The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 16 October 1911

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 160 1 Skirmishes between Turkish troop's and Italian advanced posts are reported from Tripoli. Four aeroplanes haive been sent to the front Page 5. Johnson refused to hght in Paris Page 5. The Duke of Cannaught has taken the oaths as Governor General of Canada Page 5. An extensive
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  • 1013 1 I do object to HnM self -saiti-slied beings who persistently declare that they abhor the city and cleave only unto country life. In the first place. I don't believe them. The average num. unless he he peasant born and bred nay even it lie be will
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 537 1 Everybody Goes to The MARLBOROUGH THE POPULAR PICTURE THEATRE. BEACH ROAD AND You must not miss The Gambler's Dream (DURATION HALF AN HOUR) Gamhlin^ passes your time away. You may win or lose. But you will gain knowledge by seeing this Grand Picture Object Lesson. The Gambler's Dream Gambling all
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    • 293 1 THE CLEAN SHOW The Star Opera Co THE DUTCH AND MALAY VARIETY ENTERTAINERS AT THE THEATRE ROYAL NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT By Special Request "ALI BABA" and the 40 Robbers WILL BH BTAGEI) Y. L. TAN, Manager, STRAITS OPERA Co. The Show of the Moment. The Show that has
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    • 96 1 Co**a£'9 Htocrtidcmcnts. Publishers announcements, a coninunt ary on the Common Gaming Houses Ordinance. Kelly Walsh Page 4. J. W. Benson Ltd., Jewellery at Littles Page 4. Bicycle for sale Mcken/ie Road Pagl :i. Tenders for supply of opium P:i«c ft. Tenders for Engineering Material! to Sarawak Government P;iye 2. In
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 269 1 THE WEEK. Monday 16th. High Water— 5-81 am., 3.34 j>m. M. M. Mails Outward and Homeward due. Kiutfaj>nre Cold BtOfßge DMetiag noo:i l'etjoh Meeting "2.M) pm. Philharmonic Oich. juaitice. 5-15 pin. Tuesday 17th. High Water— 7-26 am.. .">-4.s pm. Children's Aid Soeiety 10 am. Mr Hidleys I.eeture. Y.M.( .A. |.4|
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  • 203 2 Mr. H. Marriott is appointed a member of the Board under the Mohammedan and Hindu Endowments Ordinance. Second Lieut. W« Makepeace. Reserve of Olhcers, Singapore Volunteer Corps, lias been Gazetted Captain S.V.A. Lieut. B. A. Cator R.X., Deputy Master •V. i»Midant has been granted an extension Of leave
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  • 153 2 The gyroscope, for many years a mys terious toy, has heen receiving practical recognition recently at the hands of the world's inventors. Applied to a camera for taking moving pictures, the "Philadelphia Record says it enables the operator to dispense entirely with the use of the
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  • 342 2 Mis* Yachiyoko Togo, the only dMghtef of Admiral Togo, is engaged to Sub Lieutenant Minoru Sonoda, son of Baron Sonoda. Privy Councillor. Both families are now busy with preparations for the wedding. \v\iich is to be held some time in November. The bride elect graduated from the girls' department of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 744 2 Long, Heavy Hair? T! en treat your hair well. See t\.t it is, properly fed. Growth tf cvtry kind demands proper k od. Starved hair splits at the Ct ds, turns prematurely gray, keeps short and dry. Then feed your hair. Feed it with proper food, a regular hair-food. Feed
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    • 721 2 NOTICES. NOTICE For Stock Clearing Purposes from to-day and until further notice all customers of the Outjwrr Trading Co., (The Singapore Bookstore) B. High Street, will be entitled to a special Discount of twenty Per cent, (20",,) on all cash purchases of books, stationery, etc. Oct 14 18.10 CHILDREN'S AID
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    • 502 2 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL- MAATSCHAPPY. i NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824. CAPITAL fl 45,000,000, (about £3,750,000) REBERVE fl 7,124,817, (about £593,693) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. BRANCHES Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semarang, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Tjilatjar, Djernber, Medan (Deli), Kota-Radja (Acheen), Palembang, Padang, Bandjermasin and
