Straits Times Weekly Issue, 19 December 1893

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 39 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY MAIL ISSUE. ESTABLISHED, 1831.] [Established, 1831. The daily Straits Times lit n t $2* a month p»»t free anywhere. $41 a quarter post free anywhere.- VOL XL VI. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1893. NO. 3,760
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    • 12 1 I At Widmore Cottage. Mrs. H. Djlvid Sdvards. of a dHuojtit>»r.
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  • 239 1 f Editorials. Gcrmaa New Guinea. Socialism, the Navy, and Penang. The Proposed Strait-* Mili i*. Mr. Wr>»y succeed* M*jor McCallno). Silver Import* into India. Mr. BouH^r at Oeyl »v. The straits Mud the Opium Commission. France and Italy. The Siamese Consulate. Local Market Quotations. Alleged Criminal Breach
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  • 403 1 This week's mail for Europe is fixed for the M. M. s. s. Oxus to leave to-iuorrow evening. The M. M. s. s. Melbourne with the mail from Europe of the 24th November id expected to-morrow. The uext mail for Europe is fixed per P. ft
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  • 1013 1 Socialist Bteturbances m Italy. London, 13th December. There have been serious Socialist dis>turbauceb hi Italy, duriug which the troOfM fired, killing and wounding twenty two persoiib. Ttee Wavy. A crowded representative meeting m the City, Sir Albert Rollit, M.P., presiding, has adopted resolutions urging immediate steps to increase
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  • 111 1 Possible Hitmiii of Ike M. fetervlee* An jiifi-nt of the Messageries Maritirnes Company was, by last advices, at Bris- bane, inquiring into the desirability of changing the route of the M»'»sa»?< ne§Marititnes steamship service ia Pi:ific waters. The route is no* from Mam Urn to Noumea, via
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper fe^i British India excepted. It circulates m Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, m Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-Ciiina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 520 1 LATEST MAKKyTT^Uorl^^ Singapore 1:) T h December. Isxi pRiJDUCE. do do No. 2, i m Copra Bali, f™. Pepper "V-k. Sago Flo'ir. Sarawak m "2 55 do Brunei 9VU IVarlSa-o. t^' ooiiee n;iii. |^f 2^ Coffee Liberian m 4o!oo Taj»ioca siimll Flakfl 4.15/ do <lo Ist quality... <}<• mad. flake
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  • 266 2 WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER. German New Guinea. Our correspondent m German New Guinea reports an improvement m the situation of affairs, which previous advices had represented as unsatisfactory from trouble with the natives. The hostile tribesmen Btill keep on the war path but have not succeeded m making much head. Other
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  • 270 2 «•> The Netherlands India Government steamer Indragiri, Captain Van der Ham, left this morning for Indragi-i with the Resident of Khio. Mr. Bowen, the chief accountant of the Bank of England, who has succeeded Mr. Frank May as cashier of that institution, is a brother of Mr. A. F. Bowen,
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  • 97 2 Th* Austrian man -of- war Fatana under the command of Captain Charles Adaroovicb, arrived at Bombay about the middle of last month, from Pola, which pert .he left on the, 2nd September, and <»Ued at Port Said, Sue*, «a4 Aden. Bbc came
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  • 90 2 The Echo is responsible for the statement that Mr. W. E. Maxwell will before long blossom into a full blown Colonial Governor. We, Pinang Gazette, should regret to learn that Mr. Maxwelfe had become a Governor before Sir Charles Mitchell's term of office expires. In the interests
