The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 September 1919

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 241 1 There is .some delay in the telegraphic service to-day, the amount received being reduced to a minimum. The question of double income tax is now under discussion by a Committee at home. Reciprocity in income tax "us the keynote of relief to be granted —Page 7. The
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  • 806 1 The feminine mind will always find a fascination in the bazaars of the East, no matter if sonic of the thing! bought thero could be obtained more cheaply at home. One gives this the benefit of the doubt, ami enjoys the sensation of pVfdNUring M far
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 n yoU WANT NEW -4"J9 CARS, TELEPHONE O r/ie largest and most successful Hotel on the Island 8 F4C/AG THE SE^. )as Suites of Hoomi and spacious lounges, verandah a and:beautiful grouuds. AFrERNOOrTTEAS. I Every Thursday, Music la attendance. Cinema on the Lawn from 6.15 p.m. First class cuisiae. Guest
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    • 87 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS A budget of trade mark notices will be found on page 5. Robinson Co have unpacked ladies gear for the Races Page 7. Gnthrie'a agents for Heidsieck Page G. Chamber of Commerce meeting on Oct 6th— Page P. Junior draftsman wanted Page 5. All new cinema advts on
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 72 1 THE WEEK. Friday 2iUh. Hi?h Water— ll-19 a.m., 11-4G p.m. Saturday, 27th. High Water.— ll-45 a.m. Banvard's, Victoria Theatre. Sunday, 28th. High Water. 0-21 a.m., 0-12 p.m. Monday, U9th. High Water. 0-58 a.m., 0-40 p.m. Lodge St. Michael Istallation, i) n.m, Banvard's, Victoria Theatre. Tuesday, 30th. High Water. 1-38 a.m.,
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  • 485 2 Wt ton, July 84.—Two gigantic m liners, larger than any ships now float, and I to cross the Atlantic nr daya, aw tj be built by the Bhipping Bc::r«"l. They will he 1,000 feet k>ng ;!uf cf thirty kr.jt.^ ■paad, an 1 will be equipped for use
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  • 264 2 The remarkable feat of flying on an ordinary bicycle was accomplished in Paris l>y the well-known champion cyclist, M. Gabriel Poulain. The bicycle is fitted with v.ings which a mechanical contrivance •makes it possible to open or close at will. IL Poulain, on the Boulevard Victoire, rear the
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  • 88 2 A cor r«ep undent vrtao bftl recently returned from a long eejonrn in tbe Eut writea to tbe Daily Express to claim t» record for certoia conree cf the S?poj Linee Golf Club ia Sicgapcrp. H 1 eay<j 1 The courb 5 bie four bolra. stuttifc
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 209 2 New stocks just arrived. MEDICAL HALL Opposite rest Office, SINGAPORE. 1 MANILA HOUSE. WHERE THE BEAUTIFUL lo IM, OKCHABD ROAD. '.-■■-r.ry>- Pictorial advertising is not matter of art alone else all artists would be good advertising men. It is a matter 0$ business first, and the intelligent direction of the
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    • 656 2 it.. f l 4 U A I O lid .v I A SUPREMELY BEAUTIFI i. Pr, f J^* Stirnnr. Gripping and Tr, |/p A METRO SPECIAL FEATURE P rp| RITAJOLIVET. VII- INT! I type, a French woman, an Ameri fe most stirringly depicted Rita Jol on w j r Dl-fated
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 652 3 P Settlement of Singapore. Originating Summons No. 6 of 3919 B r ol fcha BaUbc of CbU Aon Siang deopaeea settled by hia Will ij of May IKNI and in the matter of the Civil Procedure Code BETWEEN Plaintffi AND Bog [the Bgeootor of Cbia'lTek K.m, Chia Keng Bock, and
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    • 848 3 SECOND DAY'S SALE. MONDAY TflE 20th DAY OF OCT 1919, AT 2 30 P.M. No. 166 Teluk Ayer St. If oB Leaeo- Leases Noi. 178, T S 111 80 bold. 179, 180 and 181 Lot No 151 367 do J460 do do do 80 188 do 1462 do do do
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    • 413 3 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. v .Messrs. CHING KBNU IJSE K. have been instructed to offer for sale by Public Auction on MONDAY, 6th OCTOBER, 1910, AT 2.30 P.M. L. Building sites suitr.blc for shops etc. with tt m RaUa&g Road. 2. Building sites with frontage on a 36 feet reeerv« for road
