Straits Times Weekly Issue, 26 December 1893

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 36 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY MAIL ISSUE. EgTABLtBHED, 1831.] [Established, 1831. s swats: ssr.-ss: s-.zz. ssss *£ft a month post Ante anywhere. $44 a sjaarter p+*t ftnee anywhere. VOL XI/VI. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1803- NO. 3,761
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    • 14 1 Ok the ttth December, the wife of H. G. Millar, of a daughter.
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  • 268 1 iDITOEIALS. The Pamir Negociations. Bills of Costs. Na'ioml Liabilities. The »ilitiaand Finance. The P. and O. Company. The Penang Visitors. Local. Market Quotations. The harge of .Robbing a Rikisha Coolie. The Burglary Season. The Alleged Arson Case. Th»' Defeuce of Singapore and the Militia Scheme. The Parachutist*'
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  • 471 1 SINGAPORE. 26 TH DECEMBER, 1893. Produce Gambier, 6 Ho do Cube No. 1, 1100. do do No. 2, 8.3756. uopraßal. 5.77 V do Pontianak, 545. Pepper Black, 10.00. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2&V» do Brunei 2 32 I Z. Pearl Sago, 3.45. Coffee Bali m 39.30. Coffee Liberian,
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  • 326 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaven per P. and O. 8. s. Rosetta, and the mail for Europe, neit week, is fixed for the M. M. s. Salazie due on the 2nd January. The mail from Europe of the Ist instant, per P. AO.s. a.
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  • 1025 1 The lM>inndor to Turkey. London, 20th December. Sir Philip Henry Wodehouse Currie, G.C.B has been appointed British Ambassador at Stamboul (Coustautinople). Lord Salisbury on Bimetallism. The House of Lords has passed the India Loan Bill. Lord Salisbury said he accepted the measure because to accept it was the
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  • 119 1 The recent cruise of H. M. 8. Mgtrim to Klang was with the object of reporting on the capabilities of the river at Taojong Kubu for a port. At Klang, ou the 14th November. Mr. Aylesbury, of Perak, put iv a provinional application for a block of
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  • 62 1 Over 200 Lives LoflT. An appalling accident occurred aiNingpo on the Bth instant, resulting m the death of betweeu tiro and three hundred women and children who were seeing a play ia A temporary theatre attended by an audience of about 400. The fire a-ose from
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  • 144 1 The Christ mas tide services at Ot. Andrew's Cathedral were attended by nmny persons. On Sunday evening the Cathedral was filled and the Right Ke*. Bishop Hose preached. The musical portion of the service was specially bright there bailiff a full choir. Stainer's service was used
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Ji/n'a, British India excepted. It circulates m Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, m Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 237 2 WEDNESDAY, 20th DECEMBER. The Pamir Negotiations. The Pamir question regarding which China is now negotiating with Russia concerns Britain and, also, Afghanistan which stands under British protection. On the Pamirs a region, of lofty and inhospitable tablelands m Central Asia the boundaries of Russia, China, and the Indian Empire meet
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  • 497 2 The Chief Justice of Hongkong has recently drafted a set of rules regulating the taxing of costs m summary jurisdiction. These rules are to come into force on the Ist January, 1894. It would appear that betore the Chief Justice took upon himself the task of framing
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  • 228 2 Another Robbery. Mr. Greening, coachman to the Sultau of Johore, has been the victim of another robbery. It was only recently that Mr. Greening's sewing-machine went astiay with a 'rikisha coolie, but the mechanism proved too much for the uu initiated coolie, and he left the machine
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  • 271 2 A Proposed Railway m French Indo-China. The session of the Colonial Council at ?aigT>n was opened on the 26th* November. M. Blanchy, the President, m his opening* address, referred to the recent difficulty with Siant and the addition to Frvuch territory. He considered the French Government had
