Singapore Daily News, 20 January 1933

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News No. 93. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1933. R CENTS.
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  • 452 1 the New Year might "me relief to I ken v. olid have been swiftly by the event- ot Ihe past The most superficial kind)} disposed examination <»i •nl ition reveals that i: traditional and ry, alas, il must be confess•an inspire I. de* ratification from tho l-aith, (hou^l'
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    • 138 1 Wa shington, Thursday. Japanese American relations r .'.!l\ itcd by the Far Eastern situation are mho to dominate Friday's meeting between Mr. Ho ver and Mi. Roosevelt at which tlu latter, aa is manifest from his public statements, k sure to indicate that he will
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 52 1 Compelled To Cancel Engagements. Rugby, Tuesday. Prince George is in hv<\ with in fllienxa Mid has had to cancel his proposed visit tomorrow to the unemployed welfare centres in Middlesi orough. He has telegraphed to the authorities promising t<> keep the oiL r atjonif»~t when he has recovered.-
      British Wireless  -  52 words
    • 25 1 Wellington, Thursday. It i- officially announced that the exchange i i*it* has been raised t<> £125 to one hundred pounds sterl in::. Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 81 1 Non- M e mber Stales. Tokio, Thursday. Satisfaction is expressed ai the report that the League has agreed o withdraw ita proposal to invite participation bj non-member States, »>ut indications are that Japan i not prepared to alter her attiuuk' towards other proposals con cained in the < ommittee's reaolu
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 117 1 Shanghai, 1 hursday. A terrible example of the Arc lie conditions in tne fighting «om in Manchuria is Eurnished by the Takuahan Mountain, near the Korean border, where 380 (bines' volunteers were discovered frozen to death. It appears that early in December a band of l (l >>
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 71 1 Geneva, Wednesday. .Japan'- reply to the draft proposals of the Committee of Nine teen was presented today. The reply refuse- to admit any discusjttn of the Manchukuo regime ami also participation oi non-roembera of the League in conciliation procedui t<%» It is Relieved that the Committee 1 of
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    • 109 1 Geneva, Wednesday. The JSinu Japanese. crisis fcaa been postponed hut not averted. The Committee of Nineteen, affci a three-hour session, proposed to Japan thai if the invitation to Rusaia and America Is dropped Japan should accept the rest oi the resolution as it stands. Japan is
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  • 207 1 mi :rdkr threat. "AFRAID TO GO ASHORE" SEQUEL TO ATTACK. Hehind (he uhrirm of a police guard at the east gate where the K. P. M. liner Nieuw Holland was berthed lies the story of a threat of murder. The Nieuw Holland came alongside the
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  • 385 1 PREMIER SHOT BY ASSASSIN STATION DRAMA. A MANCHUKUO OUTRAGE A Sin Chew Jit I'oii message received yesterday states thai Mr. l Cheng: Shao-su (Cheng Hsiao-hsu) the Prime Minister of Manchukuo, was assassinated by a Korean at the Pelkwan Station in Chang-chunJ the capital of Mancb ukuo, on .!an. 12 when
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  • 1044 1 DEADLY BOWLIM,. LARWOOD AND ALLEN WOODILLL'S T.\. Australia's second innings was* quickly ended yesterday lor 193 and England thus won the third Test match by 338 runs. Woodfull was shouldered from the field alter a magnificent not out innings off 73. Adelaide Thursday. In contrast to
    Reuter  -  1,044 words
  • 738 1 Others Ideas. Sir Wallon l.axtnn, I Ik- Mm lmmiislu<l economist JiscWSMfH the bcwthKg spaco in I lit War debit! problem in the art it K' brlow A fter a monl h oi i ceil m^ and i itical nt-^i.t iat i< we maj look forward with relief to a lull
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 106 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. Krom Our Own Correspo»d«nt London, Thursday. Th» doling .prices today, were:. RUBBER Spot 2% Down 1 32 February 2 '4 AprJinw? 2 3/16 July-Sept. 2 9/32 Oct.- Dec. 2\ Unchanged. Mark«*t Slight l> Kasirr. TIN. Spot il it 7?». Hd. f)i>»n
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  • 211 2 BUSINESS IMPROVING. BRITISH FACTORY'S RECORD. In ilu.'' days of trade doprettioi jt is heartening to learn thai at least hoc industry is working ai full pressure, :is indicated by th« l.tic-i report fn»iii the Austii factory ;>t »»njrbridge, Biroiing ham. It i- revealed that \\w< factory** delivery figures far the
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  • 670 2 Yli<l<ll<' Quotation* On Thursday MINING. MiHfilr price* of local issues weit ,i Idllovo in Sin;».»iM«re on Thursday, (•cording to FfMOT Co.'s list Asam Kumbanir L'4/0 Austral Malay 10 Aye* Mitam Tin It IS. Ban^rin Tin !1 B. tang Pudwn>; Oin 1-, H.ttu Cwrm* 0.27 H, I'ukit Araiig
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  • 231 2 Today, January 20. Hoeke>: S.R.c. Ist r». Malays Com* mand. S.R.C. prd.; S.R.C. 2nd vs. R.T. "A." R.f. gnl. Police vs. J,';itnVs Collect, Depot] Medical College vs. O.R.A. 2nd. College ,nl: Y.M.CA. ri. SKA.. Anson lioail. Rogby: S.C.C. 'A" vs. R.A.F. "A." I'ndnnjr. Saturday, January 21. Hoeke) O.R.A. v.<.
