Daily Advertiser, 27 February 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Daily Advertiser
  • 12 1 The Daily Advertiser VOL. ll.] SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 27, 1893 [NO. M2
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 439 1 DAILY ADVERTISER puMii .'ion of tbe D it.y the I |'i>< r Floor <»f SimsrRIPTOON. in. i i >ae i liar. cent* Mich. KRTU HI iri <<i an in 'h t Ta« j for long perioda ftllov, d. -a .>■ > ia Kubjcct t<» ii v liei the ma rtion
      439 words
    • 324 1 1 i !^t<t*H 1 f*H IVIILLWRICHTS, CIVIL AXD MECHANICAL ENGINEEBS, IRON FOUNDERS A SHIP BUILDERS Albion Engine Works. Beach Road. Opposite the General Post Office. Fo, ier'a Coffi e Hullera ard Peparatoia, r ]l> If inktna i *m i i) i" r* 1 i* 1 w l Lla\ 1 Dg
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    • 338 1 MISQUITH <S CO., :o: HEAD OFFICE: Mciclras BHA I< fO > Hl23i '—"no-no. i *n -d :o: C. Bechstein's Grand Style No. II and two Oblique Cottage Pianos THE inventive genius of the age has reached every line of the world's grea activities until we refuse to be astonished at
      338 words
    • 374 1 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR i ANCE SOCIETY OF THE Head Qmos l?n, BaoiSWAV, Nkw Youic Traataaa for Great Britain aad [relaad THE n< w business of tin Kquiteblt Tiife SBiaaOt Society of New YOTU for t.o tht quarter of tlie present y»;ir is rei oi te<l to er rate of
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  • 568 2 The Daily Advertiser Monday, Feb. 27, 1893. The Capital Chine Of Selengor. IT frequently happens that people are, by an unfortunate series of circumstances, placed in a position which gives others such a control over them that they almost loso the sense of their < >\vn individuality, most assuredly of
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  • 413 2 In pursuance of a Warrant granted by Her Majesty under Her Sign Manual and Signet, Letters Patent have been passed, under the Public Seal of the Colony, appointing Mr. Stephen Herbert Galty tobe Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. His Honour Mr.
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  • 294 2 (From our ojrn ecu respondent.) 2. r >th February. Two Bokiena wero brought to the General Hospital last night suffering from a uuniher of incised wounds on the chest, logs, feat and arms. It appears thai they vrere assaulted by six Oantouese in a hrothel at Campong Java,
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  • 445 2 Inspector Bateman oharjred Goh Pye Fee iu tho 2nd Court on Saturday with (1) asing as feaaine a false daehing in the Clyde Terrace Market at 2.30 p. m. oo the 24th instant, tampering with verified ilaching. Prisoner was lined $iU or 14 days n default on tho
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 561 2 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. SO! PLKASK UFA I) THKSK FKW I.IMS AND 1 5 1 Alt TIIKM IV MIND. /y'R EURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, and is the largest und moat complete. It is supplied with Steam power to drive our Woodworking slachinea, Saws, Lathes, -v<- therefore < oatraetiaad large
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    • 537 2 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital BußacmißßO $2,500,000 Amount PAD VV 5 500,000 Reserve hi ND 500,000 Head office, Hovokovq. < leaeral Ageats Ifnama. .Jahdine, Matheson Co TBI andetsigned baring been appointed Agenta for the abore Ooajmeay, are prepan d to accept marine inks at current r: ti s. A Pons
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    • 470 2 j;;|t' v i'l^.J^^^, i;,;. A aai il a^T^^^^ r -j*' "^T^ a E*™:l'"i C*. "~^i^U I**'* M POSADA WINE COMPANY :o: We have now received Stocks of Wines and Spirits of choiee description which we can strongly recommend to consumers. The wines of the POSADA Co. are imported direct from
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  • 1391 3 H statemei I r hours us Maki »rre. ooudent, t a j üblieil tU lch pi a -lire iu i Ul. ■*>■ [Tni I States era:- r Hart ted ere irom Ban gaok on I'i W nys the Pinang G Itior »sing >, r mek to ol
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 644 3 latent SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac., The property of \V. Hbaro, EStq. SATURDAY, 4tb MARCH, at 1.30 p. a. undersigned are instructed to j sell by Auction, at Roscbank, Mou it Elisabeth, on Saturday, 4111 March, commencing at 1.30 \>. m., the valuable household furniture, iVc, 1 cu«»i»ung oi dr«*wing-rooai
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    • 605 3 Stitflt gi{lrcr{i^fi)icnt.'i. AUSTRIAN LLOYDS' BTEAM NAVIGATION co. Under Mail Contract with thi Austria* Goi bbnhent. r £HK following are the dates on which the Co/s Steamers may be expected to sail from lire. OUTWARDS, for Hongkong, St, iNghai, and Kobe lai?a t). s. s. Me |j s,!i. I. s. Mart
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    • 536 3 latest Municipal Notice. RENDERS arc invited for the sup* piy oi ilie undermentioned I ools viz 40 dz. Pickaxes pointed al both ends. 40 Hoes (changkols) 10 Galvanized iron buckets. 10 Rakes. Sample to ..ds may be seen and full particulars obi iii ed at the I I 1 the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 414 3 TO-l>A "S KXCII »NG K. 1. ".-.don A hi '.v sijht 5 o [)1 .i dame' eight 2 D »0 n 2-. demand k > s h T.T. »/8| Frunce, demand 3.42 York l If e] 8.77 I'ruaaq \oio are,; liL.'?: 1 ti n s w o- l >'< jkong
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  • 479 4 MR. GLADSTONE AS A DARING DINER OUT. The London Court Jouruml rays: Mr. Gladstone dines <ut with a regu Isrity snd during thai mold not be excelled by a nan ol half his years. On e who meets him <ften af these u- I troncmic tonrnsments says Hint Mr G's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 658 4 M unicipal Notice. pATEPATBRS, Taxpayer! a-nl the Geaeral Pahlic srs nan by natified tliat on snd eftsrMondsy, 9ih Jsaaaiy, 1898. the I nsiness oi the Municipality will be conflicted lit the new ofliee, the pllliliecl.tr nee to "which f;,ces Finlayson Green and Collyer Quay, snd that the Town Hnll will
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    • 185 4 John Little Co. Have just received a lot of Thonet's Austrian Bentwood Furniture. Also English Gilt Mirrors with Marble-topped Consol Tables. ivW'^.v 4\:,**i jt^^^^^aa^^.vi^>^j«^.v>jiaL>jL^.---.-.-^ y.-t.J ?<i -vi K -•.i jf' IB eg **^majhZJmJr —Jl Ai>;f;- --i"- VJ' 'fl \s t.'£ "'Oi.' *Yt;«. *«^J| Ajf". i .^v-'^ v /v± ill. IOOg.
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    • 309 4 for (lie yrcrontion of O'rurlhj to Animal* THK public are Informed that the a<l dress of the Society's Inspector, Mr. B. P. I'm; la it, lu 215, Qi i Street, or Holley's Livery Btablea, Orchard Koad All persons aishing to report ;iiiv ases of cruelty which may conn cheir notice
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