Singapore Daily News, 28 December 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News No. 74 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 483 1 While Imi mi, under tho ..ti <lian-lii|» ni tin nelf appoint- >| protectors, relapses into anarchy, m South Chum decisive action by c j lv (idvcrnmcni baa resulted m ridding the Central and Southern provinces of the communist-bandit hordes. Nanking is certainly to U- congratulated on the
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  • 489 1 CONFIDENCE VOTE. CONTINUITY OF POLICY. lIKKKIOT'S POSITION. M. Paul Honcour emerged tri umphantly from his first meeting with the French Chamber. Witt the sole exception of the thorny topic o f war d e ts \i Boncoui said the cardinal point of hi* programme was continuity of
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  489 words
  • 30 1 Paris, Saturda). I rairiif Against After dinner Speeches has heon founded here with the laudable aim of limiting orations (o a maximum of three |x»r banquet. Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
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  • 189 1 The vote of confulen,e m the (Jovernment was passed by M'J to l^i votes. Innocent Of New Ideas. The result of the ensuing vote of confidence lends emphasis to comment m the press which Ii generally agreed that the new Pre- nier would emerge triumphant from his first
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  • 140 1 ROYAL SENSATION GERMAN SOCIETY DUMBFOUNDED. Berlin, Sunday. Society has been shocked l>y tht announcement of the engagement o! 'rince Heinrich of Btolberg t> ;t 23-year-old commoner' Irmt Piebig, at one time a domestic servant m the household of tht mayor of the little town of
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  • 52 1 RED STUDENTS. Possible Petition To Authorities. According to the Chinesr ver ia ular Press, Mr. Tan Kah Kec, pn«ident of the committee of [he (In ic.^^o High School, contemplate* resenting a petitiun to governdent on behalf of the studenti whom convictions were Ft orded ii connection with the Dec.
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  • 198 1 ITALIAN FEARS. YUGO-SLAVIA CRITICISED. PROVOCATIVE.*' The possibility of war m the Adriatic is mentioned m an rrticle m the semi-official (iiornale dli.tlia. commenting «n the strained relations between Jtaly and Yutfo-Slavia. The article asserts that the Yiitfo-Slaviaii Government with the tacit support of Trance is staging
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  • 82 1 Selling Valuable Ari Collection, Frankfort, Friday. The financial situation is compelling the German branch of the famous Rothschild family to part with the valuable art collection m the family's town house m Frankfort, the Grueneburtr, which for over a century has formed the hub >f the far-flung Rothschild
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  • 152 1 POLISH DISCOVERY. PROMINENT OFFICIALS ARRESTED. Warsaw, Friday. A smuggling affair involving a n iMiUi- of high officials as well as army officers has been discovered by the Polish secret service. It appearthat a secret trading organisation for years has been doing a thriving •msiness by smuggling Polish
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  • 60 1 New Way To Settle War Debts. Madrid, Friday. An unusual scheme for solving the War I>ebt problem is su^gestec* by the leading Spanish journalist Ramon Gomes, who proposes thai Europe pay American debts ir alcoholic beverages, especially wines, which, so Gomel holds, arc l>i st calculated to
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  60 words
  • 34 1 Boinl, In School He Was To Visit. Cairo, Monday. A Komi) was discovered today in th<> garden of the Government Engineering School here prior to a visit from King Fuad. Reuter Wireless
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  • 22 1 Berlin, Saturday. A daughter has been horn tr Col. Oscar Von Hindenburg, the President's son. who now h»« frmr children.- Reuter Wireless
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  • 541 1 REMAINING ON GOLD. BUT PARTIAL EMBARGO. PRODUCERS* DEMAND The South African Government has compromised over the gold crisis by deciding, while adhering to the gold standard, to take power under an emergency act to withdra-v sovereigns from circulation to prevent export and hoarding. It is considered doubtful,
    Reuter Wireless  -  541 words
  • 890 1 A convinced fate trader. M ives le Trocquer. four limes French MiniKter of Works, contends that the only hope lor the world is to return to universal free imports. I his statesman does not, however, think that at immediate return is practicable, but he outlines a plan whereby
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 613 2 MARKETS CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAY. H o 111 c A it (I I, or a I Markets Were Hosed Yesterday. Kampong Kamunting f> K. Lumpur Tin S Kainuntinjr Tin 5 H, Kent Tin 3 <;, killin;_'li;ill Tin B 9, KinU Tin D. i.87, Kinla Kellas 5 Klaag
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  • 75 2 MidiUc Quotations On Saturday. Middle prices of I, r..i issaei wore a- follows m S Saturday, according to Frai a- < <>:■ t MINING. Anam Knmbai 6 xd., Austral Mala) Aycr Hitam Tin J 1 cd. rrin Tin Batang Padang 0.07 ft, Batu I■ «'.:;t' j q -a
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  • 88 2 Today, December 2S. I'nited Engineer's meeting, 12.13 p.m. Annuul nitjf. of Wearne Bros., Ltd., Orchard Road, noon. Polite P>and, Uotanical Gardens, 5.18 p.m. Parish Priest's Annual Christmas Entertainment ior Children, Memorial Hall, 9 p.m. "Friday, December 30. t Singapore Rural Board meeting, Land Oft cc, 10 a.m.
