Daily Advertiser, 12 June 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 209 1 [I V DVERTISER. [OX. l)< lar. !i. lof :;!i in-! T\Vti long ORIENTAL «>. New Harbour. k may be cx ted wa»:ds I ft! M;i'. T May 31 line I I roxi- as to S ing l I n, i ivd i m- i I \xs I itetL I t
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    • 272 1 J Seventeen international Exhibition First Awards. V;, R!LEY, HARCREAVE3 CO. «w^k^J West* «*~~4 w>.vr4 VJ* V MILLWRIGHTS, i CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, j IKON FOUNDERS A BHIP BUILDERB :o: Machine Shop k Shu building Yard,— All r Engrlne Works, Beach Road. Opposite the General Post Ofß o a:: a 0
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    • 100 1 r C C X .<' t; r> I :J < 2 C: l^lh •f' r^ V I I V I "N^-^ fa "t-.-.. n!SE^ Be. V 1 VaV\ BOYAL "PSYCHO" BICYCLES. I ft I I 1 fl|a f I Va\\V A'V*jJ^ l' 1 U •>&''}. 111 yg Tins export beer
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    • 651 1 Posada Id Fine Pure Wine, 7 perduz. ffOMPAGNIE DES MENAGERIES yy MARITUIBS DE FRANCE. Telegraphic AdtW :-r- iiie'jn;e," Sing iporo. Tin: following are the dates on whicn the in/il Bteamera of the Me^sa^eriea Maritimea may be expected to arrive here FIOMEWABDB OUTWABD9 Natal May 23 Sydney Ma^ 24 Mclboorne June
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    • 469 1 THE MERCANTILE B^NK (li-.corpor.'.t'-d iridtrr the Compantc* Act lS'»2 tO iS.;. >.) 1H Reconstruction of TII3 Char-i. tercvl Mercantile Bank of InAia, Lon lon Cliina. A Ai'iiAl. «'ii),ooo shares of I f ..1 U 1 ,500,600 Subscribed Capitai *:i,i2s.«tao M Head Office y No. 65. Mi! liroid Street, L mdon,
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  • 340 2 The Daily Advertiser Monday, JUNE 12, 1893. OURSELVES. We have much pleasure to j present to our readers to-day an enlarged size paper, thus redeem ing the promise we made m these colnmrs m our article of the 2nd instant. We may as well take this opportunity to say that
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  • 425 2 Musings By a Child Of The Soil. There is not the least glimmering of a doubt that* the Singapore female labour Mar ket is overstocked, and yel there is a ceaseless wail of dissatisfaction coming from employers, and why W o have not very far to £ro to probe into
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  • 106 2 Af fa irs Of The Colony. Uovernment veaterdav Tn-' investigationa e*t...,,» .1 >, r io.lof rivjar^riM 1 jects inclu le Penang g ri ev ai i evvoftln jSiM^poroKri,.,,,, I>s faolti and danger, of the policy 2j system of administration »ud r sentation. Tiio career of the poUsU; ihePenang Harbour^ tieo
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  • 161 2 /HE steamer Quorra brought wm% this monitng (Bth Jane) from t le s-at ot tho disturbance, to the rfy t t that the Achroese are practical I SQr ronnded bj tho Dutch tro^ Md Van d c Pol has taken np his position at tho oil
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  • 261 2 Another Sad Fatal Accident In Perak. Penang Independent, June 7. It is with feeling* of melancholy re* gret that the painful duty is inpoeed upon na ol recording the death •< Lieut a V. Martin, th« popoUr Adjutant ot the Ist lVrak Sikhs, than whom n i man m the
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  • 377 2 (Frh'i.i'j fndepmtdi nt, June 7.) A numerous but leleol company of ri'l.itivcs and friends, among whom were many fair ladies, attended at lbs Church ol the A>-ii;;i|>fioii otn.i.ir morning, to witness i!r- marriage of Mr. F. \i 'y. Ati offic >r of the U of tlio French
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 634 2 turn* (Very fine whit c Po»* fins) SlOperdoz. fTHE STRAITS INSURANCE COMI >fasy, limited. sjgrABUSHSD 18S:j. 11, i.l Oflnoa, BIsJOAPOBn. KssfAtf Fatly Subscribed... §3,€ftft,Qoo. Cj.ital Paid-ap 600,00 m. 1f,., r-.<- Fund..... H 2^,000. i;c-*ivc Liability <-f Bhareholdcrs $2,400,000. I Htlance of Wornlng Aooonnt at Slst j Dec^ 189J |404,7te. rpHE
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    • 505 2 Posada White (old) Tarrat r °na $Bperdoz. Girod's EUREKA No. 1. i CERTAIN CURE for Cold, Obogh, zv Caiarrb, Hronchitis, Influenza, r«v« r, and Asthma. It must bo t:ikr:i 4k Neat," 44 i'nr children add little writer." N»id m Is-onnos bottle ut 61.50 44 A CURE IS BUBsT.** Eluika tiie
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    • 166 2 Robinson Co. GENERAL OUTFITTERS. THE MAGIC SERIES TENNIS RACKETS, The "Defiable." shaped handle bound, best quality frame $7.50 each The Koocah," all-cane handle bound, best quality frame 7.50 The County Councillor," al!-cane handle, best quality frame 7.50 The I nbrealrable,* 1 German silver wire round head to prevent warping 750
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    • 511 2 Posada Red (old, very fine) Malaga... $10 per doz. IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM ENGLAND. :o: TV" ANTED to Purchase for immediate cash or jjoods m exchange, all kind;- of Used Colonial and foreign Postage or Receipt Stamps, m any quantity. The- lar<>;e quantity we dispose of daily enables us to pay
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1 3 I
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    • 123 3 lent ocin the 31 i Magisi a c ise oi ass mlt, v. Kadir Saltan one se tre itil was at tiie 1 1 subpcen ted by lical evidence. The r, as so m as h f^ot x d led a I e ol ft 1 o is evid mcc
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    • 484 3 1' .1 f indign 1- to Q m -st.il! only ing ale ■le i_ accept v i na- iy into t »s--1 siman w\\o 1 lard the c ol such an i must d > r to vigo- il any obstructive i might have found minds
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    • 600 3 DsAR S;u, have read the letter that app •t. d m your paper on F;id.iy last by "Q m the corner." It is quite biughabic thai he should have I ik -n the >l i woman's way of thinking and wording the letter accordingly. The present
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  • 22 3 At the War-lers 1 Quarter, Sepoy Lines, on tho lOtli instant, the wife of i .Mack Abbott, of a »n, stillborn.
