Straits Times Weekly Issue, 11 April 1893

Total Pages: 14
209 222 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 30 209 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. EsrAHi.iMir.i). 1 S.">l aBLISHED FOB T«_KBWBBtON BY EvKRV BoittWABD Ma,,. SrKA.MM. Pun 40 I VOL XLVIV. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. A PHI J, 11. 1893. NO. .{.724
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  • 50 209 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 11TH APRIL. BIRTHS. (»N Ihs 6< i ioston a< Tsnjong Uhoo. ths wife of Jamks Alian, ol a dang Os Ihe 7ih inst.. al Groylans;, the aril Mr. E L. Seth, of Psssir Psnjang, <m the i^tii instant, ths wife of T M \ckif. of a daughter
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  • 99 209 Hark-'- Q rat ions. Bamunar\ f the Week. Ren*. gi ims. A»f"' The x dian Hank Fail I Tlf» Vblnnt ry Bs Singa Sim Tl" 1 Strugj Peuiinr and the liovernor SB«s from M alaeea, Peiak. Deii. "S the Philippines. Siam, Ma; The I unent < ia/ette. The Mnlay
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  • 490 209 LATEST MARK ET QUOTATIONS. .afore, 11th. Aran, lvt» Produce. Gambier 9 6.62.. do do No. 1, I<».7<>. do do No. 2, 8.80. dupra. Bali, 5 do Pontianak, 5.28 Pepper Black, 9.70 Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.90 Pearl Sago, 3.70. Coffee Bali, 34 Ooffae Liherian, 36.00 Tapioca small Flake A Bo do
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  • 314 209 Tut: pn i i. t mail is taken by the M. M. s. s. Oju* timed I i depart this eveaiag. The next homeward mai. by the IV AG.S. a l/.i'w i due on the 19th iustani. Tbe Oldenburg arrived 'with tu^ German outward mail on
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  • 786 209 For Straits 'Tim Thb Fbbncb Paaaa rrr. I itk Ayr Ths French papers pious with extracts from a Cairo journal accusing Egyptian police officers, iio ler control of the British, of extracting confession i by torture. Tne Temps has inded thereon a vehement attack on B ish !u
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  • 156 209 }>isH<>i'THOBrKN of to Meth piscopal Church will -.ray here ano4 i -ek. Dr. Simpson, another Methodist astic, is expected here m a few d 1 a missiou tour. At tbo Police C >urt this moruiug, before Mr. Woodward, a non-commissioned officer of the Lincolnshire Regiment was sentenced
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  • Page 209 Advertisements
    • 51 209 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper *m Asia, British India excepted. It circulates m Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, m Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Inclo-Cliina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 292 210 WEDNESDAY 5th APRIL 1893. Anglo-Chinese Education. Tin: opening of tie- new Anglo Chinese free g bool, yesterday, may well be characterised b\ the Governor as an event m th.- history of the Colony. H. E. paid a high tribute o! praise to Mr. Can Eng S..u_; whose public spirited liberality
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  • 357 210 11. N. M Sindoro, Lieu;., mi Commander Allirol, left yesterd«\ lor A. ie-, v after docking and repaii i u,j ms Pagar. I'm Shanghai Gas Company report a profit of 50,854 taels iv their* work, last year. The prhe charged for gas at Shanghai is said to be Si. Bs
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  • 39 210 1'mk barques Mary Blair and Spinaway signalled the s. s. N< Guinea on Saturday m Banca Straits aud desired to be reported all well. Both vessels are bound to tins port from Western Australia and are laden with sandalwood.
