured an English barrister as legal adviser. Il the Canton Government had had an official ol this description during tin p ist fifteen or twenty years many difficulties and unpleasantness with the British
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  • 141 823 Tin- following passengers have an at Singapore Per Penang, from Samarang Mr. and Mrs. It It k k»v. Pei* Carolina, from Palembang Mr. Isin Per Ranee, from Silain Mr Van Delf. Krotn Sandakan Mr. Baker, From Kudal Mr. kin r. Krotn l..'il)u.'iii Mr. Everett. Per fniu Whatt Soon, (rom Pontianak
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  • 992 823 Malacca v. Singapore. It was fortunately lound possible to arrange tor sufficient time on Friday afternoon, m spite ol the numerous engagements that at present serm to be absorbing all the energies ol all Singapore, to play an interesting tennis match under the above title. By kind permission
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  • 749 823 Presentation <> i Prizes. Yesterday afternoon (23rd), at Tanglin Barracks, took place the ceremony <•! presenting tin' annual shooting prizes ol the regiment. Shortly before 5 p.m. the regiment was formed m column ol double com pan i< on the parade ground, with the officers and
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  • 1606 824 galow, already decorated for Christmas, the Governor, Sir Charles Warn n md as many as could find room, placed themselves at the clear end of the Bungalow. Col. Anderson having called tin- regiment to attention, Sir Charles Warren, on behalf of himself and the troops present, expressed their great sense
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  • 562 824 ()i course whal naturally interests a p suffering from sore throat is whal will cure, In the January numb t oi the Edinburgh i journal an abstract is given of a lecture by s Morell Mackenzie. Speaking of quinsy, I eminent author writes, "I have found
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  • 53 825 Egyp t. London, joth Dec. France hat replied to the Egyptian conversion scheme, demanding tl>.tt the surplus revenue, aftei payment <>l amounts resulting from the abolition oi the Corve*e, be applied t»> increasing the Egyptian army and to irrigation works. Brazil, The Ex-Empress has died ol gout m ili< [Received
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  • 354 825 For the Free Press. I MSCONTENI IN BRAZIL. London, Pec. 23rd, Reports from the Rio Janeiro state that there are growing signs of discontent m the Rio provinces, and there has been a slight mutiny ol the soldiers. [Received at 12.55 M )vc 2 4- 188 9-] Situation
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  • Page 825 Miscellaneous
    • 616 825 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Dect mber Salvadora, Span, str., 688, Conte, Manila, D» 16, General, Mansfield Co T P. Will o'the Wisp, Bril str., 166, Angus, Klang, D« 2f, General and 05 Deck Passengers, Mansfield A Co.— R. Dorset, Brit.str.. 1,617, Daniel, Kuchinotiu, Dee 1 I. Coal, Mansfield .V Co R. LJmballa,
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    • 719 825 P I i\ 1 1 i-i R I ILIMA. IhH -I-. I t I aft, Gri I Am 1 Iril 1 H 1 > \l insfieM A P. Cattekthl'N, Bril sti Hong Dec. 22, Ballast and 11 Chinese Pas* Guthrie r p 1 Bill ereu- i 470 h. p., Lieut
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  • 275 826 30th, 1889. K. DUNMAN,— Broker* Cap. Pd. tip Shares Value Pd. l)iv. l\l MARKS. Singapore Slip Co. 100,000 100,000 1,001 i< I $85 Sellers. Bcntong, Straits Tin. £100,000 £100,000 [00,000 £'1 £1 x A sale. Goldfields of Siam, Ltd. £250,000 150,000 [50,000 /1 v Buyers. H'kong S'hai
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  • Page 826 Advertisements
    • 275 826 KNIGHT CO., Art Furniture Manufacturers. Decorators \\i> ij: h,,v 14, 1111. 11 m: Brit 4i m, 4 n IM S|| M LONDON SINGAPORE A nice seta tion ol attractive Dining Room, Drawing Room, Bedroom and Boudoir Suites always m Stock. Specialities m Sideboards, Cabinets, Escritoires, Mirrors, and Fancy Brackets. Cofi
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  • Page 826 Miscellaneous
    • 648 826 Dectmbir jj, Brit, str, I) Padua, fof Muar Pakshan. Brit. str.. Stovell, for Bangkok. Celestial, Brit. str.. Follett. for Saauraag via ports. Billiton, Brit, str., Chuu.tnl tor Malacca and Klaag. Amigo, Ger. str., Bruhn. for Hongkong Melpomene, Aust. str., Prrini, for Hongkong Nam KiANci, Brit, str Halmin, for Penang
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    • 424 826 Oi-MiK. Dut Mr Jee ><>• 1 ii, Palembahg, rtain.— l i 1 Ponti \n Brit >ti -<■ H c. 25, i\, r.-ral. Dahlmai k D< a6, Paaang, [an. I R Recorder, Rrii sti 676, Madge Penang N I E. E A kC I" Co Ltd.— Nor. 38, tain.— N. If.
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  • Page 827 Advertisements
    • 354 827 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVI GA TION COMI 'A N V Cn .downs— Ni w Harbour. The under-noted are tin- dates on which this Company 'i Mail Steamers may be r«pectsd at S ngapore during the year 1 887 1 '1 (i Afcßivi To Lbavi Of" WAKD. HOMI WARD. 1887.
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    • 488 827 \G AND SHANGHAI BANKING IRPORA riON. 'AM I i I. 1 i AH BESfck X LIABILITY ol- PRO- > Pi ETORB j COURI Ol DIRI C i»»K> Chairman— W. 11. FORBES, El l).-i.uiy Chairman— H. L DALRYMPLE II";. ]om x Bell-Irvino. I R. Moses, Esq W I Br< -:»:i 1
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    • 481 827 r LAMBERT BROTHERS, SINGAPORE CARRIAG WORKvS. tND HARNI \i I < >RY, Orchard Road, Singapore. l B L I S I I K II I MANUFACI URERSoI I „n thf mwisi princi pies and to call attentii n to I fashionab i nsisting ol Lain', ins Nrith pat* ni i
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  • Page 828 Advertisements
    • 986 828 POW ELL CO., AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITURE, HmNITURE,4e. f**oT SOIO VOT l jfl/^ < AtMEIRAHS **-E t.HESTS. Bedsteads (irow). Jtwn Sapbs. Bl»-ROOM SUITK. 2 Book Cases. S i^\ J^~ "^^V I-amis Book Stands. a^ H .^^i^ lk LlßOtrotj. Billiard Tablei f^f^i I S it M ATTWO. Card Tailes. if \s f
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