The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 October 1927

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 12 1 Singapore Free Press CENTS. SINGAPORE, as. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1927. NO. 12,213.
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  • 1142 1 "Moustaches," quoth the barher, "are survival of barbarism Tsm Xi no nines for them m the modern world: nun Might as well wear long hair." Said he:- "In a few years' time you will hardly see mou.tache m London,' 1 I would not say that. Hut
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 300 1 THE fyOMIL O DIARY I for 1928 gL-i^-^-_g~| THIS RONEO J rai n< .i?»wr product has earned for itself a *I ■S 1 Wfo. N" Z zz:^ m P lace on the bus y man's desk by X tW- H reason of its real helpfulness. J i&iliJiil l —m N
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    • 419 1 THE DAY'S NEWS. The Italian liner Principessa Mafalda has sunk off the coast of Brazil and 900 lives are reported to have been lost Page 9. A sensation has been caused in Penang by the resignation of the Visiting Committee of the Hospital, who describe as a scandal and disgrace
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 147 1 HiKh Water, 11.11 a.m.. i). 2, 11.48 p.m., 8.9. Malacca: H. W. 8 a.m., 7.0, 5.20 p.m.. »>.4. B. I. homeward mail closes. Welcome to Rev. 6. H. and Mrs. Dougiat Tonilinson Hall 8.4 i p.m. Natural History Society Medical College 6 p.m Friday, SBO. Hi^h Water, 1141 a.m.. US.
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  • 293 2 POLJCB swoop down on TWO SHADOWS. Well Uauu.d' It i- 1 turn, A (lark, misty night. The fTM! heart of London is asleep. A woman, living next door to Snow Hil' police station, whore SO brawny policemen slee;>. liappens to glance out of the
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  • 318 2 SEANCE STORIES. The astonishing ■ckfaflNMßtl of the fa moaa spiritualist nudiums. "Stella C" and "Margery." were revealed at the Sorhonne this morning by Mr. Harry Price, director of the National Laboratory for Psychic Kesearch m England, and Mr. Malcolm Bird vest-arch otfic -r of the American Society during-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 THE HAPPY VALLHL CINEMA— SIDESHOWS UNION STAR (MttAi) OPERA. Various Amusements GATE 10 CIS. I MDM. KELVEYS SCHOOL OF DANCING. For children and young ladies m Character, Classical, C'oar, Exhibition, Ballet and Toe Dancing. Private lessons m modern ballroom dancing and latest variations. I guarantee to make you proficient m
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    • 388 2 VIOXORIA. THEATRE THE BANVARD LONDON MUSICAL COMEDY CO. PRESENTING ALL THE LATEST AND GREATEST London Successes. SEASON COMMENCING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th. And Nightly at 9.30 p.m. OPENING PERFORMANCES, OCTOBER 28th. AND 29th. KATJA THE DANCER. From Daly's Theatre, London. Monday, Oct. 31st and Tuesday, Nov. Ist. I Wednesday, Nov. 2nd.
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    • 277 2 ALHAMBRA (Tan Chenr Kee Co., Ltd., Proprietors.) In the Second Show at A p.m. The Dempsey-Sharkey Fight Showing the Training of both Jack Dempsov and Jack Sharkev -i.wl A fiffht from the first to the seventh round when Sharkev w-w kno k I ho^«ft or not Dempsey fouled Sharkey at
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  • 451 3 Singapore, Out. 22* Th<' prices quoted are "enerally those torrent at Clyde Terrace Market. At the other markets there may bo small variations. MEAT. Beef •teak (round) Kali U Do. st;>w or curry do 4H Pork, lean do fi2 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality) do 54
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  • 158 3 Sir Alfred Mond's Announcement. London, Oct. 10. "Then- is not only a new spirit, but I new task for industry. The movement towards the League of Industrial Peace for which 1 have often appealed is growing space. Many who a few months ago refused to co-operate
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  • 95 3 No Greetings from France and England. Perlin, Oct. 10. The Germans who eagerly noted the react i an abroad to President Hindenburg's Tannenberg speech have especially noted the absence of the Locarno Powers' congratulations on the occasion of Hindenburg's birthday m view of President Coolidpe's warm message. Fiankfurter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 282 3 ADELPHI HO IE POPPY DAY ,M)I X THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF HIS rEXCELLENCT THE GOVERNOR AND LADY CLIFFORD C.B.E. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GENERAL OFFICER COMMANDING AND MRS. VAN STRAUBENZEE. Saturday, November 12th. plain and Fancy Dress Carnival and Ball and Roof Garden Cinema. lour jiluahle Prizes for most Original and
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    • 436 3 Why Hartley' s Jam is Cheapest J Vssfe^jiSjjiiijjJ Modern scientific laboratories— modern machinery l^^^d^^ff the latest packing methods, and our vast resources, J|^^jKsH3sßBB 8l which give us the pick of the fruit and sugar mar- j! •I -i-^^^^^^^^^^ kets, enable us to make 100 per cent, pure jam at the
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  • 202 4 CHAMPAGNE MAKING IN THE MARNE REGION. A NAVAL OCCASION. In the fields where a few \vai\s ajr° t\ ODlMldl of WWC being HOVI down to the deafening 1 roar of puns thousands are now busily Stripping the vines. Saying poodnight after the days work is
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  • 415 5 TYPHOON WHICH MISSED HONG KONG. The South China Morning Post publishes an account of a typhoon which alleged. y devastated Hong Konj? last month. The despatch which was sent from Canton and appeared m L'Opinion, Saigon, of September 27 included the following: The barometric depression ha=? become
