Malaya Tribune, 4 June 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 20 1 The Malaya Tribune xnx- No. 128 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY. JUNE 4. 1926
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 I SPECIAL OFFER j F O DIANA BLUE AND GREEN PENCILS PRICE $-15 per doz. FROM Ualama 7 ribune Presx, Ltd. 208. Oliver Quay Singapore. fl Ifeli Imitated but Pi aS never Equalled. U jl Excelentes I I 1 Especiales g j Bellezas j I Always Fresh Stock 3 0
      91 words
    • 21 1 IWiloi wpcdtmatt and o i X Metn! arid/vioiiitecoml'inatiootpre- Nj laclr* or eyes!:!*.'*":. Ot lirtVir rtcht «ictal cim »pccijcl« or cvct «»»c».
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  • 312 2 Exciting Reception on Arrival in Manila Several thousand persons gathered at Camp Nichols, Manila, to meet Captains Gal-arza and Loriga, wno reached the army aviation field at 11.37 on the 13th inst*., broke through tihe ropes which fenced off the area in which the aviators landed and
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  • 256 2 Title of New British Film Objected to Spiritualist* throughout England last month entered a strong protest agains,t the exhibition of a film entitled "Spiritual-ism Expand." Some 500 soeiatier sent in objections to the Film Censor and to local members of Parliament. The opposition was organised by the Spirilla
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  • 218 2 Protest Made Against New Immigration Order During the past few months many nationalities have been subjected to the attfljk of Chinese pub ic bodies, which claim ihat China's national dignity is being desecrated by the foreigners, says the "N. C. D. News." Cuba is the latest (and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 413 2 WHITEAWAYS j THE MAN'S SHOP I The above is no idle phrase, but is a simple statement of fact which is proved by the volume of business we do in all that appertains to MEN'S WEAR. I X REMEMBER all the value goes into the goods. 1 3 m The
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    • 16 2 mm "It's not bad, but why have you made the m«Jth so large?" —Buen Humor, Madrid.
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    • 587 2 TEETHING TROUBLES Are Quickly Relieved By BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Read Mrs. Beland's Evidence. Mothers should never give their children opiates to produce sleep except on the instructions of the family physician. It is not only harmful but unnecessary, for Baby's Own Tablets, tihe sweet iijtle laxative tablets, in a natural
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  • 409 3 Marvels of Television Promised Us Actually taking shape, now, states Mr. Ksnry Harper in the "Daily Chronicle," arc pieces of apparatus, inhumanly human, which will enab'e operators not only to control piiotless anroplanes while they are high in the air, but to endow these man less machines
    409 words
  • 349 3 Machine-Gun Used by Criminals in Chicago Suburb Chicago desperadoes got the Assistant State Attorney, Mr. McSw. g:n, "han<rin2r Prosecutor of Cook Count>, b\ tracking him down in a motor-car and pour, ino- a volley of ma>eh:nr-gun bullets into the automobi'e in which he and lour conranion were
    349 words
  • 296 3 Series of Contortions Without a Vestige of Grace A series of contortion? without a vctige of charm or .grace, reminiscent on y of the Negro orgies from which it dative." its creation," is thj"? dcecrip lon applied the dance called the which ha-> recently found its
    296 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 127 3 eh 1 terval 73 Not Out! jjj And good tor another 75 after that-g'ass of gj PHCENIX DRY GINGER ALE I 'Phone 3463 I i in i i ii i tt~i rr »n if f^'il D V reason of :t9 ft f! e WiiteTlorse stands out. •oft as silk—a stcincts