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  • 325 2 MXDAME HogCWOllillg, Special correspondent of the Java Bode, who is at present m Brisbane on her way back to Java after having- spent some time abroad, affords interesting information relative to .Javanese labour. Madame Hogewoning has lived m Java for some seventeen years, and can fairly
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  • 200 2 SuROEOw-Gmr bral Bur W. Moore delivered a lecture on opium, at the Imperial Institute on 23rd November. He said he bad lost no opportunity of investigating the influence of opium on the people of India that onlj the abuse, and not the use, of the drug was deleterious and
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  • 318 2 Japanese Fraudulent Branding. Mr. Geo. W. Noel, m his Shanghai irade report dated tbe 7th instant, says The nee dssity of safeguarding well established trade marks and chops on this market deserves special at trillion just now. As pointed out a few weeks since, the
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  • 499 2 The Freedom of the Straits of Malacca." To the Editor of the Pall Maxl Gazette. Sir,— The news that tho Dutch are establishing a heavily fortified coaling station at Puluway (an island near tho northern entrance of tho oilli** Malacca), which is to he. supplied from the coal iu*^nres of
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  • 97 2 Advices from Hamburg to the 21st November state that the rest of the 1891 crop of New Guinea tobacco at Bremen, consisting of 114 packages NGC Btephansort, 69 bales ACE/DNG bave been passed into shippers' hands at good rates. Of the 1892 crop there had arrived
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  • 333 2 JSoM 1 negotiations have lnt«»ly be«»n going on between the Colonial Secretary of Queen**lnntl aiul tin* Government of .Japan with regard to the inflow of Japanese into that Colony. Attention was first drawn to the mutter by an occurrence brought under the notic* of the Government by
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  • 617 2 At the meeting of the Fiuance Committee of the Hongkong Legislative Council on the 13th instant, the Hon. C. P. Cbater, an unofficial, took objection to the rate of exchange beiug put at 2 o* to the dollar m the Estimates. He thought, the rate should
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  • News by This Day's Mail.
    • 755 2 (S »rf»r<«>f«foty to Strait* Tim*. Ti (ViaCe,^ The Employers* Liability Bain The Indian Loam Bill Socialist Riot* m I Talt BOTAL ARTILLEfcY Rlo T lH 0 LtmStm, Uth Decrmber.Sir WillU- v nott |,hs ivm^mh iM „.a t fof B *»r going 1o Cm, to act «m., M f£V£
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    • 192 2 A circular has been Usued by tbf Governor of Ceylon containing tbe i"* poaals of the Secretary of State wilk gard to ootnjM'usatiu^ public •^CJjjJ'Jf' domiciled m Ceylon for low causedHpJ* fall m exchange. It is proposed tl) ***J[* officers, joining after Ist January Iw*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 19 2 TtoStiaitBTiineBhasthelaJsßßft circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 459 3 Air Alibi Proved. The case m which Charles Bourne, a private m the 2nd Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment, was charged with robbing a jj n rikisha coolie, was concluded yesterday afternoon before a court of two Magistrates. The commencement of the case was reported
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  • 142 3 Notice has several times beeu taken iv the Straits Times of the Cozta Rica Packet case, which has led to correspoudence between the British and tbe Netherlands Governments. Feeling m tbis matter rr.ns high m New South Wales, and a select committee of the Legislative Council
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  • 225 3 Foreigners Should not be Taxed. The Singapore Debating Society met fast evening for the purpose of discussing: That foreign resideuts m Brifislj colonies should be specially taxed," the opener being Mr. W. Makepeace, and the opposer Mr. J. D. Stuart. Twelve members were preseut, all of whom
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  • 1109 3 POSSIBILITY OF AN INCREASE oAI IT**?* f tbft Fioan <* Committee the 18th mstant, the following disc Mission def th P c wTf" tb ,V° te f W82.W0 iZ aer the head of military expenditure Hon. J. J. Keswick— With reference Hir to tins ,tv,n of military expomlit i£
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    • 414 3 At the present moment when publicattention is turned so directly to financial matters the publication of a new edition of Perm on the Funds will I* noted with interest. Nor does this work appeal solely to men of finance or economists, but it should arrest the attention of