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  • 97 5 KKIDE OF ENGLISH BOXES. New York. Oct. 14. Mr. Sydney Colgate, the millionaire soap manufacturer, has philosophically accepted the news of bis daughter Margaret's mairiatre with Mr. Edward P. F. Eapan vithr»ut consulting 1 him. Notification of the marriage to Mr. and Mrs. Colpate and
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  • 80 5 Film producers frequently require the presence of policemen m their outdoor scenes, and cinema actors are therefore clothed m the official blue uniform. These pseudo policemen have on several occasions lately held up the traffic- m the streets and directed it as the film producer
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  • 84 5 London, Oct. 15. The new term at Cambridge was marred by the sudden death, while walking, of a younjr undergraduate, William Charles Daynes, St. Catherine's College, who had just entered his second year of residence. Daynes was the son of a woodworker at Norwich and went up
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  • 71 5 I.ord !Vleston's Son as Candidate. London. Oct. 11. The selection of the Hjh. Douirall Meston as I/iheral candidate at Southern! m opposition to Lady Iveagh h%* h& some Liberals to think that he has a more favourable chance of success than if the Government's champion were a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 j.-#--i-- •EUROPE|S|HOTEL i f "RENOWNED BY RECOMMENDATION** II \Christmas Festivitiesl I CHRISTMAS EVE. t SAT. 24th DECEMBER. J Dinner and Cinderella Dance. m Christmas Tree Decorations. Tickets. $3. i CHRISTMAS NIGHT. SUNDAY, 25th DECEMBER. J Okie English Dinner. Distribution of 7 i hri.tmas Novelties; after-dinner music. Tickets. $4. i i
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    • 184 5 A most fascinating smoke— these Craven 'A' The growing enthusiasm for Craven "A" is the fascination of pure tobacco pure British paper and a tip made of natural cork CRAVEN "A" CORK TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Made Specially to Prevent Sore Throats MADE IN LONDON by Carreras Ltd. bOLE agents HUTTENBACH
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  • 1244 6 The Malay States Agency. RUBBER BOOT SHOW. (From Our Own Correspondent;. I London, Sept. 29. To-day the Malay States Government took over the new offices m Trafalgar Square but as I stated last week there is not the remotest chance of their entering into effective possession before
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  • 341 6 INTl?r<;i ES IN FAR EAST EXPOSED. London. Oct. 10. How the Kaiser's tortuous diplomacy defeated its own .'lids and also resulted m the Anglo- French entente will be revealed for the first time hy the publication of the official docum.nts, which Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, when he was
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  • 118 6 Chinese Drug. London, Oct. 12. There is new hope for those suffering from asthma m the form of a drug, synthetically reproduced, and contained m a curative plant. Ma Huang, which has been known to the Chinese for thousands of years. It is one of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 262 6 ■T jf L j lV "i In and out of the wash continually how long can you make your :j pretty things last :j Only by washing them m LUX can you £d the utmost wear from them. Hard soap and rubbing are fatal. Wash them m LUX, the ■E
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  • 249 7 TERMS OF AGREEMENT. FLYING THE UNION JACK. [Router's Service.] Cape Town, Get. 2.*. The most critical phase of the flag 1 noijo tiations was the meeting af the Souih African Party at which unanimity W*« piactically achieved including most of the Natal delegates. A complete agreement of
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  • 128 7 [Reuter's Service.] Lisbon, Oct. 2."». The trans- Atlantic aviators. Ruth Eldei M\d Hauicman ariived here m the steamer lima and had an extraordinarily enthusiastic welcome. The American Minister. Legation statf. Portuguese airmen and others went out tc meet the Lima, aeroplanes circling aloft. Students spiead their cloaks
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  • 40 7 [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, Oct. 2i>. Heel London, chairman of the preparatoiy i ommission to the League Disarmament Conference, has convened the fourth session for Nov. S3. The agenda includes consideration of resolutions of the League Assembly and Council.
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  • 49 7 [Reuter's Service.] Warsaw, Oct. 2"^. Lodz textile manufacturers are negotiating with America for large credits f- the purchase of rotton from the United States; m addition the Lodz cottonspinners are negotiating for a long-term $10,000,000 loan for the introduction of modernised equipment m the mills.
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  • 82 7 Calcutta, Oct. 14. Antonio Zetto, an Italian globe-trotter, who left his home at Trieste on December .24, 1918. at the ago of 20, arrived m Calcutta yesterday. He was induced by a wealthy uncle to undertake a walking tour of the world lasting ten years.
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  • 44 7 Oorgaum, Oct. 12th. Mr. Bartlett, one lOf the European shift officials employed m the gold mines received seiious injuries, resulting m his death. He was caught between the cage and the shaft timbering at the 6,800-feet level.
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  • 30 7 London, Oct. 11. Messrs. Dorman. Long and Co. Ltd., propose to open constructional bridgehuilding shops m India. Sir Arthur Dorman will leave for India m November.
