Straits Times Weekly Issue, 5 April 1893

Total Pages: 14
1 208 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 28 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. Established. 1831. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamfk. Price 40 Cents. VOL XXV TV. SINGAPORE, WKDNESDAY. APRIL 5, 1893. NO. ;J,723
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  • 80 1 WEDNESDAY, 5th APRIL 1893. CONTENTS. Market Quotations. Summary of the Week. Reuters Telegrams. The Presidency of the French Senate. The Cholera ire. Official MovementEgyptian Arfa; Local ami General NewNews from Penang, Malacca, Pahang, Perak, Selan°:or. Deii. Siam, China. Ac Mail News Trade Statistic* Municipal Progress m February Wis S. C.
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  • 540 1 t Singapore, sth. Apri l 1806. Prodjcr. bier. f 6.55. ds No. 1, 10.70. do No. 2, n.lO •a Bali, 6.J" Ponti&uak, 5.65. »pper Black, 9 75. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2SO Pearl Sago, 3.70 Coffee Bali, 34.00. Coffee Liherian, 36.0<> Tapioca small Flake 420. do do Ist
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  • 325 1 fj The Hon. J. W. Bonser has becu appointed Acting Chief Justice, and Mr. I>. Logan, Solicitor-General at Peuang, Acting Attorney General. The Botanical Gardens report for 1892 draws attention to the ueed for planting timber trees. Sporadic cases of cholera are reported here. At Malacca
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  • 845 1 F<>r Strait* flats*. Mr. Gladstone and Com Onsmuonon. London. >Hth JfisrcS. —At a Liberal meeting held at the Foreign Office, the Right Hou'bie W. »E, Gladstone complained of the obstruction of the Conservatives, but said he nis determined to resume the Home Rule debate on the tilth proximo;
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  • 179 1 The returns for the past month of March of the M 'dical Officer at Malacca shew that there have been forty cases of cholera at that place, thirty-two of which have proved fatal. There is an item m the Supplementary Estimates, laid More Parliament, of 4,755/. for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. It circulates m Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, m Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 369 2 WEDNESDAY, 29th MARCH. The Presidency of the French Senate. M. Challemei. Lacoue, to whom has fallen the honour to U- President of tieFrench Senate, is a prominent member of the Republican party. He succ Is the late Jules Fern m that post for which hi' was indeed candidate at the
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  • 1459 2 The alarmist rumours m circulation about cholera m Malacca caused ustotelegraph yesterday to a responsible person for a full account of the nunib-r of deaths Theanswomigtelegram is to-day published; and it will be >, n that, up to eight o'clock this morning, the whole number of deaths
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  • 216 2 PureaUtse and Export af Postage Stumps. i hi; follow iug letter is published m the Perns (Joo% i n, CoLoniAi 8 oti -i>i 1 1 Singapore, 9ih March, Sin, lam directed by b- Grovernor to inform you that His Excellency's attention lias been called to a recent ease m which
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  • 234 2 The Hyogo Hotel was the sceue on jfl ldth instant, of an incident which (a^H the Hyoyo Nf'-s) probably could not^H paralleled out of Japan Recently, Mr George Why mark, the man two lighters to do some work for him. On the bill leiug present- 1 he
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  • 186 2 A i i i com, M irch. at Wada Point. Kobe, for tl p m ol witnessing tbe inauguration new (»il tanks which havi there by Messrs Samuel Samu Shortly after v v, rnor ta silk clotb from a tap m the pi|»e leading from tie
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  • 317 2 Ihi D'Ensem- i j 0 m| ai gelling via the East to the i Ki. positioD, gave an entertaiumeut v tl Fown H ill last night. The programm with ption, was eotii **d i tl, W.r. ,j iv an inter. U g manner by means
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 65 3 CHOLERA AT MALACCA. Ri Day's telegram -tram a Correspondent.) Malacca, Wednesday, S m% Iriug March, there have been thirty sd of Cholera. There have been twenty-three deaths among natives. The majority of these were only reported to the '.author-,- alter death had taken p There is naturally anxiety but
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  • 513 3 FIJ! N X usual comparison m the Municipal Pn Bidet report for last month the I figures for tbe first two ths ot th '>. .l.tnv 1 t>66.50 32,8: 5,6^ t 13 Market*" 1 1,676. 72 ter Supply \t Me- 7.0. $180 l( Th- taxes dvi
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  • 276 3 It HECTARES ITSELF A Friksd TO THE OovßaaiuaT. The Straits Independent, of Penanc urges th* Government to supply fuller V thrl;il press ami public It say. that there must be monthly returns ot progress mad- m the various 1 uidic Apartments from District Officers a
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  • 274 3 i: M lv the debate on the Arm m f},,. Ho ise i f Con last night. Mr. Campbell Baunerman said he I"' had been misunderstood re- ny Corps System for foreign s ,rxi not intended*, he >aid. to sub»titut army Corp.. but meant was that there