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  • 138 2 Today, December 28. Hoc-key: B.C.C. Ist. vs. S.R.C. Ist., aC.C. Padanjr; S R.C. 2nd. vs. R.C.C. 2nd.. S.Ii.C. prd. Kugi.y: S.C.I. XV r». lsla»da, I'adan* Thursday, Dfcemkjr 29. Hockey: Indian Assn. v*. R.A.F., Ualestiiw; Potk.4 vs. Chinese, Depot. Football: Chin.'.-c League: Chinese C.A.A. v>. Atnicabie A. A., Jalan Hcsar.
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  • 82 2 12 noon, Dec. 24, 19:42. Buyers Sellers Gambier k aa Java Cube g 5q Hamburg: Cube io'oo Muntok White Pepper 22*50 S h !if f e PP er 21.50 Mixed Black Pepper 12.00 SQndried Copra 5.60 Mixed Copra 5 10 Small Flake Tap 4! 10 Mcd:
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  • 507 2 PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. The following passenger sailings ar« pending: For Europe. P. and O. S. N. CoY Kaisur-i-hind i. Jan. G). N.Y.K. Katori Maru (Dec. 30). Hamburg' Aincriku, Line: Oldenburg (Jan. Gj. East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Lalandia (Jan. o). Blue Funnel: Sarpedon l>ec. 28), Keemun (Jan. 1).
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  • 46 2 Saturday's exchange rates in-' eluded the following: SELLING. London, 4 months' sight 2 3 81/82 London, :i months' sig-ht 2/3 15 A l6 London, 60 days' sight 2 3 29/32 London, 30 days' sicrht 2 7/8 London, demand 2/M 27/^2 L^don^ T.T. 2^5 yt/||
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  • 239 2 Starvation Threat Under. An. eviction decree, of an m humanity without parallel lincel the anti-kulak drive of 1029, has Ix*mi issued by ihe Government of the R.S.F.S.R. (the main republic of the Soviet Union). The decree, which affects all industrial areas, requires not only dismissal and forfeiture of
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  • 82 2 i Firm On Government's Work Plans. Berlin, Saturday. The Bonne opened firm with business restricted, but increasing later. Tho Government's plans for :the unemployment relief had a buoyant effect and representative issues registered gains from one to two and half points. Electrics, dyes and artificial silks were m
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  • 211 2 YARD'S DISCOVERY OF LONDON PLOT. Special Branch officers of Scotland Yard have been inquiring into the movements of mysterious visitors to London from the Balkans, who it was di covered "were ploting to assassinate Kin# Alexander of Yugoslavia. As the result of th<j activities of the
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  • 143 2 DIVE THROUGH COURT WINDOW. Franz Leitgob, a powerful man a^red 55, waa recently found guilt) at Linz (Upper Austria) of having at various dates between 1912 end 1931 murdered and rdbbed seven women. He was sentenced to imprisonment for life. As the warders laid their hands on
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  • 81 2 Bill To Combat Civil Disorders* Berne, Saturday. Bourgeois parties of the Swiss Parliament have tabled a Bill for combating revolutionary tendencies providing heavy penalities for in- citing insurrection or revolution and for undermining military discipline. While the Bill, which is clearly inspired by the recent disorders at Geneva,
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  • 80 2 Death of Major-General Johnstone. i As announced m the Daily New* yesterday, the death took place on Monday of Major-Genera] James Robert Johnstone, C.8., who figured prominently m the relief of the Peking Legations during the NorthChina Expedition m 1900. Major-General Johnstone wanearly 74 years of age. Hv
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  • 71 2 Disastrous Extent Of Floods. Paris, Friday. The Hoods m southern France are assuming catastrophic character. l Traffic m the flood-stricken region between Perpignan and Montpellier is completely paralysed, and hundreds of Tillages are isolated. The material damage is estimate.! m tens of million francs, but t Vi loss