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  • 21 7 London, Oct. 9. It is understood that the Archbishop ol Canterbury will be resigning m 1928.
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  • 198 7 PRICE-CUTTING IN BRITAIN. SHARE 'VALUES SLUMP. [Reuter's Service.] London, Oct. 25. The reduced market valuation m a week of over £10,000.000 m the shares of the Imperial Tobacco Company and BritishAmerican Tobacco Company, has attracted attention m view of the reported impending war with American interests. U
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  • 79 7 FRANCO- AMERICAN TARIFF. [iieuterV Service.] Paris. Oct. 26. It is understood the American tariff note marks a stp towards agreement- America has apparently renounced her demand for treatment more advantageous than she was receiving before Aug. 80 and has agre.c' to enter into immediate negotiations with France on condition that
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  • 64 7 [Reuter's Service. J London. Oct. -25. The international chess tournament m London ha^ concluded. Th*> Pole. Doctor Partakower. and the Dane. Neimzowilch, are m first place with eight games earh; the Ameiican. Marshall, with TV* is third. He did not los-e once but drew seven out
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  • 59 7 [Reuter's Service.] Ottawa. Oct. 26. Figures of September production of newsprint show that Canada has supplanted the United States as the world's largest producer- Canada m September produced ovoi 178,000 tons the United States over 114,000 Three years ago the United States production exceeded Canada's. Newsprint
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  • 52 7 [Reuter's Service.] Moscow. Oct. 26 Mr. Eugene Chen has returned from South Russia. He denies that he has married the widow of Sun Vat Sen and described the rumour as a "malicious fabri cation savouring of political sacrilege m vkw of the deep reverence he holds
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  • 46 7 [Reuter'.s Strviee.] London. Oct. 25. H.M.S. sloop Cornflower which shortly replaces the Hollyhock or the China Station, will be commissioned with the relief crew of the Iroquois for passage to Hon;? Kong and the latter's rt'Heved crew will bring back the Hollyhock.
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  • 53 7 Indian Lady Graduate. London, Oct. 1 7. Fourteen women students who received medical decrees at Glaspow to-day included an Indian lady, Malur Lakshmiamma, of Madras. She was a picturesque figure with diamonds on ears and nose and was dressed m flowing robes. She was given an
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  • 53 7 'Plane Crashes at Kisumu. Nairobi, Oct. 18. The East African air mail 'plane crashed Tt Kisumu yeaterdav rlurinpr a trial flight landing 1 mails from Biitain. Ai^caly the service had lapsed for some months as f I result of previous crashes and the service has apain
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 300 7 BUSINESS CARDS. VVEE'BROS: UNDERTAKERS. v MKNTAL MASONS. „-h I"" 1 Wrt*ta» M«<»e to ord«*r. J M VVrcatfci Always m Stock. Si*kffic Koad. Tel: 3869. J v/.'.-.'.'.VV.V.V.V.WM'^rWA .w.v.v.v.w.ww.vwsvu^ r MEMORIALS. „\,,\|M)UE (ASKET CO. S S t »si MENTAL MASONS. > itfephone No. 75. J /.•.v.v.v.v.w.wmv/A i i .v.% :P ALBERT L.
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    • 717 7 NOTICES. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM, 62/63 KOBJNSON ROAD Op ti daily «♦.:s•> to 11 am. Saturdays. 10 to 12 a.m. Friday Evening. 5 to 7FREE W ALL. WEARE COMPANY, LTD. •(n Voluntary Liquidation.) NOTICE IS JIKRKHY GIVEN that meeting "i" th»« cn-fJitors of tho abtivc (ompuny irDI r»<» a#M ;it
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    • 332 7 For growing children Builds body, bane and muscle TENDERS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Tenders are invited for \.h«* printinjr of Iff copies of by-laws (with ili»j»rarus) m respect <>' drainage, plumbing, and sanitary rittinps. A copy of the byOaws will bo forwarder! tot inspection on npplicnliurj ut the Municipa Secretary's Office.
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    • 271 7 E NOTICE Q (1 heir to inform our Go*- j^H tha riIKISTM AS I AND MBH TKAR festiviti* I^B '■"■(>> (oji vvliui! prices :,rc I j lion In sai.i ro<imtiun from I*| hvr 1021 a PKKBBNT to th. IB ■r] value of ii> per Mat. (ten per >n tin (;O0()S
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  • 676 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1927. A Crisis Passed. General satisfaction will be felt that a way has been found out of the Flag" difficulty m South Africa, and although it is still possible that there may be protests and opposition from the die-hards of either side it would
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  • 400 8 Mr. Justice Sproule, who has been m Singapore, receiving attention at the General Hospital, has returned to Penang. Tiv Singapore Harbour Board has issued the current scale of rates and by-laws m a ntutly got up pamphlet form with a detail map of the dock premises. The Asiatic planters' Association
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  • 168 8 Visiting Committee's Strong Letter to P.C.M.O. RESIGNATION EN BLOC. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I'enang, Oct. 26. A sensation has been created locally by the lesipnation en bloc of thj Visiting Committee of the General Hospital. A letter from A. L. Hoops (Principal Civil Medical Officer) calls attention
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  • 39 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.* Penang, Oct. 26. Mr. (hew Chens; K<*at, a well-known towkay, died last night after a prolonged" illness, at the age of 60. He was the founder and head of the Boon Pharmacy.
