Indian Daily Mail, 12 June 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL, X. No. 116. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1954. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 441 1 Arrests To Date Total 772 Including 150 Reds DACCA, East Pakistan, June 11. —Press censorship imposed when East Pakistan was placed under Governor's Rule on May 30, was lifted last night. A committee of local editors who earlier met the Chief Secretary are understood
    Reuter  -  441 words
  • 142 1 TO FIGHT MALIARIA IN THE HIMALAYAS NEW DELHI, June 11.— Nepal and the World Health Organization have signed three agreements designed to wider healtn services and tighter control of malaria to the Hima.ayan mountain kingdom. WHO will make available experts and funds tor the training of Nepalcse health
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • 74 1 With effect from Monday, Juno 14, tho Overseas Telephone Service will be extended to Macao. The hours of ser.vicc will be irom 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. local time correspond•ng to 2 00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. espoctively m Macao. Call «oc kings are now
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  • 696 1 No Going Back On Decisions, Lyttelton Tells Alliance Federal Elections Early In '55 The Secretary of State Mr. Oliver Lytte»ton m a reply last n*ght on the subject of Federal elections to uk'ku Arxha ktahman, UMMO i*resident and the eader of the LMISO-IHCA Alliance's Deputation, said that he (Mr. Lytteiton)
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  • 74 1 HONG KONG, June 11 Most Chinese buyers select motor cars by colour alone, motorcar dealer William Nlchol told the Hong Kong Rotary Club. Another complication to selling cars here are the long .skirts worn by Chinese women. It is difficult for a woman so dressed to
    AP  -  74 words
  • 73 1 NEW DELHI, June 11 The Finance Mini>vtry reports three persons have paid evac<.?d income taxes as 'conscience money." A Ministry statement say* one person made three payments totaling Ks. 46,500, ».2iile the otht r two mad? payment* of X*- 101 ami KM. a.o'oo. The statement adibeil: "Tin Government
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 159 1 The Indian Association, Penang, has received information that Mrs Vijayaiakshmi Pandit, President of the United Nations General Assembly, has accepted their invitation to visit Penang during her forth, coming trip to Malaya. Information received today Btate that Mrs Pandit will be visiting Penang during Aug.
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  • 61 1 The Governor, Sir Jonu Nic«-»ii ha<s received tn« following caoie Hum the Cjueon through the Secretary of s>tate lw the UtttoßMMi I'ne m.e&>a^e reads "i sun coiiuiiandcd by iiie Queen i" convi'y 10 \<<u MM an ii> r KubjtH'ts i" Singapore rter stneere tu-anits tor yuur Kind
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  • 114 1 Chay Fong, a welder on Warn ricng n.otatc. Kola Tinggi, attempted to we.d a leaKiiig petrol tanK of estate lony. I'M tanK expioocd and a portion of it shuck him on tne nead. The welding mask which Onay t'ong was weaiing absoiutid most of the iorce
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  • 253 1 The Indian Association, Penang, has received information that the Indian Navy t xotiiia comprising the flagship I.N.S. Delhi," ana the 11th Destroyer Squadron iNS "Rajput," "Kanjif and "Rana," will visit Penang waters from Juiy 2 to Juiy Bth, 1U54, on an "informal goodwill"
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  • 284 1 LONDON, June 11. Queen Elizabeth rode m State procession through the gates of Buckingham palace yesterday to the salute at the historic ceremony of trooping the colour which annually celebrates her official birthday. A cheer echoed down the burst of sunshjne and
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 433 1 Tamil Tapper Shot In Presence Of Others: Three Clubbed To Death With An Iron Bar About live •nnntM an* unif o rim><l terrorists on Thursday shot and killed a 21 -year-old Tamil rubber tapper, naimv* t\:iim:t. on Kan Instate th<> Kuala Kangsar area of l-erak. The
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  • 40 1 THANU PILLAI KRIPALANI SRI PATTOM THANU PILLAI, C hief Minister <>» Travan. oore-Cocliin»s P.S.P. Govern, ment, beinjr received at dnrjang Airport by P.S.P. Leader A<harya J. B. KKII'ALANi when be arrivedi m New Delhi, recently for consultation with the Central Government.
