Indian Daily Mail, 15 July 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail OJL, X. No. 149. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY,, JULY, IS, 1954. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 495 1 Court Stamps Gazettes Publicly Burnt: Civil Disobedience Commenced First Jatha Jailed: Adjmt. Motion Talked Out From Our Own Correspondent TRTVANDBUM, July 14.— Following the arrest of the first jatha at DeviKulam, the lanulnand Congress leaders have begun civil disobedience m many centres
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  • 66 1 L.ONOON, Jiny 14. Britain has executed) 605 Africans n the campaign to wipe out Man Man an ti- White terrorism m Kenya, the House of Commons was told Tuesday. Ccionial Secretary Oliver Lyttieton said they were convicted* of murder, unlawful possession of arms or ammunition, consorting with
    AP  -  66 words
  • 113 1 IX)NDON, July 14 Ponce kept constant watch nere at the bedside of L'aptain Antonio De I>a Maza Val. ques, Dominican Air Attache, who was wounded m a snoot, ing affray at the Dominion rtn.rassy o n Saturday nignt The Embassy's First .Secretary. Senor Don Luis Bernardino was shot
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  • 58 1 From Our Own Correspondent TKIVANDRUM, July 14.— In the T-C State Assembly yesterday the Finance Minister presented a recast bucket fo r the State showing a huge deficit of 146 lakhs of rupees (Rs 14.6 ni) and announced two new tax increases on agricultural Income
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  • 84 1 PARIS, July 14 The five thousand inhabitants of Mahe French settlement on the Ma. labar coast of India, have food supplies for only a few days the French press agency re. ported last night from PoiiQi. cherry A French official arriving m Pondicherry from Mahe, told
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  • 72 1 GENEVA July 14 The United Nations Economic and Socal OoMticil called on all -overnmentu Monday to pro. hiblt the manufacture, import an<i export of diacetylmosphlne i Heroin) except for small quantities for scientific purposes. It noted the conviction of the World Health Organisation, that heroin was not
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  • 33 1 Tory Resigns From Party LONDON, July 14.— Major K.A.H. T-Coge-Bourke, a Conservative member of Parlia. merit resigned from the party today as a protest against Sir Winston Chur**Ul'« Karvnt anil 9u4aa policy.- Rtuttr
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  • 160 1 WRITE OFF CHIANG'S REGIME BK. LABOUR M.F. SAN FRANCISCO. July 14. A Labour member of the British par. lament Tuesday said it will probably be necessary to admit Red China into me United Nations and write oil' the Nationalist Chinese government of Chiang- KaiShek. Michael Stewart, 47-year-old M.P. now touring:
    AP  -  160 words
  • 114 1 I;.v.<vjuu.<, ou»y a*. Awo Uunucce ijuuduist moons were Kiue<i last Saturday m between iuva» tacuons iv a suuuruan monasieiy nere. Police suj.u on ivwna<iy uie^> uiie^ted ji m counecnon witii me incident. The ngnt was between two groups within the monastery aijoui wno
    AP  -  114 words
  • 84 1 LONDON, July 14 The Bouse of Lords, after a long sitting on the controversial bill to introduce commercial television to Britain, rose half an hour after midmf.nt averting what would have been its first all night sitting m Hying memory. Lord Salisbury, leader of the House,
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  • 98 1 WASHINGTON, July 14- A spokesman of the State Department said Monday it had no intention of issuing' a new passport to the Negro singer, Paul Robesan. whose passport was cancelled four years ago oecause of his pro-Communist speeches and 'activities. He added that Robeson
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  • 78 1 CAIRO, July 14. Egypt yn Monday lifted a ban on British gooda The Finance Minister T;r Ajbdel Hamld El Sherif. f»-eed from all restrictions mv> r U3 from the sterling zone. He also authorised Imports of all goods from sterHng countries and from counrtiea
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  • 91 1 JERUSALEM, July 13 Major General Vagn Benmk? chief truce supervisor, Mon. day adjourned an emergency session of the Israeli Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission without a decision after mx hours discussion on the recent Jerusalem "battle Total casualties on both sides an the divided city were nine
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  • 58 1 GUATEMALA TO WTIHDRAW COMPLAINT NEW YORK, July 14. Guatemala has formally requested the United Nations to withdraw the "Guatemalan question" from the Security council agenda now that "peace and order have happily t>een restored." Senor Carlos Salazar, the Guatemalan Foreign Minister, macie this request to Mr. Dag Hammarskjoeld, the Secretary
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  • 41 1 WORLD COURT SUPERIOR TO U.N.! THE HAGUE, July 14.— The World Court ruled yesterday the U.N. General Assembly has no right to review compensation awards made to 11 Americans dismissed from U.N. jobs after U.S. inquiries Into alleged subversive activities.- AP
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  • 55 1 BIG THREE TALKS AGAIN PARIS. July 14 The Big Three Foreign Minis. ters' talks ended at 1220 hours GMT. The three Ministers will hold another meeting this afternoon. Mendes France and Eden postponed their departure for Geneva until late this afternoon it was not Known when Dulles would leave or
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  • 77 1 KARACHI, July 14.— The Pakistan Constituent Assembly yesterday passed a bill legalising tine merging of 4,000 square miies of northwest frontier territory no w occupied by local tribes with the 'territory of Pakistan. The Bill also gave representation to the tribes m the provincial
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  • 37 1 PHOTO. Soviet Foreign Minister M. MOLOTOV is surrounded by greeters on his arrival at Geneva by air on Judy 8. He is back from Moscow for the resumption of the Geneva talks.- A.P.