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  • 724 2 [From, a correspondent.) Smallpox D/sappearino. Labour Troubles Crop Prospects is the B smarck Archipklaoo. Hostilities with Natives. Medical Aid. Ralum, 20th November. It is satisfacto y <o report that small-pox is gradually dying out ou the stations where it broke out. Th r ough the efforts of
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  • 444 2 (From our Corretpondent.) The Fokqeby Case. The Cbown and Jurors. Malacca, 12th December. The s. s. Sea Belle arrived this morning at 5.30. A little after six, Mr. Kysbe, the Acting Registrar, accompanied by Mr. VVesterbout, the Sheriff, boarded her m tbe police boat. The Hon'ble tbe
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  • 439 2 [Perak Government Gazette. Bth December.) On the Ist November, the ghari stables built by Yau Tet Shin at Ipoh were opeued. They stand m a square block of hiu'li laud ou the right of the road to Batu Gajah from I[>oh, aud on one
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  • 1650 2 The IVrak Govenimcnf has granted a gold coucession at Tapab to Mr. Osborin 1 and tbe following Report and N<»tcs ou the mine by tbe Inspector of Miues ;it Kuala Kan^sar appear m t lie Perak Government Gazette of tbe 81 b instant i Re
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  • 166 2 THK VkSASC MNcJAPORK MATCH. The Singapore T>am. The team that is to iv; ivwut Sioga. port iv the criiket match at;aiu*t Pea*ng at Chiistmaa ban Dot been tinallv made up yet From enquiries we have made, wt believe that there is no probability of that being dove until within
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  • 366 2 Thr Penang C. C. Tkam fob Singapore rerun Mr E. W Biech's Perak Team. The ir.iin.' commenced at 11.15 on the '.♦t li instant, each side playing twel?e men. Mr. Birch's train was a strong one and th«> i ••iii|»oBitiou of the home Captain* choice loft nothing to l>e desired.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 1310 3 r A T the Police Court, yesterday afternoon, fcefore Mr. Anthonisz, Goh Swi Tek, AsmOt and Bah Cbi were charged with com. slitting arson m connection with tbe recent Ire m Boubam Street and Boat Quay, Superintendent Newland proiccuted, and Mr. Fort defended Bab Cbi. Mr.
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  • 728 3 THURSDAY, 14th DECEMBER. Socialism, the Navy, and Penang. Thk telegraphic news of Europe continues to be of Socialism. To-day, it is Italy. The other day it was France. Previous to that it was Spain. The immediately provocative cause of the trouble m Italy is supposed to be the pressure of
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  • 109 3 THE PENAX4; ELECTION. \From our Correspondent.) Penang, Wednesday, 3.27 p. m. Brown is declared nominee for the Chamber of Commerce. (From a Correspondent). 4.13 p. m. At the Chamber of Commerce meeting held this afternoon, the Chaiimau (Mr. Wright) declared that Dr. Brown is uomiuated to be
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  • 254 3 Reduction of Sugar Duties m America. The Troubles at Mklilla. Madrid, <!Bth November. The new American tariff was published yesterday. Raw sugar is io be admitted free and tin* dstlM on refined MMaf MB reduced by oat half. General Martinez Campos disembarked at four o'clock to-day after a
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  • 892 3 The Penanq C. U. Tiam for Singapore, vertv*. Mr. E. W. Birch's Perak Team. In the Straits Times of yesterday, particulars were given of this match, which took place at Penaug ou Saturday last, up to the adjournment for lunch. At lunch, Penacg had made 158 runs for the
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  • 211 3 This afternoon Metsn. Powell and Co. put up for auction ih following lota of land ami By order of ibe morttfajjee, house No. 26 Bain Street, of brick and with tiled roof, and three pieces of land, 999 year* lease, annual quit rout $3 sold for $1,40*.