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  • 50 8 VOLUNTEER ADJUTANTS TID 'APA. From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 26. Captain Prattky, Adjutant of the Volunteers, was fined ten dollars for failing to comply with an order of a police officer. Capt. Prattley left his motor-car m a prohibited parking place. When ordered to move it he sftid "Tid'apa."
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  • 61 8 (From Our Own Correspondent t. Ipoh, Oct. 26. A cable received here from Australia reports the death of Mr. E. W. Hedpeland, iate Assistant Surxeyor-General, who wa.s run over and killed on the railway m New South Wales. Mr. Hedgeland retired m 192"2 and had
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  • 44 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh. Oct. 26. The Rev. Proebstel. Principal of the Anglo-Chinese School at Ipoh, was con veyed to Taiping Hospital from the Menggelunchor water slide, where, whilst picnicking, he slipped over a rock and severely strained his leg.
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  • 47 8 NEW BRIDGE ROAD ACCIDENT. In connection with the accident which occurred m New Bridge Road on October li» last, when an unknown Chinese was knocked down by the German Consul-Gene ral's car, the Coroner, Colonel Hope Falkner, yesterday returned a verdict of death by misadventure.
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  • 63 8 The Coroner yesterday concluded the inquest on a Chinese who died m hospital following an accident with a blow lamp. The man, a goldsmith, was melting some gold with the lamp when it slipped from his hand and falling to the ground, burst into flames. He was
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  • 72 8 NECLECTF UL PARENTS. Returning a verdict of death t'rom natural causes m the case of a Chinese infant who died m hospital from broncho-pneu-monia, the Coroner yesterday stated that the child had been neglected by her parents, who did not remove her to hospital until it was too late. It
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  • 64 8 Death by misadventure was the verdicl returned by the Coroner m the case of a Chinese who died after an accident m which he .severely injured his arm, death being due to tetanus. The Chinese treated himself with Chinese medicine but his arm became worse and, m
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  • 23 8 Mr. V. W. W. S. Purcell, Assistant Official Assijirnee. Penanjr, who was down with an attack of influenza, il well and about again.
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  • 44 8 Rubber Strong. THE TIN BIHHLK (From Our Own Cf*.,^ londr»n Rubber shares are baprovia. vance m the price of th, the decline m stocks. TJ ,runv2 to-day was 16?4d. The Account just doted d Btantial majority of advan.,^ rfJ*'* period. Unr
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  • 33 8 Mr. Arnold, spealin X H the I Johore Para Rubber Kstnt.sidered that by 19:52 tho nj! sorb all the rubber th, and he hazarded a gu,w, iepetition of the boon-
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  • 39 8 Tin to-day is a. 867* utd th, ment has been well Maintained. There is a good itBUUld For the leading- Batten dMcriptioa*. The Financial Timc-s itatea that'], trol plan controversy eon sively and tan b<> disregarded.
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    • 276 8 To the Editor. Sir. Boms monthi correspondent made > above subject which wen Interest. He promised to >.■ question of Teipk management etc. but m far nothing ha* ■ppi his notes. All Tempi. affair* do nol what they otlffhi to be. X Temple accounts ihen I
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  • 121 8 The Chief Justice, Sir William Mur yesterday concluded the hMTtaf -f the tion brought by Catherine Franc; dissolution of her marriage. "U the u'r"'- r of her luntead*! adultery with leitfl respondents. The ripoadrtrt Ml allegations, and ißlgfd th;it the p* tkmeff had committed adultery <m
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  • 59 8 The Mantua, which U from Home N the 4th of next I have on board I.ieul. Col. C.M.G.. D.5.0.. c«i»indinjr «'^J Secon.i Battalion jDuto Rafiment, iUUoned m Sinf»l The vessel il also brinifinß nt master to the Battalion. Gouph. rtetntly f*** 11 Bandmaster Wright, vi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 178 8 "THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" IF YOU WANT GOOD COCKTAILS H YOU MUST USE MARTINI AND M^^ Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Ltd. 'S^EB (Incorporated under the Corupanlc*' Orui^-ancrt g£m H^fl o/ Hongkong) Vaß^O Incorporated m Shcnghai.) 45 Kohinson Road. Singapore. Tel. 228 BY SPECIAL OsfiT A ]^W APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY
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    • 14 8 To-day's Feature. J I CAUGHT BY THE j I CAMERA—I 1 1 ■I I
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  • 311 9 SINKS OFF BRAZILIAN COAST. HIINMBDB OP LIVES LOST. Bfßeutcr's Service.] Kio dV Janeiro, Ocl. 26. p., I'jihan liner Principessa Mafalda, i; t« have foundered off Bahia lasi 4111) persons were saved from a tota Priactpessa Mafalda. a vessel ol •-.image, was "built m 1908 by .1 K-errizio
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  • 240 9 toll upon human life is a very every year bringing its story r> UK one or more vessels, with t mater or lesser number of Marine disaster* comparable with tHf Mafalda during the last exclusive of accidents to war wd«, include the following:— Atlantic (White Star Line),
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  • 29 9 1 11 -Official Service.] Xu K by, <Kt. 25. flyinp boats which ar Into and Australia ivacr nioinintr from Naples. vu r cable, on Page 7.]