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  • 68 1 BEIRUT (Lebanon). June 10 A thousand L-bane«e millionaires live »n Latin America, where Lebanon's President Chaonoun recently made a goodwill tour, the Beiruv daily Al Hadar said Al Hadar reported that a primary aim erf the President's visit was to persu<*ae these Lebanese emigrants to invest their
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 36 1 NEW DUL.HI, June 11 India exported 185,031 tons of coke and coal to Pakistan during the first three months of the current calendar year, it was officially announced m Parliament. A. P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 77 1 KARACHI, June 11 Mr. Richard Casey, Australian Foreign Minister, .said hero coday that failure at Geneva would mean the Communists were uncompromising and intent on war. "We want to get a negotiated settlement if It is humanly possible to get it,' he aaid. "If all negotiations fail
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Indian Daily Mail S'pore. Sat. June 12, 1954. Notes And Comments
    • 175 2 \yHAT'S m a name, people may ask. But there is enough m it to cause misunderstanding, quarrel, argument, pandemonium and what not! At least all these and many more were witnessed at the AllMalayan Hindu Conference held m Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, and it was
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    • 163 2 THAT Mr. Dcvaser snould have created the above dispute is really most deplorable, and as our sister paper the Tamil Murasu has frankly pointed out, his participation is undoubtedly an insult to the entire MIC. As the MuraMi observes, Mr. Devaser might argue that he attended the
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    • 178 2 'THE most regrettable aspect of the whole episode, however, is the fact that the leader of one of the sides was no other than the MIC President Mr. Kundan Lai Devaser himself. It was he who opposed the term "Council" saying that it was "highsounding' and used
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  • 1016 2 Congress Gen. Secretary's Advice To Northerners Tasks Before A. I. C. C. MADRAS: Mr. S. M. Agarwal, General Secretary of the Congress, stated here on Friday that the Ajmer session of the A.-I.C.C. would be devoted mainly to the task of crystallising their
    FOC  -  1,016 words
  • 55 2 MADRAS: The sale of compost manure manufactured by the Madras Corporation or any Municipality, District Board or Panchayat m this State, to agriculturists and agricultural cooperative societies has been exempted from the payment o i sales tax for a further periou of two years
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  • 671 2 Restoration Of Tram Service In Madras City Financial Problems Analysed MADRAS: Mr. R. Muniswanii Pillai, Mayor of Madras, met on Thursday Mr. B. Parameswaran, Minister for Transport, and had a discussion with him on the Corporation's proposal to restore the tram service m the City. The Mayer also submitted a
    FOC  -  671 words
  • 147 2 LUCKNOT.*: Mr. Go i, Narain Saksena, Secretary *oi the Ultra Pradesh I'raja Socialist Party, and eight other P.S.P. workers have been arrested at Orai, about 100 miles from here, while leading a procesision to the District Magistrate's residence, demanding reduction of increased irrigacion rates and repeal
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  • 76 2 Karachi Students Climb Mount Sikaram KARACH: A section of the Karachi Press reported that a students' expedition from Karachi recently scaled tne 15,620 ft. high Mount Sikiram, but could not hoist tne Pakistan nag there "a s the Mourn i^, r ig:.t on the Durund Line' and the Afghan Government
    FOC  -  76 words
  • 176 2 NEW DELHI: Experiments carried out at the Indian Agricultural Re>. iiearcii Institute here during the last three months showed that the cow-dung gas could be satisfactorily utilised for various cooking operations. This fuel gas, it is stated, has also been successfully used m gas lamps fitted
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  • 200 2 CONGRESS PARTY TO STRENGTHEN IN T.-C. STATE MfcifciNAMBAKKJVJM Sri S. N. Agarwal General Secretary of the Indian National Congress, arrived from Delhi lasv week en route to Trivandrum. rie told Press representatives at the airport that his visit to rrivandrum was primarily to assess the strength of the Congress m
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  • 125 2 MADRAS a. Tim to amend the Madras Public Libraries Act, 1948, hasi been pubiisned m the Gazette. Tne statement of objects and reasons of the Bill says that institutions, both Inaian ana ioreign and private individuals nave been offering guts ox fjooks tor use m
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  • 126 2 TOKYO A machine which will kill the female silkworm eggs, but will leave the male eggs unharmed, is claimed to have been perfected by Prof. Yatarao Tajima of the Silkworm Science Laboratory here. The male silkworms produce more and better silk than the females. Prof.
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  • 77 2 MADRAS: The fixing of marks for viva voce tests for candidates seeking admission to technical colleges m this State has a history behind it When Sri T. S. Avinasfnilingam Chettlar was Education Minister, the marks were fixed at 150, and these were reduced to 50 when Sri
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  • 752 2 DELHI: For the development of Khadi and villager industries, small-scale industries and handicrafts, tno Government of India have provided for expenditure of Rs. 531 croruj during 1954-55 as against Rs. 8-66 crores m the previous year. In addition, a sum of Rs.