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  • 531 4 TO REVOLUTIONISE TRANSPORT. it nil d bj Board Mr. A. W. Gal prop c i 'proving the n hod of handling jrno<l.> and tnfie, and t eon Ihe practical i'iiy of the Introduction of any of the suggested Improvements into tin existing transport lystem, held it meetii
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  • 289 4 The lean end raOftj phiio.cpber in! khtki whoee kit filled the bstfer part cf the parcel rack ovar our hcadi had appeared to slumber throvgh the whole o! our discuaaioa. Qofta suddenly he tueged down the front ot bia tunic and delivered hinigelf of thete few
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  • 49 4 t; Th? engagement ie srnounceJ of R^ph v OracvilJe Shnr,,, yonnget eon of tbo ata «n^ v! ,V' D Mc e!a:l<i avenue, Coydon, r «na \iolct Barres Lawrence, ycnnje. danghtet ol the late«to L A WBuJm t S" d M B«ne. Laurence, ThS ■LiMU 80n,., Angowjn,, Ba |x
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  • 441 4 I Tenders will be received at the Colonial j Secretary's Office, up to noon of the 2nd Ocober, 191-0, for the following works: 1. Alterations to and improving gradient of the drain from Sub- Warders' Quarters to and Municipal Drain in New Bridge I Road; > j 2.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 683 4 mmmmmmmmm^r^ Wincarnis will give you the New Health you need when you are Think what new health means to you who Weak, or Anaemic, or Nervy," or Run-down. Think how splendid it would be to be free from that burden of ill health— to feel well— to eat well— to
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    • 182 4 fell M fhi; is the Gena'osan Seal ll:e Seal of Genuine British k* it.! Ct«M KIUINO THnu-\T TALtT In pre-War days Formamint I ablets were famous everywhere as a Cure for Throatj froubles and a^ a Preventive of Infectious Disease. Bur they were German and many people hated buying German
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    • 229 4 THE WORLDS ZOOLOGICAL TRADING COMPANY. Limited of London. All communications relative to the tale or purchase of Live Wild Animals, Reptiles and Birds, should he addressed to the above Company care of William Jacks Co., 31, Raffles I'lace, Singapore, Telegramt Zoological care of Expanded Singap re. Singapore. Sept. 11)19. s
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    • 259 4 TYRFq Are a Safe investment for all Cars, I erries Motor Cycles AT LlASl'he IveSge"^* 1 o'f'a o f e make in the Malay Penin.ul.r, 0 rw replace en a pro rata basis if ia .Re dJ. so though any fault in constro ctioa Firestone Tropical Tyres are Full Size.
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  • 1947 5 To Deo. 11 Aug. To date 1918 Allagar, Deo 286,400 82,500 *****0 A. Gajah, Sep 127,809 16,781 97,280 Alor Pongsn 86,785 121,886 Alma, 878,800 82,000 249,509 Ampat, Sep 176,826 26.470 180.490 An- Johore, Mar 269.866 80.791 288,481 An Malay, Dec 1,84i,452 160 436 1,045,846 AnS'tra. May 690,073
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  • 294 5 li abovo Hst th. total* In Urnt eclutnn ki* I monthly iotas for au-Lic, (lit. ILoucntk i. vrblch i^^ Co^pany'H year ends is Indicated aftrr ih« uAu.e. Third colauun uhowß the ,l9:s lotai to date aua second coKmn |ht total of thw past cjoiith. Kvcs/y eudeavour li uaa!a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 348 5 WANTED. > 1 hsee Store Keeper, by rienced imn if Press. to Master Mech<■y iii .Sumatra. well verse 1 in gei r Rubber l. fall in- r. 'm. E LU3 are of Tin ;u r for Must be i !at Agin y requii Box No. I .1 tory two Bu
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    • 396 5 TRADE MARK NOTICES. -fia^BMiSafc s^^J» itaws^s^Li M^bm Vi BE^ksß^2n S29£jm^tahßEß^B? sT Bilverßar Griffon that tie Trade Marl ROSE," "GRIFFON" are the Trade Marks < ING CORPORATION, a Iy organised and f tlie State "f v of America, 101 California > and County of San Francisco, Stat< of California, United Siatt-s
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    • 629 5 THE COMMERCIAL RUBBER Co., Ltd. Auctioneers Valuers No. 3 Raffles Place. Forthcoming Auction Sales. Inesday Ist October at our Sale-room, j at 2.30 p.m. i 1. Valuable freehold land situate at Barker Road Off Bukit Timah road, area .'J5,072 square feet. I 2. Valuable 99 years' leasehold land at j
