Straits Times Weekly Issue, 8 November 1892

Total Pages: 14
666 679 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 30 666 The Straits Times. CisrAULisi[i-j) i is:;,. rUMUm Or T »AH,M M ,IO M ,v Ev.kv HOMBWABD Ma,, S,,nn,, I Pkick 10 Cents. OL XLVIII. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. XOTEMBEB 1802. NO. :s.7(>
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  • 51 666 luo oiraits runes has the largest circulation of any newsoapjr in Asia, British India excepted. it circulates in Singapore and Penan-, throughout all the Protects 1 States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has sowid sad a
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    • 19 666 <>N in, ,1 i ?1 nt lhl Adelplii HotM, the wift>ol M r |)k U -ki:-He\ti n son.
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    • 74 666 the K,,,y.-il Gmi- ?9 Hotel, Perth Sotland, on th.» Jst>» Sjpr«inb«r. by rhe Kei Jamos Fleming, M a., K.-iuns Ai.i.v vmm:r Mao kay of Singapore, to Is \u i.i.a I eld.- fitter of James M. Lvou, Esq. of SnitfafMMv. m »rning of tho sth instant, at St. J..s p'.'s
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    • 40 666 I' Priory," on rhe 'Jntl iust H\k 1 I >ai.i,.n m daa-lv (1 -f H- <«• A L. M lur. A. |.> I an 1 3 ui«.;»tli>. t is the Kingdom of Heav uii' ral a; 7 a. m. to-m >rrow
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  • 64 666 ILarket Quotations, aminary of the Week. touterV relegrams. ucrtl ami General News. routers a tl Trains. News from Peuan<*. Pt?r*k, Pahang, Netherlands In lia, hiaa. Stain, Tonquia. &c. The L gialative Council. Kaub. K^ort of the Chartered Mercantile B;i liOudon and Amsterdam Borneo Tobacco Co. Mail News. Telegraphic Summary.
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  • 426 666 Singapukk, Bth Notembes, 1892. Pkoduce. Gambier, 9 6.45. do Cube No. 1 U.bO. do do Ko. 2, is.i_ Copra Bali, 4. .>». do Poutiaiiak, ♦.!«>- Pepper Black, LO.b2£. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.i»<>. Pearl ISago, ii.t><>. Coffee ±>aii, 32.00 Coffee Liiberiaii, oJ;o<>. Tapioca small Flake, 4.b0. do do
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  • 226 666 B Legislative Council nel on Thursd advanced several liiiis a stage. i of a question on appeals from States tribunals, and of a motion iug of tiit- recommendations of the Penang Harbour Scheme Legislative Council Committee were girec. The Council meets a^aiu ou Thursday uext to
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  • 293 666 Fire in th* I London, l*f yovembtr. There bat b »n immense at Mi In troyiuga lar^e amount of property, and lwv mated at tea million dolls Till BIOMT HOM'ILI W. E. GIAASTOVB. &ov. !t is report d that, acting under medical ad rice, Mr. G K i!l
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  • 372 666 KThe Siamese have uow ;i nUttair Ga:te," and to insure its wide circulation 1 I>»t cent is said to be deducted from each officer's pay as subscription. European officers pay tins impost aa well as nativ.oues. Mr. R. W. ICaxwsll, the Inspector. General of Police, and Mr.
