Singapore Daily Times, 14 November 1877

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Singapore Daily Times
  • 12 1 Singapore Daily Times. VOL. XVIII SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. 14th NOVEMBER, 1877. No. 13,327
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  • P. & O. Company.
    • 479 1 Offices— D’Almeida Street. Gopowhs— At New Harbour. The following are tnc dates on which the (ompeny’s Contract Mail Steamers B »v be directed to arrive here in 1877 OUTWARD. HoHIWAIII Tncedav 9th Jan. Wednesday 10th Jan. 23rd 2 f t l 6th Feb. m
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    • 98 1 THe steamers of this Company will be d<6]atcbed from Singapore for Malacca, ieiang, Mculmein, Rangoon and Calcutta during the current year at the undernoted dates:— Monday, Jan. Bth. Saturday July 14th. 22nd. 28th. Febry. sth. i Aug. 11th. i, 19th. 25th. n March sth.
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    • 333 1 The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during tbe current year Outwakd. Homeward. 1877 1877 Wednesday, J 7 jan. Thursday, 18 Jan. n 3i d° 1 Yeb. n I 4 jvb. 15 do 2g d<>
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    • 132 1 Agamemnon. Ulysses. Ajax. Patroclus. Achilles. Antenoe. Diomed. Deucalion. Nestoe. Glaucus. Peiam. Anchises. Saepedon. Stentoe. Menelaus. The above steamers, having first class accommodation and carrying a Surgeon and Stewardess, run regularly every ten days from Liverpool outwards, and returningto London. Through Bills of Lading issued for all China
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    • 189 1 Mail service to Malacca, Lingy, Klang, Salangore, Durian Sabatang (Perak), and Pin an g. The Steamers of the above Company will leave Singapore and Penang fortnightly,—leaving Pinang immediately after arrival of the English mail, commencing about 3rd June, and returning from Singapore 48 hours after
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    • 744 1 Thf Steamers of the above Company will now ply between Singapore and Bath via every fortnight, leaving Singapore 24 hours aftei the arrival of the English Mail from home. Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. Passage Monet, First Class. From Singapore to Batavia 46
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  • Insurance.
    • 396 1 Capital, £500,000, with power to increase. fist issue at par £lOO,OOO 2nd do at s«prem £125,00C 3rd do at 10« prem.£lso,ooo the £75,000 premiums on shares being available for tbe maintenance and extension of the Company’s business. The qqccepa qf this Company
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    • 71 1 Capital 8 1,500,000. Paid-up 133,332. Reserve Fund 90,000. General Agents. Messrs. Jardine Matheson Co., Hongkong. The undersigned, Agents for the Office, are authorised to insure goods by A. I. Sailing Vessels or Steamers to the extent of 8100,000 on each bottom, and on tbe Block and
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    • 96 1 HEAD OFFICE, LIVERPOOL. Robert Galloway, Esq., Chairman. George C. Frames, Esq. Deputy-Chairman. Underwriters. Herbert B. Brayne, Esq., Liverpool. Charles T. Manley, Esq., London. Secretaries. James Paul, Esq., Liverpool. Anthony Radcliffe, Esq.„ London. OFFICES IN LIVERPOOL, 20 <fc 21, Exchange Buildings East. OFFICES IN LONDON,
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    • 46 1 (Berlin -Cologne Fire Insurance Company, Limited, Berlin.) The undersigned, having been appoint' ed General Agents of the above Company are prepared to take Fire Insurance Risks at the current rates of premium. RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT A CO. Singapore, 27th Jany., 1877. u. c
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    • 61 1 Established 1710. Insurances effected upon almost every description of property at the current Rates of Premium. Total Sum insured in 1876. £248,980.367. Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdiction of Local Tribunals re* co gn is ed «r Singapore
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    • 42 1 London Office, 2 old Broad Street. The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Company, and are prepared to take risks upon cargo on the customary terms. HAMILTON, GRAY A CO. Singapore, 15th July. 1872. (u. c.)
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    • 231 1 Capital 2.000.000. FUNDB in RESERVE EXCLUBIVB OF Capital 3,200,000. Agents at Singapore and Penang: BOUSTEAD A CO. Fire DEPARTMENT: Limit £12,000, on a first class risk. Life department: Limit £2,000, on one life. Singapore, 19th Sept., 1877. (u. c.) THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY Capital Two
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    • 64 1 Head Office, Batavia. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to issue Policies covering Marine risks on goods to all parts of the world at reduced rates. They are also prepared to take Fire risks of every description at the lowest current
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    • 56 1 The undersigned have been appointed agents for the above Company and are prepared to accept risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. The usual discount allowed on all risks for coasting voyages and on risks to Europe and America. REME BROTHERS.