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    • 94 5 dBSBHHBBH&MHBHBVaHMHBBBfcB^B] 1 "For ffte fl/oo</ Is the Lite," IWHEN YOU ARE I ILL ith r-.y rili««Vi ffu* to impuro b'oo«* 1 (-ucH an C&zmrrta, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad I L<i(.;><,»i Ulc*ra, (ulor I KMnliirtt, Boilb, C,mpl«», Boreiofuny fl kind, Pilf4,Uloo'< Ponon^lhtumatiimf 3 Gout, ot«J i I 3 i S
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  • 1216 6 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER FRIDAY, SEPT. 26, 1919. ELUSIVE LUDENDORFF. A plentiful crop of books about the war was to bo cxpectod when the military leaders were set free to attempt to prove that the pea is mightier than the sword. Interest is still keen in that
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  • 270 6 It is reported that another Straits* India liner has been stopped at Madras and a haul of sovereigns seenred by the Indian authorities We are informed (hat woik en the scheme for, deviating the main line to Penang away from the centre o! Kuala Lumpur will probably be begun early
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  • 429 6 An enlarged photograph cC the lats Mr Justice Edmondi has just bf*n plnctd in tbe Supremo Conrt r.ibraty, Kuula Lampur. The SiaV-^w rieul b^ a tnremlod ibMi pBtrODS that tr: y rr<- b j>. > Dinner nud v jem > S w (hit wefek on Sunday inGtr jof kutraJnv.
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  • 149 6 Mr F W Hirst editor of Corurcon Sens* states that Sir John Simon has gene to Spain, and that he has decided on his return to briDg with bim for purpoies of import into this country certain goods of foreign origin, the importation cf which is prohibited by
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  • 254 6 SHORTAGE OF LABOUR. Sir Stanky EU«4, editor of the Times of lodia, who ha3 spent 22 years in India, gave Lvidtnca before the Earl of Selborne'e Select Committee of Lords and Commons on tho Government of India Bill. ContrastiLg the conditiocs in India when he went oat in
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  • 35 6 II tr*« .iff* I Id a i I Oat. of 8 I I BtUw P.d.l. E I folnnUrlfj. Itofttfta nm«k>o«, I motettoa h r I A e tabtoripti, I The Bhti BogJI i
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  • 37 6 SKRIOI SFLOt [Prom i rteri I lb« town it itu I on;y b, Ibi I I Prlfcburd' I iumtedtl -mi| li*t KcMt|loo,< I DOOMrOQI inbaurg*), Bod flte I There Bte report, 0 bat tlwti utnotjti
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    • 365 6 To the E Bir,-I I rcipeetfoi ibai it tzoladei I ■ottet what ieiige ycu ;o j u .-:ify i? [j bffaii othan when why auction ing it must b* Q:. fur tiamiottta, And «-h.v ibov wtt(l It doe* n^c e^i'y square with jenr N C&lltd tu>pcCt. If
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  • 57 6 Id tho Im Bocon .'8 b Patrol, aid qnotdi tbii OntUUtoldcfD worth r.pwitlc 1 of the orewif and (ha dofl bin to botpM fho drpot :c 1 bit pa 1 1 tl Thi captain n id bin looounl w*i Bo«d •I llwm onlji .but the myst'Otd doolor. bo^ neither
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 220 6 S!PECIJkXj Canadian Club Whisky Hiram Walker and Sons Limited PER $19*50 CASE JO £\,^J IXjL P.&SnRFRK MUfifißFfiOß fin uHLUDIUH ITIHUUIILUUiI lit Ullii CRITICAL MEN. m m. m mm f W m 9w m I m w "^w < Men have become very keen "jf V^^. on tne subject of Value
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  • 88 7 EE OF RELIEF. I Sir Jimcfi Mtstou, md Mfiaari G H Knibba I .'ida, and Jamoe j rlei fcttendsA a meeting 01 lIS Royil OOOJ i vrhch i: coa .t double Inoc Ba H:a reprPientfv l I Govern I explained the general »li tu^y thought tbe. t^x*
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  • 18 7 ER BALANCE. juar ra HO mow tba; 168 and tht ii 122 as compared et.fcee (or
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  • 35 7 I 1 n. wiring en Ihi I:e!;qu vica 111, which a 2 is damaged, s:ccc Aug 2U lalllttnd, and is ra, v.hich thd V; :o reniat. r is at B){ 1 to
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  • 94 7 ci thefts in La s 01 Jo] Mof tbyi Marine uui Lid been keeping n 00 i-overnfcnta o( buepacted \i tLe resol- Ihftl tive Cbineie Mi 1 iu the third cjurt yetter irltta tb9 ibtft of sevaral I toi |l if to Matat Corate and Co a 'p\
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  • 117 7 MatibHw'e Day, Sept. 21st, in vjicli cf .tJt. M jry tha V;rgia, Kaala Lil Rev. S:ephen M. Viavalin pa i ordained Prießt b7 tho Lord i:'ore. Ths Bishop Waß qo d by five of tba Chnplaina and to. TLie Uev. Y. S Yerudian ivehop's Chaplain and oarried Staff.