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  • 91 666 A largely attended tneetiug of l>oth playing and huuora y members of the Suaughai Cricket Club was held on the 2 7th October at ihe Shanghai Club, for the purpose o( deriog irhat atepa should bo Lakeu towards ereoting a mouutnent to the inemoiy of th m.-iiil. r* of the
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  • 169 666 In tbe match, on Siturdav. Mr. Herbert «>t H. M. S. .1/' m;i(l*' the record score ou the S. C. since it has been enlarged. He played aim I i<iltless game tor 1<»1 not. out; the only blot on the innings being a chance to A. J Ross
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  • 273 667 I'kottkk i«'ft I mail for penaog to-day. H. M. BumviTiNi? 'ssel Eyeria returi this morning from a cruise to tho Auaml Islands. The Portuguese Mission of St., in Singapore h;is beeu reinfou-ed b; arrival'".: the Ker. Fr. South from Oku by t lit- (j?ai Thkrf wasa !ion
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  • 90 667 Hbbma.n's Exchange Tavern, au old an<l 1-kn .wii restaurant iu Chuuge All. 7, I given way to the demand for office u in tin- City ut London, and especiallv the busy centres, the freehold ha\4n«' been :ffyrehused by the Straits lusura oiupanies, Fire and
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  • 124 667 In countries where the price of pineapples* is much higher than horo, the fruit is appreciated at m inething nearer its true »>>•'"*. Pineapple joke has medicinal properties of the Ir-li'^t or<l»»r. In iliraat disease*, and even in diphtheria, it has seldom failed to rive relief,
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  • 117 667 This morning, before Mr. bLynnersiey, Mr. Hanson applied for ft further remand in the extradition i igaiuai Charles Edward Miller, on the groui d that th6 documents brought in by the United i Marshal of i, mlar Court tHy NT juffi-icut uuder the English la* to COM
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  • 363 667 I I All I i I I i ru r. 88 1 i r ng acctfm] 1 Of «ill\ Si illll.. B from Liverp to] to led by m > 11th Ap;if, 1 it, owin t fait two to lowing "i iv.s str< rtering I rising
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  • 2467 667 > pi >*rg, 2 hi Ocl ■>>■ r.—'l ne y, thai tli i Canadian seised bj the Etntsiana B i Copper Islands were eaptured because thej bad Balied in B si:ni waters though actual]) «M*»d outride tlu« boundnrief. The V',,. denta tli»t the ere we were maltreated.
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  • 463 668 I; ia apparently the desire oi theaotiopiom raddists that all reveoue derived from the importation aud eousumptiou of opiam >hali be entirely done away wrttb. 1 his naturally leads to the query H how to tiud substitutes for the Opium Revenue aud, to this, The J/ ■iluysia
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  • 902 668 The report of the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and Chin* for th«» half-year ended June JJiJth last wi 1 be found rather more hatiafaetory than was expected in Homo quarters. It is as follows: The shook to confidence occasioned by the
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  • 414 668 ReproM ntativ< n Sir ('litri^s Tu]>|>>r. Hiu r li < 'ommi^ioner for Canadi.accompauied h\ Mr. James Mil nro. Airnit leu. T.r for Victoria; Mr Sui 1 ."vitnilN* New J^outh Wales; Sir Cox Bra S .nth Australia; Sir .1 F. < ..-mirk. Mil.' ■r ,|«iul Si
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  • 382 668 Thi Bazaar in aM of tbfl (1 8 v Lines Chapel is u<\ d finitely filed t<> take plaee on the -ad aud 3rd December. i Mr. \V. (thiuor Tayi «i »< mum > the general inauau^'intMit ot tin* h]ast< n Extension, Am .ml Jhimi T<-! "\iph
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  • 208 669 This morning, m the Supreme i^ourr, i be Chief Justico, the Straitb Steainsh^Kmpaay, Limited, as owners of the >upfh o w.-iv sued for $'2000 for irv d «n»:i.: alit'^o.l tojliave been sustftin<«li>va womau at Malacca, through the > (running down ;i tNhing l'oat and (1 >wning
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  • 200 669 The Dutch minister t\»r the Colonies. to nuet revenue d« ticits in Netherlands l u .j g prv>posed to raise there an excise ;i match's <-f I<> c.-nts. tor each lit boxes, p oeee«!s t and to iiu-nase tbi duty on petrol< uin from f.1.75
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  • 296 669 I through I 1 <-mK H\ liai\, Mr. Kyf led, this morning, to that under iou A of I*■ i>>r iho urii;i!i:i 1 war- \d Im- I i». u duly <»t" tli** uarraut. in tlio Act al> ii'-ti->n ot" the ori- I tbftt tin.- warrant is duly
