Singapore Daily News, 7 January 1933

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News No. 82. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1933. S CENTS.
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  • 677 1 Id nttent ion i i «.u<<-!it rated f,n i i.r crisis m China, and for tlw we i»<'inj r issues* which seemed imjioi•• f.i •••'<, jimt <■ in the back m nd The i <-n ion equal hat of r« > i !«< 1 year, when 'h«- Japanese
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  • 958 1 LEGATION DENIAL PREPARATIONS OF DEFENCE. POLICE EXECUTED. Fears and hopes alternate in Northern China as to the probability of further outbreaks of .Japanese aggression, hut up to an early hour this morning there vsas no news of fresh untoward happenings. It is learned, however, that Japan has
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  958 words
  • 109 1 BOY<:O1T RESENTED. BITTER PRESS CAMPAIGN IN PERSIA. Teheran, Thursday. An official protest to Persia coupled with a demand for the cessation of the boycott against Soviet goods has heen made hy 1 h i Soviet Embassy m consequence of the movement between Persian merchants to boycott
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 131 1 JAF'AN AND THE WORLD ECONOMIC POSITION. Berlin, Thursday. In a review of the world 9 economic .situation at the beginning of the new year, the Xacht Ausbade declares that the country least Buffering from the slump is .Japan. Japan was the only country m the world whose production
    Aneta Havas  -  131 words
  • 32 1 Washington, Friday. Senator Norbeck announce! that the- Senate Banking Committee investigating stoik marketfl will irn <)uii«' iii the Kreuger and Toll crash at the hearing on Jan. 1 1. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 35 1 Rugby, Wednesday* Cardinal Bourne arrived at Plymouth today from Naples on the Orient liner Orford. His health, which caused considerable anxiety during his slay m Rome, has slightly improved duiilUt the voyajre home.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  35 words
  • 173 1 lIOMItAY SAPPERS. NOT TO CARRY ARMS. 12 DAY BAN. Following cast* trouble m the Bombay Sappers Regiment, stationed at Kiree, the Commander-in-Chief ha.s prohibited Sikhs belonging to that regiment foam tarrying arms for twelve days. It is also disclosed that a Sikh intended to kill Subadar
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 77 1 iMwar, Friday. The* communal unrest m Alwar State follows the refusal of lleo villagers to pay land raviviue until |their yrievancea have been settled. The dtoturbftlKei SO far are confined to the lootjrig of shops and houses of who refuse to sul>srril>e fund* i*. -c^, j y
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 47 1 Fin- Despite No Rosislaiire. New York, Tuesday. Seven armed bandits entered a, i well-known club here today and robbed the thirty people present. In spite of meet ng with no resisr-j lance the thieves tired several times,' i wounding several men and women. Aneta-Havas.
    Aneta-Havas  -  47 words
  • 43 1 Frankfurt, Thursday Lady Simon joins Sir John Simon m an appeal published m the Frankfurt Zt'itin<£, favouring the aboliti<ryof slavery. According to the appeal there are over five million people m this category m Central Africa. Al>vx.sinia. and the Far Hast. Aneta-Havas
    Aneta-Havas  -  43 words
  • 145 1 STILL ltliRNIN<;. MINISTER OF MARINERECOMMENDATIONS. Ila vie, Friday. The towing of the Atlanttque, which was reported at 11 a.m. to be (J. r > nulea from II a vn\ is proving very difficult owing to the heavy ist of the ha'i' waterlogged hulk, but it is hoped
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 21 1 •Paris, FrMay. 'Hit* Atl:iMti<|tit> is now being t«iu t-;l (o (hrrbourn and is not expected before Saturday Right.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 57 1 Death Of WeH-Known <. i ■••in; in InduslrialiHt. Berlin, Friday. IJV. Kin: L \<m Uorsigr, ono of Cermany's foremost industrial lead era and a one-time Privy Councillor, died thi^ morning at the a^e of ()">. He had fostered co-opera-tion between the Labour friction and the Industrialists tr>
