The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 November 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 786 1 J*|j Office. C»ilyer Quay. jlfe Wharves. New Harbour O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Meam tor 1. HI NA, JAPAN. PEN AN(». CKY--1 uN INDIA. AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES. GIBRALTAR. MALTA, BRINDISI, VENICE. PLYMOUTH. AND LONDON. Through Bills oi 1-id^-^ issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for Chim* Coast,
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    • 602 1 I BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA. TION CO.. LIMITED. O r'KNANC. RANGOON h CALCI'TTA. Ot.- .1 r (omoany's steamers is intended to I «ay- Tn :> i.'-»r Wharf every week. Parent. jrgoare booked by the above stram-. .1 inrou^h ates to all ports m India and 1 C -ylon Iso to
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    • 742 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Undm Contract with thb Nbthirlands India Govbrnment. Agents at Singapore. Ships Agency, late I.DAENDELS Co.. 2-3 Collyer Quay Time Table for November, 1898. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched tor j Pr. Alexander Batavia Nov. 12 Batavia, Cheribon Samarang S'baya Nov. 15. I Brouwer Bengkalis Nov.
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    • 590 1 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI xx BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $*****000 RESERVE FUND f noooooo RESERVE U ABILITY OF PROPRIETORS I $10,000,000 Coubt or Directors Hon. BELL.IRVING.—Chaibman. R- M. Gray, Esq— Dkputy Chairmam. C. Bbubmann, Es<j A. J. Ravmoni,. Esq David Gubbat, Esq. R. H. Hill, Esq A. Haupt, Eb 0 F.
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    • 472 1 PETER SYS^ONDERFUL^PECIFIC THE 0,,1y remedy present knox, ,s ISFALLIbM, Sprue. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Hemorrhage and Ulccratioo of the Bowels BfiCOMMEVOEOerSOMEo, r«CHIEFSPBCIALISrs Sold Reuilbj all Chemists and Wh, V THE PETER SYS COMPANY (Proprietors Mm Solh MammuJniMßi i, < s S DHOZNIX ASSURANCE COM PANY OF LONDON. The undersigned Agents lor the
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    • 429 1 PACIFIC MAiL -s fr M!t u a mmmm COMPANY OCCIDENTAL AND ORIrNTA' w STEAMSHIP COMPANY I NTO TOYO KISEN KABUSHIKI KAISHA fi •rftuiadw. R»,j w4> a<l ras-i-^cf who ••WatSk,. !if «n«-rk •Wtm) r one year, Pt 1 A J >« v. /fo, w. »g Da 'i wooo A, HEftMCHENEURALCIA >
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  • 686 2 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1898 Hcrcahall the Pre« Ire Peofie'i right ir»mt»,n. U-»*H by influence and >.■ It bti by gain Hoi patriot Troth h«r florioui prtcept* draw, nuiftt to Rwinon. Loyaltr. md Uw. There appears to be public dissatisfaction m Rus.-ia at the manner ami matter
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  • 1554 2 Mr. Fisher nwin has m preparation .1 work entitled "The History of the Laws and Court- ol Hongkong," by Mr. J \V Norton Kyshe Amongst th-- passengers arriving by Ihe mail tins morning wen the Hon T and Mrs. Bogaai it In i- pi> tn
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  • 150 2 Lord Ncwborough is cruising m the Malay Archipelago m his yacht Fedora, (sayb the Daily Mail), and intends going across to Africa for b g game. Sinceleaving England he has visited Egypt, Ceylon, Burma, etc. Good sport was obtained m. Ceylon'and Burma, and some hne
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  • 272 2 Mo;e Russian Gl aros (or Pekim.. Hongkong felc^raph.j Sbangiiai, X v mbt-r s» urgent telegram from HentHO >iatr> ll»at tony Russian Bailors with M Pavloff and the R^ls^i.ln \dmiral are d t infd at Ii -nt-in awaiting permi«fiop to proceed to r«*kmgWhen the Chinese ittempU: h»