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  • 137 669 An immense fortune awaits the man who wil invent a cheap and effective system of ]>ui living the sewage of lnrgo towns. Land filtration is out of the question because of the largo a-eas of land required, and it ems as though tlio only refuge was in some
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  • 306 669 Tm acting collector and ma rale of MiitatiL: Mpoits two «;tsr> of sudden death during September due to the raids of crocodiles. (>m the .vh and 2 1st September n\sj ( he beld enquiries touching ilu-sf deatht on the tirt t date of a Chinaman. who, from
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  • 364 669 T H i lare the ex- p iB. He wit In a career in Innia and the acea in »h«» i ;n -1 v;■ tt be Bl •••>; i nt ;i: Mr. H. v ;> mil. fc day, in 1.r.-.k--i"- which was i be vrorid. Unlike hi* pre meida,
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  • 633 669 The Panolima Mui>a" of Jempol Killed. His Head taken to Pekan. our Own Correspondent.) Pekan, #H* October. 1 11 1: famous Pangltma Muda of Jempol who was the instigator of the murder, if not tlu» actual murderer of Messrs. St. wart and Harris basbeen caught at last and killed
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  • 134 669 Thb Collector and Magistrate of Kuala Kaugsa reporti that, <»n the L6th September, he visited the Cicely Tea Ettate with the Acting Superintendent of Uoverumeut Plantations. The lessees ask that their lease of this and the Hermitage Tea Estates may be cancelled on the ground
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  • 630 669 The Miuing Manager reports for th fortnight ending the 28th O < follows Raub Hl> Section. As r ported in inr list we had x>>\ into softer country, and had also struck heavy water. Aftit wti, I In* pump i l**ii in the shaft iiin -st hunt for \
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  • 932 670 (Ldndo)t x China Expreu the country, the oast coast, is -ivd with, so di-nso that it ifl I difficult} that a way nm bo for< ,!i it; the (fiily nirjins „f rom■j with tlu interior i« by mo»us i f t«<? laiger of which have
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  • 378 670 Thr Cups p etented U> the Bowing Club by Linit. Coffin au- on view ;it Mess s. Joho Little Co/a godowo. It is hoped thai there will be crews to com- for tbem a>l the forthcoming races. it is proposed to start at Bangkok a Kace-CoLrse and
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  • 164 670 vdk has been very dull of lato, but, i sin the Ist November, consequent on n doctiOD of the railway fares both in passanger and gooda tiurlk-, and the interdiction of direct export from Parit Java to Singapore l>v tongkangs, these has been a considerable increase m the quantity
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  • 696 670 Thursday. :>kd November. There was a meetipg of the Legislative Council at hall past '2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. There were present: His Exccllchct the Govkbhob. <Sik Uici i:nti Shi i n. a cm g H. E. the General Officer Commanding t).e Troops (Major General Sir Charles W
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  • 4319 670 The Colonial Treasurer movedth.- se< nd reading of the Final Supply Bdl for I and the Colonial Secretary "seconded. Mr. Murray said that, perhaps, he would not be out of order in taking theopport unit? irge upon theattention oftheGovernun'ut the apparent delay in dealing with the proper
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  • 810 672 Thk return of visitors to the Raffles fe. aUd M the week Mr. JisiMK Ci.i.LYKH is goiu-in for,t at IVnang. He playedfiuTn ten -other day and kno-k, d up a d,.,,..!..; figure score. The funeral of the lal, wife of Mr. Tay Geok T.-al .will take „U
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  • 215 672 The pride of place held by China for I ages past in the production of tea is fast falling away. n reoeni yeara [ndia C ylon have been forgin? ahead of the Celestial Empire in a marvellous fashion. This decad i i trade is one
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  • 351 672 London, .tin Vet The de Mia nro announced f the Duke of Etoiburffhe and aenti i! r. London, 25th Oct. the Trinity Sous* banquet g tl:e M insion Honse last ni^ r ii r the Dak •of Edinburgh, Lord Rose- ;Uld the Ga«kWM Of Bill* <111.