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    • 358 2 FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. Established 1882. 8 8 currency INSURANCE in Force, over 545,000,000.00 New Business, 1910, over $6,640,000.00 Large Nett Surplus above liabilities for RESERVE and all outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision. Cash Loans, Settlements, etc, made locally. Policies are WORLD WIDE." J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
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    • 603 2 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To Oar Pe*4err The Singapcre Free Press is now Morning Daily, and it on tait At 'iepott, from au early hour each morning (Sundaji exoepted). Caah price Ten Centa a cop. Subscribers' copies will be delivered at their private residences, (or town offices or
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  • 741 3 Work in MALACCA. The statement often made that the Mala v is a dying racft in the sense that it will either d.e out or be absorbed in other races, is by no means borne out bv figures for in the parts of the Peninsula 'occupied *>y
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  • 165 3 A fatal collision took j)l \ce at Tashiro station on the Kinshu Line on Sept. S2, at 7 ;'.o p. i!i. t .uid two locomotives and two p:<>><>ngcr ems were overturned itnd twenty •ft Ye peraoni were seriousl> «round< <il. One of the train- consisted of
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  • 536 3 REAL STATE OF AFFAIRS IN PERSIA. All Englishman in Persia sends Truth an interesting letter on the present state of that country, from which we take the following extracts. The writer states that he has lately travelled a great deal in the country, and that what he describes is rounded
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 Sprains. Sprains require cartful treatment. Keep «1"'» t and apply Chamberlain's Pain Bahu freely. It \\i\\ iemo\c tae soreaessaud quickly reetore the i»dit-> to a healthy toutlition. .sale hy all L>i^i>easaiies and Dealers.
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    • 493 3 For all internal complaint*, djTSStttry cough colds Ac. fake Woods' Great Peppermint Cure SWOLLEN ENORMOUSLY WITH DROPSY. Gallons of Water Tapped Awat Mrs. Ellen J. Porvltt, of 20. Kiln Road. Long Causeway. Dcwsbury, sa\s: "My illnosn began iu the winter of 1904. I first noticed cruel pains in the region
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    • 223 3 FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP Two light locomotives, 4-8 H.P. Vertical i Boilers, 2 Steam Pumps and fittings, Pipelaying Shearlegs, Blocks and Tools, Spanners, Chains, Crowbars, Steel Piping, MetalIc Hose, One Road Roller, Scrap Iron and Three Engineers Levels and Staffs. Apply to AIRDS, LIMITED, Gresham House, Singapore July 27
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    • 512 3 WANTED. EUROPEAN WANTED Wanted immediately Euroixan with a reasonahle knowledge of alluvial mining and capable of controlling Chinese Trihutors on a Tin Property. Full particulars on application to 44 MINING H co" Free Press." Oct 14 nc WANTED FOR BORNEO Deniarcator, must be coni|>etent and accustomed to Jungle work. Apply
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    • 1168 3 AUCTIONS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE i; VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan »V Co.. are instructed to offer for Public Auction at their Saleroom No. ft, Raffles Place on Wednesday, the Hth October, at 2-A0 the foUowlag Lot vi/ Lot No. 1. Freehold laud hutting Taujong Katong Itoad District ofGa>lang
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 57 4 Dumaaci Tidswkll.— September 14. at Suffolk, T. S. Dunihreck, of Kajan^, F. M. S.. to Eleanor Tiilswell. Fi.kmini; -Mkyrk k.— Sept. s, at Littlehampton, Atherton, son of j. Plemiag, late Chinese Service, to Winifred Ellen Meyrick. Pai.mek Umikhai.l. Bsftembsr 16, at onlsdon. r,. Palmer, of Bakap UuhlK>r Plantations, N.-Ikjh^
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    • 42 4 At Biagspotc on the 15th inst.. Mauv Smith wit*- of Hnur IVtiie, Kukul* Uut>b«i- Batata (tinpaiiy, .Johore. Hakt. Ob the 20th Sept.. at Plagesl Giore, High Wyoombe, Sir Robert Bart, Bart.. c. M.(J.. Inspector -General of Chiiuse imperial Maritime Customs, agad ?♦>.
