Straits Times Weekly Issue, 9 May 1893

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 33 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY IBSL T E. EgTAIiLISHED, IS.'U. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamii I L'rh c 40 l STS VOL XLYIV. SINGAPORE TUESDAY. M AY J>. 1-303. XO. 0\728
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  • 50 1 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Asia. British ludia excepted. It circulates m SingMpore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, m Siam, Borneo, the Nethorlaiils Iniies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 18 1 TUESDAY, 9th MAY. BIRTH. At 1 Impounding Reservoir, in>t.. t l 1.1 li. DBTE DAXB, of a daaghter.
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  • 81 1 I Market Quotations. Snmi- ths Week. The Aiu m Banking rieis The Chi- s>e r 'ate Tho Hud. TU*» C the Faetern Cnwn Co aies Th> Mancho*l r Ship Canal it dr> The Gold m t cCi 0 Bears from Pnnanp. Ma Selsngor, Persk, 'ihanir. l>'-ii. Netherlands China Tlu>
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  • 515 1 oAFoaa, !'th Mat. M. PaoDoca. do do No. 1 1«>.*.0. do do No. m B ra 8a1i, 5 do Pontianak, 5.00. et Black 8.90. Sagvi Flo Sarawak 2.8 i. Pear. 3.6*. Coffee bail 84.00 Coffee Liherian, 35.< Tapioca email Flake 4.15 do do let quality 4.62J do
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  • 439 1 Tbii M. M. eteamer Teurrm takes the mail to-day aud the outward mail i 6 duo this afternoon Sagl di* > The German outward mail arrived on Thursday morning and the German homeward mail closed on Saturday evening. The P. «l 0. steamer Sutlej, takiug the
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  • 859 1 Bakk Caii lia London, 2nd M ri < msequem of the N il -n i! Bank of Australasia and the recenl fail ire of other liauks. the Victorian G iverument m order to prevent a panic have proclaimed i bank holiday lor ti re d Opbwibo <>i CHI
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  • 734 2 WEDNESDAY, 3*d MAY. Tlw Australian Banking Crtrffu Thk Victorian Government has declared i hank holiday of five days; and probably the other Australian Governments mai do something of th.' same. That interval of compulsory trust may ameliorate panic; but even that is uncertain. The Governments concerned can give no aid
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  • 1003 2 Mb. Powbll, Protector of < 'hinese, roes home by to-day's mail Ofl sicll leave and. as we forecasted a few days ago, his health is such 'hai it is improbable that he will return. It is probable tbat, after being medically examined m England, he will be
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  • 130 2 In March, tbe Collector of Bataog I' dang visited Bangei Suloh, where Ifahomed /m. a Temusai Malay from Teluk j \nson, has been working Y>r live months About 100 Malaya were tl thr< months age* but the number has o. D reduce I to thirty,
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  • 61 2 The Collector of Kuala Kan. that, m March, the Secretary to^H ment called on the Sultan ai d over to His H igbness the diamonds Mod ing to the estate of th,. ,t,. Sultan, wKM were taken to liilfope for vale, )U jff^LX returned, by r. quest
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  • 76 2 THB < bears i hat ciirara rt iv. d from Borneo ami local] factored there l m ' pioduml m tha country, are mm h up) n eig^H with home smokers Dealers who may kg supposed to be judges of wl,,- (et a good "smoke strongly recommend
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  • 127 2 l::r pilots of 9 itiooed the Pilot Hoard m connection with t he operation Ol tbe Sunday Lihou Ordinance whirh. *o they allege, pilots mole work on Sunday ti used te do hitherto. It apjH-ara that a large number of ships have arasßßsl themselves of m
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  • 152 2 Turn Inspector ol s in P. rak, iv l of 7" bools with an eiirolmei ]lv pupils He point- sut returns sh. a tin re Malay children of a school-goi) of Perak viz 10.:i66 females. Instruction is provid .aly about om -ninth of this number i verY
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  • 111 2 is the The following h\on a, which m..y )■> relied 00, must git i tor thought to those who are ho). ing t hat Ihe pr. ma-.' ia transitory Cassia. T) fa] irq inn ludiM tot nuarv t ktsrea, The export m tlaS It] BBS BJ Ths rlearsss
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  • 51 2 SS EX t?ii .t^t! stra,i 1 •>•• 8 11in h deficcc, a*7M« Capita, .t m*^. po.Hioa pr nt J K.'il.rl. n^ ki I liter. -f <u,itul a c fAu lralt t H m ■-">■:" A b B k &S& %f£ g .0 K^,—«- »,..u:. [tw. -MWMBJ
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  • 127 3 Corn* it.) Kuala let May. iv months there i tin* l Chinese cool he total number of imnii- g v 'l ment now employ '-Any vi' Q tne tinilway ExtenB on tl nerly done by Mr. Mur- <• lB This no doubt accounts for ra oent 0 probably
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  • 28 3 Iv- of i m Tin X st 1 m an I its rie moun- I s taiuiut; the State, i ith.
