Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 17 December 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 495 1 Madame Curie is generally conceded the honour of being the cleverest woman in the world. Had it not been for her brilliance, it is acknowledged by those who are in a position to know the wondrous radium might sti]l^jaye )een •waiting in the bowels of the^S-th
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  • 77 1 A certain Major-General, greatly interested in local education, one day in the village school gave the lads a brief sketch of some famous soldiers. 'Now, boys," he said, "George Washington was a general, and so I am. Can anyone tell me the difference
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  • 300 1 A SECRET REVEALED. A homeopathic doctor, Mr. John Schmidt, of Nylstroom Transvaal, who was attending doctor on the Nylstroom commando under Commandant Grobblaar, throws some interesting light on inside conditions in the Boer camps. 44 It may surprise many peoolc he said in an interview'
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  • 946 1 THE AUSTRIAN LLOYD STEAM NAVIGATION GO. THE INDO-EUROPEAN ROUTE. A Greatly Accelerated Service s HTBC inSTITUTKO. The practical monopoly which the British steamships have enjoyed for so long in the passenger and cargo trade between Europe and India is al>out to be seriously challenged by the Austrian Lloyd Company, which
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 15 1 WHAT IS W H I 3 K YP USHER'S Sole Agents JOHN LITTLE CO- LTD
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  • 877 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. MONDAY, 17TH DECEMBER. A CHANGE OF FRONT. PRICK 5 CENTS. A nmarkable change has arisen in the views of the Chinese in respect to the long and much-talked of improvements in the riv< r. This subject though not officiallvnoticed was in the minds of the Chinese
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  • 538 2 Change in the Proprietorship of the Eastern Daily Mail." iI r c drai>. the attentu,n \f our readers to llie Aotius appearing int-r-days isstu re the change in the Proprittonkpp of the "Eastern Daih Maif" the "si*£*Jana Mitt ran" and' the Caxton Print Commando C. A. RadchtVe, K.N.. has been
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  • 344 2 m lhc U Java i* 1 her ninety year, i But, <*. ft ward bound to' l? th I «ong ol reioicing i. 1 sounding throughout i! a,rtad y K I India, ro-day acvd C >,: S! fe hc 1 our thank^u, l 1 than 150,000 3 J
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  • 22 2 fne (jo nounces that g observed as public holiday out the Colony I uesday, 1 tecembi Wednesday, DecemU Tuesday, /anuai
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  • 38 2 Phi I'utch steama which left here on Fi Papan, had to put bac ous a. to her mast Findlay fell offtht hurt hi> head. H conscious bv the fall here was taken to hospital inn
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  • 73 2 The Erapirt Calcul the authorship of the nowfamou signed I. C S."' which appt the Pioneer" some tinu nection with the re Bamfylde Fullei traced. It is undersi cellencv the S searching enquiries to be m result was that, to his credit a departm. I ad in
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  • 148 2 THE QUESTION <'! SALAKita rt year two As the Go roment S< anothei vacancj has I the departure tlie othei d ral Hospital, Pcnang, Singapore to be sbip'a Gkvfalloch, and we hi othef junior Assist* also contempL ntvtion with the G not surprising that these yo after
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  • 19 2 TH,Rev,l:Sn,h, his farewell la .f,, r J K-» Prewytemn Church in attention, fne K evo i. JS fo, pw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 IN ORDER TO .^Pv^V INTRODUCE Wbiskp. IT WILL BE SOLD AT HALF PRICE, i. e. rt\% I* mm fm the case of 12 bottles quarts, %(k 'f excluding duty, or 85 cts the %UJ J t quart bottle, duty included. RECORD No. 1177. OLD TAYLOR SCOTCH WHISKY. From the results
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    • 255 2 [fresh I GRAPES. WHITE <Sc IPTT^DPIILiE 40 cents per Ib. OR PACKED IN 5 Ib. WOOD BOXES FOR POSTING TO F. M. S. and ELSEWHERE. PER box $2 -00 POSTAGE FREE $250 Output t friends are requested to send remittance with order, if not in Deposit Account. If you have
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    • 245 2 "CIGARS" We beg to inform the Public that we have imported the following Brands of Dutch Cigars which we are selling at very moderate price-, in order to induce our customers to try them. They nrc strongly packed in air tight tin boxes, thus retaining the flavour o! the tobacco
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    • 71 2 TO-NIGHT OPERA INDRA JAVA Grand Success! Grand Success!! WILL STAGE AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL Monday, 17th entirety Rcid Plap The Company has ENGAGED AT AN ENORMUS Salary $1,000 Weekly The Wizard of the Orient M. OMAR 9 Director &> Sole Proprietor. WANTED. A young lady as assistant teacher for the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 86 2 COMING EYENTS. Today. 17th High Water -10.48 a. M. If. Mail Outward due M. M. Mail Homeward due Tuesday. iStb High Water 0.1l a., IIJ9 p. S. V. A. Unit Committee Meeting, 0 15 p. Y. M. C A, Concert. 8.30 p. Wednesday, 19th Hith Water 0.54 a., o.l^ p.