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  • 1302 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, Oct. 16, 1911. •I- -t.:.r r,. K. iv,, (1 1 T- A v..f A i»V.' i What i» xo'inu on in China at this moment will bfl of deep concern to the great Dumben of Chinese who have emigrated from China, settled down in other
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  • 684 4 Dr. Lcask, who was for so many years in Singapore, is passing through homeward by fcas Blue Piiunsl steamer Orestes." I>r. and .Mrs. Leask and family bavs settled down in St. Heli< r>. Jersey. Capt. w. H. Wild. Snd Hatt. Northumberland Fusiliers, an old BMmbst of the S. has bsefl
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  • 81 4 LLOYD GEORGE ON THE JOB Imi ::rial News Service. By Stj|»!iiarine Sible], Ix)ndon, via Bombay.. Mr Lloyd George in an address at Whi( field's Tahernarh' made an appeal in support of the Insiiranee Hill and Mnphasiaad that s<ii partial had afiaad on th.- prind pie of the Bill.
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  • 159 4 Ltadw, via Durban. Mr Lloyd oCOtgß*l speeeh a! Win?, i s Tahernaele is published \erl»atin>. f|,. spoke for two hours and 1 1 1 „u( w«rc tiiniiiitoiisiv wthaiiailk especially when he made the declai \itiou. "The Bill tsfOtefl through this ftar. I will, t, tlirou^li
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  • 51 4 London, via Durban. A eooftMßM <»f FrifiMllv Societies K(linl)iu k 'li ha?, r. «m»l\.<| I.v »> WOtm to ;s on J«'fusin^ to assist in th«> mlinini^t* i in^ of Um fliwmirt Insurance Kchcnm unirss ttiOortnnMl ooaeadai Um nini Tjuiiii immaadu <>( Um Soeietiet for iht Mnendmcn<
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  • 46 4 Lloyd George Obstinate. I»n<l<.n. ria DwWb. Mi- Lloyd f.,,,1^' has ilt>f]jnrd the su« U«-*t."oii of the Associated < luiimlhth o| QfcH merer uo( to proceed with the Insurance BUI in th«« :nniimii MMioa in Oldaff o J l«>u of Hi moir inutiii*' ooaaUUnuioa.
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  • 42 4 London, via Bomba*. The recall oi th«« Kiddle l\uk Plat. i Abesid '7 l), •i Sweeper the Beeoad I l White Star (6 I iVn ran won i.y thr.f lenglhe. on« and a h..Ji separating second and third horses.
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  • 24 4 Who will be Champion l.ontlon. via Purlun. inhiMon has decliiifld n> boa Welh Paris. COAMqiMBII) tin- is )»l«-t.'l\ t )tT.
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  • 27 4 l.«»iulon. via h'uhan. Ii is aimounr.'il that M.uirur M;ictrr Imck. Um BelfiMi author and dramatist is to be awarded th« Nobel Prize for literatnre.
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  • 41 4 /•>.'" <u> n i.. rrts} n itnt.} Mala. ca. Oci 1 clt. At \\w Rubber s.u.' the following pricei wen If llfd sll Mf per picul to 140.11 Benp Crape i «.<:;. <mi Bull Crape l i S(| ;'P 165.50
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  • 70 4 At th*> ■MJOtJHg in IoaJQB on Ut S,pf. ibc rhainnan said they had obtained trom IIM OWITII 111 ol Um Kcd.raird M.i'.tv States a promis,. of a farther stipplv i»f W«t«r. This illicit mean that fuiii-r capital from #50,000 to COO,OOO WOoM F)ossiMv 1,,, uaiitcil. They did not
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  • 97 4 Many MaUagi in being beld t i out India by thr .Muhonudans to potMl against Italy's action in Tripoli. Tlw assistance of tin* Amir of ftfghonllUM l UM INM-sian ftflTtlUMi n< ll BTOked. numst«M- dciMonstratioii has Im-.ii .m i ..i^ 11 to take place at Calcutta on SundrtV. Tht Berlin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 492 4 iKeUyTwalsh, L?] A In the Press. Ready this Month. k A Crown Bvo., 195 pages. Bound Full Cloth. Price $5. k A New and Important Work on the Gaming Law ENTITLEn A COMMENTARY ON THE COMMON J GAMING HOUSES ORDINANCE ROLAND BRADDELL This small work will, it is hoped, till
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    • 39 4 BILLIABDS. THE ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN CUSHION. (Alcock's Patent with Improvements of John Roberts, Retired World'bChampion) absolutely THE BEST CUSHION TO DATE FOR ANY CLIMATE. JOHN ROBERTS, 1910. ONLY OBTAINABLE FROM John Roberts, London. John W. Roberts, 160, Mount Road, Madras, India.
