Straits Times Weekly Issue, 27 June 1893

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. E3rAi'.usiii:D, 1831.) FOR Tr\\SMISSION BY EVERY HOMEWARD MAIL StEAMKI:. 1 Pkice 40 Cents. VOL XLVI. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. JUNE 27, 1»93, NO. :J,735
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  • 52 1 Tae Straits Ti aB3 has the largest circulaiion of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. It circulates m Singapore and Penati^, throa|hout all the Prot3:t3l States of the Malay Peninsula, m Siam, Borneo, the Netherlanis In lies, the Philippines, an I Pcenoli Indo-Cirina. Nootlisr Sistern newspaper has so widesoraai
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    • 22 1 O> "i (Deli Sumstn,the wife ul vV. tt K<^\ son. Dm lie 21th it witc „f p. ICedieal Saperin- im, imrhter.
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    • 15 1 On 17t i iM^tau'. i\\ Klaag. J<>k n Alki \n H OiMfßiu, aged ->1
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  • 237 1 EDITOR! Ai g>inyti]i :i- _rt i w Money. 1; Tnr tiu^iii Hmnlaj upon idr**rtißiu<. Franco hihl i.iai W i .-it I un Mr I irUli Fin til c. ATI .1 un M'-Kitiuon tii Main n. M. 6. An Amu uiJ Aiding Al h. nor Mid the Tanjong
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  • 531 1 Si NO A. PORK, 27TK JFNE, IHW3. Prodjce. <iatnbier. $.25. Uo do jSo. 1 Io.AO. do do No. 2, 8.0 o V rix Bali, 5.j;,. do t'ontiuii&k 4.. r >o. fepiior Black V.W. sago floor, Sarawak 2.y0. kWltttgu, ;i A,o 'Joffee bah, H 34. W. oll©« Liueriau,
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  • 404 1 The. mail for Europe this we^k is taken ou by the O. s.s. Rokilla aud the one for oeit week is ftied to bt forwarded by tbeM.M s.«. SagkaUen duo on tbi tth July. Tic Gterman mail for Europe goei by the Xrchir irbich is doe
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  • 556 1 Tai I>kcl. Kxolaxd. Lund 8011 Jon». Then .^s nncfa tres* m COmequeoce of U -U«»t wator aud m the milk country district! m Eu<'laml the heat oontinuM intei France and Siam The French Cousul at HaugkoL has demanded reparation tor Urn masuiK -iv of a French officer. The
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  • 18 2 circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 297 2 France ami Sinin. Thj. Kmn^'-Siaincs!' dispute is Incoming d oils for Siam. print 10-day Renter's statement that Franco has seized an island within ;i hundred and titty miles of Bangkok. We add, of our own know ]<-'l-«' :md surmise, that F?*ance may use Saniit as a place
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  • 899 2 Ids,. Jack lv':l«'\ Har^r»'iiv»'s S<*«>tlan<] )>\ Uy'-< mail, and it so*'ins prolniUK' than m Glasgow ho may .-arrv <>ut certain \tvo- avviin^-nu'nts for Hoatiiiij his engineering and sliijilmililiny works; as a limited company, with a substantial «;i>h •ital. Those intorosted m the matter m (ilasuow
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  • 51 2 In connection with the Fire BrHnufe Competition t<» come off at KuaU Urn jmr on th* 28th io,taot, u>, i:,.,.],nt s l>nll prized ThipriEe. 5,1,,t.l by the oo»mijtee are of the useful sort, but' ,l t is feared that it is impossible for the prized months time.
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  • 135 2 {Bit CnbUfrom our Special Correspondent m Siam.) Bangkok. Mon.lav, UM}) May. 3.40 p. ID. A telegram from states that there ii L. r '<at excitement io France m ooulequenee of news beiog published there to the effect that an Annamite village io the ricinityof il)»' Mekong
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  • 79 2 In connection with a meeting ln-M at the Selangor Club, last Ueceinbnr, for the purpose «»t" forming a Selr4i<or Plai Association, the planters of Selangor »re invited to attend m j^enerai meeting io the office of the S >v Club, oo Saturday, the 24th »>t' June, for
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  • 101 2 A i tli. Penang Agricultural Si tome coffee from Weld'a Hill obtained first prise, and among the exhibits from the Klao^ district i small cjiuiutity of white pepper from the (llenmarie Btf.if' 1 which waa awarded .i first prise. melby Estate bad be chief of which w<
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  • 391 2 Tut: following letters will l>.- i«a«l with interest. The) express the esteem which the retiring Groveroor ii beM l>\ men whose oaMta] and n< tftj conduct i Large par! <>t the trade <»t the Straits The Taajong Pajat Dock Coy.