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  • 186 3 The Return oi Imports and Bxportsfor the quarter ended :'.1..t December 1892 hss b. en pub; The appends 1 com parare the following results I M POl l B. ExchuitH of Trt SINGAPORi 4th Quarter of 1892,. ..522,226,885 4th Quarter of 1891, 21,684,657 4- $542,228 3rd Quarter of
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  • 709 3 Shanghai Sumatra Tobacco Company. I'm: annual general meeting of shareholders m this Company was held on the 16th instant at Shanghai Th- Chairman said that as the report and accounts had been m the hands of the shareholders for some days he presumed they might be taken as read.' The
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  • 54 3 The Singapore Branch of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China has received intimation by wire from London to the effect that, at the approaching Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank, the Directors will recommend a Divideud for the past half-year at the rate of 7° 0 per annum
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  • 70 3 M Fawns. Arnhold, Karbero A Co., the agents of the China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., at Hongkong have received the following telegram from the head office, London General meeting satisfactory, j£13,000 added to depreciation, boiler, and reserve fund, and .£1,300 carried forward to next account. Dividend of 3 per cent,
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  • 259 3 The Hou'bie J. vV. Homer, AttorneyGeneral, has been appointed by H. E. the Governor to be Acting-Chief- J ustiss. It is s proper recognition of the Attorney -General's high legal rank m the colony, a just compliment to his great legal abilities, and a suitable arrangement for the
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  • 545 3 I'uk Saladin from Australia is uuaraa mcd, having had uall poi- TliK CI 'clock this morning for Bangkok whence she will pro-. 1 to China. I SSI IB D v to. Dear the junction of the Ksllang and Gaylang rive m a river piled hut, a Malay, oi twenty
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  • 80 198 Says the Pinang Goz'tte: The shipments of tin ore from Per.iL to Singapore m the month of February amounted to 6,604 piruls of an estimated value of $L > o6\ooo. The merchants' profits on this sum are lost to Penang and picked up m Singapore. All
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  • 494 198 Last evening, the D'Eneem Doyle Company gave a successful entertainment m the Town Hall before a large audience. H. E. Sir Cecil Clementi Smith aud the Misses Smith were present at the performance. The programm- which was varied from that of the preceding evening, opened with
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  • 338 198 Thk examination m Bankruptcy of Mr. F. (L Bernard wis continued this day at the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Gatty. The examination was conducted by Mr Drew. who elicited that iv February 1889, petitioner's resources consisted of an overdraft to the amount of $4,651 from the Oriental
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  • 2245 198 From a Correspondent.) Kuala Lipis, 15th March, 1893. News has come by the launch Ethel of trouble m the nTuantau District. It appears that a gang of about 30 armed Malay., probably from KekiiUu hid entered Ulu Kuautau. and at Baias, on the 26th ultimo, had ransacked the
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  • 1266 199 The Administration Report of the Sin- -Dora Municipality has just been pubXgj. With regard to the ..dunicipal staff, President notes that the attendance Drou gbout the year lias been good and «i, e staff have worked well, the heads of 4 e part incuts too often
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  • 166 199 Penang n Home Rule Cry. Tmk Boml c, m commenting upon the Legislative Council debate on Home Rule for Penang, says The Governor, Sir dementi Smith, was not quite magnanimous m ins comments on the memorial. He had. ha .aid. increased the representation of Penang, but it was only on
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  • 153 199 j The uew Station at Tawao m Sibuko Bay promises to be a success already several enterprising Chinese traders have opened branch shops aud established frieud--1 ly relations with the natives of the adjacent rivers. The first cargo arrived on the Hth February
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  • 956 199 Bloody Expkriencxs m Bornbo. SrtraDKK'a Thsillivg Tale. TUB (ioVKRNMKNT TROOPS BRKAK INTO mi Osioisal Customs or the Natives. [San Francisco Morning fall. Does head-hunting still continue m Borneo? Well. 1 should say it did." said General Sturd-e. emphatically, to a Call reporter at the Palace Hotel. The general i>
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  • 1933 199 Wkdnksdat. 2Wth March. The ordiuarv fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held iv the Board Room of the offices m Robinson Road, yesterday afternoon, under the presidency of Mr. Alex. Gentle. There were also present Messrs. Fraeer, Sobst, Nansou, Joaqnim, Meyer, Maxwell, and the Hou'bles T.