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  • 68 1 NEW DELHI, July 14. The Government of India has instructed) its Vice Consulate <n Hanoi, Indochina, to continue to function "whatever happens" and to look after the interests of nearly 2,000 Indians resident hi that area, a Foreign Ministry source said 1 Monday The source added
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 181 1 NEW YORK, July 14. Britain a>nd tne United states were m general agreement on tne cvsiiuiuv«i*s tnat they would accept as a basis tor settlement vi the war m Indo-Qtuna, a YorK Times corresponaent, Drew MidUetan, reported xiuin ijonuon today. He listed the conditions for seiuement
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  • 104 1 CEYLON MINISTER WITHDRAWS RESIGNATION COLOMBO, July 13. Mr. T. F. Jayawardene, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of i^abour, withdrew his resignation from the Ceylon cabinet. He had tendered his resignation because he felt his claim for cabinet rank had been overlooked m the appointment last week of Mr. S. C.
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  • 110 1 NEW DELHI. July 14 fndia and Japan are expected to s;gn an airline transport agreement before the end of this month, a government source said yesterday. Under the pact governmentowned Air India international will start a service Unking Calcutta, Bangkok, Hongkong and Tokyo. Air India is expect,
    AP  -  110 words
  • 218 1 Muslim League Dravida Kalagham Support Kamaraj Nadar's Candidature "Red Victory Will Be Dangerous" From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 14.— Politics indeed makes strange bedi'euows. Ihe Muslim JLeague and Dravida Kaiagnain have both declared their support to the Congress Candidate Mr. Kamaraj Nauar m the byeiection m the (iuuiyatt am
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  • 31 1 Malenkov Receives Kitchlew LONDON. July 14 Soviet Premier Gebrgi Ma'enkov Tuesday received n I lie Kremlin Dr. Saif.Ud Dta Kitchlew, Chairman of the All-Indian Peace Comic 1 Moscow radio reported AP
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  • 38 1 MONTREAL. July 14. Twelve children are believed to have drowned yesterday when a group of picnicking youngsters became panic stricken and capsized a pleasure boat m a lake about 20 miles northwest of here.- Reuter
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  • 97 1 KARACHI, July 14. "Severe restrictions" will soon be imposed on the movements and activities of Russian diplomats In Pakistan, it was authoritatively stated here on Monday. This decision by the Pakistan Government intended as a retaliatory answer to restrictions on the Pakistan Embassy m Moscow was
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  • 82 1 NEW YORK, July 14 —The United Nations Trustee-ship Council yesterday decided by a vote of ten to none against with Britain and France abstaining to refer a Briti i proposal on the future of Togoland and United Kingdom Trusteeship to the next session of the Genearl As
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 127 1 MtMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImiIIHMIIIMIII.tIHKIIIIIUnI |llMlll| FOR j^=^-"' tTT J ICE CREAM tewpjg^flSE' COLD STORAGE 1 CREAMERIES s^^^^SgjP r ifni,|iiMliiiiliiiiliiiii:iiiliuitiiii«iiiiimiimitiiiiliiiitiiii«iitii:'M,, H ©VV yM/^ a n.ghn. %r i\ —^^F^^V/W 'fl wt«k to Rome J-fi" V >--^ >-— Switzerland ■^/^^V~i.' C G«n«va and ...Iff even more I r> comfortable with KIM P Dreams of comfort become
      127 words

  • 519 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore Thurs. July 15, 1954 AUSTRALIAN PROFESSIONS vs. PRACTICE AUSTRALIA is far a settlement m the Bast but m uj* piv-^aivu to pay the prxe thereof, its Foreign Minister Mr. i tooert Cu^ey has repeatedly stressed the need tor an end to Uie ngiit-ing m indoCnma as
