The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 18 July 1844

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1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERGANTILE ADVERTISER. 29. f >>I. 9. THIHSn.tY JttOMJrMJTG, Bto VJjY 1844. jno. ccccjlxi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 966 1 NOTICE. WHEREAS it having on the 15th of June last past been presented to the Judges of Her i Majesty's Court of Judicature of Prince of Wale* IJ Island, Singapore and Malacca silting as a Co irt of Over and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery at j {Singapore, by the
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    • 649 1 TO LET. afjpil E House in Uridfe Road at preten M. oocupied by Major Low. Vacant a the end of this month. Apply to MACLAINE, FRASER CO Stnqfipore, 19/ A Jnne, 1844. TO tET7~ anpilK IKJl'.s in t'ampong (}|am a JL present occupied by C. Shaw, E»qr Apply to SHAW,
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    • 844 1 T n T\ NOTICE. O be sold this day, at 12 o'Clock precisely some superior Bally Ponies, imported per Barq FELICITY. STEEL RICHARDSON. Smgapore^th July 18^ TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION. ABOUT 7,000 piculs Rice now being landed ex Felicity from Lorn bock, in lots of 1 Ocoyans each;
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    • 636 1 SONS OF COMMERCE. EX THE ABOVE, AND FOR SAX.fe. AT F. MARTINS. Ladies LismThrmd Stockings Embroidered trouis, Ladies Superfine Cotton Stockings, Gentlen>ens Socks, Gentiemens Lambswool and Merino Sh IRts long and short Sleeves, Ladies Lokg Lags Witts and a few Fives Shirts. ALSO Hams, Cheests and Tongues, Singapore \Bt/i July
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  • 3081 2 [From thi Chinese Repository foh April.] Art. I. Notices of the religion, manners and custom* of the Siamese. By the late M. Bruguibrb. Translated from the Annales de la Poi. [The following account of the Siamese people, tVeir religious observances and mythology, the priesthood, their manner* and customs, and
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  • 96 2 Spain. EXPRESS FROM PARIS. We have received by Extraordinary Ezpreas from Paris a letter from our correspondent, dated Saturday night, 9 o'clock, containing the following. TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCH. MADRID, Mat 2, 1844. IHK AjfBASSADOB OF FRANCE TO THE MlNieTBft for Foreign ArrAmn. The entire (Spanish) Ministry has resigned. The
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  • 2372 2 The recall of Lord Elleuborough by the Court of Directors of the East India Company having excited universal attention, and, from the infrequeucy of the exercise of the power, almost universal surprise, some account of tue law on the subject, and of the instance m which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 712 2 THEATRE ROYAL MRS DEACLE has the honor to announce, that on Monday the 22nd Jnst will he performed Shakespeare* Play of (he MERCHANT OF VENICE, commencing from the 3rd Act, with entire new dresses, decorations, &c. and assisted by the whole strength of the Amateur Talent, Dramatis Fe'tona. Duka of
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    • 125 2 FOR BA.X.E, AT STEEL RICHARDSON'S. Hamhro' lie? I and Pork in 100 200 lbs barrels. Tongues and Sausages. Buiier in kegs of 15, 25 and 50 lbs. Seltzer Water in baskets of 25 bottles. Refined Loaf Sugar. Cherry Brandy. English Hams. Hamhro' Smoked Beef Pine-apple Chee»es. English and Country-bottled Beer.
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  • 493 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE SINGAPORE FREE PRE3B We are told that in your paper which is read in many lands you observe strict justice spreading the fame of good men and t>ood actions far and wide, and bringing what is bad into univeraal contempt. We wish you to
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  • 14 3 At Singapore, on the 14th instant, Mrs W. L. Ogle, of a Son.
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  • 9 3 The Letter of Equilibrium is under consideration.
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  • 2422 3 TH E FREE PRESS. Singapore, Thursday, \&th July, 1844. «HB«Ji*BW»-» H. M. Steamer Vixen arrived yesterday evening from Trincomalee 10th July, where she left the French Steamer Frigate Archimede. Batavh. By the Brig Harriet, we have received Java Courants from the sth June to the 3rd instant, from which we
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    • 219 1 tai an could earn In the fields. Indeed almost every thing that man can do is in favour of the mill over tbe field. But tbe cooperative remits are very different. Field-work, even to women, with all its hard* ships and disagreesbles, witb its miserable pay, its coarse and scanty
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    • 887 1 Tbe following is an abstract of returns just presented to Parliament respecting paupers in Union workbouses in England and Wales. Returns have bt-en received from 486 unions in England, and from 24 in Wales. Tbe number of married paupers in tbe work* bouses of England, on the 30th of
      887 words
    • 447 1 tJonstaatiuople, Bth April. (Prom our Correspondmt) Since my last letter, the sudden and arbitrary enforcement of ft measure of Police hat been the only treat of any political interest which has occurred here. Oq the 27th of last month the Mmi.lmen residing in the Capital and
      447 words
    • 346 1 me rrenc* A«r y i he following list of French men-of-war on active service, together with tlieir stations, v copied from the Goverornen- Et-t General de la Marine for this year, and published last month Levant. Line of battle ship Mareogo, 80 nuns, Frigate Andromede, 52r-Covetteg Creole, 24;
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    • 853 1 (From Chamber*' Edinburgh Journal, April 13.) Wh?n steam navigation was struggling into existence bout the years 1814, 15, and 16, it was the subject of loudly-expressed contempt amongst nearly all men who enjoyed, or had ever enjoyed, any conrmand at tea. It struck the ntinds of our bold
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    • 831 1 me balance sheet of the year's income, ending April, 1844, has been published, and shows an ex ]J cess of income over expendiiure amountin X to X. 2,095,427 Considering that in 1843 we had to face an excess of expendiiure over income of more than lour millions,
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    • 4395 1 Br D. B. Read on Ventilation Warming and .Lighting. Da D. B. R*id, while pursuing the profession of a teacher of chemistry in Edinburgh, constructed a classroom for bis own use, in which he exemplified the best principle! of ventilation, in combination with beating and lighting, at the same time
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 352 3 AKRXVAtS. DateJ Flag Venel'. Name, Caplatn Fr J~V^f July 10 OrituU barq of Commerce ~Wnh«V<r f „10 H. M. ship rijr tv J.SthFeb, ;:i0 French barq N. Tro/ q ue tS^£? thF^ „11 British barq Frances Vurn Tvr rm6 n f )thM8 y „11 British barq Dhir V^Zt x a
        352 words