    FOC  -  752 words
  • 69 2 1 KILLED IN PAK TRAIN DERAILMENT DACCA: At teast one perron was killed and several others were injured when seven *o->--gies of the Down Syllv.'tChittagong passengers train went off the raii s between the Satgaon and Rashidpur railway stations, about 43 miles from Sylhet on May 31. Through communication was
    FOC  -  69 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1141 3 Congress Suggests Drastic Amendments NEW DELHI: Amendments to the Indian Constitution calculated to Lac iitate introduction of farreaching economic reforms and to enable tightening up oi tne administrative machinery for unhampered execution of the Five- Year Plan have been suggested m the preliminary report of
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  • 111 3 DINDIGUL,: The new road connecting Meenakshipuram village with the Devadas Gandhi Koad, laid by the stuiVnts of the Hoard High School, Nilakottai, who were having their camp m Meenakshpuiani village, run under the auspices of the Community Project. wa«i opened recently by Sri X- Ganesan, Chairman
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  • 338 3 ASSAM OPPOSES NEW BORDER STATE GAUHATI: The inclusion of the North East Frontier Agency, now directly administered oy the President through the Assam Governor as the Agent, m Assam and the status quo m the existing boundary of the itate. are the demands made m the draft memorandum prepared by
    FOC  -  338 words
  • 148 3 1,00,000 Miles Of New Railway Lines Wanted KURNOU^.: -rt-uout 1,00,000 biles ot new railway track wouid have to be laid if the wish of every Member of Parliament, not to speak of otheis, were to be satisfied, Sri O. Alagesan, Union Deputy Minister for Railways and Transport, told a Kurnooi
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  • 362 3 NEW ir^iMii' me Union ALniSLry 01 Kehabiiitation has liiid tiovvn the procedure ior tne Uaiisier oi quaoi-permanent owneisiap ngnt m government properties to n«gn priority caiman is wno are m occupation. This has been explained m a communication addressed to the Governments of tsnopal, Bombay, Kutch,
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  • 72 3 CALCUTTA: The Uniou Government is stated to have sought the views of the jute Industry whether they agree to the recommendations of Jute Inquiry Commission that the mills should increase theii working hours to 48 per week. The mills are working 42Vfe hours a week
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  • 565 3 Deshmukh' 8 Assurance HYDERABAD: "I have no doubt that m the Second I \e Year Plan considerably more attention will have to be given to the problem of unemployment and! some kind of plan made for pointed effort toward* absorbing- the permanent unemployed m the
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  • 155 3 COONUOR: Coonoor will shortly switch over from an automatic telephone system to a manual system. The automatic provides only for about 130 connexions and there are applications for nearly 70 new connexions pending for a long time. A new building has been constructed and machinery
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  • 55 3 PATIALA Miss Amtus Sallaam, a disciple of Gandhiji, who was removed to the local hospital In a serious condition, is being shifted to Gwalior last week for treatment of kidney trouble under the indigenous system. The Congress President, Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, is understood to have made anxious
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  • Article, Illustration
    86 3 Liberal and Socialist Members of the Japanese Diet batMbig fo r control of the Speake dtiis m a riot m the House of Representatives which started over a Police Nu tionalisation Bill, June 3. In Photo three women Socialist Members struggle to keep their places <>n the Speaker's bench which
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 124 3 KOZHIKODE: Sri Balaknshnan. an Assistant Secretary of the Madras Secretariat, who was here m connexion with preliminary arrangements for the separation ofi the Judiciary from the executive m Malabar from July 1, has left for Madras. It is learnt that there will be one District Magistrate and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 UNBERTHED PASSAGE FARES Singapore/Madras $70.00 with diet $61.00 without diet Singapore/NagapHttlnain $78.00 with diet $60.00 without diet Passengers are advised that these are the authorised rates and should report any person demanding more. ISLAY KERR COMPANY 8.1.5. N. Company Ltd.. Agents PASSAGES TO SOUTH INDIA B. I. S. N. CO.,
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    • 222 3 Even witn your eyes closed you can tell it s your Parker 51 Pen You don't have to xcc your Parker "51" Pen to m" to your exact way of writing. It polishes itself know it is yours. The way it feels on paper tells m use to a point