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    • 86 1 Financial Position (1875.) Subscibed Capital £3,*****0. Accumulated Funds 1,778.,000. Annual Revenue from Fire Premiums 313,000. Life 133.000. Interest upon Invested Funds *****. The undersigned have to announce that they are the duly appointed Agents for this Company in Singapore; with authority to grant
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    • 28 1 Capital £1.000.000. CHIEF OFFICES. London 79, Cornhill E. C. Edinburgh, 31 George Street. Agents for Singapore. BOUSTEAD CO. Singapore, 22nd Feb., 1876. (u. c.)
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    • 52 1 Established 1821. Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Total Invested Funds, upwards of 3,000.000 Annual Income upwards of 400,000 The undersigned have been appointed Agents at Singapore and are prepared to issue policies against Fire on the usual terms. PATERSON. SIMONS A CO. Singapore, Ist April,
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    • 43 1 LLAINCE BRITISH FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital £5,000.000 Sterling Extension of Limits. One F rat class risk t 80,000. Two adjoining do. 120,000. Three or more do. do 160,000. PATERSON SIMONS A CO. Agents. Singapore. 17th Dec., 1875. (n. c.)
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    • 100 1 Established 1840, and Empowered by Spe cial Act of Parliament. Capital One Million. Life Assurances of every description granted. Retiring Provisions combined with Life Assurance. Free Policies issued which can never altogether lapse through non-payment of pre* miums. No
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    • 50 1 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to issue Policies covering Marine Risks on goods to all partof the world. Policies payable one month after due notice and proof of loss is given. HOOGLANDT A OO.) Singapore, sth April, 1866. (u. c.)
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    • 69 1 Head Office, Batavia. The undersigned, Agents for the abovs Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on tbe customary terms. 334 o/o discount allowed on all risks foi coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks to Europe
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    • 82 1 London and Edinburgh. (Established 1809. (Incorporated by Royal Charter.) Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up Capital 250,000 Fire Reserve Fund... 31st Dec., 1876... £796,747 Fire Premium Reserve 286,021 Total Fire Reserves 1,082,768 Income of the Fire Department, Net Premiums and Interest... 916,646 The undersigned, Agents for
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    • 53 1 Bonus Year. Next distribution at the close of 1877. Policies opened this year will be included in the distribution about to be made. The Bonus of 1872 gave an addition of £l, per cent per annum to the «um assured. HARRISON A CO., Singapore,
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    • 218 2 FIRE AND LIFE. Capital ONE MILLION Sterling. —ALEXANDER R0NALD80N,E8Q Vi.c Chairman —J as Nicol Fleming, Esq decretory— H. Ambrose Smith, p.i.a. CHIEF OFFICES: f 50 West George Edinburgh 17 George Street. 2 King William London j Street. f Oriel Chambers, Liverpool, Water Street. Manchester
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    • 107 2 Capital, Two Millions Sterling. OFFICES OF THE COMPANY. Manchester— Exchange Street. Liverpool —2B, Exchang Street East. Birmingham —l 2, Bennett’s Hill. London —lo, Cornhill. Glasgow—4, South Hanover Street. Bristol —so, Broad Btreet. CHAIRMAN IN MANCHESTER. John Todd, Esq. (Messrs. Todd A Coston,) CHAIRMAN IN LIVERPOOL. Chas. Holland,
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    • 287 2 LONDON LANCASHIRE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capital— £loo,ooo. HEAD OFFICE IN INDIA--136 CANNING BTREET, CALCUTTA, With Agencies at Bombay, Madras, Singapore, Colombo, and all the Principal Towns in India. CONSIDERABLE REDUCTION IN RATES OF PREMIUM FOR INDIA. The Directors of the London and Lancashire” have the pleasure to announce that, after
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    • 104 2 Capital 12,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jar dine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. A>dt«, Eaq. Messrs. Melcbere, A Co.) J. P. Barnes i Messrs. Holliday, Wise Co.) A. T. Manger, iMessrs.Douglas.LapraikACo.) H. Nicaise, (Borneo Company Ltd.) J. J.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 NETHERLANDS INDIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. The undersigned, having been appointde A gents (by Power of Attorney dated Batavia, 19th June, 1869) to the above Company, are authorised to grant and buy bills ou Java, discount acceptances, give money iu loan on securities and generally tc represent said Bank at this place.
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  • 44 2 Messrs. Apcar A Co.’s Steamer “HINDOSTAN,” Captain Mactavish, may be expected here on or about the 19th instant, en route to above ports. For freight or passage, apply to SARKIES A MOSES, Agents. Siugapore, 9th Nov. 1877. to 19th Nov.
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  • 39 2 Messrs. Apcar A Co.’s Steamer JAPAN,” Captain de Smidt, may be expected to arrive hereon or about the 19th instant. For freight or passage apply to SARKIES A MOSES, Agents. Singapore, 9th Nov., 1877. to 19th Nov.