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 249 1 ARCTIC SILENCE. 100 FEARED LOST. FAMOUS VESSEL. It is feared that more than 100 people have lost their lives in another sea disaster. The Soviet icebreaker Malygin, which has adventurously ploughed the Arctic seas for many years in the interests of science, has hit a submerged iceberg
    Aneta Havas Ocean  -  249 words
  • 161 1 Eml Ol The Christmas Armistice, Berlin, Monday. The political armistice decreed by President von Hindenburg a month ago ends today and the fate of the Schleicher Cabinet will be settled this month for the Council of Elders ji the Reichstag meets on Wednesday to decide when Parliament is
    Reuter Wireless  -  161 words
  • 68 1 Vigorous Denial By Signor Mussolini, Budapest, Jan. H Allegations that m 1929 Signor Mussolini favoured Lord Rothermero's candidacy for the Hungarian throne is vigorously denied m a statement issued by the Italian legation here. The allegations were contained m the memoiros of the late dean of Hungarian journalists,
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  68 words
  • 47 1 London, Tuesday. The unseasonably mild weather is blamed fi>r the severe epidemic of influenza m many parts of Great Britain. Thirty thousand male postal employees m London and the horr*? counties are on the sick-list, representing 20 ocr cent, of the total htaftV Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  47 words
  • 1446 1 In the follow i,i,. article, (he Yen. A. L Fleming, the Archdeacon of the Arctic area of Canada, describes a visit to SOSM of his flock who live at scattered outposts m the fro/en North. Hy making use of aero|ilanes, he *n-» able to cover 8,000 miles m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 11 2 Spot Hi 11 Hi Down I Hi Want ha 1<;
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  • 625 2 LOCAL SHARE AND COMMODITY MARKETS REVIEWED. CFr(>m Our Own Correspondent) London, Priday. The flostin^ prices today were: Idrii Hydraulic li S. Jf.han Tin 0.14. Kamponfr Kan-iimting- C> K. Lumpur 'I", i 7 Kamunting '1 'm 5 6, Kent Tin Xii! nghaii Tin 3 Kinl I Tin D.
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  • 7 2 r.ll V s |%wrnaay, t:u
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  • 40 2 Spot 2 7 Hi I|) 1 32 January 2 II 32 February 2 7Ki Down IIK A or. -June 2 17 {2 Down 1 M July-So|J<- 2% I nchanj{t*d Oct. Der. I 11 I*i Down 1 32 Mantel SteMy.
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  • 15 2 >|ioi till 7s. (Jd. liuhatiucrl .1 Month-, C 145 2a.Cd. De>wu "»s. Marturf St«ad\
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  • 156 2 RnJbnav. The robba* nurlm was a^nin v.-ry (|Mi"L though steady yesterday and little business was (lon<». The lo:- ing pi i<c- were: Buyers Sellers Jan. 7 3/1 r, 7 1 Feb.-Mar. 7-% 7 7/l«. Apr.-Jane T 1 7 9/16. July-Sept 7 7 13/16. Crepe. B% B 9 1<"».
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  • 72 2 Miilillr Quotations On Friday. MIMXC. Middle prices of local is«ucs were an followi m Singapore «<n Priday, acc-ordiny to Fras.'r A Co. 's list \am Kumbang 24/6 xd.. Austral M: lay 1'.).. Aver I/tiiin Tin II Bangrin Tin 11 »i, fratnng Padang 0.07 »i, H: t v <
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  • 72 2 12 noon, -lan. 1933. Buyers Sellers Gambler 5.00 Java ibo g.OO Hamburg Cube :u>o Muntok White Pepper 22.00 Whit-. Pop pi 21.00 P. l a«k Pepper 17.50 Mixt-d Black Popper 12.00 Stmdried Copra 5.40 Mixed Copra 1.95 Small Flake Tap ::.;♦:> Fair ;'..m> :>,.SO Mci. Pearl
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  • 127 2 Latest buyers' prices for Malayan palm oil and palm kei nels, receited by '-able by Guthrie and ('<».. Ltd.. arc as fdlowi In Hulk. c.i.f. landed weights New York/ Philadelphia i:.S.A. $2.12 per lb. c.i.f. landed weights Pacific Ports U.S.A. $2.(i:> per lb. c.i.f. landed weighti Liverpool/
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  • 42 2 Vest el-Jay's cxrh&npe j:«tc> inelaoad the following SELLING. London, months' sifht i/3 31/32 London, :i months" Bight 2/3 15/ 10 Ix>nd<>n, r>o day.-;' «i>ht 2/U 21»/.'J2 Tx>nden, SO day^' sight 2/3 7/8 London, demand l/\\ 27/32 London, T.T. 2/3 13/10
