Indian Daily Mail, 24 June 1953

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail OL. IX. No. 133. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1963. SIX PAGES 15 CENTS,
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  • 449 1 Malaya Must Become Self- Sufficient In Arts And Professions Immigration Controller Clarifies New Law By Oiir Staff Reporter Speaking at a Press Conference at the Public ftetationfl Office yesterday on the new Immigration Ordinance which comes into force Aug. 1 this year, Hr, J. L. J. Haxworth (Controller of Immigration)
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  • 60 1 Wide Publicity Given In India From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, June 183. India Govt, yesterday notified that with effect from Aug. 1 immigration into Federation of Malay a and Colony of Singapore will be governed by the Immigration Ordinances issued by the respective Governments. They have also given wide
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  • 70 1 Raj To Move Resolution In Legco, August By our Staff ri"poi ter Mr. C. R. Dasaratha Raj. Member Singapore Legislative Council, would be moving a resolution in August disapproving certain parts of tne .New Immigration Ordinanco, tabled in May. This Ordinance would come into force in August and a Legislative
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  • 41 1 KARACHI. June 23.— Pak st n Monday welcomed the pioclamstion of Ihe Republic of Eevpl. The Governor-General of Pik stan. Ghulam Mohammad. |n u message to Prem er Naguib of Egypt the wel- coming message.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 85 1 LONDON, June 23. Britain had 200 000 overseas visitors for Queen Elizabeth's Coronation—an -il time reccrd iu_d nearly five tines as many as for the Coronation of her father. King George VI, in 1937. Between fifth and sixth of a'l the v sitors were American,
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 87 1 NEW DELHI, June 23. Club swinging police and Hin du extremists battled in the streets of India's capital todi'y in the wake of th. death in political captivity of Syama Prasad Mookcrjet, i major opponent of Premie- Jawaharlal Nehru. News of his death brought 1.000 demonstrators
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 71 1 The High Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, .ecompanied by L;;dy Templer .md Miss Templer, will be leaving Kuala Lumpur this morning by air for a short holiday in Hongkong. During the absence of the High Commissioner, Sir Donald M-icGillivray, the Deputy High Commissioner, will officiate as officer
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  • 181 1 LONDON. June 23. Sir Oliver Goomtillekc, Ceylon '.s .Minister of Food and Apiculture, said hen* yesterday thut nigher pr c< for ruhher. tin and tea weie necessary M .i Ccmmunsra -s not to rule over the v»3t areas of Southeast Asia." Th" ass. static" that the
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 332 1 Who First, Who Cares, Says Hunt CALCUTTA, June 23. Daggers have been brandished and murder threatened in the controversy raging in Khatmandu around the wiry figure of "Tiger" Tensing, who reached the top of Mt. Everest with New Zealander Edmund Hillary, it was learned here.
    A.P.  -  332 words
  • 113 1 Colonel John Hunt, leader cf the successful Brit sh Everest expedition, sa d that he had invited Sherpa Tensing to visit England as as he could. Colonel Hunt said that every member of the expediton booed Hint Teusing wotUd be b!e: to muke the journey
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  • 85 1 Dutch Minister Here, Also To Visit India Dr. J. M. A. H. Luns, the Dutch Foreign Minister arrived here yesterday in the course of I Six-week "orientation tour'' of South East Asia. Dr. Luns will be meet ng the Commissionei -General Mr. Malcolm McDonald during his twoday stay here. Dr.
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  • 193 1 Clark Meets Rhee Again Churchill's Stiff Warning SEOUL, June 23.— Korean Communist loudsneakers on the battlefront today declared an armistice would be *igned on June 25, the third anniversary of the Korean war. Allied artillery silenced the loud-speakers, which told Allied infantrymen, "We can stop the fighting.