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  • 111 2 A French Scientific Expedition in Selangor. A rREM irntifn a visit to S<'l;m.r »r. 'Die lt S of icteDce wen -I' eneh [Apioque and 'aptain I >•; 1. li.-.'M tr;j vrllii)^ m I lies.- JM j»ri\ mi. lit <• »ll<'<l f Ik- > 'p|j •_r--Mi I'Tifii, \vln> arrived on 1
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  • 170 2 A. SILVER Cl I' v.i In. 1 jle j l.v Messrs. Gentle aud Kerr, will U- played for ou S.iturd.iy. Xt )n'\ and la IM 1 II.N 1 I Handle n\n\rk 2.— Entries ilnys j »r i rto I petition. ;i. Oompetitort irill !>•« drawn fur. II »t)i rounds
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  • 231 2 Tli f I'l •>) I X Xl !fdA o. c\ i Thj ariv«*H art i< v i m tl). Whirl) .«]l* mite I- .M j> ilr.-ciil. an ofd au! the f Fi b [ndo-CI iua, tl.ite 22nd M iv, ti ,»ru- .be
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  • 21 2 A skcond list of don Church iJinldiiitf Fund at Kuala Luti has been published, i v i n^ th, up totbelBtbiost
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  • 168 3 The P. O. Fast passages. aud <>■ steamer Peninsular, with Boglish mail, arrived yesterday, having j P^iplis l ie<l ill" run t'roiii Siu^a}>t><e m V hoiu>. N 1 1 r ♦•111 j>t was Io P at tl»^ reci»rd <»t days 19 hoQrs recently l3 hed l>y the sister-ship OrUnicd,
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  • 653 3 Thk British Ministi i as M diatob. W v LlKi I'kii'.m; vi i K8 .h vi. i -i OF m i: Si l t y i/ (.•<■;•/' tpondt nt. Bangkok, Jum A< vik>< m Siam are decidedly approaching ,i crisis, an<l the next fortnight <»r
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  • 662 3 Fbb Emperor Francis Joseph has eon- I tern-.l upon the Suluo of Johore the 0 der I of the Iron Crowo of the Firat Class 1 Mr. Hole arriveU yesterdaj from IV. kan after a circuitous roya^ iathe Ku tmtarn. If-- speaks of faTouratfl report* fruu the
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  • 127 3 The Tnius of Ceylon, iii commenting upon a proposed visit of a Straits cricket toani to Colombo, remarks that the visit which a Colombo Cricket Clab team paid to Singapore ;it Christmas, LB9O, is one not likely to U> forgotten by any of tho.s«who took part m it.
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  • 184 3 (Siam Fret Press 16th June.) Prince Skyaati has not yet left '>n his proposed mission to the Court of St. J*»»ea rbere st-t'ins (o U* v. weU founded uesitefimi as to bit tituess for the position. Why not s»-n,i IMiva Surasak or Priuce 1 >. iniron^, it"
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  • 196 3 The Paris New V /A,-,/,/ of the 22nd Mi;, nutt's tint Mr. E&ouusevelle Wilduian, United st it. Consul and oi l<l > Pair Cooiioifsioner for th<* Strait 8 Settlements and Borneo^ was at Vienna, consulting with tli.- Svjlt:vM of Johore, regarding th<> latter* 4 proposed
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  • 210 3 26th \it A 8 1 \i ra L*or res poodent informs u> t hat there ia a rani mr m tli<* air of cbiiiige to be DMtde m tlu' administratioo »>t law m tl)«- Native Stntei li.-' lately appointed juJm.-> oerUtiulj have .t elatue
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  • 285 3 A w! i k m.'" a pr iti!i m i vraa made to Mr .1 Howard Gwyther by the bone and foreign nt»fl <«t' the Chartered Hank of lmli.i. It has been made uniform m design with tin< presentation made by n nuiui'c- ni" Mr. Gn
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  • 136 3 Thf Singapore Branch of \\\>> 9fcraitn Bettleiueotf Assoiafion, wrir»^ Mr I bouchere m Tnith. lihv»- «#Mit him i mi-m--aiidum <»n tin* uiilitarv uoiitril)iuion l» i vie bj the [m penal Grovermu«»ot. Witli the story <>t fli" excess vo •vi<Mou. completely Oriental m its mischievous attempt to
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  • 64 3 Ahmka. i <»k Tka»ki< Karnin mi MOKTM <«X Mk\ l v Hiils of Receipt*. Amount. I'l^scn^fTH si Bones, < ferriajfw tad I tagi \-\\r,"y^ Parw J<» I'arv.-U 112 social Trains. Total Coachiag sll 1J7.1-7 Lira Stock 8 1,312 Total Good* Mis. •tn.l Total Corresponding hi utti. l
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  • 250 3 United "i. In proof thai t)u ventilation I i urievai m tlif form of ;i letter to th»« I'n^s may <!<» the >m ■<•.•«., t'ul rt»»u f i> jmi ritoi] to of thn publication of out' mi r. > rnnmin^ f bunker m