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  • 175 2 (Jo Saturda) m honour 01 Lb« teai>t v of Bisdop Fee tl diildren ol the t onvenl j, t -o 11 •1- f >'•:■;'.• wh (1 was large fj a tei >-d, m the I irge room ol th«? convent An. mgst ost present wen is H >no
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  • 337 2 1 1 1 pi ki by thk Polk i Earl) on S ndaj rning I pe< toi Genera! >■; Holict accorapaaied Ly Mr Gard..- r ChieJ J Officer and sen tl coostablefi raided a liuugf- \o. 24 s K^u.[>ung Uartin and arresied lour < bioeseaad
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  • 394 2 IHI HDBB ON IHI Paßl^ 801. Lt.-ARIJS Parisiani have caugta on to the "oodoafl In fact, the vo^iie ol the American nn\ed dunk is at j its height m "the 5113 ,a y and a Frenchman now enters a refreshment bir and asks for a f ennan's prayci
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  • 70 2 yesterday was the Hindoo festival of Tharva!., or oil-balhing, and the Hindoos of Singapore were having a «ood time of it I The shops o the Bombay merchants were beaut.fully lit up, and was a J^ dismay of hangings, the verandah be ;ng decorated w ,th plants. Notw.thsUnd-
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    • 35 2 SALISBURY S SPEECH. C unsels a Vigilant Attitude Ihf Kussjan Pres> v is dissatisfied witt tin :-pet-( li of Lord Salisbur\ and i:rg* on the ontinenlai Power* vigiUuxct against British designs
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    • 43 2 The Destiny of the Philippines. Spain Looks to a Coalition Spain is strenuously opposing the a; nexation of the Philippines t>\ tht United Stat< _s Ihe Spanish Press hop-s for th^ v. terveotioo of Germany, Russia an^ Francr
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    • 88 2 American Commissioners will on> Consider Mode of Transfer. The Cabinet at Washington has iastni ed the Prate Commissioners at Paris i to admit any further discussion oi the i^h' ot tut United htates to consider |Jm position of the Philippines the only mati^ lor Hi^cu^ior: b'-ing the
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    • 29 2 The German Emperor' s Tour. Vibits Malta— and Spain. I Emperor of German) in netui is tour in Paiestiiic visit- Ma ta a r SfNMI I.iutuH embir tfth, /*</* m
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  • 320 2 Ih« mail -teamer Coromandc', left (_<_ iombo a' 6 p m on Saturday and may b> expected hen- on Friday afternoon th. ifkh iad Ihe homeward bound Ucrmar, uidii -learner Sachsen lamt m this morning from Hongkong and leave- tomorrov me .Tiling at io a.m for Europt At the regular
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 347 2 BICYCLES, g 5® STANDARD OF THE WORLD |f5 ec JgSTRAITS CVCLK AGENCY.^ 15. BATTEKY ROAD. KMC SI N't; A PURE. J|J£ Katz Brothers, Limited. CHRISTMAS CARDS NEW YEAR CARDS SPECIAL SHOW OF 10,000 BEAUTIFUL CARDS Price 2 cents 5 cents 10 cents 15 cents 20 cents. MM > it 4
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    • 230 2 John Little 0.. LTD Christmas Cards Christmas Cards Christmas Cards. I' 'M\ •E-v CO I I.MITEi ar- Imw i-~ortincii' ol t n-tm.i- i \>• t i aids tiding ti '."jr.- i|M i« Black and White Cards Comic Cards Children s C ards Sentimental Re'i^ious Cards etc. etc. JOHN LITTLE CO.
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    • 606 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEM X NTS FOR SALK I'nuliti); Co/s Shart>. r^njonjj Paj;ar D ik 5% Deb. Jut itvo*.'. 1 Hatu Bersawali (iol.l syndicate Share. WANTED lanjoi.g P.ijj 11 Dock Slia>ta Municipal I>• S 'ith X >uU 1 1...... Shares I UASKK Kxchange and Share Hmkci>. EDDIII A CO. ***** CHANDLERS <
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 223 2 The Week Monday, ;&l H^r iVtrr- S)<B a. 1041 p N'-.i Moon, 7.15 a.m. Fiench Mai! Outward-. Legisi^ Counci. 2-r- p.m. b V. Uvciphne Exaniinatwa, s-'b v- Hor^e and Carriage Sale Abeam- Yard 5- r. P r a'm"nic Choir j-ju [r tm. Nee Aspera lerrcn 1. O. O. i. r.rii.
