Singapore Daily News, 27 December 1932

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Daily News
  • 12 1 The SINGAPORE Daily News No. 73 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1932. 5 CENTS.
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  • 657 1 ]n order Dial 1 1 l\ !i polit leal hall be spiced with a auti .Hut i )i flavour a possible, Mr. '!< Valera and hi lienchtnen who direct the affaii •>! ill Free State have i ised i< of pin t.i i« i <;. i^ned i«» annoy
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  • 295 1 EMPIRE BROADCAS' INSPIRING MESSAGE. "MM) BLESS YOU!" Ihr K mu broadcast an inspirmg neaaage to minions of his subjects throughout the Empire on hristmas Day. His Majesty said that we were all equally bound to strive for reasoned tranquillity, to regain prosperity and to carry
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 175 1 irL-FLi;uiN<;. AN INCIDENT IN DAI.MATIA. Belgrade, Wedne: day. "Yugo-Slavia will remain calm in the fji'-c of provocations, but will <>! fail to defend the country 1 i acred rights,* 1 were the grave worth uttered by the Foreign Minister, M. Jevtiteh, in the Senate, when alluding to
    Reuters  -  175 words
  • 72 1 \jM"!?*i;i And Hungary IKntcr Agreement. ienna, W cdnt* day. \4&\ commercial treaty between TTustria and Hungary was. signed today after five months' nefrotialions. The treaty, which comes into force in January, lays down the proportion of Austrian exports into Hungary to Hungarian exports into Austria shall not exceed
    Reuter Wireless  -  72 words
  • 170 1 :;:jo iok 7. BOWKS TAKES FOUR FOR KICHTEEN. The M C.C. natch with Tasmania, played ;ii Hobart, ended yesterday in a draw. The M.c.r made xu\ for s* von declared ami Tasmania replied w it h s:» Far four before play came to a
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 86 1 Proposal Noi Favoured By House Of Lords. London, Wednesday. A proposal that Great Britain should j-.'icpi the 24-hour system instead <>f the- present time, and thus come into line chronologically wi h Continental countries, was made in the House of Lords. A number <>{' peers of all parties
    Reuter Wireless  -  86 words
  • 41 1 Town Purchased \\y French Deputy* I'^ii-, Sunday. The l^nniy, M. Henri Lillax, ba< bought i fir town of Biarritz. Th<- price, which ia n >i disclosed, includes th<> casinos, but M. I, ilia/, is not personally concerned with tin-in. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 199 1 SOUTH CHINA FREE. FOUR MONTHS' CAMPAIGN. "COMPLETE DEFEAT." London, Wednesday. A four months' campaign which has resulted in the crushing of formidable communist-bandit hordes jii Southern China, is the suhject of a statement issued by the Chinese Legation. The (statement refers to the report submitted I<> the
    Reuter Wireless  -  199 words
  • 108 1 Precautions Against Intruders. Doom, Wednesday. The Ex-Kaiser is suffering from a cold and rheumatism and is confined to hb. room by order of the Court Physician. Measures to (Tuard the Ex-Kaiser against future intruders have been intensified. All the locks on th-. outer Kates and doors of Doom
    Reuter Wireless  -  108 words
  • 90 1 Writer Of "When Knighto Were »<.!<!." liOiiHon, Saturday 'j Ih 1 rlcal h ha occun ed of M i Harriet Jay, the novel ikl and «J ;t natixi. Rcutcr. Miss .Jay, who was 69 years of airc, was responsible for the play When Knights were Hold,' Fascination and
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  • 79 1 Eight Drowned Afi<r INorili Sea Collision. London, Wedn< day. The captain and m-vlti of the crew of the Tyne-Tees Shipping Company's 712 ton steamer Gateshead were drowned when tli" vessel collided with the Norwegian steamer Miranda of 1,328 tons, i.r Seaham Harbour in f<»^- th:morning. The- Gateshead sank
    Reuter Wireless  -  79 words
  • 36 1 Disaster In Illinois Coal Mine. MoweqUM, Illinois, Sundav. Hope has been abandon*-:! for 54 coalinmcis trapped Too feet underground by an explosion. Several bodiei have been recovered after- Lit hours' Herculeun rescue work. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 179 1 AT I.OCAI- IM>li;i.. CLOTHES BUT NO OWNER. iv\<;ak i>k.m;<;ki>. Fallowing the finding of a dressing gown and a pair of slippers on the wall of the pagar at the Sea View Hotel, an intensive search is l»ein^ marie for a Dutchman who signed Ihe \isitors* hook or