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  • 249 3 It is Much thk Same m the Stbaits. In a receut law case at Hontjkon^, ;»iYect- the status of married womcu there, INK of tin' counsel cn^airrd said Married women m this 'olony have im r of coutract with respect to separate property. They have no
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  • 87 3 Abstract ok Traffic Eakninok kor the Month or Noycmhkk, 1 v Heads of Receipt*. Amount. Phshhu^pm 8,7K.\ Sr.-ivm Tickets 199 Horse*, Carriages, and Dog's j.,:» Tcl» graph Collections 3 Excess Fares 26 Parcels I.XI ■■MM Lupfra£e Special Traius Miscellaneous I'A Total Coaching v f|fl (inoU f.TI.JJ? '-.I
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  • 101 3 The Piaang Gazette heart* it is probable that the proposed Rowing lia« will fall through, owing to the inability of oue of the tw > l'< uang oarsmeu to get away. The Liwu Tenuis reprt'Hentatives for iLc forthcoming encounter with Singapore bave uot vet beeu selected. The
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  • 86 3 Information h&s been seat to toe honorary secretary of the Siugapore X -ing Club stating definitely that the |> toposed iutersettlement sculling contests at Christina** have fallen through. The l*enaog Rowing Club writes, through its secretary, to the effect that, owing to the con*
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  • 2012 4 The Deuo from a Fiscal Standpoint. AMONG the witnesses examined by the Opium Commission at Calcutta was Sir David Barbour, the late Finance Minister of ]ndia, who testified to the financial bearings of tlie question raised. In the course of his evidence, lie said he considered if
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  • 96 4 No* that ibe finances of ibe Straits are do longer m a flourishing condition, owing to il:p liberal manner m which the lmpeii*l Government bas helped itself frottt them, we nee tbat a proposal if beiog made tuat the Dote issue abonkl be
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  • 133 4 The iu-couuts of the Calcutta Golf Club pro\C that its iiiJiuie-cvS are m a most salis--lacJory eouditioti. Out* hundred and one uhw members joined dorinji Ine ifiioi. aud fifteen nwh>n n signed. Tljere aiv now on the rolls 20 life meinbe-s, 426 orJinary members for a
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  • 1915 4 The Wreck of the Claw Grant." The Marine Court of Enquiry. A Marine Court of Enquiry assembled iv the First Magistrate's Court, this morning, for the purpose of investigating the circumstauces attending the loss of the British barque Clan Grant, official number 78,51U, of Glasgow, by stranding on a reel
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    • 403 4 IW thema.l that arrival thin Uloriii (Lev MM a numUr of Australian I>a eontainiiitf. jih usual, nm fn, m f; hrn dsiya m advan.v of w IJL mail. It is Obriotlf that t M Austral,^ Colooiei an- s,riou^| v .srlv.s rroanlin- flu- j.n.spvts of a
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    • 271 4 Mr. Wray Succeeds Major Mc Callum 11. Iv lias a] pointed the Pi r of Chine*** to 1 c a memN'r of tli Municipal Commission of Sinj^ajMHv. m j'lsuv of the Colonial Engineer. That i-. m all tlu* rirrmiiHtaiii »>. .1 wise han^r. Since the Chinese I'Kvtnrs an- unaMe to
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  • 373 4 H. K. the Acting Governor has Dominated Mr. <}. C. Wrav. IVot.rtor of Chinese, to be a Municipal Cohiiij^m-iht at Sin^Aporo m j»la«t i »»f th« H«>n'We Major McCallum, uliost* term «>i vffict expires at the cud of this month. Thb How. A. L l)«>s\i.i»aoN an-i Colonel Huutly arrived, tbis
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  • 161 5 His Secretary Accused of Criminal Breach of Trust. At the Police Court, this morning, before Mr. Woodward, Doujiuick Lecbner, who bad formerly acted m the capacity of .private secretary to Baron de H.»m, appeared m answer to a charge of criminal breach of trus-t preferred against
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  • 336 5 Thk Assize. {From Our Correspondent.) Malacca, l'ith December. The case against the Eurasiau, Cropley, was concluded to-day. The Jury took over half an hour to consider their verdict which was iv favour of the accused by a majority of 5 to 2. during the time the" Jury
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  • 24 5 it BMN fa^Mtel thnn that it ifawL t£ Imnibor of, as at JwSKL^ Mr^ Commas Kk ti!l Ilmv mmfk§ SH^£
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  • 88 5 iakulin Club r*. Teuton i a Club Last Night's Scores Tanglin Club. Teutonia Cli-h. IJ.I \Vaddc,ll 598 A.Straessl, 663 W.JB. Hmper ,s:i E. Lanv 640 P v vn r T U bsu 1 L Maine* 834 A. a. feri. ...Ml O. BUUkm 500 Total ...4,<tf« Total :>.172 m 516
