Sin Chew Youth, 16 June 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 560 2 Slew Man is a friend of mine. She is the daughter of a millionaire and she is living next to my house. Everybody in the neighbourhood knows that she is rich. Although she is rich, she does not look down on the poor. On the contrary, she is always
        560 words
      • 98 2 One afternoon, John was watering the plants in the garden. Suddenly, he saw smoke coming out of his neighbour’s house. He quickly telephoned the fire brigade. The neighbours took buckets of water and threw the water at the fire. A few minutes later the fire engine arrived. The
        98 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 108 2 //"Z Picture Quiz Have fun with these five rebuses. A rebus is a Picture puzzle which has its answer in words. The first three rebuses are about occupations and the last two are about animals. Can you guess the right answers? Write your responses here; Picture No. 1; Picture No.
      108 words
    • 459 2 o May Hua; Have you heard? Hock Guan; Heard what, May Hua? May Hua: The census. You know, the head count. Hock Guam What do you mean by the head count? Are they really counting heads? May Hua: Yes. The census workers are visiting every home in Singapore. They are
      459 words

  • 华文辅导
    • 57 3  - 不爱珠叔叔吕西一点也不肥人西夏每有且带 ch6u 昊高们皇抢久人常西忽然发现在「欢心「爸听「说 r 你彳 4 么摸面不
      57 words
    • 106 3  - 文章六种不映山「。什么这的中有候。有个结现排 j 里写的另一烟。色塘月爱。平列围二写而也要法或深的艺东好
      106 words
    • 38 3  - 谚于一一言「 A word spoken is past recalling 〇例过意思 to give one tit for tat 例小仇没有把握 Leave well 。例革
      38 words
    • 29 3  - 粉球滚芝 fen qiu gun zhi ma duo shao zhan yi dian 歇编易甲乙 <1 「粉这处 0 J 绘图
      绘图:化亮  -  29 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 114 3 為為 lWp 猜测测探推测这 r 索了 r 对如流 0 「的。的例 L 换用后的高 0 测下这两」「探才會旨华才智 c6izhT 这褒「面事「
      114 words