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  • 69 1 IVefercnceslTo lirifju!? ith<kfu>vn. iMiMin, Saturday. mi v. tariff Jfcrdcr has l»ccn issuer! \)\o cUVi of which is t.h* 1 withdrawal of iho preference hitherto given in l.iitish hoots and Shoes, men's and boys' clothing and certain iron and steel articles. The motor-car duty rate iredneed to th*- preferential
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 34 1 Budapest, Wednesday. Hungary's deficit for the current fiscal year may approach last year's, namely, 82,000,000 peng >< According to the League of Nation's financial expert, her foreign trade is dwindling- steadily. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  34 words
  • 112 1 Heads of Famous Tobacco Firm. Dresden, Friday. The ani'.i »>f tli*- brothers Karl ;iii«l Sigmund Bergmann, the owner of the large cigarette firm bearing their name, has caused ensation, for Mir name i known i»i < < ry li"'i ehold. The charge, which relates to the ;i]|<-jyp<i illegal
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 83 1 Amy Mollison Tired After African Flight. London, Wednesday. The Mollisons arrived in Paris by air this morning en route for St. Moritz to continue their interrupted honeymoon. Mollison in an interview said he expected to start on another hiir flight in about live week's time '»ut would
    Reuter Wireless  -  83 words
  • 30 1 London, Monday. The 'Irath has occurred of Major' General James Robert Johnstone, who participated prominently in lh»i relief of the Peking Legation* Huiinjr the North China expedition. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 45 1 Enormous Losses In Barcelona Fire. Barcelona, Sunday. A terrilk Rr* due to a short circuit at El Siglio, the largest department store in the city, spread to neighbouring buildings. Many arc injured and some are believed dead. Enormous losses are anticipated. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 785 1 H n the conviction o f ;.ll <le o observers fhaf most o f i h« d.fiicultles „,,u aeaattfog humainly arise from the lark of unH, r^amlIftft and sympathy existing In-, twrtiii nations. When you Wo not know a man nis view and special Btandpofot leave you ro
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 96 2 MARKETS CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAY. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Saturday. The closing pricei lo(?uy were: RUBBER. Sp<;t 1 7 1<» t «u- handed JaMii;u> 2 7 Ki .Jan. -Mar. 1 7 Hi Down 1 VI A|)r.-.lunt' 2 17 :*2 I luhanucd .lul\ -Sv\tl. 2 If ?2
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  • 686 2 Middle Quotations On Saturday. Mi.Mle prices of local issues vrcre B> followi in Singapore on Saturday, according to Pf*Ml i Co.'s list MINING. A>am Kumban- U *i« Austral Malay If Ayer Hitam Tin n <; Baaajrin Tin r?-. Batanir Padaag 1 0.07%, Batu Caves 047%, Bukit Aranff o'lO
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  • 171 2 Today. December 27. Footbail: Chinese Leapue: Siong 800 A. S, vs. Aston A.C., Jalan i Besar Stadium. Rugby: B.C.C. Ist. vs. Public Services Ist. I'ndanir. Golf: Garrison 0. C. Mixed Foursomes competition. Wednesday. December 28. Hockey: B.C.C. Ist. vs. S.R.C. Ist., < s.c.c. Padang; S.R.C. 2nd. vs. B.C.C. 2nd.,
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  • 81 2 South African Mines Very Strong. London, Friday. On the Stock Exchange, South African irines were atrain the out- I standing; feature of strength. Otherwise, apart from a further recovery 1 m Home Kails, business is reduced tp a minimum owing to holiday influences. Sterling exchanges ruled quiet. 2
    Reuter most lifeless  -  81 words
  • 45 2 Shanghai, Saturday. rnrough the Ministry of Railways, the Tientsin-Pukow Railway management has cabled £25,125 to the Deutsche Asiatische Bank, London, being the unpaid balance im coupon IX of the German portion of the IMS loan, which vrtu Jue on Oct. 1, 1U24. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 114 2 Chat To Bound Women Victims. London, Dec. 1 1 trlasirow police were yesterday -till searching- for four bandits who m Thursday tied up two women in i villa there. Three of the thieves, who were nasked and armed, ransacked the while the fourth tried to interest their
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  • 35 2 JZSSFiStI exchange- rates included the following:— SELLING. London, 4 months' sight 2/3 London, 3 months' .sight 2rJ'[\ 6 A London, 60 days' sight 2/2 is/32 n 'i° si ht Ra 7/8 demand r
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  • 25 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Pattani Tin, Ltd., reports a profit of £7,1)22 up to June 30, and £5,193 is carried forward.
