The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 14 December 1848

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 22 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. yo. so, *w* l». THUHBIK4Y «tMOH«VIJiro, 14Tn DEC K.JI it ER 9 I^4^. JTo. JICXIiCXT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 680 1 s THE COURT OF JUDICAU RE CV PRINCE OF ff*U» I'LAND. SINGAPORE AND MALACCA IyfOTICK is HBUBY civen that the J\ First General Quarter Session of the p e;iCP will be ho'deu by the said Courl, r f ingnpore and the places subordinate t |,ervt<>, at the Court House, in
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    • 659 1 WANTED. ]V[O 1 of Vol. I and Nos 1 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6 j 1* of Vol. U of The Joumal of the Indian At cm e.ago and Eastern Asia. Tl.e lull price will be giren for copies in good ord*r sent to the Publisher of this paper.
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    • 534 1 TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION THE CARRIAGES HORSES, Of a Gentleman who has just left the Settlement. ON MONDAY tub 18th INSTANT. At 12 o'Clock, Noon. A Superior Calcutta-built Car- o ricge, a very fashionable/ *2" shape. f -S g. One pair large-sized Bay Manila/* Carriage Ponies, weli matched
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    • 774 1 FOR SALE. A New Assortment of Messrs Rowland Sons well-known Perfumery. Apply to SPOTTISWOODE CONNOLLY. Singapore, 2nd Augmt 1848. O. J. DARE~&~COT &/up Chandlers, Auctioyieers, und Commission Agents. T>EG to announce to ship Owners, Merchants, -M-» Commanders of Vessels, and the Public in General, that they have always on hand
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  • 719 2 rnUAVELLEUS TO EUROPE, AND THE A PUBLIC IN GENFItAL, are informed that tlie AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, having nearly conpMed two of their new commodious Steam Vessels, of "260 Horse power, (Engines t>y BouUom and U'utt) will resume the direct line between Alexandria and rieste
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  • 939 2 (From Count Ho gen dor v\s Fo>n> Oeil sur Vile dt Java IS After tie ferti!- and valaebla isl md <,f Ja»s, tl> 8 Molucca! to-mtl. mon part of our reww. itom to the Enrt of the C«p« of o o! Hope. Uader the Bane of tie
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1418 2 constant importations Dates and Prunpg Fiuits (Frenc ~t) in syrup Braniiied Gingpr fCaioa; ureservpd in jar« Hams— Yorkshire and Westpbalian Jams and JoUies Loaf Sugar Maccaron; ;n tins and boxes Marmalade in uid Mustard, m oottles and pots Malaga Riisina [the first house Preserved Provisions in tins, regular importations from
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    • 320 2 C tationery. A great a^oriment of P^per, plain and ancv, Envelopes, S«aliag-was f Walwt, Bloitins ca>es, Writing Desks, Visiiii a Cards, Pen*, Pencils uini k'apeteriej O.iice and Account Book«, Nc &c. Outfitting Department. Braces elastic, cotton and siik ttuttons, Navy and Military; Hoots, Shoes and Slippers; Paris anp London-made Carp«*»bag«
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    • 392 2 ich is finished,) the emir, dbuoce is iTI* 8 8 bySieaaa Vessel Railroad. Mo|^o,, e fomentiofl »i« w seven, with ihe total a^ First Class ap; ei.ain,,,; ,o each, Vl^ of Loi-.tioti, vit l e i U> Intpruk.lhfl Tyiol, the Ilhint, O«. t fir), about, By Venice, Milan,
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    • 4786 3 (From the Home Newt, October H.) Effnts abroad have given new life to the republican spirit, which, in its recent failures, appeared to hire rfceivrd m»ny wounds. That spirit, ho-rever, mimstes a hydra, and thou<h cropped at Frankfort »t it 'rt.asbur*, the monster baa put forth new
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    • 606 3 When the Dcedatus innate, Captain M'Quh«t, which arrived at Portsmouth on (he 4th inst was on her pas«a«e h )m«» from the East Indies, between ihe Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena, her captain, and most of her officers and crew, at 5 o'clock one
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    • 2599 3 There has been v, good f'eal of exaggeration of late on the so 1 j-'ct of piracy in the seas of tlio Eastern A'chipela^o; and as these MM are themselves not > n'y much frequented by our traders, but are also on the h/ghway to
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    • 158 4 (From the Malta Times, October 31.J The following is an extract of a letter frooo Naplei, dated 23rd October: You wilt have beard of the tad affjir at Vienna. The remit i» awful, but neceisary absolutely to prevent a continuance of men useleii anarchy as had been them displayed.
