The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 2 September 1858

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 769 1 AGENT8- [Lombard Street INWOOK— Meaara Algar ic Street, 11, Clement's Laite G. W. *aV Rue Muitpenaier, No. MALTA— Mr Muir, New* Agent. HoSOKONG—Friend ol China Office. mrt RTCITVI© jKD FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. VeI7 superior OLD PORT Singapore, 23 rd September, 1857. JUST R£GttY£B e AND ON SALE AT
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    • 1109 1 MARIMSQK'S PATENT METALLIC LIQUID SHEATHING. THE necessity for a composition of the above description, at a moderate cost, to effectually prevent the accumulation of sea-weed, Barnacles, &c., on the bottoms of Iron Vessels, ha-* been long felt; it being well known that from the leant of such a preparation, instances
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    • 802 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANYS OFFICE Battery Road—Singapore. OUTWARD MAILS. ONE of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam-ships, with the European Mails of the 20th July, may be expected to arrive at Singapore, en route to Hongkong, on or about the 29th instant. Application for and Passage,
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    • 904 1 noTtes. T)ASSENGERS per P. and O. Co's steamers are -L requested to take Notice, that on and after the 1st January 1857, their Baggages will be weighed and labelled before shipment, and any excess of the regulated weight will be charged for at the rate of drs. 14.40 per cwt.
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    • 1007 1 AGENTS. v. HATAVIA— Vlf>»ri Lunge Co., Boolu<dkr*. CALCUTTA— MeaataTbacker, Spink 4Co. St Andre*'< PIKAKC— Gasette Oflice. [Library wines and spirits Ales—English and Singapore bottled, AHsopp's and Bass' beer* brandy* best cognac, champagne—- Geislers," claret, first quality, cordial, cherry and raspberry, cherry brandy, Glenlivet whiskey, gin, in cases, hock—" Johannisbeig", liqueurs
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 881 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. MESSRS WHAMPOA CO. hare always on sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following Goods, selected especially for their Stores:— m VSOTUB, UTAH, AXD ROR EXPORTATION. millinery and hosiery Articles to the Work Table Balzarine Dresses Bonnets of the latest modes, from Paris Berlin Wool, of assarted colors
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    • 968 2 ust or AR1ICLE3 FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION BOOMS OF jqnm unu co, COMMERCIAL SQUARE—SINGAPORB OUTFITTING DEPAJfcTMBNT. Booto, 8hoes, and Slippers—Paris and Braces—Elastic, Silk, and Cotton; Muttons—Nasal and Military; Coats, Ready made Dress— Surtours, Codring tons, Pilots. Office, Shooting, of the finest and light* cat materials; Carpet Bum of various
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    • 703 2 ROTtGft. FTIHE Undersigned has resumed business as an X AUCTIONEER and BROKER, at No. 14 BoatQuay. JOHN HENBY. Singapore, tStk Juno, 1958. 1859 ABT-UUIOH OF LONDON. •M4, WEST STRAND. W.C. INSTITUTED 1837—INCORPORATED 1846. EVERY MEMBER FOB THE CURRENT YEAR, ENDING 31ST MARCH. 1859. t WILL RECEIVE TO* IACI GUINEA PAID,
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    • 860 2 AITKEN, DTOOTA CO. SHI* CHANDLERS, AUCTIONEERS AND SAIL MAKERS, HAVE always on hand the following well selected stock of NAVAL STORES at very reasonable prices Russian and English CORDAGE—1 to 9 inches. Tar 4LIRE, MARLIR.SRI N YARN —well assorted. CARRAS— 1st and 2nd quality, all numbers. BOLT ROPE and TWINE
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    • 742 2 NOTICE* ME HERMANN TAUPEL and u. SCHWABE were admitted partwS C firm on the 1st of July last. ou A Branch of our house is this day established Singapore under the same style. at BUSING SCHRODER am Batavia, 2 August, 1858. UJ NOTICE. r I General and Commission Business hid*X
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  • 37 3 At Singapore, on the 31st ultimo, at the Protestant Church, by the Revd. T. C. SMYTH, Mr SAMUEL BURNETT, Superintendent of the House of Correction, to CAROLINE, eldest Daughter of j the late Mr JOHN KING.
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  • 1923 3 SSBSmSfib THURSDAY MORNING, 2nd SEPT., 1858. II. N- M. steamer Yedo Captain Gerkens, arrived here on the 2/th ultimo, from Batavia the 23rd, and exchanged 6alutes with Fort Fullerton. bhe will proceed to Japan in a few days. H. M Steam-ship Niyer, Captain McDougall, returned here
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  • 6092 3 Special Meeting, Singapore 23 rd August, 1858. PRESENT. The Ilon'ble II. S. MACKENZIE, ES<J Chairman. T. DI'NMA-N, and M. F. D»VTmo., Captain H. T. MARSHALL, With reference to the use of granite stones for municipal purposes it was resolved to enter into a new eontract for the supply
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  • 242 4 (From the Pinang Gazette 21*/ August.) The commercial uneasiness during the week has been greater than before. Up to this time seven Chinese firms have suspended payment and more are expected to follow. The liabilities of two amount to about 820,000 each, of another to about 814,000, of four
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  • 1822 4 LOSS OF THE ANTELOPE. (FY. m the Daily Press, Aug out 16 The ship Antelope of Ken York, Cap'nin Clarke, left the outer anchorage of Bangkok on the 37th ult, bo'-nd to China with a cargo of Gt-neral Merchandise. The voyage prospered without any occurrence worthy of note until
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  • 576 4 The following intelligence is supplied by Government:— 44 Copy of service message hv Electric Telegraph. 44 From Alluhuhnd, 17tli Aug., 7-10 a. in. 44 From G. F. Edmonstouc, E-sq. 44 Tu Calcutta. To C. Beadon, E-q. The following has been received from Luck now. The Civil Officer with the
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    • 1788 5 THE "WELCOME" NUGGET. The finding of the Welcome" Nugget, valued at tome nine thousand pounds sterling, has come most opportunely as a relief to the' somewhat depressed condition of mining affairs, and is a proud assurance to the miner that old Ballarat is not done vet. For a little
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    • 2381 5 SIR JAMES BROOKE IN BORNEO. The Earl of Kingston ha* been making liiuiself a nuisance in the House of Peers, by n aeries of personal attacks directed against Sir James Brooke. He cannot endure the light of that man's reputation. There are some few persons who agree with Lord
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    • 1669 6 ARRIVALS. VeueVt Names. Captains. From. Bate of Depart. Aug 26 26 Dutch schooner Kim Soonmat Nacoda Pontianak 20th inst Brem. barq Clara Huneken Bruni 7th do 26 British barq Smyrna wood whawan 8th do n 26 do barq Arab Frederick pining 16th do 26 French ship
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