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  • 24 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Rubber stocks in the United kingdom are estimated to have decreased 450 tons this week.
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  • 45 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. The report of Seletar Plantations, Ltd., foy ike year ended June 30 i j «or<is a loss of £1,1)65 against a oss of £5,818 in the previous year. A credit of £11,c20 is carried for- If vard.
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  • 61 2 EUROPEAN OPINION, i )UE TO THE WAR WITH PARAGUAY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I London, Saturday. London and Amsterdam are of >pinion that the increase of 1,411 ;ons bringing" Bolivia's tin excess of sports to a total of 2,586 tons is lue to the conflict with Paraguay
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  • 73 2 Negotiations For Further Funds. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. The report of Nipan Distilleries sf Malaya, Ltd., for the period Aug. 28, 1931, to June 6, 1932, shows that subscriptions amounted to £22,1(58 under the reconstruction scheme. The liabilities taken over from the old company amounted to]
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  • 69 2 12 noon. Dec. IM, li«:;-J. Buyers Scllei-s Gambler 5.00 Java Cube 8.50 Hamburg Cube 10.00 Muntok White Pepper 22.50 Whits Pepper 21.50 Black Pepper 17.50 Mixod Black Pepper 12.00 Sundried Copra 5. G0 Mixed Copra 0.10 Small Flake Tap 4.10 Fair 3.95 Med: Pearl 1.00 Small
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 163 2 AN IDEAL X'MAS GIFT A ZEISS-IKON CAMERA Obtainable from all Photographic Stores. "i r M. EZEKIEL SONS, Qualified Ophthalmic Opticians Raffles Chambers, Singapore. Branch: Noordwijk, 35, Batavia, Java* AINSLIE'S niiest JVf SCOTCH WHISKY ISSUED BY REC ,ST.n E AINSLIE HEILBRON, (Distillers) LTD. GLASGOW. DISTILLED BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND. ™ld Special $3
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    • 12 2 The Chenonceaux is clue from Saigon tomorrow morning at 7 and I
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    • 263 2 Head OAcr: 1>I: -1,,,, KuaU LMinpur. BLBSCKI Payable Monthly Quartei Half-yen S All ness matt< sciiption should I GER. AD\ ERTISI KAT& For ual One in Two Three Pour Six Coatracf t. i application to the Strt-i't. Siiu';in .r SMALL ADVTS. KATONG GRA> 73 and 77. »ij in «'\t«'n-i-.c groundti
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 366 2 SHIPPING LIST. PENDING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. 1 Tli.' following passenger sailings art pending: y For Europe. P. and O. S. N. (Jo's Kaisur i-hind (.Ian. N.Y.K. Katori Maru (Dec. 30). Hamburg Aacrika Line: Oldenburg (Jan. 6). East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Lalandiu j (Jan. 3). Blue Funnel: .Sarpedon (Dee. 28), Keemun
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    • 141 2 THE WEEK'S ENGAGEMENTS. Foday, December 27. United Engineer* 1 meeting, 12.15 p.m. Wednesday, December 28. Annual nittf. of "Wearne Bros., Ltu., Orchard Road, noon. Rotary Tiflin, Adelphi Hotel, I p.m. Police Hand, Botanical Gardens, 5.15 p.m. Parish Priest's Annual Christmas Entertainment for Children, Memorial Hall, 0 p m. Friday, December
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    • 361 2 VESSELS ARRIVED. YAYOI MARJLJ, -?-p.. ;^.4ir> tons, from Calcutta 2.V12. for West Australia £7-12. GEN VAX GEEN, Dutch. 719 tons. from Batavia 2 IL, for Billiton ;{O-i2. 3INGKAWANG, Dutch, 297 ton?, (w.r. Pontianak 26-12, for Pontianak 28-12. BAN HONG LIONG, lint.. 739 Urns, f-om Semarang 2t;-i2. for -lava Ports 27-12.