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  • 69 210 Dubino a recent passage to Bingkokthe Archer burn! coal from the mines of 1 1 <>iil;,i v, iu Toukiu, and, as ber couiman, der reports very bigblv upon its merits as ;i steam-con] for roeii.of-war, it is not improbable savs the Times, that iu the mar tutu re, pari of
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  • 67 210 Thi Currie Liner Argiu arrived this morning with 'J'"* bullocks for the North Australian Butchering Co, She was specially chartered to put into Port Darwin to load these cattle, as the Comjtauy'a steamer Darwin has been laid up !i< re tor sometime for repairs. However, the«e are now finished and
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  • 77 210 At the meeting, to-morrow afternoon, <»t the Debating JSocietj a resolution to continue the Society will U moved by Mr. Bromhead Matthews, and one to appoint a tit u committee and office heaters with full power to revise and reconstitute the Society's rules and arrange for the future working of
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  • 70 210 An ordination service iu connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church in Singapore took j> lace in the Christian Institute evening, when a large congregation assembled. Mr. Balderston from Peoang wis ordained deacon by Bishop Thoburu. He was afterwards ordamed elder together with Mr. Kelso, principal of the AngloChinese School, la-
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  • 86 210 THE Widows and Orphans' Fund of the 8tr Q .erinneiit baa of late had t.. encounter such a heavy run of charges that it is feared that it is practically insolvent. The deaths of Sir Predenck Dickson, Sir Elliott Bo v ill, nod Mr Justice have caused very h<
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  • 166 210 -e> Thb contract with the Messageries Maritimes for the l< cal service in [ndo-t -hioa has just been a newed. The line from Saigon to Manil will now be discontinued, but those from Saigon to Singapore and' Saigon to Haiphong are maintained. The subsidy is 1. i«ed from f. L8
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  • 174 210 Ihk Malaysia Message, issued monthly bj the Methodist Episcopal Miasioo, Singapore, says m the April number: The editor <>f the Straits Thnes when m London, wr <te to the Morning Advertiser the journal of Ihe liquor traffic, m favour of the oseol slcohol m the East. This
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  • 322 210 Hitch POM CUT OFI »BOU OonnUBICATION WITH THI SKA. Ni raaaoos Bubopbam solium:- Killbd ob Oaptubbo By telegram from our Correspondent.) IVwv;. Wednesday, sth April, II C> a m- An engagemenl has taken place m the district of the Tamiang river m which
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  • 156 210 Pinang »»i:' Tuk telegram which we copy from li March, and w lie h has l» i tbe occasion of comments m the Colom and C. ts, l- much canvass, d lere to-day. We *\y^ not greatly regret that some inter, ited sons lould ha i sent home
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  • 296 210 United >< si Thb note oi warning sounded by the" London and China Telegraph should not it is thought, go unheeded. The establishment by the Dutch of a .oal Station at Pulau W island at northernmost ex fremiti of Sumah not be viewed otherwise than with -p. interest
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  • 81 210 Thi I Goveri decided to any on dairy „n its md bas given out ►r the en ction of i sh ground adjoining the Agricultural College pn o ses it i 'olombo lie- building .> iv attraction md is m th gle, with th.- ofl rt«« m
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  • 95 210 Fib 'nei i Chun ii i itivals at X lala Lun irge congregation! St M Church at 1 services Th- n celebrationa at 7 and 9 a. m. and i bildi service Ot 9 30. UBOVI l, the ing rty, and ti, full i On G
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  • 338 210 Tm Coa mm. Bab i or Avb i b m.i News has been received to-dsy by telen that the Commercial Bank of A traits has stopped payment. The bank lias a subscrib-d capital ni £3,000.000, a paid up capital of fil/j i and it claimed to have a
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  • 186 210 A i bbb] bi i cyclone oo urred al tare on the 21st of February last, j i I mg nun aad devastation m thai to 1 ie \.,lm d at man\ hundi, ds Ol thousands of trams. large numb- oi '"•I'ses baring been d< hundred! Ol
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  • Page 210 Advertisements

  • 1170 211 Estimate ot Trade. 650,000 To as a. Vkak. a recent lecture given by Mr. rlut■ntbach iv Suigipore. he expressel tbe belief that the trade of Penang port L ehed, if if did not cxc led a million tons a year. A milliou is au imposing
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  • 1222 211 The Opemn Onni aoai a n interesting ceremony t 10k place resterday afternoon, the occasion being the opening of the new An-. M Pree" Sen at relnk Ayer beach, by H. E Q ivern ir, Sir C vil Clem >nti Smith. The new building, which su
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  • 148 211 Thb police received information about 3 o'clock ou Wednesday tnorniug that a terrible assault had been committed >vi a Chinese womau by a man who had been living with her at 41, Tank Road. The woman was shortly after brought to the Ceutral Police Station. She stated to the inspector
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  • 812 211 Dibbctobs' Rep >bt to the Fifth Ordinary General Meeting OK THK SHSJtEHOLDEBB. Your Directors regret t > h tV e to report s year of inactivity, no mining or prospecting operations being possible owing to th disturhed state of the Country; nor have any sales
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  • 247 212 THURSDAY. 6TH APRIL. The Australian Bank-Failure. The failure of tin- Commercial Bank of Australia may 1..- expected to aggravate the existing business depression m that continent, and to give another sh.-ek to the investing public Melbourne, the Bank's head quarters, has been passing through a severe commercial crisis owing to
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  • 24 212 The Fenaug Sugar Estates Company are importing mules from China on trial to do away with the present slow trausport of cane hv bullocks.