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  • 76 3 It 1 IS a Mir; OUT rea-i >mbo than m the that iru i j I I I V 1 port ot I isil Colombo, my rate m sufficient number to v itan iv the rapid the durii I m niiinI 5 >
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  • 589 3 A vv. ry large assemblage* of the Roman Cathoi. rhunity of London, lav and clerical, m April, at Archbishop's Houa W< the puri of welc >me ••turn fr me and upon his I irdinals. Aft the prec v.. ighan spoke at some length, it..' following, which taken from
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  • 106 3 A Correspondent writes There is just now great competition m the miming of steamers between Rangoon and Moulmein and re and owing to this the B. I. S. N. Company, represented by Messrs. Bulloch Brothers m Rangoon, has luced it- at rates oi passage hetn the
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  • 223 3 Thb construction of a jetty for petroleum trade put Butterworth, alongle which a large ocean going steamer drawing twenty-four and a half feet of wat lie m safety to be discharged, l< the btraita ndeni to warn the I nang mercantile community. It points out that
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  • 508 3 Thb !l g papera übliafa a report traoidinary meeting of the N iniur:-. 6 mpany at London m M b. PI Chairman." I Mr. Wblttsll) liliug how the company had b d ti). by delua ibed how i Sadvei i bad been received from \l immond, an
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  • 392 3 On the 26th of April we published a legram that a perm was to be added to the lie x m order to meet a deficit but the telegram omit t«>d to stato what that estimated deficit Renter's telegram to '< y lon nature and brings out the
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  • 689 3 I will our ti to-day that .me of the Australian bank- is already he reconstituted But it k with it- head m London. Tl Liah, Scottish and Australian Chart. hank suspended on th. loth It *a* I m 1852 it has a paid-up capit;i i..;
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  • 28 4 The Selangor Gallowarys' Measurement. Tyi: .sehmgor candidate for the Galloway races at the I ithcomiugSprii M.. ing arrived here y est erday afternoon alone with the Camel. a*
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  • 59 4 Some idea of the stagnation at 1 sent existing m the shipping trad.- IfceEast may be -allied f rom tlv fo towing paragraph which we extract from the Madras Mail:— Then- are now 77 vessel* i M Calcutta sailing ships .-uul 32 steamers, representing
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  • 57 4 tbe „..h point rah. has always been found to be a iHtrolemn m India, .be Hash pon to <, Fab. rhis a needless]; high, I l or mat it is careWvlt l /i? Mu.lied ti au D^fficient)y applied. There reason to helieve that's of oil
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  • 175 4 Expected Strrenofr of a Rebet, Chief. (From our Correspondent.) Ku<il,i Lijns, flu Pah, urn, 25th April. Five Chinese coolies were brought before the Superintendent of ITu Pahang the oilier day, charged with stealing gold from the Penjom mines. Two of the accused were sentenced to two years, rigorous
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  • 145 4 I'm home authorities, it is reported. have instructed the Ceylon Government to materially add to the charge hitherto m ile iv the case of mail steamers calling aud working at Colombo on Sundays. The amount payable has been RBO each si
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  • 259 4 A\ amusing story reaches ti lon from Colombo hsrbour. The Niobe from Calcutta brought to that port a very tine young tiger belonging to the A rendu I ot Austria. The tig losed m astroi cage, was transhipped to Colombo bi tl Syndicate Boat Coy.