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  • 792 2 Abolition Of Landlordism In Bombay: Act Upheld No Infringement Of People's Fundamental Rights BOMBAY The Bombay Personal Inama Abolition Act of 1953 waa held to be valid by the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Dixit, at the Bombay High Court, last week. Their Lordships said that Article 31-A of the
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  • 120 2 MADRAS: The Ministry of Education, Government of India have decide^ to continue the scheme of awarding scholarships to students be. longing to the Scheduled Cast tee, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes for the year 1954-55 A grant of rb. 75 lakhs has been sanctioned for
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  • 68 2 MADRAS: The office o f the Postmaster General (Madras Circle) will have Its own building before th e end of next year. Plans and estimates for a three-storeyed building to house the office at an estimated cost of about Rs. 14 lakhs have been
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  • 100 2 100 Landless Malayalee Families To Be Settled On Bhopal Farm NEW DELHI The Union Government has agreed to a request from I ravancore Cochin tor tne settlement of 100 families of landless agricultural labourers from the State on th» «jentrai Mechanised *arm at Sultanpur m tthouai State. This decision was
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  • 123 2 BOMBAY: About 700 dock workers employed on bunker. ing and stevedoring coai wiil receive a bonus of about Ka. 125 each for the year ending October 1953 as the resu.t of an agreement reached between tne Transport and Dock Workers' Union and the Coal bunkering
    FOC  -  123 words
  • 96 2 NEW DELHI :The procedure relating to the grant of am" teur wireless licences win be revised from July 15 says a Press Note issued by the Ministry of Communications, Government of India. Applications for amateur wireless licences should be made direct to the Union Government instead of
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  • 151 2 MADRAS. About 10,000 new post offices will be opened throughout the country before the end of 1956. A major portion of these w«il be m the rural areas Out of this 1,000 post otfi. ces will be 'opened m tne Madras State, m
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  • 151 2 BANGALORE: TWO Gl^s Divisions of the National Cadet Corps m Mysore win bo started early it ds learnt The Advisory Committee m Mysore with the Minister for Education, Mr. A. G. Ramichandra Rao. as Chairman. have resolved' to increase the Mysore infantry First Bat.
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  • 143 2 MADRAS: A British Arm hats been asdted. toy the Government of lnuia to prepare a plan In consultation with the Madras Government tor carrying out fuu_acaie miianp operations m the lignite area of Neiveji m South Arcot Uistrict. Mr. Bhaktavatsalani. Madras Industries Minister, toid newsmen last
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  • 94 2 MEENAMBAKAM Sri X Salagopan, Chief Administrative Officer, Integral Coach Factory Perambur, who last week returned from Bombay, sakl that •according' to present plans, production will begin m Hie factory fry the second haM o>f 1955. The initial target, he said, la 12 coaches a year, with plans
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  • 296 2 MADRAS: Mr. T. N. Ramachandian, Joint Director-Gen-eral of Archaeology, addressing a gathering at Kalakshetra, Adyar, last Thursday on "Architecture and Indian Culture," emphasised the great part played by m the cultural life of the country. Th* glory of India lay m her, he said.