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  • 352 3 tii v. Qbmbkal Tarii i v m. bk ArpLivO Bmolikb «t. m.i. LETTER from M. 1).1ch»- to the G ernor- General "t [ndo-t'hii i, m published In tli<» of Iml "hina. wl read- follows M M Despre; am) I I'lii-. vxt .1 I i -«'«1 them<«elv<
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  • 235 4 The British Borneo Planting and Trading Co. fli ordinary general meeting of Bonier* Trad in* and Planting .imiredi vr«> !i"M on th»« 2~>lh May rniinus Hotel, L«>nd< n. by. A. rutfon, ol^inii'in. shml tlit'ir operations during the jmsi year had !•<• mi adversely «ftV»-t--«d l>y ih»* »l"|«r m i'n th"
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  • 222 4  -  W. H. Read, c.m.g. Ry 26th M-iy. You asked me some to look it. and report uj.on. the -f the Strait- :u the [iiip >ria] Institute. thought it hotter to wait till the •re I pivr an opinion >n a.s to judg-e oftb»>
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  • 280 4 c above till.-. m,d „v ih.- yard Ki|»litiLT «<>ut.ibutt> of tiw />„// A[ a !i M.,. ;1 U aid ruijp .m m .v novel The l>m s t j J(1 various j^rsous ;tud <•. lakm- away o f tlio sea. Tbe .itifulU- illustrated l>v
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  • 342 4 ipplementary to Straits Times Ttlegram*.) Ceylon. Lori» HekschkliAs Committee. Cbickbt. Prcbtch Rlcivo. lon, Utli Jmi> In the HottftG of ('OlllMioiiN last night Sir \Y Qareourt stated tli.-it the report ivff Lord HencnelTs Committee was sent to Indi.-i by the uuri] tit the 2nd instant, and that ;i Hiiiumarj
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  • 506 4 Warn m., Visnroi Kirn 01 JoHOK.] rHBOVOB < Jam I H M «>K Fa NT., I'm. \ns.. I uri i.i riMsHii, Phi Klein* Pretse. a journal published at Kr.tnktort. contain, no article oil garni Wing m Johoreof which the following ;i t raoalattoo
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  • 2227 4 France and Si a m. French Feeling. Pari» t 19th May. The question of Siain continual to occupy public attention, and the dearth of news from the French officials m the subject of sli.'ini criticism m port a ill circles, all the information vrhieh has hitherto reached Paris having come
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  • 40 5 rtaiu Penanir allegation -If**" cial superrision ot the dies Press, we took o'ceah us oul^- tit to hv Ihr *ppears that it was go. hi«-h ought to know i o* Tf th*.\ it has beea cauI Uere is not a.
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  • 625 5 Before Mb. Justicb Gattt. Cigar Case. T.O. GotLuroA Co. <-. M*. m. E. Nathan The trial of this cam wis i jil«.Tn»iliv V dau,a..,,-., r breach of BW. BraddeU appeared for plaintiff*, and 'u^r" 11 l Miiuimh>r lt I .•l'v'lvli 'bl'V^f 7'^'^ C^«7o oi two cases. On November
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  • 88 5 Mil 'hasskria.u, residiug at '!*'>, Ni l Road, was aroused this morniug at three o'clock by hearing some oue endeavouring to force the gate of his fence. Ho noticed two Chiuauieu actively enlaced and fearing, they had burglarious intentions he tired a small stick gun loaded with shot. It had
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  • 410 5 Riots m liiNtriH. The Socialist riots m Austria, men. tioned m to-day's telegrams, {mint t.. an increasing political danger m that Empire a danger which has become more threattaken such deep pool m Germ „n. Prance, and Belgium, has secultd a firm footing m Austria, where the
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  • 323 5 The Colonial Engineer and Macaulay upon Advertising. Al>\ F.i: i tmn., WTOte Ma -.inlax M to business what iteam is t-> machinery the grand propelling power." The historian's theory is approved fa Major McCallimi wli<>. at yesterday's meeting <»t' the Muiiicipal Commissioners, tools the President to task for n«>r advertising
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  • 177 5 Cohommi Suktli i ofl the ik liMt, to-d;»\ Ji i- decided thai the band of ih*. -^a Lincolnshire Kegiment shall play turns of wins. evert alternate week th»' Esplanade. k Tin application of the Debating 5... o the M uuiripai Commissioner* for 1 me of a room at the Town
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  • 40 5 La Ih«.mi decided that the usual •mlilv Medal haadkap will take pla* oo Satardaj, Ist .Inly, therefore the lv lie for Meatn. Oet»Ue and K.-rr"^ will .-..imiu'iKv oo Wedoesdav sth Ju iust-atl of above neotined date.