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  • 136 1 CHURCHILL WARNS RHEE LONDON, June 23^-Prime Minister Sr Winston Cnurchill Monday roundly denounced President Syngman Rhee for "treachery" and warned the United Nations lus uo inteufon of going forward to conquer all cf Korea for him. A cheering House of Commons greeted* the Prime Min ter I -slurp *UcK o»
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  • 66 1 LONDON, June 23. The Queen Monday gave final approval to the timetable of her glob.-girdl ng Commonwealth tour beg nning November 23. During the next five-and-a--hnlf months she and the Duke Of Edinburgh will move from west to east round the world, tailing at 12 British territcr es
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 56 1 Pandit Devendra Vijaya gave an enchanting Musical performance and spiritual talk on Sunday 21st June from 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. at the Temple of the Universal Spirit of the Shuddha Samajam. There was a crowded gathering of all communities. The sori-.vs and talk were translated from
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  • 91 1 Elections And Labour Party Raj's Views Referring to the report thai the Piogressive Party and the Labour Party of Singapore, would boycott the Colony eiectiona, if the recommendations <*f the unofficial members of the Singapore Legislative Council for increasing the e'eot- <i membership of the Council. were nut implemented th
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  • 494 1 WHILE DETAINED IN SRINAGAR SRINAGAR, June 23. Dr. shy a ma. Prasad Mookerjee, leader of the Hindu Right wing Indian opposition party, Jansangh, died here today, aged 52 after a heart attack. He died in a nursing home to which he was removed with
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 THE LEADING TAMIL DAILYg H _G_ TTmi- -Mgjf-^^TrSH
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    • 125 1 1 5 FOR u^^^^^^Z 5 J_&S& ic£ cream TarprgiPTir 5 COLD STORACE "H___fl_/ J CREAMERIES DESTINATION THE WORLD/ V ll sou like figures. mm has 7 grui jir >:i Iu cxv.trinj: I? 0.000 g miles and linking all principal citie> of 5 continents. Bui facts I 4 1 MM more
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  • 620 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Wed., June 24, 1953 Where's The Nearest Police Station, Please? THE report of an armed robbery that took place in Alexandra Road; must have given, we believe, plenty of food for thought to those who have been eager to see the police and the people of
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  • 377 2 Discrimination Commission Urged To Suggest Ways Elimination Of Racial LONDON: JfR. FENNER BROCKWAY, Chairman of the Congress of Peoples against Imperialism, said Indian populations of many African colonies might well be the determining factor as to whether racial conflict or racial co-operation was to develop in those eolonies. In a
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 2 The High Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, seen atop the armoured car In whlrh he travelled part of the journey during his to lr of the Jelebu district of Negri Sembilan last Saturday.
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  • 180 2 GAURATI The Government of India have deeded to establish an -fßce *n Assam to conduct a survey of the riverine system of the State. The office will be located in Gauhati and wil' be under a sen or officer of the Central Water, ln.gation, Navigation
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  • 98 2 MADRAS, June 23. Police cm >y to-i ,y raided Communist P.uvy offices In vaiious parti of Madras and arrested 22 people said to ba Communist Party workers. The am sta followed oleni demonatTctt on.-* made by h ciowd i>f ;ibo-*t 100 people outside the Un
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 55 2 DUBLIN, June 2_. Mr. Ramon De Vntern Eire's Prime Minister, whose party was defeated :n two by-rlVctlonx week, is to Beck a vote f confidence in the Dal] next Tuesday H sharp defeat- in th<* hy-p'.-r-tion.-- left him with a majority of only two
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  • 248 2 HYL>fc,rtA_>_i._;: Neariy -.0,000 I people, inn iiui.iiiis or villages I wmcn wouid oe submei 6 ed i uuuer tne x'ungabhaara pro- ject win settle down in iy newly bunt model village* in tiaiCOUr district, it is omciauy stated. A torty-three mue road nas been laid
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  • 107 2 Nayudu's Poems Manuscripts: Govt. Acquires NEW DELHI: The Union Government acquired during 1952-53, thirty-one historical manuscripts, and documents trom various parties at a tot*il cost of Rs. 12,005. it is learnt. The manuscripts and documents acquired include manuscript poems of Srimathi Saroiinl Nayudu. the Khamsa of Amir Khusro, Laila Majnoo
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  • 151 2 ALLEPPEY: Fishermen along Aueppey s coastal area set to worm for the prawn catch, their main job during the monsoon season, and the i '■Mi m u>i'u urn t,^^.iiLj nui.iining with activity. Silt, seen up to a depth of about five teet from the I water
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  • 213 2 ENCOUR AGEMENT TO HANDICRAFTS LUCKNOW: A coraprehenI :< ve report covering handicraft I n Uttax Pradesh Kashmir, the Punjab, prlssa. Madras ;-nd .-.iadhya Pradesh, written hy itn, Ar.iela R. Galway. an American expert has been submitted to the Commerce Military of the Central Government. Mis. Galway has suggested the setting
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 2 The Ago, Khan accompanied by the Beu-um »rrW the crowd to attend the last dav «.V7L riv thl <)«>>'«
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  • 202 2 BOMBAY: Mr. M. C. Chagia, diief Justice of Oomi.ay. said Here that tne world could ignore the situat.on in Africa jniy at .is own peril. He added. "The whole of Africa is aflame. Humanity in Afrca is jii the march and no power on .*arth can prevent
    F.O.C.  -  202 words
  • 102 2 NAGPUR: Sri S. N. Agarwal, General Secretary of the Congress, told a Press con- > teience that people in the South .were not against proMl'ition, but were against the manner in which the policy was being implemented. "They suggest tnat exemplary punishment should he inrted out
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  • 136 2 The villagers were dissatls- lied with tne type of education liiat was imparted to tneir cmidren in me cities, and veiywiiere tnere was demand tor opening or Hign schools and even colleges in the rural areas, so tnat the chiluren were not torn away from tne idral atmospnere.
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  • 53 2 BOSTON. June 23, Mr. ■Vnlhony Eden's plans for leaving hosp tal here were expected to he made known today. Mr. Eden, the British Foreign Secretary, entered New England B *pt st hospital hen ~n June 6 and on June 10 he w_s opeiated on for relief of ■^al!
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  • 76 2 NEW DELHI: The United Nations Educational, Scientittc and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has awarded gl'<llll LO juSWaili, tjwo' JOUhpur, Rajasthan, for a year's gtudy by five experts, of the habits of animals in the RaJputana desert. The object is to determine what harm animals are doing to desert
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  • 62 2 BANGAI_OKI_: A( j, v the members of the Bs_____l Piecegoods Merchants' a 0 elation at the 13th Anniver^ ofunction Sri K. HanuriS? ya, Chief Minister, said t^" question of appointing Sheriff and a Justice of Peace for Bangalore wa- 5 der the active consideration^ the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 526 2 The Eastern Shippiig Corporation Ltd, Accepting Passengers and Cargo. To P. Swe tenham. Penang and Madra.s S.S. "JAL\GOPAL" Singapore f. Swettennam Penan? !r Arriving 22-6 53 25-6-53 26-6-41 Sailng 24-6-53 25 6-53 2 f}-6 53 Arriving (Drect from Madras > 10-7-53;! Sailing (Drect to Madras* 11-7-53 Arriv ng 28-7-53 31-7-53
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  • 717 3 Smart Turn-Out Of Indian Flagship At Naval Review Nehru And Mountbatten Impressed The Queen was loudly ch manning I.N.S. "Deihi," flag-mi* as Her Majesty passed the cruis Un DQttfU tne "lleuu" was the Minister of Ind. a, Sti. Jawaharlai Nehru, the High CommiS-ioner for lud.a. Sri B. G. Kher.
    FOC; A.P.  -  717 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 3 This A.V. Photo made from the I^** Cruiser Baltimore shows the Giant Britbih Ba" l •Vanguard'* (42,500-tons) dressed overall during the CoroiTation Naval Review m de by Qglßj*"***" at Spithead, near the Isle of Wight. r^ re J?52 of »ne 800 naval olaae* whi-h made a flypast samts
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  • 130 3 Defence Expenditure Should Be Cut— C.K. MADRAS The Chief M nis.ei, Sri C. Rajagopalachanar, mid that it was the c-mmon iope of all that the foreign Mlicy of Prime M.nister Nehru .vould result .n a reduction of Ind a'< military expenditure. It was his fond hope thar the Defence expendture
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  • 922 3 I IN Juij 1948, when Britain's Health Service cams into being, 2688 out 3040 voluntary and municipal j hospitals in England and Wales were taken over bv the State. The voluntary hospitals, many of which dated back to institutions Founded in the Middlo Ages
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  • 542 3 I-Children In Germany Go To School GENEVA: Four of the 3,100 illegitimate children left behind in Germany by their Negro soldier fathers mostly U.S. Army troops, have started to school in Switzerland. The four children— Heinz, 5, Maria, 5. Ursula, 5, and Karl Hichard, 7 w ere orought to Switzerland
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  • 258 3 MCCARTHY REVEALS HIS HINDS! WASHINGTON, June 22. Si naior Joseph McCarthy Jen ed that his Congressional Committee wa.s assuming the p wera cf Judge prosecuting wovn-e 1 and jury in Its nvest y ttions into Communism. he was answer ng questions put to him by Mr. Paul Scott ctanktlie, Ileuiers'
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  • 248 3 2,000 ATTEND ROSENBERG'S FUNERAL NEW iTOItK, June 22. im ear-riotous scenes of gnef and emotion manted the burial ounday or juiius and i-inci iw-enoerg atter synipatnizers imml euiogized tne _py team as ueroea ana denounce- tne uovernment ror tneir execution. Airs. Sophie Kosenoerg, '11, mother 01 tne man wno died
    A.P.  -  248 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 3 Three of the ten nurses from Ceylon, who are now training in Britain, chat together in a bedslttin groom at the Arlesey branch of the London Chest Hospital.
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  • 229 3 The Ministry of Education has instructed the Department of Education to circularise among all teachers new rules among teachers and between eck alleged Immoral conduct which have been framed to -bleachers and pupils. The Ministry states in communication to the Department: "In view of
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  • 803 3 Strange Case Of A Laughing Englishman LONDON We have a mystery on our hands today. It is the strange case of the laughing Englishman. Whtn I set out from America for London town. I had two goals: To see fair Queen KUsaOeth get her crown, and to try to catch
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  • 185 3 The Indian High Commission has ciarined the position of ceylon residents or Indian origin who were not domicl'ed in india at the time of the commencement of the mdian Constitution (January 2bth, 1950) in respect of passports. An application for an lndiaCeyion rass by Mr.
    FOC  -  185 words

  • 301 4 A resolution urging rnemb r- of the Mabila Samitl movement not to accept honours for'i rural development work done by them was passed at the third session of the BentotaWalallawttl Korale Union of the, Manila Samitl, held at Porowagama In the Baddegam < constituency. The
    FOC  -  301 words
  • Article, Illustration
    91 4 The new Kajang Club at Kajang, Selangor, was declared open on Wednesday even'n«. June 17, 1953, by the Acting Mentri Besar of Sel rigor. Inche Othman bin Mohamed, before a large g t horing. Picture shows some of the lady guests being served with cakes by Mrs. Ng Sow Thai
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  • 192 4 TT'TICORTN Mr: Rajagopalachar. declared open last week a Dew housing colony, a cluster of 64 new houses which has sprung up north of Buckle Channel. After prayer by Miss N. A. Mr. Venkatakrishnan, Secretary. Madam II lis Labour Union, presented a report on the construct on of
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  • 85 4 Jp** more otticers of the Bmgapore Pulice Force are flyin- to the United Kingdom on Wednesday June 30 to spend 30 months there on training c our see at th. Police College rit Ryton-on-Dunsmore and Hendon. They are Mr. Gurdial Singh, Assistant Superintendent of Police, and Mr.
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  • 201 4 o^iMn-VA: Mr. B. t»v,mu~undaram, workers' delegare Ceylon, urged the 3oth International Labour Conference to impose sanctions on those countries wmch consistently refused to implement international labour conventions. "A glaring example is Africa," he declared. "To permit countries to continue memocrshlp wnli, they flout organisation by
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  • 28 4 HYDERABAD: The American Ambassador to India. Mr. Allen, called on the Nl_*»m. ►he Ralnramukh of Hyderabad, recently and was with him for FOC
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  • 257 4 BOMBAY Mr. M. C. Shah. Deputy Minister for Finance, government of India. told Pressmen that the main object .f his v sit to Bombay wa s to devise ways -ind means to step ip arrears of income-tax colections in Bombay city. The total arrears of tax
    F.O.C.  -  257 words
  • 803 4 TCKYO: Japan's 72,800--ton battleship "Yamato" will -merge from beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean to wage another bloody Sight against some 1,000 American torpedo plane s 3D the screen. But the super- deadnaugh*,. arger than the U.S. battleship Missouri or any other
    AP  -  803 words
  • 356 4 LONDON British air safety --xperta have developed a new _ie-waining device Known as .ne F.rewire a length of wire through tne aircraft <vnich 'smells out' a f»re and automatically switches on a earning 1 ght or sounds* an oiarm in the pilot's cocKpit. Normally, aircraft
    FOC  -  356 words
  • 251 4 LONDON The Br.tish Overseas Airways Corporation, owners of the Comet airliner, wh oh crashed neat Calcutta last month with the loss cf 13 lives commentin g on a New Delhi court cf inquiry report on the ace dent said it was st 11 only possible
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 745 4 NEW YORK: Psychiatry, 1 once viewed by many minisI lora as a foe of reugion, to-* day is becoming an active j partner of the temple and i the church. More and more, in religious institutions across tn U.S., the psychiatrist and the clergyman have become a working team.
    A.P.  -  745 words
  • 47 4 Korean girl students push and shove to get past a guarded barrier outside the Correspondent's Billet in Seoul, on June 9 In a mass anti-armistice demonstration. Military Polieement of the Eighth Army were called to remove the students from the area.- A.P. -A.P. PHOTO.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 689 4 LONDON: What is an I Englishman? 10 Amencan gagwriter... ne is a fenow who wakes up in the morning and asxs nis wife: "What century is it?" In vaudeville he is two xellows with monocles and dropping mustaches. The iirst, mumbles It-rough his oristles, "I say.
    A.P.  -  689 words
  • 306 4 Consequent to tne leakage of -juestioii papers at an examiuaiion neiu oy tne University oi Ceyion in Marcn, iys2, and t»»e mucunue suspension of a toiudent from an University cAaminations, a plamt has ucen med in the District Court uf Colombo before Mr. L. B. ;de
    FOC  -  306 words

  • 677 5 Not Welcome Step Now Says P. Thanu Pillai s£^2S! S 4^»^»2»<Sociilii State has not yet been able to complete the work of integration and as a result, the Government is annoyed, the ser vices are discontented, and the people are suffering It will make the
    F.O.C.  -  677 words
  • 87 5 Education Department nvrlhng Quintet has been nised and placed under direction of Mr. A. T. Chief Inspector of Mu- J quintet, consisting of Uamayanti Dunuwille k no Miss Audrey Dharma««1 (Violin), Mr. Saranagup- A ma rasinha (Oriental -ingcr-Lecturer) and Miss L. tr r,nk < Viola > is now
    FOC  -  87 words
  • 202 5 NEW YORK: Alfred Huber. u S 2L!!! SSing ex P ert f er the o.N. Food and Agriculture Organ isation, has recommended cnat Canadian logging teams oe sent to Ind.a to train the a limen haw to extract and transport logs from the Hima layas. He also recommends
    FOC  -  202 words
  • 193 5 Famine Conditions In Salem SALEM Sri M. A. Manickavelu Naicker, Minster for Revenue, who toured the villages in Kr.shnag ri m North Salem was told of famine conditions in the area and was requested to declare the areas famine affected. and to start relief works soon. Sri Doraiswami Goundar in
    FOC  -  193 words
  • 39 5 SAL-EM A plea for the translat on of SUappadhikaram a Tam.l Work, into English and other languages was made by Sri Narana Doraikannan, while opening the second SUappadhikaram Conference held by the Ammapet Regional Tarn 1 Arasu Kazhagam.— FOC
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  • 139 5 Canadian Aid For India -New Plan OTTAWA: Mr. R. G. Cavell, Canadian Administrator of the Colombo Plan, said he was working out a new Canadian economic ad plan for India, Pakistan, and Ceylon, for presentation to his Government. Returning from a 50,000--mile Asian tour Mr. Cavell 3aid in an interv.ew
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  • 117 5 MADRAS*. "I have no per- sonal views on this matter except one of vigorous opposition to d sintegration," the Chief Minister, Sri C. Rajagopalachariar said when asked at a Pres s conference for hi s reaction to the proposal for the aitegrat on of Travancore-Co-chin with
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  • 145 5 MADRAS: Sri C. Rajagopa* iachariar, Chief Minister, at a Press conference suggested the removal of cushions in the Crty transport buses. He told the Transport Mitt ster, Dr. U. Krishna Rau. wh-** wa s present at the conference. "After all, these arc not long distance
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  • 136 5 KARACHI Market circles are optimistic that the IndoPaklstan trade agreement, which Is expiring on June 30, will be renewed and level talks will soon begin at New Delhi. It l a expected that cotton will figure prominently in these talks. According to Bombay advices, the consumption
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  • 166 5 CALCUTTA: A type-writer in Malayalam will be on sale in India shortly, and its component parts are now on the way from the United States, for assembly in a Calcutta factory. Th:s Malayalam typewriter represents the successful culminat.on of 20 years of efforts to design a satisfactory key
    F0C  -  166 words
  • 123 5 NEW DEL-HI: Sri V. G. Deshpande, General Secretary cf the All-India Hindu Mahasabha, wa s arrested last Wednesday by the Delhi Police under Sec. 3 «f the Preventive Detention Act. Sri Deshpande, who was arrested previously on May 15 for alleged disobed.ence of the District
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  • 111 5 Assassination Of Liaquat Ali Khan POLICE OFFICIAL EXONERATED LAHORE The Pakistan Public Service Commission is understood to have exonerated Khan Najaf Khan. Superintendent of Police, against whom an inquiry had been conducted in connection with the assassination of Mr. Llaquat All Khan at Rawalpindi In October 1951. The Commission's decision
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  • 127 5 BHARAT GIRL GUIDES, MEMBER OF WORLD ASSN. BOMBAY: Information has been received in Scout circles here that the World Committee, which U the Executive Committee of the World Association of Girl Guides and Scouts, decided at its last meeting, held in the second week of May in Greece, to accept
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 860 5 THE INDIAN BANK LIMITED, MADRAS BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1952. Corresponding j- mi D^lSSi «sAH»___ AND LIABILItIKS 3^1961 VKOPKRTY AND ASSETS RG A. P. 1. Capital: Us Pi Hs> Ai p. "r?. DC °A?*! L Cash:- R A p ?nV«nnn < K ,to,: < In hand and Wllh
      860 words

  • Article, Illustration
    25 6 l»hoto. Tensing Sherpa photographed with his family. Mrs. Ang Lahmno, his wife seated In the centre with their daughter Nima (right) and PemPem (left)- A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 1336 6 CEYLON NEWS: "My Client Is Entitled Not Only No Acquittal But Freedom From Suspicion* COLOMRO: Dr. Colvin R. de Silva, senior counsel tor Mr. IYL Sathasivam, who began his concluding address to the jury at the Colombo Assizes last week, argued that hiii
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  • 133 6 CAIRO. June 23. Pakistan' Premier, Mohammed Ali sai.' Monday h>* would spare no eff.n towurd belpjig bigypt and Britain find a solut on to their dispute on the Bues 1 mae. The Premier. addressing newsmen at a reception, .-aid he and in fact all Pakistan s"
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  • 341 6 cognise the saree he saw at a glance over a year ago and replied "no." Dr. de Silva continuing said that the accused did not wish to go away from that Court with any kind of doubt attached to him. He sought a vindication from that Court. He did
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  • 292 6 CAIRO, June 23. The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, received traditional Ind an garlands from hi.- coun-try-men when he arrived at the airport here today 101 talks on tne Suez Canal issue with Qeneral Mohamed Neguib. the Egyptian Pr.m»" Minister. Mr. Mohamed
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  • 105 6 Mr. John Bacten, Infoini**tion Officer on the Staff of th. Commissioner fir Ma lay a n London, is due to ariive iii S ngapore by 8.0.A.C. Argonaut on, June 26. t 3.30 p.m. at Kallang airport. Mr, Batten, who was formerly North Region Publicity Officer
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  • 94 6 Mr. t ;!in Jacaaon, a former leader of cne of tiie On ted Kingdom Universities i> b ng Teams Is on a visit to Singapore from today till June 28, Whilst n S ngapore, he will be g vtng ihe following lectin' s under the auspices
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  • 62 6 Mrs. Moorhead To Speak At Theosopical Society Mrs. HJda exPresidentiai Agent of the Thec.soph cai Society in Malava who is now 6n her way from Australia to India, will a public lectine af the Ser .*ty's premises. S. Calmhill Road, t;morrow Thursday. at 0.30 p.m. The title of
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  • 65 6 The Governor has appo'nted Mi. How Yoon Ch.~n«* t.o be a Police Mag strite for the Oniony cf Singapore with effect from June 15. what basis any such defence System should be set up. Commenting on his conference with Egyptian Premier Negulb Mohamea Ah .aid he was
    A.P.; Reuter  -  65 words
  • 86 6 LONDON, June 2_. Tne chairman of Ihe British Himalayan Committee tponsoi of th* successful climb to the summit of Mt. Everest 4ast Bight publ Cly deplored U*e controversy aver who reached ih>* top first. Commenting on the storm that has broken out in Khatmandu on whether
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  • 146 6 KHATMANDU, June 2:* "rh v*nd H llary and Sherpa Tensing dr»nned their climbing i again today and told 100 Ind an and Nepal...- army officers what it was like to conquer Everest. Perspiration ran down the' faces as th_y stood in th< heavy suits in the
    A.P.  -  146 words
  • 100 6 COLOMBO: The Food Su,/- ie s°«unancc is to be amended next month to make the Government the sole importer ol red onions. Mr. .K Alvapillai. acting Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, told me that he had requested the controller of Imports
    FOC  -  100 words
  • 27 6 ENDICOTT (New York) June 23.— Prince and Princess Ajavabis D.skul cf Thailand' arrived here by plane Sunday 1 to study accounting.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 i■iii■iii■iiii•i i i i ii i iii i ii i i AMCCIJC roda> i-w Day. I.M, 6 !U5 p.m. PREMNATH, DILIP KUMAR I NIMMI NADIRA in ANIM A m wMv Colour Kpic~_ I 1 (Full length Hindustani Version) "i i I I I i 11.11 ll I II ll i
      78 words
    • 112 6 j <, .„ii|iiii|:ii:ii:nlirii >i:|iMil.':l ii'l"'!lllMl<illlilliliiii(iiiil:iiil'liiliiMli!iilii;i i i i New City Cinema Today: 3.15 G.15 9.15 p.m. I SURAIYA NAZIR KHAN in KHUBSURAT (or Bea utif ul) An Hindustani picture of enchanting beauty A. haunting Melodies l 1" I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 mwm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmw^m^mmmm^^m^mti^^mK^mmi^m^ma^^m^^^^^a^^mt^u^^^m^^^^^mm\
      112 words