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  • 38 2 The sfessageries liaritimes Che- T nonceaux is due here from Saigon on Wednesday, Dec. 28 at 7 a.m. and will probably sail on the lainC day at 2 p.m. for Penang, Colombo, Djibouti, Suez. Port Said, and Marseilles.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 131 2 ROMANOFF,* 1 BEXHILL-ea-SEA, SUSSEX. Ge< I clasi HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Most suitable for children from nbroad. Excellent health record, aiid examinati< n successes. 100 g%is. per annum, including nrcessary extias; sge 6to 18. Apply Principal or. for personal to Mrs. W. Thoni3on, Medan, Buaatra. M. EZEKIEL SONS, Qualified
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    • 348 2 THe SINGAPORE Paily Hews. Head Mcc: ft 5 1 .1 1 Tel: -Tim, Kuala Lumpur. Ottce: i SUts< R||» T n N.. Payable j 1 Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Single All communion! io ness matters, ■ciiption should be i ddr< GER. ADVERTISE.ME> I For casual 1 inch One m erl Two
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 282 2 TIDE TABLES. Today, December 28. H. W. 1(>..~> a.m., 10 ft. Thursday, December 29. H. W. 12.."> r».m.. V ft. 1 m., 10.54 p.m., 10 ft. 3 m. Kridaj. December 'Mi. H. W. 12.-15 a.m.. 0 ft. 1 m., 11.10 a.m.. 10 ft. A m. Saturday. December SI. K. \V.
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    • 248 2 MAILS. Today. Java. Southern Sumatra. South-East Borneo, Celebes. Moluccas and Timor Dilly (By Aeroplane I 6 a.m Pengisrang (Hang V* 11 1 3 a.m Karimon iMeraati) 8 ajn Kaii ior (Rosebank^ 9 am iPulau Soegi 1 Ilo'iir Teckl v a.n jKukup (Hong Hinl <• a.m Rh io l Benuit 9
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  • 450 3 RUGBY GAME. LAST MOMENT WIN. LW-AT S. C. C. ■'i>-. S.C.C. efore i m favoui ol t;i v. lien (a goal i; long choo h m tv i le gave ents, In*. la 1 Ith N r his try. H hey held 1 1 11, 1
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  • 232 3 MANSFIELD'S NINE, ARSENAL DRAW WITH LEEDS UNITED. London, Tui day. Ihe results oi itatches played to the English I^ea^ue men as follow a 1 N< yea tie r t ,j 2 Derby County I 0 Liverpool 2 '< Blackburn R j derj BeW I. I BoHob Wand
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  • 46 3 HIGH SCORING IN MANY GAMES. London, Tuesday. ling rugby matches played ,•>;. result* 1 as tolkw Per 0 0. M. T. l J l > Nun< uton .!<i..- l:1 Old Blue^ l» lo Darbariand S2 I h 2i London h ish Sort i< pton Moseley 5
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  • 118 3 U. S. AUSTRALIA TEST RESULTS. Melbourne, Tuesday. irl her re »ults today m the n<i ii niiis tc Ik»( ween Au.-ira-und U.S.A. svei <• ;i fol- Van Ryn (U.S.A.) beat ll Ki rath i 1. 6 2. Vi I U.S.A.) I eat Crawfor 1 r», fi i fonl
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  • 326 3 WAH CHONG WIN. GAME A DING-DONG STRUGGLE. A la.M ami exciting friendly bas-koi-bail match between the Wai. Cnong Badminton Party and the Nanyang Manufacturing Basket-ball Party, played at the Great World sporting ground on Saturday, befon a l>iu- crowd, resulted m a win for the Wah rhonu-
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  • 250 3 FEATHER V/EIGHT TITLE RETAINED. New York, Dec Kid Chocolate, recognised by the Now York state athletic commission las the world featherweight champion, retained his title here tonight i»\ winning a decision over Fidel La Barha m a 16-round bout that was hard and close throughout. The Cuban Negro
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  • 171 3 LOSES OVER TEN TO HUAT. Sacramento, Calif., l>ec. 1">. Little Pancho, just m from Hono lulu for a fight campaign on :h" West ('oust, collided here tonight with a lad recently arrived from ih;?l other direction, Eugene Hunt, of France, and the French boy won on a decision.
