The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 31 July 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. 1 BN CENTS SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, JULY 31. 1914. NO. 5.201
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  • 140 1 The peace situation seems well nigh lost. Belgrade is in ilames and minor engagements are noted. Russian and German troops are moving. Britain is iv the precautionary stage and the First Fleet has put sea Page 7. The war feeling lo St. Petersburg and other parts of
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  • 1034 1 People often sa> thai, if you wa: give a successful dinner, it is be6t to get the whole thing up quite informally and not too far in advance. King them up. them over th. t< lephone. ueui 24 hours notice. If they really want to mmmm for instance,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 323 1 PALLADIUM ORCHARD ROAD Singapore's Premier Theatre. ORCHARD ROAD TO-NIGHT oommbncimg at 9 p.m. sharp, TO-NIGHT The Only House in Singapore, Giving One Show a Night, and that the Best. THOMAS A. EDISON S LATEST INVENTION For 2 Nights Only! For 2 Nights Only!! THE KINETOPHONE I (PICTURES THAT SING AND
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    • 155 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Titi Tin and Sandycroft dividends Page 2. Help with little boy wanted on passage home Page 2. Fire Insurance Association holidays Page I. Gleustrae. Apcar and I*, and n. alterations Page Milk Stout at Caldbeck Macgregor Page 7. Rooms available— Page 2. Gaiety new programme Page 1. A
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 152 1 THE WEEK. Friday 31st. High Water— 4-11 a.m., 4-4 p m. CCA. Hall "Egypt by Dr Handy. 8-15 p.m. League match. S.R C. v K.O.Y L.I. 2i Legislative Council. 2. H0 p.m. Municipal Commiftionv 2.30 m. N.D.L. Outward mail dae. 8.1 Outward mail dm Saturday Aug. Ist. High Water— am
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  • 213 2 m.m k i m Thb Ci i \\li\ Momt Sir Thorn ts l.iptou drink hit te:t our if MMW INMM be cHiiuot lift' the cup Conundrum :»ud IMVri mmtt -upplied i>\ *mt Thomas himself when at Torquay b" whs the central figure ot an mtubin^ little episode. Some
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  • 226 2 s>ir .lohn Madden, one of the oldest ami best knowu of the public men of Australia, Chief Justice and Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria, in a few simple plain words in the Britannic Review shows why Australia is much exercised b»* Mr Churchill's naval policy. Whatever the merits
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  • 230 2 CHASED BY SEA SERPENT \H\ Sftfl TkkHIKYIM. SInKN. rhe sea serpent bas arrived early tbis year. He is reported in a Central News message from New York, whicb records tbe tragic voyage of the British tramp ■learner Strathspey. The monster appeared off the cost of Borneo. A cording to statements
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 260 2 Notices NOTICE. LADY tfoine Home by the Katori Maru Waving Rt ngapore on September Ist offers *K)0 for am one travelling by tbe same boat who will look after a little boy during the voyage. Apply 100 c o Free Pres?. 31-7 THE SANDYCRFT RUBBER Co., Ltd. NOTICE OF DECLARATION
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    • 434 2 Notices TITI TIN COMPANY, LIMITED. NO TICK H HKKEBY QfVEI THXT the Pi/ectors have ihivdtyd elated an interim divideud of 4 per c v t><yahle<>n I ih August. Ihe Transfer Book of t c Compauy will he closed from btb io sth August (inclusive) lor the preparation of Dividend Warrants.
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    • 709 2 Notices THE EXCHANGE BANKS WILL ('LOPE ON Saturday, lst Aug. j PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. Monday. 3rd Aug. 28-7 31-7 SINGAPORE MARINE MOTOR SERVICE Ltd. BANK HOLIDAYS Ist, 2nd and 3rd AUGUST Reliable Motor Launch* s are available for Picnics etc., on above dates Early application advisable DOWN ft Co., Si 'crttaries.
