The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 24 July 1844

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERGANTILE ADVERTISER. r©. so. fy>t. !>. r/ItKBD^r MORjriJTG. 24th JTULY, 1844. •Wo. CCCCI.XII
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1605 1 T NOTICE. THE Sorveyiof the Undermentioned places may b« had on application at the Master- Attendants Office at 6 Co's Jto- per sheet. Survey of Cheduha Btraits and Coast of Ramree By Captain Daniel Ross. of Mergue Archipelago, Sheet 2d Ditto. of Ditto 3d Ditto. from Chittagong to Arracan River
      1,605 words
    • 738 1 0„_ .FOR SALE. we. couple of splendid Slag Hounds and a brace of very high t red Setters, just arrived from England in excellent condition, to be disposed of, apply to Mr DirrnovQuoi, London Hotel Xirtaapore, 24th July 1844, T I11? TO" LETS HE House in bridge Road at present
      738 words
    • 551 1 >OBUC SAZ.B OF WINES, BEER, PORTER, BRANDY See. BY PUBLIC AU^nJto^rrow, FRIDAY, THE 26th INST BY F. MARTIN *T THE GODOWNS OP Messrs BOUSTEAD. SCHWABE fc CO. THB FOLLOWING, w o^,t JVST Landed, EX-SON* OP COMMERCE and DHUID Wxthotjt Limit or Reserve In Convenient Lots 50 cases each 4 dozs
      551 words

  • 2288 2 J0 My H !eaf^fiL: H,t dtlXZ* nZh?"' L° the( l by EtT: by SUch rema as you made in v l^ P p; U, tairs „ear lh Why n.L Tmm i. ,lO rn 3? th, "S J°« proposed etnanaied from the Magisterial Bench wtek. ago and Is JMVrz&^^£*£r d,c«J
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 956 2 'Y'l UfcAt Lt ha. the honor io announce that j U-A\ Performance will take pace on Friday the 2nd of August 1844 Particulars of which will appear in a future Advertisement, and hand Bills. Singapore, 24th July 1844. roasiLE. A New beautiful Organ, u.aoe in Paris by a first Ani.t,
      956 words
    • 741 2 *ary, Commercial Square, the following valuable and choice selection of British, French, China Goods Ladies' plain checked plaid white Muslin Dresses. Ladies' Pina Scarfs Cautou Crape Shawls, richly embroidered. Ladies' white and colored Paris Kid Gloves and Gents ditto. Ladies* and Gents Grass Cloth Handkerchief.. China Lacquered-ware, an extensive assortmetn.
      741 words

  • 147 3 Mr, A» »he Clergyman who lately came here from Madras has ihought proper on several occasions to indulge in very severe language in speaking of ihe Theatre and Actors from the Hulpit, i give him this noiice, that unless he restrains his
    147 words
  • 1928 3 10 TBS EDITOR OP TUB SINGAPORE fEBS PEEB. Dear Mr, 'Tib excellent to have giant'a strength, fiat tyrannous to uae it like a giant." ahakespeme. Let all who would this Scylla shun, And from damnation tbui be won, Once look into the gulph they fear. And
    1,928 words
  • 25 3 At Singapore, on ti.e IHa instant, the wife of Quarter M»«ter Sergeant W.lliam fUrwroao ofthe 27th lte s t N. I. of a Daughter.
    25 words
  • 18 3 At Sea, on board the fcbip Regina, on the 27th June, of Consumption, W. M. Moors, Esqre.
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  • 2085 3 Singapore. Thursday, 25th July, 1844. Among our extracts will be found one from the Juvu Lourunt which a f.iend has kindly translated f-r US, giving a deta.led account of ihe operations ofthe Dutch Naval Force in the Coli River to which we have lately alluded once or
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      12 words
    • 1369 4 mm^ Duties on Imports and «xporU and Teasels of every Nation are tree of an char,. Aeceunu ere k t -TsvuriS DolUrT dWdeTinto Cenu. The nsnl credit on sale, is as tolhm. .-Edropb Goods, 8 Months. Ibdiab Cbina Do. 2 Months. Opilm 2 MonTl^ Th '"SH^^
      1,369 words
    • 225 4 Anllr.'' 1 £_rrf" im ,or, frora s «""co* of 2,850 nie.l. rep b o"er\vtuc^TLtr;:z"^r: o 8 n »••<«« <*-, CLOvaa. Hew*o»._B.leaWrin S7 ,h, l nrent lo thina. c«,ks root -no KSias^j; Camphor. No stock. eat J i P er pel. pe Ca. r S „pp lies1 ies of
      225 words
    • 30 4 PREMIA OF INSURANCE. ON GOODS. o» -«< **ai -««o -<» j, .s a ■4f.i!:;l. :]ll:: O 30 x. 2 m +at I Ixi a= <c io i? a i c si ails-
      30 words
    • 58 4 Un England. Bills are wanted W*. i,,,0 private Bills at 6 Months si^ht-but 3 Months .i»ht llT^^ l ISS ta 4s Id and Navy at 4s o|d. wontus sight have been negotiated at On Calcutta.— Treasury continues closed and Bills are in«,..r»,i c On BOMBAY.-222 223-in no request at
      58 words
    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 19 4 [v, ,1 P 5m2 t <^ i 1 1 1 il i fctynni §aaaa s 8i s o-J -i i
        19 words
      • 261 4 ASLRZTAZJB. Date. Flag VeneV, Names Captain j From. I July 17 H M. %l** m Z Vwn~ G.tfard L-Li*^^ ,1.8 Bnttsh .hip WickHffe Daly q bZT^ .f^^ „18 Dutch .phnr Matifda Amin p!,?*' ™J ult „19 H.M. .hip Hn.Keppell M c ™o B U i^ 19 Briti.h brig JTisy
        261 words