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  • 1217 200 Ma. I>. Logan, Solicitor General at Penang, has accepted the appointment Acting Attorney-General. It i. under»d that there was considerable doubt whether Mr. Logan would desire the poet, inasmuch as be is io practice at Penang. It is satisfactory, iv the present of P-nang f cling, that
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  • 123 200 Mr. 1" I 11 t. reports I arrival m th- Colouy ou the 24th M itch. Monaiur .1. de i aval is recogoised as m charge of the P l ugi ags pore, during the ab.' i- p. d,« zueta. Mr. R. C. .la- b.on is
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  • 148 200 Th j ill has auot i and appr- by M. d oil tie i iM Jt cov< rs th- report by M t, the Superior P 5..;,.ut at Hanoi, which sho9 that the political oBSS a fact on which M. 1. Ik am-rcJal posit ion, and point n 1
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  • 147 200 ilt,i m the Esplanade on Saturday between teams from the pore < C. and the Ariu\ and v officers. The weathers md unfavourable and the match resulted m a win for the officers 1 team. Th ag follows 8l VOAFOBI I McClosky Talbot b rlarrins v Law b. Talbot
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  • 847 201 I— The following is thrace for the Lincolnshire Hanm 3 started for Florence, i,. latest bud-tin. respecting Lord Balis. slat- that his Lordship is making favour- (ring the debate on Uganda last night, i u r ur accused Mr. Gladstone of mini- mis!"- liic assurances given i
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  • 712 201 Amongst the deaths announced daring the week are the following: Sir Andrew Walker t!: >1 brewer, aid founder of the I h pool Art Gallery It is believed he baa died th about three millions sterling. Mr. k Haines, the proprietor of I
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  • 555 201 The second ordinary annual general meeting of the shareholders of the National Bank of China. Limited, was held at the offices of the Bank. Hongkong, on the 23rd Marc/i. The Chairman .aid Gentlemen, m laying before yon the accounts for the past ill mouths
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  • 364 201 To the Editor of the M- rs, Tasmani Sia, 1 have seen bythe papers that Tasmauia i. on the look-out for market, outside the colonic, for h produce Now. Ihi resided for 10 year, m the Strait. Settlements, and lusfralia is an ale unknown country
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  • 1820 201 Minutes of Proceedings or tri MtrsiCICAL COMMISSIONERS AT AN ORDINARY Mbstimo on Wkdnxsdav, loTH AIAKCH. |so;{. Present.— The President. A ntle, Kscp the Hon'ble the Colonial Engineer, Major McCallum, R.S., C.M.G T. Nolist. Ksq. W. Nau son, h.sq th- Hon'bie T Shelford th- Hon hie A L Dona
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  • 1020 202 Egyptian affairs, Bias Pasha whose obstructive policy is causing trouble m Egypt was known tube covertlj bos;,;,, to British interes when raised to the Premiership there, but his ability and pliancy brought bin into power. The Khedive, whose attempt to emaucij iclf from Bi utrol led to
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  • 108 202 The following paragraph is from Jffl surance Th Str vi i Compamy' On It seems rather curious that we should re- a ceive infonustioii with r>ir:ivd to t of new huildings m the il\ of Lond< distant a place a. Shiga] confess we were not
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  • 95 202 The Opium S ystem. I.\ the House of Com 'dark ■it bi rev not i I be hhh M rch be wou I tern of < lovernment li miog out the ret Honkong, British and move 1 hat, m the op I tlii* House, tbe s\ stem U British lie;