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  • 75 2 12 noon, Jan. 19, 1933. Buyers Stli«ra (Jambier 5.00 Java Cube 7.50 Hamburg Cube 8.50 Muntok White Pepper 20.50 White Pepper 20.00 Black Pepper 16.75 Minced Black Pepper 12.00 Svndricd Copra 5.10 Mixed Copra 4.65 4.65 Si.iall Flake Tap 4.20 Fair 4.10 Med: Pearl 4.20 Small
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  • 329 2 Complains of Bangkok'* Mosquitoes. \mong those who said good-bye to Their Highnesses the Sultan and j Sultanah of Johore when they left Bangkok by the Johore State saloon attached to the Aranya Pradesa train for Angkor on Jan. 13, were Mr. J. Bailey, Phya Pradibadha Bhhbal, Phra
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  • 42 2 Yesterday's Exchange rates included the following BELLING. London, i months' sight 1 3 15 10 London,^; monUi.V si^ht ZQ '42 1.0m10ij.,6^ day.s' night 2/3 T l<i»iiikun. ;;<) days' sii^ht 2/3 27 *i2 London, 'J«'inMi<l 2/3 lo 16 Londyn. I ->r, ;j2
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  • 40 2 CLUE IN FRANCE BEING INVESTIGATED. II Auxorre, Wednesday. The report that an aeroplane bcieved to be Mr. Hinkler's has been in the Poorest of Othe is being investigated, but so far it is only an unconfirmed rumour. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 44 2 Auxerre, later. The Prefecture states that the rumour that Hinkler's machine haa been found is baseless. It is possibly due to the fact that the aeroplane was last seen at Buss>v Nothe on Jan. 7. Aeroplanes will explore the forest tomorrow, however Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 526 2 Routine Orders by Lieut.-Col. f.J.T. Reilly, M. C. Commanding S.V.F. Singapore, Jan. 18. Lieut. H. R. S. Law, S.V.C., is transferred to the P and P.W.V.C. with effect from Feb. 1. Hospital Concessions. It is notified for the information of all concerned that Volunteers who are desirous of
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  • 53 2 The P. and (>. Rajputana wi^fc the Sin^apuiv Mt»il^ o^ board in! due to arrive hvre at 3 p.iik today. It i.s expected thtt* corrcsponddhev^ I will bv available for delivery t<» I boxholUerrt at uh<;t:t r > pjj\. artt! that > a jA-tKral delivery by i^ostnien will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 91 2 M. EZEKIEL SONS, Qualified Ophthalmic Opticians Kaffles Chambers, Singapore. Hrauch: Noordwijk, 35, Batavia, Java. JUMPING FIGURE WRIST WATCHES I »^l Suiss Made I3.jewd Uvrr Movement.. (Jirome. Silver. II and c t Gold. We have ju*t received a shipment of the above watches cmmM with real Chinese lacquers of lasting brilliance.
