Straits Times Weekly Issue, 16 November 1892

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. Established, I8:>l.j Published for Tkaxsmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamek. I Puice 40 Ci vol XLvra Singapore, WEi)NESDAY7~NQVE3ntjBR 10, 1892. no. 3,703
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  • 51 1 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted, j It circulates m Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, m Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-Ghina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 17 1 PAt Carringtoo House, on the 15th iassaat, c wife <»f A. H. btAEBOTtST, of a son.
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    • 29 1 PGALSTAUX-JOAKIM.- >n the 14th iust., at the Church ut' St. Gregory, by the Rev. Ter Uavid, Paul Galstaun, Julfa, to Elise Joakim. of Batavia.— No Card 8. i
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  • 85 1 Market Quotations. Summary ot tne Week. Reuter'*- relegrams. Local and General New*. The er d Mercantile Bank. Arrival > 1" thu Hiinalaija. Mew*: from fenang, selangor, Sarawak, faha .g, hiua, Suun, the Philippines ie Po ico New-. S ippmg New Pa*** ng-*r iA^\. Tno JsTuuici >ai Commissioner*. Tha
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  • 528 1 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION S. Singapore, 16th Xovkmbkr. 1892. PKODiJCE. Gambier, 6.45. do Cube No. 1 .♦<><•• do do No. 2, n 8.15. Copra Bali, 450. do Pontianak, 4.10. Pepper Black, 10.50. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.95. Pearl Sago, 3.00. Coffee Bali, 32.00. Coffee Liberiau, 33.00. Tapioca small Flake, 4.75. do do
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  • 475 1 The Legislative Council met ou Friday, Saturday, and Mouday. and adjourned till Thursday. On Fi iday Mr. Shelford moved au amendment to the Supply Bill reducing the military contribution iv accordance with the lower ruling rate of exchaugc, which was rejected by the official majority. Another
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  • 662 1 Strait* I'm,A 8888 i BBS raOH i hi: < 1 11 i. hai. i. Bjlbqj London, 7th A Sir William Harcourt and Mr. John Biorley will both be absent from tlie Guildhall banquet. Strike m LaHCABHIHH. Sixty-thousand operatives have struck work iv Lancashire, aud it is estimated that
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  • 117 1 Captain Wbbstbb and lo sailors of the ill-fated Britiah ah ip Gretna, of Glasgow, arrived here by the Tdoe from Saigon yesterday morning, The first locomotive ever seen iv Bangkok was started early this month on the temporary sidiug adjacent to the Korat Railway terminus. *> The
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  • 790 2 The name of the British BteamerJTrtsaaKi has been changed to that o( Ban Hin Guan. <*■ It is said that it is probable the National Bank of China will shortly commence to issue not 4> The Glen liner Glengyle has. it is said, been sold at Hokkaido
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  • 43 2 [t appears that the accident to 11. E. was fully published m the American papers. The following is the text ol the American despatch Hi.*, i. c.\ cu S i 'm ik a Shag.
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  • 121 2 BY ASSOCIATED PHCSS. di>,i. 24th Sept. A special despatch to i the Time* from Singapore saya that arhils Sir Cecil Smith, Governor of the Straita Settlenieiit«\ was returning trom Perak lie met with i an accident that nearly coat bim
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  • 1121 2 The "Bokhars Disaster. A CORRSBPOBDBNT o( the Hongkong j Daily Telegraph has paid the Pescadores a v;*it along v ith Mr. Warren, British ConanJ m Formosa. At afakong the Chinese Mandarin or »•< promised Mr Warren to bring the bodies from the B i up to M ikons for interment
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  • 236 2 At the meeting of the Mission ,1ference, mat night, the Rev. W.H.B. CTrch read a paper on the q Should there I c official conn< i Q Church an^ Sl;t k 'he ground that a State Church checks unity and diality among religious denominations owing to a
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  • 1507 2 The Prisoner Dischah, {Before the Chief Justice Sir This morning on the Chief Justice taking his seal ou the bench the extradition "I" C. lv Miller was called onJ^B M Drew asked leave to bring a furthi fact before the notice of hi* I, udaeaßßa! before judgment
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  • 242 3 Laun ch of a P.& O, Steamer. MESSRS. Can i ana v>ouijuiu* i<m^^ Oct 12 from -heir yard at Grreenock a steel screw ateame of 4,500 tons gross tor the P O Company. This vessel was named the JbTaaifa, aud is intended for the 1 aud 0 Corn pan V