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  • 82 5 SOLDIERS DISLOYAL. Concentration on Capital. Imperial NlWi Service. [By Submarine Cable]. London, via Durban Renter I correspondent at Puking states On the most reliable authority, that (ieneral U Quan Beng leads the Hupeh mnti neeis. The Imperial Chinese Government ad -that the garrisons of Paosingfa and I
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  • 103 5 me situation at Hankow. London, via Durban. A tenter message from Peking state* thai night trainloads of troop, hare left for Paoting fu. The revolutionists Informed the lonia Consols* Hankow thai they would resped it 1 1 treaties and loans. Foreign bluejackets under the Japanese Admiral Kawashim*
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  • 55 5 Sun Yat Sen Active. London, via Durban. Renter's despatch From San Francisco sayi that the Chinese of the United States have already collected two hundred thousand dollars on behalf of the Revolutionaries in China, and that Dr. Sun Vat Sen las ordered a meeting and parades to
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  • 106 5 London, via Durban. Renter*! special correspondent \isited Wj nchang yesterday. He states thai Itanchti eorpeei are everywhere, and there were ntiy outside one of the cit\ gate*. The Revolutionary troops are >»ill linntn;^' the Manchui of whom 800 are reported to ha\(> been killed. The correspondent Interviewed
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  • 64 5 Entrusted with Full Powers London, via Durban. An Imperial Bdid recalls Yuan Shikai and appoints him Viceroy of the ProTinces Uiipeli and HonaM. li further commands him to proceed immediately to Wuchang to re-establish Mie Imperial authority and it orders Admiral Sa Chenping and General Yin ching
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  • 41 5 A Better Time Prevails. London, via Durban. EU mci's Correspondent as Sofia states that a more optimisitc feeling is th»« result ot sin Interriew between the Bulgarian Ministers and foreign diplomats. Bulgaria for the present lakes no milimeasures.
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  • 33 5 Favourable Medical Report. Imperial Niwa Suticb. London, via Durban. 'Hie health of tlie Royal Navy for the li;is shown a continuous improve"ii'iit. one feature heing a notable dee .is»> of tuberculosis.
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  • 30 5 London, via Durban. The Cricket Uoard of Control has appointed Mr den Hill as Captain, and Messrs Iredale. Hill, and Macalister as lectON for the Australian eleven.
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  • 258 5 Aeroplanes. ITALY S DESIGNS. Imperial Xj-ws Service. IBy Submarine Cable]. London, via Durban. hour aeroplanes with Italian onicers as pilots have, gone to Tripoli, intended for warfare if the occasion arises of a bombardment of the enemy's position. London, via Bombay. A Renter message from Milan says that
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  • 65 5 A Contingent for Palestine. London, via Durban. Renter*! agency al Port Said states that the s.s. Kaiseri on the sth inst. entered the Sue/ (anal and landed troops at Kankara arheace they are to proceed to Palestine \in FA Arisn escorted by Egyptian toast gnards. The
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  • 68 5 I?i:ii ins Skhvice. London, via Bombay. Renter*! home correspondent states thai two hundred Turkish Infantry early in the usoming opened s uharp Bre on an Italian advanced post to tli«' west of the Dnnie liana Wells. The Italians replied with rifle Bra ami a few sheila
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  • 64 5 Turkey Concedes Demands. Imit.imai. N«wb Sketics. London, via Durban. A Renter mnaaagt from St. Petersburg states thai the reply <>f the Turkish QoYernmeni to Ihe Bnssian represents^ tioiis regarding contraband intimates tiiat neutral grain steamers bound to neutral ports will i><> allowed to p:iss the Dardanelles but
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  • 115 5 Speech from the Throne. A Silent Reception. London, via Durban, A IJeuter message from 'oustant inople, states that the Turkish Parliament was opened in the afternoon. The speech from the Throne 4 dealt mainly with the action of Hilly and the steps taken by the (Joverninent towards
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  • 21 5 London, via Durban. Renter's correspondent :d Constantino pie states that Ahmed lii/.a has been reelected President of the C'hiimber.
