The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 October 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 146 1 A Hurg«rian Loan is to be issued m Jdruar) Page 4. Katries for the Autumn Race meeting will be found on page A new section of railway was opened at Kowloon <>n Saturday I'«^ 4 Tbe L^btur Party txteutive are m fnvour of «bolishing th*» party p'e^ge
    146 words
  • 652 1 There are do two iKu«*>.« harbour. And m 4 a dtff H^t '..we, are 1 buildings, ti mstMin-e h£Hiu*t smaller turns ti. m have n turning to a aa artist w< uid g:\. and sometimes they an and out aud I I mohseb and y*»l! own sweet
    O.M.M.  -  652 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 170 1 'AT LAS' WOOD PRESERVER A SURE PROTECTION AGAINST WHITE ANTS. Destroys Insects, Parasites, Infectious Germs, Preserves Wood, Iron and Steel. This Preserver does not Stain the Wood, and it may be Applied Hot or Gold. The Most Economical and Effective Preserver Known. SOLE AGENTS:— RILEY,HARGREAVES&Go,L TD I PLANTERS' LABOUR BUREAU
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    • 108 1 THE STAR OPERA Co The Cu'ch and Malay Variety Entertainers. AT THB THEATRE ROYAL, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. To-Ni&ht I To-Ni&ht II AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAY •'PRINCE AUCHANandBADULMUNIR'* WILL I.E STAGED. In conjunction with the STAK Profefipor Lewis and baby Lewis will appear wi h their marvellous tricks and songs. C.
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    • 279 1 HAVE YOU HEAD THE LATEST NEWS? IF NOT, GO TO:THE ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT AND SEE PATHE'S ANIMATED GAZETTE (Weekly Publication) Film Series No. 2, Poi tray ing All the Important News At Home and abroad INCLUDING THE LATEST PARIS FASHIONS IN TOURING DRESSES. Tboroogbly Interesting Popular. (Watched for eagerly by Thousands
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    • 121 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Chinese clerk wanted Page 7. Few Films at Harima Hall Page 1. Auction Sale of Rangoon Rice Page 3. Hodgson Simpson Ltd trade marks Page. 3. Dr W. R Lamb's return to Singapore Page For N. York and Boston s s Walsh Prince —Pate 6. Rubber Telegraphic code,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 310 1 THE WEEK Monday. 3rd FTijfh Wat«r 10 46 K53 p New Moon, 3 32 p M M. Mail Homeward due. TUI^DIY, 4tb Hisrh Water.— l l.B a 1 1.24 p Jewish N*rw Year (-JH',l) cjoioiencw. WIDNISDAT sth Ritfb Water.- 11 29 >,11 54 p Mergui Rubber E cade, noon. Thubsuay,
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  • 269 2 re several fresh films to be shown arlbourgh this evening. Rom W Mr H C. W Dg up P. Knoi, re anJ > noer Thomp- j 80. >; Mi ibbs, of the C >l>niv ne ques- ernmeii -alanee, was ue 1-Vh ins* I Shepherd he Holj will open tnd will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 850 2 NOTIGES. NOTICE. On the Ist October, 1910, the firm of Messrs. Darby Watson will amalgamate with that of Messrs. Sitne Moorhouse, the new firm to be known as Messrs Sime, Darby, and Co., Estate Visiting Agents and Managers, Malacca. Oct 3 9 10 lost! Certificate No. 777 for ten shares
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    • 609 2 NOTH2ES. MISB ROSE ANDREE, Midwi'e (Diploma) and Sick Nurse, 119, Telok Ayer Street, Singapore Miss Andree holds Diplomas and very high credentials from the Singapore P. C. M O and Madras Hospital etc. rB.ll LOST. On the eveniug of the 28th instant between the Arcade, Bousteai Institute, and the Adelphi
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    • 525 2 Chartered Bank of Incjf. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BJ ROYAL CBAMtBR Paid up Capital In 60,000 Ja •haret of i2O each «l t Boo.O*r Jwierre Fund mmmm £i goo nnr etori «1,200,0(X Court of Director*. bir Montagu Cornish Turner (Chairman) Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, X.01.8.' Sir Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G I>wia
