Straits Times Weekly Issue, 1 June 1892

Total Pages: 18
1 4 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 25 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. EsiAiiusiiKi), 18:. 1 Published for Transmission F u fPKiCE 10 Cents. VOL XLVIII. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1892 NO. 8,679
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  • 50 1 The Straits Times has the largest arculation of any newspapsr in Asia, British India excepted, It circulates in Singapore and Penang\ throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Bornej, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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    • 103 1 Market Quotation-. Summary of the Week. Reuter'* Telegrams. LckmI and General Xew-. Tuesday 's T« '1 »a rann Wednwdny'd C M.G. T!ie Police ami the Governor. West African T ouhles. I'n.' Vindication of Sir Ceeil. The Municipality aud the* Flood*. The Municipal Ooinmis.-ion. Pahnug Ri-iuj?. N«'sts from Peaanjf, Pahang,
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  • 431 1 Pkodjce. Gambier, 5.9<>. do Cube No. 1. 9.50. do do No. 2, 8.10. ■wra Bali, 4.25. do Pontianak, 3.7.'.. Pepper Black B.B<>. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.85. Pearl Sago, 3.».5. Coffee Bali, 28.50. Coffee Liberiau, 32.50. gTapioea small Flake, 3.75. ao do Ist quality
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  • 565 1 In Pahang the < i-Orung Kaymh has taken refuge in the jungle with, it is said, the Sultan's forees iu pursuit. The rebels have tut ued daooits and then- are two other centres of disturbances started bv Panglima Mada of Jempol aud Mat Uu Saturday, over
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  • 551 1 For Straits Time*. Canada am* Newfoundland. Lomfen, 23rd Mey. It ii reported tbat the dispute between Canada and Newfouudlaud has been settled. Loss ok a Brazilian Wai: Vkssel. A Ura/.iliau man-of-war has been lost and one huudred aud twenty-five of those on board were drowned. The Ak.miks ov
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  • 13 1 A French transport pasaed through vesteiday from Saigon for Toulon
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  • 13 1 Mr. Macßitchie, the Municipal Engineer, arrived on Saturday from Cevlon in the Cathay.
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  • 17 1 H. N. Ms. Merapi, commauder HevnI ing.having docked and repaired at Tanjong Pagar, returned to Acheen to-day.
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  • 22 1 The weather report published to-day guages the rainfall yesterday at y.48 inches. On the previous day the fall was over one inch.
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  • 34 1 It is said that a portrait of the late General Sir Orfeur Cavenagh, the last Governor of the Straits Settlements under the Indian regime, has just been printed by Walton A Co., of Loudon.
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  • 68 1 The Pinantj Gazette, discussing Mr. Shelford's says There will not perhaps lie wanting those who will say that, because of his generally free and keen rriticisin, his public work for the Colony has l>een so long unrecognised in the distribution of honours, and that now something more than a mere
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  • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 56 2 Our special correspondent at Temerlob reports the disappearance of Si Kah man into the jungle; and he anticipates that the search for Si Rahman will be long and tedious. Amono the passengers booked to leave to-day for Marseilles per M. M. steamer Melbourne are Prince Henri d'
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  • 101 2 On the afternoon of the 6th instant a tire broke out in the village of Orion in the Ba.aau province, Philippines, reducing to ashes the whole village with the exception of the convent, the chapel, and four or five miserable huts, aud rendering homeless between eight aud teu thousand persons.