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  • 148 5 On t\w 17th Mr. Egertoo wai entertained at the Penasg Clnb b? his brother cadets, to wish bin Qod-speed tod .1 lucoeasfu] Skingei I'jong where be goes to acl v Resident Mr' Birch occupied Urn chair, and brieif Icbed Mr. Bgertoo** career m Penai
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  • 217 5 tract from tkt •>j l?ik June, i 1<ll! I '•>■ Ikb Jim.' learaa troin m•• reliable source ilmi ;1 ,on ft has iin.M'ii between tbe Government an flit- />»// Gtmraitf, irhicfa M nemrl) m tbe closing of tbii paper and Urn basMbueni «»i tbe editor, [a
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  • 36 6 TILE'rKWS state that The Bank of Victoria resumed payment 19th June. The Commercial Kankiug Company of iiiey ivsunjcd paymeut ou 20th Juue. Tbe Australian Joint Stock Bauk resumed payaient ou -Ist Juue.
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  • 333 6 Th-. Impi rit\ »'v thk Water. Stabbi N" Cask. E< 'RAMANS AND DIVoK- I There is a good d.-d of rumour abo if just vow .-on,-. „inn^ the purity of water at Aver Kroh. Some of the reports are absurd aud appear to have had their igio iv
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  • 362 6 The auuu il vu r < j ueral meetiugof the Singapore Ex.-hai:_r<- was bold m the Kxeh.u Room, this afternoon, for the purpose of receiving 1 1f a< intsi for tbe > ear eudiug iv, IW>, ai:<l \>> elect a committee toi s ensuing year. Mr Andersou
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  • 2020 6 W). DSKSDAY. 2IST JUNE. The usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissionets wi* held iv tinoffices, \l >l)inson Ko;«<l, afternoon, under the presidency ot Mr. Alexander Qentfc. There were als> present, Messr> M. Meyer, T. Sohst, R. W. Maxwell, .1 Fraser,' W Hanson, J. IV Josquim and"
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  • 83 6 A\..i m iv- demurrer m t■. t /l i i as< j M r L <v\<fl couuse) lor the dd'endui licarfl the British Court at okol ::1 l>< i Judgt> M..v I M > i"t»rtli thai it iv < u.stotitfH ra>.- Ihtwr.n .J.i| )anr> tUM J foreMH I tor .111
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  • 989 7 Last night an enjoyable variety entervas given m the Sphinx Theatre, ■Mfo, by thf non-commissioned ofliud wen <>f the Lincolnshire Kf--i--■ffto- A large and appreciative audience i»ml punctually at 9 3U, ami testified Efreqnent applause to t lit* excellence of tbe peiformam-e. The programme Iw^mii with a polka
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  • 1445 7 Mini rEB Ol P*< m KBDINOS Of th I Mt niI [PAX COMMI8«IONEBKfl IT AI 0101. n \k\ Mkkiin,; oh \Vki»nkbiu\. Tin Jvm i, 1893. Present The President, a.tei Qentl*. Esq lUe Uon'bla the Col tuial Engineer, Miftjor McL'allnnt K. E c.M.c the Inspectortl t i X \V
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  • 192 7 < >m i vi: \in ki.v fen people are aware ■ays the Pmmievii AY"-. thai Japan is becoming an important factor io the irori l*i •applies of coal. Tbe output «<t' coal m Japan baa been ateadily increasing during tke last seven jreais, baling rieen from 310,000 tool
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  • 413 7 France and Hiam. <>tr telegram* to-. lav st;i t»- th has expressed re^rH for the village ma ncre which was made known <<n 'I'; k l.v telegram from our .-)-.•< correspondent at Bangkok I'ln-ilivr. Siam undertak.-> :-> indemnify t }i»> families ■-f the victims. That is
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  • 898 7 vi;kk ,iiiii tin- river will at par' slipped intotl i Sin ill.- Mil r] til n .w w ht'll if v ithin i feet of tli" house rd,. r the subsi.l, Elgin bridges, l.nt much n.< nr latter I'lie non-men mtil.- Kuroj>e m
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  • 218 8 le island ot Sam it m sieged to occupied I The Captain of the s. 8. Rotsw reports having seen a ship with signal letters T.N.Q.W. Oreedmoor iv Lai 7 C 26' N. m lons 108° 9' E. which wished to be reported all well. Thr Government of Siam has
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  • 106 8 Government Notes in British North Borneo. Thi British North Borneo Herald lithat ;tt a teoeDt meeting «>t Council it n decided to prohibit th« use i>t" private i and money tokeoa on ;ill oew estates, a;i<l to prohibit their us.' >>n other estate* m -■•on ia a ipecial issue of
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  • 584 8 Turn Hritish Consular > >f r»n th#« laud <»i .1.0.i for l^ v r u'i\.> tl»< following parti.-uLiis of the petroleum trade tliOwing t" prndicatea formed for tixiair the r.«ta\l p uil at most >>i th» ,Ih\.i j. its these wore na a fairly high