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    • 273 2 "ANUFACnJRi^T Policies aClan KPtly settle borers ance Def SOUTH BRITISH Bm TD. an i v-, MARINE 2fl I|| B%|Z the world at lowa. 'tc v*u I l 4 EARTHQUAKE Officeß.— 2 1 Royal Insuranoe Co n^ Totai, F»kd« now c Pi.iD-rp Cap* Ca T n t °n Ensuimnoe M Limitad,
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  • 167 3 OR THI PR Haivey Hawley were a^am m the Bowrippen was murdered his wife a-in.-^en-road, and le Neve ,m- witn r an accessor j proeecu' m outlining the aa the t«) accused, stated kbal at th y were those of a per .jone a sur of aled
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 No Experiment. Yon are not experimenting when you boy You are getting a preparation that has an established od backeii by a third of a t Qge. ramous for its ai of cc Ids, cronp and
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    • 794 3 TWOTICE is hereby given that the "LAMP" ll BRASD, of which a representation is j* TU% given above is the sole and exclusive property j Ty^^-^P^^ U of the undersigned, m respect to soap of all g. kinds, candles, detergents, disinfectants illnj A. /^^V minating, heating or lubricating oils; matches
      794 words
    • 42 3 THIS IS IT. TASTELESS. ODOURLESS. ■Ht<r T he latest scientific preparation 18l of COD LIVER OIL. Does all [I iuSC^i that is claimed for it and superhs sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. -~=%t* CFFALL CHEMIBTB ffl£il.2b asd 1200
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    • 671 3 TkUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF 255 Bags White Rangoon Rice Ex s.S. "PUTULA" 3 Bags White Rangoon Rice. 39 broken do. 114 brown do. Ex s.s. DUNERA (Slightly Damaged) At Tan.jong Pagar Godown No. 1. On Tuesday, 4th October, 1910, at 10 am. (For account of concerned) H. L. COOHLAH ft
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    • 481 3 Dr. W. R. LAMB, American Oculist ?nd Optician, Specialist m Fxamming the Eye and Correcting defective Vision. Will be at the Rest House, Malacca, Oct 4th (noon) to 7th inclusive and at Hotel de l'Europe, October Bth and 9th. He is tally prepared with the most modern instruments and apparatus
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  • 45 4 Domestic Occurrences. Births. Turner. At Jobore Bahra on Sept. 30th, the wife of Fbdkrick Arthur Turner, of a daughter. GIBBON.— Ob Sept. 3rd, at Aston Lodge, Surrey-road, Bournemouth, the wife of A. Murray Gibbon, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Hamburg of a daughter.
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  • 1285 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, Oct. 3, 1910. There is the p3ssibilitT. there is at least the hope, that the jear l'.'ll may witness i result of the <]«iidrennial Conference, some long step towards that supreme politioal ideal, the practical organization of the self-governing states of the British KjQpire. There
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  • 49 4 (Fr HoDgkoDg, Oz*. I. la the presence of a large attendance the officer administering the Government, Francis May, declared the new railway open this afternoon, at Kowloon. Addresses were presented to Mr E. S Lindsey, general meager, and Wei Hau, representing the Cantoa Viceroy and Chinese Government.
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  • 17 4 (Ft Ipob, Oct. Ist, 114 am. Judment has been reseived iv the Hal-lifax-Nirrnheim case.
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  • 32 4 (F r indent.) Penan*, < )2t Ist 2 6 pm. A wire from Colombo states that the Asiatic (Steim Xivigation Compnay) pays an iateria dividend of ten per cent.
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  • 118 4 0 Penang, Ojt let 3 32 pm. The celebration of the sa^rdotal silver, jublilee of the Kevd. Father Perrichon, Vicar of the Church of the Immaculate Con ceptioo, Panang, has commenced. The boys of of the Christian Brothers School at Paiau Tikus presented him with an address,
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  • 32 4 The Tongkok Harbour tin returns for September amount to 1,313 picuis, and for the nine months 9,232 piculs as against 6,126 for the corresponding period of the preceding year.