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  • 128 4 ÜBLI twenty minutes play being pOf ble last evening owing to rain, tbe match ended m a draw below are tbe full scores P> SUBDIVISION S V. Gunner Graham c andb. A. Denny- Thomson c Ifakepesce b. rfsngh--5™ is Bean h. Hsughton Sergeant Benjalield F Dennya
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  • 877 4 CONPIBMATION OF THK NEW LODE A Slight Imi'rovkmk.m at Brier t Ko.MAN. Pboposbd Deipbb BIMBTIIfO Thk M tl 1.088 Icons FOBW \ki» PO I [ao»e Pbbiod ov Pbofitabli Work. Thi following is the* Mining Manager's Report for tiye weeks ending the 28th April. 1893 :-r M [818 0 Ranb
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  • 853 4 (Supplementary to Straits Ti l Oiflon.) I April- -trikssfl Hull have rejected the terms of tho -< ttlefjßj trn up by the shipowner* i i union-. Mr il. I'nd inchssßß. reply to a question put oSaa| said' that the .-est of hriiuj tr©3 from India for the opening
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  • 84 5 Via Ma 'n i Madrid, l r *'h April. Universal aaffrags having been voted, peace has been restored The Sultan of Iforocco is sefiouslj ill. M-olrid. 2lt /.Their Royal Highnesses the Infantes Dona Bulslis snd Don Antonio are going to America. Further shocks of earthquake m Z.inte have completed
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  • 91 5 Thb P. O. steamer Oriental, says Ihe ngkong Doily Press, is making a record passage. She left Singapore at 11 p.m. ou Thursday and is expected hereon Monthly evening, the exact time allowed for the trip being 3 days aud 19 hours, which is the shortest time
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  • FRIDAY, 5th MAY.
    • 163 5 II i loan for premium, the rat. it rest beine, per cent VV< rive thus g B (ttlenieni s use uey The B apart tr. >;n h \ov\ ii ant sum v s j»\vs for Military t >iit ri it sh( i whit
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    • 640 5 Tin; Mm; diester ship I cted to he opened next January after the coni ra t time che•tWe nihil prom..' le 1 to turn the great col ton ma mil iring o a seaport by a eaual thirty five miles, long from t liit eiiv to
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  • 48 5 The Penang Golf Club Tennis Tournament. Thk following ties were played off OB Saturday hist Ladir.< Champion *hip. Mrs o*Goraua beat Miss Nsnbronasr. Ladies Single Handicap. Miss D. -Veuhrouuer beat Mrs. A!df*mso i 1,11,1,, g Doubh Handie Mrs. Williams) t Mr-. Etsdyk Hisa Hoss j'" 7 lairs. Pisre.,
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  • 228 5 Pinantj Gazette. Undeb lim heading R outer's News," the J3 traits Tinn remarks m conueetion w^ith the egram of the loss of the Enos Soule-. Whitl presumably his happened "is that rt .it.i-\ iigHuta m the Bast have "misread the telegraphic despatch from L Midon, ami have iuflieted
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  • 196 5 Ibb Deli Courani of the 2\> h April re. ports t h it i he Achinese bands ar m gre it Btrength iv fiuioii and show bo intention of letting go their hold y>n the country afos if tbe le t her.- Achinese immig urn a
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  • 249 5 Tin Ra >>k Times gives i- I .ds of the Siam Cuatoms returns for 1892 which show a sin id dcii s. the figun at $l< $10,859,698 m the previous twelvemonth. It is noted that use has gone up from |6,87 1 587 m 1891 to
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  • 2382 5 I uk fonowmg is the slibst mceof which t..oh phi.,- m eoni Legislative < 'ouin-il West n upon th temporary prevent Ludalwood cutting The subject may be oi interest to traders here Mr. solouon said this wan a matt. ing an important industry iv th.- which, however,
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  • 1018 6 SATURDAY, 6th MAY. Acheen Affairs. Thk Qovernsnent Qanette publishes thai ranslation of the Netherlands Indian hrdinaaee Mo 88of 1898, empowering the rovernor ..t Aeheen to throw open the torts ofSemaweand Pul.. Bays to trade b general the other ports on the North md East Coasts of that country being open
