The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 May 1917

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)

  • 154 2 A Scot Wi'.l dri:,k tea m preference to cocoa at any hour of the day or night, has a fondness for bread and butter, and m variably selects the most substantial looking etfci or bun. With North Country men m camp tbo alliance of In ramot cake it tremandcUily popular.
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  • 297 2 A French Appreciation Polybe," writing iv the Figaro," I rks The British pressure continues to make Itnll heavily foil on the banks of the Tjri> M Hit A':cre. A great i;ii M__rf -china has been set op and is ready and impatient for action on all f
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  • 130 2 Following on the heels of the cfhcial record of Hun atrocities and vandalism m the Somme districts, comes a 'cry from Rumania," contained m a despatch from -Jessy to the Havas Agency. The following are only a few of the details contained therein Bombs
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  • 41 2 w The Bank of Japan reports that it held gold or. the 11th to the amount of V 736 millions, nn increaso of eleven million yen. The amount cf specie kept m Japan totalled I 230 million and abroad V.508 million.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 AUCTION SALE OF One four seater rubber tyred Victria and one bay Australian marc with harne-- lamps, etc., complete, one veiy neat'y built three seater rubber-tyred Victoria (almost new), end one Australian Horse. TO BE HKLD AT Messrs Ching Keng Lee ft Co s Saleroom Raffles Chambers, Rallies Place On
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    • 671 2 IN THE HOT SEASON. Many people *-.ff- r from overheating of the blood, with w.-aiinesa and a sense of being too tii ed m tin moruing, evt n if there are no pimples or s*l owness of the skin to show that mcdi me is Deeded. The great mistake that
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    • 1280 2 'For 5 Nights from Saturday 28th April to Thursday 3rd ManTi GREAT SCREEN ATTRACTION AT THE ALHAMBRA THE H USE OF QUALITY. BEACH X 0 Al Second Show at 9-15 p I An Exquisitely Beautiful Fhot^j Mile. Oabrielle The Sovereign of Scr> 'ZYTE' IN 4 ACTS. From the Celebrated
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 725 3 CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. EAT THE POPULAR PHOTO PLAY HOUSE ■HmmmmmM mpirE Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass the Door. MMMfIMMMMMMMMMMI THE COOLEST THEATRE IN TOWN. SECOND SlwW 9.15 p.m. Snarp. Universal Serial Glorious Hew farts 'AD-*- '-lA- L X New Papa no 7th Episode LIBERTY'S SACRIFICE 2 Parts. Sth Epsode CLIPPED
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    • 970 3 REMOVAL NOTICE The Holland Trading Co. (Handels vereei niging Holland has rexoved from 3 b Malacca Street to No. 4 Cecil Street. Godowns also at 4 Cecil Street. J 1-5 7-5 NOTICE On and after May Ist 1917 our offices will be 5 transferred to St. Helen's Court. The premises
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    • 954 3 REGISTRATION CF ALIENS. ORDINANCE 2 OF 1917. The a'.rention of all keepers of hotels, in"B, boarding houses and lodging houses is diawn to the provisions of the registration of Aliens Ordinance, 1917. Under the provi ionsrf this Ordinance the keeper of every hotel, inn, bo rding house and lodg ng
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    • 946 3 THE JERAM KUANTiN RUfißiß tSTAIE, LTD. (Incorporated m Ein t apore) Notice i§ hereby given that the Fifth Ordinary Central toeetice, of the Members of The Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate Limited will be held *t the Offices of the Company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, on Monday the 1 th May,
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  • 661 4 The Singapore Free Press Thursday, May 3, 1917. At one time or another all of us have wished for a friend at Court to help us out of our difficulties. Especially at the present time does this Colony need some one to help it, someone powerful enough to make his
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  • 698 4 The official returns, which we pub* lish m another column, of applications to the Man Power Advisory Committee bring the subject forward again m a manner which invites further comment. The publication of these figures! will give an entirely undesirable im- pression if it is considered by the public that
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  • 759 4 Simons Co., Ltd, Penang, leaves some time next ru uth for home where he will join up. Mr A F A Cornelius, who has just retired from ibe Singapore Municipality, has joined .he architectural department of the business of Mr S Tomlinson. Messrs G li Crane Williams, of Kobe, and
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  • 394 4 [By Submarine Cable] [Renter's Service] LondoD, May 2— A French com*. 6oys In the Cbemin dee Ij am tbare wasfauly lively MtUlatfi ally near Hurtt-but and Craouce the region of Coorc H In Champagne tbere was v;ol eot lery fire south of Moron\ t barrage and machine t
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  • 141 4 The Hon Treasurer, Mr A W \ick. Our ered Bank, beg 6 to acknowledge foil contributions to the above Fund Already acknowledged Nfl Received through A W Still Esq C E D Warry J H Garratt Per Hon. Dr Lim Boon Kk Chia Teck Cbyt 15 Seah
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  • 53 4 A GIFT TO THE RAFFLES MUSEUM. Mr Lim Chwee Chirm ol Ch# **-uttd a large nug^f t '''n*m Wolfram from I autlful I crystalline etiuctr.n weighs not l< sent price pifcul. Woiframit/ and is used m ll „.„>■: so called tungsten >• associated with tin m Perak liutik; rt 4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 W1 1 r s I SCOTCH WHISKY J? Jls Prepared for £xport \J EXTRA SPECIAU GOLD LABEL. 0 SPECIAL VERY OLD. WHITE LABEL. w\ I Proprietors Bulloch. Lade Co., fr LicL. OFFICES: GLASGOW acd LONDON. f-i SPORTS OUTFITS 1 Jfj^ JAELANCO; "DOHERTY" /|g^- Piseky Hexagon i^glf-:--' Tennis Rackets $16.00 i||gf
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    • 66 4 G. R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS Sa Orchard Road. Telephone Ro. 1035. The Oldest and Leading Stndio. First In 1872, Foremost m 1917. Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Experience, are all at ou I Command, thus ensuring always the produc 1 tion of only the best results m
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  • 347 5 MARSHAL HAKVS REPORT what the' French have Done t -obnianne Cabla] Ktuter'e t^nnca] May 1 -Except for the new ut of Rheims. there Frr lull m the western batt.e. ,rr!y the breuthing the Fbifti g of force•^b onslaught* Incre^ed aerial ..mes when aero g^itTaiwas are the
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  • 109 5 following telegram has been related it Military Headquarters from the i—rf cf tbe General Staff, Simla, and ipablithed for general information. ujjapore. Ha? lit present situation m Meaopo*ia. After a succession of successful ■PgnniauU north and north east of •fadad the Turks have been driven to a nsrih of
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  • 61 5 >y a real Ens'.i b tmck P*^ aM not fail to secure farewell Smoker to be given wfcw^oic* drafc, by the S X E Drill Hall, on Saturday o L p -oe haa been ar T** 1, 'al of the new turna" The price oi the m
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  • 62 5 L\l I business company' [VJ~» Mtabhshed m Tokyo by several norters from r a view to coconut*, etc. i,:oo.oo?. t t; representatives 1,.. .-of the HeYoura jc-,. c i» proud to be a„.' the miners al I^^ cd the manage ;0.,; v Q a<* unanimously decided mi hjtt the mine
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  • 88 5 DUTCH TOWN BOMBED Unknown Aeroplane [By Submarine Cabla] [Renter's Service] Higue, April 30— An aeroplane last night bombed the town of Zierikzee m Zeeiand three persons were killed and much damage done. The effect cf the bombs on Zierikzee was terrible. All the houses m one street •were
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  • 69 5 Washington, May I.— ln addition to MM to France, and Italy, the United S ites will Bhorciy and Belgium about thirty millions sterling. Ml- Balfour and President Wilson conferred at leLRh at the White House. It understood they reviewed the entire laiioQ, particularly considering where .caiu's experience is
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  • 58 5 London, May I—A1 A French Macedonian communique on April 30 says that a new strong Bulgar counter attack on the recently" won British positions near Lake Doiran, was repulsed with heavy enemy losses. The artillery broke down an enemy grenade attack m the Cerna bend. There ia
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  • 43 5 London, May 1, Wireless. Russian Official. Near Armirda southwest of Ban a large party of Kurds heavily attacked onr barrierguard. Oar cavalry restored tbe situation. Attacks by Kurds and local m habitants en our rear are becoming more frequent.
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  • 46 5 London, May 2. In the House of Com mons, replying to Mr Lamb, Mr Waiter Long said it was most unlikely that action would be possible during the war respect ing the Dominions Commission's recommendations with regard to the coordination of the Empire harbours.
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  • 36 5 London, April 28. The War Office announces that the use of wooden packing cases for exported cotton goods is limited to certain finer fabrics. The estimated saving of wood is fifty per cent. «t>.
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  • 20 5 London, May I—The1 The Russian Government has ordered Russian eligibles m Britain to report by May 2S.
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  • 19 5 Zurich, May I. There has been no news from Germany except Wolff telegran s since April 25.
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  • 13 5 London, May I—The1 The Tilbury dockers 1 have resumed pending negotiation?.
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  • 16 5 London. April 27. Silver is at 87|, iwith coinage buying, and very steady.
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  • 10 5 London, April 28— Lord Cromer left £117,608.
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  • 191 5 Dr Steen. the medical superintendent of the City of London Lunatic \tylum. near Dartford says that on tbe occasion of various Zeppelin raid^ tbe spectacle of seeing three of the airship* m was much enjoyed by many of the inmates. Otherwise the noise of dropping bombs acd the gUDB
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  • 900 5 Bagdad has fallen to British arms, and with its fall another dream of Empire ie shattered. For ft. bled Bagd.iJ was the capital of Gerinauy's visionary Eastern Em pire, the symbol of her fondest aspiration. The knowledge that the hated Union Jack flies over Bagdud to day
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  • 31 5 According to law, the wife is the humbh chattel of her husband. Everybody know: tbat m practice it is the other way.— (Sii R Wallace, k c, at the London Sessions.
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  • 637 5 Under instructions from Government the following details relative to applications which have been made to tbe Singa pore Committee, are forwarded for publication. I Cbarlwood E O H, Shipping Super viaor, Adamson, Giltillan Co. Cannot be spared. Certificate. Robertson A, M?rc. Aest, John Little and Co Ltd.
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  • 76 5 To day (Thursday 3rd Maj) there is a Parochial Meeting m the Hall of St Andrew's School at 9 p.m. Tbe members tof tbe Cathedral congregation, and of St Matthew's and of the G«rrieon have been 'invited to attend. The business before [the meeting is to receive the reports of"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 162 5 1 ROBINSON ®> Co. tNOW SHOWING New Millinery Models Uli r 9 RACE AND AFTERNOON WEAR. EVENING AFTERNOON GOWNS Etc. j Mr. H. N. 3UCKERIDGE (late of Messrs LAFAYETTE, Photographers to Their MAJESTIES) Begs to announce tbat be has openr-d a STUDIO at The BURLINGTON, oolemah st. Artistic Portraiture*, Groups,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 736 6 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN AND BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP"GO., LTD. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND, FOR LONDON. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS? KGNfNKLiJKE PAKETVAAR? KAATSSSSA**^ (Incorporated m Holland, Roy*] Packet Navigation Co., of Batavla. I—3, CoLLTaB Quar. IHDBK CONTRACT WITH TtTP MWHBBFiArlpfi T:fj)j* r*OVKfc*ltfß»t Singkel
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    • 44 6 I Stoomvaart Maatschappy "Nederiand and "Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated In Holland). ROYAL DUTCH MAIL COMPANIES Regular Mail Service Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Nagasaki, Yokohama and Honolulu SAN FRANCISCO VICE VERS* For freight, and further particulars apply to Internationale Credlet and Handelsvereenlglnf Rotterdam Incorporated m Holland
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    • 517 6 IT tJ» Dritish India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated la England.) Mail and Passenger Services. peninsular and oriental sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) For.' China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mcditer* ransan Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (fol* Europe). Outwabd (fob Ob;sa» INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE
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    • 807 6 MESBAGERIES MAplw Incorpoka ed :n fV k KAIL LiSs, Fortnightly service f'hina. Japan, Cevw, t Weee I* I*RAHCH List Fortnight]:. btiww-e Haiphong. c^i t For further infcrmationgpp,^ J. de COURTOit -*J^ Singapore Gold Storage On, <*ar EBtptart b v^ TsJephcrc 1261 -ea stocks cr sen Moats otc., can be d^
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  • 1019 7 AVIATOR' S TRUMP CARD. To obtain the supremacy of the air, it is necessary to drive tbe enemy machines out of it and ke6p tbem out. This 16 best done by attacking them with aero planes Besides this type of combat, an aviator may find himself called upon to attack
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  • 539 7 I best laid p'.*ns have all gone jagley. One by one the designs that, for [thirty years, the btSt Cerman brains bsvs been elaborating with the patient assi-jdu-.ry of the old time Jesuits have given strain. It was not that j the plans were w^utiog m iufern::!
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  • 203 7 Chief Constables Evidence. Evidence, rnaiuly favourable to cinema entertainments, was Riven before tin oJostoa of Inquiry. Westminster. Mr Roderick Roes, Chief Constable of F.diubur^n, Paid bis divisions' officers etst ej ;hu the p;cture bouses had le< a instru m< n:al m reducing intempe The complaints,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 561 7 Waa or Peacb. F A minb or Plenty. Life insurance is worth too cents on the dollar. I WHAT OTHEH PROPERTY ISP I THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS), g BE&fi OFFICE WLacaester House, Singapora. LONDON OFFICES 32, Old Jev^rF. E.C mtm MlQp a?w tea
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    • 474 7 THE HO HONG BANK, Ltd. Head Office SINGAPORE, RAFfUS CHAMBERS, S &6. BiaaclK .-> Malacca. ISS First Cross Street; Huar, 77/79 Julan Suleiman. CAPITAL. Registered «8. 000,000. Isfued... i,o 0,(00. Subscribed *3,. 500,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Lim Peng Eiang Esq CA The Hon 'bio Dr. Lim 8008 Keug. Lee Choon
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    • 258 7 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CC, LTD. (Incorporated m New Zealand. FIBB Insurances effected on Buildings, Bent *nd Merchandise ot every description. MABIKM lußurancea accepted to all yaita of the world at lowest rates. WS 8!33 accepfod to all parts. *m r. J ■ff?' Manager ■Ml 2, FfafgysoQ Graai. NEW ZEALAND UUUK
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    • 159 7 11 ■■■uiMHHMHKdaHMnBBOIR" 4LLIANGE ASSURANCE Co. Ltd. (Incorporated In England,) A-Coumulated Funds exceed 817.000,00 r H3E A HOTOR CAR RISKS. insurances effected at ratea oi premium ffhloh will bo found iavourablo to the Inb^i^i, tewm IslfiioDi A Co., Hi. ig&su. (Incorporated In England.) Ag X- UO mmm\ assurance v. iv. (Incorporated
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  • 392 8 The German retreat has extended over a front of sixty miles, that is, from the region of Arras south to Noyon. The most dramatic change has been south of the Somme particularly m the French sector between Damary (to the north of Roye) and Noyon, a distance
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  • 400 8 Roads and Wireways. What the Austrians have accomplished m the Trentino since their retreat of June 29, 1916, furnishes food for reflec tion, and is open to more than one m terpretation. Since last summer they have made, or made serviceable for mil itary transport, some 2,000
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 838 8 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING (UHDER 8. R. A. RDLE3 OF RACING) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 15th, Thursday the 17th, and Saturday the 19th of May, 1917. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, kth Mat, 1917. 1. THE OPaKINJ STAKES-2-30 p.m. Valne $400 and $100 to the Second
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    • 827 8 THIRD DAY. Saturday, 19th May, 1917. i 1. A 8. THE STEWARDS' BTAKES and PLATE— 2-30 p.m. and 5-40 p.m Value of each stake $300 and $50 to each I Second Pony. A Handicap for all Ponies, 14.2J I and under that have run at the Meeting. The Ponies may
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    • 241 8 I Actual Results are more Convincing than Words! f The following unsolici is ti mo nial from one of the numerous entnu^ A users ct jj unl \jt%\\\\\\\\ Tyres must strongly appeal to those motorists who /^^gCrST? recognize mileage value he one and only means vswsjl^ of ensuring economical tt
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  • 181 10 WOMAN KILLED BY TRAMCAR. Dr Murray Robertson, Coroner, held two inquests on Tuesday. One related to tbe death of a Chinese woman who was knocked down and killed! by a tramcar m South Bridge-rd, on j April 28. Some days ago the driver of the car, a Bengali
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  • 96 10 A CHANGE IX DIRECTORATE. The Singapore Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd, of 81 Mohamed Sultan rd, were yesterday morning summoned m the first police court, before Mr W Langham Carter, for failing to notify the Registrar of Companies cf a change among the direc tors of the Company, such
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  • 75 10 Mr J G Campbell yesterday appealed, m the Supreme Court before Mr Justice Sproule, against the conviction acd gen tence of Noor MohameJ. collector for Dc Scbarenguivel's Dispeusary who m the police court had been sentenced to nine months rigorous imprisonment on charges of criminal breach of
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  • 71 10 The charge against the Heong On Insurance Co, Ltd. of 6 9 Market st, was that ot failing to file a balance sheet of the Company with the Registrar of Companies, which default continued for 113 days, up to and including April '24th, 1917. Mr A
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  • 155 10 Singapore, May 2. The quantity catalogued for this week's auction amounted to 994 tons. Owing to rumours of large increases m freight rates both to Europe and Pacific Ports the demand was very poor and prices all round show a decline. Fine Pale Crepe sold up to
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  • 136 10 [Saunders acd Macpbail's Daily Report] Wednesday's Business. The London price for Rubber 13s Oh ha? risen about a penny during the past couple of days, but as this hardly compensates for the sharp rises m freight which have practically taken effect on both the European and American
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  • 18 10 Agents J Snodgrass. Bekoh 3g 46? BatangMalaka 9D4KB Agents East Asiatic. Mount Austin 150,460
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  • 1213 10 [The dates given are those of the despatch of the telegrams from London] April 24 (continued). Second phase of battle of Arras described as struggle to i death. Germans desperately meeting British offensive with all available guns, and recklessly drawing on their reserves. British unrelentingly press on
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  • 380 10 Manchester, March 21Cotton prices are still advancing and Liverpool is now only a very few points from the highest. New York* form con tinues very firm and generally the reports there influencing values are all of a "bullish nature especially with regard to the new crop. There
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  • 42 10 A lecture on the History of the Tamil Language will be delivered by Mr A Athy. sayam m the Epworth League Hall at Short Street Girl's School at 8 p.m. on the 4th mst to which all Tamils are cordially I invited.
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  • 121 10 L L. T. C. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Championship Pairs. Mrs Blair and Mr Stout beat Mrs Cullen and Mr Griffith Jones by 6—2, 6—3. Mixed Doubles B Class. Miss Pigott and Mr Thorougood owe 15 jbeat Mr and Mrs Patterson owe 15 by Mr and Mrs de Courtois rec 3 beat
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  • 92 10 Singles Handicap. Mrs Braddell rec 30 vs Mrs Blair rec 15 Ladies Doubles. Mrs Marsh and Miss Naughton rec 4 vs Miss PoJglase and Miss I) Polglase rec 15.3 Mixed Doubles A Class. Mr and Mrs Van de Sinde Bakhuyzen owe 1 vs Mrs Maiden and Mr
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  • 73 10 At the Palladium this evening a fresh programme will he shown including pictures to suit all tastes. Booking for the great Jules Verne film on Monday is (going ahead fast and those intending to see this production should make sure of their seats at once. At the Empire
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  • 71 10 The following is the table for the soccer league up to date r w o I G'le Pt§ For Ag'st SCC 6 6 0 0 18 4 If Sea Defence 7 4 1 2 18 9 9 SRC 6811 74 7 SCFA 622 J 7 7 6 YM C
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  • 229 10 The cook is a standing reminder of the eternal law exemplified m Eden thut the curious ehall suffer. Newly arrived young mem sahib is invited out to dinner. Da I able tomato coup. Lovely 6raoked ifret. Tender boiled chicken. Sweet c saddle of mutton. A dream
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  • 154 10 The report that since the last disas trous Zeppelin raid on Englund tbe air shipa have been painted black to render tern invisible should be taken cum grano lis. The Germans are not quite so silly that. On a dark night a Zeppelin would invisible whatever its colour— until the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 184 10 I SMOKE I W. D. H. O. Wi LLi I O C OI.DFLAKE I "GOLD FLAKE I CIGARETTES Packed m Airtight Ens of ;,i, I 60 cents. I O/V SALE AT ALL DEALERS. SINGAPORE DIRECToI Please send your Name 6c Address for Publication m new Directory FREE NO CHARGE MAPI
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