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  • 35 4 The Eistern Shipping Co mpanys steamer Artpyee" came into port with a dama. bow sprit, due to a slight collision m the Perak River with the Straits Steamship Company's steimer Perak
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  • 126 4 The following Second Year students have qualified for certificates Bu c:— Chan Keng Swee (a). Miss V orris (b), Goh Hood E Supramaniam, R. H. B Kway F<th, Miss E. da Silva (d), il de Siu/a, MissE. La Ciin, A.B. John, X T. Fernandtz. une
    126 words
  • 162 4 The monthly missionary meeting will be held m Pnnsep Street Church, to-nielr H 15 p.m. Mr Pennefather of the P W.I) ale outside his office on Fn«; hen he came out l*t«r m the afternoon thr machine had been taken. A marriage has been arranged, and will take phcein Jipin
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  • 25 4 COMPR Mr A t 'la*. Trade, went to M *Uj to brin^? room <Jperatives a lockout. A joint conference w u up with
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  • 12 4 Seven Hundi Seven hundred shire and "lDC*- idlanett.
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  • 13 4 Price The New and cancelled combination. price war ha-
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  • 54 4 Rothschild Uermanv hue arr I of twenty d Tlie Hu •a for Hungary. c j toe t enormous aame even to tbo*e poses tow: proposal to rais--1 has helped to he on France on more French people remei u instances th» a country which ie build against
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  • 15 4 Twen'y-St Speed. rnal I new en Tl speed of twn impulse turbines.
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  • 33 4 An tSAturda v. tte following reeolut A the sold it is deand i up Mr tl mwtiog of t: vinp a above- m. if thought fit, its an n tl*
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  • 19 4 Dorothy Etnsm A high ma-to-day m the Shepherd. m of i opened m the d month. .8 aDtUWfld m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 217 4 KELLY WALSH Ltd. TTT^T HFPEIVED NEW REVISED and ENLARGED NEW EDITION OF DTTRRPP JHEHOL KUDDnrs. VOCABULARY CODE. TELEGRAPHIC CODE com P ned by j. j. houo^w. The advantages'claimed for this code are the BROOM HALL O Raving of one-third to one-half of the expanses IMPERIAL COMB-NATION in and 9 imrt-mriK
      217 words
    • 24 4 CLEARANCE SALE. Pianos Organs Gramophones Music TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW AUTUMNJSTOCK. THE Robinson Piano COMPANY, LIMITED. TWO WEEKS ONLY. Don't Miss this Chance.
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  • 59 5 THE ABOLION OF THE PLEDGE. Telegraph.— Eeuter'g) potalt ibolish the Lib:>ur p *ye the portant een L'.beralism md will remove the m demand for the revc: c of the Liboi. has favour the abol; the sign the party dm the Executive thinks »ltj as the >ervativea do.
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  • 13 5 RD mb- half year I 24 there ease m every item.
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  • 17 5 A BOXER OUTBREAK THREATENED on that 3 m the Vxr ution c break of B t be
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  • 8 5 xindra has pre- library •erpool.
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  • 24 5 pa. ■r ipae<l statement that tv ir.t had presentlil that should axaadra present: brary a :wg a collection of prtM Hi ward
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  • 8 5 x\ comee has decided .npaign
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  • 13 5 1 from Tok Vdmiral ared the M Bedford to be
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  • 6 5 E-ter of atel Russian Am-
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  • 34 5 on Journalists. Th 9 Embassies Protest. a Embassies man assault pun policemen, informing the they b t at the time of the asi were empty, and the j jgrc th&n aD
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  • 17 5 Ide Of Board of Trade. im. :nerce I ne new Jipr the result from
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  • 18 5 Km interrd of Tr the I who woi: tne °Pproviding themselves with «lurin? the winter.
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  • 7 5 da Great Peppermint Cure for all inter
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  • 18 5 LIST OF ENTRIES The following is a list of the entries for the forthcoming Autumn Rices
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  • 535 5 The Opening Stakes. Value $600. A Handicap for Horaes that have never won a Stake of more than 4500. Entrance Fee $20. Distance, Race Course. Kongsee's Say When. Johore Kongsee's Spout. Maj >r Haye'a— Cyclone. E jJ. Brvce's Rouge Et Noir. Dr Look's Melodi Dr Lock's— Honey Bear.