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    • 162 3 THE SHY WOMEN OF INDIA. FALSE MODESTY. Nature has made woman subject *o certain peculiar ills. In India modesty and* have condemned her to suffer OBOeceaaarily. Grls in their teens, young women, and mothers, are all liable to have one or t;n■>tber of the various illnesses wh:ch their peri
      162 words
    • 306 3 No. 5 of a series. I 2 1 SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT j! Few people realise that, apart from moves Uttte impurities uaieU the I quadruple filtration, tho water that most meticulous alteration uoes BOi lj goes to make Eraser and Neave's detect. Aerated Drinks la also scientifically i (seated. This treatment
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 437 4 1 EMPIRE g Thursday, June sto Wednesday, June 9—2nd Sh>)W at 9-15 p.m. cj uj The Super Colossal Production of Victor Hugo's jjj I IMMORTAL CLASSIC S I The a I Hunchback of Notredameg {5 Featuring Don Cbaney, Patsy Ruth Miller, Norman Kerry, X Ernest Torrenca and a Cast of
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    • 284 4 A m use m c s 3 c S From Friday, June 4 to Wednesday, Jane 9. jc J At the R ALHAMBRA I 3 (Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd. Proprietors.) jj I C S In the Second Show at 9 p.m. 5 C TWO EXCELLENT ENTERTAINING PARAMOUNT I PRODUCTIONS
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    • 624 4 GAIETY CINEMA .'unction Albert ft Beueoolen Streets To-night at 7-30 TOM MIX in "ROUGH RIDING ROMANCE A Hard-riding, hair-raising Fox Western in 5 Parts Harold Lloyd in A Sailor-Made Man Sailing, sailing, over the sea with Lloyd Laughing, Laughing, you'll be overjoyed In 4 Parts. 2nd Show at 9 IS
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  • 125 5 TY-vay, .iune i I H mJmu, 5.58 p.m. T itrv'Mark Lodge, 8 p.m. o mail leave*. P. Nt ft Outward mail due. P* n J Upward mail closes. lfe/ Victoria Theatre, 9.30 p.m. ihe To-morrow, June 5 fifes.—*** am 6 59 p 1.-Son Sports, 2.30 p.m. t**rt*ib Gymkhana.
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  • 140 5 TO-DAY, JUNE 4 v Japan, Korea, ForstSibcria, Philippne Vestern Canada and States of U. a A. (Kweiyang) 2 p.m. V Java. South-West South-East Borneo, Moluccas and Timor (Rumphius) 2 p.m. tsl and North-Wast (Reynst) 3 p.m. North and East (Ellenga) 3 p.m. oo and Calcutta (♦Sanuki Maru) 4
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  • 66 5 London, June I ianehester Market— ft M shrtinga, fair (new gd Us Grej Yams, angle twist T. Cloth, for 24 yards .iTerpool Market tottoa-Fulrj Middling Amer.oan $16.00 "Satstandnri 3 months £264.12.6 Copra, fail merchantable Pr nd iV: m om. 159 3d raj fair flake 16s 9d .=t.a Rubber—
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  • 984 5 PRODUCF By 700 c i4 Small Pearl Tapioca uw Singapore, June 4 No Sago Flour tlice, Siam No 1 per Koyan $*<0 v 4 r 0 pi 0 ur 5 82Va Rice, Siam 2 $377 H v rneo Sago Flour ftice, Siam 3 J»»; So 2 Sago
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 USEFUL TO PLANTERS. Our Groundnut Cake f the highest quality, and wil prove very beneficial for Rubbe trees, Fruit trees and Plants it bringing them to a very healthy ane productive state. Pree supplied on application We also manufacture best quaUtj Groundnut and Cocoanut Oils anc Cocoantrt Cake at Moderate
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    • 30 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES 0. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary, I Thone 123.
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    • 18 5 M. EZEKIEL ft SOtfS, Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians, 4, Raffles Chambers, Raffl* Pl»<*» Singapore. Optometrist: A. M. EZEKIEL, OJ).