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  • 625 3 MUDLARKING. SIONG BOOS WIN. ASTON BEATEN SkHlg 800 A. A. 3; Aston A.C. 0. A rain-soaked j^itch made the' bull do some extraordinary things during the course of the Chinese league match between Siong 800 Athletic Association and the Aston Athletic lub at Jalan Besar yesterday afternoon.
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  • 80 3 JANUARY FIXTURES AT GARRISON. The following are the Garrison <i Club. Fixtures for Jan.: Friday, Dec. 90, to Jan. Host Clljp (IX holes stroke on hVap). Saturday and Sunday, 1 4th an 1 i.'.th., men's medal and sold medal (stroke). Wednesday and Thursday, 18th and 19th, ladies medal
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  • 558 3 NEW ERA. RAYS PRODUCED IN LABORATORY. (By Air Mail.) London, Dec. 12. Is radium to be replaced for medical purposes by electrically produced radiations? The widest interest has been' aroused among both doctors and laymen by Professor F. L. Hopwood'fl indication of this possibility m his presidential address
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  • 247 3 FILIPINO BEATEN BY CASANOVA. Los Angele3, !><•<•. i:i. In a wild fi^ht, Rudolph Ca ;i nova, conqueror of Speedy Dado m one engagement, took tin- measure of Young Tommy. Filipino bantamweignt scrapper, m a ten-round bout here tonight. He won on a decision that seemed clean-cut and ha
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  • 242 3 INol !.iu!>!r For Hospital i !<»ts. Judge Moore, at Southwark County Court on t>ec. H h ihat a man injured m an accident and taken to a L.C.C. hospital was r;« i liable for his maintenance urhild an in-patient. A claim was mad< asrain«i the man by the
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  • 80 3 German Hun On "Dimr" Emporium*. Berlin, Sunday. The Government had issued decree extending to all Germai cities a prohibition to open any fur ther "one-price fchops." An American firm of wOl Idm i<l f fame luced "dime" Bhops, first m Berlin •h'-n m leading German cities om years
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  80 words
  • 70 3 (it-rpva, Friday. A trl""i".\ picture of world trad condition! is traced by repori <» h«- League's Economic Bureai .ii tates hat world I rade f;i i <•;. -ill;,- dcci »ed m the eoui -<• <• the past three yean and ma] lead to i point whete nal ion;
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  70 words
  • 336 3 Sir J. Krazer On Religion. Si > -hum I- razi < >..M i•• ■rtit ly ilr! ivered "'<■ i-<- n<l of I t li >■■ lect < on "The I Dead m Primitive' I. a I nivei tty i ■'■!!< ■■< I II" i|e ci ;'.'l he
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  • 74 3 ittempied Sabotage In Spain. Madi In An attemi train w made nti I la m 0 hilt? bouldei had hed m- n fn»'<l <>n the t rain «*v« i i r VT ii' <ii Th« Riot i\ Q strange crime .i> well t h«- nl«" -f the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 649 4 MILLIONS OF MARKS FOR RELIEF WORK. EXTENSIVE PROGRAMME. The now (ierinan Cabiiul i > mnkin'; desperate cfforls t«» tnckk' the unoniploymont problem m (i« rinany. The Govemsienl has appropriated .">(UUMM),!>OO Marks for immediate relief, while 2,700,000,000 marks is to be placed at the disposal of
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  • 396 4 REUNION DINNER AT KUALA KANGSAR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 26. Covers woe laid for 69 .-it the Grand Motel on Christmas nighl when old boys <>: the Mala) Collet Kuala Kangsar, and a number «>t invited guests sal down to the annual reunion dinner, under
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  • 220 4 Ground For Unemployed In Jasin District. I From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. The question of grant! of land for the unemployed came before th« committee of the Straits Settlement(Malacca) Association recently. Replying to a letter from th< committee the District Officer, Jasin stated that up to December,
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  • 24 4 The 43rd annual general meeting >f the Chinese Christian AssociaLion will be held m the Institute Elall, Prinsep Street Church, tomorrow at 8 p.m.
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  • 21 4 Two Malays and a Chinese were injured m a collision between a motor-bus and a ricksha m Geylan^ Road yesterday afternoon.