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  • 107 2 War O|M-n> In (lonficlenl Mood. London, Tuesday. The Stock Exchange started the Now Year m a confident mood, an although som«- irregularity developed, mainly owing to protittakinj?, the sentiment remained cheerful. South African Mining shares again commanded chief attention, ami m most instances prices further advanced substantially. Sterling
    Reuter Wireless  -  107 words
  • 296 2 ITS AN OUTRAGE/ UNLUCKY STAR ARRESTED ON A CHEQUE CHARGE. Sew York, Dec. 20. Mary Nolan, the '•beautiful hut damned" film star, who thinks that her beauty ha> been the curse of her life, is m trouble ag-ain. She has been Arrested as a fugitive
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  • 69 2 jNth Tariffs Imposed Without Warning. Brussels, Monday. The duties on coffee, tea and matches have been doubled undei a ncv.- tariff promulgated on Satuv- j day without previous intimation j which course, according to an offiIcial statement, was adopted m order to pi event speculation. Minerals, oils,
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  • 60 2 Film Star Dies In Paris. Paris, Tuesday. Mary Pickford'a brother. Jack IPickfcrd, died today m the American Hospital. He had been Buffering from a nervous breakdown since Oct. 14. Jlis first wife, Olive Thomas, died I m the same hospital m l .)!20 from the effects of drinking
    Reuter Wireless  -  60 words
  • 85 2 Extension Of Koiulon. County Hall. Rugby, Wednesday. The now \vin*> of the London County Hail, incorporating the conference hall, library and offices, is now near ing completion and will formally bo opened this month. The hjill occupies a site with an extensive river front on the south Bids
    British Wireless  -  85 words
  • 37 2 The Mcssapcrics Maritime! Audio Lebon is dae hero from Pennnt* on Two -day, .fan. 10, at r> a.m. and will I probably sail on the sam- day at noon Cot SaifOß, Hong Kong and ►Shanghai.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 47 2 M. EZEKIEL SONS, Qualified Ophthalmic Opticians Raffles ('liaiiihers Singapore. Hranrli Noonlnijlv, SS« Itatavia, Java. i Found at Last! THE MASTER TAILOR FOR nJW suits i Jfey Perfect m Cut, l.jtest Stvlt and mWj First Class Mate- fmm^ Modorate Prices. iJM H TUNG CHOY 23-11, COLEMAN ST. SINGAPORE.
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    • 442 2 THE SINGAPORE Paily News. Head Office: IS, Oril <\ r >-,-\ Sfasjapore, PI I 111 -9 152. Tel: "Timr^" Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. (Me*: Java RtrcH l'ii<m<-: M BUBBCRIPTH N R \'l I < Payable n advance. del ire i i Monthly $i."»'» Quarterly $-1.."'. Half-yearly |».00 Single Copy, r >
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 402 2 j THE WEEK'S j ENGAGEMENTS. Today. January 7. rVnang Races, second day. Tuesday. January 10. I Penang Races, thud ri.-iy. -1 <»ho Civil Service Club Twelfth Nitfht (i;incc. Public meeting for proposed exhiln- ti"ii of f'riti.-h goods, H.M. Commissioner*: ofllce, Pullertoa h!d;r.. •"> p.m. W«-dn«-sd;i\ January 11. Rotary Tifln, AdelphJ
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    • 572 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger soilings ar« For Europe. I', and 0. S o.*l Ranchi i.Jai>. 20 N.Y.K. Kashima Mavu (Jan. IS), Yasukuni IfaTU (Jan. r '>- Chargeurs Rcants: (ap. Tourane (Jan. 1") i. Hamburg Amerfka Line: Sauerland; ».lan. 20), Uckermark (Jan. 23). Ka:-t Asiatic Co.,
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    • 539 2 CHURCH SERVICES*. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fort CanaJng K«> id. Sunday, ..'-in. 8. 6.30 ?.m. Morning Watch; Leader: Elev Theodore Runv;,!i. 15 a.m. »';.'•.•.•.<■ Service, Tanglin Garrison Church. 8.30 a.m. Sunday School. 9.15 a.m. Morning Worship; Sp nk( r: Rev. Waldo Reinoehl. 6.00 p.m. Service of Woi hip at the Victoria
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    • 148 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. THURLAND tSTL£, Brit., :*.KO7 tons, from Manila <M for New York 14-1. TOMOHON, I);. I tons, from S;i!iii>;>-. 8-1, for Sambas 10-1. (J. G. PAUL DOUMKK. French, 7:54 ton.;, from SaiffUil B-l, for Rai«or. 7-1. HONG PENG, 111 it., 2,520 tons, from Amoy B-l, for Penang, Rangoon 7-1.