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    • 494 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS CHOP TIONG NGHEE. j Notice is herein given th»t the partnership hitherto subsisting in the abovemcntioned Chop beiwena Too Tloqf, Chua Sim Co wee an<l ray Chye ha* this day iwen dissolved ma I la regaroM Ten Tiong, who retires from the said Chop, and I that, the
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    • 433 5 WANTED. Storekeeper. Wages 1120 per mensem. ihOQ deposit and *100u guarantee required Apply ot letter to C. R. E. Malaya, Fort Canning, giving references and experience. THE TAPAH RUBBER ESTATES LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Interim Dividend of 10 per cent on account of
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    • 277 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS CHOPS KIM HUAT AND CHUAN SENG 210. Belegie Road. Notice is hereby giveo that the goodwill of the abovenamed Chops has this day been assigned by Tio Lai Chiang to Tio Peng Chuan. Dated 2nd June 1926. Sd. TIO LAI CHIANG. Sd. TIO PENG CHUAN NOTICE The mm
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  • 881 6 Among 'the many health .problems with Wfltch we are faced in Malaya, tahe hookwork scourge is by no means the least, either in dimensions or ravages. Our Maiac'ca contemporary in its last issue published an interesting survey of the beginnings of a Ihree-years' campaign against hook-worm, or
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  • 256 6 The annual reports of many Nigerian tin mining: companies indicate that tin in Nigeria is not very profitable at present. —Mr. A. Newbury, 2nd Officer, Central Fire Station, reports the theft of $250 in cash on Wednesday. The compla.nant has no suspicions. Divine service will be conducted by Archdeacon
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  • 705 6 SUCCESSFUL PARADE ON PADANG Big Attendance at the Annual Ball The anniversary of the idrth of His Majesty the King was celebrated yesterday in Singapore in the time-honoured manner. All ships in the harbour—there were a good many of them—were dressed, and the day was observed as a
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  • 145 6 By a decree of the Italian Government the great Latin poet ferfL native town of Mantua Th- m h,P SJU contribute S\ f T e M S c r ent the monument whth In"!' 000 llPe to n2S, la L d th f«<. i <n, nt> Council shew that thm
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  • 347 6 Rev. and Mr e Church, have retained l "> 4 h taon trip to Java. N Mr. H. Berkele- th* duties this on recrement I Shanghai from Japan u **> of The engagement i s Song Low Meng of \i ur Petroleum Co LW S Liang, fourth
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  • 83 6 Th e Sin Kuo Mm Press, he mm* Chinese vernacular daily paper in Singsmn. has not oniy completed a ser al puboesbn of the Straits Settlement Atsomtmri v enereal Disease-, m in—milil im, but hai reproduced the who.*, in Chinese, ia h0.41r form, for dmtritmtion anions the
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  • 119 6 In the Bankruptcy Court this nisj before Mr. Justice Deane, Mr. W. C Taylor, the Assistant Official AuifM made an application ir the matte!- of the bankruptcy of A- L V. A. L Veifttv salam Chetty. Mr. Taylor said that' the Official Ml nee*s repou to the aoarl
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  • 288 6 If the Florida Legislature untitled which has the backing of real ests aec throughout the State, developers «31 more careful with the promises wade to prospective buyers. The I>i!i rovida tha'. the subdivider shall deposit a fx sd for the amount of the improvements which he lias told purchasers of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 287 6 I TEMPUS FUGIT 99 f I Finest Grandmother j S I Oak Jacobean stjle j 1 Grandmother Clocks i Kljj?L fi Dj Westminster Chimes J 1 S I Beautifully Finished Cases. J I I Fully Guaranteed Movements J 1 I I Price $275. I 1 g An Ideal Wedding Present
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    • 97 6 I COMPARISON [j is the only infallible Test jj of the relative value of jjj (}j Typewriters. S g By comparison the|Royal X |j proves its superiority. Ask for Booklet fc Describing the 20 H Reasons S I LTD. I jjj Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur. 3050 I 3050 for I
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  • 629 7 Emergency Acts Debate PRAISE FOR CONDUCT OF STRIKERS Continuance Passed by a BigMajority British Official Press Service. Reuter's Service. London, June 2. House of Commons this morning dish continuance of the state of emerTh Act of Parliament of 1920 em- n'T the Government to issue this pro.\i.»n pres.'rices that
    British Official Press Service.; Reuter's Service.  -  629 words
  • 68 7 British Official Press Service. London. June 2 Austen Chamberlain, replying to a s n in the House of Commons, said "at neu,ot at t ns with the Turkish Govern'fit on the Mosul question were still pro- «iintr ;n a fr'endly spirit which encoura"'d his hope of their
    British Official Press Service.  -  68 words
  • 46 7 Reuter's Service. Ottawa, June 3. 1 repen of the auditors for the Comt the House of Commons examin•l custom states that cotton goods valued J |*«r a million dollars have been v Pled into Canada from the United n the three vears through yoeoee.
    Reuter's Service.  -  46 words
  • 49 7 Reuter's Service. Paris, June 3. r n^ ,rr nation'' confirms the report that y' ations are being conducted to raise an in the United States for France Sf., n lion that the agreement between i„ n ar Mellon and M. Berenger regard«"ranee's d bt is ratified.
