The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 12 March 1840

Total Pages: 4
1 1 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. .l*o. 11. I'ol. 5. TMMJRSDAir jmoMjrijira 19*. v is^ JTo. CCXXXIf.
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  • 2208 1 OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE. H. M. S. Votugc, Macao Ifnads, 4M bvhruury, 1840. Sin,— l shall not attempt to corccea l from Y. E. that the atrocious edict lately promulgated by the Chinese authorities, and pasted on the walls of Macao, oau«*d considerable anxiety and alarm to (he British community residing
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  • 150 1 The Loyal Senate cannot but make publicly known to all the inhabitants of Mac .o. that JJ. li. M. sloop Hu/.cinth having entered the port of (his city without rhe consent of this government, the 00-vernoro 0vernor and «lie Loyal Senate have acted under such, unheard of uroccedinga as
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  • 2024 1 To the Editor of the Canton Register. Mr. Editor, Dear Sir.— On my arrival at (his »r>choiaae I find a report in circulation w>»kh -I feel myself called upon to contradict, and trust you will oblige me by kyiaf the /ollowinq; statement of facts before the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 866 1 tftobrmmrnt Kotification. TIIF rottowtNo Act^ are repvblibued roil o^nfral information: FOKT WILLIAM, LKGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT, Thr 2:iBD DrciMßiß, 1839. The foil, wir.x Act i% pa?«^l by the Hon'ble the r»re>ideru of tlie Council of India in ouncil on the I Diti aaar, tn^o, «Hb At aaiaat af the Ryu i*Me laa
      866 words
    • 518 1 F ROM the House or W. T. Taylor, E^qre. 50 DOLLARS REWARD. Jk h 'i my, 1 t aH Go.d ifeT,,!^. 1 0 VICM I>Y AhCabe > «"i"^rip,ion ih engraved on the inner ensc. A Chain in an near pa,,.y cold an(l lJart:> silv(r< i.t^VcC^ 1 I Mack IRN,"°l RN
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  • 402 2 Lin viceroy of fcwNMg king ami kwaufi; >c SiC &c ||C ••'ill X fonjm* Of K\v .iit^tiiir; \c &c \c Merely coijoinilv proc'ai n nu»o ill iMM that they may i ioruu.:iily know ,-nA uinieiM md. Wiierpu", we H tul that K.liiot continue* to re-i;le ai M.icii >, .«iifi
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  • 745 2 Tlie limarial C'.minixtioner Lin Ins returned the Imperial Seal, the lnst^iii, aftWU^h otiice he l.^a hitherto lit- Id, hy the lute VtWJ wliu It It Canton on the (ith of this month fsf Peking, whkher he noes at the special command of his Imperial master. The Chinese
    745 words
  • 605 2 The other d.iy w gentleman's a«HMM in Macno wag robbed of some property f and the susjticiou ol Ihe theft rested upon the wrvaata, l»tic there beini; no evidence against any MM in particular, they repaiied to tiie priests of a Jo«»l>ou>e, who (>y divinution weie to discover
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  • 813 2 T IE ARMY OF THE INDUS. (Frr.n the Bombay Times, Jmy. 25. By further intelligence from Faioze.Mjre >f the 4th infant, w t leara tnat the Army of the Indus met wirh the bUmml attention and civility from all the S i!th authorities and inhabitants every where during it-
    813 words
  • 550 2 From the Bombay I'in'is, hmwiru, 25 Extract of a Idler Irom Odessa, -ith in.siant, uiwn by the liHwmfM't: M We !u\f jn>i received intelligence firom Anapa ;md TiHis ili.n Hie I irca^sians have completely defeated lite Ru*«Wii cavalry along (he whole lin<- of Hie StintiJM, Mild vn the plants
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  • 19 2 At SiagapOrt, Oil ihe 9ih instant, the Lidj of I S. Stephens, fcNqre of a Son hi.c! Ueis.