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    • 378 2 THC SINGAPOfU Paily News. Head Office: 78 S»npap.,rv ri,, n< 3 1 r» i- r» 1 32 Tel: "Times'* flliapn. Koala Lumpur. Office: 2.1. J« n Mr Phave: SUBSCKIPTION KMKS Payable >n adv.-mr-Local i; delivery Monthly ..'.n l^uartrrly Jl .r.i Half-yearly 19.0U Single Copy. 5 All communicalif)ii relai ness matters,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 54 2 I THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. «rtay, January 20. Police Hand. KstOMg Park, C-.15 p.m. aturday, January 21. "Foolish Virgins," Victoria Theatre 930 p.m. Diving 1 Exhibition, Sta View Hotel 6.30 p.m. Sunday, January* 22. Diving Exhibition, 8.30 p m. Monday, January 23. Divinpr Exhibition. Wednesday, January 25. Rotary tiffin. Police Band,
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    • 629 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings arc pawling: For Europe, P. and O. S. .V. Co.'s Ranchi (Ja«. 20). N.Y.K.: Yasukuni (Jan. 2o Hakone Maru (Feb. 9). Hair.bur? Amerika Line: Uckermarfc (Jan. 22). Frmland (F«b. 4;. East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Meonia (Jan 24), Boringia tFeb.
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    • 364 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. 11l TONG, Brit., 109 tons, from Pi. Dickson 19-1, for Maar 10>l. DE WEERT, Dutch, 'J^ tuns, from Hr.tavia 18-1, for Biinjoe 21-1. GINBEM MARI. Jap.. ZJS9O to-,s. from Mi ike 18-i, for Rangay 27-1. GIAMG SENG, Brit., 1,009 tons, from Bat&via P.M. tor Batavia 21-1. <;. S.
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  • 355 3 CUP WINNERS II BEST SHIPS SIDE I INSTITUTION DANCE tbsll team from the P. R M.S. Ranchi which, a* the team playing in Singa■,l was the winner Sailors' Ir^tituu* Cup preMr. A. C. Willis, attend '.n W edrr^day when the handed to the team Mi. Ketller. iirtsburg,
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  • 48 3 London, Thursday. I'oday'fi I <;i);u<' results were ,t- follows: I'hird I >■ (Southern). Aldershot 1 I hir«l Div. (Northern). Harrow 0 U. thdl Mansfield 1 lln hoiica.^tcr histtT game il).)iuloiu(l •wiMf t<» fo<; ftei 10 miiuiti^' play with th«> scwrr I—o1 0 in fa\our ol Don<.i«trr.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 87 3 lUiupionghip Cup At Garrison. [alifying round for thepar(i«»!f Club. Championship he played tomorrow: >* 1 F. (i. Hyland J < s. Ponsford 1 M AlawveM vs. ('apt. fairchild S. P. Hohnea Smith vs. <'. H. T. Billsof; l; Ki-Lioii vs. Pi Lieut W. S. A; Jen Lieut. H.
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  • 20 3 I and hockey matcbei l»«yed at Tantiia yc*sl **en the Wiltshire Kegiv l t€wni from iI.M.S Berft> cancelled.
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  • 624 3 AMATEUR SPORTING ASSN. ANNIVERSARY. PRIZE WINNERS AT THE SPORTS. The. Amateur Sporting Association celebrated its thirteenth birthday on Saturday and Sunday last at its patron's sea-side bungalow, s\\ milestone, Fasir Panjang. The bungalow was tastefully decorated, and there was a large gathering of members. The celebrations began at noon on
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  • 109 3 Singapore Open Championship. Entries for th" Singapore open ping-i>ong ehampioTiahip (singles) and the Singapore inter-club ping-i pony shampionship (team of five),; organised by the Singapore Ping-j Pong Association, > i 1 1 be open from Jan. 10. Entrance fee for the open hampionship (singles) is $1.00 per competitor, and
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  • 1066 3 PROFESSIONALISM. ASSOCIATION'S NEW PLAN. Th'i annual meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association was held at the Kiver Plate House, Finsbury Circus, on Dec. 15. Sir Samuel Hoare, Secretary of State for India, was unanimously elected president of the association in succession to Lord d'Abtrnon, who recently resigned
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  • 147 3 Oxenham'a Sheffield Shield Record. Brisbane, Dec. 21. By having LJarnett caught by Andrews at mid-off in the first innings of Victoria, at Melbourne, on Monday last, R. K. Oxenham gained the distinction of beinjr the first Queenslander to obtain 100 wickets in Sheffield Shield matches. Oxenham has taken
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  • 92 3 Changes In Classification Announced 1 The Straits Racing Association announces the following changes in the classification of horses and ponies Horses. Transfers.— Gay Toy from Class u> Class 1. Verdict from ;> to 4. New Classifications. Class 1 Royal Legion, Sunspark. Class 2: Wampum. Class ,5: Hard and
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  • 75 3 A.P.C Team To Meet Selangor. The Asiatic Petroleum Co. is again raising a rugby side to meet SelangOT, this year's game to be played at Kuala Lumpur on Monday. The team will be as follows: Macaulay (Sei&ngor), Scoular (SelajXlgor), Robertson (Singapore), Munciy (Penang), Cooper (Singapoi e) Sh&W < Singapore)