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  • 143 9 EX-MINISTER'S ARREST. "A STATE OF REVOLUTION." I Keuter'g bervice. J Berlin, Oct. 26. Rumania is again m the throes of a serious political crisis, according to reports from Budapest, Belgrade, and Vienna. t Direct communication with Bucharest ia j the subject of strict censorship. Matters were apparently
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  • 84 9 \HS SAI I)S FLEET OF CAM. Reuter's Service.] London. Oct. 26. Ibn Sand has deserted the camel for an iII, COO fleet ol eight British motor-cars of polished aluminium m which his crossdesert travels will henceforth be made. Two window |»ss motor caravans are provided
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  • 110 9 BMPBMNI ACCOSTED IN STREET. [Router's Far Eastern Service.] Tokio, Get. 26. While the Enpmnor was leaving the Palace this morateg a woman attempted to thrust a paper into his motor-car, hut was frustrated b) the police and arrested. 'i he police report that the paper w;'s
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  • 82 9 SEQ UEL TO MUTINY ON STEAMER. BUSMAN SAILORS SENTENCED. [Reuter's Service.] Riga. Oct. 26. The Bovid Coon at Odessa has sentenced two sailors. Dashkevitch and Tychkin to is months ami ♦> months imprisonment respectively for killing 2 officers and a seaman on the Egyptian steamer Inki rman, when the crew
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  • 84 9 KOENNECKE 'S DISAPPEARANCE. MYSTERY CLEARED UP. [Reuter's Service.] Cologne, Oct. 2ti. The mysterious lack of news of the airman Koennecke since arriving at Bunder Abbas on Oct. 8 is cleared up by a letter from Count Solms, who was accompanying Koennecke, stating that the > aeroplane made a forced landing
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  • 56 9 [Reuter's Serviced Washington. Oct. 26. Rear Admiral Magruder. Commander of s the Fourth Naval District and Commandant of Philadelphia Navy Yard, has been re- litved of his post and ordered to report to Mr. Wilbur, owing it is stated, to a series of magazine articles m which
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  • 49 9 [Reuter's Service.] Washington. Oct. 26. It is confirmed that Mr. Mitchell (a Bri tish mino manager who was captured bj v bandits m Mexico.) has been released. H i- is believed that the Amajac Corporatior paid £500 as ransom. [Earlier cables on Page 7.]
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  • 68 9 A PROFITABLE NINE MONTHS. RECORD EARNINGS. [Reuter's Service.] New York, Oct. 26. The keenest interest is shown m WallStreet m the report of General Motors Corporation for the fuse nine months of 1927 showing net earnings of nearly $200,000,000, more than for any nine months of its history
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  • 102 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, Oct. 26. Financial editois draw attention to tht report that holders of over 51 per cent, of P. and O. Banking Corporation shares have a. ready accepted the offer of the Chattered Bank of India, Australia and China, mado through
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  • 62 9 [British Radio.— Official Service.! Kujcby, Oct. 25. Sir Herbert Samuel, former Liberal Minister, who was High Commissioner for Palestine from 1920 to 1925, announced to-day that he has accepted an invitation to stand as Parliamentary candidate for the Darwen division of Lancashire. Sir Herbert has recently taken
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  • 51 9 [Xanyo Xichi-Xkhi Service.] Tokio. Oct. 2."». The Government is Koing to advance loans and make grants to the devastated districts for the reconstruction and repair of roads, brdpes and embankments. Various taxes will be reduced m the afflicted districts according: to the extent of the daniaK^*
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  • 25 9 [Xanyo Nichi-Nichi Service.] Tokio. Oct. 25. Princess Toshiko. consort of Marshal Prince Fushimi Sadanaru has pas*wl away. [Earlier cables on page 7.]