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  • 138 2 SKINAGAR: Alter a goou deai oi expcriiiicxiciiig UM -uauoatoiy ji.i.i succecuea evo.v.njj a ntw type 01 oven wnicii, it is iMUcvud. wouiii ma*\.e pj^sio.e tne uoe vi i.guiL> as iuoi on a targe NM Tnu oven nas utcu s^> deviSwq as not oa.y to leuuce ti<t> iiigua-a
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  • 59 2 HYDERABAD Dr. Zakir Hussa;.-., Chairman 01 fio h.uacational Experts Committee, told Pressmen nere ■that the C-.miu.ttoc \v~uld »oon submit its report to tA? Government of India. At the end of first meeting of the Committee last weeK he aaid the Committee had dc cided on the
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  • 251 2 GUDIYATHAM: Mr X Ksraraj Nadar. ch-ei Mima.' ter of Maurus, and Mr T Manavaian Congie.-s dates for the General and Ue. served soates reductive y in the by.eiection to tiio M*dr» L.e o icJiative Assc m t/.y frooi Lun oudiyatuani douu^e ntfltuibtt Cv>nsatuency. started tjie.r
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  • Article, Illustration
    68 2 PHOTO. These cit'zens of Tokyo grtng down a local canal to the River Sumida on Ju.y 1, are 01/serv ng the annual, national festival of the Shrine of To -Igoe. Th^y carry paper doUn to represent their sins, and th se they throw h'jto the water to be uashed dov.n
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 50 2 BAXexAi-OKjfci Or. B. R. Ainbea \ur, tlie scheduled castes leader had an audience with the aajpraniu.;ii of .Ast wee<* at the Bangaiore Palace. Dr. AmbeiAar who anived m Bangalore iast week had discussions vvitn a number of -scheduled caste leaders m My. sore State.- FOC
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 PASSAGES TO COCHIN by steamer abt. SOth July Steerage with food $199-00 3rd c.ass 220-00 M-r particulars apply: AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY LTD. 64 Robinson X .;k\ Singapore 1. 1 Phones: ***** ***** Teiegrams: "Amertoyd". n 111 Itlllti, i I FASTEST TO INDIA^^ I DIRECT TO MADRAS 2 V PROMPT
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  • 970 3 NEHRU DEPLORES AGITATION BY CONGRESSMEN NEW DELHI: The Congress President, Mr. Jawahartal Nehru, has addressed a letter to the Presidents of the Pradesh Congress Committees deploring the active participation by Congressmen m public ag.tvtion for changes m the present boundaries of the States or the formation of new
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  • 174 3 KOZHIKODE: The Municipal Council, Sri P. Govinda Menon. Chairman presiding, disfu^sed an order from the Government rejecting the proposal of the Council to give a house-rent of Rs. 3 to the Municipal Lighters, and resolved to write to the Government i°ain on the matter. Rs. 3,000 was
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  • 49 3 POONA An earthquake shock of moderate intensity at its origin with epicentre near Lat 46.5 North, Long 157* East, about 4,840 miles away from here, was recorded by the seismographs m the ivieteorological Office, Poona, at 3-46 p.m. (1.5. T.) on Tuesday July 6.
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  • 62 3 MADRAS: Mr. S. V. Subbiah Bhagavathar, wellr-kaown actor and musician, died on July* 3 at his residence m Sarrtbur Vadakarai, Tenkasi. He had beea ailing for some time past. He was one of the exponents of classical music and stage acting and had given
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  • 317 3 Machine For Teaching Arithmetic NEW YORK: Dr. B. F. Skinner, the Harvard University Professor of Psychology, who taught pigeons to play ping-pong, has invented a machine to teach children arithmetic. "Children love it oecause they love mechanical toys and gadgets,' he said. One boy, previously rated aa "dull,'' not only
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  • 450 3 BANARAS Dr. C. P. Ra maswami Ayyar, the new ViceChancellor of Baaaras Hindu U Jiiversity, last Friday stressed the need to restrict admission s to Universities so that a close contact could be maintained between the teacher, and the taught. Dr. Ayyar said There should
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  • 245 3 INDO-NEPALESE RELATIONS: ALLEGATIONS DENIED KATHMAND: The Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Mr. B. ri. UoKha.e, said here that the Indian aid to Nepal was not motivated! by any desire for "interference'- m the internal affairs of Nepal. Indian aid, he told a Press conference, was given whoJly with the knowledge and
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  • 138 3 BOMBAY: The Government of India will shortly amend the Drug Act, 1940, m order to erad.cate the sale of spurious and substandard drugs m the oountry. Rajkumart. Amrit Kaur, India's Health Minister, said that the Bill would be introduced m the next session of
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  • 52 3 KOZHIKODE; The death occurred on Friday afternoon of K. C. Kuttlettan Raja aliao K. C. Sri Menavikraman Raja Zamorin Ra)a of Kozhikode, at the Tiruvachira Palace. He was aged 81. ,Sri Manavikrama-n Raja became Zamorin on the death of the previous Zamorin on Oct. 10,
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  • 134 3 frasadu. Kao, Dean of the vjenerai ticepital and Dr. B. T., Kiysuoan, to select candioatea lor admission inco the AtfulctU uoheges vi Uie State ooiiciuued Its wont on Saturday. Tne committee interviewed 010 candidates for 2»6 seats m tne Madras, Stanley ana Madurai Medical tXmeges. Tue committee, wnich
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  • 107 3 Madurai Medical College Opening Aug. 2 MADRAS The formal opening of the Madural Medical College has been fixed for Aug. 2. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Union Minister for Health will declare the College open. The Union Minister will arrive m Madras on Aug. 1 and proceed to Madura! where she will
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  • 286 3 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION COMMIT TEE FOR MADRAS MADRAS: The Government wii: consider the question of appointing a committee to go Into the system of elementary education m Madras State, and suggest measures to improve it so as to subserve the needs Of the times, after the August session of the Legislature.