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  • 112 2 The Dili Courani of thc _!lst May, myi that the recent earthquake proved very heavy at Tanjong Balei on the coast there, the motion being first horizontal then rotatory. At one moment, it was difficult for people to keep on their feet .aud many houses were more
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  • 112 2 Mr. C. VV. S. Kynnersley, the Senior Magistrate at Singapore, has met, says the Pinang Gazette, with a domestic bereavement, in the death of his father. -V home paper states Mr. T. C. S. Kyunerslev who was for over thirty years stipendiary magistrate of Birmingham, died on the
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  • 112 2 Yesterday at 2 p. m. the Marine Court of Enquiry constituted to enquire iuto the circumstances attending the loss of the British ship John M. Blaikie resumed its sitting iu the Chief Magistrates Court. The chief officer of the wrecked vessel coutinued'his evidence, which took tbe form of
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  • 132 2 Messrs. Jardine Matlicsou Co. The Straits Independent." We, (says the Strait* Independent of 21st May) have gieat pleasure in inserting the following letter which has been addressed to us by Messrs. Presgrave and Clutton of this town Penang, 20th May, 1892. Sir, We beg to inform you on tbe authority
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  • 339 2 The Calcutta Mail of the Gth May learns that The latest reports from the Government Opium Factories regarding tns produce of the opium crop in the season sre very uufavourable. Tho last .-.turns estimate the produce of the Patna and Benares Agencies fe_psct-vely sl 30.000
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  • 328 2 Tm: Hongkong Legislative Council has I before it a Bill to incorporate thc Po Leung Kul-, a Chinese society for the protection of women and children. Thc Governor, in consequence of certain allegations against the Society, has appointed a Committee of inquiry to report on them
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  • 553 2 A mOHOKONG pap^r lately tleclaretl tlutf the payment of Legislative Councillors in the Colonies was one of the changes t hat was shortly to be expected. Whether or not this will be st». it is. we think, a tpicstion whether it
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  • 617 2 Captaiu Stkachan of the Envy, a Queensland trader which visited the Archipelago last year, gives the following impressions of Singapore a! set forth iu the Q ut <>„ "lander of the loth April The >_«■»•»/ anchor, tl in the harbour of Singapore t»n the evening
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  • 137 2 rnnron ami i> übi.eans, sou ot the Coratede Paris, was at Bangkok before pro--ceeding hither. He reached that city on the 13 th instant, having travelled from fonquin, overland, accompanied only by a French savant and a few servants. He arrived in j Touquin from Frauce at
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  • 986 2 A Field kor Indian Labour. Ai.THon.H within the memory of officials now in Indie the geographical expre- 8 uown as tte Straits fcttlf ments formo df^B „t the dominions under tlie rule of the Gov- r nor-G« neral. there is. perhaps, no portion << M tho Empire
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  • 44 2 It is said, by the Pinang Gazette, JM Mr. .lames Waddle, formerly an cugfl of the Netherlands India Steam Nail** tion Company, has been appom' head Hministrator of the Langkat Oil Compa- whose oil, the Crown Brand. bas *._ne into the market at Penang.
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  • 829 3 I 24th May.) *YAH ESCAI'KS into IUNOLE. j FosBns!io_ror thi ..TAX. Tm-tOBaPH Link Lipis. inl Correspondent) ok, Tuesday, ITth May. hrs body guard and teied the Semautao on 13th instant, about 2 one of proceeding union's force al Lubok make much progress a few miles or so.
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  • 2427 3 At Pekaa'. I rom 'i i sjm Pekan, 1' 18th May. The Government Btockadea have all been completed and they are now occupied l>\ Sikhs. There p.- three of ti, stockades, and the formation is that of a triangle for the defence of Pekan Bham onljr. One is opposite the
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  • 435 4 To the Editor of the Straits Timks." Sir,— l have frequently noticed in the columns ofyour valuable paper, articles written wherein Toh Rajah is represented as a hostile Chief— it is a charge which I think requires confirmation. 1 have scarcely ever seen any communication favourable to
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  • 26 4 During the record of the Straits Colony, four merchants have been created C. M. G. These are Messrs. Whampoa, Tidman, Read, and Shelford.
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  • 31 4 The Marine Court of enquiry in the matter of the loss of the John M. Blaikie delivered their finding on Tuesday afternoon. The master was censured, but no certificates were cancelled.