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  • 391 9 SYCE MEWARDBD FOX ASSISTING POLICE. At the Assizes yesterday Ng Choon En^r and Tan Joo Koon were arraigned on a charge of the attempted murder of Tai Ling Kong on September 5. The D.P.P. (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley) said the assailed man was stabbed m six places
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  • 877 9 MOTOR CYCLING ROUNI>D THE WORLD. Mr. S. T. Glanfield Arrives. PLENTY OF EXPERIENCES. Arduous experiences whilst crossing- the Arabian Desert, arrest by the Turkish police, and a iecord motor-cycle journey across India were among the many incidents related to a Free Press representative by Mr. S. T. Glanfield, who arrived
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 151 9 !"DOBINSON'C" j: Mm FOR VAf UE AND SERVICE— |^B fy*ot@Per f I/i jf FAMOUS FOR THEIRFITTING QUALITIES. S^ lit T A PERFECT FITTING SHOE. ife n Means Longer Wear and More Comfort. jj OUfeS" NEW SHIPMENT i 8 8 i C "THE CLARIDGE "THE RADNOR" I g A smart model
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 728 10 BLUE FUNNEL LINE REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES if'KPSS SKRVKR MARSEILLES. LONDON N. CONTINENT FOhTNH.HTLY WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre.) Due Spore. WEEKLY SERVICE— LONDON AND tf. CONTINENT. EUMAEUS London, Rotterdam anil Hamburg Oct. 28 t AENEAS Marseilles, London, Rotterdam
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  • 962 11 Violin Selections m Father's Smithy. SOLACE OF A STORMY CAREER. There is a legend m England, dear particularly to the upper-middle class m Victorian and Edwardian times, that the tare and pursuit of music- do not harmonise wit}) the character of a man of action, 01 even
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  • 133 11 London Gret»ls "(ieneral's" I)auj;hti'r. "('(Miiinantler" Evangeline Booth, daughter of the founder of the Salvation Army and for the past twenty-three years hfa<l of that organisation m the United States, received a welcome at tho Central Hall, Westminster, on Wednedsay. Sept. 28. One of the songs which she
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 309 11 i v_^^^- --^*^g| aMssSizizzzz^z^y\ ttyk ggggg|~-T7. Stf^m. N y <Ompi (tr roOD *2blb^b^b9 fc fONrFHtwATfd J H^^SSbBH SHgggggg^ggH {^L^AITtKTRACT W^^2£l sS^ I^BC^lcllHl a»»e.ggs Z J^^f I jjjHgV B^BBSKaaVBsIBHBB^B^B^B^B^BaasBm g^w^^- 40B^^ Kmml dff gggggggggfl r^J I rn'mßM "^ggV f k ■mm^^^^^^^^^^^^Bma I /j!r»aMSßßMaMasja ggggg^S^^^*^™"^^ T //Restful Sleep^ Here is the way
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    • 322 11 Flit Kills Cockroaches! k^^^^ /COCKROACHES hold midnight -revels m mil- "^^JCjlSk^ \^> lions of homes you pay the bills for /OIMHf these vile insects' feasts It is your food on I which these disgusting intruders glut them- j I selves, your provisions that they contaminate f I and ruin, your
      322 words

  • 188 12 Hong: Kong Observatory at 11.55 a.m. yesterday reported a typhoon within 120 miles of lat. 19 deg. N., long. 127 deg. E., travelling m a N. N. W. direction. The Spanish light cruiser Don Bias de Lezo left port at 2.30 p.m. yesterday, under the command of Capt.
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  • 492 12 A CENTURIES OVERDUE GULD. In the Mansion House on September 28th. the Lord Mayor, who is also Admiral of the Port of London, presided at the first annual meeting of the Court of the Com 1. rany of Master Mariners, and he began his speech m
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  • 218 12 MINES LAID IN WEST KIVER. Secrets about the laying of mines m the estuary of the Canton and West Rivers have been revealed by which it is alleged that the manufacture of explosives is a monopoly m the hands of two Chines.- who are "returned students." No mines
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 532 12 Bums Philp Line 'Incorporated m Australia.) FOR BRISBANE. SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Rcfuar monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the new motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The 5.9. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins dc Luxe,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 716 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahanff, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuan tan (via Gemaa and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a .m. Bangkok every Thursday G a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 587 13 O. S. K. Line. pectinations. Steamer.. Arrive L K.-irerdam, Hamburg, Bremen, i^**. Aatwerpi v a Colombo, Aden and Port Sh.-I Amur Muru N ov 16 Nov 1? puriar. C«pt Town, Rio, Santos, 1,0 and Buenos Aires. }La Plata Marii Nov. 7 No v. 8 Murni.a-i. Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, ieira, Pelajroa Bay
      587 words
    • 432 13 I TBAHL»CDMFQRr I W WW^WWB"W^^^ sW^ssP^^^ssssssssssg 1 bl^bm "^^SSB^^^^^^^^^^B^^^ I Dollar President liners offer you luxurious travel comforts. All state-rooms are outside rooms, well-ventilatea and cooled by electric fans. They are furnished with beds (not berths), each having an electric reading lamp. State-rooms with private bath predom.nate all have hot
      432 words
    • 349 13 K. P~ M. of the I'AHll,_Thur S da7~oe t 2 P P S "r T UriBt ffice M»C Ct ?K^ 1^ s,, ssan an, P ?£S4^ a i<lay Oet 2K Ch<ribon Semarans Pa<ianKi!; Man Fsta,, an<i Ke^af Pl Rad J a S^< Tombiiahan. P0,,,,,, P an)ra S^^' 1 OC W
      349 words

  • 1038 14 A New Capitalism. CHANGES THAT ARE NEEDED. Human Nature m Business. (With an Account of the Structure of Industry). By F. Creedy, M.I.E.E. Mr. Creedy is one of that growing numIMV of vi holders of the "capitalist system"' vhn realise how murh is rt'ron<r with it,
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  • 154 14 COURAGEOUS CONBTABLB. London, Oct. 10. 1 I don't want a respirator," exclaimed Constable Edwin Cook, a winner of the Military Medal, when he learned that David Williams, while attempting to rescue a fellow- work man Richard Ball, who was teintf suffocated to-day at the bottom of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 564 14 J( R\ ftp /fr -pure- -^X \J) /yrji WMfr/J^ ENJOYMENT Y/Vf Ifo <j'\ There is no substitute for ?IS^V\ \Kv f/'ll \<rS thc su P erb fl avour of >Jl I\\ •Lj fj ML^ lirown Poison's Gus- f\\ y> V\\ S CS> I /^f* turd, the children's joy. #=^x i)
      564 words
    • 167 14 -4^^&j r^ i BUICK BODYWORK IS UNSURPASSED O the assured mechair'cal perfection and silent operJ^ ation of the Buick chassis, is now added increased luxury and comfort of coach work, and appointments not previously attained m motor building. jß^gy^ The beautiful bodies by Fisher stand unrivalled aa WffmSL finest examples
      167 words

  • 631 15 Singapore, Oct. 25. A review of the past week presents n.. special feature but, nevertheless, it is sat isfactory to note that there has been a small but definite rise m the price of our two commodities since we last wrote. Tin has made a gradual rise,
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  • 220 15 The mechanisation of daily life goes from strength to strength. Soon the case of the man who wil ordered by his doctor to take more exercise and who therefore started shaving himstlf will be out of date, for we IN told that a member of the Institute of
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  • 44 15 Formation of £100,000 Company. London, Oct. 12. The magnitude of the business of supplying; London offices with cl an towels is indicated by the formation of a company with a capital of £100,000. It has absorbed three firms presently enpaged on it.