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  • 113 3 BOMBAY: Fire broke out on Wednesday night m one of the hoida of S. s. Loadstone a 4,877-ton British freighter unloading cotton and miscellaneous cargo at Victoria Dock. Most of the 200 bales of Egyptian cotton which the ship was unloading here was destroyed. Six fire
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  • 504 3 OUNTUB: Hi© Court cannot compel the wife to live with her husband under Section 5 of Madras Act VI of 1949 (the Madras Hindu Bigamy Prevention and divorce act). On the other hand, the object ol Section 5 is to grant divorce and not
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  • 106 3 TOKYO* Japanese newspapers last week reported that India's Prime Minister, Sri Jatvahariul Nehru, bad sent a personal letter to a Hiroshima atom bomb victim, Mr. Kiyoah] Kikkawa. The letter encouraged! the 48--year-old Japanese to push ahead his current campaign to collect signatures for a petit
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  • 186 3 CALCUTTA: A fivcmmi. ber Indian delegation led hv Mr. A. S. Lall. Indian ConsujJ.Gerieral m New York, will officially represent taifa at the annual convention oi the U S. Tea Council to bt held m New York during September next. Other members of the tielegation
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    • 44 3 p- H I^^ I V^^K JF v v^- fTJ7AM/Jij IB if "i .i i j x- .■■v .■.-.v.^ s ■'■'■'•y-'-'y W ffo brandy which coma I r-, from the LARGEST winejf fc producing organisation 'f *Vv m i/ie wortd* S-f JOSePH TRAVERS SONS feJO.
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  • 884 4 Protest Against Indian H-C's Criticism Of Ceylon's Policy COLOMBO: The Indian High Commissioner, Mr. O. C. Desai, m an interview u> me Meat rress, last Wednesday, "speaking on ueHant oi tne Uovenuueut of India" said that the uiuo-Oeyion Agreement would be regarded as
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  • 165 4 HYDERABAD: The Umoc Hume Minuter. Dr. Kaiianath lia»-J"i appealed to vnc vuioagei* to ioim pancha^ua an every viuage m tae cvuu. try to d»w up tne varww aciiemed to De uwuuded m UN aecuuu *ive-*ear f*an. l>r. tt-atju was unaufcuratir.}* Uie ko^s>ci o ar pi^j^t. aooui
    FOC  -  165 words
  • 126 4 StMLA: Mr. CP.N. Singh Governor of the Punjab una tvs daughter Prationa Dcvi cave an at home at Raj l*havan here last week m honour of pnme Minister Nehru and wire Indira Gandhi. About two hundred guest* dncmaing the Lieutenant-Gov-ernoT ot Himachal Pradesh, the Chief Ministers
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  • 98 4 COLOMBO Children attending the Royal Prinv.ry School have been prohioii<;d from attending school because of an outbreak of mea. selea Older brothers attending Royal College have ail*o been told to stay away from school until after the disease blow? over. In Kandy, Trinity CoUege has been closed
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  • 142 4 AMBALA Sardar Chanan Singn L>noot, M.L..A. (Com. nuuiist) and tour otiiers were arrested last weeK et Santa Majra m Tetoali Knunr lAiiiOkila l>. strict), for ailegeu deriancc of the 'ban imposeu anuer Section 144, vr.f.C. and Section 176 of the Dramatic Performances Act. me arrested persons were
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  • 85 4 MADRAS CITY'S TRAM SCHEME "NOT FEASIBLE" MADRAS omcial circles seem to be sceptical!, as to the feasioility of the scheme presented by the Madras Corporation for reviving the tianiways, particularly m view of its heavy financial implications. The impression appears to be gaining ground that the problem of employment of
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  • 47 4 MR. 8. C. SHIRLEY COREA, Ceylon's New Minister of Trade, Commerce and Fisheries who succeecbdl Mr. R. G. Senanayake on Saturday, July 10, is seen here occupying the Ministerial chair with a beamIng smUet. He was formerly Parliamentary Secretary to Mr. Senanayake MATHRUPALA PHOTO.