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    • 2634 4 (From Henry Hoffmann's Price Current, 24th OctJ Bees' War Con tinuei in request, but for want of ■applies of East India torn, quotations are in some degree nominal. Camphor Has receded in value, the demand being very limited of 520 chests in public sale during the month, 320
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    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 479 6 Date FUg Vwtft Name: Captain From £?L?f D«te Hag Vessel's Name,. I Wain R d Pf)r I veparie. DcC j? rench Bhj VAioie un.t n H Z~ Dec. (J B.iti.h -teamer /»e*m Baker Hongkong 3oth ult 8 British I schooner Good ***** \Ho Er lo 7 Britisk I barq Isabella
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  • 1958 5 meal 'ime tlie only part of our positgiions which uc npicea in Bf'undanrp, form a government de.t nn tlis Rtneral e>.t»blikhed in Ja f TLe fc<>»ernor KS'dei at Amboyna, and has i« scvf-rsl residents anJ tub-residents, tl.t ii'»' are U»u»e of Amhoyna, of Ternate and of Bandn, wlnle there are
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  • 4220 5 THE FREE PRESS. Singapore, Thursday, 14th Decr, 1848. Tlio P. O Company's Steamer Achilles auivsiJ litre on Sunday last, himdiiif the Octoter mails fiom Enro e. We give ext a.ts eUe\vl>pie of tl e most prominent heads of new*. The Achilles failed for China on r uesf!ay morning, on which
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  • 222 6 BOMBAY. The Nancy LAWSON." rom the hombuy Times, November 8 A I'iciiy little yaeht of tins MM arrived in harbuui a.>uut u week MBCtS »l»e is the ijiojjerty of Air Stiedaen, lti>xburnlisliire, Jate oi the luyal navy, who built ami cununands her. Air iShedden lias been much in these feus,
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  • 294 6 (Fnm the Hongkong Register, October 31 J Tlie 'S/iiider* retimed to Hongkong on Saturday afrer a preservation almost mirucuous. By the vio leuce ol tue gate, she whs driven on the I'rata Slioa!, oq tlie lotb. lu^tant. but at the nvjme it of reaching tbe outer burrier a tieuasnd
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  • 264 6 <>Ws w«n. I •n-.uee* T~~~Z-. 11. u ,>tt'dtiier H x>ghlf V. S hng Dolphin K. schnr. l.»m*u U bnq I' r 'nice of Walts It hanj i J nnce Allen Austrian baiq Hubert li. baiq WorctUer Npan hiij humiuciii Span, birq /<»3 Hally bnrq Vi^nm li
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  • 748 6 By the H. C. Str. fMeyethon, we have received in'eiiig;:m:e from lit Ilia m up to ice of S^pt. Tae itccouuts are not favourable; tbe colony having been tell to it* own retuuices for tnree taontus, sctrory w»g felt, wbich in soine measure hat put at lop to the
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  • 337 6 (From the Pinany Gazette, Deer 2 It a man wilfully a ,d deliberately tiies rt«|| Cartridge into crowd of human Qeioc JL ceably auembled, his offeree, in the Eve the law. wmuider, because the J dlv "1 c^e pie umei m.lice aWthou -ht-uuie uiueed, the man were mad. Agaio,
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