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  • 480 4 RETIRED AFTER 23 YEARS' SERVICE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. The remarkable history of one dI Malaya*** largest schools was ic'a id at a function held here lasi week. Mr. T. Arumugam, who is retir nu 1 after 23 years' service m tht Methodist Hoys
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  • 77 4 Took Koriv Of Suicide For Ghost (From Our Own Correspondent.) Serembmn, Monday. A verdict of death due to suicid< by hanging was returned by th' Serentban Coroner at an indues' into the circumstances attending the finding of the body of an un known Chinese m a public
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  • 46 4 Leaving For Colombo Today. Britf. -General Sir Samuel Wilson has arrived back m Singapore from Hong: Kong, and will leav< today on the Sarpedon accompanied by Lady Wilson. The visit on this occasion is unofficial, and Sir Samuel will attend no public functions.
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  • 25 4 As a result of his bicycle runningl] into a drain m Chancery Lane yes-| terda; morning, a Malay boy had a I hip bone fractured.
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  • 30 4 There was a quarrel between a Chinese and his wife near Alexandra Barracks yesterday morning which resulted m the woman beinjri hit and sustaining an open wound on the head.
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  • 25 4 Up to an early hour this mom ing the Singapore ambulance tad been called 14 times, m the majority of eases, minor incidents, principally assaults.
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  • 30 4 At the junction of Cavenagh Road and Orchard Ro?mI yesterday afternoon, a motor-car, believed tc have been driven by a European, knocked down a Chinese cyclist whose leg was hurt.
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  • 238 4 m stXTTo,. M lM ANIMATION D riic Wai IK I of suspended aniiiu to remain so wl Mr. R President. It Mr. Hoover of useless to appoint a i •"k commission, Mr. Roosevelt, anil hand over the successor. Mr. Roo evelt problem with Mi >ther advisei
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  • 139 4 Disarmament, the inference, tai tabilisation ««t i v aluation of silver tt an important ween Mr. Roosevelt nan Davis who iU iced disarmament I lence, because •red it and credit rade." Mr. Davi.s urn to Washington n.'ei sations wit h I 1 Reutcr. M. Boncnur
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  • 50 4 Renewed Iw* Secession. Sydi r W. v The Governmenl n tralia has decided cite as to whethc. I remain within the x monwealth or b< dent dominion. The autonomists, the Government, argument m favou that under the meni West A■ I burdened by its wards the Fedem Aneta-Trans-Ocean
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  • 17 4 Bvenofl A The Argentine Go* negotiating with the <■ ment with v«» Arfftntinc wiu-.-n y tobacco.- Reuter Wireless
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 "7%e W^i sky You Ask For Again" R n R l# iwi t n i 9 n GUARANTEED OVER 10 YEARS OLD. IiOM ft CO. I i- 1 1 *^y*<k fc|f j^ ASK FOR THE GRAND McNISH IN THE DIMPLE BOTTLE. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. SOLE AGENTS: ROBINSON CO., LTD.
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  • 225 5 I VMILY GATHERING. I'KINCE GEORGE KEPT IN LONDON BY COLD. London, Saturday. koval Party at Saodringhara vacant chair owing to the at Pi ince George is suffering a <<>I(| and is unable to leave Otherwise, the family wan Helically completed by the Prince \\.<l< arriving l>y aeroplane
    Reuter Wireless  -  225 words
  • 49 5 Bergnumn Brother* Denials. Berlin, Friday, principal shareholders m tin* nann cigarette factory, DresCarl :md Si^murul Bergmann, arrest on charges <>f t't>iding the Inland revenue caused nsatiori, have lx.en released hi ■"I of one million marks pending irther inquiries. Both stoutly pro- hei r innn'i-ncj' Aneta TransOcean
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  • 306 5 BAGNOLD PARTY'S DISCOVERIES. The Bagnold expedition has returned t<> Cairo after two months' exploration m the southern part of the Libyan Desert, during which two journeys int Fsench Equatorial Africa were made. The objects of the expedition exploration of unknown regions; demarcation of certain boundaries; geological, botanical, archaeological,
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  • 35 5 An entertainment is being presented at Ranlea Hotel ball room tonight, ai < .«..:o, l>y the Singapore Repertory Playera. Vaudeville cabaret and mMral dancing will \n arranged Tho price of admission l is SI.
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  • 20 5 A typical street scene m Singapore. These open-air hairdressers are noted for the moderation of their charges.