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  • 2109 3 DIVIDENDS IMPROVE ON THF SECOND DAY. SHORTY WINS WELL TO PAY $5!. S< langev Turf Club <1i ri.t. lh( < "l^ t »mall atund.^ mee t iß b^a» "n S«u ir- 1 5 rreUry, the Hoi! Mr r*£*** in^ku ViahkoU »»l Johore <nuUc U aiul
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  • 1294 3 NEGRI-MALACCA AGAIN BEAT THE COMMAND. i S.CC. LOSE TO S. JOHORE. \s result „f• XeKri-Malacca's second defeat af the Malava Command, by 13 points to lat Seremban M Saturday, the final Of the southern section of the H..M.S. .Malava Cup will be pUyed between the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 Found at Last! TUB M V »TER TAILOR. FOR wW SUITS Jte\ Perfect in Cut. i>Sj[r) Latest Style and JTh!m 1" I Class Male- f 1 fep Moderate Prices. 1^ Al.i. AT TOKG CKOY 23-11, COLEMAIN SI.
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    • 7 3 Otlirr Sporting News On Pages (> and 7.
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  • 45 4 Ne* Process To Gain j. Greater Yield. Rugby, Thursday. radium refinery plant, the only Britinh Empire, in »boul < i l;t operatioiu at Port Hope, l^ake Ontario. jriving higher percent;;;;;'7 s u in^ kri€d Th<>t,,,Llt%n^' that rapid Payment of ma<i< ifl l British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  45 words
  • 67 4 Bolivia Confiscate! Foreign Deposits. I. a v.i/., Saturday. A decree has Ween issued 'an nouncinff the appropriation of all foreign gold depositi in the Central National and Mercantile Bank It the interest of pu jj 0 uti jly a national defence. The Government amei to pa> lor this
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 132 4 SKIER'S DANGER. HANGING LIKE A FLY ON A WALL. St. Moritz, Friday, rbere was a thrilling incident when members of the Cambridge I Diversity ski team were descendnij: the Diavolez/a Glacier. V. A. Jarvis of Corpus Christ i < ambndge, skied too far from the track
    Reuter Wireless  -  132 words
  • 80 4 United States Reservations. Washington, Thursday. rhe Congressional conference has .eachtul complete agreement on 1 hllippinea Independence legislation >vi th the less severe adoption of rade restrictions and the granting >f full freedom for the Islands in H> yea is. The United States would retain perpetually all military and
    Reuter Wireless  -  80 words
  • 70 4  -  Sin Kuo Min Sin Chew Jit Poh and Men Who Smuggled Japanese Paper. Shanghai, Saturday. At a meeting of the National Salvation Association in Canton yesterday sentence of death was passed im W«m Kiansr, Ho Teh, Lu Tin K -shu and Ho Hou, who were discovered smuggling Japanese
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  • 612 4 EXPEDITION BACK. RAFFLES MUSEUM TO 1 BENEFIT. The members of the Oxford Uni vei>ity Exploration Club expediii to Borneo nave returned Stngapon after live months really hard work during which time they have collect eil thousands of specimen! of al kinds of bird, insect and sm.i,
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  • 128 4 Heavy Decrease In World Trade. Ruf?l>y, Thursday. A report published by the Leagui of Nations at Geneva today show a decrease of one-third in the worli trade in the first half of the yea: compared with the same period oi 11)31. It appears thai the export
    British Wireless  -  128 words
  • 29 4 A police constable patrolling th< Esplanade on Saturday found a Chinese woman floating in the sea She was taken out, artificial respiration applied and she recovered*
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  • 31 4 A Chinese woman about 20 years of agre was knocked down by a' motor-car on Saturday evening a/ the junction of Cross Street ar South Bridge Road. Her skull Vfractured. l
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  • 283 4 DR. SUN YAT SEN. FALSE STORY DEATH IN TRAIN OUTRAGE. An interesting visitor to Singa >ore is Jean Armstrong, a womai Miunalist who was once employe? '»y Dr. Sun Yat Sen on the S 1 1 1 1 iai Gasette and the Evening News t