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  • 111 3 An attack on a three-year-old child earned for a Chinese eight months' rigorous imprisonment when he pleaded guilty on that charge before Mr. EL A. Porrei yesterday. It was stated that the complainant, a 15-year-old Chinese girl, was walking along Elgin Bridge with her younger sister,
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  • 56 3 At the Victoria Theatre tomorrow the Singapore Repertory Players present "Foolish Virgins" a comedy by Lance Howard. The east for this production includes: Misses Betty Aiken, Hilda Dorringjtoi, Betty Clifton James, J'»an Watson and Messrs. G. Bennett, Ronald Collier, E. T. R. Smith, R. I. Gardner and Carl
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  • 509 3 "MRS. SMITH/" ENGLISHWOMAN RIDDLE. In the polyglot area linked by Manhattan and Brooklyn bridges, in Chinatown and along the waterfront, the police are seeking the solution to the mystery of the murder of a Mrs. Kate Smith, who is said "to have spoken with an English accent."
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  • 336 3 BETTER CHANCES. COMMISSIONS FOR APPRENTICES. Important changes in R.A.K. ser vice conditions were announced by Air Marshal Sir Edward Ellington on Dec. 21 at the passing-out inspection at Halton technical school. The changes are designed to improve the Service career prospects of aircraftmen, and at
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  • 380 3 A GEJNIUS. MR. JOHN BROWN'S NOSE. Mr. John Brown it u man >>'. genius. Three months a^<', in ih vaults o| a Arm of whiskey (Ji ere, Mr. Brown, with the lid of hi* sensitive nose, nave demonstration of the art. of whiskey blending. 1..
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 SPECIAL OFFER 1932 MODELS AT REDUCED D D T r> r c jtl e m Model T. 6. 0H V De Lna ilwtnjjt.'.iMc wheels i'.K!jmsJ''t I KJsM« p < „::^."v 1 Model No. 18. 490 c.c. 4.90 H.P. OHW Oft ENGINE. More 7'' mm Stroke K»0 mm Mcc #> I'ush
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  • 242 4 PROPERTY CASE. CONVEYANCE OF A HOUSE. An interesting ease came before Mr. Justice Terrell in the Supreme Court yesterday n which the Official Assignee claimed and alleged fraudulent of certain property. The aefendants were Mrs. Rachel Ezekiel and Mrs. Ethel (Jilt's, while *he bankrupt concern
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  • 68 4 I Before the Chief Justice in the j 1*» Court today at 11 a.m. Part hoard:- S. 1450-31 Yu Wan Yoke ;»lias Yu Oi (w) vs. Chu Siew Kuan ;«nd hro others. Kefore Mr. Justice Whitley in the 2ml Court at 11 a.m. Bank- 1 ruptey. Before Mr.
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  • 12 4 D* Harley Clarke returned to! -•ngapore from Hong Kong by the llanchi.
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  • 235 4 PROMISSORY NOTE STORY. (iovindasamy, an Indian, was charged before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, yesterday, with robbery of a promissory note for $55. Mr. S. C. Goho appeared for the complainant, and Mr. S. Tung represented the accused. The complainant, Veerappen, said he knew the
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  • 74 4 i A Chinese woman pleaded guilty bclore Mr. H. A. Forrer, to a charge of possession of |8S worth of dutial»!e liquor. Mr. R. s. Tufnell, of the Govern- ment Monopolies, said that the woman had been arrested in the Waymng Satu district. She admitted to having served
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  • 37 4 Tho njragement is announced of Mr. Vincent George White, of the Electric Light Department, Kuala i Lumpur, and Miss Gwendolin Dorothy Kelaart, youngest daughter 1 «f th«> late Mr. Kelaart and Mrs. Kelaart of Kuala Lumpur. <
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  • 250 4 #20,000 LOSS. HONG KONG WOMAN AS VICTIM. One of the most sensational jewel robberies during the past few years occurred aboard the N.Y.K. liner, Kashima Maru, white the vessel was travelling between Shanghai and Hong Kong. The victim of the robbery was ?J rs
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  • 81 4 o 'V* 1 w d ian Mohammedan named b. M. Mohamed Yusof was charted P^? Fe M r> \W Hay the Se^»d Police Magistrate, yesterday with criminal breach of trust in respect Si e fiU °f $10 and another of He claimed trial and was renr«- i
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  • 1179 4 4 P. O. COMMODORE RETIRING POST-WAR PASSENGERS WHO SMILE AND SMIRK In Command of the P. and O. flagship Ranchi, which leaves Singapore homeward bound this morning, is Capt. Cecil Brooks, R.N.R., D.5.0., Commodore of the Fleet, who retires at the completion of
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  • 48 4 Miss Klemeham, of Xind Home, I Singapore, has arrived in Ipoh to! act as Principal of the Anglo-Chi-j nese Girls' school until the arrival' of Miss Bunce, who is at present on furlough in America. Miss. Lake, of the same school, has been transferred to Singapore.