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  • 2098 3 Monday, 7th November, 18DL'. The usual fortnightly meeting of the j Municipal Commissioners took place m I the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, under tbe presidency of Mr. Aiea. Gentle. Thete I i*e also present, Messrs. Boost, W. Nan- j i, the kion'bles Major McCallum, Tan k Kirn, and
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  • 1202 3 iiti; uongKong J'aiiy rress g nculars of t be loss ol t be Norw< i et Norm md on thc Pescado how all 00 board perish. i per;:s who arrived at Hon >Oth >ctob. The detail i lo hand show tha*' I I vessel w;is built tin-, year ii is
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  • 123 4 Major-General Francis M or ley of Marrick Park, Richmond, Yorkshire, who has receutly died al Scarborough at the age of fifty-five, served m the campaign of LB6O m Chiua with the Buffs,and was present at the actiou of Sinho aud the taking Of Taugku aud the
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  • 179 4 by i ngkou. n J. B on Yum q Kais Bf hi r ip. taii crew of I lie British ship Gretna, hoi from Hong which ha I d on October 25th on the I, m the I acela. noth r ■ks. w \s an iron
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  • 606 4 H. E. the Governor and suite returned from Klang iv the Sea Belle yesterday morning. Thk lion. IV F. A. Hervey, the Resident Councillor ot* Malacca, has arrived by the steamer Ban Whatt Hin. 11. M. surveying-vessel Egeria returned from Annainbas Island yesterday and her next destination
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  • 143 4 The liquidator of the New Unental Kant Ootporatiou acquaints the creditors that. having r.-ga-d to the wide ramifications of the bank's operations, he is unable to arrango for SBS distribution of a dividend earlier than tho middle of January next, prior to which time he can
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  • 180 4 t Iwnra to the prevalence of fresh northwesterly breezes, the spring tides oi the oth and 6tfa instant wee unusually high. but' on the morning of the 7th. the fresh north- westerly wind increased into a regular gale which lasted for about four hours raising the tide to au
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  • 230 4 Chartered Mercantile Bank of India London China IMi rcular has -.n i*~ t.» t h. nk 1.a1d.a,. i Si.\< t !n ir report issued on the lal D < sider U ion rions p i prop Bed foi carried out i y the form ition i iv 1 1 and
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  • 218 4 The Mercantile Bank of India Li mited. I o i' i A Capital 81,500,000, Divided into 60,0 if each consisting of 30,000 A Shares and 30,00t B Shares. Tha A Shares to be entitled to a cnmn lative preferential Dividend at the rata of. per cent. ]»jr annum, and priority
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  • 244 4 Mahoinmednii Propaganda." Tin: Dai'y New* >a\s Mr. A Kussell Webb. United States CouaaM rhiiip].ine Islands has finally r-s^^^^H p. s» for the curious r< hi« to hi* friend Budrudin Abdiilla^^R^ omb»\. It appeals t hat having OSanBSBw his leisure t Hie st-adv ..l Koran aasnu ipouuders, lousul Webl
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  • 172 4 Pahang In The London Observer." Thb difficulties m I ire at last The recalcitrant Chi f t i-em»ntaii has he ti>t*tl ly defeated by Ihe >ultan. ami the Utter has journeyed t■> i •i* >>. d by tl s. This lat tt episode ii Prot< et d Stales m the
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  • 517 4 T he Board of Trade Returns. Willi legard tothedet i traflH m I v yarn t I on the (tli i' land, the figures for .IB) double ulht nl the-,, teaulta are rcftVct w Taking th" total trace m all k mis I B^H| Sept da^^H ■ov any important ehanci
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  • 311 5 Wr could not [says the British Medical Journal without laying ourselves open to the rebuke addressed to the i obbler of antiquity who rashly iiied bis ban i at art criticism, discuss thc great of Germans d AnaIrian i ltic< iHtwten Berlin a d Vienna lr the
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  • 576 5 1 1-at tended meeting ot tl] Ill( ma Trade section of the London Chamber of Commerce was held on tbe bth Oct obi r for the purpose of considering the siher question aud its bearon Eastern trade, and whether any presentation should properly be made tv it
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  • 582 5 {From our own Correspondent^) Pekan. ith November. Thk Johore yacht J ulai arrived at Kuala Pahang last evening, bringing the Sultau. lie was met by Mr. Townley, the magistrate at the Kuala, who took 11. 11. to his bungalow, and, alter going rouud to have a look at the
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  • 3128 5 Tin: Opening Ceremony. The Ulu Selangor Railway Extension i was duly opened by the Governor on Mon- j day. H. E. aud suite arrived at Klang ou Saturday morning, oth instant, where Col. Walker and the Acting Resident wore i waiting to receive them. Km.