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  • 94 5 H. R. H. THE GOVERNOR GENERAL Imperial News Service. I By Submarine Cable London, via Durban. Reuters correspondent at Quebec states that the Duke of Con naught has been sworn In as (lover BMM General at the Provincial Parliament. Replying to addresses of welcome. His Royal Highness said that
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  • 67 5 London, via Durban. Attention has been aroused by the pros pert of a valuable development of the immense anthracite coal fields at the head quarters of the stikine River, P.ritish Columbia, about L6O mites from the teaboard, which is capable oi commanding the markets of China. Japan
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  • 47 5 A Preferential Rebate. Imperial i:ws Sbbvicb. London, via Durban. A meeting of the principal English ami Scotch steelmakers has agreed to grant a rebate oi' live shillings a ton on certain classes of material provided that consumers purchase exclusively from certain British steelmakers.
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  • 57 5 U.S.A. Controls Finance. Imperial News Ssbyicb. London, via Durban. After prolonged negotiation! liritain, tlu> United sti»t«>s. Qerman.3 and Pmumm have approved ■ohoae of American linan cial control oret tin- Republic <»f Liberia, ami provides for an American receirer* fenenU of customs, with the co-operation of recelTers, one from eacb
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  • 72 5 Loan Policy. London, via Durban. a telegram from Sacramente ftatti thai Mr Taft, defending the proposed loan agreements with Honduras and Nicaragua asserted thai the consummation of these loans would strongly influence the peace of Centra] America. The existence of the I nited
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  • 51 5 A Urged Negotiations. London, via Durban, The D;iii\ Chronicle correspondent ;ii Viemi.i states that Anglo-German nego tiations an proceeding with a view of finding si modus vivendi the reduc« t ion of naval armaments. These negotiations will have ;is an out ooum the Initiative of Germany in th»>
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  • 35 5 Certificated as Pilot. London, via Durban. Mr Lee, Chinese (iovcniincnl pupil, has obtained pilot's certificate at the military Air School on Salisbury Plain. lie is the first hinaman to obtain this qualification.
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  • 42 5 London, via Durban. The death is announced of Mr K. A, Pickeragill, Liberal M. p. lor Bethnal QrsOD, from pneumonia. The deatli is announced of the, lit. Hon'hlc John William Mellor. K.c. n.i,.. Privy Councillor who hai acted as judge advocjife.
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  • 75 5 Before a crowded house on Saturday night the gorgeous production "Foe to Hichelieu" was shown, and greatly appreciated by all who saw it. The film deals with an incident in the court of France, 17th century period, and is about an hours duration. The splendid colouring and acting
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  • 883 5 a Successful Day. Saturday was a red-letter day for the Police when they held their animal sports on Kaffirs Institution ground, and. judging by the large number of spectators, it proved an interesting event to the general community. The ground was ideal for the purpose and had
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  • 35 5 Manila is continuing its policy of publicity by issuing ;i guide hook for visitors, published by the Manila Merchants Association. It has a Directory, map, and plenty of pictures, and should serve a useful purpose.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 Digestion and Assimilation. t is not the quantity of food taken but the tluoonl digMted and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Cham 'laiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them 0 perform their functions naturally. For sale <\y all Dispensaries and
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    • 34 5 Lady McCalluin ucconipauiM the (lov ernor of Ceylon to the Durbar. Their four children sail by the Orient 6teanier| OH th« -22nd DecemtMT. The two eldest children will returu to England in March. I
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    • 23 5 ft j 8 understood that Sir -tl Lftdy K vel yn Young will atu-nd the la pc^i Du rbur al pelhi, in Member,
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    • 131 5 GENTLEMEN'S TAILORS. j** -> No Material makes up so I i»> well f or a GOLF JACKET hJB^JtKr 'as Donegal Tweeds. We BnL_» i have some excellent pat- .BAT RIDING BREECHES. |WH|[. V We make a special study a of the workmanship of all 1 Riding Breeches. Materials <£f Jg
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 711 6 OCEAN S.S. Co., ltd. AND CHINA MUTUAL S. N. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewurds for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Ijiverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 631 6 BRITISH INDIA S. N. Co., Ltd FOK Penang, Rangoon, and Calcutta S.S. DILWARA r>,441 tons. C. K. Hodgson. Commander, will be despatched for the above ports ou Thursday, the li»th inst. at 5 p.m. She has excellent accommodation for Saloon [>asseugers, amidships, Music room, smoking room Ac. anil lar^e promenade
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    • 734 6 FAR EAST OXYGEN ACETYLENE COMPANY, LTD., SINGAPORE BRANCH. Oxygen Gas Dissolved Acetylene. Oxy-acetylenic blowpipes and blow pipe cutters] for quick cutting Iron and Steel AUTOGENOUS WELDING OF ALL METALS All kinds of repairs to Ships, Boilers, Motor-cars etc. Application of the Dissolved Acetylene gas for lighting Motor-cars, Launches, Steamers, etc.