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    • 519 2 Wanted WANTED ■eed Beofc-taMp« li 1 quick hi BUM*. B Z33 I SO 7 WANTED Permanent Way Inspect r. open lu_. 8.N.8. Stat. Railway*. Salai v I month, quarters or allowance. Apply to GUTHRIE ft Co. Ltd iq <. WANTED BY THE JOHORE GOVERNMENT Two Chinese-English lnt« pil uj. ''ourt
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  • 1292 3 OBTI'NITIRt. oi- DALMATI v. i i I'eople in s*:atch of novelty iti the way ot IMMI J Vbo are tired of or of green i trees and waving cornfield.*, might well try a holiday in halmatiu for a chauge. At first sii^ht Dalmatia would appear
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 Af t~r nion. tailoring, Verio's then cure absolute t 'ir,* i .Mages, Awarded Grand Prix and Geld Medal, international Health Exhibition, Pari3, l9lo. If £NO*s o2£*.«e f COUCH cygE i I I KM *__H-_-____u_-_H_-____--________l_i WmWM THE IDEAL TONIC FOOD. -•ETITK BEB THE BLO R Of all Chemists $1 75 Agents
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    • 602 3 __^n___________B *mMk. m^k'T^^m^. I mm.. n/WTBn I^^ 15 VARIETIES. ay\ Wm POTTED &Wm ALL DELICIOLS AND APPETISING. MmM MEATS. GAME, HAM, CHICKEN AND TONGUE, ETC. ETC. J flii__.iiiM«H'i^^pMnßH__.MHiiH___HHHHHMM_____n Prepared by a celebrated Chef under ideal conditions of cleanliness and selection. 0r IN GLASS, TINS AND WHITE JARS. ONE OF THE
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    • 116 3 CA RLSBERG BEER- a Better t X the Best jSf m. T /^'^ffSwt' s sit* C* gßjy World-wide use. SOLE AGENTS THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd., Singapore. aim nilifl TO m^m^^^mmm^mmmm^m^m^mmAm^mmm^mmm^mmmmmmmmm^^m^^mmmmm^m^mm^^^mmmmm^^mmm^^m—mm^rjjf^ii^^j^^^^ Ijy I N E S J c\ Claret I)i Chateau La Tour Morin ~-*kA Per case of 12 Q
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  • 684 4 nun i tie h.. i ti irr 111. It :ly fron many ot them deep. I thus lt i> I tin.! i four v breadth li neral r.he Its inti matter I ::ure to end a aad such book to any* ia it c asked
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 663 4 BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING F M S Government K<»spitals, THE FINEST, PUREST and RICHEST MILK Used in all the Principal Hospitals throughout the World. NESTLE and ANGLO -SWISS CONDENSED MILK Co (London), Singapore, penang, kuala llmpur, Bangkok i ßailway Material™ OUR SPECIALITY. j9j j i Si Very
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  • 532 5 !>! »l Kl.h SEIO ICB. Hi- Mah Kt., which i i ,t k nee 1 1 1 forced d in •v with his mcdi «>nly tht- tittg i a party of bather- to J hi no way HOO of the r. heart '5 with
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  • 120 5 lag as the new Admiralty regulathe pay, promotion, and status of ag Corps are in themselves, they illy gratifying because they mdi■- the clearest fashion that the (io\ > > tbe enormous importance the new arm. Kecruits for the air ser I c never been lacking, but
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  • 513 5 WIFE S DICTAI'HGNH Who*! W\s Tip. H \m» >ome aaa and leosatiooal ditclotorei have been initde in the mm.:. i mystery at Freeport, Long Island, where Mrs Bailey was shot and ki Mcd io the consulting room of Dr. Edward Carman, t prominent local physician. retail ol i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 416 5 Auctions MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF The British Iron Screw Steamer GOLDEN CROWN To be held at Powell <v Co.'s sale-room On Tuesday, the 11th Aug., at 2-30 p.m Built by Cochrane and Cooper, Beverley 'Length lib feet, breath vl feet, deptt 11 feel 4/IU. Hegi-ter< d tonnage td 3> tons. Carrying
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    • 561 5 mm mm, ■r.JmWsi'X Mm Ie ißmWk& h WW _fc_-__B_?-sBHH-__R___[f a___Hw' n* I 1 I have no rival where long distance is concerned. Ask those who use them what they have to say! Remember that th c cheapest o n paper is not yet the cheapest in actual use. You eau