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  • 8 2 A Radical in otu ntxt. i
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  • 3100 2 Singapore Thursday, Vlth March, 18iO. Chi v a— The shipping report of Monday last announced the arrival of the Mot from Macao the 29th ult being tlie rirst intelligence received here of her having readied that destination, which it appears she made alter a run from England,
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  • 1030 3 PBODUCBOF i.mmpp _KXFUkrs^ AND AMERICA. In the Monti, of hi the Month of In the Month of In the Month of /W«/. IH 40. Janif 1640 Ithi/ 1840. .him/. IH4O. BK.KK, WINiiS SPIRITS. "T* Winks" (W None 3 cks. &32 dozs. 4 50 dozens
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  • Singapore Free Press Price Current.
    • 1369 1 No Duties on Import Exports and no port Charges on vessels. Tho O-rrmcy t% which rmmmrretmt trmmmeUtmt mrt eatmiited. ta the Svanuh Doitmr divined into Lett. The common vttaht i* the Ftcul, I*l atoirduvoxkt, dttno-d mm MM. Vmtiwm. Sai-t and R.c*. ore co-n-,, n —Id H <4# JT*y«K, 40 /*ic»i#.
      1,369 words
    • 1113 1 m M sis all $aie* can «<•«; Oe effected jn~ puymmt in our quotations m tiit Price Current tno mj.U O ti thu ptincil Heturntijt,,- conrigummiM can ytimuily Oen-mir in Bui*, fl f or Gold JJiml, trhen 1 rodvre twt preferred. i BITROPE UOOD&. The SvJfona
      1,113 words
    • 249 1 Letters from Canton of Feby. the following q»itttioms vi Imiouts Export" IMPORTS. Cotton, Madras, T's. l.H.ti al4 prr |»1. Bt.tultny, 'Its. Li 1 for finest I" 1 Bemjul, Tls. 13.2 13. 5. j Juu Sp. Strips, KJ. 6ft 1.70 per y«. ."-ale*. Lo.NGELi.s,war/rt Klli al2 per pee. In
      249 words
    • 64 1 Cn London, Ni«v> tad Trrn.«my BiHs, Id a diys' sight a 4#. /;</., Sp. dr. Non?. f» Pri»«tr Bill*, with ibt|»ping dUfIVHMmU, «< month*' »ipht, 4*. "d. a Brf. per Sp. dr. do. tio. :i montl»»' sight, 4*. hd. a it. 7d. None. On Qn-fiTTA, ninmimrnt, :IO days'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 ON CMMIM. To Kuropk fnnt MriA o/" Vrrttf Britain) 2\ f cent Do. /mo/7'< o/" Do. n A' IRKAi" ANU N. >OI'THWAIItS 2^ Cap» orl«ooi) Hofg a>ds«t. Hklisa.. 2 CALCtrTA, 14 I'mikray 14 c 2 Madam 1^ Pmman Gilph -j^ Kkd Sia, 4 £*vt*o», )4
      45 words
    • 42 1 M A I KITIUS, ~l LkOUHRON, O> China, ji Manila ja Java, Malacca, PK>fANO, "l Rangoon. Amiikrvt Town Mai'lmaVn 1 Bekcoolbm and Padan«., (touching at Batarm) ]i BOKNKO PROFKR i Th Premium on Treasure i* one-nxth lesi f than the •hove rates.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 380 1 j -ii^r/yy i^ijp^ Date. < A.a«. /«M** MtaMt. r a ,»/«m. FSnm. Der rf t 0 r<MW>> AfaaMt. C»y<^ j J~ r SSKXTmSS H. M. H. T r nuzer fi.ff-.r.J Mlacot .<nl March 6 British I.T-" 1 //fr^/ OUt?altOa J«» 5 Sh.m sl.m FMbrf E*nMi Sinm CJtiiFeby. «J BHtUa brig
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    • 41 1 VESSELS EXPECTED. From I/.NDON. The W. f. Hamilton, Cherub *< John Khojc. From Liverpool. The Laura, Gvnga, and John Dug dale. From the Ci.ydb. The Fortitude. Fyom Cai cdtta. The Sir Edward Ryan, Xerbudda, and Rusiomjee Cowaxjee. From Bombay. The Good Success.
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