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  • 85 8 Ykstkrdat, Mr. Charles E. Cranp, sold several J'lots of land by public anctiou m bis sale rooms, Hatti^R Square. Tbe properfv was told m lour lots, the tirst l,>t comprising six pieces <>f freehold hind m Tuab Pyoh and Bochore districts of totel ares oi 42,751
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  • 196 8 A> soii).> interest has bee* taken m cycling lately, and as a desire has en pressed to tee. the men meet m a race "t longer distance than two miles* and <>n tbe itxid, Hi.- Singapore Cycling Club undertaken the management <■! an open race on the
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  • 594 8 The Penang Athenæum. Strait* Tndepi i reprint the following from thi N it but it is fair to presume llv.u i lie repoii rated with an intent iou be hun V.\<-u rh«« debat il<l n.'! reall) lw «i U 1* esumably, however deb ting m li\»l\ uwiftts uit.' .Hi i
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  • 120 8 By the Ch'hjdi'i, |irobahl\ ori jl Mr. J. C. Budd leaves for Yok<jß manage there the Uranth of the |^H Bank. The moTements of 1 managers lia\.--'f late l»»;-n I ii>-,ig for general lonveiuone*' u t Mr.] lias lx'rl) ;i-vMi;itti| with tile Str^^| |nit«« a reasonaLi d 11.
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  • 182 8 II iMM Mil mi .v Co it t. W.llV||n||M' Ml 11 it f i l\ 1 1 .i.l-l. Jit V|^H I a magnificent piauoofStutl .'ifac turf It was made uv the v. kuoM tinu of i'-vu hi iano 'urea, Ifetars. I j 1 1 > .nil Soehu,
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  • 144 8 The motion Ur< i _r l t 1 i.inU m the i \<t thai ff fi!.' a tent I ti««M «.t tb for the 'Mrt ilj 'II to til. n.-II? v| i;ii l '*4fl tuittr.l t.» 1..- tai. l, v tjlffl < tli.- ss«'il with _v.
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  • 182 8 •<! v .1 li .1 t\ whijH although not tli.' n ilueatffl which ha- bo mud .1. m I|M i'° >'■'. au-mriihtl wiili it 1., .1 t'ofMH "i malarial f.-v.-r. h.i. < >l tfl 4 matu ivsi<l«uts otlu-rw is adfl lu'iiltli\ V- tli. j-i-.«s«-ut up °*a^l tV\V
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  • 1659 9 < Range lem, I'JtKJta Sexton* party ar»« .4isi# him to reconsider his intention of is scat m Parliament which has kr iv, ii from long-standing friction that has •ctween the Directors of the Freeman* and especially between Mr. Healyaud WBj. f>r\\o\\. fTh« i '}''■>"■»■ '>> leading article on
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  • 72 9 Our CoBBBSPOWDENT m M uar tells bow a Malay police constable ol nij*bt-duty, was found at 4 a. vi. on the 22ud instant lying m his beat with a wound, Iroin a stab. He bad hold of a box which he had seized from a ibiet, who, when he fouud
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  • 504 9 Mr. Gladstone's Irinli Fl«anre. Thk wizard of finance" Fms broken down bo soon as he touched Irish finance. Mr. Gladstone's Irish scheme will probaI bly )>♦• wrecked on th« point where it was presumed liis skill would make it strong. lint, m truth, Mr. Gladstone never irai
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  • 356 9 1 1 is telegraphed to-daj thai sir William MacKinnon is dead. Although the genoral sorrow ;»i thai loss musi l>e mitiuatrd l>\ the fact tli it Sir illiani hai passed aw.iv full of \rar> at><l honours. >ii!l then' must it'inain \vi<lrs]»iv.i<l i-c-r.f at T I
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  • 73 9 Sib William MacKinnon ii -I. ad. Mrs. Smith, >♦•>,, lm L r at Locbiel, St. Thomas 1 Walk, River Valley Koad, her house at al>ont k>o y. m. on the 22 instant, ami on rei v■u ni n^r shortly aft^ discovered that tv\ I riujje, valued at >',:>. which she
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  • 105 9 Thk following town properi lab offered at unction, ha> l«.-en b? M«Mfi. Powell ;m<l Co. priratelj All thus.' twelve j.!., I held under Leases dated _'.';h July, 1K72, 200 years, numbered 71 to J V ;iud 125, each subject to .m annual -juit-i contaiuin^
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  • 138 9 "ii i k Hoop Le i i ith> B1 A.BBISBI A i the Police Court this moruinp, beill Woodward, the late librarian's ajh .it \l i\]\ •> Lib i\ia Hood L< w .i- hn I on rein »nd with i mbez/ incut ot
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  • 434 9 The "Government Gazette" June 23rd. Till l:s|. \v, ill. |dfl i i- i Public I >li<] 'Ugh the < 'olony, m honour ,»t" ti(<- .muiveraar "i tbe "orou il i H-i- Maj.'at 1 1 (^ueeu iii>''.».| oi Uv, the 2Slh. Mr I. W l/iAii., nit i iikijl Marine S >i.
