Daily Advertiser, 26 September 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 DAIJ STERTISEB n t g worn i<li. I PAL [GAT] v- N >iir. re r:. Bin] Leuve Si; 1: v 23 mp »pproxiS.S I >.' bj r ai ra tes toLon lon, i vel m I lia. I i prove J this I no ij I I R >' 6
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    • 273 1 t i '^S^ >4?^^|W jcyry-Y^uw Tji^LMHJIPP '^^■^^T' All modern lan- ,^S^^^^^Srf i :^fe^i^^^^|^^,^ taduMl to suites fi-iia-t-s spoken. |;©lil vmJ^-ip^^^ iml siii<> lo rooms F. E. REILLY, Proprietor. L'llotel lies Colonies. SHANGHAI, CH NA. MILLWRIGHTS, J 11. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, Albion Engine Works, Beach Roa I. J. I t( Ai
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    • 72 1 Iltley llar^reaves Co. ilia «i P' fiß^DMin^ ;;»l! p \\w\ mfcvxk 1 i imm I i g m //in i\ i Thts export boor is m overy resp an exceUont and faultless beverage it La absplutely froo from nny substance injurious t<> health, contains a high percentage of extract and
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    • 700 1 Posada BlajranM (very fiuo dry) Sherry... per doi fjOMPAGNIE DE3 MESSrGERIES MARITIME^ DE FRANCE. Telegraphic Address J.iooniu," Sing ip Thi following are the daiei on which tiit 1 in, iil sfceainerj of the Messageriea Maritimet may be expected to arrive here Homewards Outwards Oxua Aog, I.'. Sfelb mrne A« •15
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    • 233 1 Posada Cotai Kioaa, LBS4, Claret, $7 per doz. THE MERCANTILE BANK INDIA, LIMITED. (locorpoi ti ;d ::r^ let th C 1 npaniei Cvpu m. (60.000 shucs of >ach t':,i > Subscribed Camtai No. 65,0: 1 Bro-vJ Street, L >1 m ODUrt Of DlfdDt )r.^ BIR AL«X4XDtt WILSOW, iht* ll«Hir« J\
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  • The Daily Advertiser Singapore, Tuesday 26th Sept.
    • 659 2 There seems t<> be quite ;i lull Id this department of tha Police, which it is just as well to ask whether gambling is mow a. thing oi* tho past amon^st the- Celestials whilom such devotees to its shrine. Beyond an occasional raid here and there, the
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    • 261 2 J)-<>,ti >mr oick 11 j 25th September. —Mr A. U lei t last TbursUav to take up Ilia new appointment iv Stn^apor i Cuptain Manner, oar rial >ur Muster, goes next liiil tv uct as lA'puty Master, At ten lant ol your l»ort Mr dc Sousa, the Uhief
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    • 524 2 The 8 »lang r Journal i to Mr. W. U. Kern lor th translation ola lettei i 11. 1: S iltan AbJu Ex< el :n leaving t»: I i of II B Sir C.C.M.G., G.i\ Ma :c i. It I, Sultan Abiul
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    • 549 3 there is not much left to be 1 ifted. It is presumed they are so gifted m their rofession that they may defy i disCOvory, still it is to be hop. d thi> Will not I).' taken an a criterion by j our Police tint they ini^ht a>
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    • 277 3 Vi -ihKDAY afterao >n a little battle Mrai witues^ed i a Queen Street between .1 respectable Chinaman, assisted by hit two soio, ;»i.-t ;i uosi of young Be\^';il»'e-. Ll iip^-ar- lint one of lb« the lutt. i bad cbastiseJ .1 younger huh ot ibe '.i. ;i,tin
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    • 644 3 m the West. It is a regular quarter day, and at Martinmas tho laud fords used Co entertain their lenantl with j so. then onlj kept by tho M hoi pollot." Bat these birds being so m'ucli appreciated !> all, most families will j try and have a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 397 2 Vintage I\ Midi (Cr*; 187-^sls per do». rpBE STRAITS IN BD RANGE COM- 1 PANY, LIMITED. EsTABUf mud 1888. B i on; snoAFOu. Capital Fully Bab«crib«d...|B,oOO^on c pital r..1-n]> tO I,oou. rv«-> Knnd 8",00 Q. I yerva 1 bareholdcn I f orking Arc.. mi' at "1-! 1 i 22. rpIIK
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    • 217 2 Poiada V Talo Bh«ny $C ]>»»r Am P. DAWSON'S PERFECTION OLD SCOTCH WHISKY, DufFtown Glenlivot District. GUARANTEED 6 BOTTLES TO THE GALLON. Mr. G. Combe Stewart, F.C.S., Public An il) si, Glasg says Ij the Finest WJr y 1 I- an i 1 Lai i«g mj I wien >c .is
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    • 57 2 Misquith €0. ESTABLISHED 1842. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED MUSIC FIRM IN THE EAST ri_ n o o i inni n n i N0 W JN P A K I N G PRICES AND TERMS TO SUIT ALL These instruments ure specially constructed for damp climates, and are ulh guaranteed. MISQUiTH CO.,