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  • 1330 6 ia Ceylon.) London, 28th October —The Mayor of Liverpool his written to the Mayor of Manchester suggestug arbitration m the case of thirty thousand hands who are non- Unionists. A letter lihs appeared from a French officer serving m Dahomey m which h describes the frightful < fleets
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  • 299 6 T::m H >;.';! .1 M. Vermont arrived this morning, by the Nerl idda from Penang. Thk r.ew Siam ich I cruiser Maha ft L ion the 1- I on he Slain. l.ii.i t. C. 11. Metcalfe, N nth imp B -giui'-n; has been appointed an Assistant Commissioner,
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  • 333 6 How long is the natural life of a ship? From a table cited by Mr. Robert Thomson, the new President of tho North-Eist Coast Engineers and Shipbuilders, it appears that this is to some extent a question of where the ship is built. Vessels constructed m the
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  • 504 6 Arrival of the "Himalaya with the Lincolnshire Regiment. H. M. jMiP li from I tiouth 17tli September and various ports on route ogap >re ti. ***** i !th the i Hat I iliou, Lincolnmi it for tin the -Jud h Nort!i;ini| 1 men I d< i si I ion< I
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  • 4686 7 E ten for the Straits Times.) Fourth Letter. an Francisco, hi Oct., 1892. Is with tbe name that theCitv leu Gat*- should be a city peo--1 with beautiful women. That wealth Of loveliness is obvious even to him who direct from England, and its almost ■tasteful
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  • 698 8 London. 2nd November. >everal more bnna.s of th so lost m the Roumania look place to-day, including Mr. Ropei and stherine Bum flower m tha nreacuos of the Bruisti Con*ul. Captain Hamilton and ient Koike Bud office of the PenichS ga- risen, the Right Kevd. l>r
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  • 1045 8 A large meeting was held m the Chamber of Commerce room at Fenang on the 7th instant m connection with the Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council appointed to examine Sir John Coode's report on the improvement of Fenang Harbour.
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  • 382 8 Thk return of visitors to the Fifties Library and Museum during the week was I. Thb Selangor yacht Fsmeralda arrived bore this morning from Klang via Fort I lickson. Si vn i i l>t Soiza who is charged with criminal b each of tnist as a public
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  • 164 8 The Cov.rnments of Cjii-ensland and South Australh arc seems, with the arrangements under which) the auxiliary fleajfl which is maiutaimd at tISh joint expe'n-e of the Australasian Colonic*, is j.ermaueutly stationed m Sydney HsSlhui communicated with the Victorian Government complaining of the monopoly enjoyed bl New
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  • 718 9 A joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Exchange took place m the Exchange Room this afternoon. BUSINESB to receive accounts f,, r the year ended ptember, ]y;i L >. j •"id pass, if approved. Rules and Provision., tor em' ploying Surplus funds of th. Chamber m
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  • 158 9 In the Australian trading orid tne nuaneial* posit ion of the seven colonies of Australia is neatly summari/.ed up to date, the ageutgeneial of each colony having corrected the fijjuri our contemporary up to July, lSd2. The total debt of the seven colonies is L *****0.000. the annual
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  • 12616 9 Fit I OAT, IITH NOVHMBSE. Tuerr was a meeting of the Legislative Council at half past 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. There were pt. sent His ExCftLLBBJov. thk QoVftftSTOft. Sir Cecil Clkmknti Smith, O.C.M.Q H.E. the Oeueral Officer Oommsading the IPoopa (Major General Sir Charles Warren. 0.C.M.«.,
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  • 2992 12 Indian lin m ignition. Tne V rino ArtoKXEvdiKxi.K.iu, m moving the second reading ot toe ludiau Immigration Ordiuauce Amendment Bill. covered nearly the same ground as on un lugthe first reading. and then proceeded tot viewthework performed by the Commission appoiuted to enquire into the condition labour.
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  • 366 13 Hi and Mns. A. P. Talbot arrived this morning by the mail steam, r Sutlej. Tui i. s. Medan and Xienhuiis ha\I" d *old by public auction at Deli u542,000 and na40,000 respectively. A. the meeting .-t Lodge Zetland iv th. Bast No. 506 on Saturday, 1b...