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  • 140 2 Instituted 1803. Capital £1,600.000. Paid-up and Invested 700.000. Funds in Hand 1,200,000. Directors. Rich«rd J. Ashton. Esq. Alfred Gonger, Esq. Thomas G. Barclay, 1 William Hawthorn, Robert C. L. Bevsn, j George Hibbert, Fercival Rosanquet, i Samuel Hyde, James Brand, William T.yall, Charles Care. Charles Marry*
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  • 64 2 The O.S.S. Co.’s Steamer GLAUCUS,” Captain T. S. Jackson, having left Hongkong yesterday afternoon, may be expected here on 19th inst. en route for London. She has room for a small quantity of Cargo which can now be booked and for a few first class passengers. For freight A
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    • 159 2 Singapore, 14th Nov., 1877. Garaber 4.45. Black Pepper 7.75 White Pepper 14. Sago Flour. Sarawak 3.60. Pearl Sago 3.85. CJoffee, Bontyne 21.621. Tin 20.37J. 40s. Mule twist 98. 34 lbs. Shirtings 1.60. 7 do do 1.424. 6 do T. Cloth 1.074. 7 do do 1.30. Benares Opium
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    • 1608 2 Thr investment of Plevna. London, 12 th November. —The Russians have at last succeeded in completely investing Plevna. The Daily News correspondent states that Osman Pacha is amply provisioned for five weeks. A new Russian loan. The Russian Government has opened subscriptions to a 5
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    • 2175 3 Tut pined-for rain clouds, which broke u _t,-nUv morning with, in the poet's tt ,.nU "blessings on our heads,” let u Iki|*c. were the harbingers of various Idling* to var ous sections of our little community. To the ladies, they anticipated
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    • Correspondence.
      • 242 3 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sib,—I come forward now to assure the Hon’ble Mr. Adamson and his friends that I was not actuated by uncharitable or vindictive feelings; far from it, my letter of Thursday, Bth instant, was written more as a caution and a warning.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 672 2 #tto asbtrttstmfnts. NOTICE. The undersigned have been appointed Agents at Singapore for the sale of the celebrated Champagne. Heidsieck Co., Monopol (China’'. Specially prepared for the China market. They have jnst received a supply, which they offer at $2O per case of one doz. quarts, and $2l per case of
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    • 599 2 sHto Wbft'tisemtnts. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid up Capital 5.000,000 Dollars. Reserve Fund 650.000 Dollars. COURT OF DIRECTORS. Chairman. —H. Hoppius, Esq.(jf Messrs. Siemssen A C"0 Deputy Chairman. —F. D. Sassoon, Esq (of Messrs. David Sassoon Sons 4 Co.) E. R. BPLILIOB. Esq. Wm H. Forbes. Esq of Messrs.
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    • 369 2 #eto abberttgemtnte. CRANE A CO., Furnishers, Appraisers, Auctioneers and General Agents Nob. 6 and 7 Raffle* Place. Beg to intimate that they have on hand a Urge assortment of Household Furniture of European and local Manufacture. 1 Iso Dinner Sets, Marble Q labs Ac. Ac., all of which they are
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  • 31 2 DEATH. At Shanghai, on the 26th October, of Cholera, Patrick Derrio. Sergeant Municipal Police, and late of the Labuan Armed Police Force, aged 33 years. Irish papers please copy.
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  • Notices.
    • 60 3 The Company’s steamer. SUMATRA, Captain Caboara, leaving Genoa on the Ist October, may be expected here on the 4th November next, and will be despatched on her return voyage from Singapore, on the 20tb November, for Genoa and Marseilles, via intermediate ports. For Freight or Passage apply to
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    • 118 3 Per P. O. Co.’s steamer Nizam, from China:— For Singapore. —Prom Hongkong: Processor Vanes and son, Mr. James Felton r. n Paymaster R. Buck B. N., and 3 Chinese. From Penang. —From Hongkong: 1 Chinese. For Bombay.— From Hongkong Mr. B. Pestonjee, Mr. Oomer, and 1 Gun Lascar. For
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    • 54 3 Tuesday, 13th November. German steamer Egeria, 1,087 tons, Paulsen commander, Shanghai 1st Nov., consignees Puttfarcken, Rheincr 1 Co. Wednesday, 14ti November. British steamer Ban Yong Seng, 366 tons, Hide commander, Bangkok 10th Nov., consignees Low Sum Co. P. 0. steamer Nizam. 1,727 tons, Barlow commander, Shanghai 2nd Nov consignees
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    • 39 3 Tuesday, 13th November. Dutch steamer Wm. Mackinnon, Fransen, for Bitavia. Dutch steamer Japara, Van Eck, for Acheen. British ship Lake Leman, Clark, for London. British barque Blackwall, Chapman, for Rangoon. British steamer Rajah, Hansen, for Acheen.