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    • 492 5 Auc tions AUCTION SALE OF Superior Wax Polished Teak Household Furniture Cottage Piano; Motor Car; Horse and Victoria; Plants &a AT WATERLOO. No. 113, RIVER VALLEY ROAD. On Saturday, Bth August, at 2 p.m. An excellent toned COTTAGE PIANO by M E. Rachals A Co.. Hamburg in soiendki condition; upho
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  • 1231 6 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, July 31, 1914 Septet -'zni *-i_m** v.'»"- <•-.-. „-'c i'-«d k' r**n tiimm***mß****kmt I p to a moderately late hour last evening there was not enough in the cables to more than indicate that the Austrian campaign egainst Servia was following its normal course. That
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  • 1032 6 The lecture to night l>v Dr. Haudy on "Egypt" at the CC. Association at 8.1,') is open to all, ladies included. Mr H. W, Sadler, of the Prisons Department, Penang, has been granted eight months' leave. He will sail by the Nile on the 28th. Members and friends of the
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  • 118 6 UPROAR CROWING The ;>M(I Ummmmmmm Barnes are assumm lH1 "Jed rapidly and |*ec< ban.i earing all ou, th,. CMJi hostilities havi The Resident has raided foi iuforcement.. horn I. ataxia luly Bode ha^ hull. -tin th, with iMMntieanl news of the uprou the districts o! rtetn Bm Otlieer
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  • 100 6 The following aie the visit of tbe Right Re. the Lor I I of Singapore to the \ortl, lamcy Thursday. Inl] 'Hth Bm 10 forenoon at Kuala Kaugs.i I .'onsecratiou of Kuala Kangsar Friday, duly .Ust. «i p m. Con in saints Chun saturdav. August Home
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  • 45 6 Mc E. S. Rrown has rei tion from tbe M. I that it \s\\ the responsibility of making Mai member of the Far Eastern Athleti lation. and will send either a tooths team or a few individual competitor probably swimmers, to games.
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  • 284 6 For the holidays, the maua_. rm ut of the Gaiety are screeniug Hm the exciting Detective Hayes On the track of the Spider (ia: usual good selection of i beiug shown. The (ierman mail Alice left Penang at a.m may be expected here She will probably be despatched the s:t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 THE REASON WHY!!! John Littles COOKING STOVES ARE POPULAR. t%^^^Sl- W~ "vTf_. |oißS^nip^iir '^i EjB__B^__f* .^l^l' BECAUSE ALL CHINESE COOKS UNDERSTAND THEM, AND THEY GIVE NO TROUBLE WHATEVER LARGE SHIPMENTS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. Dover B. size for 4 persons 44-50 nett. New Paraxon 8 98-50 bbess 12 $***** I Ancla
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  • Correspondence.
    • 86 7 In reply to Anonymous" may I it tbe practice which he criticizes distasteful to tbe Clergy themselves, tha decreased Staff it is impossible rage otherwise. There is a Celeu each Sunday at St. Matthews •Juich at 9.15 ara. and thia renders it acseeary for the Priest taking that
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    • 178 7 UNDER SEALED ORDERS. 's. lu!> :•<). J. lu a. mi. It isofficial ted tha* no British mobilisation has •:!\ and naval •itionaty The First Fleet bas left I Mali the bauds ll and the crews telegram 'tes that tbe precautionary M-tion en ordered. most active, working B cancelled.
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    • 41 7 AN IMPORTANT CONFERENCE. Berlin, duly confertil 1 midnight attended by Herr Bethu Hollweg. Herr dagow. Admiral Tir and high naval and military officers, rhu telegram states that German ps are movipg in response :o the Russian advance towards A'irballeu.
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    • 15 7 iou. Jul >ar ba\ Ingram.tu ition. re has received an enthusias Paris.
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    • 91 7 i The result of the Iwood Plate was Collodion 100— 8, 1 lk 101 -v I dohn Aiuendall 7 t, ourteen ran and the race was won by engths with four between second rd. probaide starters with jockeys ;jjhts for the Goodwood Cup are Clark) 9.3, Chiua
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    • 16 7 a, duly '20. The victims of the -"^cing have been buried. Tlie streets )wded.