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  • 195 5 The suit which was tiled m May last by Messrs. E. Gillou and Co., Limited, against the members of the Volunteer Club at Rawalpindi, has at last been decided, judgment being given agaiust all the membets of the Club with costs. It remains
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  • 463 5 The Rovul Artillery Annual Sports Meetiug coinmeuceJ, yesterday afternoon, at Fort Cauning. The programme wont off with considerable spirit. Towards the latter part of the afternoon, a good numl er of visitors were m attendance. The Sport will be coutiuued to-day. The results of the tirst
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  • 816 5 {Supplementary to Strait* Time* Teleyrams.) Via Ceylon.) The New,Pbrnch Ministry. Presihent Cleveland's Message. Disastrous Shipwreck. Report of tiie Creditors' <onimlt«>c on the X«w O. It. Mr. Forwood on the British Navy. Report on the Cot.likry Hiotn. Paris, 3rd December.— M. Casimir TVrier will make his statement m the
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  • 102 5 C(t/c(tta. Mtt November. Yesterday, when the evidence <if several Itftdißfl Doctor* had Wem recorded, Surgeon Colwmm Haray, In«--jx-ct- -(iiMiiTiil of Civil Hospitals sjK-akiii^ with nn experiMMe »>f 2J> yoars. jjaivt? niinn'ntns ii)st;uuM's where m tamiiies, fruntior t-xjuili-tions n)i(l times of )iar<ls]ii]> and privation, opium ]i;id boon th«»
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  • 1834 5 A. HUTTENBACH. Vt. A. G. Wright and Others. (Pinang Gazette, l-'itk December.) The following is the wiitten judgmeut of His Honour Mr. Justice Gatty delivered yesterday morning In this case the plaintiff ask the Couit to restrain by injunction of the Chairman and Committee of the
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  • 55 5 The CVy/on In>l> inrfrnt learn n thai the Secretary «»t >, tat** for th« i Coloduh hat forwarded a rircuUr to the Ceylon Gorerntiient dirgL*tils^ thai the mim Ii ir^in^ of st. imps gh<>ul<l Ik* Bto{>|.ed, as it nuiv t«inj»t Ooverinn«'nt ofti^ials to tra«lf, wlmii 14
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  • 48 5 Thk Gertnau voodeo bliip Curl FrudriJL with a cargo of }*troleutn oil id cases, was, about the 2t>tb November IBM^ almndooed wator-li-^4<nl about 150 toilet North of the North Lucooitt Sh»al, and i tn»v, the-efore, prove a dau^r to navi. gatioD. J
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  • 3 6
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  • 226 6 Tbi import duty on silver m India, which Sir John Dabhock and Mr. Samuel Montagu ho strongly recommend m the House of Commons, has been Recognised by a school of currency experts as a necessary corollary to the attempt to tix the value of the rupee
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  • 571 6 It appears that Mr. DoiW has been exceedingly warmly woloosse d m Ceylon, and treated with every potable respect anl dibtinrtion. It is, m an\ ease, the custozii iv Ceylon to surround the Chief Justice with more of obMTVSBM than has Ikv:i the Straits use. The
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  • 265 6 Floods. The Governor Gemikal Sssks Information. In the planting districts during November, says the Deli Courant, the rainfall ha 9 proved to be heavier than during any previous corresponding month, within living memory. On moat estates, twice or thrice as much rain fell as m the same mouth
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  • 811 6 Sand ak an Notes. (From "'<r CorratpoHtrnt ith centher. Charter Day. The twelfth anniversary of the granting of the Cha-ter to the British North Borneo Coy. wa* celebrated bj a danei at Goveiument House on the 3lst October. Ther^ was not much enthusiasm shown, but sports for Natives «fc<\
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  • 654 6 The Ath'« tic Bport* of Urn Royal Artilletf II S ugnpore have always gOM With i;r«*at >i_onr:ind iOOfiPSf, and ▼•SlexJaj was do eiepptioa to 1 1 1 iuV. Th- UN of ground within Forl Canning is small, but the neceSSSTf condensation of the j>| «M-iiit»-rs and
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  • 1375 6 The first ordinary general meeting of the Mergui Peariiug Company, Limited, was held, m offices at Qresham House, «tt uoou this day tor the purpose of receiving tbe report aud accounts from 17th September 1892 to 31st July 1893. Present Mr. J. P. Joaquim m the chair Messrs John
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  • 349 6 Aciiekn Affairs. Tramway Profits. Mistaken Economy. FXIIIBITORB AT ANTWKBP Piracy ani> Kidnaitino m Hokneo VrnHfihitei from various n» irn/M/xTt.) A«'hekn advice* to the 2*.Hh November n }ort list stoppage of further wurki at Pulo Way by order of the Howeautboritu s. it is not Luowu t\.r what reanou.