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  • 408 3 ALL HOLDING, NO PUNCHING. BIG FIGHT A MONOTONE OF DULLNESS. \l Kivers (U.8.A.) deftate'l Jim Bradj (I!. > on points m i t\w I\ c-rotind welter-weiglil c «»n--.1 Bl the New W orl.i arena la<t night. 1 I X verdi( t on an dull and uninteresting
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  • 302 3 HANDICAPS FOR THE SECOND DAY. following nic the handicapi ihe second < v Saturday, Jan. i i>f the l new year meetto I. Horsy-,. CXass :t. Div. :J, I ii r (in^. V'aroc 34, Wind- 5, Vibrate 5 Dean 8.1, Gay Toi furlong tune Star 9.0, Buffoon ft.ll,
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  • 287 3 GAMES TO BE PLAYED TODAY. The following matches will be played today m tl>c rZnglii h and Scol nsh Li agues First Division. Birmingh&ra v- vei ton Bolton Wards, va. Aston Vills Chelses v... Huddersfield T. I da I it. vs. Blackburn R. Leicester it} vs. Whsmpton \S'.
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  • 90 3 Celebrations For 13la Anniversary. Tfio thirteenth anniversary oi the Amateur fiJporting Aiaociation will DC celebrated at the patron's seaside bungalow, 5 l i milestone, I'asir Panjang, on Sat unlay BBd Sunday, Jan. 14 and 15. There will be tinging and musical entertainments on Saturday, and Ihe following spoils
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  • 489 3 U. S. OFFICERS GO DOWN. HOCKEY. WIN FOR RAFFLES INSTITUTION. K.I. 1. I nitcd S«rvice Mean 2. Raffles Institution, playing at home, defeated th<- United Service Officer! by four goal.-; to two ■>-.'■ hockey. The visitors opened m promising fashion ami had much the better of the argument during the
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  • 800 3 CHINESE LEAGUE. NINE GOALS FOR COMPANIONS. TAME FOOTBALL. C.C.A.A. !t. ISrndcmper A. A. 0. < onsichrintj their real capabiiitie. the Chinese Companions Athletic Association gave a r*'-n-.arkybly tame exhibition of football m their natch against fhe liendt-meer Athletic Associ-i--tkm m a Chinese League mat.-h yesterday afternoon at
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  • 433 3 NEW OFFICERS, REPORT OF LAST YEAR'S TOURNAMENT. The Singapore Ping-Pong Association held us annual general! meeting at the s.< .R.C. board room on Dec. 31. The report ami. accounts for the year were dulj passed and adopted. The; election iv>i' officials for the preser.; yea resulted as
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  • 64 3 1 Final Of Russian j I'ool Tourney* Thi fins 1 of the Russian V >„\ Tournament at the >.*'<'. m I night resulted m Capt. D.V. Hill and C. K. Maxwell beating I i it. T. L. Wilkinson and EL s. Wilson by 12 points m J i
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  • 515 3 HEAVY RUGBY DEFEAT FOR THE S.C.C. S.C.C. 0; Islands 24. 1 ■'•>■ proved much too ong for an S■■ '.< sid< w hen teams met at rugby on tin padung yesterday and the vis itor.s won rather easily by l 1 •a!s and three tri< o nil. The
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  • 297 3 POPULAR WIN FOR SANS AME. In cont rasl to the ;i I two theie was little <>, no evidence < I trade depression at Oh- In I i la] tutta r; 1 n- M the tradition of V Cup Da) .1 f U d as lai end a
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  • 24 3 Game On Padang I oinorrou. The IfrP American baseball t^arn <i ill meet the ib an the Pa tomorrow at 2J3Q p.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 FASHION'S LATEST J0 WO LAC E X THE NEW FABRIC JOy FOR SPORTS .HJMPIIRS.J^r NVw(sl 1& iv<; uini- J^ Vo £"<' for &<L I jfr EVENING CHERRY, JW LINENS EMERALD GRANGE. Jgsr FADELESS. 36 ins. wide Kz»wW Xvi trim Ltd jty JOi N |!i '!> <<»•• lII- (l\<OßlfJk.vrKl> r, 1-Nci.AM)