    535 words
  • 600 5 The First Griffin Handicap. Value $400 and ?50 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for Griffins that have been entered fS? the P First Griffin Race (No. 4) on the First Day. Winners excluded. Distance, Race Course and a distance. Hood aud Tan Quee Swee's— Annie. I >wen's
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  • 584 5 The Open Griffin Handicap. Value $400 and $50 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all Griffins that have run at the Meeting. Entrance Fee $10. Distance Race Course. Hood and Tan Kwee Swee's Annie. Robertson's The Link. Fort and Robertson's Autumn Laaves. Siang Kongsee's Carlo. A. E.
    584 words
  • 84 5 Weltevreden, Sept. 00. The following were the results of the chief races here on Siturday: White Star Cup. (1,209 Miters.) \V. E. Koch's Reola 1 v. Haerdtl's lUampu 2 Time 1 16 §ejs. Prinses Jr liana Purse. (2,400 Meters.) 0 S- ill's Sweet Home 1 B.r. v. Hierdtl's
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  • 45 5 The Singapore Golf Club October medal competition was played off on the Iwce Course on Saturday and Sunday. There were 20 entnes but only seven c*rds were returned, the winner being Mr C. Everitt. The ball sweep was won by Mr Ferguson.
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  • 146 5 A Chinaman of Princep street has been robbed of jewellery valued at $14 Major Percy Buckley, Military Adviser to the Australian Hi^h Commissioner m England, (son-in-law of Sir Henry MeCdllum) states that there are at present m that country many Australian cftisers for whom he is engaged m arranging courses
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 244 5 ROBINSON &C 9 I NOW SHOWING LATEST STYLES -INTrimmed Millinery ALSO A VEKY H ELECTION OF I Flowers, Wings, Feathers, Buckles, Ornaments, RibIbons, Laces, Dress Trimmings &c, &c. I THE DRESS DEPARTMENT. I IS NOW REPLETE WITH THE LATEST IN I Dress Fabrics, Ninons, Dress Nets, Crepe de Chenes, Voiles,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 268 6 Charles Robinson TURF ACCOUNTANT COMMISSIONS EXECUTED SINGAPORE AUTUMN RACE MEETIN6 Illh, 13th a 15th October, 1910. ENGLISH RACING DOUBLE EVENT FEOM 50 TO 100 TO 1 OS Cesarewitch run 12th Oct 1910 AND Cambridgeshire run 26th Oct, 1910 Mo. 18, THE ARCADE, A r joiniDg S. Moutrie Co.. Ltd. Telei'Ho:
      268 words
    • 546 6 FOR NEW YORK BOSTON The s.s. "WELSH PRINCE" will be despatched for the above ports on the 6th instant. For Freight or passage, apply to HUTTBKHACH BROTHERS A Co., Agents. Oct 3 7.10 STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ NtDERLAND. Steamship Company "NEDE&LAND." Royal Dutch Mail Service. The Company's Mail Steamer lt KONINGIN WILHELMINA
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    • 695 6 E3URG AMERIKA E, HAMBURG era of the Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homeward?, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking carge at through rates
      695 words
    • 694 6 N D L Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers oJ this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Snez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and
      694 words
    • 669 6 p. o STEAM N Wt Foi China, J. Australia, Ir c g r C > Mediterrane* i and Lc Through I Coafit, Persian G can Porto. > Steamers w aha Arcadia Delta Delhi se I) aa bevanha 88 Arcadia m L. f 8 Assay t .nha INTERMEDIA Egypt, Mane: ,->
      669 words

  • 155 7 Jnly August Tota Belat 401 326 2,297 Bruang 202 126 1,769 Bruseh 235 235 1,565 Chenderiang 207 1,456 Gopeng 725 5,545 Heawood 257 303 560 Kamuning 408 $4,189 134,711 Kanaboi 822 2,494 Kinta 400 475 8,958 Kinta Association 940 I,UB 7,070 Kiedang 163 175 338 Kramat Pulai 716