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  • 191 3 Hongkong, November 5. Now that the war*hips sn port are ready for a y cmei|(e«icy. there s 'ittl« M "o sign ot activity m Huo^kung or preparaturi tor a possible war with K ranee or Ru»ia, or both eornbinvd. Admiril Fit*'erald has a nice little squudi^n
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  • 203 3 ia- recently been some trouble m th c VJunteer orp-., concer< ing which ih e ivivs I*e crumble sn the S.V.C .:s not yet v It jro->e out of i disagreement between the 1 Otficer mo I le oting Committee ->c alter sent a letter to
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  • 108 3 SXX MM K.h i\- S.: 11 'd). and won b\ the k 6 wkta f©« 1 4. x^t rig 5. M Bcav-r and ">apper Hayvt til •MtcaUwe haßa A rc_\ li ok >. n ISapi Hayward 3 for is ■vt..' H ck tmerv d S mor j v -'O
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  • 288 3 exceptional y iition», 1 f. **>*?.: iitern ■>on -> c impctiti >n r '.a> i Tar:^:r. Links .z Saturda) Mr Siitc hai Ml 4-. a I i^i C G-ar.t D<i :on Gd- 1 r. I -am r >-: g Mr > ;-i~. -s :..r:4 0;. threr .-> >r C
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  • 82 3 Andrews School Children treat p t a<: on Saturday After a short ervice the Cathedra! the children totmed n procr>>ion and marched via Coleman ■—"t ibc Ksplanadc and Beach to the i be grooad, where tea was prov ded -oilowrd by a maypole dance and a programme
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  • 88 3 The trench gunboat Lion arrived at Shanghai from Taku on the 2nd ia-.t. H M S iphigenia left Shanghai for Weihaiwei on the ist iost. The German cruiser J rene, after the receipt 01 her mails at Ndga^aki on the jnd inst., ieit at once hi Manila. On
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  • 55 3 The competition among the junior shots of the S.R.A. on Saturday, seven shots and a sighter at 200 yds. and 500 yds., resulted m a win for Mr. H. F. Rankin, with the rrspectablr scon of 67, including a possible at 500 yds There were eight entries, and Mr.
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  • 249 3 Nov. 1, The American delegates on the Peace '"ommiision yesterday demanded the absolute ces■MMl of the Philippines; it is believed that Spain will protest L rdon circles state that there is an easier feeling on the Fasiioda question English (-apers announce the formation of a special fleet, but
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  • 1040 3 Km h'.d. 1 v War Ciot d. \V \R t FIC E PUfeC \UTIONs PiUlOTl' M.L-1 MVSSUW MlahabiJ, N S-— A special London corr;-.-jjondent ft iht iMf 4th November states 1 War Orh.c has courteously sent round a >r t > |1m f c->-> the propriety of U
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  • 596 3 Particulars of the wreck of the American barquantine John Baizley are now to hand, Capt. Wai', the mate and the Chinese crew arriving m Singapore by the Italian steamer Bormida. The John Baialey sailed from Singapore, bound to Fouchow, with a gene. ral cargo on
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  • 741 3 Via Cty'onj. l.ur.don, Nov. It is stated that Colonel KitC'jrer, the brot er ot Sirdar, Lord Kitchener, will be appointed Governor of Khartoum. K.tchener Major .brevet l-t.-Co'. Frederick \V., passed Start ollege, West Yorkshire Regt., i m coarse of Transport Drpartment, tgjptian Amy [Egypt), major;'.) i^qz, born 185 b.
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  • 1947 3 An Extraordinary Case. At the Magistracy Hongkon on Nov. Bth before Commander Hastings, Walter George Vaughan Robinson was charged on the information of B.:nj-imin Emsley with an offence againsi the Telegraphic Messages Ordinance, 1894, which was enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with
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  • 76 3 iLOKRECTED up TO November 14.; On London. Bank 4 m/s j 1 1 i. r demand .i/iij*. Private credits 3 m/s j/'o documents 3 m/s J l°r't, credits 6 m/s -/o/, France, demand... 248 Germany, demand joo India, T. T 147$ HONGKONG, demand i%dis Yokohama, demand Java, demand 1
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  • 103 3 (November 14 i'n $48 50 Gambier 5.15 do. Cube No. 1 8.10 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 23.50 do. White, (Fair L/W= 5 39. Nutmegs uos to the Ib.j 66. Mace (Banda) 75. Cloves (Amboina) 35. Libenan Coffee 21. Tapioca, small pearl (Pair quality) 4.35 do. do flake (do. do.)