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  • 622 4 Kotelawala's Homage To Departed Leader COLOMBO: l Fo r the comforts and privilege* we enjoy today, may Sir Baron .lavr>ilnka attain Nibbana," said Sir Ji'hn kotelawala; I'rinK' Minister at the public meeting held to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Iho death of Sir Haro n Jayatilaka,
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  • 139 4 mo I t th a n P 9nn lar <> ist^butedfive hundred people attended more than 200 prizes on Thurs- the function, day evening- to the winners of the ath'etic sports held at the Kalaimagal School m connection with the celebration of the birthday o f Her
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  • 72 4 COLOMBO The World Bank has offered Ceylon the free services of experts to direct a scientific research institute which will aid Government and private industries The offer, if accepted, will save the Ceylon Government about FLs. 1,000,000. The establishment of a scientific research institute was one of
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  • 59 4 GALLE: Widespread distress has been caused m Galle due heavy rains and floods, and several houses have collapsed while others have been submerged. People, taken completely by surprise, have had no time to organise any rescue work, and many families have been marooned. The
    FOC  -  59 words
  • 64 4 PHOTO. Governor Sir John Nicoil shaking ham W with Mr. P. Govindbsami Filial, J.P., at the Garden Party sit Government House on Thursday, June 10, m celebration of the Queen's birthday. Rehindl Mr. Piilai are Swami NiMhkamananda, the PresidYVit of the Singapore Raniakrishna Mission
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  • 240 4 Inaugurate Tagore Society In Singapore Today Sir Sydney Came will formally inaugurate the Tagore Society today, Saturday at 7.30 p.m. at the War Memorial Hall, St. Andrew's Cathedral. All are cordially invited to the inaugural function. AN APPEAL ''The need for a cultuial organisation m Singapore
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  • 200 4 Passports Cancelled COLOMBO: The Government has canceilcu passports of four nationals who are at present m Peldiig. quoting; Sir John Kot^iuwala the Prime Minister, lev thus information, a local now-' raper reported that tJMM rion.s belonging to Leftist pi- j ties h»d ootatn<?d paupon
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  • 132 4 COLOMBO: In spite of police officials' admission that illicit immigration from India had considerably dwindled, Indian residents m North Ceylon bitterly complain that the police frequently harass and arrest them on the slightest suspicion. Five Indian residents at Madhu Road m Mannar district, m spite of
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  • 59 4 MERTHYR'S REPORT HANDED TO H. C. Lord Meithyr, the Chairman jt tiie Constituency Dcuneacion Commission, yesterday .landed ever tne Commission a eport to the High Comm.sSir Dona.d AiacGinivray, according to the Commission -ccietaiy Mr, T. fcJ. Simth. i-ioid Meitnyr, wnl oe leaving s-uaia Lumpur for Singapoie -y air today at
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  • 65 4 Dr. Kalidas Nag, M.A; D Lltt, Member of the Indian Council of State, who is ncre on a short visit will give a public lecture umter the auspices of the Ramakrishnn. Mission on •'lndian Civilisation m S-E. Asia 1 at the Mission Hall, 9, Norris
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  • 61 4 E. Victor Morgan, pro^ sor of Economics m the University College of Swansea, will give a public lecture m the Arts Theatre of the University of Malaya, Cluny Roaa, On Friday June 25, at •.la p.m. on the ,'The America) i Recession." Members of the
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  • 36 4 TIRUNELVELI The DcviKailai Nataka Manram, Kaiiasa Buram, Tlrunelveli, celebrated its 2nd anniversary, Sri N. Ka3turi Secretary, Nellai Sangeetha Sabha, presided. Sri S. Ramanathan spoke. "Ezhai Padum Padu," at Tamil Drama, was staged.- FOC
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  • 24 4 TRIVANDRUM: The Public Relations Department of the State has been awarded a gold medal by the All-India Iridusitrial Exhibition conducted by Trichur Municipality.- FOC
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  • 54 4 The Honorary Secretary >*i the Bo Seng: Memorial Committee Mr. Chuans: Hrn Tsuan announces that rhe Commander m Chief. Far East Land Forces, Sir Charles Lcewen. will perform the .ceremony of unvelllngf the Lim Bo Scnfr Memorial g| th e Stnorapore Esplanad; on Tuosday, June
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 I DIAMOND DAILY I SHOWS AT 3 7.30 P.M, K. B. Sundarambal, M.K. Radha, Kusala Kumari, Vanaja And Others In I <! t fL^s~ t^\ v fcj 1 jgw. ,^4fc, yum 7 j AVVA/YAR >1 GEMINI PRODUCTION IN TAMIL *****000COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXX30CCCCCCOCCCOCOCO A Story As Great As Life S A Stor>- Of
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