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  • 133 4 To Spend Week-End At Langkawi. His Excolloncy the Governor, Sir Cecil dementi, who has been spending Christmas m Penan* at Bi-1 jßetiro with Lady Clementi and Mis,j Clement i, is to visit Langkawi thi-week-end. With his party lie leaven Penang this morning m the s. y. Sea Belle
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  • 136 4 Ceremonial opening on Monday of first Assizes, 1933. Se: rice il St. Andrew's Cathedral at 10.30 a.m. Opening of Ist. Assizes by tho Chief Justice and .Mr. Justice i Beckett Terrell m the 2nd. Couu at 11 a.m. Assizes Cases: 1. R e vs: T*hoh Kai. 2. Rex
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  • 28 4 A hincse woman is alleged to have attempted SU Hid(. yesterday m Temple Street by cutting her throat with a razor. She is m,w m hospital.
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  • 33 4 Two Bengali policemen and a [jntnese were involved m n fi K ht m the Joo Chiat district last m>ht and taken U> ho piui iriUi ruimer Mia i>u»i bruises.
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  • 1139 4 THREE INDIAN MOHAMMEDANS CONVICTED. COMPENSATION FOR COMPLAINANTS. Tlie three aeeased bare takes advantage J r f i < eireamstaaees m which Mr. and .Mrs. Hour find flwnistlves, and of th-ir reputa tion, and they deliberately bustled and -aulted them. I convict th*-m
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  • 177 4 TO GIVE CONCERT IN VICTORIA HALL. The Singapore Musical Society has arranged to introduce the public to Singapore's latest musical acquisition, the band of the Ist. Battalion, the Wiltshire Regiment, and a conceit is being- arranged for Tuesday, Jan. 17. m the Victoria Memorial Hall at 9.30 p.m.
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  • 12 4 from 6,^Whittinßton Avenue, XC-; 1 w Gracechurch Street, H3C.3.'
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  • 484 4 THREE APPLICATIONS. WARRANT FOR SUSPECT ABSCONDER. Mr. Justice a Beckett ,-n- dealt with three applical discharge by bankrupts m Bankruptcy Court yesterday. •J. M. Phillips, who ia at .iv ti m Saigon, applied for hi ili I an pleading that he- had 'already 50 per cent, to his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 353 4 =ROBINSONS— For SMART SHOES. Three i\f<-w Models m Men's Footwear Made m England. m^^ mmmm^ mmmt^ No. 91. V SMAIM IVMIAI LEATIIRK COI'KT .^^^^W SHOI WITH IK, II I LEATHER St)LE AM) WHB^^^^ I" sizes •u< I sizes S to 10.. No. 286. SPECIAL QUALITY OXFORD SHOE 11 1( «RAI>E
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    • 88 4 P c i c i c i c i'^i?ngmgigig|gigiir^«!4\ iF>-^VV HHE BEER 1 Ui J] C ,j c c a c IS a c a% C n C I U n E Brewed And Bottled I n Malaya For r J 3 5 E The People of g C| Malay
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  • 1143 5 ARRAY OF MEDICINES. POLICE STORY OF MAN WITH PUNCTURED ARM. M" mm'| Magistrate**] court 'n- appearance af a Hrmji"r« yewteitla) with the ii.i\ patent medicine*!, roil on «.«>l and KUrgiral instruments littering i he bar table daring the i i i" m lii< !i
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  • 289 5 Kill \rrns<-<l Refuses To Plead Guilty. The case m which U. B. Wijetunge, Sinhalese salesman employed at .James Lloyd and Co., *2:>., Winchester House, is dunged with criminal breach of trust m respect s of goods valued at $<)0.8."> was called a^ain yesterday before Mr. A. W., Hay,
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  • 29 5 .)iinrv> Hoyan, formerly of Hi'lm Wanderers, trainer of the An -Irian fo.thall team recently luaten l:v Bagland, uivinn the players a blackboard lesson m theory.