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  • 349 5 SECRET SOCIETY. THREATS OF "STERN MEASURES." Shanghai. Sunday. A secret society in Shanghai callin;'; itself the Sino-Japanese Alliance Society has addressed warnings to various public bodies here demanding the stoppage of all anti-Japan-ese activities and threatening stern measures it' this is not done. The Japanese navy is
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  • 108 5 Further Rumours Of Explorer. Paris, Friday. According to telegrams from Santiago de ("hilt*, the Argentine explorer Jose Cappolo, who has I just returned from an expeditior ,up tho Amazon, is stated to have seen the British explorer Col. Faw who has been missing since 1926. The news
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  • 274 5 I GRETA BLAHA. PLOT TO KILL MUSSOLINI. GESTURE TO AUSTRIA. Rome, .Monday. Mussolini has made a Christmas gift to Austria by releasing the) beautiful Austrian dancer, Greta Blaha, who was sentenced to 30 1 years 1 imprisonment m June las* for her participation m a plot
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  • 86 5 Casinos INoi Enrlijdrd In Deal. Paiis, Saturday. Biarritz, which King Edward made popular, has been bought by the French Deputy, If. Henri Dillaz. who, m an interview with Router declined to state the purchase figure hut said that the sum lof £300,000 which had been men--1 tioned
    Reuter Wireless  -  86 words
  • 532 5 I DEADLY ACID. SECRET IN HANDS OF FOREIGNERS. (By Air Mail.) London, Dec. 12. A new aerial menace to Britain i- in tit" hands of a foreign power. It is a powerful acid which, let loose on the metropolis, would be ail all-destroying "Rain of
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  • 65 5 I Christinas Tree For Stall Ami Policeman* Doom, Saturday. The Ex-Kaiser is still suffering from a cold and rheumatism and is unable to attend the Christmas festivities at Doom House, hut Princess Hermionc will preside at the party which will be attended hy all the staff and
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 195 5 ANOTHER BIG FIRE IN TOKIO. Tokio, Friday. Twenty persons perished in the flames when a devastating fire broke out in the suburb of Fukagawa. Thirty are missing and are feared to have also lost their lives in the blazo which spread so rapidly that, many were unable to
    Reuter Wireless  -  195 words
  • 187 5 I Congratulated By The Pope On His Recovery. Rome, Monday. Cardinal Bourne made his first excursion today from t >i<* hospital of the Blue Nuns since taken there seriously ill a month ago. The Cardinal visited the P >pc who congratulated him on his recovery and, it is
    Reuter Wireless  -  187 words
  • 70 5 Few Visitors To The Holy Land. •Jerusalem, Sunday Though the number of visitors to holy places this season has shrunk to about a third of the usual crowd, Christmas celebrations at Bethlehem Chapel will bo conducted on th usual scale by both Greek Orthodox and the Roman Catholic priests.
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  • 60 5 Negotiation* Progress Satisfactorily. Teheran, Saturday. Xt'tfotation- between th<« Persian Government and th<* Anglo-Persian Oil <'<)., with a view to settling thr dispute over the D'Arcy concession are reported to be progre tins fa\ourahly *an>i may result m a satisfactory arrangement l.< fore Jan. 6, thus sparing the League
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  • 319 5 JUDGE'S REMARKS. POLICE PLEA SAVES MAN FROM PRISON. London, Dec. 12. ''I should have felt I ound to end you to prison but for the i j j > •i I the officer ha- made for you," Mr. Justice Goddard at I. Assizes on Saturday to Rrne
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  • 168 5 Cows I iiil f.uu<jjil In Molor-(!y|r (Ihaill. i .<ih<i"ii, i i CCA i,i il swit eh my 'I" motor cycle ran <<1 t h<- <l< at h <ii Clifford Frederick John I" .'l* a^cl 21, ;i KarHcncr, it wa 'at<-.l at the him 1 1 I tit Taunton
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  • 132 5 KRUPP WORKS. Heav) Deficil <>n Year. Berlin, Xi iday. The precarious po ition of man industry ia reflected m tbo Annual report oi the famou Krupp Works, once Gem any 1 armaniiMit factory, which now many factures variety of art locomotives to fash r<-^i tei I I tan p#ni and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 Ihe House McCALLU M FOUNDED IN 1807 A.I). 125 YEARS AGO. A noble record steadfastly maintained by their Product. i McCALLUM'S "PERFECTION" WHISKY. THEIR MARK:— j I Obtainable from all the well known Provision Stores or The Sole Agents THE EASTERN AGENCIES, LTD No. 9, Robinson Road, SINGAPORE.