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  • 695 3 The Sei Belle reformed to BfatgMMitt from Klang at 7 o'clock this awraing bringing back H. E. W. E. Maxwell, the A. D. C, aud Private Secretary. Among the passengers 'who arrived yesterday were Bishop Grainier, and the Hon. H. A. O'Brien aud Mr. Anthoui>z, from Malacca by Ifca Sappho,
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  • 165 3 VMM allßOODOflsieot that Lady PopeHenuessy i« about to marry agaiu (says the Pall Mall Gazette) revives memories of that terrible Kilkenny election m which her Ule husband triumphed over Mr. Pa--nell, but at the COSt of his own and his opponent's life. Lady Pope-Heunessy, who became a widow
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  • 342 3 VVm. G. Hale Co's Circular, dated Bftigos), 16th December, states Hice. Prices for old grain, since our last advices, haw advanced a few centa and are well maintained at the close, buyers Ix'iug most auxio'is to have themselves stocked, as the scstson is fast Hearing an
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  • 214 3 (From our Correspondent TH« ChRIHTMAS FIiSTIVITIKS. Kuala LnuijH,r, lUth Der The programme for Urn Christmas w»»k festivities has been slightly altered and dow runs as follows On* Saturd'tv the 23rd at 2.30 p. m. the day's r'aciug will be^in at 9 p. no. there *ill be Cinderella
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  • 846 3 A kittinn; for tin- \,\i- lie examination of the director-* ami officers of t he Anglo Sumatra Coinvniiv wan held on iloth NovemU>r before Mr Registrar Emdcn, at Ba,nknu>t<v l.uildings, Careystreet. Lincoln's-inn. It ;i].|.rar> tin- company was registered on Feb. 4, |NH!», and was formed
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  • 873 4 H. E. the Acting Governor in Selangor. The Actiup-Govetnor left Singapore ou Wednesday, December the 13th, m the Sea BtUe for a short tour iv Selangor, the object being au inspection of the Police Force aud a visit to the two inland districts. The tour was informal and undertaken at
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  • 287 4 The Territories Proposed to be Colonised by Chinese Declared Perfectly Safe. {Communicated on behalf of the. Government of German New Guinea.) The straits Times of the 18th October coutains an article about German New Guiu» a, speaking uf the intention of certaiu Cbintse bere, who are willing
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  • 493 4 (From Our Correspondent.) The DBMHHUra Policebikn. Flood at Pekan. Scarcity of Provisions. A Provision BotT'WItBCKID. Pekan, oOth Novsmbt i\ A party of (t )veruraent policemen while starching for the five fugitive constables. -ibout whose flight from the Kuala I wrote Jhe other 'iay, come across all of them uear
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  • 1046 4 At the Police Court, this afternoon, Gol Swi Tek, Assan, and Bah Cai, hlias Ti< Kian Wat, appeared again on remand, before Mr. A uthouisz, charged with commit ting mischief by setting fire to the building) occupied by Messrs. Hooglandt Co., vi the 15th of November.
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  • 386 4 Neat RoBBBBYi Smart Capturk. A Javanese named Ahmed, ai ployed as gafdeaer by the RntH-s Hotel, w«s duuyed yesterday beiom the Court of two Magistrates with the theft of valuables amounting to betweeu §700 ami $800, the propeitv of the liaroti de Biegel«-I>en. From the evidence adduced,
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  • 107 4 An ageat of the MeaatMriei Marifiawe. Company was, by last advir.s, u t l',iisbane, laqaHiag into the dasirabilitv o| raaagiag t he route of the Meeeageriei Maritiaiti iteaaMaip terviea iv Pacific waters. The rouu> m iuw froai MareeilWt to Xomn.a. \\n taeBaa Canal.
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  • 255 4 Pfcixci Henri d'Orleane, who i, a8 re oenllf »).vu traveling i 0 i U(lv> CWm m shortly expected hetv oo Mother ri»i| totht ih« tar East. The Prince hrn hUterl? btea posiutfas a.i authority mWtmmoe .m t lie d'aiiiese M^tiou.rojrarJiiiir which t V* Miae«eorr«tDond«nl m Paris
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  • 1185 4 Wednesday, Dec. *>th The usual fortnightly me«tin X o f ,L. Mtniici|»l Commissioner* was held m J* offices. Robinson Koad, yesterdaY J* noon, Mr. Gentle piesidiutf j h IU *!»> present r-Mesyrs. Meye,, N^J 7"* qinm. Praser, and the Hou'bleaT .r and A. L Donaldson. k J -»hdfo,d