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  • 269 10 B. C. C Thf Rigimkni Ax association football match was played last evening ou the Esplauade 1 ne a larue nmiihcr of people, between teams from the Sin^.ipoiv Cricket Club and the '2nd Lincolnshire X </unen: 1 line was one of the best seen m Sing pore for some
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  • 349 10 The Late Mr Camibkli Crick Thk Scnxm i« Societi {From our Corrtspond*ni.) Kuala Lump »r, 22nd J Mk. J. A. G. Campbell who had I sufferiu^, truiii au attack of ii tluenza fever w hub had lasted U died on Saturday ni^ht. On Sunday ben!' was conveyed l»y
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  • 460 10 The Asbi^eb. The Chii:f Justich a Favoubite with Jurymen. (From our UorreßjMmdemt.) THI Malacca Assizes Wtre opened on Tuesday by Chief lattice Boater. ->Ir. Logan,Xctiug Attorney-General, prosecuted for i lif Crown. The tiist case taken was thai of Ah Sam, ;t M,».ao Cbiuaman, «»n the cbaige ol causing
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  • 485 10 -V tl B i ■<■ II- raid, l*t .1 Wi: understand that a small samj'l-' <>i Liberian coffee L. ri "«i» on the Trading and Plantii Segaliud Estate baa been .fined id London at 89 -90 per cwt. The population <•! l'auau. m Ibe ceded by
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  • 1011 10 N etherlands India. THK N'UHFKUN Of ANi» Si AM Th A< n p. kn War. Oholi ia a i Tan.i.'N'. I*ri« ANK'I IIKKIAN I>S 1 N UIKs OUIDI H>>"K AST! LMSHI P FOl NI'KKKH A I H Houßuroc a i n i Gbubcb Lon bbi 1H h Li is<: i
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  • 897 10 t lit- ■[>•> k hi th.* id }>.is*ed the invstu- sfl^H m. dllli/ht. iillT Still <iir«djfl h" invent ion; tlii- M i h but ifl his |»;uvuts tattled ii nd lielj^J his l»;rt h, li< ii><ui|^^H li:ll>hii ;tll. HeW;isi)< nUft»^ m appearai uli th< N'vefcJ His large!