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  • 510 4 THE ALHAMBRA. The glamorous Greta Garbo i atured in the Metro-Goldwjpn layer production *'As You DeMr ie," which is now beinjr shown a he Alhambra, and has full scope fo er powers in a strongly dramati ory. Based on the play l\ irandello, it tolls of a
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  • 367 4 MALACCA'S SHIPPING PROTEST. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. 1 hat Malacca's protest against the: London Conference freight rate hat! Moved abortive was revealed at a neeting of the committee the Straits Settlements (Malacca) Asso iation hist Monday. A reply from the secretary of the conference was
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  • 37 4 i Early yesterday morning at the junction of New Bridge Road and Upper Nanking street a Bengali] < police constable waa alleged t«> have)] been assaulted by a Chinese vege- I lable aeller. He was slightly hurt. 1
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  • 208 4 OUT-OF-DATK LAWS TO BE REPEALED. l-'rom Our < >v. n Kuala Lump "It is surest. I thai towards equalising com! railways should ll frocil restrictive provisions operate in a different what was originally the bill Rives dTecl tvi lion." Thai Ls ihe stated ol amending the Railwa\ I
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  • 44 4 The- wedding took p pore on Sunday of Mr. Soo, eldest son of Mr I ng Chong Kit, and M Sim Neo, daughter of Mr. m Chua Km. Tonff. rher. large number of the reception hrl«l at l x East C oist Kouil,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 47 4 BV I C g h U jn I It Became a E Malaya's a c a g Favourite a In A Week! 1 r g a n f*^ S^ml \f «J ;lill!IMiil|li hi 1 4 li m jr t\JT m \!^t>" TkT')^ 1 n V v ;;I^^
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  • 402 5 I \KO| KS CONCLUDED SIR SAMUEL HOARE'S HOPEFUL STATEMENTS. London, Saturday. rtund-Table Conference has uk'd with a message from the i stirring speeches by Sir Hoare and Lord Sankey. Vlajesty expressed confidence' the labours had fortified a hip whose strength and enwcre of such consequence! i" ople.
    Reuter Wireless  -  402 words
  • 227 5 JAPANESE ATTACK ON PEIPIAO. Shanghai, Sat m, lay. M«>rr fighting took pi-uv in Jehol between Japanese troops and the Volunteers when th<" former attacked the town of Peipiao, which fan! just over the bordei in Jehol, about i2(M) mih's north-west of Chingchow. Peipiao, where important coal mines art-
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 90 5 London's Additional Precautions. (From Our own Correspondent.) I London, Saturday. Statistic- which will be published shortly show a hundred per cent., increase in crime in London this year, with the heaviest increases "in housebreaking, burglary, robbery with violence, smash and grat) raids and fraud. It is proposed to
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  • 548 5 WAR DEBTS TANGLE. MR. DAVI«T TO SEE PRESIDENTELECT. Washington, Saturday. jr. Neman Davis, the ,j,i,.f United States delegate to the UUarmament Conference, has left for Albany to see Mr. Roosevelt. Hi. departure followed a protracted comli't«r:<e between President Hoover and 01. Stiroson concerning the economic and Disarmament
    Reuter Wireless  -  548 words
  • 87 5 Paris, Wednesday. I demanded of Germany respect Tor contracts. 1 demand the same of France," declared M. Herriott in speech at an Anglo- American Pre-s luncheon, his first since he left office. He has not changed his opinion that Fiance ou^ht to pay the United States. He
    Reuter Wireless  -  87 words
  • 50 5 lt<'l«riuii Crows Prince And Princess. Brussels, Friday. The Belgian down Prince and CroWB Princess, who recently returned from their visit to the Far Kast, left Antwerp today for iMatadi on an unofficial visit to the Belgian Congo to obtain information regarding the latest developImetlts in Colonial agriculture. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 406 5 BURNED TO CINDERS. BIRMINGHAM I TRAGEDY. j NEIGHBOURS WEEP. A terrible tragedy marred th« celebration of Christmas al IJirnti i;:ham where five small children were burned to cinders in the early hours of the morning on Christmas Eve. The victims were the children of an