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    • 1151 3 r L-'ATk snip’g Names j iaitaiv*. ./G x Rig j* I ■>? ar- Where Froml Where Lying < onsignees or Agents. Destination. j Z j RIVALB MEN-OF-* a Mcrapi Bosch H.N.M.’s str.[ Sept. 22 Edie T. P. Wharf H.N. M.'s Consul General. Acheen Paleuibang Stakman H.N.M.’s
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 373 3 NOTICE. The undersigned, who hasthis day purchased the goodwill ard interest in the Unios IIotki,. hopes that the patronage enjoyed by his predecessor, may be continued to him. With a thoroughly practice knowledge of the business and a desire to attend to his customers’ wants, he trusts he may hope
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    • 244 3 potters. SINGAPORE RACES. AUTUMN MEETING 1877. PROGRAMME: SECOND DAYTHURSDAY 15th NOV. MBER, 1877. First Race. The Singapore Cup.—Value sloo— Hurdle Race with 8 jumps. Distance 1$ miles. Entrance $5 tj the Winneh Second Race. The Maharajah’s Cup.— V^lueflSO. Presented by H. H. The Maharajah of Jobore. G.C M.G., K.C S.I.
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    • 367 3 flotitrs. Second Race. The Club Cup.— Value slso.—Welter Race for all Horses. Weight 12 stone 7 lb. Gentlemen riders only. Distance once round the Course. Entrance $lO H. F. Horses running for this Race are not allowed to train on the Course for more than 14 days before the first
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    • 64 3 flottrt. Singapore, 15th June, 1877. u. c. FOR SALE. A drawing room Billiard Table. Price $5O. Apply to Juno,” Office of this paper. Singapore, 2nd Nov., 1877. to 29th Nov. NOTICE. The undersigned have just received a consignment of Ayala A Co.’s, Cham-pa-fne, in quarts and pints. The quality is
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  • Docks.
    • 703 4 Thi works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf.—Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water alongside for vessels of the heaviest draught, and protected
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    • 190 4 This Company executes ships’ repairs of all descriptions in the most efficient manner under the superintendence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Graving Dock. Length—415 feet. Depth of water from 14 feet to 154 feei Width at Entrance 42 feet. No. 2. Graving
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  • 71 4 Capital 10,000,000 Francs. The undersigned, Agents for the. above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terras. 33$ o/o discount allowed on all risks for coasting voyagee, and 15 o/o on all risks
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 21 4 #otirfo, FOR SALE A small consignment o Old White Po SY Singapoie, 21th October, 1£ Sandemas's E CO. to 24th Nor
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    • 741 4 Tailors AW* Special by FJrTHi Appointment To H. E. The Governor. Sir William F. C. Rob'nson, k. c.'m. g. Sayle Co. Civil Naval and Military Tailors Ac. Are now unpacking Ex S. S. GLENLYON.” A small parcel of thin West of England Tweeds. Drab Bedford Cord for Riding Trousers White
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    • 667 4 VICTORIA HOUSE. ROBINSON A 06. Milliners, Drapers, Haberdashers, Hosiers, Dress-makers and Gentlemen’s Outfitters. Have always on hand. Black and colored Silks in Gros grains and Glacis. Black and colored Moire Antiques. Black and colored Broch6 Silks for dinner dresses. Colored Foulard and washing Silks. Black, white and colored Satins for
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    • 525 4 iHtsrfllaiuous. JOHN LITTLE CO, GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN; Importers op European, China, Japan and Manila Goods;, OUTFITTERS; Chronometer, Watch, and Clock Makers; Jewellers and Goldsmiths; WINE, SPIRIT AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. Outfitting Department. Gentlemen's outfiits made up on the shortest notice, fit guaranteed, and of the latest fashion. A large stock of fine
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    • 642 4 Glassware and Crockery. Wine glasses, Tumblers, Ac Glass Table ornaments of all kinds. Dinner Services. Dersert do. Tea do. Toilet Sets. Chamber Sets. Hardware. Hollow wire of a'l kinds, patent and common; Locks of all kinds, Holts; Platform Scales; Iron Bedsteads, of sizes. Cricketing Materials Ac. A Great Variety op
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    • 650 4 MASON CO.’S HARNESS. For Sale at G. HIEBER CO. Pony harness, plated mountings, Horse do. do. do. Pair horse do. do. do. Also. A few harness brass mounted i whips. Gentlemen’s saddles, Pony iding The undersigned have received an j n voice of excellent. Bordeaux wines, Breakfast Claret, Dinner Claret.
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