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  • 86 6 Iky Pmang Gazette calls attention to the impoverished coudition of the labouring class m Bengal, and wonders why planters iv the Straits do not. import, labour from there. The Government of India are said to raise difficulties, and the peopie theroaelvee are reported to be too
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  • 188 6 Thk Roman Catholic Eurasians thk Straits ani> no A r iititi> k <>F THK OH 0 i:< I T<»-moht. at the residence ol Mr j Pestaaa, Buffalo Koad, there is fixed to lie 4 debate ou the question. Whether it it desirable off expedient to introduce BBS Divorce Court
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  • 271 6 From ss t '"> i seoastaa I afsa, The British Resident al Bangei Ujosnj Mi V\ r H. Paul left this to-day by ta. afternoon train to Port D kaoa oa has hoßseward journey, Mrs Paul having pr*. -ceded him 00 the 2ft rd ultimo From the Residency
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  • 324 6 A DIBPI ii D V.. i |„VN K THI b>\ I I is eitraordina of thr Penang and Province Wellesk j Plan' Aasociation was held al Pi rhs 4th instant with the li .1 mont i Preen the chair. I the m ha CUSS
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  • 860 7 jf The PaorosßD Club House. R aiviKAl nicotine; the members of jg Singapore 0-<»lf Club was held m tbe pavilion, last evening, under the v of Mr. James Macßitohie, for Eg purp"**' ,A^ considering tin- (juostion of Iffee proposed new club bouse There were [present the
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  • 334 7 Thk Troubles with Siam. TbIBQBAFBTS and Roads to BB COBBTBCCTBD. B Boat SbBVICS ro Bl Akkanoko A LIOHT Railway at a EUVbb Bknii. A|Si«kciai. BmiOADB Fobmbd. Thk OourrUr a? Haiphong urges the abolition of the leading principle of the trench Protectorate m Tonquin- that of ruling tbe people
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  • 1037 7 Tmj Austrian Archduke left Batavia ou the 28th April m the Kaimtrin Elisabeth. His bunting tour inland, owing to heavy Bain, proved very disappointing from no important game coming within shot,excepting monkeys, a lea birds, and deer. The only wild buffalo secured after several days' trouble and privation
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  • 241 7 Mr. B. Hooob is appointed a Visiting Justice and a Licensing .Tvs! ice for t InSettlement of Malacca. Commander C. Q. G, Craufurd. htastei Attendant, Straits Settlements, reported his return from leave of absence aud resumed his duties on the 26* th April. Mr. G.
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  • 865 7 A Creat Success. A Testimonial to Mr. ani Mks Sai.z manSir Warrks CBaVl I a Pleasino Divebsion In matters musical a ifl vnu. of attainmeuts th. reputatioß of Singapore is proses ding spa fßm et it* pleasing and promising irwiitut ht Philharmonic
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  • 1335 8 MONDAY, 8th MAY. The Gold in the Coffee. Is the good old times (so long ag. ..•eight *or ten years) men planted coffee m Malaya and slid that at §15 per picul they could easih pay back the money lent "them on the security of favourable foreFor m those ancient
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  • 91 8 GOOD, NBWS For TOBACCO Pla.ktbi;> THB first season's tobacco from Deli and the neighbouring tobacco-prod udng countries was sold at Amsterdam on Saturday. The prices realised were most satisfactory, and eapecaUly for Deli to bacco. The Netherlands Trading Society have received a wire to the effect that the
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  • 104 8 The Siam Free Prcse makes out that the present deadlock betweeu France and Siani leads to detrimental results at Bangkok, by giving rise to stagnation iv trade, ami general depression iv business. It 11 said that the people are hoarding both rice and moucv. fearful of the
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  • 210 8 A Dutch sailor b- longing tO t\i- C was sentenced to fourteen day's imprisonment with bard lab >ur by Mr Wood a aid, for being di unk and disorderly and dis. v ing Lis superior officer ou tbe 7\ b iust. _1 Ihe 1 bird p.'ice court t
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  • 512 8 Sib .1 a bbs An i Directoi E i-ti m I']_teiisi..n. A «t rs I isis, tmpany di I, y< su rday, iv Loudoo, m his 69th year. He wai iat Dumfries m 1824 aud to hon i- dm the auceeas of tbe laying of