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  • 122 7 left yesterday morning for It Saneoni went en by bet >:a the State?. which -.irr^ed yealet llrst Belgian attamtr port Bines 1914. ad Co sthte the ex Get Hrarlen wna taken over At Rfrdllvtdftj, Vessel wiJl come (o discuaicg nboat 1750 toes i afterwards go into dry
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  • 57 7 I lon oJ the word obey I t rvce ii only oue of r I chunked iu the uuthor.c- ol tba ProtGbtanS EpUoopftl I a) which aro recommended I feion on tha revision and I Ifi ir a UQt the fiook ol Common Prayer I burJu* 1 foc Pre«oUlioD at
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    • 128 7 i New York, Sspc St.—Tk« Qr si dly of jtbreteei strike showed tbur iwer.ty itatesj wtro rfftetoi by tbo disorders. I; is re- ported in af^p 1 \coa oMv thai the Ruca-de fchot tiven pors&ni Newcastle na.l i\a 6yi ivcrjia bIC cce vrcs mortal-y wounded, ftn 1
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    • 27 7 Wahhin^fcn, Sept 18,— The Benat« has dccidt.i Itasaedtatelj to investigate into ths s'r;k3 situation v,nh a >i« w t.> res fih't. 001 1 r»:n •< >
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  • 409 7 [From Our Own Correspondent] I August r_\ 1919. There has been a very interesting exchange of on the occasion of the visit <>f Hi-- Excellency Mr. Lou-Tseng-Tsiang, the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affai ing i ttinese plenipotentiary in Paris. He arrived in this country last Tuesday
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  • 232 7 7.000 WANDERERS IN ENGLAND. The records offices in London of the various Overseas forces are making their last grand tally, and trying to trace evei'y man who has appeared on their books. Up to the present some 7,000, about 1 per cent, of the total, cannot be
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  • 750 7 DEFENDANTS VERSION I i In me Suj.v, u> Court yesterday moraine before the Acting Chief Justice, the j hon'ble (Mr. U M. Woodward) who bad wit!, him on the Bench Captain Rushton as Assessor, the cast was resumed in which the owners, masters, and crew of the
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  • 134 7 Wo are gla.l to see that Sir Hamar Ovcenwood the new head of the Department of Overseas Trade, has been emphasizing a point to which attention has already been directed in our columns namely, the necessity for manufacturers to allocate a share of their output for
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  • 55 7 Mr R P Beckteghtn, tftfttaot, Cfeely Jobber EfitH^fP, T«:uk Aoion, fi broth?? :f Me Jobn B«?ckio£huc3, ttu Kiuta plnctt-r, •a, the Times cf Ma!aya zt poil«j, Mfloaalj ill in Batn O& j ih Hotpitel. Mr R F ES&ckingb&m hae beeu planting iu Molfiye for five j t «trt, prioc to
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  • 597 7 MANY GERMAN SCHOOLS BEFORE THE WAR. The seventh quinquennial review of the progress of Education in India, covers the period IS) 12-17. Tbe education of a country where a little mort than three per cent, of the population are undergoing instruction is, in view of the promise of
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  • 292 7 The appended personal notes are from the Malaysia Message. Bishop Warne was expected to sail from j Vancouver on July 24, so that we may j expect him to pass through Singapore at an i early date. The Rev. Edwin P. Lee, formerly a"• missionary of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 360 7 jROBINSON Co. i MBBK 4* Vi iA tit t \Jjjt W j i -Ifef AFTERNOON GOWNS I JUMPERS, ETC. -4 RACE meetin(; ROBINSON Co. \J^»^ "Re-decoration with Hall's Distemper is like a change to a new home." I Hall's distemper works wonders in brightening up the home, making each room
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 644 8 rl, pcft Jls i (Incorporated in England). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contrail with His Majesty's Government). The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON .FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. PROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDON DOT SINGAPORE LEAVE SINGAPORE KHIVA about LMth Stpt