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  • 725 5 JUDGE'S CRITICISM. SYSTEM OF ISSUING PETROL LICENCES. (From <>wr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. Surprise expressed by the Acting Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Thome) m the Supreme Court today on certain systems used m the Selangor Secretariat m connection with the issue of petrol licences. His Lordship's
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  • 601 5 FOUR ACCUSED. GANG ATTACK COFFEESHOP. YOUTHFUL VICTIM. A verdict of culpable homicide ■mounting to murder against the four Accused and other persons unknown was returned yesterda) by Mr. K. <•. Hoiu no, the Singapore Coroner, at the conclusion of the inquiry mio Ihe death of Yen
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  • 270 5 MX. CHANDRA. MAN SURRENDERS TO AUTHORITIES. Mr. Chandra Saykaran, a wellknown member of the Indian community and chief clerk of the financial office, police department, was stabbed to death while walking along Lorong 210, Ea?t Coast Road about 10 o'clock on Thursday night An Indian named Aruchanan
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  • 205 5 Youth Charged With lh« li. In the early hours of the morning of Thursday, a lire broke out m some shophouses m South Bridge Road. It was quelled, and the I goods inside were salvaged and stacked m heaps on the road About 11 a.m. a
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  • 117 5 Young Malay Pleads Guilty. Sujak bin Haji Yassin, a youn^ Malay, was produced before M:\ A. W. Hay, the Second Magistrate, yesterday on a charge of robbing his adopted sister, Suminah binti Ahmad, of jewellery valued at $821. The complainant said that she left her house m Kmerald
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  • 719 5 DETAINED BY URGENT \VORK IN U.S.A. The annual conference of the M thodist Episcopal Church, Malaya, met at Wesley Church, Singapore, on Thursday. The general conference <>f 1932 instituted legislation which was long: contemplated and discussed and which becomes effective for the first time at this session. This
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  • 417 5 ELECTION ISSUES. DEMAND FOR SEPARATION. DE VAI.ERA'S CAMPAIGN. Ihihlin, I'Yiday. Mi. de Valera had tremendous reception when h« opened In el.. torilj r:im |»:i ir II :il a ini)c opr-n ail" ni.< i in:-- m >'< SI reef lif aid: "Oui i< i urn to
    Reuter Wireless  -  417 words
  • 143 5 Possession Of Diithihlr Liquor. "I wa- nouiv; to lISC it a^ a rm*<iicine for niy rheumatism/ 1 explain ed v Chinese to Mr. J. H. F*edlow, the acting < riminal District ludsje, before whom lie was charged ye terday with possession of dutiable liquor. M The only
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 MALAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING GOO S STORE. f jnM^^ I For Everything Phone 2038. "l^Tifil FINEST QUALITY GOLF, TENNIS ||SjP and POM) SHIRTS. Jjf Price $1.25. /tmk RESTRINGING OF TENNIS IIIIJIJ^Q BADMINTON RACKETS OUR SPECIALITY. ROYS O N S The Malayan Sports Depot. 111, North Bridge Road, Singapore. I
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  • 1132 6 GOVERNMENT POLICY. INTERVIEW WITH DR. TEMPANY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. "The various Governments m .Malaya have realis -d thai it m most important that we Bhould do all we can to reduce imports and despite the difficulties ii has become more arm more
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  • 217 6 MISTAKEN IDENTITY OF ONE VICTIM. fFioni Our Own Correspondent.) London, Friday. The victim of one of the murders m Hanipstead has now been identified a? Mr. Walter Spatchett, I and not Mr. James Furnace, as was] previously believed. Mr. Furnace, however, is missing. Mr. Spatchett is believed to