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    • 54 5 I At Malaya's Largest Sporting Cimnl; Sl<»n a Come and iiiHpeel VINCENT RICIIARIVS I "THE BAT" P World -Ii I. I and B< i RackrL Racket made hy Champion for Champions. lU-st Tennis Sho«s so onij For Ever>'thbiK Phone: < J.:j; ROYSONS The Malayan Sports Dopol *i I I I,
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  • 602 6 WOMEN'S STORY. EX-EMPLOYEE OF FOREIGN OFFICE. (Ky Air Mail.) London, Dvc. 12. Formerly employed by th< Foreign Office m London, Frederick Stanley Quill iam, '7, manager, of the Boulevard de CourceUes, Paris appealed on remand at Wesi Lon don Police-court on Saturday charg ed with obtaining auui
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  • 133 6 ALLEGED WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT WRIT. Judge Higgina announced at Brentford County Court on Dec. 12 that a writ had been issued against him for wrongful imprisonment. Miss Rush, of Bathnroad, llounslow, apoeared before him to mako an application, but Judge Hi^^ir.s said that he did not know whether
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  • 32 6 Warsaw. Saturday. Tnc Russo-Petish Pact of non CKrression came iqio force on yea terday when the documents of rati heat ion were exchanged between the Kussinn iwoy and the Vo\Wh Aneta TransOcean
    Aneta Trans-Ocean  -  32 words
  • 125 6 NATIONAL LEAGUE. FASCIST MOVEMENT FOUNDED. A Fascist party styling itself the National League has been founded bv the former Liberal leader and Home Minister, Mr. Kenyo Adatchi. The inauguration meeting was attended by over ",500 delegates renLcsenting chiefly the peasant and small trader element. Thirty-two members
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  125 words
  • 469 6 DRUM FOR FULHAM POWER STATION. The whole of the forged boiler drums for the six Stirling boilers to be installed m the now power station at Pulhain will be manufactured by the English Steel Corporation, Limited, at their Vickers Works, Sheffield. The largest of •hose drums win ho
    469 words
  • 125 6 Hope Of Acquitted a n\ Sneeth^art. London, Dec. 7. Miss (;ia<ly s Emily Hook, u »v-l the Pl ncess Koyal HotVl. Runfold, near Farnham. denied tonight a report that her enfnurement No be. had been broken Nobe* was yesterday acquitted on a cnai-Ke of miwferuig Mr. and
    125 words
  • 1233 6 THE PRINCE AND SURREY. TYPICAL COUNTY. SOCSAL SERVICE APPEAL. HIS BIRTHPLACE. The Princ« Wales attended i (i im r given by the Hijrh Sherifl of Surrey foir Stanley Blachin) ai Leatherseller: Hall within thre< h0;..;- < hi return from visiting- th<. distressed areas m Lancashire. The urn.-i of "The Queen,
    1,233 words
  • 489 6 SILVER SMUGGLERS S. AFRICA'S ILLICIT £300,000. The decision to withdraw Briti silver as legal tender m Sou Africa and replace it by I ni< money has been mainly broug about by the lar^e amount of silv smuggled into this country sin i England went off
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  • 27 6 Madrid, Saturday. The Chamber has passed a Bill fixing the Spanish army's p establishment for* the coming at 145,000 men and officers in< ing colonial troona Aneta-Trans-Ocean
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  27 words
  • 95 6 N£ w i SEARCH h h Pn i •n Govi it Air mation i As ocii (i ping hid c vn "»»Pl > c the Mori 8 A t I the Empire ad •t put f ft i si It li s BioaH n P 0 lH
    95 words
  • 51 6 n Dec I ton Mart i 810, cepted a i Mr. 1 I j i l w I i had DcctM \-i. '"Co.; »ad '>u>inI!. h l(] I liabil t>ehu!l ol i »btaii L Mr. r, l\ .i s I il Mr. Ha i it ai i The
    51 words
  • 14 6 Tax 0 IN hrn h !U--»r ever: I re rung 111. g^
    14 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 352 7 H im.IS COMMENT. KXAMINATION PAPER PROBLEMS. r \u Mail). London, Dec. 7. ;iy that girls of lv a [cCardie m the Kin^r'..; af te i I vhool examination replied a witness. commented uWe geti ing on m eduea- wta stated, the v Aa An ob
    352 words
  • 630 7 IMPORTS ACT. "VERY SUBSTANTIAL INDUSTRY." The DyestunTs (Import Reguiati< n) A. t, 1920, has had its life prolonged on two occasions, but should expire on Dee. 31. Recent !y however, it was included m the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill for a year's further operation. On the same