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    • 624 8 KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (Incorporated in Holland). ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION Co. OF BATAVIA Telephone 131 Passage Dept. 1202 Freight Dept. 1002 Managers Desk M37 Marine Supt. Transhipment Dept. I COLLYER QUAY. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. iMHUafftl PrJ»;l Ra'ja, t-'apat, Tembiiahan. Rengat an* Ketch River Sept. 28 HUMPBIUI tiaUvm,
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    • 418 8 (Incorporated In Japan. UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE IMPERIAI fAP GOVERXMKXT. rminmtmimmlMllL9m^ (Subject to alterations without Notice) EUROPEAN LINE. (Via Sue/ Canal-. O1( For (Malacca), Penan*, Colombo, Suez, London and IYO .MARU WAKASA MARU (car- i u ATSUTA MARU SHIDZUOKA MARU EUROPEAN LINE (Via Suez (an,,) (AuxiHaf7 Service Carjfo only)
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  • 469 9 I Undti the title of "National Needs and National Heauty" Mr. C. J. Holmes conj tributes an article to the Burlington Magazine for July, ir. which he voices an inter- esting opinion on the principles of housing as laid down by our idealist town-planners. Mr. Holmes views
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  • 210 9 Paris, August 19. Tho Journal draws attention to another of France's war loisea. The Lumber ol killed during the war Bnd the alarming fall in the birthrate do not represent the total loss Bustcired by the population of Fiance. Hundreds of thousands of French women have
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  • 276 9 Scottish fishermen are among tho»% whose profits have been increased as a i»sult of war conditions. Owing: to the scarcity of meat there has been an increag- j ed demand for fish and in some part of the j west coast of Scotland it was possible to I carry on
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  • 1335 9 i iMaed by rKASSS O>. rioha^e tnd Share Brokers, Sept i6 i All mtittim* 4f iMML State ma* he ftmrttd fmr6ky a»mi»al for the prewnt. _:*». ion r__m. ur. 100,001 ll aJlj^jf Sollars. 870,1^0 •?**) A*/, .vi J*v» KMJ 83% I fef, OCC 23 ll 1 1-*
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 391 9 THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN BUM.) SINGAPORE— BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. VA] VX 22nd Sept 1919 94th qonf 1010 r \riiATipnu' .i(iiL c irCin oept. i\)\\) lA* tIAIItXIK 2 Jth Sept. 1919 Ist Oct. 191D for Kl Ul/i rriaggaa«, Bi>nl, Semcrak. Is:rho Ki-lintan T.Koi 5,,, J^sr Ba T
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    • 377 9 The Osaka Shosen Kaisha Ltd. [Incorporated in Japan] No. 2, De Souza Street. Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (Subject to change without notice) For MARSEILLES LONDON AND ANTWERP (via Port Said) s.s Alaraka Maru 6th Oct. s.s. Celesbes Maru Ist Nov. Xo passenger berth available for Europe For GENOA and MARSEILLES
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    • 458 9 OBTAINABLE AT ALL DISPENSARIES it- r- -\*it -•■>■■ ■•*> i y THROUGHOUT straits settlements federategValay states. MEALIE MEAL. A fresh consignment of Mealie Meal is due to arrive from South Africa by the middle of September, and supplies will be obtainable from the Secretary, Food Controller, or from Messrs. Huttenbach
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 471 10 Wonders en the m w -ar-fa^' -n rj*^-y^ V^rti j 100 [£§j?si Not only is John- T^T son's Prepared Wax a boon to the house- I!^ £S« wife— protecting her gramophone and woodwork with a beautiful and enduring dustproof polish but it works wonders on the motor car, too. produces
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    • 273 10 I^Jr That has Specialised *v* for over E nn w,;e n t "1/ I I^f^ vea r s in I r! COTTONS SILKS. f SINGAPORE. I I Roads, Pavements, 8 ASIATIC fS S I st Helens PETROLEUM K 7V7 f court, I r COMPANY LW Singapore {Incorpcrated In England.) 5
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    • 108 10 Fire Extinguishers have extinguished over 1,250 actual fires in India since Tulv 1912 Full particulars from [Incorporated in England] SINGAPORE IPOH. NEW SHIPMENT OF HAND EMBROIDERED Heavy Crepe Silk KiMOMOS AND LADIES' SILK PYJAMA SUiTS ARE NOW BEING UNPACKED Wassiamull /Issomull Co. Phcne 56, 57, High Street, Siagapow PATRONiZFD ROYALTY.