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  • 112 6 Coming Of Age Show At Birmingham. Rugby, Wednesday. Sir Kingsley Wood, the Post-master-General, opening the Young Peoples Telephone Exhibition ai Birmingham, referred to the fact that it was 21 years ago this week since the British Post Office had taken over the responsibility of providing the tele], hone
    British Wiieless  -  112 words
  • 56 6 Kuala Lunipur Fears Prove Unfounded. (Prom Our Own Cot' respondent. Kuala Lumpur, Friday. Fears that the Empire Hotel, as distinct from the adjacent fla'.*, would close down at the New Year were dispelled this morning by the secretaries, Cumber-batch and' Co who stated that the hotel would remain
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  • 335 6 WIFE'S DISCOVERY. EX-PRESSDENT OF U.S.A. REMARKABLE CAREER. As recorded m the Daily Nev s yesterday *Mr. Cal m Coolidge, former President of the United States, lied at hh home at Northampton, Massachusetts, apparently from heart disease. London, Friday. Mr. Coolidge's simplicity, shrewdlien and taciturnity are among
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 611 6 Mediocre Scholar ho Rose To Fame. Born m 1872 afl Plymouth, ferment, Calvin Coolidge was deicended from a long lin < f New Sngland farmers. It was during lia years: at Amhersl College, which te entered m 1891, thai the young nan first revealed the qualiti vhich were
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  • 251 6 MADE BY THE QUEEN AND HER LADIES. London, Dec. 17. '1 he Queen jrestt rds ited the head quarter^ m <"J» r-place of ;< Sen 'I hich was started m May to i llcci lothes from all parts of the eouni ry f<>) the unemployed. livro the Queen,
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  • 109 6 "Purge Ol Suspected Communists." MOSCOW, Tuesday. A scandal among the highei ranks of the Communists was revealed today at the trial of eleven party leaden for deliberate sabotage with retard to jrrain collections. The ringleaders, including CJolivir, ex-Secretary of the- Regional committee of the communist paitv and Pomnarchuk,
    Reuter wireless  -  109 words
  • 101 6 "Political Propaganda" By Wireless. Lond n, T le iday. A prptesj again; I the use of a British radio station i< p r- Ue ol political propagai da against a friendly nation hiv !,-•<•• made to the Foreign Office by the Polish Ambassador m London The- Ambassadors
    Reuter Wireless  -  101 words
  • 309 6 LIVING IN HOPE, PRESERVING US FROM BOLSHEVISM. 1 ndon, Mr. J. M. Ke] giving evidence <IV thi' Royal Commi ision on I and Belting stated that h. favour of State lotto "To look forward poverty without tb !of amelioration," h< good for people, and slight
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  • 111 6 To Fly The Ulantir Together. London, I Following the arrival i f Mi. f. a and Mrs. Ifollison m i air ;hi> afleinom Prom tl day m Switzerland, i f i ed that they have an J tempt a joint flight a< lerttic, aftc- Mclli or I plibhefl
    Wireless  -  111 words
  • 100 6 To Exhibit At Brili* linlustrirs Fair. Rugby, The interest hein^ kI 'orthconunn British In i vhich open-; m London and tarn on Feb. 120 and i March 3, is greater than 101 c experienced, and I regarded aa hopel il I for tho Nov. V» ar. Th< ready
    British Wireless  -  100 words
  • 60 6 Charge Of Attempted Suicide. "A woman ft>li| nu I i)Ioa(l(>(l a young Chine Mr. A. W. Hay, 1( trate, yesterday when he •d with a» \i mpting r ciile by taking poii In rt'»>ly to th< m&g (•used said h«- wat unabl find bail as he
    60 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
      172 words

  • 185 7 ATE BRIBE OF SIX LOAVES AND SAT DOWN. An attempt to suspend Daisy, a^i elephant, from a sheet of plate glass one inch thick, at the works of Messrs. Pilkington Brothers, m North London, failed not because Daisy waa too heavy l»ut because she refused to be used
    185 words
  • 214 7 Hojm 1 For The Partially Blind. New York Doc. 10. A method of restoring effective vision to fully 40 per cent. of persons now considered totally blind was reported to the American Academy of Optometry at Chicago by P>-. William Feinbleom. In a paper pivin^r the results ol seven