    630 words
  • 116 7 >M*\i Strj> Preparation Of Historic Bill. London, Saturday. After five weeks' arduous worV m building new constitution, the India Round-Table Conference has led with agreement on many juts, notably m the realm f franchise. <>n others, especially qd aspects <>r finance and army deep «livi. ions of opinion
    Reuter Wireless  -  116 words
  • 532 7 BRITISH FIRM'S FOREIGN ORDERS. Two types of British military Aeroplanes, which have raised the performance of fighters and day bomber* m the K.A.F. by more than •Xi miles an hour, have recently mci with the approval' of r-c-veral other countries. Die orders placed by foreign Powers have been fairly
    532 words
  • 99 7 Home Opened In Parit University Quarter. Paris, Saturday. A homi Tor Greek students bail: on the initiative of the Greek Minis tet\ 11. Politis, and situated m th< university quarter was opened f terday afternoon m the presence o1 1 i esideni Lebrun, the Minister oJ Education, M.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  99 words
  • 85 7 Still Hi«jh In South Italy. Home, Friday. Illiteracy is on the wane m Italy, the number of illiterates having according t<> official returns, <lee: reased from '11 to 21 per cent, within thi* past decade. While m Nortl Italy illiteracy has been brought down to S per cent., it
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  85 words
  • 78 7 Lkruiiian Trrrori^is Executed. Warsaw, Saturday. Two of tin- three youthful Ukra > nian terrorists entenced to deatl by special court at Lwow for >. recent post office robbery wer< I hunj^ '..ii'l" a ;mr<l v.:*s reprieved 'his sentence i»<-i'ivc commoted fourteen years' impruonment. I Tin two condemned men
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  78 words
  • 1099 7 MORE DETAILS. DEER-STALKER CAP. TRIAL NEXT YEAR. An opportunity was given to a small company assembled at the Central Recruiting Depot, Great Scotland Yard, m mail week to inspect, articles of uniform and eqnipaient designed to lighten the weigh now carried by the infantry soldiev during
    1,099 words
  • 459 7 I PROFESSOR SELIGMAN ON PLAYFUL SYMBOLS. The annual Huxley Memorii I I Lecture \vas delivered m mail Week 1 1 before the Royal Anthropological Institute by Professor C. a. Seligman, F.R..S. Taking as his til ''Anthropological Perspective an-l f Psychological Theory," Profess Seng-man li.-iran by appealing to anthropologists
    459 words
  • 103 7 Accused C^ult't MotorCycling Insurance. London, Dec. li. John Reginald Bean, 19, gentleman cadet at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, told the Bromley magistrates yesterday, when he w«i. accused of motor-cycling offences, that he applied to a company !"<>> m insurance policy, and they a for a very
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 36 7 Advertising Space m the "Daily News* 1 is limited and Business Managers will be wise m booking up space NOW! Circulation figures show the "Daily News" is rapidly popularity j m Singapore. Vot-h Son Vei oap.
      36 words
    • 92 7 HEW STOCKS OF WHITEAWAY <EW BASIC VALUES Jr^'^i T -Ar r -■>" jf N? 500. turdj strong. th l rubber Price >•;;.*;<» liach. "ELIZABETH" PRAM. Flu ilt of finest i toi Imml Bteel, sof( ly fitl with 1 1 < I apron u ml I »I<] down type iiaii.ilc Price
      92 words

  • Article, Illustration
    14 8 A portica »f Uic ma j of Christmaj mail deall with at Mou h
    14 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 8 A tray containing jewellery valued at U.OOOOfMJ ready for exhihifi London
    11 words
  • Article, Illustration
    8 8 marching f r ht iarlt>sion during a storm.
    8 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 8 Left to right: K. H. Railton, 4 «igaer, Sir Malcolm Campbell, Ei I H«wc, with the new L'Uiebird, i a pah c ot 100 m.p.h.
    25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 543 8 I Harry S. Elias, m i.o QUALIFIED OPTICIAN Capitol Building I Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS— 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. RIFT PROBLEM BOLVEU that Ei 1 jl t(> the ion, Sen iceable the hou ehold I n«J treasured by 1 Sl1 1 :i v nrvly cann >1 bettei t in
      543 words