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    • 101 7 BELGRADE IN FLAMES. Down River Fighting IHr lable] Rki'ikrp Skhvior London duly 30 LL, up, Vienna telegram says that a semi official vote •s that the Servians destroyed the bridge between Semliu aud Belgrade yesterday morning. The Austrians bombarded the Servian positious compelling their evacuation. Two Servian
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    • 254 7 IBS Xi: ii. I>Sydney, duly 1. The session of the Federal Parliament concluded to-day tbe Senate passing the Supply Hills, which Sir Munro Ferguson made a condition to tbe granting of the dissolution of both Houses. A vigorous campaign will now commence in view of the elections, which
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    • 104 7 The ex- Municipal employee. R. A. oliveiro, who was charged under three couut6 with obtaining money by falsely representing himself to be an employee of the Municipality has been discharged by tbe tirst court magistrate Mr A. V. Brown. The accused was alleged to have visited premises
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    • 162 7 Mr Abanindra Nath Tagore il now engaged in writing a book on tbe Six Limbs of Indian Painting.' It appears that Mr Tagore has quite accidentally discovered the existence oi laws relating to ancient Indian painting which are said to be older than six Chinese laws of the tifth-century A.
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    • 114 7 4 THE DIE IS CAST." War Fever Raging |B T Submarine Cable] Rkuter'h Snurio*. St. Petersburg, duly BO. Russians consider that the die is cast and only a miracle can avert a war. In the event of war tbe Tsar will be Generalissimo. Patriotic demonstrations took place at
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    • 525 7 To forecast tbe possible international couseq.ieuces is a delicate, aud perhaps superfluous, task. We bave so often been Invited to consider wbat would happen to Austria wben ie due process of time tbe \ustrian Emperor is gathered to bis rest tbat we (.brink, through sheer experience
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    • 89 7 The Times of Ceylon writes We believe that the lndo-Ceylon route has not yet contrived to attract as large a daily quota of passengera aa was hoped for, and that what may seem in the circumstances an inordinate number of those who journey to and from the mainland via Colombo
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  • 131 7 CABINET MEETING. Movements of Money Market. ffiy Submarine Cable] RtOTKR'B SrRVICB. London duly 29. 4.10 p.m.— The Cabinet sat for over two hours and afterwards Mr Asquith, Mr Churchill, Sir E. Grey and Lord Haldane conferred. So far there have been 6even failures in London and two in
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  • 366 7 Consulates in the Dark Men who are Liable for Service. Inquiries at the consulates in Singapore yesterday elicited that no information has come from Europe through official sources other than such as has been cabled by Keuter. There are general indications of great fiuancial stringency. There are,
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  • 326 7 Bathing at Stonecutters Mr Lloyd Bland, of Messrs Loxley Co., bad a narrow escape from drowning. Mr Bland went out on a launch with the V.M.C.A. party, and being a non swimmer went as hore with tbe aid of a buoy. He was left for a lew
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 267 8 ff A daily dose of this m/ invigorator w\\\ help to keep you in the y I "Pink of Health" li j It stores up a large reserve of vitality which enables you to withstand physical and mental strain and to resist maiaria, etc. j j See you get 'VAA
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    • 460 8 PASSENGERS EXPECTED Per PAO str Morea, connecting w.ih the str Himalaya at Colombo, due August I>. W Fenner, J. Taws. A. E Mullaly. A. M. Bii chai Mr Mrs G. C. G. Spooner. Per P&O str Nubia, due August !fi— Mrs Graham and children. N. A. M. Grim i, V.