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  • 31 4 "The Ghost Train," which last summer catered for holiday makers 1 at Margate, has been purchased' by the New World and will be open for public traffic today.
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  • 364 4 LAST MINUTE. SENTENCED TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT. Hong Kong, Thursday. Cheng Kwok-yau has been re-, prieved by the Governor-in-Council. His sentence has been commuted to one of life imprisonment. Reutwr. Hong Kong, Later. The dramatic last-minute reprieve was in the most unusual circumstances. Cheng Kwok-yau's appeals ha:l proved
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  • 123 4 FELL 50-FEET INTO WATER WAI UK. Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, yesterday commenced an inquiry into the death of a Tamil who fell into 50 feet of water at the Naval Base. About 8 o'clock on the night of Jan. 12 a number of Tamils who
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  • 160 4 Reform Postponed In Kuala Lumpur. I (From Our Own CorrMpondtßi.) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. The question of how far proposals for the humane slaughtering of pigs have gone was raised in the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board this i morning. The chairman explained that they had been in communication with
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  • 73 4 Sentence of two months' rigorous imprisonment was inflicted by Mr. A. W. Hay, the Seond Police Maoist I rate, yesterday on a Malay, who i pleaded g-uilty to theft of a larg« bundle of "Voko daun" (used by the Malays for making cigarettes). It was stated that the
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  • 571 4 HUGE CROWD FIRST HELD N MALAYA FINE SEND-OFF (Fru.n Our Own Cwifcspoßfctt) IVnan K Than*, rh«re was a huge Ka th« eluding many distingui at the Town Hall h, the Penang Radio Exhibition ed. Mr. Thorpe, the IV, Wireless Society opened ceedingi hy laying into tl phone:
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  • 10 4 Mr. and Mr* F. V ><1 for AuBtn«li:\ >•' Holland yesterday.
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  • 2372 5 TRANSACTIONS DESCRIBED MORTGAGE DENIED BY DEFENCE The hearteg was continued before Mr. Justice Whitlev in the ourt yesterdav of the caac in which Seah Eng Lim a „firrd bank manager, ir, suing thr l\ and C). Hanking Corporalion, Ltd for
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  • 752 5 BRITISH TRIUMPH. RESEARCH SUCCESSES IN THE PAST YEAR. London, Jan. 3. The past year has seen the appearance of several new weapons n the tight against disease, but the outstanding event in the "medical world" was the centenary meeting r>f the British Medical Association in
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  • 20 5 Tokio, Thursday. Prints Michizano Kujo, a brother of tho Kmpreas Dowager, died tori ;iy of thromob^sii. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 811 5 AND MALAYA NOT OMITTING THE SLUMP WE AMAZE HIM According to Mr. A. E. W. Mason, the well-known author, there are no rules about writing, and nobody alive can lay down laws about it. These views he expressed in the course of an interview
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  • 462 5 I A LAMENT. j "DAILY WORKER" IS 1 INDIGNANT. I The Daily Worker, organ of tho British Communist Party, is inrtignant at the arrest of Joseph Ducroux, the French Corr.munist organiser who was arrested in Singapore last year. Hero is their lament over the "Imperialist Powers'
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  • 126 5 Lord InrhcafM^s Yaehl Sold. Fjemion, lan. The latv Lord Inchcape's steam yacht Rover, In which he died it Monte Carlo on May 23 last year, has been Hold to an American syndicate. The yacht, which is of more than 2,000 tons, and is considered to be the
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  • 125 5  -  Mu**co\v, Jan. K. Summing up 'he reiulti of the first Five Year P'an as regards agricultural machine-building, the newspapers here joint out that in the last four vc^rs pro<luction was trebled, while compared with the pre-War level it rose six times. The agricultural machine-build-ing plants of the
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  • 284 5 MOTHER, HUSBAND AND TWO SONS. i Paris, Dec. A. Last night a woman of 37 shot and killed her hjusband her mother, and her son, a lad of 18, strangled her 15-months-old baby, and then committed suicide in the house in which she and her family lived at