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  • 64 202 < »s 5 > nioriii: 1 7»*». Brass Bai r of tl Pad terson went >riaV Str. et which with that of No „f that sev, ral of the til 9 and I". V en and atained with to m.; from ed with I I 1 Ah Gewi,
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  • 212 202 On the 25th February, the German Parliament debated the aubject oi the proposed rearrangement of the subsidii sto tbe I' ..i i hosealte Stephan, represent an inouiy I )n dually. Experience; be added, has shoa of the lines from Brindi to Pol md from Sydu and the
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  • 156 202 i the Supreme Cour Hon'bl. .1 W. H tieeGatty, an ij but t eljourn the Appeal o w, Weduesda vvaB then I with. »n the Appeal wbh follows In the D r on the prosecution of u a. K. tschker Wee Op Ss Koh M.ah Chin rs. Koli
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  • 281 203 Penang's Demand in the London Press. Times of Mh March has the folHpi: Kn.K MnviviK.vt m Penan,,. M'irch. Pour thousand have petitioned Lord Hhon ami addres.eil representations to Hfcruiri Hilke and Mr. Labouchere to that they object to being gov. BEfd frui > ngapore. They wish 0 HEfcr< ni l
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  • 129 203 itch ph. ly on t ound team, oi tin S ib iv tin .r tir.' the total hi Tally t 1 117 runs son for 1 d their I- in the Biniugs BpWS B»t h. H o Hpn c. Thomas b. Valberg '"'•hi' b. The- oh. h. Valberg I
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  • 1774 203 Mr. Hknry Louis. Th* Mining Journal ot Pebruary 25th publishes an interview with, and a oort nut of Mr. Henry Louis, mining engine ,r Ol Singapore. The interview is prefaced by a record of the earls scholarships, medals, and other achievements of Mr Louis and
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  • 481 203 To the Editor of the London and China Esmrt Sik. Lost week I sent you a few hurried lines on Point Way as a coaling station, and I ii-.w give below au extract from the Strait* limes of the Ist ult., showing that tli"
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  • 545 203 I uk statutory general meeting oft treholdi the Mercantile Bank Indi i I Limited i wa> held on the I Mai h, at the ffi< i I I Broad Loioion. Sit Alexaudi r Chairman stated that they had met m compliance with the A t
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  • 195 204 The following are the results of Lawn Tennis ties played on tin' Esplanade ou the 28th March. t IB A V! IMmNsII I I. Final Tie. Forman v. Elliot. This tie j. unfinished, the .core at present being Elliot l\ Forinau, hoe. It will lie finished
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  • 765 204 Telegraphic Summary plcmmtary to Straits Times Telegi Via C< yl 'lore, Wi M Trustworthy new sof the recent fighting al liilas reaches TA< d Military Gazette from Gflgil dated the Bth instant. It appears thai serious fighting •>m-ed at Chilas, near tbe Indus Valley, "ii the sth large force afterwards
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  • Page 204 Advertisements
    • 605 204 POWELL CO. SINGAPORE. Pl.lAs! MAD THKSK KKW LINKS ANP beau raaa ia mini*. OLTR FURNFTURI FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking lis chines, Sawa. Lathea, Ac., therefore Contracts and large orders can be put
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    • 424 204 m Jhe Crown InvigoratC// S -^g Lavender popular Smelling SjH H^PIL fr> ,|M d<s<Kiorisor J 1^ "^y^ciif.d every v her,, ;(^JI S~ r^^fl i '••-iiing hixnrv. f-,'^V *'hieh freshen. h I .y ici'fn '.ou_B n Bey< ci Da 300,000 BOTTLES SOLD LAST YEAR m 1 1 1 l I v