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  • 881 7 The Parachutists and their Business Manager. Criminal Breach op Trust. The Court of Two Magistrates was occupied, all yesterday afternoon, m hearing tn accusation brought by Professors Lawrence and Leon J^ageLomme, described as aeronauts, against J. Jansen, for crimioal breach of trust. The man, Jangeo, *as engaged by the two
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  • 995 7 gll h SuluMala y Vocabulary by Ll ?l° th T Oowi *> the publication of which has already beeu noticed m the Straits Times is meant to facilitate the acquisitionj of tin- Sulu language by Europeans m British North Borneo, where that for* *VT rtJ k But
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  • 877 7 MONDAY, 18th DECEMBER. The Straits and the Opium Commission. The Opium Commission evident ly intend to make an exhaustive inquiry. The importance of the Straits Settlements bulks so large m the field of inquiry, that the Commission intend t > pursue their inquiries here on the spot, when they have
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  • 40 7 The following telega m was received ou ♦he 11th instant by the Hongkoug Acting Po-t mister Geueral fiom the postal ageut at Ainoy Mail from Hongkong for San Franeit6o per Gaelic robbed. Some letters recovered at Amoy."
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  • 88 7 Art ion against the P. O. Company. An action at lvv was commenced iv tbe British Consulate, Yokohama, on the 29(1) November l>y the wido«v of Lieut. Kijim i a.nd lit) other persons, a^aiust the Peuinsular and Oriental S. N. Co., for damages ou account of the loss of the
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  • 458 7 Lord Brassey's Views. Calcutta. .')th December. After to-<lay's sitting of the Opium Commission some of the MUM separate for a short tour through Burma to collect evidence, the Burma party consisting of Sir James Lyall, as chairman, and Sir William Roberts, M.D., Mr. A.
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  • 78 7 Part*, Bth December. Tin* Colonial l»*rty hav<» ro<ju«»*ttMl that tho organisation ut the newly «jninHl Mekong territory Khali b»* rapidly phmmmmlih! with. December. General DoiMm has »urrouHtled Helianzin. whose ca[»ture m t\ni\f exjM'etrd. AI. Dolonelo will (juostion the Froneli (Jovernmeut on its |K»licv m Siam on Moti<Uy. tlth
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  • 147 7 The second part of the howling-match Teut«>nia wtr§tu Tau^iin Club was tolled •tt' in tlx* Teulouiii Clui> all'VK on Sifurday ni_fht The T»ogbn Club team tried m Vitm to pick up their op|>ouen'M who carried ofl a most decided victory by 1279 point <. The following are tbe total
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  • 607 7 It is none too soon that (J.tvrnmeut proposes to deal with th»« .onsumption ot tiuibt-r bj tkt Charcoal Fiend." There were R* filiations m existence, but, whether they Hire not drastic enough or m some puts inoperative, it is a sad sjglil to
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  • 247 8 The Voyage of the "Gympie." (From our Correspondent.) Pekan, L'ith December Thk Acting Resident returned on the Bth inst., by the Ethel, having been BW*j from Head Quartets for nearly a month. By this opportunity a large mail was received from Singapore by overland route the first since the
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  • 655 8 Chamber of Commerce Meeting. (Pinann Gazttte.) Ax «he special general meetiug of the Chamber ot Commerce held on the 13th instant for the purpose of declaring Dr. j Brown to be the duly elected nominee of the Chamber for the vaeaut sent m the. Legislative Council, there
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  • 401 8 (From our Correspondent,) The Governor at Selangor. Selangor Officials and Exchange. The Davies Gasf. H.M.S. "Pigmy "and Egeria." Kuala Lumpur, 16th Dec. H. E. the Aetitig Governor, artived at Klang on Thuisday, aud came up by the ordiiiiirv passenger train m the evening. The Resident joined the party
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  • 685 8 TUM Victoria Institution. A Big Crocodile. Selangor Journal, l">th Decent} rr. We learn that owing to the serious illness of the latter, ueither Mr. nor Mrs. Swetteuham, who were to have been the guests of the Kesideut aud Mrs. TrMcbar daring the Christmas holidays, will be able to