    Reuter's Service.  -  49 words
  • 31 7 Reuter's Service. London, June 3, W ll regarded :l s certain that Lord GeilS™, saeserxl Lord Byng as arnrn ,u rul of Canada. An official ''•«•ment b immin.nt.
    Reuter's Service.  -  31 words
  • 57 7 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS REFERENDUM Judicial Authority Expected to Agree Reuter's Service. New York, June 3. The Senate Prohibition Committee has recommended an indefinite postponement of all proposals for modification of the dry laws and a national referendum on prohibition. This action is subject to the approval of the Judiciary Committee,
    Reuter's Service.  -  57 words
  • 256 7 Lloyd George Denies Rumours of Change British Official Press Scrvice. London, June 3. Mr. L'oyd George addressee! a letter to Major-General Sir Robert Hutchison, assistant whip to the Libera! party, denying rumours that he has recently made overtures to the Labour party. He says; "1 made it clear two
    British Official Press Scrvice.  -  256 words
  • 126 7 Reuter's Service. London. June 3. The danger of the total disappearance of the machinery for co? ection of the Chinese salt tax, owing .to the action of the militarist leaders" was called to the attention of the House of Commons by Mr. W. Foot Mitchell, who suggested
    Reuter's Service.  -  126 words
  • 127 7 CHAMBERLAIN LEAGUE British Official Press Service. London, June 3. Sir Austen Chamberlain is expected to leave London on Saturday for Geneva to attend the fortieth session of the Council of the League of Nations, which begins on Monday, June 7. He will be accompanied by members of the Foreign Office
    British Official Press Service.  -  127 words
  • 124 7 Reuter's Service. New York, June 3. The "New York Times" and "New York World" note a growing trend of American public opinion toward cancellation of the war debts, contrasting the unsympathetic reception given the original cancellation proposal. "The New York Times" says:— "Latterly the matter has assumed the
    Reuter's Service.  -  124 words
  • 62 7 British Official Press Service. London, June 3. Sir Samuel Hoare, Secretary for Air, stated that four aircraft of the Royal Air Force which took part in the flight from Cairo to Capetown returned one day in advance of their programme. The flight was a complete suu.-ess. The
    British Official Press Service.  -  62 words
  • 35 7 British Official Press Service. London, June 3. Mr. Arthur Neville Chamberlain, Minister o* Health, si ate/1 that during the twelve months ende« March 31, 160,987 hours were completed in connection witn .itate-assisted schemes.
    British Official Press Service.  -  35 words
  • 206 7 OWNERS APPROACH THE FEDERATION Possible End of Serious Deadlock British Official Press Service. Reuter's Service. London, June 3. It w#is announced this afternoon that Mr. Evan Williams, President of the CoalOwners Association, had sent a personal letter to Mr. Herbert Smith, President of the Miners' Federation, suggesting an
    British Official Press Service.; Reuter's Service.  -  206 words
  • 176 7 Further Outbreaks of Disease in Britain British Official Press Service. London, June 3. Colonel Guinness, Minister of Agriculture, made a further statement in the House of Commons, regarding recent outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in this country, which had ;een proved to have been caused by
    British Official Press Service.  -  176 words
  • 100 7 Government Formed with Rebel Premier Reuter's Service. Lisbon, June 8. Genera! (1 mes Costa arrived in the vicinity of Lisix n this morning and conferred with Commandant Cabecades. after which a Government of ci portfolios was formed. Ci m] rising two generals, two naval commandan s and
    Reuter's Service.  -  100 words
  • 81 7 Reuter's Service. Rangoon, June 3. It is officially estimated that 2,764 persons perished in Maungdaw township m the Akyab cyclone. [A Reuter cable from Rangoon, dated May 30, stated: Devastation has followed in the wake of a disastrous storm on the Arakan coast which bursi on loth
    Reuter's Service.  -  81 words
  • 68 7 British Official Press Service. London, June 3. Exchange rates: Paris 152, New York 4.*****, 8ru55e1a.152.25, Geneva 25.11, Amsterdam 12.105, Toilan 126.5, Benin 20.43, Stockholm 1817, Coperfhagen 18.425, Oslo 22.0045, Vienna 34.435, Prague 164.125, Helsingfors 1J3.125, Madrid 32.165, Lisbon 2 17 32, Rio 7%, Buenos Ains 45.375, Bombay ,Is.