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  • 507 5 FRIDAY, 22nd DECEMBER. Militia and Finance. The Colony will oot mmhl to conpul■ol7 Militia service while the v Military Contribution remains unreduced. That ls the gist of yesterday's discussion reported m another column. Tin* meetina was called at the instance of the Committee of the Singapore branch of the Straits
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  • 933 5 The P. O. Company. after providing for the ißtcm* on the cumulative five per cent, preferred stock, tlie directors of the P. 0 Com, any were Able to announce on the 17th November a divideud on tlie deferred of 6| per «silt, which, with the interim payment of •1 lnr
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  • 96 5 In OMBMttttlßg uj>ou the Joau propmed to be raised by the Ceylou Governmeiit amounting to one tnilliou sterling, the Tiiiitx <>j CeyUm urges th»« issue of a rupee loan iv the Colony iustead of a sterling 01 c m London.* It does nor maintaiu that Ceylon would
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  • 93 5 A N. S. W. L -illative Council Committee haa found the Costa Him Packet claims againa! the NftherlandsIndii Govemmeut by Capt. Carpenter, £lO,000; owuers, £10,000; suboidinate offioen aud crew, .£5,000 are reasonable and moderate, and should be pressed. The well-known whaler C»*ta Xix Packet
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  • 84 5 In connection with the CAM iv which the man Jausen was charged with criminal breach of trust m respect to a sum <.f $800, the property of Mcftjl*. Lawrence and Si^ohointne, parachutists, the prosecutors, to-day, ttated that they could not continue tlie case as they
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  • 155 5 At the Police Court, this afternoon, before Mr. Aothonisz, Lee Ah Thew aud Tan A Joo weie charged with being iv possession of contraband cbandu. From information received tbe officials of the Opium Farm vfsited the house of the first prisoner uear Buddoh Police Station, and on searching:
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  • 426 5 Yesterday afternoon, there was held m the office of Messrs. Paterson, Siinous and Co., a meeting to discuss certain proposals regarding the establishment of a Straits Militia. The meetiug was held at the instance of the Committee of the Singapore Branch of
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  • 443 5 The Straits Indepandent" Libel Case. In the Case ok Leng Oheak. *■>. Francois Chaells Bero.kk. At the Pcnan^ Supreme Court on Taeaiaj, Mr. Hoss with whom Mr. Pomerea appeared), on oi'lmlf of the plaintiff, directed Ufet attention of tin* Court to tho co-railed apology pnhlish.'il liy tho defendant m
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  • 526 5 At the Police Court, this afternoon, before Mr. Woodward, Dominick Lechner, was charged on remand with committing enmnal breach of trust m PMpttt to three parcels of diamonds valued at fti.OOO the property of Baron de Horn, at present incarcerated m the Civil Prison. Defendant was
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  • 389 5 Lord Kkasbey, prttMtll of the Op utii Euquirv i.'oinmicsi X. interview,-] at h' was alt. ut Uaviog !uj<!. l..»rd BfßMej is a meiulMT of tV- i;.urd of I»i. rectors of (he l.ritisli North Horaeo Co. TLr following s.iiJ tluriu_' the iutci view Then*
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  • 1664 6 Ennismore Garden*, London, November 24th. Dearest Kitty.— Why does the ad. ▼anced or philanthropic female eeetn to hold it as an irrefragable canon of her faith that she must needs combine with the inward spiritual the outward economical Led captive by feline stratagem to a woman's rights meeting
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  • 212 6 The B.s. Gian Ann arrived this morniugr and brought with her three officers and twelve of the cew of the British barque Ben MacDhui, which was burnt at Pekalongaa m Java. It appears that the vessel was from New York and had shipped
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  • 1210 6 Minutes of Pbockbdinos of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordihfaby Meeting on Wednesday, Hth DfiCEMBBR, ISJM. Present The President Alex. Gentle, Esq.; T. Sohst, Esq.; W. Nanson. Esq. J. P. Joaquim, Esq. The Hon'hle T. Shelford, c. M. a., and Alanasseli Meyer, Esq. Absent. The Hou'hle the Col. Ea^Ukeer
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  • 50 6 Estimated Pete nui Balance fn»m >«!•:•. $96.W0>. 4.< MM» Keceipts m ]s;»| I-- ►.-~>7< Ti»t«! .'s 7-' »7" Vr<>)> >• KejM iitliturr Miscellane«»us S Sl.l'HJ Ooaaervaaci fk WorVa H^.:;^ 11 Works. addenda 37.« m:»> waiek may hen-after be fhtuegeo to loaaa. Total >7 t>.7---Palauce.