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  • 380 3 NOVEMBER 14th, 1898 Quotation. Capital. Paid Ur. Srakss Paid Otv. Bank oi China and Japan, Ltd. $24 Nominal, < a.000.000 450,968 199.875 ,£,8.5. Deferred. Buyer-. I 1,150 7i Bells A besto. Eastern Agency. *s Sellers. 10 000 f<£ B'sB48 s84 5 5&4 Z 1 (.X 'r416 Uri!SSU«J Clear
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 Another Case of Rheumatism Cured J by Chamberlain's Pai Balm. My son was afflicted with rheumatism which contracted his right limb until he was unabif to walk. After using one and a half bottle* of Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was able to be about again. I can heartily recommend it
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    • 256 3 OCtAN SThAM SHIP COMPANY feAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. Ltd AND NtULRLANDSCHh STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPij OCEAAN Ine Company- steamers are despatched -rom Liverpool ouiwatc for tht Straus, China and |apan, i^ :r #m lapan homewards lor London ever) ten day;, and have accommona: O r (hirH Class passenger^ onl> The
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 273 3 MAILS LLOSE I O-MORROW. Vm IV At fc-jropt Sackii-r. 8 am Ku.ila Pahaiig, *<_. Lady Longan. <y \H Muar s. Malacca barf alia 2 pm .Malacca, ftcc. Hata-jier 2 pm i Hongkong Lightning 3 PM j Palembang Eugtnu 4 pm j Mumok It Palembani; Banka 4 PM V\ HUKLSDAt Hongkong,
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    • 1292 3 VESSELS IN PORT Mer,-of-Wa. Flafi and Tom Connniandert Arrived Krorr. For Wteet I Coronation Siam gun boat jooJßmg No^ 14 Per.ang B<mgKjk Nov. h j Dal'hni-. Brit, cru., 114'- Ingra" Sep. 2^ < <jcob \cOther Veasels Flaec Ton* Masters Arrived Frorc Conß* Fo: Whci t Adkh Sar. iR., N'acoda 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 578 4 WANTED AN ant vi naked hoiae with four be^jpoms, quiet cistrKt. POWELL X to.,— Aucoomers. Now 10 '7'" WANTED FURNISHED or unfurnished house, n good situation, towards the end t February, i^og. \pply to It, co Sinjjapore Frt* Press. Nov UC WANTED pO hire ot so buy, Steam Lmkl lO
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    • 858 4 HOUSX WANTED: !\\T ANTED a house with three oc lour bed- rooms. Rent about $70. Address -A. 2." cjo Free Press. No* 1 «3" SEASIDE.— TELUK KURAU CLRNISHED Bun* *U>m to let. Rent moder- ate. S3O only p«r moo h. Apply lo F.ENGLER Co, 2^-1 Raffles Square. Oct p m.mj.
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    • 335 4 'John Little Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE Sole Agents for the WORLD FAMED OGDEN'S TOBACCOS CIGARETTES Silver Veil, m tins of 50, 60 cents GUINEA GOLD, do 45 cents TAB do 30 cents CIGARETTE TOBACCO Silver Veil m lb. tins, 60 cents Bird's Eye do 40 cents PIPE TOBACCO Fruit and Honey,
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    • 574 4 McAlister Co. 1* SOLE AGENTS FOR THE MAUSER PATENT SELF-LOADING MAGAZINE PISTOL. 1 SHIPMENT EX S. S. BENVORLICH. Weight i\ His. with walnut holster 3^ lbs. 10 shots shoots to 1,000 yards. 6 or 7 shots per second: 80 aimed shots per minute. Greatly reduced recoil, Increased accuracy and range,
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    • 188 4 ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT. ORCHARD ROAD. Just received per s.s. AGAMEMS'ON a larre and fine assortment of B Fancy Articles. Filosdie Silks, Court Silks, Cross-stitch (Boilmn dye), K-a-cosies, Handkerchief sachets, Congress Canvas, I raced linen and Felt articles. Gent's and linen handkerchiefs. Table centres Doyleys, Mats, Serviettes and Children's Bibs
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    • 1024 4 Singapore Municipal Loan of 1898 >50e,000 at Four Per Cent. Fuun Issue (150,000 ik 300 Men $500 Ka< H Principal repayable at par on 30th Jane 194 c I unless previously redeemed, the Municipal:'. having the option to repay at any time after |iat December, 1905, m terms of the
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1203 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port of departure, and [l»hera known) date due here, and name or Ag-**"^ Mkn-oi-W»i Buhalo, LJ.S-, New York, dv Nov. i Catikal, F>. Edgak, H.M.S., Devonport (iHiliak, Rus».., Constadl. Govkksolo, Ilal. Spezzia, Hai-Luwg, Chin. Stettin, dueC>ei. Kasa<-i, Philadelphia, St. Patrick, H.M.S., dred S ei PortrtßOUrti, Slterb, H.M.S.,
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