    214 words
  • 156 7 The Municipal health statement for the wee* emk-<! Dec. 31, 1932, gives the total imrafeer of deaths id male 12.") :md female ('A. The death radte was 20.W1 per mille per annum <*s compared with 17.25 m( (hi preceding week and 22.:>4 m the] corresponding week of last
    156 words
  • 499 7 SECRET VESSELS. MAID-OF-ALL-WORK CRUISERS. London, Dec. 15. Details of British and foreign naval construction m the past' twelve months, hitherto on the confidential list, are disclosed m the new volume of Jane's Fighting Ships," published today (Sampson Low 42s net). Amontf the "husn- 1 hush" ships
    499 words
  • 167 7 EXPEDITION TO START SHORTLY. Habarovsk, Dor. >o. The greatest scientific research institutions of the U.S.S.R. the Academy of Scimcea and the Oceanofifraphk- Kydrolofric and Pacific Gtoean institutes h,i\» joi.itly organised -i large expedition to make a study of the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk and th«
    167 words
  • 55 7 The Duke of Beaufort, of Badminton, Gloucester, is ihc i>ormanent governing director of Badminton Estates Company, which has, slat*; Messrs. Jordan and Sons, been registered a:- ai on limited company having shaie capital (private) "to acquire, held, and inaiiajfc c-statc«, land, and t>uiU]in?s, &c." The nominal capital
    55 words
  • 327 7 RUNNING FIGHT IN NEW YORK STREET. New York, Dec. 15. Two young bandits were surprirtu by the police while holding up a New York "npwkiSHji early this morning. They enga^' d m a running pistol due', m whicli one policeman was k lied and v bandit fatally wounded.
    327 words
  • 178 7 ILLEGAL AS LOAN SECURITY. London. Dec. 1">. A prosecution with the object of eraphas is that it is illegal to deposit or accept Army papers as j security was brought yesterday at the Guildhall Police Court. Mr. William Edward Hulmc, of Newgate Streer, principal of the (Disabled
    178 words
  • 88 7 Minimum Prices Tor Agricultural Produce. Washington. Tuesday. Tho Emergency Farm Relief Bill H establish minimum prices t>' wheat, cotton, tobacco and ho^s h<«^ I been introduced m the House >f Representatives by the Chairman of the House Agriculture Commit- tee. Cotton to the '.\tent of 350,000 bales
    Reuter Wireless  -  88 words
  • 70 7 SOUTH AFRICAN [•arity Wilh Sterling F]\jK»cte<l Soon. Pretoria, Tuesday. Well-informed financial circles anticipate that the South Africa > pound will soop be at parity wit It sterling. Mr. H;iv tfa, m an int<Tvi<*u I 'lay, said thf Union's future monetary policy depended upon the <le<-i sion reached l>y Parliament. Thiqueation
    Reuter Wireless  -  70 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 Can You Forecast Results? lest Your Skill and m \jßm H'^ Hb^U flflSCs D^b Read Malaya's Premier Newspaper rri ¥T T? 1 H L SUNDAY TIMES FULL PARTICULARS
      28 words
    • 117 7 WHITEAWAY STOCKTAKING SALE I \\l Alt V 9th TO FEBRUARY 111.. MEN'S RAINCOATS. Special offer of lOfl Vfen'a Belted ?i-/.<> m \u Waterproof Coal nket< h. SALE 96.00 I \< H. ft V 1 1 w 111 f';l f 1 Li T* MEN'S DRESSING GOWNS. Art Silk Floral SALE >6.90
      117 words

  • Article, Illustration
    78 8 An B.C.C. player well held dv injj |b« rugby jjame on the Padanjj yesterday, Mr. Kichards, over 70 years of ape, m the post rffice m Harlosdm m which he put up a plucky Rfhi against armed bandits. Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald arriving m Paris on his way to (ieneva.
    78 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 515 8 Harry S. Elias, mi.o. QUALIFIED OPTICIAN Capitol Building Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS— A.M. TO 6 P.M. I SLUMP TIME NECESSITATES ECONOMY I ln*n don't throw away your »>M l<x Uk, wat«-}irs <•! graJDO< I»lmiiu s Send tluin to u^. We will givt (-»u)i «»f tli« m ;t ik w lif«-
      515 words