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  • 58 4 mm The fourth report of the Central Borneo Company which comes down to the 31st December last, speaks highly of the coal raised in Labuan as superior in quality to all other eastern coal, the field largely exceeding previous estimates, but admits that complete railway communicaPtion with the mines is
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  • 99 4 SBy last mail advices the Anglo Sumatra Tobacco Company was under a winding up order in London, and a statement of affairs had been submitted by the secretary, showing liabilities to creditors <£4,325, with estimated assets £490, and, as regards contributories, a deficiensy of The deficiency is explained by an
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  • 31 4 I There is a talk of a Volunteer Corps being started at Penang shortly, and the Pinang Gazette understands that Major McCallum is down there at present partly with that object.
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  • 42 4 Thk Penan<; Muuicipal revenue is said to show a large increase forthe first four months of t liis year, as compared with the similar penod last year, being as much as :_3 per cent. The figures are 1891, $93,601 and 1892, $128,646.
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  • 62 4 Thk sixth ordinary general meeting of the British Borneo Trading Company was held at London on the 27th April. The chairman said that, owing to trade depression, the company's land has met with no demand, and that the company intends to abandon the cultivation of tobacco af-or .eeuriug the 1891
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  • 56 4 The question of carriage of petroleum iu bulk ou the Suez Canal has been fully considered by the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Ship aud Steamship Owners aud Underwriters' Associations, and it has been decided uot tt) take any actiou calculated to interfere with the regulations provisionally
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  • 133 4 An extraordinary general meetingof the above was held at the offices of the Company iu Loudon ou the -oth April to decide whether it is advisable to shut down the Company's estates at once or to continue to the end of the 1892
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  • 430 4 On Monday evening. 11. K. the Governor having been spilled through a jinricksha collsion into thc esplarade road, the Colonial Secretary surrendered to the Governor a seat iu the Colonial Secretary's carriage. Then Mr. Maxwell, returuiug to the Town Hall, got a seat iu Mr.
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  • 1908 4 The Uev iew. Ii the afternoon of Weduesday, May 25th 1892, had been designed specially after a fashion approved by the military authorities it could scarcely have been more suited to the requirements of an afternoon review. The weather was close, but not unusually so, ami it
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  • 347 5 I Days Later Than By Mail. Jnd M w.— The Right Hon. W.E. tone in a letter to the London Trades al declines to receive a deputation ltt Ah 1 h& adoption 01 a universal eightn; llr. Gladstone explains that •ui the question is unripe for setl|,
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  • 354 5 Mauritius, 6th May, 1892. 1 am extremely sorry to tell vou that the most suddenand worst hurricane this islaud has ever experienced struck us on the 29th i nlto. i Weather. -Nothing was feared at 10 a.m. and by noon we were overtaken by this furious hurricane,
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  • 753 5 S ri'o ,"> i/tary to Strait* Time* Telegrai Via Ceylon. Rome, 13th May. -Signor Giolitti ia forming hia cabinet bul slowly. Admiral Brin has aeeepted the portfolio of Minister for Foreign A ft. i irs. Washington, 13th May. The Treaanr} >- day purchased 520,000 ounces of silver at
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  • 186 5 Is s Second Suez Cnnul Contemplated The Telegraph of April 25th, eommenting upon a letter, signed Helta, suggesting that a provable explanation of the Sultan's anxietv to obtain ths -Mini Peiensula in .y be found in co-tain prop >!-als made some vears ago in Egypt for the const met ion
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  • 657 5 Financial New* from Holland. The btsamahip Cornp.n) Mederland las iaaned its annual rep >rt. in which thf» directors ssy that stro e competition bsd t > Im met m the Java line by t lie Sunila ompany, wl.icti deapatehed eleven s+eamera, and the Ocean 1 Steamship Company, which despstehed seventeen
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  • 2540 5 SI'RIM; HUE MKRTINt;. First day, Tiksiiay May 24th. 1818. Stewards.— Ji'ikjk.- Lt.-Col. W. T.SUis (Northamptonshire Regiment). Timk-Kkei-m. Jas. Graham, Baq., Handicacpkrs.— J. C. D. Jones. Bsq., U.-001. VV T. Ellin. Startkks.— Captain J. Oollinsos (rTnrthiM tonshire Regimoat), Lieut. Bramwall Northamptonshire Regiment). Clerk of THI. Coc rsk. C.