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  • 148 5 Typhoid Dying Oul. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sereniban, Wednesday. The monthly meeting of the Seremban Sanitary Board was held at the Council Chambers this morning. Regarding the reduction of pork -tall fees at Mantin, Nilai and Rroga from $1- r > to $8 for Mantin and $6 for Nilai,
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  • 139 5 Ship Quarrel Over A Loan. A Chinese was brought before Mr. J. F. V. Gregg, the Third Police Magistrate, yesterday, and charged with attempting voluntarily to cause hurt to a compatriot with a knife. H< claimed trial. The complainant said they were both on board the s.s. TomohonJ
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  • 252 5 TRIPOLI FINDS. THE NILE GOD IN MOSAIC. The neDM being dug out «>i th«deaeH *and.s at Leptia Magna, In Tripoli, seem inexhaustible. This ancient Phoenician seaport, which was destined to become the African emporium of Imperial Rome, is today returning to light after the centuries of
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  • 114 5 Further Negotiations With Mr. Roos. Cape Town, WedftMay. It is learned authoritatively that thp leaders of the South Africa;) Party have definitely decided to at tempt to reopen negotiations with Mr. Rooff. General Smut* wil probaMy meW Mr. Hoos tomorrow and, it is under tftood. will demand certain
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 119 5 A Sikh policeman on duty 111 godown No. 1, Singapore Harbour Hoard, became suspicious of a man who was walking in front of him. He stopped and searched the man who was found to be in possession of a number of leaf packets of c hands. When brought
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  • 83 5 A Russian named Ivan Bokonnskt. pleaded guilty before Mi. .1 K. I(iregg, the Third Police Magistrate yesterday, to vagrancy. Inspector Higgins said that the tiecUMed had arrived in $iagmpor€ ftboilt !wo months ago, and Oi Wednesday had coinr ti> the l'«" port Office to register himself. He said
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 MALAYA'S LARGEST S PORTING I GOODS STORE 1 h,g FOR EVERYTHING Phone:— 293B. tijSKhL STAR MAXWELL ALL I \meM england golf Clubs 18/SW by Gibsons of Kinghorn I JfM, 1 GOLF BAGS BY ROBERT BRAYANT. <^W*i»> GOLF BALLS BY DUNLOP a OTHER 3 MAKES. 9 Prices to suit all pockets.
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  • 1839 6 HUGE RATE ARREARS REVELATION HALF A MILLION OWED LEGAL ACTION DECISION IN KUALA LUMPUR Assessments on property in Kuala Lumpur are over half a million dollars in arrears for the three years ending with 1932, and it has been decided to take legal action against ratepayers who are in arrears
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  • 216 6 WITH BRITISH FIRM. £300,000— WONDER HOME BEING MADE. A British firm has designed a modern palace for the modern j Maharajah of Jodhpur. Building has begun. The palace will cover six acres and stand on a 120ft. hill overlooking the capital of the State. It will contain:
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  • 84 6 Death In Singapore Yesterday. +> Dr. F. W. Carnegy, of the Singa- pore Dispensary, Geylang, died suddenly at his house about 11 a.m. yesterday. Death was due to v heart trouble. Dr. Carnegy, who was only 45 years of age, was a member of a well-known
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  • 87 6 R«';ulrr>liip In Religion And Philosophy. i London, Wednesday. The Universities of China Com- mittee in London has offered Ox- ford University the sum of £775 a year for ten years to encourage the teaching: of Chinese and the study I of Chinese literature with special reference to
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  • 73 6 Arrival To Take Up j Colombo Post. 4 < olombo. Jan. 11. Mr. J. (i. Simon, son of Sir John Simon, arrived in Colombo on Jrnuary 10 to tak,; up an appoint* Mend with Messrs Mackinnon, Mac- kenzie and Co's i.>cal branch. Mr. H. Watkins, one