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 180 5 CABINET SECRETS. MINISTERS LIABLE TO BE SENT TO GAOL. London, Thursday. The Lord Chancellor's grave' voids in the House of Lords yesterday that ex-ministers divulging pro-rtMlin-s in old Cabinet meetings were lialilc to two years' imprisonment brought a spirited rejoinder! from Mr. Lloyd George in fiie
    Reuter Wireless  -  180 words
  • 136 5 German, Portuguese And Italian Prisoners Released Rome, Friday. The number of political prisoners till detained on the islands hn> been reduced as the result of tha amnesty declared on the occasion <«f the tenth anniversary of the Fasci t March on Homo to \'M. Prisoners o the number of
    Reuter Wireless  -  136 words
  • 93 5 Truce Between Paraguay And Bolivia. Rome, Friday. Christmas will bring the M cease I fue" to the troubled region of IChaco, where bitter fitfhtinjr ha* been proceeding between the Paraguayan and Bolivian armies. The Governments of both countries have 1 informed the Pope that they are adhering to
    Reuter Wireless  -  93 words
  • 150 5 Heavy Increase On Foreign Imports. The Hague, Thursday. A Hill providing for the provisional increase by '50 per cent, of the the duty on all goods not produced in Holland which has already passed tho Lower House today passed the first Chamber of the States-General by 25 votes
    Reuter Wireless  -  150 words
  • 98 5 I nfinishrd Huenos Aires Underground Railway. Buenos Aires, Wednesday. The Municipal Council has unani mously adopted a motion declaring the concession accorded to the Antrlo-A rtrentine Tramways Company, Limited, to build a now undei -ground line to have lapsed. Large amounts of British capital I art invested in
    Reuter Wireless  -  98 words
  • 83 5 North-East Passage Declared Open. Moscow, Wednesday. A sea route across the top of the world has been planned as the result of the successful thouuh hazardous ex peri mental voyage carried out in the ice-breaker Sibirilakov which found a navigable channel to the Pacific side. The
    Reuter Wireless  -  83 words
  • 24 5 London, Thursday. Parliament has adjourned till February 7 subject to the provision it could be called together earlier if necessary. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  24 words
  • 79 5 Interest On National Debt To Be Paid. St. Johns, Newfoundland, Friday. Thanks to the assistance of both Great Britain and Canada, each of whom will tfuaiantee a loan of I $739,000, Newfoundland will be able ;to pay $1,1*71,000 interest on the National Debt due on January 1, 1 <>."»:'>.
    Reuter Wireless  -  79 words
  • 172 5 Allrgrri Confmtion. London, Dec. \'>. Although no statement has y-1 been made officially to the Press, 1 understand that the hotel-keeper of Spi'/ia, whose arrest in conncc tion with the Italian suit-case murder was recently announced, ha now confessed his says the Rome correspondent of the Daily Telegraph.
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  • 131 5 SEAMAN'S ORDEAL REPAIRS TO A KETCH. SLUNG OVER SIDE. Wellington, Wednesday The st«»ry of the heroism of seaman in shark-infested waters wi told by Captain Knud Andersen, the Danish author, who arrived hen today aboard the 57 ton ketch on which he left Copenhagen on June
    Reuter Wireless  -  131 words
  • 49 5 T.I Decline To Assisi Government* London, Wednesday. The General Council of the Trade Union Congress meeting in London t<«iay has decided not to co-operate with the National Council of Social Service which ha- been adopted by Government m the official agency for th<- relief of unemployment. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  49 words
  • 98 5 "Without the powerful aid of th»« Press," said Mr. Neville Chamberlain at the Stationers' Hall, E.C., in reference to the recent conversion of £2,087,000,000 of War Loan, "all the efforts of the Treasury ami th»Bank of England must have failed to reach the tfoal, and I am trial