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  • 2017 6 {from a Correspondent.) There is little or nothing to chronicle about the gowns worn at the Races; many i of them we had seen before. We do not mean we had had a private .iew but that the weather was unfavourable for delicate new robes. Mrs. Maxwell wore a
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  • 2254 7 I Prom a Com epondi nt.) Thk weather being finer manv ladies Boned gayer attire at the Races. Mrs. Saig had a pretty dress of mauve foulard rith white guipure; sash of white silk tied kt the side black hat and white flowers Hrs. Braddell wore
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  • 313 7 {By a Correspondent.) In spite of doubtful weather the lawn was bright with pretty frocks. I cannot describe them very fully for, having expended two pairs of my very best shoes at the previous days' races, I resolved to keep the remaining pair for the Gymkhana;
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  • 363 7 The Queen's Birthday Dinner at Penang The Hon. H. Trotter, the Acting Resident Councillor, gave a dinner last night at the Residency, in honour of the Queen's birthdav The guests, twenty-five in number, included H. H. the Sultan of Kedah, His Honour Mr. Justice Goldney, the Hon. Major
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  • 20 8 Our racing reporters have a good word I to say for the Police regulation of traffic yesterday.
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  • 30 8 By the M. M. mail steamer Osms due here ou the Bth June, His Excellency Don J. Delavel, tbe new Spanish Minister to Peking, is expected to pass through Singapore.
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  • 38 8 We publish to-. lay the full text of H. E.'s reply about the proposed site for Municipal oflices. if seems, as we have alreadv said, to iuvite the ratepayers to argue in a friendly way with their representatives.
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  • 38 8 M. Jules de Bernard ds Pauconv>lm the Belgian Consul-Genera] in the Straits Settlements, at present in Europe, will return to Singapore shortly, baring destined the offer of the governorship of the Congo made to him by King Leopold.
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  • 37 8 At the Assize yesterday tbe Bugis who recently ran amok in Campong Bugis was fouud guilty of murder committed while in a state of unsound mind. The prisoner was sentenced to imprisonment during EL M.'s pleasure. <m>
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  • 45 8 By last advices a circular was going round at Penang to ascertain the number of persons desirous of joining the Volunteer Corps, which it is proposed to establish there. The Pinang Gazettt says that several have signified their willingness to become members of the Corps.
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  • 56 8 Thursday next, the 2nd June, being the fourteenth anniversary of the consecration of the Bishop of Malacca, the Right Revd. Dr. Gasuier will say a pontifical low mass in the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd at <>.:;*» a. m. to which tho congregation is invited. At the end of the
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  • 99 8 A general meeting of the Pahang Semantan Jellei Syndicate was held to-day also a meeting of the Pahang Serau Lipis Company. The Hon'ble John Burkinshsw, in the chair, explained that the Com] nies' agreements with Mr. Prasei of London, had expired by efflux of time, and that th>' Companies were
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  • 131 8 It was state], Bays a hone paper, that the Indiau regiment, which was lately organised for servic .if Hongkong, would be in addition to the present garrisou and I not in substitution for it. This is, doubtless, perfectly true for the
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  • 242 8 The Singora-Kedah Kail way. Üb. 0. Dunlop, the concessionaire of the Singora-Kedah Railway, arrived in Bangkok on Wednesday, by the Singapore There are now four at work on the route, which will mainly follow the broad road from Singora to Kedah, (or Kotah Star) which was cleared and constructed
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  • 1106 8 Friday, 27th Mav. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the Town Sail, at noon to-day. There were present Messrs. Alex. Gentle, (President), C, Cmne, Tbeo. Sobst, A. L. Donaldson, an.l the Hon'ble Tan Jink Kim. The minutes of tic previous meeting (llth May)
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  • 939 8 To th on OS THF. I. find China I Deae sn:— Allow me to direct attention t t th<> following paragraph v in the Seer tary it Slate*a despatch to ihe Qovernor of the Straits v ett eiuei t- l Smi h. o.C I a
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  • 723 8 Company. Tm; from fourth d'this companv ..ming doi9| be 31st I December last _t tie rotple the Board Mr. Dudgeon pr-.fee.h>d to 1 ahuatijfl and durii g hi- >tav he devoted him-elf to Uml task of th roughly re-organi-ir.g t tf. 1 tbu-ing the co.! of
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  • 538 9 Thk Abduction Cask. Discharge of the Accused. he prosecution of Syed lon Adam under section 361 of the Penal .vith kidnapping from lawful guar«B»hip one Laura Bridget Harding occu»d the Court ou Tuesday ami vcsterdav. ie A. ting Attorney-t.eneral appear..] for -vu ami .Mr. B roinhead-Matt h.-ws for
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  • 494 9 The Open Spate Near the Town Ham.. H. E. Thinks it Vrry DisuanLl TO Retain that as an Opkn Space. Colonial BnonnTAnT's Ormcn, Singapore, J Ist May, 1892. Sin, —I am directed by the G-Overnor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 12th iustant, forwarding
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  • 18 9 The return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week was 965.