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  • 767 672 {Written for the Straitt Times.) Third Letter. s,t,< FrancUco, With ffq 1892. W hkn we left Yokohama it was smooth When we got outside, then- was a bos rolling well; and, happily, i at once l.. S i can)-- sea-tick. I did Dot do
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  • 400 672 I < oked upon rj l,i (hi I' i\ Laudb b m1.. 1. I if in- r led 1 I >UB|. ness. Ti: mining i xperl to liv. will h.l d the to Euro treatment. T md dat n from l'»'!i century is mined there iu .iii I
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  • 1182 673 Mr. Matthew Wylib, the Humane So- cietv's Silver Medallist ia to receive the medal this afteruoou at the Town Hull between balf-pasi land 5 o'clock. The pepper industry was at a standstill at Bangkok by last advices. The buyeri offer T<». 28 2 per r u>u! aiu
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  • 203 673 About titnni riders turned up at the Meet in Steven's Road on Saturday, and at about fire o'clock a start was made. The Meat led through the White House domain, and. out into the Dalvey Road, ovrr the hurdles at Balaclava, and through the Experimental Forest Nursery, down
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  • 490 673 (From our Own Correspondent.) 1\ kam, l^t Novtnilo r. Toll Rajah and Syed Bassan arrived here lv the Per*, with an instalment of the Sultan's people f»om Singapore, ami j»moeed the I'm to-uionow. It is said that H. H. will return hv the n< it trip of the Perse,
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  • 373 673 A* a ru!.', the IV i> Company baa BJO4 il reason to Imast of its immunity I'r. in calami tooa wrecks, result which most be ascribed to good management as trail I fortune. The last disaster of the kind previous to tlu> loss at the BoJfcJhaina was
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  • 970 673 Trousers and Trains. (Strait* Times, sth November.) Thl questions of so reformiug the fashion of ladies' dress as to rondure to the greater comfort and well-being of them, selves and tlio>i' around tli' m is DueqH which, from time to tinn\ a u'i. at >l<alffl ismodic interest it shown,
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  • 573 674 <da>i. ht Son mho-, v C. B i > K \;ht Cli u fJuttii h Liang Seah r. Masak. iou tht' plaintiff claimed pos- laiul, j art <>f giaut N T the district 01 Kullaug with a bou aring Municipal Nos. 140 (i HjMkte Jat Kainpoug Kallangand
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  • 2601 674 I he Gutta Pcrclia Manufucturo < ompany Limited. To the Editor ov thk "Straits Tim us." Sik, lu reply to the letter signed M Gutta which appeared in your paper of vesterday, I must acknowledge that I am'not aware of the decisiou of the Patent Office in. Washington re.
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  • 57 675 S TI RN W 5 have been foaud I to >„ tli, 1,, .r" 11 ri™r navigation, and of th< I ,w I, v constr for all parti o! Hw irorld. i stem are constrncted, irhen r lired, t i Yi w lately bnilt the K
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  • 45 675 Thi n, Daily h do do <]o all supple in < nt>. i Ma pub icati 1- l a Soci nail it I l? do are invited to con i > A }> n tu the i. ;j( 11] be U I nt «t t;
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  • Page 675 Advertisements
    • 19 675 Put th A 1S -In.- Company exerieB h Rii L Ua 1>P lron Hnd B»« FoundW. HSABD. Jfiuu^ r.
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    • 130 675 Tii r THE |IN] ANN, ..L 01 T ONS M.-rs. MITSI l& Co., K I: g Webe*< MnW Goal the b si of the C a) v.i n. Vours yen truly, (Signed GLO7BK BROTHE] London. 18th Pebnutrr. 1^ M->m->. MITSUI A Co. London: D£AB Mks:-W.- hare rerj much pleaanro „.-i.!