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  • 145 11 Tue Rt.raits Settlement! Police Report for 1892 notes that the year passed nM without uisturbance, urges the increase of the Sikh contingent, ami favours doing away with the Chinese contingent on tbe ground of its want of success. The European contingent is unfavourably reported upon, the
    145 words
  • 273 11 The Losh of 11. M.5. "Victoria." Thb loss of the Victoria is the Saddest misfortune that has happened to the uaw ..f Britain iinee the loss of ELM. 9 (''iff,,;,,. parallel case to the Loss of the Victoria was the low of the German warship Qra*§er Kin-jurat,
    273 words
  • 227 11 A collai bbal i- the PrancoSiamesi ion has sen. n bich may giTe cause of thought to the French m Ton. pun. It appears thai some four or five days ago 1 fche s >uthern dial Ann km, p tee c tiled Ph mB m rebelli< ilt
    227 words
  • 824 11 A good Raub crashing reported. Another doath from >v all-pox u.t^ reported from Craig Road ou. Sunday morning. Mr. Blrilvsha" and Mr. )>ran<lf ;i>v expected at Singapove m about a mouth from dow. Sydo Mohimkl Ajlbaoowm is described by the Karlebad Kerahl a* ftO affable and unassuming prince. 91 The
    824 words
  • 154 11 Pl/Bl.l< S( llO'il.J llf I 111 A ciM'kft match 1.-uvr.-n i horn S. C w is |>lav< il <>n ih. Saturday, witlitdc lolli»\mh_ result: PVBI I' SCHCH \i l\ II iiifrton <-. Stevens li. J I 1.", .1 C H. Darl.N <• A. A. (Hum I l>eim\(i 1 MosU«\
    154 words
  • 130 11 IN tile tloll-. I < tiiniiii '"^^^H Mi I < vl* s ankoil tb< B< ir? 1 1 A lli i I I< li V 1 1| tiou .iv t.» 1 1 carried ou m t),-- A «lv ii wbetii ■ive Cir.;i: i uudertook t svbe! li. uud
    130 words
  • 185 11 Pitt'i try, Uth 3/«n/ The .Natal L uucil was o\ ■iH-.l ?eruor li> I imrxi.i v. sou lust ti»< lime m iutr< i g his R poosible Oovernmenta Hill, already pasted its h"r>r aud second adiugs .mi th. com ii >tage wi Imeni Sir 'hurls
    185 words

  • 86 12 too Expensive irof tli- PeimnL r M«»icipali- j '3rd iiist.nit. tl)*> President, m alludiu h<* tlr.iiiiHire scheme of the Hp Ei iineer, snid that so far as he ould se ihe scheme op the Shone-system iiunh <»v tb». 1 scorf* of expeusc. entail, :.j c\| -e-nsf on h<
    86 words
  • 859 12 !.,,:'< I legratn*. ■>\ S I AM ■v N i IK*. uZon, tOth Lord Rosebery. replying to ;t q v ]>ut l>v l.nnl Laming ton m fche H »'nse of >a d he wa>* very iin -<t icq-Uflinted with the cans >s and position <]i~;iir.' hetween the French
    859 words
  • 228 12 A Qutfl i i"N m m:. Ho 1 «»n Thursday, June Ist, m the H Cuumoiii Mr. Curxou .»sk »i ilie Lud-r Secretary i<t Foreign Afbura irbetber the attention of Her Bfujesty*! GoTeromeDt m 1 been called to the recent action of French troopa m occopjiDg Siamese
    228 words
  • 403 12 The King of Siam's Confidence in Himself. I'm: Proposed Kn\ i ro Pai The Kidu' ol Siam, recently, at banquet m honour <>f «»n»' of hil s».n*' birthday, sai-i The banquet m aeJebvatioa of this birth<lm;> .-m for the Jaei two yean r Ki»li bat tin* year ire were oora-pell.-d
    403 words
  • 72 12 Good Crushing Results. Teleoijam krom the Manager. 1045 a. m. Bdondav, 26th Jone. Rough cleaning up <»f battery yielded I,6oo ouooea amslgsm estiui itedqaanl ty of sioiif 1 rnshe^ ia 380 »ons. Battery re-commence<3 crushing. This, on recent nvera|p*»p, would l»< i ibout 600 ounce* »f 'I for fou*
    72 words
  • 286 12 M ,1 X < I*l TT. M h I Mvi 1 v.i m A >(»!!• I I. A Mif Supreme Court this morning }..!<>-.• Mr. Justice Graft y, >f mo- j 1 tion m i!j»' m.jt 1 3oli<*itor, Mr. x <\ C Niblett, «»t EUJBea Square, for ill<
    286 words
  • 323 12 Thk Voi nil vks vi. romious. Tui friendly nth' ■booting match I><tweeo a t»\im of the Serpeants of I lie 2nd I ncotnshire Regiment and lean o\ the Singapore Volunteer Artillery Corj ii Saturday afternoon .if the lm range, ami ended m a!■ rictori for tbe Volunteers.
    323 words
  • 35 12 Admiral Tkton was considered lube p»-iha{-s tbegivaleal of tCogland'a uaval oilicers ou tbe active list; ai; Mtainly wouia uavc i.oeu m supicuie (.-ouiuaand of the JSuglißli il^ct <>r) hdt occiision of tioQctl amaroa^' p I
    35 words
  • 194 12 Tli« >'• m ini^H not long I' >y taking The Admiralty uitborif incidentally %ti j i( efficiency <»t ll)»* system <>i ;i.|. .|.f»-i! iii li< i t r hull. 1 lu'V j '-it 1. nvfl Doder tlif severe shock pr< easel nimi'ii,' on v i.».