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  • 848 3 Inspector Maxwell, of RocUore, hai been transferred to Malncca. A\ noknown Bteamer paned through tiio harboorat 11 a. m. to-.iuy bun ad Wi -si ward. The P. 0. tteaaer M Owalior" arrived berfl yoitt rd>J altornoon frota Bombaj with a cargo i'or Hongkong. The Pallai retwrned from
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  • 74 3 LonJun A month's si jlit 2? 7 2 H C)() ,laijs siijht 2,9 80 2>" ilennnd 3/8j p r.r. */8| Framer, n'rmanit 1*.r14 A>« !«/>* 66j M i€ 4 Hamburg 5.78 I'riidug v 0/fl I'l-fa India 210 lianjoon J/«JhM fI9J Colo who llontjkong 1 c,to <ftj. S.tigon 1-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 249 3 Satqtt gtdrcrtijicntntte. For Australian Mare, a good worker snd a strong animal, and v Victoria Phaeton In good order. A reasonable price will be accepted for the Int. Apply to I>. M. A. CORNELIUS, 19, Itslacca .Street. Singapore, 12th June, iS'.)3. m PRAKKE_& CO. Pno vision and Wins Merchants. 9
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    • 61 3 > _JJ...j!i MISOUITH GO The reoognisod house m the Straits for tho bost Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments. I T 7',; i ,ii i ?»?n^*JTO*qW»6cl HyjPony. d ■s_r» L LI BECHSTEIN. fc !tM m \^V3vv v^Zyg offrVF^ Tuners and fepaircrs by appointment to Qovernment House. ROLAND MIBQUITH, Managing Propiietor.
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    • 550 3 Posada V Palo Sorry... **_*^J?~ ki TheMandau (Siak) TLMISKU \V()KN>ARK pnrpared to supply from A x pwilK-rty m Si ik, ah kiudi of wmj ber, well a-l;ipt« i for Wharf, Snip, a" 11 llotise-buiUlin^ as 33aru-Daru, Glnm, Mi^rboo, Kuliin, Tembusu, Tampin is aa i all Meranteh and Seroyan I Classes.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 304 3 SiiiPPiNG INTELLIGENCE. ARUIVALB. British str Peninsular, Loc-in, fr:>m Bombay, I' A 0 Companj BritUhntr Rubj, D'Crus*, from PalembangyLim Lan nn<\ Co British Btr Kian Ann, AngQS, from Djambitt, Wee Bin and Co British str Palamed, Jackson, iY<>m Ix>ndon, W Mansfield acd Co British Btr Lightning, Bpcncc, from Hongkong, Sarkiesand Mo>-vs
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 Prgail SINCAPORE. 1 PhE.%Bl RICAD THIWK FEW LINES A3TD M IS HIND. t /vri: FURNITURE FACTORY ia is Orel ird i I, nnd is the lar^i ri t e. !t ii rapp I with iteain p wt r t<> iJi :vc on I working Machines, Saw*, Latb &c therefore Contracts
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    • 417 4 a Bed (old) Tarragona $Bp6r4°* < i THE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. '111- :.'.''.i Duok, litoated m Province iiu.li I},1 ;.l the entrance <»l i!; liun ...N !y !•< v !t -w -t'li .v. i l t uud v uuw of the folluwusi b -'.i t\n> blocks 830 feet. .'i:
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    • 223 4 I Have just received a lot of Thonet's Austrian Bentwood Farniiure. Also English Gilt Mirrors yfitli Marble-topped Consol Tables. r i"Ur Tboneti Ekck Reclining oncb, No, $17.50. Btrt'ii;.- Wii-c s .ri Maitrts^^. Extrs strong Wcvt, M s -b ft Bin. long. mitli I lex tentn for P*ds In 2 i.,
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    • 761 4 Posada Alto Douro (very old, i)\>" wine.) £1- per dog* Singapore Five Per Cent Municipal Loan of 9280,000. First Is^u:: of $150,000 rs JWO MOBTGAQBB of $500 bach. Interest pa/able half yearly, on 30th June ;ti!!l 3lst December. Principal repayable at par on June 30, 1 1934, uu less previously
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    • 420 4 Posadi Imperial Dow 1 KunldparNoUcer" To Civil Ei T ili: Mu n»cipal Singapore require 1 of .competent Civil its* temporary Assistaul Loth pa! liiigincer. I'undiduten who must 1 R y terou the duties the iinmcdiatelv R hon!d lions accomimnied 1 c« ticuteu to the Muni or betore the 27th h
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