    British Official Press Service.  -  68 words
  • 48 7 Reuter's Service. Washington, June 3. The Senate has passed a bill and sent it up to the Housa of Representatives, authorising the expansion of the air service so as to provide for 1800 new aeroplanes at the end of an experimental period of five years.
    Reuter's Service.  -  48 words
  • 28 7 Reuter's Service. Antwerp, June 3. The Swedish motor vessel Canton, from Previk to Shanghai, has arrived here towed by two trgs "'on account of motor
    Reuter's Service.  -  28 words
  • 424 7 Situation a Little Easier ZAGHLUL'S ATTITUDE TO BRITAIN •'> Still Determined on the Soudan Issue British Official Press Service. Reuter's Service. liOndon, June 3. The newts which has reached London this afternoon to the effect that Raghloul Pasha has renounced his internum of forming an Egyptian Cabinet and Adly
    British Official Press Service.; Reuter's Service.  -  424 words
  • 93 7 Agreement Approved by House Reuter's Service. Washington, June 2. The House of Representatives has approved the French debt settlement. The vote was 236 to 111. The question had been debated sharply for the past few days. The Democrats declared that the settlement was too lenient and unfair
    Reuter's Service.  -  93 words
  • 113 7 Reuter's Service. Geneva, June 2. At the Labour Conference, Mr. Chu in a speech assured the Conference that the Chinese Government continued to show a keen interest in app.ying at an early date the standards laid down by the International Labour Organisation, 'but modern labour standards could
    Reuter's Service.  -  113 words
  • 52 7 Reuter's Service. Geneva, June 3. The League's advisory committee on the traffic in opium was addressed by Mr. hu, who urged that documents containing insults against the Chinese Government should not be circulated. He raised the question of the cultivation of opium in certain Russian territories bordering
    Reuter's Service.  -  52 words
  • 51 7 Reuter's Service. New York, June 3. I Earl Carroll has been sentenced to a year and a day's imprisonment on each of two counts in connection with the bath-tub* case, and a fine of $2000. The imprisonment sentences run concurrently. Mr. Carroll has be~n nfkased on tail, pending
    Reuter's Service.  -  51 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 235 7 l Established 11 I WATCHES OF RENOWN g Diamond s,et Platinum or White Gold Wrist Watches in the j S most splendid workmanship that will not only pUase the fortunate recipient they will make a real appeal to j Cj eveiybody, for everyone desires to be beyond criticism, j gj
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  • 762 8 CRICKET Hongkong's Defeat From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 2. The match between Hongkong and the F.M.S. was resumed this morning before a largp crowd The wicket was fiound to be bumpy when Hongkong started their second innings and they had lost six wie-ka-s by noon fo-
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  • 23 8 L.L.T.C. Tournament TUESDAY'S PLAY Ladies Open Doubles Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Livingstone beat Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Brooke, 6—2, 7 5.
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  • 29 8 Reuter's Service. Kensington, June 3. Swoden defeated South Africa in the Davis Cup competition by 3 matches to one and meets France in the European semifinal.
    Reuter's Service.  -  29 words
  • 549 8 Oldham Hall Sports The third annual snorts of the Oldham Hall Day School were held on the school grounds yesterday afternoon before a large at ten; lance of relatives and fraenon of the pupils. The sun very obligingly stayed away until the prizes were being distributed, so that an
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  • 350 8 Gunners Badly Beaten Duke of Welkington's Score E.ght Goals to Nil With a slippery ball and a wet ground, the Royal Artillery showed poorly against the Duke of Wellington's Regiment on tfto Stadium ground on Wednesday afternoon in the first division of the Singapore Football Association League. The Regiment
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  • 49 8 According to a report mad* to the police, Mr. Lim Keong Teck, manager to Towkay Koh Joo Hoy, of 169 Beach Road was 81» acked and robbed of $3,000 in cash at 12.30 p.m. on Tuesday in Gemmal Lane by six Hokiens. No arrest has been made.