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  • 593 6 I A Lady D >« tor ix favoub <>i ihk [)ki Six Chivamen Hx\m»ni:iv To f||| Ol'll M Is A Bl,KS>lN<; Ox the #»i«4flit >i day of the ttotingn of the Opini C'«uii!iiis>i<tn at Calcutta Mi-M H.-riii'-ton. M D., was .1 w.tuess cxamin'/d. Oji'-v ktomed by William
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  • 333 6 H. E. Sir Chablks MfrcMiT^r leaves Marseille* by the M.M. B d ou 7th January. w 4B U ot etpJiP' BinKttf.ore till the luuldle of Feh ru H. h*l m^d to break hi, jour^ Ceylon, and 5jm.,,,1 a fortoi K ht there R B. E. b»8 so
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  • 52 6 A T>i nnmed M <» N ..»r was c^ianpa before C<»urf of twolla^itti itet \> -sf. rd«r with attempting on the 2)*h in«iant to PIpoH t.» ]»uli- v !nj>m.»n |H»r t. t. MatJli&ti rthroe muftket*, ;in wji« fined $,V). or l.t Uilr one months ri^<>rou« irnpritno* meut.
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  • 55 6 FlK T BBIOADI Si ii c: i KNDMT'i Kat/ Bni 4<mhmi Sinoom Valtriaj I «'<» s s :jn.uw. J. C. I>;»vi.l S J"H»o not iuMiwA <;. Mo* w J» 2.000 5,«a H...i.:1..«i.1t it o« "--I >J-M.'^» Ti.. building*, which were Talu«-f at $25,000. Mouiced to Mr.
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  • 121 6 N<: Lin Cm ii jim, by the GoverM m Council's o».l«-r, t > Ik* Bi*nt»*ucel to f*fj'«';u;t! Utuislmicnl I'ront tli-* c«»!ouy. H' baa !>■■♦ i) ieotencfd to that peatHj al^j. on whirl, occasion he was nent away froi the colony, but be returned with mandarin* wL«> came h»»ro many
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  • 169 6 Fok some time past the Minister* Agriculture m Vi.forn (Australia) w» Uvn considering a projwl of tiiuliiitf keU for the produ. of his i-olonjiii J*J*the Straits Settleimnti. Cevl«»n. a»«* V» A*afirstst«>i»lifiKm»n<lint?Mr. 1> Wli ?J i tbe Govormnont tlairv rxjK'H. uri«l Mr E. .1 DvtT. lat.-
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  • 153 7 M Opium Restriction Bill which has it pai»«i the Victorian Legislature will, tlopesve. limply disturb but not destroy the opium trade m Australia. Victoria -ill act benefit m the least by this mealiebuton the contrary lose a revenue l {lome .£20,000 a year without checking, 0 wi expected, the
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  • 296 7 "Government Gazette "22 nd Dec. Mb. John Anderson is recognised provisionally as Consul for Siam at Singapore. Mr. Manuel Williams Merry, Vice-Con-sul, is recognised as m charge of the Spanish Consulate at Singapore, during the absence on leave of the Consul Mr. Jose Alcalaiio. The following appointments have been made
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  • 397 7 A Wrecked Ship Safely Brought to Port. It may be remembered that, on the 2nd December instant, the steamer Neera brought to Singapore a portion of the cred of the German ship Carl Frederick. They were m the ship's lifeboat and were picked up not
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  • 264 7 A Mutual Aid Scheme. Disastrous Fire. The SantanUer Subscription. Philippine Coal. CIOARS FOR THE TROOP* IN MELILLA. Cargo of the Normanby." The Cowrcio Uke« note that several M^L™*?^ ia mercantile firm* at Manila are thinking of starting an association for mutual aid m case of sUkness or distress.