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  • 193 8 London, 26th April. Mr. Morlo~ 4L__H for Ireland, has telegraphed to >he|^H ment that Belfast is quieting dowa. Loud n. 97th April The def. tidairall the Hansard Cni-ai have 1 >^cna____ hers of the House „f 'ouuiimiih, of heat parties, who :o m favour of him organising
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  • 95 8 A I bo M J C on th. lion VI j \i c. I dicut to ii ice the 1) loloiH Chui disapproved lunch ng intliience. True, I the nie.r iuj motion failed! Mr. J tiuropeao ami h l\ t ir tile ttffil vi Id
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  • 263 8 l- it .13 S r o U the 8 8 but with .i that theS th i It aj nsm tt> ii 111! i theCulnuy m bo ol the js.,_> ,j that the j ia I "I. Maud at th. the Km, s je: without payment, the
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  • 277 9 The London Court f .rs of the English. Scottish, and Aaistrank deemed it ad visa hie to temporary suspension of the Bank m consequence of sign-, of a general withdrawal of confidence on the part of depositors Over
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  • 156 9 ►nii rej- be directors Ihe sharebokh I Ihe halfyearly m M me, on the .ber. 1892 The direct to i ibmit to tbe prop ompanying at and report of tbe affairs ptember last The net profits after deducti Bf managi vent, repairs t-> prein y, en's,
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  • 144 9 Balance-Shert FOR THE Half-year ending 30th September, 1892. Dr. Capital B serve fund 287 500 Pro! 1 a id 4<».»>1 1 Norea m circulation... 107 Biis m circulation 98,093 salsn tea due to other banks 75,254 Deposits 3,624.485 Ist re«t scorned thereon 57,165 £4,596,328 Vr. Coin, bullion, and cash balance
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  • 854 9 Mr. F. Powell's report OB the Chinese Protectorate m the Straits Settlements, for 1892, states that the large Triad Societies of these Settlements find now the hopelessness of attempting any revival, but the inherent clannish propensities of the Chinese are. however, so strong, and tbe profits obtainable
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  • 728 9 The Inter- Port Rifle Shooting Competition. H"N ib 188 thk Winner. Thk annual rill? abooting competition between Shanghai, Hongkong, and Singa. pore was concluded by the last named port tiring ou S» urd<\ afternoon; the result was that Hongkong again came off victorious. Oi our side, the affiir has
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  • 193 9 Rbbuli «o Tuesday's Play. Ladies 1 Single Handicap Final.) Mjhh WiHhart f i Ut beat Mr* Level I scratch 6-2, 6-3. Ladies' mii Gentlemen's Doublb Habdicap Mrs. Salzinann and Mr. Bourne scratch Beast Ifias L. d'Alni.-i.hi and Mr <■• ra il owe! 15 6-1, ti l
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  • 925 9 Correspondence. The Golf Holiday. To tiif Em run «»k i kai Ti m By the temporary clo*. ot the golf links, it I that, duriug the next ten days, there will be thrown upon the community a great numb hers who will be entirely deprived of thi -unary upatious. The
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  • 342 10 To thk Editor ..k thk Siraits Times." Sir,— J observe m the Straits Timet the Ist May, that Plautiug iv tbe Straits has not^ hitherto produced well secured iucou; In this statement you are quite corr.-et, and neither m the future can any hopes
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  • 265 10 TO THE EDITOB Ol THE STRAITS Tl ME9." Sir, 1 have noticed lately several very exaggerated and misleading statements about the work done by this company during last yea. J e it stated iv the London and China Express "of the 17th March last, that nearly
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 39 10 HAA*fci_ATlc S/lftLß, IASUkAN..*. COMPANY. HAMBURG. Capital at. 8,000,000 Bessrvea at. a.c 00.000. TIE GENERA.L INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, TRIESTE. VrmrAWy Established, 1881. A SSICURAZIONE'GENERjaLI accumulated Fund 43,700,000. T^s undersigned, Agenta of the above Com?n^ursac^ to ""*> ttd D. BBANDT t Co.