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    • 497 8 Shipping GLEN LINE of STEAMERS Ltd. FOR GLASGOW, ROTTERDAM AND ANTWERP. Thes. a. 'GLENSTRAE 4,718 tons, J. McGillivray, Commander, is due here on the 4th August aDd will have prompt despatch for above port For further particulars apply to BOUSTEAD CO., Agents. 31-7 4s INDO-CHINA S. N. Co., Ltd. FOR
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    • 602 8 Shipping M. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES NAIL LINE China, Japan, Ceylon, Djibouti, Egypt and Marseilles HOMEWARD OCTWARD 1914 1914 Atlantique Aug 8 Cordillere Aug 2 Amazone Aug 17 Polynesien Aug 16 Paul Lecat Aug 31 Magellan Aug 30 Cordillere Sep 14 V.delaCittat Sep 13 Polynesien Sep 28 Chili Sep 27 Magellan
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    • 690 8 Shipping Il# Ll#l_J# Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly trom Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau Nagasaki
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    • 610 8 Shipping P. 0. BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPAN* For China, Japan, Penang, Ceyit Australia, India, Aden, Egypt Mediterranean Ports, Plyraoi: and London Through Bills of Lading lnsnod lot 1 Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental ar. I Ports. Steamer* will leave Singapore oc MAIL LINES -dOMKWARD (rOR EORUI Prom Singapore, connecting Colombo with 1914.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 677 9 Shipping Toyo Kisen Kaisha (ORIENTAL S. S. Co.) voute Via China, Japan, Honolulu and San Franco to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. .'-.irbine Liners "SHINYO MARU", "TENYO MARI imm of the Paciflc. Equipped with W»rele«B Telegraphy ences and .led Cuisine. TIME TABLE FROM HONGKONG. Hougkonn
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    • 741 9 THE ONLY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY REGISTERED IN THE COLONY. LmEST Pljo up C|p|m 0F m JJJ JJJJ PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UMITED HEA9 OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32. Old Jewry, EX. Tbe Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, aad
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    • 536 9 THE MERCANTILE BANK! OF INDIA, Ltd. CAPITAL AUTHORISED £1,500 000 CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED £1 *****0 CAPITAL PAID-UP £562,500 RESERVE FUND £465.000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS K. J. Blai k ESQ Chairman. James Campbell Esq. H. Melvill Simons i J. A. Maitland Esq. Sir Uavid Yule. J. M. Ryrie Esq. Chief Manager Perry
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    • 393 9 FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. Established 188 J. Direct Government Sopervisiob Government Audit. Policies are "WORLD WIDE and Nos* Forfeitable. x>£_\ r £?.T? ett Bar P las above liabilities tot Ke.hv.KVE and all outstanding claims. Nn elisions. 1818, over $8,876,000.00. Oash Loans, Settlements, etc, made locally Numerous modern schemes.
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  • 879 10 Wr*m tut own Correspon&nl.) July 8. Some mild .surprise bas beeu expressed at tbe fact that tbe Lord Cbamberlain bas licensed (ibosts as well as Monna Varum. I was speaking to a member of tbe Advisoiy Committee and be Rteu:lv resented tbe idea tbat tbe Lord Cbamberlain has
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  • 50 10 Beautiful and adaptable to any style of Architecture and to any method of interior finish, are the CRANE wonderful Art Metal Ceilings. Cool, clean, white ant, and vermin proof, for Bungalows, Hotels, and Public Buildings. For illustrated catalogue and particulars write to The Borneo Company Limited, Singapore.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 655 10 1 SOME MAKES OF PENS Ml l joi £S Jk are pretty, hut fail tlio lj /LT^% ->t of hard work. > ,wl -^Z I^3 pens write under fay- JJ IJJJff ourable conditions, nut J; g£ SURE YOU GET THE fail when driven. The Jf m^ •SWAN .very i'W teBt
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    • 474 10 riou cannot farr betl<r than tritlt s WOLFE'S I I Aromatic Schiedam SCHNAPPS I wherever you may be. It is to ord in r.nsjv hai •.•}.M..;>;r..;].- 'rdin.iry win- £ft representing the p rfeetion of i ftw~ft distilled spirit, and the highest possibi ]fc± p *»nt .f purit\'. U suiLiM- ;il