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  • 708 8 Questions Rk^arding Opium Consumi 1 TION ANI> OI'IUAI UkVKNUE IN THE OOLOVISt AND DEPENDENCIES OF Singapore. Pknang, and Hongkong. 1) Is opium commonly consumed l»y people <»f L hinese, Malay. or other Asiatic nm m jfV Colony P r2) What pro]H>rtiou, should you conjecture, of tlu 1 adult malt's
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  • 652 8 At the Police Court, this afternoon, Yeap Eng Cheng was charged before Mr. Woodward with? defaming Yeap Ho Sian, by publishing a defamatory letter m the Sing Po, a Chinese daily newspaper m Singapore. Mr. Fort prosecuted aud Mr. Sissou defended. Mr. Foit said, iv opening
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  • 116 8 Thk Selaugor State Council passed a regulation t > impose au Kilucatiou Rite within the towu of Kuala Lumpur on the lrith iustant. It is numbered Regulation XVIII of 18J»3. It provides that, au anuuiil rate, the amount of which shall be fix»»d from time
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  • 115 8 Tbe suit lately brought by Mr. L!m Leng Cheak against Mr. P. 0. BtrMr, propiietor of the Straits Independent. claiming $5,000 damages for libel, was called on for hearing before Mr. Justee Gattj on the 14th. The defendant through bis counsel, Mr. Murison Allan, applied for
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  • 370 8 (From MNP C<>n«*fo*thnt.) The Pknang-Pkbak Matvh. Fkekmasoney An At Home for Chilokk-c THK I'oM.MK n. KMBNT OK THR CiOLDPKTEE Wk iii Peiak fed ritli.r k.«nlv the de. t«at «if our rrichetett ;vt P^amor QL. tainol l»v Mr. Btrvb, find tappofteltt such men as OipUia r.ilUof, I) r [<\
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  • 97 8 Thy Government ,>f lu«lia having asked tfct «i \t>ruim > ut of Queeuslaix] to K j nd ad expert to tmqiun ir:t tli«* |*'arl Ilkartofl the M«»r^ui Ardlipelftfo, Mr. JanliM will arrive short ly. with ;i toinj.auv <>f traiui-d iiiviT*. who will b§ tmphyti by tW Ot»
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  • 507 8 Dncuaanra tfceCovlou L-.,m. n.w l> ing Hltd( tba P> nut <j H Kttti sa\s: The advertisement «rrvfs tin- |»ur| reminding Straits j»«««>j of the Cut tl-at it m itnjTiidt'iit tofltaiTt puMic work> fit w.mtif nunitv it" it c.'Mi l.c lorrowrd. SinjjH]>ore having I
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  • 133 9 (From Our Correspondent.) Malacca, loth December. Th» accused m the Uiduappiug case from Selangor which I reported last ireek was to-day remanded to the civil prison, where she will have to remain for 14 days, the time allowed to eDa ble the accused to apply for a writ of
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  • 129 9 Lord Brassey has delivered a lecture at the roouis of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce 011 the strength of the British Navy. He compared the strength of the British fleet with the Freuch »ud Russiau fleet*, shewiogtbat, though m the Mediterranean we were at
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  • 637 9 On Saturday afternoou everything conduced to make good "troliiug weather," the bud, however, daring the early part of the play was just a little trying. Two events woiv plawl off m which, however, only a few wee interested. Jt may be not generally known that the monthly medal competitions
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  • 318 9 8. C. C. ver»u» Libut. Edward's XI. Played on the Esplanade ou Saturday Scores J Likut. Edwakd's XI. Sergt. Poulton r. Hindo h. Guggisberir Limt. Jenkins c. b. Hiud«v U Edwards b. Marbiggnrt 2!> Davirs <•. M'Mrewother b. Deunys 21 Uor. Ni'iilou b. Dunuys > Pte. Ooona c.
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    • 284 9 The Aigues Mortal difficulty between Italy and France, the settlement of which h\ a peeßaiarj iailmiiiilj lias beea announced by tslegiNß, sAtncted attention at one time as additional instance of the unfriendly feeling which has long characterised the relations of these two Powers. Aigues Mortes is a
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  • 445 9 Th« latest addition to the Consular Corps at Singapore will be warmly welcomed by his colleague*. His appointment will be still mow gratifying to the merchants of Singapore. Mr. John Anderson, the senior resident partner of Messrs. GuthrksA Co., is the new Consul for Skun. It is
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  • 42 9 [Stani Oissrwr.) The Hnngkonij lWffinajM notifies au increase of price trom £24 to $30 a year. The Hongkong Daily Press price is $30 a year. If exchange do^s not improve, the (Jbserr, r will have to put its rates up.