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  • 25 212 Majos Stodbb, who has been re-ap- pointed United States Consul at this port, comfs by the N. G. L. steamer Oldenburg, expected to arrive to-night.
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  • 24 212 FT. T. H. the Archduke landed privately j at ?..*2O this afternoon at Johnston's pier accompanied by several Austrian officers and the Russian Consul.
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  • 61 212 A meeting of the Singapore Football Association Committee was held last evening m the S.C.C. Pavilion for arranging for the presentation of tbe cup and medals to the Engineers football team who were the auccessful competitors m the association matches. It, was decided that a smoking concert should he held
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  • 48 212 The Harmaton Circus feels it a hardship that the site granted by tbe Singapore Land Office for circuses is a very bad site, and that the rent and police charges are higher thau m the great towns of Australia, and much higher than anywhere else m the East.
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  • 68 212 A X 1.1 no. uho was attacks] and beaten with iron bars and sticks on the 26th ult., by five other fellings, has since died. At nn inquest held by the Coroner on tbe d()th ult., it was proved that deceased died from the effects of the injuries received and
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  • 79 212 Sistbb Alexis, attached to tbe Roman Catholic Sisterhood at Singapore, died this morning at 2.30 from consumption. I>oCCased came from France about four years I ago and went to Bangkok. She came recently to Singapore where she engaged iv school work and was much respected. The interment will fake place
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  • 170 212 The funeral of the late Mr. F. A. Fits •lames took place at five o'clock vesterdaj afternoon, at the new Cemetery. Deceased, who was attached to tbe Chinese Protectorate as a cadet, had only been married a few months. A large number of the Civil Service staff were present at
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  • 225 212 >-».« Francisco Chronicle. Tut: forthcoming report of Special Agent Ira Aver, who has I cen charged by the sury Department with the collection i I tistics of tin piste production under the McKinley law. will show the production for the quarter ending December Ist last to have
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  • 258 212 I'm; phrase, tiuaucial misgiving, exactly expresses public feeling al the present moment. Not a colony save New /.aland is exempt from the prevailing depression. With instability and uncertainty ,'v public affairs, it is impossible to have solidity iv commerce, and this is the fad which is being
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  • 752 212 The general meeting of the above company was held at noon to-day m the Exchange Booms, atr. John Anderson occupied the chair, and among those present were Messrs. Gentle, Beid, Hooper, Menke, Abrams. E J. lioss, Can Fug Suug. Imam All. aud others. After the
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  • 80 212 as The Hougkoug Daily Prase as org, the reluctance towards Volunteering there to the fact that men do not care to join because having the Garrison there seems no immediate uecessitv for doi so. At Shanghai, where there is no Garrison, and the necessity for a defensive body is therefore
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  • 644 212 >;n«M m in* At piUN ifineas. suroQiu take* inn decorsm bulsj-* bras- l-ndutus tuaicsm, 'ariis f mod has*' my tnrn his mumi Ebgit. A- onus ipios seciim itass J fere bat. .Fripidcie ux mm t eiv 1 pie qusteitftte ias.ssd Vihrat lihratum digitis MihV. in.|ul(rSS m
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  • 55 212 Thb Bangkok Times is informed that the gold mining work at Bangtaphau i* progressing steadily and that a great number ot test shafts are beiug sunk all over tbe alluvial portion of tbe miues, aud that considerable attention paid to the quarti reefs. M. Bel soon hopes to b, pletea
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  • 1570 213 Mr. Keith's Lecture. Xheki was a fair attendance at the .■sbvteriau Church, last night, to hear tin* KG. M. Keith's lecture ou the above Sect. The proceedings opened with devotional exercises and a solo by Miss O Rest m the Lord"). Mr. presiding at the
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  • 31 213 The Hongkong Telegraph states that Cbarbonnages shares are m good request there, and that there is also a large demand for Punjoms, said to be principally from Singapore, at enhanced rates
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  • 43 213 Advices from Singora m the Bangkok Times state that severe drought prevails m the bonier provinces where the rice crops are reported to be a failure. In the interior, however, and towards the Kedah boundary, the conditions are extremely favourable to planting enterprise.