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  • 316 13 Thk fourth centenary of th- ter) of America by Columbus, Otk I with pomp ami splendour m the chief tows the Philippines, has called to mind the exploits ot atsgellan, who was Ihe m circumnavigate tbe arorld, snd who ami killed m the Philippines. Subscript KM been raised
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  • 430 14 b Farewell Run to the 53th. eious Accident to the Hon'ble W. E. Maxwell. There was a somewiat poor attendance it the Meet on Saturday afternoon,doubtis owiug to a certain extent, to H. E. Sir Charles Warren's reception at his house, Hoi v rood. The run was
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  • 191 14 Majoi.- Chard, V. C.. of Rorke's Drift fame, has b en appointed to the command <-f tic X ival Engineers m the Straits Settlement •a* Chartered Hank of India, tnstrulla, ami hina. An extraordinary g ueral jof this bank wns mod at Ue-
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  • 207 14 The Wreck of the Bokhara." The Chinese revenue cruiser Ping Citing (Captain X. Anderson) arrived at Hongkong ou the 7th instant, bunging fresh intelligence of theworknow carriedonupon the wreck of the P. a (>. steamer Bukhara. The cruiser reports that when she arrivedat the Pescadores, the tug Samson had arrived
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  • 1380 14 Thk half-yearly general meeting of thin biuk w.-n held on* Oct. 18, at the offices, Old Bread Street. Under the presidency of Mr. J. N. Bullen. who slid Tlc> directors' report, which has been for *o ne days m you- hands, baa
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  • 542 14 L ate Telegrams via Rangoon. g Oct 'I W U t O tI; yen difficult to the recent fighting betwe n m ar C; the foil >wii m*i have been the fgha a tr- opH p lo I lazaras aear I aagh m and i h ihe I*n of 3
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  • 264 14 i t ron, „ur own Corresp,,,i*\\\\\\\\\\\W Pekan, Sth Novdmrnr Thk Resident went upstream laa( ing by tie- Kuala launch Sir jH r Wild and In- will b" away for 9 month, it be;ng possible that a lEj K.iub ma) b und-rt ikeu Sy ed 11 is*, m il>,. aceompatj
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  • 55 14 lv i< tin calei < h coinm--1 h v- ik F r.- d. Kani n 'n^at^^^^^H rocasH| (ass hC- oil, '''o^SUJ a i g gi bit. eg h.r' Tan H m ird -r and causing hurt iAm\mm\\\ id .'\-«inia-ri m, *.flai' binkruptey t dings i^^^l at; i >*S
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  • 225 14 to the Tailing amH9 csuHH ■v, one uighrffthe princi] .larknes^H^^H partial failure ot tl lamps suddenly imo dull, and many jH them wet.- extinguish, il altoget! Dublin by Afc^^^^H Alone,*' respondent of tbe By aum 7- leg rap/, the ue\t d CUI v
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  • 2191 15 >w Saturday evening, Mr. Drew de- red a lecture ou the British Constitution, iv conmetion with the Chinese educational Institnte The lecturer started by saying Living as we do m a remote mitlvmri Don of tbe British Empire, and 'that being governed as a Crown lony, we
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  • 661 15 the ut tn Jeiclni nTanufaetarlns; <oiii|>ain. Limited. To thk F> tllTOt Ol ni Stn,-— ln replj to inj and sth current which y good enough to publish* M. Rigole pti ,ug tbe ques i unouni his dej ki Lai c Ibe mail to-day' Thui be demaut i ion and
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  • 67 15 eadsr, the most eerei bet de, is thai the lem m a put into tion will infallibly blow up from at this v-erv ,v AL I J fc Ll c R*l I rictery with If. 11 doubt. bai oil -pas ip, that the
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  • 1211 16 *na -ii vi: Mum- BS J" .VERS ATAK C*RDrW Kl)\ M3DAY, 2t>TH i 'rvroßsa, 1892. ••—id- ut. Al > Gentle, j Engineer Major lum, a.i I Sohst Esq, V?, I nson, Esq. Hon'ble A. L. Do ahl*m 0. (i Paforsou. Lsq p. Jneqnim BsQy f:N Police, H. \V