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  • 57 3 POLICE SEIZE MONSIGNOR MONTAGNINI'S PAPERS. I „v »ires (By submarine fIjSATIONAL DISCLOSURES. [joodon, Dec. 1 6th 8.5 a.m. oewspapen declare that r Montagninis (the expelled I vc) papers have been H police and their contents 1 that Monsignor Montagnini f fA with French politicians thy Catholics to cause > the
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  • 55 3 Church State. I AND SEMINARISTS London, Dec. 15th 2-3 p.m. e-eral B sh >ps and many Seminar|gve been already expelled from in France amid slight the populace. pic in Lyons knelt in the red the blessing of the he was leaving his Palacer^e s were compelled to entrance into a
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  • 25 3 N PRINCE APPOINTED REGENT. lon, December 15, 7.40 a.m. v King Oscar of Sweden v ill and the Crown appointed Regent.
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  • 47 3 London, Dec. 15th, 7.40. a.m. 1 Lords have read for me the Merchant Shipping x Trade-' Dispute Bills, second time the Workmen's >ill while the House of ve read for the third time fee Workmen's Compensation Bill and tlie provision of meals to ■children.
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  • 35 3 r THE SEMITFICIAL "NORDDEL'TSCHE." December 15th S 45 a.m. journal Norddeucial edition, says that ess failure in Damates :e-tofher ability sbecne a world power. 'ecember 16, 5.5 a.m. < Klections will com- irmuarw
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  • 35 3 *REl> PRISON TO FINE. London, Dec. 14th 5.45 a.m. Bfragist demonstration de the House of Comod a man were arrested ten fined by the Magi>leCuilt a fortnight*! imed to go to jail.
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  • 46 3 51 I CONSTRUCTION OF HER "DREADNOUGHT." lon, December 15, 8-45 a.m. 1 Sum Secretary to the '< J. Bonaparte, ha? submitt- plans of a battleship M. S. Ureidnoiujht. I be of zz,zcz tons and the '< 11 be more powerful i i. M. S. "Dreadnought."
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  • 28 3 December 15th 8 45 a.m. a! Federal Elections are ace in Australia. twenty-five Labourites returned to the House of but now there will cen Labour^':- returnSenate.
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  • 24 3 London, Dec. '15, 8 45 a.m. I' ikon and Queen Maud of :t England on a visit to
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  • 19 3 Th e Spelling Reform. December 15 8.45 a.m. ■dent Roosevelt has directed the to -evert to the ordinary I
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  • 101 3 ►ROjrs SEND-OFF. London, Nov. 20. KMis, including rem all parts of India, 1 the Transvaal and ted in IndL, besides Mem bersofthe House of Com- luncheon to Mr. Dadabhai celebrate his election the Indian Congi ess. William Wedderburn presided, they had met to wish l Mi. Xaoroji,
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  • 931 3 APPEAL OF MR E R KOEK P^int fn C t I 'n bed ™"> the im o^s ot II CaSC J There Nvere "umerous other grounds stated for the appeal moor nrT S thC Prind P ul one At2*e7 wnS w y r the qucstion as *> raid
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  • 12 3 Thf Dutch cruiser Koniiißin Regentcs has ai rived here to be docked.
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  • 971 3 ro PRISON FOR CURE Lim Tek, a confirmed opium victim, about fifty years of age, but looking seventy, was before Mr. Colman, charged with selling chandu in a hut at Campong Saigon without a license and with m 8 m ,P osscssion of ilicit chandu. Mr. F. K.
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  • 347 3 The programme of events to be held on New Year's Day in connection with the sea sports is out and should provide capital amusement. The first race for which a cup valued at $50 will be given is a handicap for boats c*f any rig built on
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  • 307 3 A KUALA LUMPUR MINISTER'S VIEWS. Commenting on the question of Gamb"ng in the States,' referred to recently in the House of Commons by Mr. Laidlaw and Mr. Winston Churchill, Rev. WE. Horley.in the Malay sia Message,' writes: "A few months ago a European miner told me
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  • 328 3 TWICE OPERATED UPON FOR APPENDICITIS. f he following paras from the Times of Ceylon give an account of the sudden illness and death of the Lieut-Governor and Colonial Secretary of Ceylon. Colombo 4th December. 1906. Late yesterday afternoon Sir Alexander Ashmore underwent a grave
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  • 348 3 One curious result of the improved drainage system in the Fens is a wonderful decrease in the consumption of opium in Lincolnshire. A Morning Leader representative learned that even to-day the chemists of Boston, Spalding, and Peterborough do a fairly large business with the drug, but their
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  • 256 3 THE NATIONAL CONGRESS: THE PARTITION OF BENGAL DEMONSTRATION OR DEPUTATION: OPIUM AND THE CULTIVATION OF THE POPPY. The following Reuter's wire appears in the Ceylon Independent's telegraphic summary of 29th ultimo. In the House of Commons on Nov. 29 Mr. O'Donnell asked Mr.
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  • 353 3 Herr Grauer, a wealthy German hotel proprietor, has carried out an experiment with amusing results on the tipping custom. He had a theory that all hotel employees should be paid a living wage and that tipping should be abolished in hotels. So he started, accompanied by his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 428 3 H. S. KIRWAIMS I TANK ROAD LIVERY, RAGINC COMMISSION STABLES jj (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION) A new building specially built for stables, absolutely sanitary and up-to-date 1 Accommodation for Horses and Carriges by day, week, or month at Popular Prices f Kxtra large loose boxes for Race Horses; also a suitably
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  • 878 4 "HUGE PROFITS ACCEN rUATE 1 "HE SCANDAL i)\' THE JOB. A V AS! Ki VI V K POI Kl !IH HY A GANG 01 I OBMOPOLITAH Fin. won k>. rruth"tolund by the last mail has the following references to the meeting of the Vvlon Company
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  • 164 4 In connection with the proposed brHgeoverth,(. l nge.it,s 111 tc I -Ling to note thai Mr. F. G. K. Spring con«ders dial the actual building of Z as wells so by 300 can be sunk 1 O fee WOW water level with C ngth and height ot
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  • 529 4 There is no blazing patch of indiscretion In Admiral Togo's life, although men called him the Nelson of the East, says Nr. Lloyd in his new Book of Travel M From West to East Our Nelson is conspicuous by his dalliance with an English geisha, but Togo has
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  • 472 4 THE HINDUSTANI QUEEN" OF THE AMIRS COURT. Hx visit of the Amir of Afghanistan to India lend- a topical interest to the aiticle which appear- in the Lady Realm" from the pen of Mr. Angus Hamilton and no doubt readers in India will rind entertainment in hearing about the second
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  • 55 4 Mrs. J. KUcn Foster, who visited Singapore some months ago and save an adekess at the Deaconess Ho nc Mt Soph.a, has been specially detailed b V I resident Roosevelt to investigate the condition of women and children workers throughout the United States SI'C is now engaged in visiting the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 > RecreaHo^ H^ v c Has r cellem --"-HHUtkH, AM//Ar V manent boarders. or u^p.,, irv r mS With Ve^ah and Mh GOOD TABLE 4 WINES > JoeF -««o N c EICAO) h NOTICE." I THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDaT^J^ Telephone No 07 y/ THE ONLY TAMIL NEWSPAPER
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2254 4 SHIPPING NEWS. V E29DJSJLJ9 R henani a Hongkong, Dec. 19; Behn Pouttanak, Brit. str. 79 tons, Capt sJPC? ase y, '4th Dec. From Kvantan, 12th TT^rTDTri^^nni^Ti siS^^ D T ec ,9 t°- ec v Gc and d E- Borneo c °y Ltd PiArrAj I Hi I 1, gaiazie, Colombo, Dec.
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  • 337 5 B o uTRAGEWf St PETER'S. [^oodOD, November 18. l greil Christian Basis C was this morning the 1 j, 0 mb outrage. During the ss, bomb exploded 1 high altar. No one was v ihe explosion, though the was croiwled with worship-r-hc explosion caused
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  • 164 5 contractors for Sir John Jackson, who at the present mo new Admiralty Docks at Singapore, and the new la bour, Simon's Bay, engaged upon undergo le~- than ten kg Sir John Jackson is '.man, born in 1851, and was I rk and Edinburgh L'ni- nrd~ going
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  • 161 5 I problem as to how to [wmnifiu amused. big liner- have their own •try good bands, too, but human endurance, c part of listeners or A new idea, however, «en hit upon by the on Company, an Italian «ch has made arrangetograph installation, r the delight of all classes The
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  • 277 5 vehvem an age in which diplomacy at its true value. P (Hear* hear The chief aim of diplomacy is eHt° Ster K. amiCable and h^monious a, \d?r^ tWee C nati ns -(^eers) and to-day it is devoting all its enerand abilities to that^esi^ed end. Whatever
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  • 87 5 A cable has been received from Mr. Samuel Smith, President of the Anglo-Indian Temperance Association, accepting the position of President of the Third All India Temperance Conference to be held in Calcutta on December 29th. The arrangements which are being made will provide for a thorough
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  • 130 5 Ceylon has discovered a remarkably tine bowler in D. Joseph, a colt, who has performed the remarkable and unique feat of capturing 200 wickets in a Ceylon cricket. He had the honour of achieving this distinction in the first innings of the recent Colts C. C.
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  • 129 5 Probably many people will remember Agnes and Julius Zanzig, who performed in the Bijou Thertre before it was converted into bedrooms a few years ago. They are very clever thoughtreaders and advertised themselves in Singapore as two people with only a single mind. They are now
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  • 216 5 A CEYLON EXPERIMENT. The latest M Tropical Agriculturist opens with a short article by the Editor. It is entitled "The Price of Rubber, and Dr. Willis reminds his hearers that plantation rubber is not getting a higher price than Brazilian rubber taking into account he higher
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  • 238 5 SIR B. FULLER'S RESIGNATION. HOME COMMENTS. ne Times says that Sir B. t uller s resignation in the circumstances was inevitable. It is unfortunate that he did not consult the Government of India before he applied to the University for the punishment of the offenders or seek an interview with
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  • 98 5 THI Englishman writes:— Our good friends the subordinates in the serried ranks of official clerkery in India are often laughed at for little mistakes made by them at times, such, for instance, as giving an unhappy correspondent the titles M Mr." and u Esquire at the same time.
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  • 177 5 I THE DIRECTOR ARRIVES. Bombay, Nov. i 7. Dr W. Morris 1 ravers, D. Sc, F. R. S. late Professor of "Chemistry at University College. Bristol, arrived in Bombay to-day in order to take up the appointment of First Director jof the Indian Institute of Science.
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  • 194 5 Lady Flytie stole cautiously down the avenue of noble beeches, and hid her pile, beautiful face on her lover's breast. "On. Reggie," she whispered, "swear you will love me always, Tell me you will never think the worse of me for what I am going to do
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  • 224 5 Professor Ray Lankester, lecturing at the London Institution on "The Origin of the Elephant," said that the trunk originated in the shortening of the lower jaw. He was sorry to upset Mr. Rudyard Kipling's theory that it was caused by having been pulled by the crocodile. The Committee of French
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  • 739 5 Mining. Number r i n I Capital, j Subscbed '&£j£*j R rvfc Company J Quotations Ipresent GOLD. 1 I 13.5.00 I $10 I $10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd. 10.00 sellers 1900 $175,000 $140,000 J 3»5oo unissued iere 4,000 $lo $lo (Deferred) 00N sellers 19C0 £400,000 £350,000
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  • Commercial.
    • 155 5 Gam bier buyers $6.82^ do Cube No. 1 10.50 Copra, Bali 10.35 do Fontianak 9-95 Pepper, Black (ordinary Singapore) 18.00 do White, Fair L. W. 5 per cent. f 24.50 Sago Sarawak Flour 3.00 do Brunei No. 1 2.92^ Pearl Sago, small 5.^0 Coffee, Bali 16^ per cent. buyers
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    • 148 5 On London. Bank a m s 2/4 Demand 2 i. do. 6 m s 2/4 15/16 Private 3ms 2 4 9 o On Germany. —Bank d d 2^ Private 3ms.. 2 44 do 6ms j.40 On France.— Bank d d 2A)i Private 3ms 2.97 1 do 6ms 2.99! On
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 306 5 NOTICE. WEEKLY SAILINGS. The S. S. Pontianak (Captain Casey,) sails from this Port every Monday at 2 p.m. for Quantan, Pahang. Good accommodation for passengers, special rates for cargo. Apply to The BORNEO Co., Ltd. Agents. HOUSE OF LORDS (CORONET BRAND) THE j WHISKY Of DISTINCTION WP COR.ON6T BRWt^P t
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  • 1256 6 TIIE LIFE STORY OF THE EMPRESS EIGENIE. There arc a hundred ways of writing history, and at least ten ways of wr.ting biography. Your modern writer is tar too fond of bringing his own theories, and even his conjectures! to take the place of those undoubted tacts
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  • 355 6 The retirement of Sir Henry Mortimer Durand from the post of H. ftt.'s Ambassador at Washington will be deeply regretted on both sides of the Atlantic. Sir Mortimer has had a long and distinguished career, and few diplomatists are more universally respected than he. He
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  • 145 6 Ihk Het Volk programme includes prohibition of all Asiatic labour. 1 here is a probability that the Nationalist Labour iorces will combine against the Progressives. i "The Times approves as right and just the decision regarding the Asiatic Ordinance in the Transvaal, as any other might have had ah extremely
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 622 6 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'AID-LT CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:Sterling Reserve $10,000,0U0 1 Silver Reserve $10,250,000 20 2 *>.0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Direotors. A llaupt, Esq— Chairman. Hon. v. \V. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. H. E. Tomkins Esq. C. R. Lenzmann, D. M. Nissim, Esq.
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    • 385 6 NOTICESG. A. Fernandez Co. No. 6 [y Almeida Street. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS, APPRAIBERS, AND HOUSE AGENTS. Charges and Commission will be found moderate. 9-8-06.* u.c. DOllS COPS DOllS •Hist Unpacked See our 'enormous variety of, Dolls and mechanical toys. The Ddlls afe steeping waking beauties, different nationalities, sexes, and
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    • 268 6 Dr. S. IWATSUBO, Dental Surgeon. No. 1 Raffles Place. Hours oj consultation 9 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) 3/8/06. tc 2/2/07. ro* Bolter, 69, ANSON ROAD. Telephone No. 398. Just Landed a Fresh Stock o/:Pickled Herrings in tin Smoked Russian Spratts Fresh Bombay Butter
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    • 408 6 E. D. M." ADLETSjt WANTED. WANTED. Typist and Shorthand writer. Must have good local knowledge. Chinese preferred. APPLY AT ONCE. Lloyds Greater Britain Publishing Co., Ltd., Raffles Hotel Buildings. Brass Bassa Road u.c. WANTED. A smart Chinese or Eurasian Typist for Engineering Establishment. Salary *4p to 5 o per month
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    • 328 6 CHEAP RETURN TICKETS To F"st Sal,,on 2J C »l!||, Second Saloon lit, a tk '"> (n The F. 0 V -hat „4°^y ii S For further par.,cul, r 1 p *O.S.N Co I i 'St March, Uj oo. i **»M CHARGES MODERATE From 7 a.m. t 0 5 No. 26.,
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