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  • 740 213 For some time past interest has l>een aroused iv Singapore by the anticipated visit of H. I. and R. EL the Archduke Fran/ Ferdinand of Austria, win., attended by his staff, is travelling through the Fast on a voyage round the world. The Archduke
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  • 48 213 The Russian gunboat Sikt'h. Commander Baronoxf, arrived from Croiistadt at Penang on the 3rd instant. She is of 750 tons and 200 horse-power, and carries two small guns and b 3 men more than a war vessel. She is expected to leave for Japan on the Pith instant.
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  • 657 213 FRIDAY, 7th APRIL. The Singapore Debating Soricty. -Tbbtekday, the more earnest membaiß j of the Singapore Debating Society called a public meeting at which they were so fortunate as to secure the presence of the Colonial Secretary Notwithstanding that, the attendance consisted at the most ..J some twenty-five people nearly
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  • 262 213 To-night, the volunteer gunners jus their existence by giving a dance m wh a large part of Singapore will tolly join. <>n Monday aud the a eomedr. m which work enlisted the aid of the civilian popidation and of the garrison. The bill of the play, with
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  • 155 214 CLABIs's CIBCUS troupe arrived this morning from Madras by the Becundra. Mb. Macßitchie, the Municipal Engineer, arrived per oldenburg,ib\9 morning. To day's despatches from Malacca give the tot, il number of cholera cases np to date as ".1 with I- -J deaths Thi following Penang and Perak bora won araceeach
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  • 275 214 The Anglo- Chinese School. -ult of the first Malaysian Mission conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church recently held m this place aud of the visit of Bishop Thoburu, several im- portaut changes have been made m the staff, of teachers aud m the management the Anglo-Chinese School. The most important
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  • 48 214 Pknang Cricket Club v*. Perak. Taipitnj, 3rd April. Perak's first innings closed for three hundred and nine runs. Ing til being out for eighty-seven. In their Second innings, the P. C C. had lost two wickets tor four runs, when rain came down and stopped further pla\
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  • 302 214 Conclusion of the Tennis Tournament. _J iv* Owen loais proves ras Champiob SOMB considerable int. -rest WBS aroused last evening m connection with the final struggle for the championship, and m consequence a large number of spectators assembled on thi Esplanade. The two players to compete for the post of
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  • 536 214 Mb Llllib, editor ot the Siam Free Press, was set upon and thrashed m a tat Bangkok on the 27th March by rw,. Siamosi Nai Rirm and Luang Maha Chai Pak both young men recently returned from Dr. Simpson's > HampStead Collegiate School. Nai Pirill. the principal
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  • 370 214 (Indian Daily News.) H. I. and R. H. the Archduke of Austria has been praised for his shooting. When he was iv Mysore he was reported to have performed some surprising feats with bis rifle. All his suite are not, apparently,
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  • 326 214 S ''N< H B and I. H. the Archduke Fran/ Ferdinand of Austria landed iv Singapore yesterday afternoon, his time has bc.-u well occupied m visiting the different places of v rest ii laaded at Johnston's Pis reeternad afternoim at 3.20, m company with Couui
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  • 35 214 Orb or two Singapore people who 1 intimate connection with Johore go tie to-night to dine at the Lstana. The host is theSultan's heirdesignate, PrinceTunku Ibrahim, the dinner being given iv honour ot the Archduke.
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  • 49 214 Last eveuiug at 6.45, His Excellency the governor, Lady Smith, and the Miss Smith left Johustou's Pier to embark for 1 enang. Among those present to see the Werner depart, were the Acting Chief Justice the Colouial Secretary, ths Auditor General, the inspector-General of Police, and a few others.