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  • Page 204 Miscellaneous
    • 414 204 ransf-urrr List, Aki,i\ i Per s. s Sumatra from Deli via os*hsn: Mr. Mrs. aid tv. Misses F it, an L y P' l. a. S from Deli via ports Mrs N. WycheL Per s. n nang: Mr. bedwell, Mr. C and Ml Beodi P« from Samsrang Mr. S. Msrthei
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    • 144 204 Per h. s. Hydra from Bangkok Dr. and Mrs. Go wans, and J. Mnckay. Per s. s. Kuantan from Tringganu via poita: Mrs. Ralph. Per s. 8. Bengkalis from Musr: Mr. Graham. Per s. s. Singapore from Bangkok Mr. Komdorff. Per s. Carthage from Hongkong Mr. J. Dillon. Mr. Ifearss,
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  • Page 205 Miscellaneous
    • 1144 205 SHIPPING. SHll'Fiau IN FORI t n Vessels which have Previously Under this headin X the following ahhrevia- Abuived, and are Still m Port. borons^ RHt "wSslT*?'? 6^ h -«Mp; hq. j' But. str. 1,269 tons, Capt. Potlinger PrTrlnM 8h; U.S.-Lmted s'tatJ; W«< Mar. From Japan. UHh. Coals auf .V; Fr
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  • Page 206 Miscellaneous
    • 1129 206 ARRIVALS. Fla-. k > V/BBSBL'fI Namk. A Tos>. CsrTAIM. FUO »AI UD 1 RIQ "n ii ;iu H.N.g.h 207 (llmyvenba-g Atjeh Msr. g?H.N.M.> Cosaml Qoaaawl I,' Ralewyn Brw.str. 80 Capon Potsnl Msr. i B, Sen s >tr 641 Bulleu SoßSarOOg Mai 2- lan hun rnni.v 1:1 HM.crn. 2575 Me. Leo
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  • Page 207 Advertisements
    • 455 207 3^ W sW 'iL-^^^^^^^^^^^^-^-P^W-Ea_Hl muuuuusssum^^^^^a^mm^ n WORCESTERSHIRE sauce LEA PERRINS' SAUCE. tnd by RET AIL EVI 'HERE. Singapore A^ is, JOHN LITTLE A CO. PB^-affiHWPBaVaSHU^ the safest mild MamM I_m I I asssai nmfTsn\n\ ml misTsaj aperient for Imlm k i 9 7 ~?i fl Hb_^v delicate con sti \^->-^
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    • 227 207 POB 8 \LK. THE Trafalgar K-^at."- 2-mssted lighter, built 1 j Pafrar Do.-k t "0 Ltd., d A reri sti has j\.- d. -kid. caulked, and rssastallsd thro, 35/40 T..n«* a draft of rto GUTHRIE a I Guy ot'.s Tar SolutionjS 0 Cures Colds. G^ughs. 3w |Q 0 Pulmonary Consumption
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    • 793 207 n r L T^de.Mark Pbosphodyne is registered under the Tra l« Marin Act tor the Indian Empire, and attested by the Seal ol the Registrar Calcutl Dr.LalorsPhosphodyne Z^jk^s FoT THIRTY YEARS las iraintair.rrt its wojld-inde rfiutaf.on as ths jRi *f* Best an(i ONLY SAFE RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC CURE Jor rra;n Wrecks**,
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  • Page 208 Advertisements
    • 599 208 ESTABLISHED 1865. RILEY. HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakkrs, Bridge Builders, Shipbuilders. General Contractors. BINOAPORE KUALA LUMPOR. Ship Building Vanl. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms with Board of
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    • 513 208 WALTER MACFARLANE CO., Electric Light Pillars and Brackets .-Electric Wire Ways. I I sjt;vi.,HT s raits. 1 shop tuns r j f t /^gSJSJjWf/, BAUD STANDS > 'S^^ TOMB BAILS ''^Vi^By -t •V^ v "\v4l^ Xl Vlt V^_nnaall i i^ ..a^^n '^V?.^ 'tsnnß-il PILASTERS ■•^C^m^^ i^^ BALCO* i--WF?^ ftr
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    • 90 208 UiwHa -J For the Toilet, k^^^S* Nursery B f]^ I The most suitable and M-inililir \ME SOAP for delicate Skins. L ▼^(J^^ "H !S_f* tfU 1 r f l wrf »»'^d .'-Chemist .1 />,„,, Of inquest lovable exceller l( 'e." -British Mcd ml r B_&_^v>^_. *-i \T X s_ci_' l
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