    194 words
  • 652 12 B ft Oi (MM frvon was v li war. He enten I the N.i\\ .t^ v hi -1 ink of .< (v •a r A m lS*l an«l \u> pro- U« iinirul m Prjon't record it l i'<l m t|ii» > ♦I \s
    652 words

  • 821 13 out ike X I Herald H lt Karlsbad His I «fi fes t: Ph< 1 Pkbsia. Hk is i i Hk Carries > or Millions r>s His Pers Pi \i For lii' 1 nl till shall, if oxist ■nuajr'Mii.- i ir«»od, have un opjK»rtunitji itiiin our
    821 words
  • 1476 13 OP (MHO Ol 'v k N i v. Bru.lHNO. Fob some years past there lum been m Johore Bharu ;i little club of European residents) m Johore, and latterly then* lias lx en i ii iciiu' desire to iieud aud improve the club bouse. H. H. the
    1,476 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 264 13 Th k yin k iv c n do ck Tho aU»\«> Dock. *H r.>vinc© Weliesloy, at the pnt-*; l*rye Kivi )ias lately )»t»"n lengthened and «i»>f>|>enod and i«* now of the fallowiiuf dimension! Length on fhti blocks VMi foet. Brandt i. ti mtn "»o t Dt'^ith of \\Htt»r <>n sill
      264 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 469 13 ¥*HHvnger List. Arhivai Per 8. s from- Yokohan > and Mrs. (Jompton, Messrs. Stewart, and Serge. From Kobe: Air Etogawar Fr< Hongkong: Megan P. Bailee. Thomson, Mrs. A. Pauloski. From feai^on M tears. L« lie*, and Laborie. Per s. (jlmartneif from i 00-Cliov mnl Hoagkoog Dr. and Mrs. Waj Per
      469 words

  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1251 14 SHIPPING. j u AKKlVAl-b. Mlf^UMfn. M^r% t riX FrL^n^ FB M I j Uuder rhis heading the followiiur abhrHVia- raph cabIe E E A 4* Tal. Co. Ltd. 2 R^ 1 lions are used.— str.— steamer; sh. —ship; bq. y H W I 77 WJ barque; Brit.— British; U.S.— United
      1,251 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 484 15 v CAUC E le;a iperrins' sauce. Singapore Agents, .(IN i.i'j'i I X PVHMHHB THE SAFEST MILD >; *r \'A I I "SI Hf Al ift II ||V 2 APERIENT IOR B^ IS HHil~ W m W\« H^Tl DELICATE CONSTILJyU^JbIyI^IIJ^TJE '**i^?J tutioas, ladies, mBHBHHHHI children and 1 V i?Ul^ AUI^ATV OF
      484 words
    • 585 15 Dr. L\! Irade-Mai Ph»>sphodvne 3i I r the Indian Empire, and at totted the Dr. Lalor s Phosphodyne jr^£fv^ For THIRTY YEARS Yas n airitaired its voild-v <yV3I Best, and ONLY SAFE RELIABLE PHOSFH°-RIC CURE lor j ra.n Wrtckapr Vu.;A I\;r.ilyois. biti -f 11ou 11 iunc.u.l ai: *'*"'^3L I 'r
      585 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 587 16 f Estabh- f>ILE V, HAKGREAYBS CO. Enqiherrs. Iron A Bra«§ Founders, BOILBRHAKRRM. Br.IDOK BUILDBRS, SHIPBUILDERS. General Contractors. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. *IHP BUILDING YARD HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always ,nder construction,' from N ft. to 150 ft. V 'th of keel, of best design and finish. 'MACHINERY from leading British
      587 words
    • 567 16 yarrows SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. W rVTBRVWHEEI SPEAMEEIB hare hmm t<m*dhy exponen.^ to bathe Wtyr** re^el ber of auccessfnl examples for all parts of the world. vlselH on thia system are constructed, wl.en M«iwd, to draw a. lttly M 6 inch^ Metrs. Yarrow lately built the stomwkaalava H^wW and 11,^1,1 fof
      567 words
    • 532 16 gjBTOFFIOE FURNITURE. i'ni'NTKl^ I i andt.therFlTTlNCS a SPECIALITY i OUR HILLIAKD TABLES and PIANOS are the cheaj*st PUR DRBIGM BOOKS (freaa London eva tain liundrwls of >»eautiful sket<-lie» ot DrHwinsr-room. DfariafT-vsosa, Rsjftrooi Library. Club R«M»m. and ttes I'liniture «nd are all UP TO DATE. OUR ILLrsTKATKD OATALOOURwaj )>e had free
      532 words
    • 202 16 Binirn^.r*' limy b«» -hi i r iati«t^fl I.v UrdT POM.LAS^ v to the Sine N 1 M >- W FORM OF APPLICATION f HORTOAOI Co mh B i ivvmogfl Tlf I "ry. Muuici Vn £*4^fl Hiving j»»i«l to th« cru-ln of the Mm. \h l our oiHhirr. The Chart,
      202 words