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  • 516 8 Coronach Wins Derby Reuter's Service. London, June 2. The Derby Stakes of 100 iaov#-eijgns oath, with 3,000 sovereigns added. Distance, a mile and a haif. Run at Ep-oro to-day. Result.: Lord Woolavmgton's CORONACH (Childs) I MR V.". Singers LANCEGAYE (Perryman) 2 Lord Derby's COLORADO (Weston) 3 (Winner trained
    Reuter's Service.  -  516 words
  • 217 8 Walker Cup Competition Reuter's Service. London, June 2. At St. Andrew's in the Walker Cup golf competition the scores at the end of the first round of the foursomes were: Withered and Holderness 3 up on Ouimet am! Guilford. Sweetser and Von Elm 2 up on Harris and Hez.e-t.
    Reuter's Service.  -  217 words
  • 212 8 GAIETY CINEMA The special attractions at the Gaiety Cinema to-night are:—In the 2nd Show, a new cartoon and pictorial, Dangerous Innocence, a Universal Jewel production with Laura La Plante and Eugene O'Brien in 7 reels, and "Brass Buttons,'' a twopart Billy West Comedy. In the first ehow is
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  • 1377 8 Witnesses Prove Surprising MAN TO WHOM GOD GAVE MONEY PRESENT! Big Cash Transactions with Chitty Firms Evidence by witnesses for the prosecution moving contrary to expectations, caused Mr N. H. P. Whitley, the Deputy Pubic prosecutor, to remark that they were surprising, when the hearing into the Fren
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  • 44 8 The following crops were harvested on the undermentioned estates during the month of May 1926: Har.mau Rubber Estates. Ltd.. 7,376 lbs. Majedie (Johore) Rubber Estates, Ltd. 16.500 Muar Itam Estates, Ltd., 23,6iy Permas Rubber Co., Ltd., 24,000 Sekong Rubber Co., Ltd-, 22,000
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  • 78 8 To-morrow, June 5.—Wireless Class, Headquarters, 6 p.m. Mr. Chow Shing tang. the chairman of he Hankow Chamber of Commerce, has sent in a long petition to General Headquarters eomp.aining ,hat in spi e of the transport companies advancing $300,000 to the rai.way company as transportation fees, the
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  • 1476 8 ALLEGATIONS OF u NDu INFLUENCE Eldest Son Who Received a $100 Legacy As reported on Wednesday, the case m taken up in the Supreme Court w Mr. Justice Deane, in which Seow ut Kee sued his maternal grandmoth > i Tuan Neo, and Mr. H. R. S. Zehnder
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  • 959 9 Singapore, June 1. pj,f> airline in the price of rubber conhut shares have remained very a.though some of the more specu♦j Vt counters have fallen s Tin >v n.4nu* owr the week but shares are, .me or two exceptions, higher on A steady business in industrials t s
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  • 640 9 The following passengers left for Europe by the s.s. Malwa this morning:— Mrs. C. W. Knott and infant, Mr. J. E. S. Alexander, Mr. A. Burns, Miss Harveyj Mrs. G. P. MeAdam and two children, Mr. G. P. MeAdam, Mr. and Mrs. N. Richardson and infant. Mr. S.
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  • 65 9 To-day, June 1 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, Non-European Units, Extra Arras Drill Parade. 5 p.m.—Malay Driil Hall, Malay Company, Open Order Instruction. To-morrow, June "> 2.30 p.m.—Bukit Timah Range, Units, S.V.C., Practice Penang Veterans Shield. 2.30 p.m.—Farrer Range, European Units, Casuals, Musketry Classification. Sunday, June 6 7.30 a.m—Bukit Timah
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  • 92 9 London soon will have its own "Palm Beach if plans of Beaumont Alexander, managing director of a West End cabaret restaurant there, are realized. Mr. Alexander has acquired an island in the Thames dose to Hampton Court, royal seat of Henry VIII, and expects to transform it into a miniature
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 409 9 Think Before You Drink by caffeine/ according to a well XT known authority, is one of the major causes of heart and liver troubles—and every cup of coffee you drink contains from one to three grains of the dangerous drug, caffeine. Not a very pleasant thought. Why risk your health
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    • 177 9 IBOORD'S j B OLD TOM I W DRY GIN I IJi SL are the l OBTAINABLE, j j A T al I will Convince You I I Obtainable from all Dealers. jj I a Sole Agents: i 1 John Little Co., Ltd., 5 (Incorporated in England.) nj j| SINGAPORE, FbNAKG
      177 words

  • 327 10 Mysterious Visions of Seamen Explained "The whole problem of the sea serpent," according to Mr. C. Tate Regan, Keeper of Zoology at the British Museum, when interviewed by a "Morning Post" representative, ''has b3en very closely investigated, but since the cretaceous times there is no evidence that it