    44 words
  • 59 15 October M. Bank C m.s. 2,3 31-32 Bank demand 2,3 23-3J' Private credits 3 m.s. 1)414 New York, demand 56^ India, T. T. 153% Hong 1 Kong, demand 1 1 7k p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 120 Xom. Java demand 139 Bangkok, demand BOV2 Bar Silver London 2&% Bank 1
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  • 191 15 October fft. Gambier 91^ Pepper White 10:5 Pepper Black t>i Flak« Tapioca 7* 4 Pearl Sago .Small 8 Copra 11.40 Copra Sundried 11.7."> Opium. Benares unt. 4,000 Rico Liaaf Hin Chan Mark Red Eagrle (New) 330 lice, Siam old No. 1. S3O Rice. Rangoon Bintai* 2HO Rice, Rangoon Sioka
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  • 554 15 Singapore. Oct. 2.">. There ii a small improvement m the price oi Tin to record during the past week and the London market is reported as being steady. Shares, however, continue neglected and business m both Sterling and dollar issues has been on a restricted scak. Rub
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  • 133 15 YESTERDAY'S RIBKER AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Cot mice Rubber Association held its auction yesterday, when there were catalogue! 1360,678 lbs.; 607.00 tons. Offered 1,068, 040 lbs.; 472.74 tons. Sold 962,842 Urn 426.15 tons. Spat. London s 4%, i NVw York :i4 .V X ts I'KICKs
    133 words
  • 210 15 Saturday's Alterations. Buyers Sellers Bangrin Tin (.f) 31a :;<j ;)2s \ui Uatu Caves (slt 1.27'j 1.:;2'Eastern Stem (6) 2::* 24.-* Hi tain Tin ($1 71 7k Huey Yol Pref. <*i 32a '\'\> Huey Vot Onl. (t'i ;{ls S2i U Kamuntmo (ss! ISs 20s c.<l. Klan^- River ($1)
    210 words
  • 240 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore. Oct. 26. Ituhhvr.- London, la 4*Vl. l *d up. Local .V.) 1 CtS. Tin. London, 4'2«>l l.">s. 40s down. Local 3103 Vi for 17~> tons. !Mitiini>. ..ialaya Consolidated 1.17 1.20. Penawal s:> x<; cts., Taiping 1.21 1.23, South Taiping 74 77 ct*., North Taiping 1.
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  • 57 15 October 2ftth., 12 o'clock noon. B.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. Snot ;>:i Standard R.S.S. Spot it V.f, on Tender Nev-Dee. 16% .1 an Mar. 81 v 4 *V 2 Apr-.lunc (>:p._. h;{ i Tone of .Market: Firm. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 1<;V1 P«-i Ib
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  • 43 15 As a means of fßeommgillg thrift MiGovernment of New Z< aland propo.-; m t<> introduce legislation authorising: the i*BU? of Post Office Savings Certificate! with currency of one. two. ami live fears, aim bearing compound interest of B MHI 5^4 POT t't'nt. respectively.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 769 15 PASSKTS OVER $7,500,000 ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $27,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) HKAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies Act.
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    • 591 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 ssued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund Sterling £6.000,000 Silver $13,500 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon: Mr. D. G. M. Bernard, Chairman A. H. Compton, Esq., Deputy Chairman V.
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    • 39 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 248 16 Sutcliffe To Captain Yorkshire Next Year. SOME NOTABLE RETIREMENTS. (Our Own Correspondent. Copyright.) London. Oct. 26. The ol<l controversy which held ps^min*?nce duiiny the last vi*it uf the Australians to Bacfauki v) n n HoMi was appointed captain of the English Test side' m tht Manchester match
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  • 59 16 ENGLISH SIDE TO VISIT WEST INDIES. TENNYSON AND TATE WILL GO. (Our Ovvn Correspondent— Copyright. London. Oct. 2G Major Lionel Tennyson, the Hampshire cricket captain, who captained the <kle which visited Jamaica last winter, is taking a team to t h West Indies early next year. Maurjoe Tate. the Sussex
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  • 54 16 WHEN THE DOGS CAUGHT THE HARE. (Our Own Correspondent.— Copyright.) London, Oct. 26. I tore was an amusing incident during a jrreyhound racing m.etinir at Blackpool yesterday. The doc caught the hare stopped for a moment, and then continued the race as if nothing had happened greyhound racing ,tarts at
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  • 51 16 (Our Own Correspondent.— Copyright.) I<ondon. Oct. 26. The Jockey dun Stewards are making an experiment with a new starting: pate, which consists of a rope fitted with rubber ends This takes the pl«c« of the breakabh- UfH that has been m use Dp to the
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  • 56 16 L.T.A. AND TENNIS BALL PRICES. (Our Own Correspondent.— Copyright.) London, Oct. 26. The Lawn Tennis Association has postponed the action it proposed to take with the idea of bringing: about a decrease m the price of halls. They proposed to issue standard halls through four selected linns. They are making
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  • 70 16 MALAYAN XI FOR HONG KONG. Xix (Pcrak). A. B. Jordan fPerak). K. B. Lewis and Dr. Lowson (Singapore) have accepted invitations to play m the Malayan XI which is to visit Hong Kon^ next month. The other members of tho side are: N. J. A. Foster (captain), R.