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  • 2113 214 The Resuscitation Movbmbn* The Colonial Sbcrbtabv oh nan •'Debating Socikti" Cabbbu He Comments on thk Municip±|^^B Lboiblai ivi knraciLa Mr. BbOMHEAD Matthews Desibbi to Cacti rk Distinoi isn > Travki.i.krs. He Wishes M. 1 ,VM am- i,i-: TMEI Wish rHE aid oj < nl l Skkvan,, A
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  • 255 215 The Arhinese Troubles in Tamiang. V [CTOBY OF thk Dr rCB Thi Deli Co n rant of the Ist April g some particulars of part of recent tight ing at Tamiang. Tbe troops, aided by armed men-of-war boats, want up that stream the other day, and encountered tbe Achinese at
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  • 914 215 BupeUmsntary to Stre grams'.) Via Ceylo. Calcutta, ut), March.— The exact matter m dispute between the Russians and Afghans m the Knshk Valley is thus explained. When the frontier was being settled m [885, Captain Psasoek, a k.. and the Russian Engineer Officer eatrefnlij mapped out the course
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  • 418 215 SATURDAY APRIL Siam and Press I would l»e seen from our is hid. 1 1 i tain young Sianies J ted m nd bad assaulted th. of ii newspaper published m Knglish at B ingkok <>f thi merits or dene oi tin- assault case, we have nothi to say. The
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  • 58 215 Bai 11 i.'s telegram yin rday ab shipping disastei was wrong. Jt n I that was sunk not t i York. Further, there are five or mci a -ailed the New V rk, and it probable that it may have been a small trading lb amer. DOt til it A
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  • 59 215 IL I. and b\ H the Archduke Iran. I I erdinand of Austri i I md m.: at .1 dinson's l»,er from tin Kaiserin Elisabeth and proc hd m the Sultan >t .1 ill e*| c uriage to M- I i Com i r's exhibition of native weapon fanjoug Pagar.
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  • 13 215 II I. 11. t Archdulo- got II Johore but he got very a
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  • 16 215 I'm: ret urn of visitors to the b:: Library md Museum during lie week was 800.
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  • 31 215 I'u I Haiphong and i j wegian st. amer AY/w, which had si iv Hainan Straits, have floated lightening cargo. The Haiphon into t roul the Aim w IU t l\\
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  • 14 216 Mk. MaoKitchik has been elected President of 1 <» Club, as successor to ii l'ovill.
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  • 43 216 The Bf< ime Tom rs, (Capt M uri i Hongkong on the isi vi rock «If Wag ched .it .1 unk Bay i voyage from ha cargo of coal t th<> Mi a X usha. Measures c I ii 11 >a1 her off.
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  • 48 216 ie-tinal B class lawn tennis ist evening on the esplanade m connei tion with tbe 8. C CJ Lawn Tenuis Ton: ua I i beat Mcl >ougall iv I to 4. In the had both reached gam.- it the play had to be stopped owing to the darkness
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  • 239 216 Tne Gov ernment Gazette."7th April. Thk following gentlemen are Visitors for the Lunai Asylum, under Indian \.t 358:— Mr. E. C. Hill, Mr. V Powell. Mr. EL Blat B Bidlev, Mr. A. J. Met" l ,sky. iv additiou to the present Hoard, which The Colonial Secretary The Colonial Treason Major
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  • 615 216 I a Hangoon. London, Hist March. Lord Cromer's report on Egypt for the year 1592 has h -en puhlisued. In it his Lordship dwells on the ros crons condition of the finances of the couiitrv snd -•is the hardship.*! imposed on the Egyptian troops through the refusal of the
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  • 594 216 Ttu: departure from Manila of General Despujo), who has been superseded m the G >vernor-Generalship yd the islands by ueral Blanco y Erenas, was made the occasion of a popular demonstration of high respect and regard for the retiring official. General Despujo! bore the repute of being liberal
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  • 1084 216 With the Austrian Archduke to Johore. B'i our Special Cor h i s probable rtaibly uot imposde. that When the Austrian Archduke retards to his native ahorei and meditatively reflects on the countries which he has visited m the course yd hit tour round the globe, 1 his recollection of
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  • 539 216 Iv bed it* twent Puring -o m ;ainsd m and i i] i i ki r iuto the int. „n trausp .rt i -s when. .iml ■mi try \> eiiii, t" retire to th uuvbi Vcias pohn ,J) prudent military idn sfr* iv< n A* kt present r
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  • 673 217 The S. V. A. Dance. When the Singapore Volunteer Arti)lerv gave their first dance m their new drill hall, we took occasion to say t hat the euei sf Major McCallum bad given to Si ngapore the finest dancing room m tin 1 Siuce then, the hall has 1 q
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  • 169 217 Washington, 2fith February. Special Agent \y.r has submitted another report to the Treasury Department on the development of the American tin-plate industry. The report shows that the total production of tin and terne Plates for the six months ended Deeeinlier 31 I-:'-' was
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  • 892 217 The Pinang Gaz* ti a is probably the last visit that Sir Cecil 9 -th will pay to this Settlement, it is to he hoped that all nationalities and parties (not allowing any action they may have taken from public motives to interfere) will pay him
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  • 269 217 MONDAY, LOth APRIL The Labour Struggle. Or late, the unsettled state of the labour market throughout the world has led to the starting of powerful defensive combinations among employers m different quarters Great free labour federated organisations are. inconsequence, m course of formation at various commercial cent res throughout Britain,
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  • 619 217 X regret to find m a newspaper of Penang th. a 1 that to attend a reception to be held by the Governor of the Straits Settlements is to waste a Saturday afternoon and we republish it only for Comment. The suggestion is published m a
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  • 22 217 Thb Kaiserin Elisabeth left Siugapore yesterday for Batavia with H. I. and R. H. the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and suite on board.