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  • 574 7 Opium Among the Sikhs The Opium Commission at Calcutta sat on the Bth instant and heard evidence from three leading European merchants on behalf of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, and several Native merchants who spoke on behalf of the Bengal National Chamber. The Commission sat
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  • 457 7 u£T H* eetia B Executive Council ioio i^S^P 01 OQ the December, i«y<J the following Regulation was made, and directed to be published m the Government Qcnette: Regulation made by His Excellency the Umcec Administering the Government m Couteil, under section 21 of The Pott Office
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  • 53 7 Revenue Collections. The market rents for November $3,652 which were not paid til) December, account for the decrease under that head. Jany. Uovbr. 1802. Jauy. Novbr. 1893. Rates, $306,361 8307,304 Taxes, 51,595 84,242 Licenses and Fees, 20,5t;:> 18,253 Markets. S4JM 63,247 Private Water Supply, Jr»^s47 I«*UB4 Miscellaneous,.. 35,831
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  • 65 7 Births. Deaths Europeans 4 Eurasians 7 10 Chinese 125 :523 Malays 47 t>6 Indians 24 41 Other Nationalities 31 3 237 447 Excess of deaths over lnrths=l I" Birth rate n r per mm l< a*» Ilr I a fiimniiiwl C 15U4 C for 11
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  • 114 7 Its Abstract Justice. The abstract justice of the military contribution, provided it be fairly levied, is now, we think, gennralh recognised. There is no reason why the quarter of a million Chinese m this Colony &hould not contribute to the cost of the
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  • 895 7 {From our Corr—pondent.) The Kuala Lumpob Wateb Works. New Buildings. A Hill Sanata&ium. New Government Offices. Kuala Lumpor, 2 1st December. The Public Works Department are as usual very busy and will be still more so next year. The chief work on hand now is the construction of
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  • 854 7 Frkbk Taxation Laws. W PI»ACY IN NOETH BOBMBO WaTBKB Captain Cabpbnteb's Cask. Wooden Pavements m Paris (Translated from variant newtpapers Teleqeams have reached Java that the Netherlands India Budget passed the States General on the 29th November. The new taxation it provide* for is said to come into force
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  • 520 8 TUESDAY, 26th DECEMBER. The Penang Visitors. Ybstebday. at the royal and ancient game of golf, the men of Penang beat the men of Singapore, thus retaining possession of the Challenge Shield that was already theirs. That is an important matter j but, also, m lighter matters, Penang was victorious. Her
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  • 249 8 Why They Do Not Go Homk to China. The Chinese Consul General m the straits Settlements has been making m H uvm on the spot why bo few of the well to-do Chinese immigrants there care to return to China. He finds that when asked the
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  • 202 8 Yesterday morning, Meters. J. R. Cutb bertson and A. A. Swan returned to Singa pore after a brief visit to the Native States and to the seat of the operations of the Raub Gold Mining Company. From what we have learned from Mr. Swan, h< was astonished at the
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  • 383 8 I Silver Imports m India. The India Loan Bill. Anarchism m France. rutta, 14th December.— The Englishman that rumours of an impending duty on continue to multiply. Private advices of an immediate imposition of a tax oi cent, on Silver Import*, and the bazaar f forcing up the
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  • 297 8 Intimation of the coming C. M. G. hoDour reached the Hon. E. R. Belilios on the 18th instant from the Governor of Hongkong, on H. E. opening a Chinese girls' school which that gentleman hail built at a cost of $30,000 on a site
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  • 723 8 PENAG VERSUS" SIRGAPORE. I tioir. k I Penang Wins by 5 holes up. The match to decide the supremacy m I the Royal Game was played m Queen's 1 1 weather. A fair number of golfers and I others followed the players but some, one I may say the majority,
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  • 1742 8 The Tennis BUtoU* Penano Wins. Yesterday afternoon, on the Espiaoade. leuaug and BingapOfe, respectively re|>retively represented by Messrs. j Lamb and E. Buxtou Foreman, tried conclusions oa the lawn, and victory went to Penan* The day or rather the weather was not altogether favourable for a good exhibition of
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  • 204 8 I (From a Corrctpundent.) The Polu k Dehkhtiom Cas*. New Veae Spur is j Mail Arka\<.jejhk.s m Pthnn. #<?/<</ I hit mftt'f. Tiik Acting Rosidout ami Tuugku I Mainnml, at ji si ttioK of the Supremo Court, have disposed of the case of two of tbe IHve l'olicemeu
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  • Correspondence.