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    • 610 6 P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan. Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. 1911 Outward (for China) Arcadia Oct 20 Assaye
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    • 498 6 N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail uteanu rs of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamhurg via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Boothaaip ton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples, (ooonecting MarheilleH, Naples, Alexandria and vi< < Port Said, Sue/. Aden, Colombo, lVn Siugajjore. Hongkong, Shanghai. Tsinntuu Nii^anaki and
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  • 274 7 #||e Total where given represents the' in Bl r\ Jan 19U eXCe P* wh^e a in brackets is given, representing so months. When a month's return is I this total represents the last avail i Ribu Rubber 11,074 32 149 Riverside 6,114 7,6.34 87,539 1 1 Rulmna
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  • 2 7
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  • 332 7 King George's telephone number is J MS, Westminister," and although he can be daily rung up by his subjects, it by no means follows they are speaking with His Majesty himself. In fact the arrangements in the Palace make impossible for anyone to casually call up the
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  • 230 7 Slcckssfll Opkrations. The friends of Captain Bunje will he pleased to Jiear of the success of the operations he has boon conducting in Timor during the past seven months on behalf of the International Petroleum Co., Ld.. for which Messrs. Barret to and Co. are the
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  • 137 7 Elkphant Which Will Indulgf. in Thif.nnial Hajiit Diking Pkksknt Wf.kk. Daisy, the mammoth elephant sold with four others by Mr Frank C. Hostock for the Delhi Durhar, is expected to indulge in bat triennial sneeze to-morrow or Sa turday. (14th or 15th Sept.* l>aisy hmmm once every
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  • 128 7 One of the most remarkable political meetings on NCOVi is described in a Paris contemporary as having taken place at Riga. The Lettes Socialists desired to bold a meeting. The liiga police expressed an opposite view, and then the contest began in reality. It was brains versus
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  • 145 7 SHIPPING POOLS DISSOLVED. Hamburg. Sppt lltb. The^following statement is published here The conference of German. Knglish, Dutch. French, and Spanish steamship companies on passenger traffic to Argentina and Brazil has led to the dis- j solution of all passenger pools,' the pro- posal of the North German Lloyd for an
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  • 172 7 It is not difficult for the Western mind to make mistakes as to what is decorous behaviour in China, and at Ning-po there was recently much consternation, for it appeared as though two distinguished foreign visitors were being taken away to suffer the extreme penalty of the
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  • 69 7 (Corrected up to Oct. 14.) Bank 4m a 24 516 demand 24 3-82 Private credits 3 m 8 2-4 15-82 n credits 6 m b 2-4$ France demand Bank 294$ Germany, demand 238$ India, T. T. 174 Hongkong, demand 22a Yokohama, demand 114J Java, demand 140* Bangkok, demand 66
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  • 130 7 Oct. 14. Tln buyer* if.ll Oambier 10.00 Gaiubier Cube No. 1 21.75 Gambier Cube No. 2 nom. Pepper Black ordin. Spore... bujers 21.25 Pepper, (White fair) buyers 31.00 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) nom. Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) nom. Made (Banda) hq Cloves (Amboina) mom. Bali Coffee (10^
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 SOUTH BRITISH Insurance Co., Ltd. FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description. MiLRINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY. Local Manager Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORES DEVELOPING PRINTING JUST ARRIVED NEW CAMERAS NEW CAMERAS NEW
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    • 13 7 For all internal complaints dysentvy cou^h colds &c., take Woods' Grout Peppermint Cure!