      130 words
    • 109 675 J ml I Noisen -""'I Bath, f^ >*^. rf^/# AA The most siiiialilc ami scir. jg|L^f 1 I VA^JU A SOAP lor ilt'lifiiic SKi;r v 1 oqnosl j .tiyh.Mlin^^u I w days. re —Baby. I v T.- N 'i"! tin 0 m V S ALWAYS THE SAME Ik PLAVOUB E
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  • Page 675 Miscellaneous
    • 175 675 l*a»«ii»t'r Uf BOh rom Penan*:— Mr < Mill. Lovi. 1 kd. l I T J P and Mi Vt r .Mr. .> Per —Mr.Mi.l Air-. W Mr. an-l eb j ldr Seot^ Miss Burns, Mr. Hide, Mr. B Dr. r p< rom Liv v iand, Mr. Aytoo. I P(> >
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  • Page 676 Miscellaneous
    • 1367 676 SHIPPING. SHIPPIMU I> p(| tr. Jfgdusa, Brit. Btr. 608 tons, Capt. Webster. Under this heading the following nbbrevia- )th J roi 2 ?f^, ok G an T d 10 tions nr« used str.— «teamer; ih~«hip bq i£ Mansfield Co For Bangkok, U.iffShiS^SSa!^ D :rtr l n r iH i 9
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  • Page 677 Miscellaneous
    • 452 677 AKKVAJLS. 1 Fla<. Vessel's Name. I A Tons. Captain. From Sau Q j Rio Not 1 Bnadisi P.O. str. 2129 Shanghai Od 40. Com] 1 Siuffkep Dut. -tr. 95 <>iio!i Sine -oy »ct. 31 l Hydra lir.t. .;j>, Fripp Oct. s;7 Vi Via I Sri« Boa r\\ n itr
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  • Page 678 Advertisements
    • 397 678 Mil I zi i3 WC ESTERSHIRE SAUCE LEA PERRINS' SiIUCE.. JTholtnalc and Singapor legeatt, JOHN LITTLE A CO ■■SbHT.:' THE SAFEST MILD vi"-.: v, api on II'• .> delic sti- v^ .P™^T i; '■-^^•i 4TS AND FOB a use in CLIMATES. HOUT THE WORLD. I FOR DI"NrJSr3-:FQBD 7 S 3VCA.G-ISrEai-A--CDOC
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    • 454 678 Dr. Lalor's Trade-Mark Phosphodyne is registered under tfae Trade Marl Dr thelndian Empire and attested for the gale of the registrar. E| r. Lalor s Phosphodyne I For THIRTY YEARS hu raintair.rd its. V«ld-mid< rcputatioa as lh« 7 »>r./-') Eest Gra CNLY SAFE RELIABLE PHO3FHCRIC CL'RE for lm Vreckage. Jw
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  • Page 679 Advertisements
    • 567 679 ESTABLISHED 1865. RILEY. HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Shipbuilders, General Contractors. BINGAPOKE KUALA LUMPOR. Ship Hiifidinic Yard. H[GH class STEAM VESSELS always ■nder construction, from 38 ft. to 150ft. laflfrtfa of ktvl. of host design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms with Board of Trade
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    • 694 679 j ENGINEERS' BTORUB. Ac. Asbestos packed cocks and mountings Manchester and Favorite steam donkey, ngines, Sight feed Lubricators, Engine room, bunker and space lamps. Phosphor bronze for valves. Indiarubber, Asbestos and other packings. Cylinder and engine oils of all kinds Boiler fluids Patent Rolled Zinc Fossil meal covoring Fireclay and
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    • 379 679 ESTABLISHED 1878. MCSIIILE oi TKnPORARY ADWTIOWI, LAIEL FROM PURE DISTILLED "Thc Dispenj A This CsmfttS m lit ifflU grated Wttof IwIMUNn in tasv who m VJaicv for the Pvoducuon of mineral Waters- v a wvi U i VM' I'IMILI.KRY. 76, Bruss Bassa Road. town i it, VNJ) OFffl< Battery Roid.
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    • 789 679 THE TANJONG PAGAE DOCk" 1 The premises of the Company u>« I at Tanjong Pagar adjoining thv town oTru^ I pore. Steam tram-cars run at short inu!!! 1 carryinar passengers and gooda from WV^ destinations at low rates. a ***to The Wharf extends to one mile I and is divided
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