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    • 711 10 I1) OW E L L 'C 6 SINGAPORE. I Pi. EASE BBAB THESE FEW LINES AND BEAK THEM IN MIND. OUR FURNITURE FACTORY' Bl (a Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Ma chinos. Saws. Lathes, he., therefore
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    • 943 10 THE T.AN.JONtJ PA G AH I LIMITaBD. I'he premises ot the Company ar«> Ri«-n^tsd at Tanjong Pagar adjoining the town f Singapore. Steam tram-cars run at ahort interval carrying passengers antl g< from Wharf to destinations at low rates. Tbe Wharf estsnds to one mile and jiuirter and is divided
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 446 10 Paswensor Llat. XaaiVAbs. Per s Bam Whatt Hin from T. Anson:-— Me-srs. Dimman, and Co >per Psr a a Singapon from Bangkok: -Mrs J. L. Main Per s. s. Clitns from Melbouree Mr. Jones. Per b. s Seeuudra t rem Madras —Messrs \V i -on. and Atlams. Per s. s.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1483 11 SHIPPING. SHIPPING IN POKT. j osrso*, Brit. str. 600 tons. 'apt. Ja-k^oii Under this headiug the following abbrevia- Btb May. From Bangkok, < Kokes Caaas;, t ions are used str. steamer; sh. ship- bq i tn v W. Maasfleld ft Co. For Hangk -k barque; Brit.— British; U.S.— United State*
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 603 12 AKKIVAJ P. > ißSsau'a Xamk. j a Tons Captain. Faoa sailed CoNsioNaas. Bis May 2 Pakliug Brit. atr. l 1911 Qoas aiaegovi Mar 81 Borneo Oompssy Lhattsd 2 C.itm atr. 1588 F.i h Maabonrs Apl. ISMeAlil r a Bingapoi str. 7H l<i.u,'kok Apl. 20[Joo t»eng Chan gs**«ei H.Vjf.b. 287
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 588 13 vaflswajpafl _fbji :&i^ f an B TH i ?^^^B^^^Wtß| SB" waa, _B a__B Baa— aj SBBBJaH -O^^aSaan^BaPSaaWaWaVßßW S WORCESTERSHIRE sauce x/J/* LEA PERRINS 1 SAUCE. JTsrld. REXA T T_ BVEK,^r-WW[_BXiU. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE A: CO. IBs! I SBB^pBBJEPBaBaaPsBBafMaaaN. tee safest mild M '>* M BBsl I BatVaTaaa-al aperient tOR
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    • 164 13 FOB BALE. TH V. Trafalgar Batata's 2-ms.tsd sailing lighter, Inilt by ths Tanjong Pagar I ><»-k ya Itd. et rered ii A very strong lias jnftj bssa docked, caulked, and on. 'tailed throoghont C.ipuitv about 35 1^ lon* < n draft of 4| feet. .Apph i: GUTHRIE A Co- Lge<
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    • 796 13 Art f r'- f L -7"' 1 8 T de Mark Ph- S phody„ c "j, tered li„ Act tor tbe Indian Empire, and attested by the Seal ol tbe lteijisti.r < ,l tr. Lalor s Phosphodyne For THIf.TY YEARS laa na:ntairfd its vo: Id-ride n r» t^s Best and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 591 14 lilllMlcd l v i.">. I>J LEY, H ARG REAVES A CO. Efoineers, Ikon A Brass Founders, HotLERMAKKKS. BrII'OK BUILDERS, SHIPBtriLDEßs, General Contractors. rNTGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOB. SHIP m TIDING YA UD HIQH class STEAM VESSELS always Bsder conatrnetion, from 3^ ft. to 150 ft. ength of keel, of hest deaiirn
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    • 959 14 ___^W'rgmW_DRAFT STEAMERS. WH fl iiifl H i UPWra IB wmy~^^ ***** l Pie- nun lljmgj^"" t ,'L, |n ll V -~JLT.' *^P^a^_ J^m\ sn_a p"*r \r 'Salll^r^ »7 S~ TERNWHEEL STEAMERS have h vp.-rien- r<j m tor -hallow river navigation, and of these Messrs Fabbow have eoastraefsd .-i large nu
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