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  • 47 6 Maurice Chevalier And Yvonne Vallee. Paris, Wednesday. Maurice Chevalier, the film star, and his wife Yvonne Vallee have been divorced. The court decided that both were equally blameworthy for the break up of the marriage. The wife pleaded desertion and the husband incompatibility of temPer. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 883 6 on the whole subject of the debt, in the short period of twenty-five minute* he had laid bare nearly all the secrets of his mission and ail own attitude on the course which Britain should pursue. Almost Verbatim. V\V. who had been the medium through which the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 Something to be THANKFUL FORLife would be very drab if we did nothing but criticise. Usually we can find many things to be thankful for and therein lies our salvation. All the bad things might be worse and many of the good things better, but nothing can be better than
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  • 699 7 England's "Bogey Ground." The Adelaide Oval has been the scene of eleven previous Test: I matches and cannot be regarded, as England's "lucky ground." Of the eleven games played since 1884,' England have won only four pre- i vious to yesterday's victory as against seven by Australia. Up
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  • 52 7 The tenth Malayan Exhibit ion '< < till Ik; held in Kuala Lumpur this', car, during the August Bank holi-|; ay as usual, Aug. 5, 6 and 7. Pie < niinaiy organisation is already in i land and schedules of the various i otnpetitive sections will qvail- j
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  • 214 7 No Partisanship Shown. Rugby, Tuesday. In the absence of definite instructions from Tokio to the Japanese delegation at Geneva, nothing definite could be done at yesterday afternoon's meeting of the League Assembly's Committee of Nineteen which is dealing with the conflict between China and Japan and the
    British Wireless  -  214 words
  • 74 7 Killrrnr» at Failure Of Geneva* < Shangai, Thursday. Heavy Chinese troop movements! n the direction of North-East China' < ntinue. The Chinese leaders andj: he Chinese papers throughout the ■ountry are most hitter in criticis- ng Geneva's failure to face the 1 1 situation. < The country is
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 181 7 Jehol to be Handed To Maiicliukiio. Tokio, Jan. 13. Japan's determination not to alow interference in Manchuria has >een reiterated by the Minister of War, Gen. Araki, in a statement nsi*ting that no matter what tht League of Nations decided it could not affect Japan's attitude towards Vlanehukuo.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  181 words
  • 160 7 Machine-Guns And Horses IN Church. Shanghai. Jan. l& In the piesence of a British naval officer a meeting of the Japane*<and Chinese representatives took place at Chinwanfiftao for the preliminary discussion of the conditions under which official negotiations for an armistice in the' Shanhaikwan region may be beffun.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  160 words
  • 538 7 SOKOLNIKOV. LURED TO MOSCOW BY A LIE. London, Dec. 17. The it-port that Sokolntkov ha* been arrested in Mosc<m is borne out by the apparent disappearance of the former Soviet Ambassador. Sokolnikov arrived in Moscow on December 3, and was seen stepping" from a train. He has
    538 words
  • Article, Illustration
    136 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Saturday. Ai a result of injuries received in a fire on the oil-field of Soeagei Gerong (Sumatra) in the neighbourhood of Palcmbang, a British employee of the Dutch Colonial Oil Co.. Mr. D. R. Millinpton, has died. A youthful purchaser at the {.eadenhall
    136 words
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    • 23 7 Can You Forecast Results? Test Your Skill and Win $100 Read Malaya's Premier Newspaper: THE SUNDAY TIMES FOR PULL PARTICULARS TWWIU.L... I mi
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    • 111 7 TODAY'S GREAT THOUGHT I ran save inonr\ at WHITEAWAYS SALE l,a«lirs Ugfct«welglif water. proof. Lined rubber, stormproof Collar md Cttffs. TrimmrW whitr sliadrs. N«V) Green, Wine s;«xc, Patty Leatjtli 14 and 18. SALE $5.95 t I \aL < 150 Ladies 1 Struu ami IVIt lt«'<i<ly u» Wear H;ilh. Smart shnpes,
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    • 87 8 615 CAPITOL 9 15 "Never in film history has such gorgeous fun been poked at authority" it surprised audiences last night." mmßmmmmmKmm:xmmm^ F REE PRESS 19-1-33. Have You Seen This I iiusual Riotous Musical Farce "The PHANTOM PRESIDENT With Hie famous composer and comedian GEORGE M. COHAN Supported hv JIMMY
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