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  • 179 4 COLOMBO: A scheme to increase the milk yield m Siyane Koraie West m AcUk'-"i Pattu will be launched by the Minister of Food. Eleven cattle improvement centres have been selected for this purpose. The total production m Siyane Korale West Ls nuw estimated ?o
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  • 91 4 COLOMBO; Workers of seven carpentry woiKshops— COiOmbo, Moratuwa, Koggaia, Cnu.maKam, Batticaloa and Baaiula staged a sit-down stritce protesting against the Governments decision to run the worksnops on co-operative un*ts. In pursuance of this decision the men were recently served with quit Jiotlces. Meanwhile the squatters, complete
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  • 36 4 NICE (France), July 14. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia arrived here yesterday from c tour of the United States and announced "I intend to eet as much rp»t as T can."- AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 239 4 COLOMBO: There were about 150.000 temporary residence permit holders m Ceylo 1, and he was trying to send them out as early as possible sadd the Prime Minister, Sir John Kotelawala at the Town Hall here Sir John, accompanied by Major Montague jayewick.
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  • 59 4 LONDON, July 14. Prime Minister Si r Winston Churchi.l's trip to Washington for talks with President Eisenhower cost £10,023, the Treasury announced today. After the announcement by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, J. Boyd Carpenter, m the House of Commons, a Conservative Member
    AP  -  59 words
  • 148 4 NEW Du;i-,i%i Consistent with their policy to promote closer relations and understand ing between India and China, the Governments of the two countries are understood to have reached an agreement to reduce telegraphic rates for Press messages sent from either to the other, it is reliably learnt.
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  • 146 4 MADRAS: The I. A. AS Training Schox>l m Madras started m January 1953 by the union Government to train men and women eand dates wno have passed tm, i. A. A c>. Examination con ducted by the Union Puo. v Service Commission every year, 53
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  • 100 4 B Ai\ v AiiU H±J \i ne Go veinment of Mysore took off rice and sugar from the card system of distribution, it was announced here iast week. After the aboution of contro.s last year these two commodities continued to be distributed through
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  • 51 4 No Half -Holiday On Saturdays CHANDIGARH: All Saturday* excepting the last Saturday o f the Month, will be full working: days n Government offices m the Punjab. This dec sion was taken by the Punjab Cabinet at its meeting. At present Saturdays are observed l as half-hoMda.v« In Government offices.-
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  • 375 4 Heavy Rain In Bombay: Transport Services Dislocated BOMBAY: A weather built-in issued by tb«> Santa Croat. wrut.ur forecasting station on Sundfey said: Between 8-3 C a.m. and 5-30 p.m. on Saturday, Colaba and Santa Cruz recorded li" of rain euch Dauanu recorded 4 Mawaita feahwar 2" Honavar Devgad and Harnai
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  • 310 4 Women's Right To Retain Their Own Nationality UNESCO Approves Draft Convention GENEVA, Ja;y 14.— The United Nations Economic and Social Council Monday approved a draft convention which wouid give iui women the right to retain their own nationality when married to a foreigner. Under the 12-article draft convention, women would
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 4 MR. K. SHINMUGAM and MISS LORAMBAL who were married at the Mariamman Temple n Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday last, July 10.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 DIAMOND TODAY 2 SHOWS: 3 7.30 P.M. Narasimma Bharaty, C. R. Rajakumari Angamuthu, Veerappa, Pulimootai Ramasamy And Many Others In MADANA MOHINI (TAMIL) ROYAL TODAY AT 3, 6.15 9.15 P.M. Last 3 Shows Of SUHAGAN i "OPENS TOMORROW Most Sensational Thriller Absolutely Different From Others Filmistan Ltd. Presents SHART STARRING
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