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  • 271 9 (Bmm Ob** rver, Decrmber 1 ith.) Some excitement was caused, yesterday afteruoon, by the repot t that a Frenchman had been killed m a riot down the river. On inquiry, it. was asceitiiued that the deceased was au ludian mimed Madeeu Picha. a French jm
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  • 301 9 The Chinese and Railways. (From Our Correspondent.) Malacca, 18th December, The 8. Sappho which arrived early yesterday morning brought an unusual number of passengers, chiefly Eurasians, for the Feast of St. Xivier. They were accommodated m the Government Rest House and the Club Rest House. The tirst celebration
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  • 562 9 Thomas Bourne, a piivate m the Lincolnshire Regiment, was accused b'fore a court of two magistrates, this afternoon, on a charge of robbing a 'riki&ha coolie. He plfdtd N uot guilty." From the story of the prosecution it would apj ear that about 4
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  • 838 9 Tuesday. Decemhkk K»th. (Before Mr. Acting Jutticr Loyan.) Arthur Holley r. Baron Die Horn. The hearing of this case was resumed this morning. The plaint iff' h claim was for $1,000 for damages for public ansault. The case had been postponed to allow Baion tie Horn to
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  • 161 10 The half-yearly general meeting nf shareholders m the R*ub Australian Gv>l 1 Mining Company was held at tb<» oAoe <»f Mr. G. S. Murphy, Creek-street, Brisbane, on the 22nd November. Mr. de Burgh Persse occupied the chair and about forty shareholders were represented, either personally
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  • 196 10 The Positive GroTornawt Security Life Assurance Company have m hand a scheme for issuing whit they style: term convertible policies." These policies fixed at low premium ratet, mte for assiriiiL' lives under 45 until the? reach 55 years of t age. Persons so assuring have
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  • 306 10 A cricket match im played on the Esplanade yoste-day between teams representing Army Officers and the Navy. The match resulted m favour of the Army Officers. The scoring was follows Ist Inniny*. Army Officers. Lieut. Gnggisluirg, re., l.b.w. Da Costa 11 Haze iton lot he. Callum b. Da Costa
    306 words
  • 1388 10 At the Police Court, before Mr. Anthouisz, fii Liang Chuan was charged on remand with that be, on or about the 26th of July, heiug a servant, m the emj«lov of \We Beck Sin, oi Singapore and being tntiusied with certain property of his employer,
    1,388 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 134 10 To the Editor of the "Straits Times." Sir, I shall be eternally grateful to any of your readers who would kiudlv give me any information as to a good place to go to iv the East for a few mouths big game shooting between Ist May
      134 words
  • 250 10 Per a. Ranee from Borneo port* Mm. j Korezki, Gapt. TrolHck, and Mr. A. C»i«#»y. Per s. Hebe from Deli Messrs. Nolle, Stnmforf Hampton, aid D* Flon'B. Per s. s. Oympie from Pahang Mr. Ro- berta, Dr. Srayth, Mr. Stackpool, anJ Mrs. I Bowman. Per 8. 8 Palitana from Rangoon
    250 words
  • 1348 10 ftNirriftii ;s pimi. Un'tar Mill hea4tns* ill* f^lli^m^ »it l tr"V"» ktanSMW used sir. *tu*?ner; sh. -*h <» bq (MtWM; Brit. Bn'id't; U.S. oittt<*'J S'»'»«. I«V -Fre:««-li ;G*r. German Dvt i).it,- »ohir«; Ac., G.i\ I moral <virv > I. an MUgnf U. Um-ovtau*. jT.P.W.— i I .;■> P»garWltaff;T. P.