    • 132 9 i Tothk Editor of the "Straits Times." Si*,— May Ibe permitted, through tie medium of your paper to call attention to the well knowu fact that the S. JL have a very suitable place for holding Smoking Concerts, viz. the BriU HaJl." If the
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  • 1298 9 Mnrrixj m rv K 'r. i Uodt»r thifl hemim* tho following a»ibr«vU tUHM ar* used:— fttr.—Rtftamer; sh.— eW hq h«rqn« Brit.— British U.a^CTmferf StaW fjjll!* r Owmftn Dutch; Joh. labore; Ac., G.c. General eanro ;d.p.-llack £MMen«*r«; U.— Uncertain ;T.P. W— Tanjon* 5* Wharf J W.^-XSSTwhTf N.H W.— New Harbour
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 210 9 Tfce Sebu^or Club. Autumh Meeting 1593. The Firbt Day's Winners. (By Special telegram from ouk own Correspon dent,) Kuala Lumpor, Tuesday. The first day's racing of the Selantfo* Gymkhana Club Autumn Meeting took place on Saturday and racing will be continued to-day. The following are thff first day's wiuners I.—
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    • 158 9 STRAITS INSURANCE COMX PANT, LIMITED. Eatablwhod 1883. 9 H«ad Office, SijfOAPOkE. Capital Sub^rib^ $3,000,000 S^ Pff^P *****0 ReBer V™* 60,000 B*l*a«* Account to 31at Dec.. 1892 m 4 Ca* Am**... $U27^26.» T3B 6TRAD» FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANr, LIMITED Established 1886, I j Capital Paid-up ..~..!",T'406;666 I K«8«rv« Fund 120,000 I Fire
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    • 146 9 V Notice to <§onsumers |L LEWAND ORIZA-PERFUMERVi m Place de la Madeleine. F>Jk&IS Formerly 207. Rue Saint Honors MM a gmrOß, E». ORIZA, ORIZA-LACTt, CRtWE-OttlA onu-vELQsrt; obza-tomica, orizaure, oriza-soap f M HAVE BE» SUCCESSFUL IN OBTAINING THE PATRONAGE OF THE PUBLIC BECAUSt 1* Their manxifacture is superviaed witht he greatest
      146 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 408 9 I'asseuKer List. Arrivals. Per s. s. Kian Yang from Muar Mr. Campbell, Sapt. Engineer. Per s. 8. Srie Pegatan from Wang via ports:— Mr. Westerhout. Per s. s. Lightning from Swatow Hon. S. T. Tolleaiache, Mr. T. Barrados. Fer s. a. Lucifer from Rhio: Mr. J. S. Van Drooge. Per
      408 words
    • 99 9 Vesoels ExpeeteO. Name, Fort, and Date of Ba i lino. I'ROM IjOVDOV Victoria, Oet 27 Monmouthshire, Nor. Glenfalloch, Nov Arcadia Nov 10 Bengloo, Nov. 18 Beumobr, Nov Ljvekp«»'>i.. Achille?, Oct. 27; Srentor, Nov. 20 Diotncd, Nov. 21' Telamou, Nov. 21 Barry. Sirius Sapt 9 Visurgirs Oct. 3j Etha RickmereOct. 12;
      99 words
    • 1045 9 ARRIVALS. ti Flag i j |V«88«i.'8 Nam«. Toms. Caftaik. Faoit Bailkd. Cow«iok«e6 Q. I Bio Dec i 16 Dambritton Brit. sh. U7I Miller Madaea^ar Oct. 3 McAli^r A Co. \l SiSn Ui ng l" Ojambie Dec. 17 Kiah Co. iS S^n H "J' S5 i^ 9 Dw. U Tan Kirn
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 555 10 V.' •«M||yM The Ott!f.iN M and (tonuiixWOkCESTERSHIRE SAUCE LEA JERKINS' SAUCE:. a«rf or Export by the Proprietors, Worcester Onm <f MaclueU. JBnL, *y Grocers and Oilmen throughout thr World. RETA.IL E"VE -R "2-W HC EPI E Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE CO. ASK FCH y>; Aar; s -;e thct c»ch Jar
      555 words
    • 450 10 THE STRAITS TIMES." The price of the Straits Times delivered free i* <is follows Within Singapore. Daily issue per year 24 dollars. do do copy lo cents. Weekly issue year lti dollars do do copy 4o cents. Beyond Simjajyore. Daily issue per year 30 dollars. do do copy 10 cents.
      450 words
    • 475 10 IAMffS SfIALLQf DRAFT STEAMERS. **-T <"^^ 1 I STifITINWHEEJj bTb'AMKKS have hoen found by ••xpci.-nf m i.h t»i.« »»*-»< ty^e i>i *mmm\ I for shallow rivor linvi^ation. ani of thrs»» M' rsth. Yahpow h*TO MMMtrncted a Urgenuiii- I her of micressful oiBinple« for all ]»artH of the world. I Vessels
      475 words
    • 444 10 For I Ire T o i I it rtie most suitable v; 1 sti«*ii(i(i ""^^^tK I sfl tt i /^sW^^ ■bV e^Lv^^l SOAP for aclionto Skins, V. VM An ideal soap ieHfjlltfeHv p«»fu»n»»d*' Ch.^nUt Drr,jifitt. Of (7aMnMt4i*E*Ve .»\"M^n"v* Brih'ak Medical Journal In fir.* kinds i^^^Ml-V?. f.- r,» M i. u
      444 words