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  • 73 11 (COPKBCTED UP 70 Sept 25. 1 Bnrt 4 rn u 1 „ demar i 5 4* j Vtix st b credit! Bdo i £ loi • **ow Toik Bank demand „ credit! ro dayi BJ. France demand Bank 4*fl India, T. T. neb Hongkong, Asmand 7i 4: 0 i
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  • 141 11 1 i Sept 25 'iu Bay en 8 4 CO j lamhlei 16 7ft] 3amMer C__ So 1 Pcp-v'rc Block orCi.n. S'poci ...» S7.CC Popper, (White fuii) 61 50 r»ploea, small peatl ifeli Quality) 2T Cf do do 3al;e ur. 15.r0 do rcf.ul.rx pssrl do 20.0' ?eatl Bago, small
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1759 11 fi^aHßßnßa^ETf. JUKs^^aiA^ancrr jt'isvau^.^-. m' 'nm over $2,000,000 ---«^^«^«^----^«»«ta^«^ fc w-* Assurance in force over $9,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. i Company has £20,000 deposited with the SuDreme Court 11v.~1.~1 i TIVE I>l VNS OF l**Z^n* and Wlth thc British Life Assurance Companies Act L ulhL ILAYS (/1
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    • 287 11 v INFLUENZA and CATARRH. Veno's Lightning Cough Cure Checks Influenza at the outset, and Soon Cures Nasal Catarrh. For Influenza Veno's Lightning Cough Cure is incomparable. It checks the attack at the very outset if taken promptly, and obviates all danger of complications. In Ratal catarrh also Veno's acts like
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 163 11 KMiS FOR EUROPE. Left BJngapore Dne In Lcnacn A.tlvcf July 3rd A Aog J Tuly Bth B t Ja!y 5 h D V July leth <; it II Jaiy 18ih E Inly 3th g 7i Fnly nth F Kept I \vwu< t vnd A t Angast4th P „1! August 12th
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    • 339 11 VESSELS AT WHARVES. Tanjonjj ['atfar Rast Wharf Ko. I— NIL Wharf No 2— Kwai San*. Wharf No. B—Roon.8 Roon. Main Wharf No. 4 Yokohama M Kolya. Mam Wharf No. 5 Teletnachu Main Wharf No. 8 -Yufala, Orapn. Wet Dock Xo. 7 Yetorofu Mara, Kuala, l'eleua, Med West Wharf No. Oi
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  • 951 12 HOW GERMAN AGBNTfI WKKK TRICKED. Tbe conn i cn between tbe dfttfcrb*acei ll the Paiij.ib and the Af£ v iiin war has al ready been established. For several years paet there has been en onti British party In Afghanistan, but so lor. 9 »s Bub bnllell lived
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  • 182 12 'f be u*uil an^tfono of thB Singapore C!i.»n l»er of Commerce Rubber Aeiocintiouj wpre be!d oa W idey aai TaurpJay vc|; :j ii.t-r *aff ofl«Md tllff QAl# 1,921,235 ib TOO! 8C7 .71. 1 RICI'.S REAT-IZED R bb.d Stnoied Sbeer. cent6 per 1b B'pOM Srctadurd Qj*lity 00 to
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  • 190 12 Sicippore, Sept 26. Biaee 1 5 repotllofl values have shown oentlderabU ttoetnatioai and at thecpening cf i u .t n n\\ vre; k'y .auctions ?u Weioosd.xy. price* for i-'ntjiiard Sheafc nod Crppe, iftet read ll.Cli acd 5101 respec iiTely, tfr'ilj declined by 10 cent^. a tl ion
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  • 315 12 LEWIS PEAT'S REPORT. Sirsgspcte, Sept 25. Sicce our laßt report we h.ive had an erratic acd fluctuating market A eoo&i derabie husicefP h*9 teen done; a large ciuount of wh ch lias been purely epocu!.* tive although ilitre is undoubtedly a genuine dtmandfrcm tbe tu ie near tt» level of