    1,348 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 275 10 Passenger List, Arrivals. Per s. s. Sumatra from As? ah an and Deli Mr. Anderstnit, and Mr. and Mrs. Coningh. Per s. Graaf Van Bylaihdt from Pftdaog via ports Mr. and Mrs. Molleng^r. Per s. s. Lubeck from Germtn New Guinea via ports Messrs. Fowvth, Kuaserow, Stuart, DallraulJor, VerUn^e, aud
      275 words
    • 112 10 f esseli Kxpected. KTamtf, Por/, ani Dak of 9aili*§< From London. Victoria, Oct. 27 Monmouthshire, Not. Olenf .dloch, Nor Arcadia Nor 10 Hengloe, Not. 18 Beomohr, Nor Liverpool. Achilles, Oct. 27 Hector, Not. 9 S ten tor. Nor. 14 Diomed, Nor. 14 Telamon, Nor. 21 Barry Sirius S jpt 9
      112 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1 11 djmhj,k.
      1 words
    • 662 11 ANJER. PASSED BUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOB OBDiSKS. I Flag Datx=~ i Dat«. and Ship's Nam«. Commander. o> Fbom Wiiri. Destination Part R'O- 1 BAILINa. iCCLAKB Dec. 7AmerHh.|Cent«nni«l Colc^rd Nov 16 Hongkong New York OM g i k 1 ti. 9 liva!i NoT )Sin»«pore New York .pgen- oqi*»a tioa Johanaa
      662 words
    • 457 11 Cowls from 12 m. to 24 m. Ships' sheathing m yellow metal, copper and zinc, with naiN. Paints, oils, Ac, of bes* quality Asheatos soap for paint work. ENGINEERS' STORES, Ac. Asbestos packed cocks and mountings Manchester and Favorite steam donkey ngtnes, Sight feed Lubricator*, EnginA room bunker and space
      457 words
    • 616 11 ABOUT 1) E R A X BY FRANK »WETTENHAM. Paper rovers 11.00 rieih Boards Half Leather fg.oe SINGAPORE. STRAITS TIArES OFFICE. The l»ook will he forwarded to any part on appl cation post free at the above named prices. The money must be sent with all orders. Postal orders to
      616 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1154 11 ARRIVALS. -r** j Flag 5 WL-. NAMK. Ik TO KB CAPTA.K. Pbom Ba w C OK W< Mm oI spar- LLl£l¥ *zr ISSSS^ 13 R.DB^"l" J2 USB?* i lu IS W«, Bin* Co. ,J D»ronk»r.t etr. 11^ R«>e n/lo k (Dec. 1W M.D.field Co. ■fiStL.l. *tr "606 iot f g
      1,154 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 608 12 I Tlic Oiu(;iN.vL :inil Genuine WOkCESTERSHIRE SAUCE boars thc Sig>. afire, thus Ask for USA. £c PERKINS' SAUCE. WMmaU and for Export by the Proprietor*. Worcester Cro**e BlacktreU, London, $c, Sc- and *y Grocers and Oilmen throughout the World. RETAIL E V E IR. X E ]R. E. Ringapore Agents,
      608 words
    • 10 12 SCHWEITZER T S The Best x fintst coaa> i V.
      10 words
    • 551 12 BBWfS SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. -< OTKKNWHEETj feTEAMEM have b««»n found by oxpeneno to he tl,. 1,, st ty f V M O for shallow river navigation, and of thfse Messrs. Yarrow have eaastrvalfd a larp'iiuitiber of successful examples for all part« of tho world. Vessels on this system are constructed,
      551 words
    • 300 12 For the T O n pt /^^ky 0 SOAP f.nMlclicat p. Skins. L An ideal soap d«'isflitfnl!y perfumed Chtmitt »v Drummitt, Of Vn piesMoaiMe ext'ellenes.* Brititlt Medical Jonr Tn fivr> ki!«ds. P{?,M[-H f>- Mm IHUhm M. PLOR%L '«Vfi94Hr^ V*A li )TTO (TiHet), a,d VESTAI,. Sa*Tin< S »a P i, >tici<
      300 words
    • 160 12 riIHR BlN<iAl>(»KK SLIPWAY AND «W1 X BC >I vl OO V"., LTD. a The <>ompanv'c premise* are «ituatedrtl> jon>? Bhoo. The SUp No. 1 i« »P>y^ taking up TOHaola of 600 tons, the No. 2 for the accommodation ot launch* small crafts up to 60 ton*. The Co "PJjUE cutea
      160 words