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    • 218 2 I Posada Brandy JftSSfi Ilennessy's (sp< ciit! 1 127.00 1 er down, Katz Bros,' TAILORING DEPARTMENT. We li ive just opened •up a large and varied stock of Tweed Suiting-s, Cashmere Suitings, Harris Tweeds. Tweed and Cashmere Trowsei ings, Overcoat ings. French 'i 111 u>: 1 Suits Black and blue
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  • 252 3 THE United States cruiser Concord left for Bangkok yesterday afternoon. lilt. N »"1 Trotter will arrive here ip'.n Penang to- morrow m the steamer Niobe. TiiK Tamil add rets presented to tho 11 rj Father ManeuvrW on Siuliy was ac<: );iij'.iMie»i by Bo;U* silver mounted article*, th
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  • 633 3 In advocating a British dollar, Mr Murray will have a considerable following, he is m accord with the main body of public opinion m Hong Kong. If both adopted it, it would be on a stronger basii, though there still re- j maifl many difficultiea, and both colonies
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  • 332 3 Tub Strails Settlements loses m £ir Clemcnti Smith, whose farowell speech was reported tho other day, one of the most popular of the Governors who have represented the Crown m that colony. Sir Clementi Smith had the power ntrisual m an English official ot making public speeches
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  • 56 3 Lctutfti 1 monfh'a nioht GO rnus ttfki au 2 r>- demand 2 ri '<;?< -f, i.'< :a>ti-i :"t t"■ 1 <„-\ 59 •Aim -1 Hmmburj T. 1 fritting lixit't K)6 Rangoon HaJrat 105 He Io o Urn* 1 >!:■>'■' >r i Ti> J I I rj f •>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 Stitji scment3. HOUSE In Syed Ally L*oe Kent t\ moderate. Apply to 0. HIBBBB vt (O. S pore, 25th Sept., 1593. o SALE OK VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD THK Property ol 11. Mklvillb Simons, K.-q. At K«kbank Cottage, Tanglin, SATURDAY, 80th SEPTEMBER, f Pillo anderaifp&ed are InstrnctHd by 11. IIBLTILLI Simons, KSQ.,
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    • 938 3 G. ft. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS, Opened their Xew Studio and Offices AT BATTERY ROAD, (the Xew Building of the Singapore Insurance Co.. Limited) Business will be carried on as usual at their Studio m Orchard Koad. R. LAWRIE SMITH, (Late ef THE HALL HOLfTZ C. Co.'s FUBNITUBE FACTORY) CABINET-MAKER, CARPENTER,
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    • 654 3 Pobj«U Vermouth de Turin (niliitt) if ti.s<J per doi. [gOYALBAIItDRB3SISIO SALOON 35, Haiti. r.s I'la^.;, 3'>. TO THt: NOBILITY AN'i> OFATKY OK SINGAPORE l reepectfoUj beg to infnrfli you th-it two Profatttoaal Kalian lUrborn har« ju.st arrived by (he VU***ty wno have bead c igaged for lue b >' JV
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 516 4 »^ilu Ti >. llarla (vet hoicb) Skerry |*5 psf do* IHE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. abore Dock, iltaated ri Province WellaslttT, at the entran <• of the I Kivt-r, hat lately been lengthened il deapenedi and v now of the follow- dimension! length on the bloeka 330 feet. lUreadth atenlranee
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    • 392 4 fosmdl T?hl (old. very fine) llalaga... $10 per do/ FOR BALK. A JAIfKINO. ands large nev. Boat capalile of oarryins about one Coyan. The whole for $200. Apply to Van WEIRtNOEN, ]'r;iy;i Lane^ Malacca. BCakoca, 80th June. 1893. Notice^ t HEREBY give notice thai I have separated from say husband
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    • 219 4 PoftKb Whit* (old) Tarmtfona 0 $S per doz. Foil Sale. Fruit plantation m Ptah Lebcr H«»ad, dieUnoq 4 miles from town, uitli a boaae, gtabliil^ &r., orected thereon, contjiinin^ an urea of 2 acre f and 8 pules j the land is freehold, ths fruit trees are voun«jand some m
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    • 160 4 John Little k Co. Messrs John Little Co. barest been appointea SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF and we expect the first consignment m a In order to clear our present Stock, we have made large reductions m tne selling price. Particulars under. When ordering, state the number of the
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    • 475 4 Poaada Alto Donro (very old, I wintj.) ft 12 par d■■ Powell* Co. SINGAPORE. PI.KABS READ T»P:SK rSW LHtBC BE IIR TUI'M IN MIM>. QV\l FURNITURE FACTCIRT hi m Orchard Road, and is tli* 1 lar nnd Dioel complete. It i applu I with itcam power to drive o>Ql Woodworking
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