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  • 300 10 That the Americans arc taking the problem of British film? very seriously, in view of the effect that any legislation may have on their own interests, is the opinien of Mr. Charles Lar. worth, c-f Gainsborough Productions, who has just returned from a visit to New
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  • 147 10 After the arrival of the White Star liner Adriatic at Queenstown on April 2'>. the Custom officers, while examining the luggage of the seventy people who had come ashore, one of the men if he had dutiable goods. His denial was not accepted, and it was fourni
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 138 10 I Si I I Cold Storage j I ICE CREAM J I FOR YOUR NEXT TENNIS OR BRIDGE PARTY. J Obtainable from g I JOHN LITTLE Co., BUN BEE Co. KIM ANN Co., LEVI KHOON HENG, jjj I LUNA CAFE (Dhoby Ghaut), LIM YEW CHYE SONS, High Street, or from
      138 words
    • 32 10 DON'T FEEL SOUR AND GRUMPY Sweeten your Stomach and ffirt iru py° ur Dr.Ross m I lifePills^M You will ■rm^m be naturally m» J L happy and r/ II cheerful I /fill,
      32 words
    • 864 10 Pulleys that break down are mighty costly. Idle men and machines during pulley replacements eat up profits. But belt* slip, due to the use of iron, wood or ORDINARY STEEL split pulleys, is even mors costiy. It is a constant source of power waste in many factories, shops and mil's.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 592 11 STEAMER SAILINGS p 0, BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES (Incorporated in England.) HAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. NSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) jUTWARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China Japan For Marseillea, London A Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage
      592 words
    • 376 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Direct Service to Japan via Hongkong and Shanghai, and to Calcutta vis Penang from Singapore. Taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsze Porta Formosa, the Philipnines, etc. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA
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    • 224 11 STEAMER sailings STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA, 4 pjn., for Port Swettenham and Penang. B. W. SOON, 5 pan., for M n U/v>* RAHMAN, 6 p.m., for Muar. TUESDAY ROMPIN, 4 p.m., for Batu Pahat. MEDUSA, 4 pjn., for Port Dickson, Telok Anson,
      224 words
    • 619 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN lUISHA,> LONDON LINE Tonnage Destination Due Sail fKamo Maru 8,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp June 9 10 Katori Maru 10,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp June 23 24 Atsuta Maru 8,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp July 7 8 Kashima Maru 10,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp July 21 23 Hakone Maru 11,000
      619 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 366 12 EDUCATIONAL j JdTERCANTILE INSTITUTE. (Opea lor Boys and Girla) Evening Claudes: Praotical English, ShortlAiid, Book-keeping, Typewriting and other Jommercial Subjeots wught. Arrangements «.re modified to salt Individual needs. For p*rticulare apply to Director, 3 Viotoria Street. Ask (or a free lesson in Pitman's Shorthand.) RATNE MOTOR TOURING CO. i 14.
      366 words
    • 310 12 SITUATION VACANT WANTED. iciounts Clerks with two or three years experience required immediately for Miri. Apply to Box N>. 358 c/o Malaya Tribune. TO LET !?0 LET, Baffles Chambera. three sections lad floor, area 8,680 square feet. Bent $200 p.m. Immediate entry. Apply to The Secretary, The Garden Club. MONEY
      310 words
    • 515 12 PUBLIC NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received up to noon on Tuesday, the Bth June, 1926, at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, from persons desirous of contracting for the supply of Firewood to the Public Works and Medical Departments and Timber, for a period of six months commencing from
      515 words
    • 352 12 BANKS THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Bahamat. Palembang 16 Dir. Hongkong 13 Queen's Road Central. Seremban 63 Birch Road. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya,
      352 words
    • 487 12 BANKS THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,*****4 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M.
      487 words
    • 436 12 INSURANCE" H Ktk'l Sly INSURANCE COMPANY int. FIRE, MARINE rfij MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT Rates L. C. MARGOLIOUTE, Office: 2, Finlayson Gr^***' ORIENTAL^ Government Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., (Incorporaied in India 1874 Results of the Company** Ow uurng the One years 19aST PROFIT Rs. oimm Increased Bonuses
      436 words