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  • 58 217 The Siamese Government, so ths Bangkok Times affirms, are favourably disposed to entertain the application recently made by a tobacco planter there for cultivating wrap leaf tobacco m Siam. f Mr. E. U. Smith, of Stockholm, a I Swede, who is making a tour of the world 1 to enquire
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  • 154 217 H. h is haik 1" BB "SPOILtBO A >D DAI H E ius GrOl BBHOB and l.idv Clement i Smith are now at Penang shore they arrived d I ring the latter part of last week. 11. B. the Governor and Lady Clementi Smith decided to
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  • 354 217 Allahabad, :.~>tft March. The appointment ot an Indian guard -of -honour to he furniahsd to the Queen on occasion of the opening of the Imperial Institute on Ma\ 10th has been made It consists of one Native officer and s|\ non-commissioned officers of ths Native Cavalry under
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  • 103 218 iFro-n the Egyptian Gaustte Pari*. 17th March.—M. Jules Ferry died this afternoon from heart disease. He first felt seriously unwell during the previous night. He died m his arm chair m his study. In the Assize Court Mr Barboux concluded his defence of M. de Losseps without any incident
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  • 168 218 Undie 30 versus OvebSO. The following are the scores made m the above S C. C. match played oo Saturday oa the Esplanade Übdbb 80. K. A. Law c. Sub. h. Talhol 1 I A. J. McCl-'sky uot out 66 A. A. Gunn c. Raeburn b. Talbot 0 J.
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  • 267 218 i Sir Wm. MacGreoor, the Administrator of British New Guinea, m his last annual report on the progress and prospects of that country that the yield of gold had fallen off as compared with that of the previous year. The output was lgr. as against 2426 oz.
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  • 240 218 At last isays a Penang contemporary I Deli appears to be within measurable distance of obtaining an experimental plantation, which shall be under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Trenb, the well known director of tin- famous Government gardens at Buitetr/org. For some years, especially during last
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  • 274 218 On Saturday evening, the large marquee erected on the field m Tank Road by Messrs. HarmstOO aud Sons was tilled with spectators to the number of about 1,900 to witness the circus entertainment. A long programme was provided which was successfully carried out. The equestrian feats were good
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  • 488 218 Mb. H. A. O'BBIBB, Manage; of the J .v< rnmenl Savings Banks, lubmita ret urns g the transactions of these l» 1 1 8 igapore, Penang ami Malacca, for the year 1892. In Singapore, during the year. 537 I accoo
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  • 548 218 The toilets on Friday night were m many cases most becoming and successful, though [cannot help thinking that the electric light took ofl from the beateffecU,particularlyof the most delicately coloured gowns.' Thus many ladies lamented the Fight, ni being quite too searching." Mrs.
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  • Page 218 Advertisements
    • 366 218 a POWELL CO. BINGAPOBI Pusasfl anao ram few links a sd BEAK IHIM IN MIND. OCR r BNITUBB factory is- m Orchard Road, and is the largest aad ■OSt ruplefe. If is supplied .-4B power to drive oar Woodworking .Machines. Saws. Lat i as, A>- therefon I attracts and large
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  • Page 218 Miscellaneous
    • 238 218 Pussenser List. R i; i v a i Per <. s. Bheems fr<un Sandakth:- Mi Stsrusberg, Mr dappers, Mr tteyhnys. Per s. Ban Wnatt Hin f rom Klang Mr. Moore. Psr 8. s. Penang from Sumarang —Msssrs W Campbell, X Deem. Per s. s. Bappho from Klang Messrs. Duulop, Bustard.
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    • 354 218 Per s. s. Owners* from Selangor MeDay, aud Nenbronuer. Per a. s. Ranee from British North Borneo: —Messrs. Stoff, Ryan, and Deßuyter. Par s. a. General Pel from Batavia Msssrs. Durlsr. Sohcrrick. Hsiria. John*, and Baxssdsle. Pet >.. i Pumas from Calcutta via ports. Mis* H. Cssalss. Messrs. G. Pelletier,
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  • Page 219 Miscellaneous
    • 1460 219 SHIPPING. SHIPPINU KN POKT. Ban Bin Ouaa ßrit atr. 109 tona. Copt Smith. Under this hoadinir the followinir sbbPAv-iR Mh Apl From batavia, Kth. <L c, and 26 tions are used :-st,^t" JP' I{i *<» Botnabaya, 12thFr r 3 F^h U C^(>^^ /.l>utst,,.,lton.C. Ipt.Kunninger.1 pt.Kunninger. v Dut.-Dutch; Joh sthApl
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  • Page 220 Miscellaneous
    • 1257 220 AKKIVAJ J?. v'ihmi/s Name. Tons. Captain. Fkom Sailkd Oowsibsbss, 3 Rio 11 Bus. tor. 154 Litvincft Cronstadt Asg. tt gtStias Coossl 4 Narguen «*r 151 Lehedefl Cronstadt Aug. 29 Bossisn Consul 4 Strahrvon Iftll 'ih-on Philadelphia Jeh 1 Simons A Co. 4 A. -us sir 2702 JsekKm 12 McAli-ter
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  • Page 221 Advertisements
    • 450 221 WOkCESTERSHIRE sauce lea si f»errii*s' sauce. n y EET A I E EV E E WEHE R B m Singayiore Agents, _JOHK LITTLE CO, *mmv*J m \Bft m^/s*ff^ts^^ IBm 1 1 >< 1 S**M BQf a2m V BB> H bb\bbY#abJ aperient ton laVria3l Ioflam 41 I HsfeTl DELICATE CONSTI 'A^Jaj^l"
      450 words
    • 197 221 FOB BAIaE. THK Trafalgar Bataie*a 2-mssted sailing lighter, built l>y the Tanjong Pagar Ltd., i A vsT} strong u4^ jusl bees <1< eked, caulked, and •metallenV throughout. Capacity about •'>"» I" i ii ilral'» oi t. Apply to v. rHRIE (Is ts. Jgy Crab Apple Blossoms, i '.-ii 1 ;ill
      197 words
    • 799 221 z»or— azz»z— zz. Dr. Lalor's Trade-Mark Phosphodyne is registered under M urks Act tor the Indian Empire, and attested by the Seal of the Registrar Oal Dr. Lalor s Phosphodyne />*~j^^ For THIR 1 1* YEARS baa nraiatafosal Its aoild-xiide ututation aa the Best and ONLY SAFE RELIABLE PHOSFHCRIC CURE
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    • 595 222 ESTABLISHED lv RILEY. HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Iron A Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Shipbuilders. Gen kral Contractors. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPOR. Ship BttikUng Yard. [TIGH class STEAM VESSELS always X-X under const ruction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finis}). MACHINERY from leading British
      595 words
    • 619 222 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. l ii* 1 i^ nun suinimi'ii w MD;:;i,r;:;j| ig t™?fir ■< i n" i o y n it i »ruii a |i »^V^»jlajssij}ipffi|Bj tj ft 'ffi^'Sfl jf -t-^ I OTERN WHEEL STEAMEBB have Icon fonud by expsriene* to he ths be«l typ* of ye« &J7 fos
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    • 209 222 For flit- Toilet, \.l!mt\ aW^aaaßßßaaV aat^BaV A*\V Hie most suitable and scirnlilir fl SOAP for delicate Skins. f ;l n j^BOßpdsltß^.fnllf perfunod'-- Of I Dowsstionabu excellence l: -AM.- J zzzzzßßßl Bs .JzH FOR PBICKLV HKATs. INSECT RtTKS ».*£rrt-s£jwa& ESS?* s *^-*i s: "j Iv Thrpe asm lv Three Si/. IV
      209 words