    155 words
  • 1309 7 O:tober 1. Cap. Issua. Paid. Last Div. Buyers. Sellers 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 4 4 5 0 150.000 2/- if- Anglo- Malay 80% 12 6 13 9 50.000 21 1/6 Batang Malaka 6 10 pr 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 15 10 0 16 10
    1,309 words
  • 443 7 July August TotalAllagar 8,520 3,^5 21,970 Alor Pongsu 130 2,379 9,529 Alma 850 1,000 3,750 Anglo Malay 53.627 52,664 405,056 Ayer Kuning 207 295 Ayer Molek 2.018 1,810 8,930 Ayer Panas 880 1.C90 2,870 Balgownie 8,7 B,COO 68,714 Batak Rabit 1,335 1,200 2,535 Banteng 2,700 8,400 15.174
    443 words
  • 42 7 (Corrected vr to Oct. 1 Bank 4 m v deiran.l 4- T i Private credits 3m credit* 6m France, demand Bin Germany, demand India, T. T Hongkong, demand Yokohama, demand 114* Java, deni^ud fttltd ig Svs4 onr 3 months b. 6
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  • 120 7 1. I" Gambier Gambier Cube No 1 Gambier Ocbt No. S w r, i P«ppe. r>:*cr or* A. B'pOTt) Psppm\WVi*« (fair) NutmegidlOtotkeiVU norn Nutmeg (80 too to IV notu Mao* Ban** doo. OIOTW '▲m'lKMKft^ m Q n Bally Coffee (10% BUck) Liberia* OofE«t M M Tapioca, iintli ptarl (fair
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 379 7 WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. aese clerk for general office tea I dr. Apply tn W. D. c o Free Press." 6.10 CHINESE DRESSER WANTED. cms m Tringg*nu District' vant bat only bet man. Application perBattery Road. wanted at once for Cocoanut .:e. Knowledge of lining Ac il good salary to qaalified
      379 words
    • 114 7 De KOXTNKLIJKE PAKETVA4KT MAATSCHAPPIJ Undeb Contract with thb Netherlands India Governmen Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Limited, 2-3. i ollyer Quay. ths u*o*k« rthmohiau oatkm ok u*p*ttrußß arb onlt «i»troximav». Van .m.uRT Belawan Deli Van lij n Bosch Batavia, Soerabaia, Boeleleng. Maccassar, Balik-Papan. Paleh l&h, Menado Sangirislands, Halmaheira and G°roauio
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 975 7 V IStisij; I'M iN fUHT. "1a« and Ton* ontnmnf ■«er« Arrtv«d F*ntr For W**% PlaDet Ger gun boat 650 Dominik Sept 25 G ea N^w Guinea Steamers F)h* A Tont Muhmt AmTeo From i>xiMip>ac urn* Aing Thye Dut 76 Sudin Aug 26 Pot Back HM. Soon D Austria Aust 487
      975 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 2457 8 ..tor, Sir, fbe c. :e having now been fullj represented by the Hoi/ble Mi hire it may be desirable to see how far it the working of the ye beeu repelled, and this I p Th*' h which Mr Parbishire had it ncil aDd the never having
      2,457 words
  • 293 8 A NUTSHELL T«- Tn. it by a few line iv youi issue of Si- that made m sure for the moment picist y rate had seen the error of bis vays His dictum thai .rument learn the le-b elementary, but no less efiV principle that
    293 words
  • 148 8 The mail despatched from Singapore to London, by F\eoch Picket, on the sth alt was expected to be delivered on Saturday. The mill despatched from Singapore to LondoD, via Briudisi, on the 9th ultimo, was expected to be delivered on Saturday. The master of the Perak rf ports
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  • 16 8 "Shall I halve the baby King Solomcn said, Addressing the women f< (As doubtless you've read),
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 Katz Bros., Ltd. INCANDESENT PARAFIN OIL BURNER Gives an intense light eg Ja to about 100 Candle P Simplicity itself. Burns any Parafin. I WITH SCREW OR SOCKET FITTING. [COMPLETE WITH MANTLE AND CHIMNEY Katz Bros., Ltd Fresh Australian Pure Creameiy BUTTER. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LTD. Netherlands Gutta Percha
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