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    • 788 7 Sufferers Take Notice. There is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a tickling in the throat, which keei>s you coughing and disturbs your sleep and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlains' Cough Remedy will cut the phelgm which is the cause of the tiouble and clear the
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 511 7 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wharves and Docks at which different vessels are berthed. East Wharf (Basin)— Nil East Wharf Sec. 1— Miu. Thougwa SheerH Wharf— Nil Main Wharf Sec. 2 Chiengtnai 3— Nil 4— Nil 5-Nil 6 Polyphemus New Dock Sec. 7— (Under construction.) West Wharf Sec.
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    • 128 7 > < NEXT MAILS DUE. From Europe.— Per M. M. Dumbea, due on Oct 16. From China.— Per M. M. Svduev. due oa Oct 16. London Mails Despatched. Lkft. due. Arrived. N. D. L. Sept 13 Oct 6 Oct 6 B. I. Sept 14 Oct 7 Oct 7 M. M.
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  • 744 8 From an admirable series of articles in the Times on Northern Nigeria and its problems, we quote the following, as not without interest to us in this part of the world. Thi; Standahds of Justice. Among those to whom the government of the coloured races of mankind
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  • 157 8 With the opening of the oyster season in Paris, the swindler has not been slowto avail himself of the opportunities offered for the perpetration of fraud. A few days ago, one If Langkrfl was dining in a Paris restaurant wlien his attention was drawn to
    157 words
  • 723 8 A TALL YARN We cull the following from the Marine Department of the San Francisco Commercial News of Saturday, August 19th, 1911 Passed a sea serpent on Sunday, July tl near Point Reyes," Thus reads the log of the new G. T. P. liner Prince John, which reached Victoria from
    723 words
  • 171 8 I'.tssim.i: Soi.itidn. According to the WVst India C0,,,. miter- Circular," ire IMed not be seriously alanned at Sir Willittß Hamsays pndUtions MgMding the I'xhaji^tion of oOftl in this country. Thai ncelleat monthly reminds us that minoral oil is much (•lieajier than coal as n sourco of power
    171 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 246 8 |jj?l\ WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED jM COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND Finest Norwegian COD LIVER OIL, changed by tIH I<lt( s t scientific process 10 a form allowing perfect assimilation. g-lRf ifr- L """^lik.l With Creosote and Guaiacol, two valuable L 1 hji geruiicidal aiul anti-tubercular agents. J WatnbtuVt Cod^U^ibii Aids Digestion. Allays
      246 words
    • 13 8 For all internal complaints dysentry cout>h oolds Ac, take Wood*' Great Peppermint Cme
      13 words
    • 68 8 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of any kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected part it will afford some relief at once and by continuing the treatment, will eventually effect a complete cure. Some cases,
      68 words
    • 312 8 TO BEAUTIFY VSfe-^ J AND PRESERVFArfV J U <§> The COMPLEX ;remeir a^ Tx MAII fW' x y fTT^^gpg^f jj S ah<) IN uaMl < I V^jT^J X^ T* 1C S^ m to A uBti^anJ V^ W made soft, smooth .'ind^ ll^^;-,^ beautifully clear by the thc /v flaily application
      312 words

    9 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 214 9 ANT EXTERMINATORS (UNIVERSAL) and Sulphur Powder ARSENITE OF SODA for spraying lalang and other weeds BOILERS (Spenser-Hopwood) 6 H.P. 8 H.P. 10 H.P. in stock BOILER COMPOSITION (D.M.) For preventing scale and pitting CEMENT "Eagle" Brand j 80 11 these are of th hl h es* CEMENT "Borneo" Brand) Fresh
      214 words
    • 122 9 De KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Ltd, 2-3, Collyer Quay The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. van Noort Belawan-Deli rTTTr Koemai Hengat ™JJ MERKUB Selat Pandjang, Bengkalift, Siak and Pakan-Baroe Oct 1« Bkouwkr Moeia-Saba, Simpang and Djambi (w