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  • 21 9 The Rev. Father Baptists* who went to Malacca on a tour of inspection, returned this morning by the steamer Hye Leong.
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  • 24 9 Mr. Ridley, Director of Gardens aud Forests, goes to-day to Malacca on departmental duty. Still hankering after mountains, he proposes to ascend Mount Ophir.
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  • 22 9 The Hon'ble John Burkinshaw and Mrs. Burkinshaw go to England by the next P. mail so does the Rev. G. M. Keith.
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  • 32 9 Yesterday Mr. H. A. Craue sold at auction 1,125 square feet of land, and house thereon, situated at 87 Teluk Ayer Street, for 33,225. Several lots of country laud fetched fair prices.
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  • 31 9 Messrs. Powell and Company sold a quantity of confiscated and unclaimed property at auction at the Central Police Station yesterday. There was a large attendance and tbe prices realized were good.
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  • 875 9 At eight o clock on the eveuing of the 17th instant, a heavy shock of earthquake was felt at. Padang on the West Coast of Sumatra. At Padang Sidempuan, the chief town of the province of Tapauuli, the prison, the resident's office, two wooden barracks, and the Controller's
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  • 810 9 The Missions to Seamen and Sunday Working of Cargo. {From the Annual Report presented n May 2nd. > Fon three years, the Seassen's Chaplain for Hongkong Harbour, the Reverend A Onrney Goldsmith, m. a., and the Committee itt boms have done their utmost to procure for e in the
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  • 255 9 Amsterdam idviees stats Ihat the nee ond round of tobacco sales this Reason, which was held I .t Amsterdam <>ti the 29th April resulted in cv* n h tter prices than were obtained sl the tir-t Pale. Pro-]e.'ts t'.tr future sales alsS remain gcod. Amongtt tlie
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  • 291 10 To- Hay's TelcKTftiu*. (Straits Times, 24th May.) Recently, the Standard urged that the General Elections should not be held in July ou the ground that many of the electors would be away and hence be unable to cast their votes in that month. It pleaded for November as the
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  • 297 10 The Police and the Governer. (Straits Timas, 26th May.) H. E. the Governor may be interested to know that there is widespread gratification at tho carriage accident in which he was spilled on the esplanade rond. There is much sincere gratification thai he was not materially hurt and there is
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  • 665 10 Yesterday's C.M.G. (Straits Times, 26th May.) The Hon'ble Thomas Shelford, a member of the Legislative Council of the Stra ts, aud a merchant of Singapore, has been created a Companion of St. Michael and St. George. During twenty years Mr. Shelford has given much unpaid public service to the State
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  • 318 10 The West African Troubles. (Straits Times, 27th May.) The disturbances on the West Const of Africa, which have just resulted iu a four days battle between British forces from Lagos and a native army, arose iu April last. Trad.- between Lagos and the interior passes through the country of two
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  • 298 10 The Vindication of Sir Cecil. (Straits Times, 28th May.) 11 is Excellency the Governor is promptly justified in the public eye. It was vexatious for the governor of colony to be scut sprawling at midnight on the public road; bul to-day we 'near by cable that s similar accident has
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  • 363 10 The Municipality and the Floods. (Straits Times, 30TH May.) Ykstkkdav. for several hours, a co uple of miles or st> of t he principal high-roads of Singapore were uuder water, from a depth of, perhaps, six inches to four Ef t. Or ther nbottts. And that is quite apart from
