The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 9 September 1858

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1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser VOL. 25] SINGAPORE: THURSDAY MORNING, 7 THE 9TH SEPTEMBER, 1858. [NO.. 3(5
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 779 1 AGENT 3 [Lamfcerd Street. LoNDO*— Me«r* Alger AS.reet, 11, Clements Lane, PAKI»— MrG. w *«PF' Rne Montpenwer, No. 6. MALTA— Mr Muir, New* Agent. H U jiu*owe—Friend ol China Office. JUST RECUVtO KBFOB SALS BY TBS superior OLD PORT RTOOM Singapore, Wrd September 1857. JUST AKCitVE©, AND ON SALE AT
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    • 1118 1 HARRISON'S PATENT METALLIC LIQUID SHEATHING. THE necessity for a composition of the above description, at a moderate coat, to effectually prevent the accumulation of sea-weed, Barnacles, &c., on the bottoms of Iron Vessels, has been long felt; it being well known that from the want of such a preparation, instances
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    • 783 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NA VIGATI ON CO MP ANTS OFFICE Battery Road—Singapore. OUmUHMUiM ONE of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam-ships, with the European Mails of the 4th August, may be expected to arrive at Singapore, en route to Hongkong, on or about the 16th instant. en
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    • 928 1 NOTICE, T)ABSENGERB per p and O. Go's steamers are 1 requested to take Notice, that on and after the Ist January 1857, their Baggages will be weighed and labelled before shipment, and any excess of the regulated weight will be charged for at the rate of drs. 14.40 per cwt,
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    • 940 1 (=&._??{?_};>[*[)+},*]*+"[!)}\` wines and spirits Ales—English and Singapore bottled, Ail»opp's and Bass' beer, brandy, best cognac, champagne—w Geislers," claret, first quality, cordial, cherry and raspberry, cherry brandy, Glenlivet whiskey, gin, in cases, hock— 44 Johannisberg", liqueurs assorted, maraschino and ratafia, old torn, port very superior, sherry, J. Cockburn't, Campbell's etc. oilman's
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 878 2 AU ADVERTISEMENTS. MESSRS WHAMPOA CO. have always on sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following Goods, selected especially for their Stores:— WIOMU, SBTAOt, AID *Oft XXPOKTATIOI*. millinery and hosiery Articles to the Work Table Balzarine Dresses Bonnets of the latest modes, from Paris Berlin Wool, of assorted colors
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    • 873 2 UK OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THS COMMISSION BOOMS OP mm (LITTLE G®, COMMERCIAL SQUARE—SINGAPORE. OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. Boots, Shoes, and Slippers—Paris and London-made Braces—Elastic, Silk, and Cotton; Buttons— Navel and Military; Coats, Ready made Dress—Surtours, Codring tons, Pilots, Office, Shooting, of the finest aodlight est materials; Carpet Bags pf various
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    • 678 2 AM-fin||r OF (ff 444, WEST STRAND. W.C. I*BTITVTM> 1887—ISCOBTOBATBD 1846. tftt-v 4 EVERY MEMBER FOR THE CURRENT YEAR, VmmmmSOm -ENWNO 91ST MARCH, 1899. WILL BBCEIVB FOB BACH GCCTEA PAID, AH V IMPBBSSION OP large and important plate brjr C. W. SHARPE, from the celebrated original picture, TH* PBOPBBTT OP HBB
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    • 845 2 AUi*r 3BTP_OUX 0 AUCTIONEERS SAIL MAKERS, HAVE always on hand the following well selected stock of NAVAL STORES at very XX lected stock of NAVAL STORES at very reasonable prices:— Russian and English CORDAGE—I to 9 inches. A TarM Lure, MARLIX, GN s Y ARN —well assorted. C^irfAs—lst and 2nd
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    • 775 2 TVf R HERMANN "VAUPEL u,d M, r f™- SCHWABE were tdmitted partners in firm nn tip L«t. nf .ThW I>.T firm on the Ist of July last A Branch of our house is this day establish Singapore under the same style. I uu «ea u BCstBTG SCHRODER 4 q Batavia,
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  • 2432 3 THURSDAY MORRINQ, 9HH SEPT., 1808. The P. O. Go's Steam-ship Ganqes, Captain Bowen, from Hongkong the 24th ultimo, arrived here on the 2nd current. She proceeded to Pinang and Bombay on the 4tb. The British steamer Carthage, Captain Rodgers, from Hongkong the 271h ultimo, arrived here
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  • 1624 3 {From the Doily Press, August 23.) The missing boat of the Antelope which left the wreck whb the mate, one seaman, and eight Chinese passengers, has turned up. It appears that they arrived safely to wkhin a short distance from Macao, when they were attacked, by fishermen, we suppose*
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  • 2205 3 Tits MA a SAC RE AT J BSD AW. (From the Globe, July 20 The il loniteur publishes fhe-eubjoined account of the recent mvuen at Jeddah from tn« jvn of H. Ert»cnK, the dragoman and Chancellor of the French Consnlwte, whose gaiiaiit behaviour has earned hitu the cross of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 KfeTICl r v T S HEKBBT GITBN, that the One* and SPIWT 1 FABMS at Sarawak will be sold by Public Auction, to the highest bidder, for Twelve Month.s, commencing Ist November, 1858, at the Government Office, on the Ist October next. By Order, 3 C. A. CRYMBLB, Government Office,
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  • 3315 4 A morning jonrnal, commonly auppoaed to be under the inspiration of Mr Bright, puidfcbes the following piece of news The New India Cooncil.—Speculation is afloat at the Clubs in reference to the Members who will be nominated' and elected to compose tbe new India Council, under the Bill which
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  • 1667 4 Vessels' Names. J Tons Commanders. Consignees. Destm^T^~ H. M. steamer Niger', 1950 McDougalL, Esq. H. M. schooner Saracen\ 236 Surveying CftlfilltiA H. C. steamei Fire Queen 341 Borbenk, Esq. Manila 503 Burn B. steamer H. T. Marshall v»iv uiut Bombay o Freight or charter Coppering Calcutta
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