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  • 30 16 VET ANOTHER DRAW. [Reuter's Service.] j Buenos Aires, Oct. 26. twentieth jjame between Alekhine and Capablanca m the world*! chess cham pionship was drawn after 4;i moves.
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  • 90 16 Opening Next Week. The Greater Manila Shows, whose opening date for Singapore is November 2nd have secured v further very interesting feature locally. Mr. William Rodders a collector of birds and animals, i s at present m Singapore assembling a shipment of animal* that will soon be
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  • 467 16 Duke's Defeat The Club. GOVERNOR SEES INTERESTING GAME. His Excellency the Governor, Sir Hugh (Clifford, accompanied by a few friends, was present at the hockey match on the Padang j>.sterday, when the Duke's defeated the Club by three goals to two after an exciting finish. The game was played
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  • 284 16 WILL NOT PLAY AGAIN. The new. that W. M Johnston ha" deeded that ho ha. played his last match for the T.S.A. m the Davis Cup doe. not MOM altogether as a surprise, says the Ob server's la* n tennis correspondent. It it now several
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  • 59 16 1*1,400 For Owner. Ivondon, Oct. 16. A crowd estimated at 100,000, including many enthusiasts from Manchester saw the first Greyhound Derby at the White City !ast evening-. The first prize, a gold cup and £1,000 was won by a favourite entry whose owner, Mr Baxter also owns
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  • 28 16 Mr. R. L. German, District Officer. Pekan was entertained at a farewell function on Saturday at the Pekan Club, on thc eve "t Mi transfer to Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 105 16 The Cambridgeshire. MEDAL AND NIANTIC DEAD HEAT. Reuter's Service. London, Oct. 26. The Cambridgeshire Stakes, a handicap of 25 sovereigns each, with 1,000 sovereigns added; for three year olds and upwards; was run over the new Cambridgeshire Course (mile and a furlong) at Newmarket this afternoon, and resulted
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  • 988 16 Tom Voyce The Happy Warrior. W. J. A. DA VIES ARTIST AND PHILOSOPHER. It is strange, as I think of some of the outstanding personalities I have met during my footballing days how vividly each one stands out m my mind by reason oi som particular phase
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  • 161 16 THE BARNES CUPS. The first match for the Barnes Polo Cups was played yesterday on the Bale^tier ground between two Singapore Polo Clv!» teams. The ground was rather soft ana roujrh m places. Xo. 2 team won with a .-core of four tfoals to two. In the first chukker,
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  • 189 16 PSOGRANME OF CHARITY MATCHES. The following is the full programme of a icrfet of chaiity matches which will take place at the Stadium under the auspices of thc> Muslim and Chinese Poppy Day Committees. Nov. 3. Joborc vs. Singapore Malays. Nov. S. Malays vs. Chinese. Nov. 12. Singapore
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  • 60 16 PBNANG IN KUALA UMPIR ON SATIRDAY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I'enan*. Oct. 2«. Ihe following have hi en dHMCB to meet Selanßor at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday m the inter State rugger match. Griffin; BvtUr, Davenport, Kimes, Ashworth; Poison (captain). Ken? Chuan; Payton Harding, Burton. StaaafeM, Foul Nadlg,
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  • 44 16 American Tournament. The Tan^lin Club American tennis tournament takes place on Friday. Saturday and Sunday of this week and it is hoped that members will arrive as early as po<•Jble on each day m order to 'complete their matches by Sunday evening.
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  • 60 16 A konjisi m Penan*, says the Straits Echo, has just acquired Mount Ceppo, an English ho.*o, which was recently import e<! l by G. W. R. Redfearn. Mount C,ppo will be trained at Singapore for the present As the Shevaun Colt Mount Ceppo tan third to Globula. a very consistent
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  • 24 16 Orders for week ending October 29th Thursday, October 27th.— Band Practice Headquarters, 5.15 p.m. Friday, October 28th.-Sisnalling Class, Headquarters 5.15 p.m.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 135 16 f MOUTRI B*l THE YE.V BEST »r EL t E S BEFORE BUYING YOUR PIANO CALI' ON BE PLEASED TO PROVE Tills N V I PRICES $600.00 i Upon Easy Payments Call or write for illustrated ca.a S. MOUTRIE AND CO LTn L RAFFLES PLACE, lINCAPORK Ul m "m is.
      135 words