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  • 48 5 9,000,000 Marks lor Relief Of Youth. Berlin, Sunday. Th»* Government Im- granted 9,000,000 mark'- to h»-lp unemployed under the a^c of 2r>. Reuter. Hrrlin, Wednesday. The number of unemployed ha^ increased by 240J000 lincc t'nr end of November! anfl tVio total i^ now 5,604,000. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • 37 5 \mrmlrd Scheme Approved* Hatavia. Friday. The schrrm* for creating a central supar selling organisation supervised by tlu* (iovernment was approved in a considerably amended form by a special meeting of the Foeple'a Council. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 112 5 Education Experts In England. London, Sunday. The five Chinese education experts who have boon studying educational methods in Europe are now in London and have already covered Fiance, Germany, Denmark and Poland and have nearly finished a three weeks' tour of England after which they will visit Italy,
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 MALAYA'S LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE. rz** 1^ I For Ev erything Phone 2938: rftt**p FINEST QUALITY GOLF, TENNIS g} aild POLO SHIRTS. Price $1.25. 4M J RESTRIN GING OF TENNIS fcr I IC^O BADMINTON RACKETS OUR SPECIALITY. HYSONS The Malayan Sports Depot. 111, North Bridge Road, Singapore. A. FLINTER 6,
      135 words
    • 31 5 GORDONS GIN GORDONS GIN GORDONS GIN GORDONS GIN The Distillers have two centuries of experience in making their Gin clear, clean and perfect. GORDONS GIN GORDONS GIN GORDONS GIN GORDONS GIN
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  • 286 6 STATE HOCKEY. SELANCOR BEATEN BY ONLY GOAL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. Malacca sprang a Boxing Day surprise on Selangor in an interState hockey match on the Club padang today, winning a keenly contested match by the only goat. Selangor had reshuffled their forward
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  • 89 6 Annual Merlin** And Sports At Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. The 11th annual snorts of thf Malay teachers of Negri Sembilan held on the K. G. V. School padang were very successful. The judget were Mr. R. F. Gunn, Inspector of Schools. S.. and Che Ahmad
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  • 1261 6 RADIUM. WARNING BY LORD LEE. NEED FOR CONTROL. (By Air Mail.) London, Dec. i>. Important pronouncements on tin present and futur; use of radium n the treatment of cancer were made yesterday by Lord Lee of Fare ham. the Chairman of the Radtun Commission, who delivered the
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  • 288 6 HOPE'S BROADCAST PERSECUTION OF RELIGION. SPAIN AND RUSSIA. Rome, Saturday. The Tope, in a Christmas adhcss broadcast for the first time, ias proclaimed a Holy Year from Apr. 2. 1983, to celebrate the nine Lecnth centenary of the Crucifixion. Details will be announced in :he New Year.
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 118 6 Long Period Ol Peace Assured. Rugby, Wednesday. The prospect of a Long period oi peace and stability of wages in the South Wales coal trade is made sible by an agreement reached at Cardiff by owners and the lead< r of the Miners' Federation. Mr. Evan Williams,
    British Wireless  -  118 words
  • 67 6 GIRL'S I LMm/ a STOim, SH|n OUTBURST 0 IF WERE ALIVE. Wlm Feng-im, vocational created a the Rpiiii catnated Addi teachers, San Min I Princi bt'i.iy: mif intci-j mati< v.-u Sen, churia m« r cm n I San Min C] Wanj C party.' strain she i
    Chew Jit Poh  -  67 words
  • 33 6 Epicentre Believed lir !n igolia. est recorded a quake ai 2 I 0 mile b( g"o!i;.. ho in Reuter Chalcidit i S v a- played hea\ ily thi damage Reuter Wireless
    Reuter; Reuter Wireless  -  33 words
  • 27 6 Drastic I !<*oiionii«> \mi iV v .;!i'r!i i a; deficit the ind of ih< the <i' veri the J'.»:"' 1,150.000, national l< < s fmm Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 19 6 I,c>n<1 1 sa n cer Jones, Observat< p tinted 1 il 0 BUCC< will retire on Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
      171 words
    • 38 6 TOOHEYS PILSENER BEER. Brewed in AUSTRALIA from Australian Malt, Hops and Crystal Water. TOOHEYS is a genuine brewed beer NOT a synthetic product. Ask your Provision Store for a free pint bottle. SOLE AGENTS:THE EASTERN AGENGIES LTD., SINGAPORE.