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  • 1447 11 Issued by FRASER Co,, Exchange and Share Brokers, July :10. J** }*»08. Paid '*6T Drr BUTIHS. SELLERS. 85.000 3b Is Allagar 7}% 1 g ftOC.O-O 1 Anglo-Java 29 3 s 160,000 2* 2s Anglo-Malay 6% int 77^ H 7 60,000 2p 2h Batang Malaka 0 8 Oil
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  • 319 11 Flag and Tons Commanders From Arrived For Whw Mataram Dut gunboat 850 Ebbin Kiouw, 22-7 J>ut Consul K.ouw 25 Sarmiento Arg. tr. ship 2754 Renard shanghai. 26 7 A 'tine Consul Batevia 81 Steamora Nat. Tonnage Master Frotu Consignee* Fot Alting Dnt 705 Oaterbuis Deli, 29-7 Kr
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  • 264 11 Breid Nor 675 Folkestad Bangkok, 29 7 Siang Koe Bangkok 1 Brouwer Dut 324 V. Duyn P. Baroe, 30 7 KP M I. Haroe 1 Carlyle Brit 250 Falla P D'son, 30 7 SS Co I ncertain Lad y Weld Brit 242 Jones Malacca, 30-7 Ss Co Malacca
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  • 141 11 To-Daj Intermediate and iooal malls wfD be fc— j •v iut below j Pecang, Malaooa, F. M. 1. A Jofcor*. overland) (Dailj Mj Traia) I a. W. A M. Rhio A Indragiri Koemai 8 am Pulau Batam ie Hock Keng 9 am Kerimon Hock Tew 9 am Bangkok
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  • 111 11 BINOAPOBB (TiHIU) Mail Daily lea-re* tor north al T. 9 a.m and 7.15 p.m. Other traina lear* for Jobore at 9.0 a., 10.80 a., noon, 1.80 p.. 8 08 p., 4.50 p. (4.80 p. Sundaya). Mall arrive* trom north at 8.16 a.m. and T. 14 p.m. Trains laava
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  • 69 11 (COBBBCTID OP TO July 80). Rank 4ms J4 1 6 demand 2*B 15-16 Private credit* 8m i 2418 82 credits 6m i 2-4 28-82 Francb demand Bank 292$ Orbmany, demand 288 India, T. T. mi HONOKONO. demand m :X.% Yokohama, demand 114 Java, demand 141 Bangkok, demand Sovereigns, Bank
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  • 205 11 July 40. Tin 75 tons sold 868.35 Gambier No Market Gambier Cube No. 1 10.25 Gambier Cube No. S 8.00 Pepper Black ordin. Spoil No Market Pepper, (White tair) No Market Nutmegs (UO to tha lb.) 24.00 Nutmegs (80 to tbe lb.) 25 00 Mace (Banda) 90.00 Cloves (Amboina)
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  • 114 11 From Europe.— Per N.D.L. P. Alice doe to-day. Per B. 1. Tara with mails up to 10th instant, due to-day. Prom China.— Per M. M. Atlantique due August 3. London Malls Despatched. Left. Dae. Arrli td. P. &O. June 26 July 20 July 20 N. D. L.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 Buhner's Sparkling Cider. Guaranteed to be tbe pure Juice of tbe apple only) IS SUPPLIED TO:THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. HOTELS Savoy. Romano'S. Euston. Cecil. Almond's. Gt. Central. Glaridges. Hyde Parke. Gt. Western. Carlton. Piccadilly. De Vere. Ritz. Curzon. Berkeley. Etc., Etc., Etc. CLUBS Travellers'. Jr. Athenaeum. Naval Military. Carlton. New
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    • 31 11 FRASER NEAVE, Ltd. Printers. Office: 13, COLLYER QUAY. Works: SIAK STREET. Magazine, Rook, Commercial and Miscellaneous Printing of every description carefully and expeditiously executed on Moderate Terms. Fraser Neave, Ltd., Singapore.
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  • 365 12 SINC.W'OKK THAM FOB MAI.XM The following team selected by the Mngapore 1 ootball Association leaves this i evening for Malacca and will play a Settle--1 meut eleven to morrow E. K. H. Bowerraan (Nomads), goal; ,i W. McOuarrie (Nomads) and K. M. WilI liams (S.C.C). backs: G. S. Farebrother
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  • 358 12 The political situation in Europe has caused extreme anxiety on all markets. The high priced shares in the 00 Group in as far as this market is interested have felt this most severely. Sterling Hubbers except those that are largely dealt in on the Continent, such as
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  • 239 12 An accident fortunately attended with -erious results occurred at the railway station on Monday afternoon at about 1 p. m. It appears that a lot of empty coaches were being shuuted on a siding wben the down train from Teluk Anson turned the corner near the
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  • 116 12 Major-General K. li. Heade accompanied by Lieut. Torr (A. I>. C), Major I'eerless and Captain Thornhill (Staff Officer inspected the Penang Volunteer Cadet Corps or Monday evening on the Esplanade. There were about 71 rank and tile present under Captain W. Hamilton and Lieut \V. E. Mann,