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  • 588 10 Fll.Lis's Cii.'cis open.-.l on Stt.irdayl night under som* disadvanta^ n,',* chief of these was that the management had not allowed themselves time^toH ready as Mr. Filfis very ,.,U admiH ted to his numerous patrons I iter in the •'veiling. Circus miii.i-ers are apt to H impatient of delay
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  • 182 10 A correspondent says: I despairof mattprs settling down in l.dnmgl ss at present conducted. Tne only man who can smooth over the bitterness aud angry feeling now exist ing with., ut bloodshed, is the Sultan of Johore. If he were appjimed tn ivprSßSjH the Governor of
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  • 107 11 I[t is represented to us by expert reasonj that the acquittal of the Malav accused abducting a European girl was not the lit of tbe law, nor t he fault of the judu r e. t that it was due to errors of the prosecun. The law
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  • 604 11 Itttirday last, the Singapore Volun- illerv gave a smoking concert, and hing well. The style.. 4 en ter tai Uis more in consonance with its ian has been the cts,. latterly, and rithout doubl a thoroughly enjoynoker" and not a hybrid smok-draWing-room concert* -There
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  • 63 11 Secret Society Head men. TnE Pinang Gazette of the 26th instant is informed thai there are thirty-one more headmen ofthe Te.di Tin. in Seah" secret society still wanted by tbe authorities there. They were originally forty in number, but eight of them were recently banished from the Colony and one
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  • 40 11 Bksidbs ras TeohTbean Seah/' some ol whose headmen have been banished from the Colony, there is, says the Pinang Gazette, another dangerous Chinese secret society at work there called the Tai Te La." supported by well-to-do Chinese.
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  • 460 11 Tni British Consular Report on Netherlands India for 1891 si. it.s on this subject The war appears to hav.- continued in a desultory manner, without approaching much nearer to s termiuation Generally speaking, however, the opposition to the Duteh rule has lost much of its force, partly
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  • 235 11 London, l^tli May. The Newmarket Stakes td' 4,500 SOVS.J ;i sweepstakes of 30 sovs. each, the remainder from the fund for 3 years olds colts J*st.. fillies Bst. _Hhs the second to receive 10 per cent, aud the 3rd 5 percent upon the whole stake; A.
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  • 607 11 I Vert early ou Sunday (yesterday; morc- ing, it commenced to raiu^ and between 8 aud 5 a. in. aud, later, between 8 ami 10 j a. m., it rained harder than it has done in Singapore for years. At i> a.m., the rain had the appearauce of
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  • 171 11 I Tur Committee's Views ox Weather and Dnnss. On Saturday there will be a Oynikhana Meeting on the Race Course. There is a full aud interesting programme, including handicap races, costume races, water jumping, trotting, aud tent-pegging. In the last named exercise it is expected that the Colonial
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  • 525 11 Mr. Geiringer, who obtained a concession in January of thirty miles of land, to be selected in an area of between 900 and 1,000 square miles, returned to Bangkok about the middle of this month. He had, with Mr. Louis, of the firm of Becher,
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  • 200 11 Mk.'s i kis.m>i In the House of Commons, on the sth instant, in answer to Mr. S. Smith, Baron H. do Worms said The Secrets r] of Stste is aware that a large number of Chinese iminigrants come to Singspore, a od that some, hut
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  • 317 11 The ordinary general meeting of the Singapore Gas Company Limited) was held on the 28th April, in London, at the City Terminus Hottd, Mr. R. s. Forman presiding. In moving tho adoption of the report, the chairman stated that great disttppoinament must have been felt by the
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  • 874 12 On Saturday night, Mr. