Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 9 December 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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    • 61 1 London, Dec. 8. I'he appointment of Sir John Anderson, k. c. m. 0., Governor of Labuan, as well as the Straits, from the first of January, and an agreement with the Sultan of Brunei for the appointment of a British Resident to control
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    • 47 1 CORDIAL TELEGRAM FROM THE KAISER. Reut.r Ag.noy London, Dec. 8. In reply to a telegram from Lord Avebury describing a meeting held m favour of better Anglo-German relations, the Kaiser telcgtaphed his sincerest thanks to you all tor sharing our feelings of friendship and goodwill."
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    • 44 1 TRANS-CASPIAN TERRITORY IN REVOLT. Reuter Ay«noy London, Dec. 8. There are grave disorders m thc Trans-Caspian Territory, the troops participating, especially at Askab.nl. lAskabad is a town of Kussian Turkestan and thc political centre of Trans-*, aspia. Ed. "E. D. M."|
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    • 36 1 BILL FOR SEPARATION PASSED BY FRENCH SENATE. Router fc Agency. LoRROR, Dec. S. fhc French Senate finally passed by a vote of 1 8 1 to ioj the Bill separating Church and State.
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    • 26 1 Reuter's Agency. London, Dec. S. The Swiss National Council has approved of thc establishment of a legation for Sw itzerland at Tokyo.
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    • 16 1 Reuters Aieney. London, Dec. 8. Military outbreaks continue m numerous parts of Russia.
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    • 17 1 Reutors A|ency. London, Dec. 8. Mr. Takaheshi sails homeward via America on the 20th inst.
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    • 42 1 EX-MINISTER OF WAR KILLED. Reuter* Agency London, Dec. 8. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Telegraph wires that General Sakharotf, ex-Minister of War, has been killed by a female revolutionist who fired three shots at him from a pistol.
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    • 26 1 Neuter's Agency London, Dec. S. The Commonwealth I louse of Representatives has passed the lirst Immigration Bill by a vote of y> to <>.
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  • 123 1 WILL USE LARGER STEAMERS Yhc South (hina Post understands that the Nippon Yusscn Kaisha, m consultation with the Government authorities, has been considering measures for the development of its various lines now that the war is over. It is stated thc company does not intend establishing
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  • 110 1 A desire for actual participation m sport is rare among the crowds that troop to the football field, says a writer m the Sydney Bulletin what is universal is a love to look at it, to talk about it, or to bet on it. The players are
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  • 25 1 The P. O. Outward Mail steamer Delta left Penang at 10 a. m. yesterday and is expected to arrive here at 3 p. id. to-day.
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  • 196 1 Router Aienoy I*ONIm>N, Dec. 8. Count von Buelow, thc German Chancellor, addressing tlie Reichstag, said that the maintenance of the con. relations between the Cabinets of any two countries would not exhaust tl>eir policies. Popular passions sometimes je<>]>ardize Cabinet policies. As an example,
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  • 108 1 ATTITUDE EXPLAINED BY COUNT VON BlEl.ow R«Mt«r Agency London, Dec. 8. Count von Buelow, thc Prussian Pre mier, has explained G< tmanv's attitude regarding Morocco. Germany had a treaty with Mor and a right to be heard m any re shaping of conditions there. The Count quoted
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  • 80 1 IRISH DEMAND ITS INSER I lON IN PAR I'Y PROGRAMME. Lrrror, Dm I Mi. John Redmond, presiding at the Irish National < onventton. said that thc prosj»cct openißg Im tote Inland Bfßa full of hope, but thRTC MRS Mill a delicate and dangerous road to utrrrtbs before
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  • 325 1 APPEAL FOR MEMORIAL K> THE LATE MR. BIR< ll It must BRHR t« foieigncr- tint tlir British people and tin- othci BR tiOflß ol the community who enjoy the blessingOf liberty, law, and BfMH m Perak are .singularly larking m fodinga <»t honour for tlir noble
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 254 1 r C^- -> \(.KNTS FOR SINGAPORK. JOHN LITTLE A CO Gawett's Portable Engines and Boilers, poden's Steam Wagons. OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUPPLIED BY THE BORNEO Company. Limited. COUNTRY HOTEL I i St. VALENTINES BATH HOTEL. 20 Bukit Timah Road. (Off Holland Road Railway Station) An ideal spot to spend the
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    • 316 1 &Ast Jlsian Sfiercantile Co., 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. J. A. FAY ECAN CO. K^s^S»_^--^-^|^ I NORWEGIAN PURE COWS' MILK. I m THE ONLY CANNED MILK IN WHICH 1 J THE FULL FLAVOUR OF FRESH 1 COWS' MILK IS RETAINED. m The most flattering testimonials from medical men. J To be
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    • 59 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crltp, Invigorating. A NATURAL MINERAL WATER OT THE HIGHEST CLASS. Sold Everywhere) •is life worth living?" many a|l>; H lt is" the most reply. Though some say "No. it is a task," Without a reason why, The latter class, you understand. Their silments do endure. The former wiy
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  • 422 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 9th DECEMBER WANTED: A JUNIOR CLUB. Singapore is admirably stocked with hotels, and our readers of the gentler sex may assert that enough temptations already exist to lure wayward males away from the domestic circle o' nights. Still there is room for
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  • 173 2 W r e arc glad to note from F. M. S. exchanges that under the Vehicles Enactment it is notified that no vehicle, other than a motor-car or motor-cycle, shall use a horn or hooter. The penalty for thc breach of this rule will be a
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  • 135 2 THIRD TEN-DOLLAR NOTE GOES. We regret lo inform our unsuccessful readers that the third of the four ten dollar notes floating round Singapore was captured last night. We are -urprised that more competitors did not seize upon our clues we said that the European gentleman who held
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  • 185 2 SUGGESTIONS FROM A REFORMER. A Chinese "returned from Japan U said to have thus addressed his compatriots ifl far Yunnan: L'nies* China be careful >he is on the wav to ruin. You know what t'n- American^ have done u» the Red Indians, the English to the aborigines
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  • 320 2 I'm bTßOspori Dameem left for Hongkong on Thursday evening. Mr. T. de M. Braddfll, we regret to hear, i< indisposed. Mr. Jtrsnci Leslie Thornton, accompanied by Mr>. Leslie Thornton, left on Thursday for India on leave The Sea Belle left for Pulo L'ndan Lighthouse, Malacca, yesterday evening on relief dut}'.
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  • 1060 2 iULENT ATTACKS I PON R RACES BY THE PRESS. iramt Spirit of Singapore Unknown. 'I. o. M." tpnui.) c are a great many progressive m Singapore who believe that il Press is inclined to look upon il questions from a biassed x>int, viewing eveiy thing from it
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    • 24 2 i hose who hold that 7 apprec.ationofthe dollar havcaKCHHld,-,!.., J fi a»n the Straits c;.,^^^* RO hurry to iA* nt r__
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    • 26 2 it Has tobß WiBRMbuR. .v German and English _«^J^ *Rr. ■Rke trouble, arc pcnW^'lßß that there, to RrH^ stup.cUamc.a,,,! had b,.., Up. _RRRJMR|
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    • 32 2 ii is dtfnculi sympatnywitlMhco,,. Ic^s, itand m ,,i, b y St. doubtle^ r^an!,,! \T X L hat humiliation of his Poilll <[<< Corean rulers are si m „i,. H;- -«•«->■ imvc s
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    • 35 2 ucllor -Tl Offci morals; he is an presumably, he has os h morals, ethics as v«... .1 I'-tthescn.cofi^'^hMu: and he I. without tin"; r,nra humanity and. more,,; V to bleed. IB*,
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    • 41 2 U win be seen tha, b wtf financial irround* the the Penan, VV ly needed. The C have to spend ah- lon 5 w *<" OR the \V_te, s BRWied with th? U J [Mwdl make a gfc^hev a.
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    • 34 2 It rent- were i< ed 1,1 inducing t< an increase Z the plea tha, ratio of Mhatr to »U bound,,, gran, many m Hon-ko ->nc„, |,i gl c to pay
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    • 45 2 But to ti x th; dolla necessitate the fh the ratio m ord< are probable m the c will be fraught with Ron and issuer ever likely to supe, -ate m ling value of the d the current martu it contain-. -Perak
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    • 52 2 We hear a time about disrcg exhibited by certai i community, and of I oi the public will ai, drive a carnage and law or a bill, and tin- is declaim g B danger- ui- v town limits, while landing introediatcl} hammer, some nails br 1 knock
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 393 2 TUCK'S HAIR and LEATHER BELTING. Por Tropical Climates. Particulars from THh; BOENEO Co., Limited I BBBRMMaBRHRRHfI--_R_-IRBB^B_RHRRRHa^RRMHH-RBBB_R______^^ Sastern Oriental SCotel, PENANG. o_E___.C3- _E3IOT__!Xj, PENANG HILLS. Sankies Brothetrs, Proprietor*. Ui^^^nMßiMßßßMßßßißßMH___________________a_________M______Rßll^^B O^ r^^^c^r^t. >< ->< >< v •>« O J HONG KEE. FVoiw SHANGHAI. j 149, 151 152. ORCHARB ROAB, L First Class
      393 words
    • 366 2 -j J THE 3 s« m. a _pr_B_ m maY m ____*rT#_l R- Wl"^>R i ,_im_____M v--_i ___Ri te= itti ~~< B^^^^ _ni w^r^m r» t m COGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE _k ESTATE AGENTS. AUCTION SALE. i FIRST CLASS EUROPEAN RESIDENCE. To be let that pleasantly situated house Budleigh,"
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    • 204 2 Messrs. KIM coy. Messrs. KIM Coy„ beg to announce that they have just received a large st«>ck of Christmas and New Year cards. Toy goods post card albums from 75 cts. to $4 each, and also a laMje collection of Post Cards of local views, viz: Johore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Canton,
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    • 55 2 I dwell m the palace and mansions. My name's on the lips of the Royal, I am crwnetMwith a million laurels. By thehard won sons of toil lam hailed with a spirit of gladness In the homes of the rich and poor, For I'm known to thc nations for ever
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    • 377 2 WHAT OUR READERS THINK TV V.i- m-rr_K- M be Mr (he- .pre.. nFAIRS DEFENDED. I 'ear Sir. Or. ies ol yesterday verj iair<. p|_ than the pickpocket, theto a mc the public. Su< au-'i attempt- yolent help along i untaHe in<i I t- it seems i defence from someone who
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 91 2 COMING EVENTS. T©-day, December 9tb: Hign Water 8.35 a. 9.32 p.m. I'icture Exbtn., Robinson Piano Co. 9 to 5. C Ticket, S.R.C. v Garrison. S.R.C. 2nd XI v V.MC.A.. Raffles. P. O. Mail Outward due, 3pm Hunt Club, Botanical Garden*, 4.45 p m St. Mary's Fancy Fair, Tank-rd 8.30 p
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  • Unknown
    • 11 1 The Eastern Daily Mail COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT. SINGAPORE, SATTJic DAy> DECEMRt?p g^^gT
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    • 22 1 The Netherlands Trading Society yesterday quoted the 4 /ms bank rate at Rtß_i 5 ,6 C Mercanti,e Bank quoted it
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    • 143 1 Yfstkrday's Rates. On /rrrbm B_t_t 4 m/a 2/2 5 6 Demand t/a 1/16 Private 6 m/s.. 2/2 11/16 j 3 m /s. 2/2 7/16 On Germany- Bank d/d 2.22 Private 3 m/s 2.26 do 6 m/s 2.28 O// AfMRRf Bank d/d 2 73 Private 3 m/s 2.78 .j do
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    • 136 1 Tin S 86.00 Gambicr -0.1 .o j do Cube No. 1 1 1 i- 1 do od No. 2 11.00 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porc),, 23.50 do White, Fair L. W. 5 p.c. 33.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 7s. do (So to the lb.). 59. Mace (Bands) i 4-.
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    • 394 1 up^to Company Buyers Sellers Trancetion GOLD. ojB 1 810 Bersau^ GM. Co.. Ltd *}<* sued. 12.00 i.ooo 8 m 810 rw_j I lo KadanaG.M.Co Ltd .0,000 i., *[o LIU p nom. 1 1 Kechau G. Fieldi Ltd. nom 000 j 1 RaubAustO.M'.Co.LtrS;-' b SS» > 100 r
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 58 1 The man who whispers down a well About tlie <joods he has to sell. Won't reap the gleaming golden dollars Like he who climbs a tree and hollers. The man who lets disease alone To wear him down to skin and bone, Won't be m health so sound and pure
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      • 436 1 j BANKS. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL SlOOOlonn RESERVE FUND: 910,000,000 Sterling Reserve $10.000 0001 Silver Reserve 8.500,000 *?%88&O00 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 810,000,000 Courtof Directors. H. A. W. Slade, Esq- Chairman. I r A\i 'S__ hs( J Dt T»ty-Chairman. ■rC I)lckso lA. J. Raymond, Esq. E. C.oetz,
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 428 1 ■ingapore Kranji Railway. KM from lst flu 9 u st, 1905, and Until Furthcp Notiec. P _f _By^ Trains Service for Week Dive -„,,1 g 1 l r AT »»eeK uays and Sundays. Ea&mTraiasoa tl Down Trains Sunday. „n.v B I nm a.m. a.m \m pm pm p D «wnTralna
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      • 67 1 CLEARANCES. Vestedaw Trieste for Trieste via Bombay Machew Bangkok. Brouwer Deli. DeCarpentier Batavia Manila Bangkok. Sri Tringganu Bagan. Dagfred Bangkok. Resident Schielt",, Rhio. Elbinjr Hamburg. FarfaUa Sabak ft Djambie. Sri Muar M U ar and Malacca. Hye Leong Teluk Anson. PASSENCERS ARRIVED. Dec. 8. Per Hebe Mr. and Mrs. Graves
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 456 2 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital Rkservk Liability of Proprietors Reserve Fund (Bank of Enci.anu. BANKERS National Bank <>f SCOTLAND ITh on don City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts arc opened and intercut allowed at 1 per cent per annum on
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      • 290 2 Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes de France. Telegraphic Adawess Messagerie Singapore. The mail steamer-- will have Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates OriWAKi). rioRUEWAJ '>. Polynesten 18 Dec Tomkm i<S Uec. Caledonien 1 Jan. A. He/tie 1 Jan. Oceanien 15 Jan. E.Simons lj Jan. Salazie 29 Jan. I'olynesien 19 Jan.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 76 2 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN i'< >RT. MEN-OF-WAR. Csan k, Russ. battleship. 13,-00 tons. 1,711 crew, 36 guns, I .p. Capt Ak 26th Nov. From Saigon. I.' 1 1 b Nov. I Rds. Mt W, Govt str. 500 tons displacement. 35 crew. 700 h.p. o_H__nder Maddoeks, 22nd Nov. Frcm Port Swettenhaai,
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      • 874 2 TRADING VESSELS. VF^rrr^^^ 1 _H »toS_LS EXPErTt^ s __r -H Acme, Am 2087 Kay, Dee 3 Manila. Stand '*0. V Oil; odes. Cncertain. Bau Lurug, But 275 Winter, Dcco Banjer- massin, Ban Seng, tor Hanjcrmas_in. H t'/ienng Oum. Brit. str. 1.213 tons, Capt. -^niiain. Lowards. 2nd Nov. Fro m Hongkong.
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    • 50 3 R.M. Special." London, Dec. 8. j, is believed that the Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry Asquith will be the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and either I oid Grey or Lord Elgin will be chosen is Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs m the New Liberal Cabinet.
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    • 65 3 1 .USE OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ENGLAND AND GERMANY. C. D. M. Special. London, Dec. 8. Speaking m London, thc German Ambassador to thc Court of St. James said that he deplored thc exist-j-g differences between England and Germany, which were, due solely to slight misunderstandings. many would welcome
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    • 57 3 UNIONIST ELECTED BY NARROW MAJORITY. Reuter's Agency London, Dec. 8. the New Forest election, Mr. the Unionist candidate, received 4539 votes, while Sir Robert Hobart, the Liberal candidate, received 4J4 a (New Forest has been represented by Mr. John l)ougl.is-Scott-Montagu. a Conservative now Lord N
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    • 99 3 Router 's Agency. London, Dec. 8. Herr Bebel m the Re'chs.ag scathingly criticised the C.rman foreign policy, which he said had led to the i Anglo-French entente, and he denied the existence of any aversion between the British and German j people, who enquired concerning the relations between the English
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    • 30 3 London, Dec. 8. It is believed that Sir Henry Camp-bell-Bannerman -will invite the Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry Asquith to lead the Liberal Party m the House of Commons.
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    • 36 3 GREAT INCREASE OVER NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR. Reuters Agency London, Dec. 8 Ihe November imports increased by ,£2,476,088 and the exports by J_3r494»f6>i 'i s compared with the corresponding month of last year.
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    • 59 3 MR. MORLEY MENTIONED FOR TWO POSTS. Reuters Agency. London, Dec. S. In view of thc number of candidates for office, forecasts concerning the make-up of the new Cabinet are most varied and wholly conjectural. Mi SSTS Asquith and Morley are both ed for Chancellor of the Exandthe
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    • 56 3 \VISHE§ TO RECOVER FORMER 1 SITION IN TURKEY. Reuter s Agency London, Dec. 8. ::v has changed her attitude tference to the position of the Powers 00 the Macedonian financial reheme, the Porte urging Germany accept the proposed amendments. hangc is attributed to Germany's desire to recover
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    • 259 3 LIFTS £5,000 worth of DIAMONDS. lv our Saturday'^ issue, it will be ;<membercd, a paragraph entitled A runaway runner" appeared. The runner it was alleged absconded with ;,coo worth of jewels clothing etc, the property ol residents m the hotel m h he was manager m Colombo.
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    • 437 3 BRITONS FAR IN THE LEAD. Population of tha City Rapidly Increasing. On thc 14th of October last, the Municipal Council of Shanghai took a census of the foreign population of that centre of industry— exclusive of the French Settlement- and some interesting figures are the result, s?ys
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    • 3 3
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    • 1074 3  -  Sil as C. Penny NOTE -BOOK. By NO. 8 A TRIP TO TRONOH. r« J There is the same magic significance m that fascinating monosyllabic to Malayans as has the fever-laden word "Gold" to the Australian. It is the watchword of this Peninsula the back-bone of
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    • 730 3 CONCERTS AND BAZAARS ON SOCIAL BILL OF FARE. St. ftlary's Fancy Fair Pretty Function m aid of Charity Last Night. In the words of the hackneyed old saying M Christmas is coming." Important events cast their shrdows before, and the shadows locally consist of special embellishment of
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    • 482 3 S. C. C. at SCRATCH TEAM. The S. C. C. played a scratch team (white) on the Esplanade ground yesterday evening. The Whites ran away with the ball m fine style, and within a few minutes of the start scored a goal f-om a running kick. The S.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
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      • 534 3 ROBINSON and Co. i j i AEE NOW MAKING THEIR Strst Sreat Special Show OIF Toys, Toys, FIRST CLASS WORKING MODELS OF Clock Work Battleships Clock Work Train* with Ralls Cruisers Motor Cara r Gub Boats Round-abouts I H Torpedo Boats Clowns TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS X'MAS Number Illustrated
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 137 3 SUNDAY NOTICES. 8. Andrew's Cathedral Matins and Litany 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 7-45 a -m. Children's Service 4 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 5.30 p.mS Rlßtthew's, Sepoy Lines. Holy Communion. 915 a.m. Foo Chow Service, 11. 15 a.m. Evensong and Sermon 8.15 p.m. Y. M. C. A. Zetland House Mb.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 579 4 THE STRAITS ENQUIRY AND REGISTIATION AGENCY. FOR SALE. A VALUABLE PIECE OF LAND IN THE DISTRICT OF TAMPENIS Consisting of about 128 acres YOUNG COCOANUT ESTATE 999 Years lease. Thc first reasonable offer will be accepted. Apply The Straits Enquiry and Registration Agency, v.c. 5 Raffles Place. ON SALE OR
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      • 498 4 I THE CHINA RUTIML LIFE INSURANCE CO. What is the use of saying tht best Company," thc strongest Company,' 1 the largest Company." Any one can say this. WE Say simply The China mutual liife Insurance Co., litd. A British Ltoeal Co., that tells the whole story. Messrs. Hankin Knocker,
        498 words
      • 360 4 C .-IW_J_J__W__<____K___T_l. -V n lO The Way to Set a Fortune 3 J Is to buy an Electric Cinematograph. j. A few days" receipts repay all your t costs. The Cinematograph has had an enI ormous success all over the world. I I For a Complete Installation apply to 1
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      • 311 4 Japan Coals THE Mitsul Bussan Kaisha (MITSUI A Co.) Head Office; No, I, SURUGA-CHO. TOKIO London Branch 34, LIME STREET, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, FINLAYSON Green, Other Branches New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia, Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Port Arthur, Soul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya Osaka,
        311 words
      • 493 4 /_S_____js_- ADLETS. FOR SALE, WAJSedTek PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses. Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange Mart. i Day. i WeeV. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 5° 75 MA 2. 00 3. 00
        493 words
      • 443 4 TO BE LET. '•"TO BE LEI rill lo Orchard R__ri i entry. Apply to ,m *cd Ulc SALOMON ft (N Sept. m, V k* T (,,i, V' l:i "-pleas ailtlv residences fronting s > "tttßßj federate Estate, all com^'; 1 Know,, as: gfrfarni apply to f i 'caUr, HER M|
        443 words