The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 4 July 1839

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTIESR. X<>. 27. FVI. 4. TMMunsn+4 jp 4. jri/__fci*, isa». •Vo. CXfVI.
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  • 1322 1 (From the Englishman, -7 th May.) We have at leiuih received intelligence, on which we can rely, of the lall ot Cand th.if. The fallowing is Iroia Loodianah and is dated the l_»lti insta i A letter from Colonel Wade's camp received last evening, contains the news
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  • 248 1 THE ARMY OF THE INDUS. (From Ihe Ayr a Ukmmvt, Mu>/ l'<-) We are glad to he able to state, that since oor last \ery few* arable aceoonts have been nr<*eivcd from tim Army, they were within sis Biarehc. of C*niar -ftii sopplies were *bon_aal wirii every proei f
    248 words
  • 275 1 A most satisfactory correspondence has taken place between Timothy Curtis, L.stj Governor of the Bastk It oi England, on behalf of the Committee, ami Sir. l. I C tJohhouse, the Clnncellor of the Exchequer, and j others in office aud we are row enabled to slate. j llsai there
    275 words
  • 3222 1 From the Englishman, 14th May.) We yesterday published in an er/n the very imI on ml news received from China, llse most rem* a- able points of which are the entire stoppage of 'ne foreign trade, the forcible detention of rite British, merchants ai Canton aud llieir
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 659 1 G37BaN->I-3-^T NOTIFICATION. TllF roLLOwiao is aspoaus-in ion general ISrOBMAI l"N FOR- WILLTAM, LEGISLATIVE DKFAHTMFNT,* Tin. lorn April, 1830. The fcttowina Act i< posaed by ihe Ilon'hle the p o'icnt <il Use Conn* il of India in Ctamcil on ihe x i| t |83 wsch the assent of the Ui_,ht ll.ii'lre
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    • 661 1 FOR WAIaK, At th< Godoums of the Understymtd PAFF am. GOLD SHERRY, wooi Cn a rles -Mim.LFiON an- So->, in ea cont.tiiii-i- 3 doz.-. eacii the former at Sp. Din. 7, and tlie latter at Sp. Dis. 8 per uo/.tn. GUTHRIE CO. Sine o pore, Wtlt June, 1839. FOR MALE,
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  • 1231 2 TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS OF HEIt MAJESTY'S MOST HONORABLE PRIVY COUxNCIL. The Humble Prayer of (he f r >t<ler signed yferthmUlt and Residents at Bombay in the East Indies. Sheweth, That your Petitioners are the Owners of a large quantity of Opium in China. TiOt Her
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  • 16 2 At Singapore, on the Ist instant, the Lady of Dr \V.\i Montoomerie, of a Son.
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  • 2410 2 THE FREE PRESS. Singapore, Thursday, 4th July, 1839. Calcutta— By the arrival' of the Rover, which raft the on the 11th ult. we have- received Bengal papers to the Ist J one, and private advices to the same datp. The 4iii Opin.n sale, for the postponement of which a requisition
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  • 275 3 Hy the li aura. Factors*, Sou Pons, Potter, from Pen'ing. Entered on the \t't R-fsas*. 73 pis. buffalo hides, 3 pis. 7$ ctys elephant's teeth, ,560 lbs. soap, 54 drums fish, 65 _tons corks, 6 kegs n-iils, IS bands biscuits, 12 ps. duck, 4? ps. English cordage, 2 k^gs
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  • 1124 3 By the French (an ip I'ictona, Lise, 345 Tons, Weishred, few the W. C. ot Sumatra and Hnnrkem Cleared on the \'3th umt. For II". C. of' Sumatra \O,OOO Sp. dollars. BsavOM 500 planks, 50-006 MgafS. __tsj the Cochin China s/u'/i Ting Lee, 400 Tons, Foo, tor l ochin
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  • 1146 3 PRODUCE OF EUROPE ty JUAfUHTS. AND AMERICA. fo^ M-tk of the IS^I7/| Pnm**l, BeSr None 23Mihds. 50 buts!«6s dozens. *ft hhJs. 13/ Wines Clar^ VT l,J6odozs dozens Sherry 2™' JsJ <1 M [.«4dz,. None. loo?£ftl3ta>. p"^ y one IJo7gk.6eaa.fti Nona. I khJ. ft 12
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  • Singapore Free Press Price Current.
    • 1528 4 No Duties on Imports Exports and no Port Charges on Vessels. The Cfreney in which cnmwerrtal transactions are calculated, is the Spanish Dollar divided into ie.tis. The coinrum WStfUS t» ,'ne Picut, 133J lbs. avuirEupoise divided into ISO Catties. Salt and her. ••/</ (iy the Koyan, of 40 Ptcvts Java
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    • 1198 4 As all sales can now be effected to* uai~»m^ t^^"" our guotaions in the Prime <n,r^ Te tj°i, 1 ™*rns/*r emmsismmentt can menermtly he mmaTimßil or Gold Dust, when Produce it nut preferred V "< VFFr *S Rol> GOODS. I»C«LIJ, W IN KS SPIIM'I' r» a^_K
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    • 94 4 Cv London, Nsvy an. i Treasury Bill*, If a SMI slaya' sdgkt 4*. 7d. a 4». Sd. per^Sp. dr. IVvate Bills, with skSftpkag doeunifrs, '> months' light, 4«.16d. per tep. dr. S-W. do. ,h>. A months' sight, lv. \ul. Ameri.-an. adder svttors of credit. m<» with* at skipping documents,
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    • 56 4 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. Antimony Ore jt i.IO Tin By IS cwt. v in I'.f.'*. __.'4 4 ii ivks ay sosea ,£' Bansbjgy iw hahta. *r im bull j t S._o, in u.!^» or bo_.e» jt4.4 a .14.10 CukWi jfc-i a 5 V IS t-vvt. P'Plwr, s*t*-a par 16 cwt
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 624 4 f\f>FflTAl g j ilf-PARTUK-!.-. __s SRSSS, J ¥imy. I rS-a*V Jveass*. Can tan. I -Vom. P,- Mw .f. L-j_*_lU±_ You.** t tmptmßMm J VDrpmrture >J m urn 2* Port. bri, Uunli an June SS j BrMak I ship SISSSig Vuttlt«*n Bembay 27 th ''lay' 27 Ptirt. l.anj. Anyeliea
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