      122 words
    • 791 9 Singapore Sporting Club. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING (UNDER 8. R. A. RULESZOF RACING,) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday 7th, Thursday 9th, Saturday 11th November. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 7th November, 1911. 1. THE OPENING STAKES. 2.30 p.m. Value $600. A Handicap for Horses that have uever won a Stake of
      791 words
    • 720 9 4. THE SCURRY STAKES. (3-45 p.«.) Value $1,000. A Handicap for all Horses that have run at this Meeting. Entrance Fee WO. Distance, Scurry Course. 8. THE ROCHORE PLATE. (545 p. m. Value $400 A Handicap for all Horses th» have run at this Meeting and not won Entrance Fee,
      720 words

  • 1115 10 \From our own Corrtsponaenr.) September *21 It has been a great week for St Andrews. and the University is to be congratulated on its Quincentenary Celebrations. From the first hour to the lust, the varied academic and other rejoicings were carried through with the most complete success. The
    1,115 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 127 10 MALAY PA NT UNS. Inverleithen. N. B. Sir, 1 have read "Sambal's' article on Malay Pantuns with much interest. As an old student of Malay. I may he allowed to point out that he has missed the most Characteristic feature of these. The t\\>i two lines generally not always contain
      127 words
  • 156 10 UrIGOB Tam,ok Angelo A ceremony of some interest to Far Batten was celebrated on Thursd ly the 84th September at St Philip's Church, Kensington, when John McLeod GrigOf Taylor. Lieutenant in the 1 19th M >«,ltan Regiment. Indian Army, second son of Mr W. Grigor Taylor, for many years
    156 words
  • Tennis Tournament
    • 57 10 A. Doi/KLKS. Somerville and Penny v L>all an I Wilson unfin. P>. DOUBLES. Jenkins and Gray beat Vowler aid J-un-nuin IV» 1 b I'.. Sinh.i.j.s. steyne Parve heal Brand! 10 8 t —4. Kleinmanu beat Kdmett 7 "> «> J. C. SINGLES. Dove beat Nathan 2—6 K <i
      57 words
    • 65 10 A. SIMOLES. Dunn v Wilson. C. fffWOtiM Smith v Allen. Championship Puks. Kveritt and llansford v Vowler and Dunnian. Cameron and Threlfall v daunt and Penny (To finish.! Parve and Buys v Treadgold and Upcott (To finish.) B. Doi'HLES. Phipps and Butler v Firmstone and Haskins. C.
      65 words
  • 54 10 Mr (irigor Taylor, formerly Manager Eastern Extension Telegraph Company at its headquarters in Singapore, in forward ing to the Editor a reference to his bon's marriage in London, sends Very cordial salutations to Singapore and all my old friends." There are a good many here who will accept that kindly
    54 words
  • 1120 10 Facts About Tsen. (Hougkoiig Telegraph Correspondent.'* Shanghai, Sept. 27. At two o'clock yesterday morning when all the good folk of Shanghai were ahed Tsen Chuiihsnun (known in Canton as Shum Ohm) boarded a China Merchants' bteamer to proceed to S/echuau. He is about the last hope of
    1,120 words
  • 338 10 The Chiengmai bunkered at the wharf on Saturday. The P. and Palawan is expected to arrive at C oloml>o on 20th October. H a.m. (Quarantine restrictions against the port of Endramajoe on account of cholera are withdrawn. The B. 1. steamer "Thongwa" arrived from Negapatam with the Kurope
    338 words
  • 261 10 Sept. lt>. The iiio^t notable feature :il»ont Saturday .•> play was the number of points gained by southern clubs over their northern rivals. Bradford City and Tottenham Hotspur are the only unbeaten teams in Div. I the former ha\ ing the maximum number of point*. The home side
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 382 10 Fresh Australian Pure Creamery BUTTER. Singapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd. NETHERLANDS GUTTA PERGHA Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, Rings, Valves, Tubes, Endless Belts, Hose (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic, Armoured) etc. etc. Ebonite, Vulcanite and Hard Rubber articles. Works and Offices— PASSlß PANJANG, Singapore. Sole
      382 words