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 317 16 i naaenner List. I asuvats, T- l T ?1 iiurl -i -Mrs urn. Prom Tok »nd Mrs. Simon P ,XProm Hougkong H n. ani Mr* Robh i Mr. Zarembu, Mr. a. d Mr, I Duyster Mrs. Ho mberg, n| Mra D»vray. mr P r s si Ahxandri. Vf
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    • 731 16 SHIPPING. H.IIPP.NH |> Iftltt. f b,i.7»4.tcnH cma>; I Undar this heading ol'nullig shhrevia- Mn l* v -v Fran Muntong WlssT ul I tions are used- Str-.— h i Shi—ship; bt|. 1 i-anghai U-Zfl,. f barque j Brib— Prb.-h 1 Herd States h. lit to, 3?^, L Pr. "PrenehjQer < t
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1115 17 AKKVAI B^. i? rnae Vksskl's Name. A Ti>ns.| Captain. From .Sailed nek*,. Q Bin Not i 7 jCheang Hock Kiai. :»rit^tr. 958 Dinsdale Amoy No. Bun Hin McAli.^ter str. Ac.l Hector Macaaaar Oct 8 Jbauhalien VIM. str. 2fiM» Homery -::n;uii No? MaritinH>« 3 i com bay P.O. str. 8047 Blac.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 469 18 .BLLSHBD l» oiNEKRS, Iron bs, Builders, Ship3tngaporf. kuala lumpor. Sliip Buildiim Yard. J r [i M VESSELS sis. J- A- und-;- rist met ur from ft. to 160 ft, length nf I, of lv* f .i->*iirn and finish. ,'i' leading Britiah Firms with B. Trade ('ertifieates. This de- part ment
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    • 676 18 ENOINEERS' STORIiiS. Ac. Asl.ostos packed cocks and mountings Manchester and Favorite steam rlonkoy, nginea, Sigh! feed Lubricators, finglhe room, bitj! ;-«r hixd spa^e Ij»!"p-< Phosphor bronze for valvee, rnnlarnhhsr, aVabeetos ami oiher Inj tinder and ingine oils of all I kinds; Boiler Quids Patent Rolled Zinc; 1 r.>*>*>il meal covering;
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    • 605 18 P( Pt, task mn w\n BEAB ill I'M IS M!Nl>. OUI KACTOI -m Orchard R and .00.-*; -,i» d wit h steam ,M^r to drii out woodworking Machines, Baws, Jtc, therefore Contracts and large orders can bepntthrongfa WITH SPhli' I. OUR NIK aiiirha tBINBT-HAKERS, ot* whom are nearly 10, cannol
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    • 322 18 U M JUL 13 T iE TAWTOtft. PAGAR DOmpany are aitueted ng the town cf Sfecnv at short Intarra no mile and QaanunLsl totheOJ^^^B 1' Wharf "r. 'm 25 35 fe^^H ?pnng tid< Htrosaal •wentv ts i tng at the long, having SS onorful Bsmta^^H i therei n, emmee* line
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 649 19 r, (.iaWOkCESTERSHIR^ sauce bears the 1 LEA j^ERRINS' S/kUCE. I ./a,,/ w,. nts, Oroesr* ond Oilmton throughout tl,<- World. ret ail "evet*i^a^k:-kt*ie_ Singapor Aegents, JOHN LITTLE A CO si W aaffl a k. J fj£a^t *j _jilar 4*j -B^bs^i nns nnnnV Jasnl n^Lsn\ bbbbbT anu^nnssai -vjl.^x l--iiiujc.^ i. l?Uit AUIDiIY
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    • 721 19 for ttSi±„% M«W A, I>l r, Lalor s Phosphodyne JpEptio Tor THir-f YFARS haa nraißtaiaad ll tdc ictaiatioa as th. 4% J Best and ONLY SAFE RELIAC.E PHOSPHORIC CURE for J n:n Wrecka« i y**4m Paralysis. s*l irq biai Pawcr.anJ aUyaaetaul an* US ■-l Coniitions ot rendmt S jrcij^
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 420 20 ESTABLISHED 1878. Crated wajlrJlH^l^^ j!Cv <=> '^-____if_____Bs V^sli^ -^^SmbSbW* i -o.i .•«•«>;• '1 a-HOUT <BBV^7l iff '111 ■i-aM' »-*i»»«* I 1 -asW fill ll ni-am 1 ,7 roßt JBlllJvJ-M. I ___ÜBBBP^^' i FACSIMILE <'X TEIPORAH AMHTIOWI. I.AKKL FROM PURE DISTILLED WATER, The D A W -This ClSftfS aye the WM
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    • 951 20 YARROW'SIHALLOW DRAFT r STEAMERS. I r I "x^*A^*u_,*aß'i_KS3Mr "rg l ."ya^rr STBRNWHEEL STEAMERS have bisa found by axperienee to ha the beat type of vseael for shallow river aavigatioai, and of the*,.. M..*.*rs. Yaaaow hsvs constructed a large number of successful examples for all parts of the world. Veesela on
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