      38 words

  • 841 7 The following are the positions in the English a/id Scottish LeaI Igues, inducting Saturday's matches:- First I'll ision. I V. W. L D. P. A. P. enai 2<? 16 2 68 -il 34 A ton Villa 20 1 1 3 :;0 28 Sh< ffield W 20 12 5
    841 words
  • 622 7 CHRISTMAS EVE AND BOXING DAY LEAGUE GAMES. 1 l'>n. Saturday. The results of the matches played today in the English and Scottish Leaguee were <•:• follows: Reuter London, Monday. The following were the results of in. it clks played today in the English Lesgue:- Reu ter First
    Reuter  -  622 words
  • 85 7 U. S. AND AUSTRALIA TWO GAMES ALL. Melbourne, Saturday. The lawn tennis test series between Australia ami the United States touring team, which should have I)L'KU!i here today, was washed oul i>y continuous r: in. M<nclay\ Cames. Melbourne, Monday. Result- of gainM played today I wei'i as follow:
    85 words
  • 568 7 EIGHT GOAL WIN. FATHUL KARIB BEATEN. BAD FINISHING. S'pore Pcranakans b; Fathul K. 1. The Singapore Peranakan qualified to meet Kola Kaja in the final loi the A division of the M.F.A league when they beat Fathul Karib by eight goals to one on Saturday at
    568 words
  • 104 7 Reuter HARLEQUINS BEATEN BY RICHMOND. London, Saturday. Results of the leading rugby matches played today were: Bed ford l i Leicester 10 Bristol London Welsh 7 Coventry 11 Rlackheath 3 Harlequ .1 Richmond :< rthampton 8 Gloucester i--0. M. T. 27 London Scots. 6 I'lyi..oiith A. 21 Exeter
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 772 7 TWO GAMES. ONE WON AND ONE LOST. RAIN SPOILS PLAY. S.K.C. K.L. CfctatM 1 A hockey team <»f Kuala Lumpur (hint '^e was in Singapore during the Chri.-tmas holidays and played two 1° tfcleii first, on Sunday, the> heal th< Singapore Chinese by throe jjoalt'» out. but
    772 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 B Li Em I jji' FOR REAL HARD WORK 1 I CANNOT BE SURPASSED. "b LIMITED. ~£m aVK Mn k JSJyr Advertising Space in the "Daily News' is limited and Business Managers will l>c wise in booking up space NOW! Circulation figures show the "Daily News' is rapidly gaining popularity
      50 words
    • 69 7 NEW CTOC^S OF WHITEAWAY NEW BASIC VALUES %!M >A N A (implc fant -V. |y ami Price 1.50 Each. W PRAM. Built of I i end aprui type spoke m Pricr J9.50 Each. w !i VI BOX. < 1< > I'rirr Each. WM I T F S ■^f'<fJ HAMCVALULS x\\\
      69 words

  • Article, Illustration
    71 8 -afkcepcr the Kuala Lumpar Ctiiae^c hockey teaai saviiiu during :tLc nanu' with the S.K.t on the I'adan- yesterday. cing Rand on the footway at Uanpstead Hrath to prcTeni people sttpaiag owing to the ir later frost. A picture taken from above of a woman gathering oysters from the sei trail
    71 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 340 8 Harry S. Elias, m i.o QUALIFIED OPTICIAN Capitol Building Tel. 2751. CONSULTING HOURS--9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SLUMP TIMF ■CCCSSITAI LS FCCNCIV.Y TIICD IIOH .51 l :V;\' I gT ol 1 1 clot'ktt, \v ;i j. hi W pli'-iif J- I! <l 1I» li t < I> i >i willg
      340 words
    • 61 8 capitol! Holiday Matinee Today 3*15 Special Screening of Radio's Riotous Musical Comedy "GIRL CRAZY" With WHEELER and WOOLSEY HALF PRICE TO ALL! 6.15 TONIGHT 9.15 SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE'S FAMOUS STOKY "FIRES OF FATE" Actually Filmed in Egypt and the Sudan. Our Next Attraction See Screenland's latest and Biggest Oj.
      61 words
    • 129 8 u 1 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903. I Call it satire, call It farce, call it burlesque call comedy, call it anything in the world you lika the fact remains that here is positively FUNNIEST PICTURE EVER SCREENED. y fun at the movies and their ni3kers AND YC Jj? LAUGH YOURSELF SILLY
      129 words