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  • 101 12 The pupils of Kins Edward VII School, Taiping, gave a successful entertainment on Friday afternoon when the school closed for a month's holiday. On Saturday, the secoud annual athletic sports were held in the play ground. The Hon. Mr. Oliver Marks. Acting British Resident, waa present
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  • 400 12 CHINAS FOREIGN TRAD Bkitvin Shi. i. Ahkai>. P km. Tbe trade report tor 1918 jus' is-sued by the Maritime Customs is a rem tkable document, illustrating by a w h of statistics; the new tendencies of Cbina. The foreign trade reached the respectable figure of Xl46,ooC.ooC.and, althoiJi it is impossible
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  • 67 12 A certain rich man did not approve of foreign missions. One Sunday at church, when the collection was being taken np, the collector approached the millionaire and held out the collection bag. The millionaire shook his head. I never give to missions.'' he whispered. Then take something
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  • 695 12 The Den ol Airlie left Penang on the 2Hth, and is due here this morning. The Glenstrae is due here from Hong kong on the 4th prox. wiih general cargo for discharge. After lying in Singapore harbour for the several days past, the German cruiser Geier left suddenly
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  • 104 12 Mr K. Braga, of the Vacuum Oil Company, left Hongkong for Singapore, beiug transferred to the offices of the Company here, in consequence of promotion. Mr Braga was an organist and choirmaster of great merit and the proof of his attainments in that direction is furnished by
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  • 94 12 The Rev. A. S. Hewlett, vicar of St. Paul's Tranmere, Birkenhead, is proceeding shortly to be leper missionary and as chaplain to the Leper Hospital at Kumamoto, in the island of Kiushiu, South Japan, and a special fund has been opened by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
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  • 57 12 S\Tl T RIV_\, l^T A.DOUB Johnston's Pier, 7. 9 and 10 a.m., _LBC and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow, M.M) and 9.30 a.m. 15.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. Sunday, 2nd August. Johnston's Pier. 7. 9 and 10 a.m.. S.BC and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow, H. 30 and 9SO
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  • 98 12 East Wharf (BaHln) Sec. I—Nil1 Nil East Wharf Sec. 2— Teesta, Eg Sheers Wharf Sec. 3 A. AY. D. Docks Hon^ Bet (Under reconstruction) Main Wharf fcec. 4 except at godowns No. 16 17— Nil s—Kohsichang5 Kohsichang 6— Ajax W< Dock Sec. 7— Yatshin*.. M. Treub
    98 words
  • 134 12 (Nationality British if not specified. J July 30 Teesta. Willis, Negapatam via purt> Egra. Chivas, Penang, Kangoon Calcutta Profit, Nor, Olsen, Bangkok Calypso, Duringer, Port Dickson <s P. Swat Emile, Dut, Aii, Rhio Kaho, Chin, Hoh, Saigon i Wakasa Maru, Jap, Nielsen. H'kong Japan J Selangor, Stack, P. Sham
    134 words
  • 162 12 Per Breid Mr Mrs Borgsen. Per Maras Ms Emily. Per Brouwer Messrs O. C. Tulleke, Foster and Luchtinger. Per Sardinia Mrs W. E. Copeland, Mr Mrs W. G. Adams, and 'i infants, Miss Ritchie, Mrs Amery child, Miss Slaven, Rev. F, W. Haines, Messrs W. Hope, 4. Brown, W.
    162 words
  • 167 12 Fivk Ykaks fok Killing a Wife The Assi/.es concluded yesterday morning before tbe acting Chief Justice (the Hon. Mr J. A.S. Bucknill k.c.,) when the plea advanced in defence of a Tamil coolie nam ed Alagan, charged with murdering his wife. Letchme, was accepted, aud be was found
    167 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 262 12 CANADA IN 1913 Manufactures produced 1 620,000 000 Go Farms 525.000.000 Forests 185.000.000 Minerals i 45.000.000 Fisheries 3 000. 000 Assurance carried in Canada s Premier Co 202, "563 996 SUN LIFE 'ESS? OF CANADA S. J. HOW J Chs. J. GAUPP Co 33. RAFFLES PLACE WATCH MAKERS, JEWEUERS, MARINE
      262 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 209 12 WEATHER REPORT l:• ■»»*> Weather Telegram* ars i<&u«u_Hb«ti > .urtesy of tbe K. E. Tei. Co. aad oon Alt >bservations made at Hongkong 'HK rvatory, and at Manila ObservHtory (MN lata are date and hour of despatch tht I meter rending 'inches in HK.. MUU 8S In MN.); Direction of
      209 words