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  • 365 12 Singoporf, S<?pt 25. Bos nesf eiiicfl our lu9t issue, although tbere wag a plight uneasiness owiu# to voguo rumours re the alteration in ihi Sttr'.icg valno of the dollar, has continued gccd in fell section*, rnd now ihnt the Secretary of State for the Colonies has! officially
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  • 144 12 Singapore, Sept 25. The usual weekly rubber auctions which commerced oa Wednesday opened with a fair demand for all grades and bjth Stan^nrd Ccrps and Ribb.d Smoked Sheet io!d as up Id 9101, one small lot of tbn JaUer grade kgl.z. eg 910 During tho first hour of
    144 words
  • 454 12 (I8:h to 24ib 9epi) Tbe week uader review bas r?en a eurprisiDßlv b:g valura- of b-.siae** when exchange bodies, iT^iiimata ixzlix^g* diffl2ulti€s, acd the ligatening okangt aulicb ct tbe Rubbt-r mmket ero coaei dered. Easiness ba.> b^eu ccuGueJ, how ever, raa'tily to tabb-ra. Rabb«rs« This week's auciiong
    454 words
  • 70 12 VAN CUYLENBURG MURDER CASE. Chen- S:;n, who wJig eonvicttd of cautiDj; the deuth cf Mr. Ctui Van Caylen burg at Kacapar lait year, appealed against the sentence to the Ipoh C'juci ot Appeal on Tuasday. In his ctatemeat he admitted having taken park ia the robbery but denied committing murder.
    70 words
    • 78 12 I TO-DAYS TIES. A Class Sngie. Ouig, owe 1, vs Hill, to finish, scr. Nevcomers' Handicap. Yeldoi, scr. vs Allom, owe 15.3. Elwes, owe 3, vs Martin, to finish, scr. B Class Double Handicap. Knowlea and Bartley, svr. vs Pash and Bourneman, owe 3. i Tyler and
      78 words
    • 74 12 Championship. Manning vs Wodehouse. Miles, scr vs Donnell, owe 15.2. Laybottrne vs Doig or Hill. n Class Single. Paah, scr. vs Bartley, scr. C Class Single, Final. Bennett, scr. vs Baker, owe 1. New fewer*' Handicap. White vs Ehvoa or Martin. Strin^fellov. Vf Allom or Yeldon. A Class
      74 words
    • L. L. T. C.
      • 68 12 TO -DAY'S TIES. Championship Tairs. Mr. and Mrs. Rowley vs Miss Scoonet and Mr. Cut. Miu L. Lamb and Mr. Bateman, vs Mrs. Collet] and Mr. Wilkinson. Mrs. S&lzmani and Mr. Upcott, vs Mrs. Macgregov and Mr. Wodehouse. Mrs. Savi and Mr. Morrie, vs Mrs. Gregory Jontv apd Mr. Margoliouth.
        68 words
      • 130 12 A Mixed Doubles. Mr. and Mrs. Graham, plus 4, vs Mrs. Vowler and Mr. Leggatt, owe 30.2. Mrs. Wise and Miles, owe 15.4, vs Mrs Pottl and Mr. Burnliam, §cr. Mr. and Mrs. I Gingham-Carter, owe 4, vs Mrs. Rowlev and Mr. Wilkinson, owe 15. Mrs. Campbell and
        130 words
  • 31 12 Friday, 26th September. 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall Eurasian Co. Recruits. Saturday. 27th September. 2.30 p.m. Balestier Range Maxim Co. J Classification. R. SMITH. 2nd Lieut., a Adjutant S.V.C.
    31 words
  • 331 12 At the Palladium, to nfght, b'uibitd wild vreati m dram i ihe L«>u« (Jbauca, in' rtvp parts. feAturit.g Frank Keecoa, *i!l be! presented nlcDg with the Animated Wockly aLd two Smr comedies, la the eailrer hcnee a f ur ted drama Big Bye and n! Rolm oomedf will
    331 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 107 12 USEFUL FOR MOTORING TRAVELLING PRESERVES FROM DUST, GLARE AND WIND PRICE $5.00. CALL OR ORDER Stefractionists, I, J)c Souza Street. EVERYTHING I N CAN BE HAD FROM GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO, LTD. ilncorporated In HOBfBOOj In Casks 375 ibs. nett. J. COL LT HART* 25-1, Boat Ai^^? ouj HOTEL j
      107 words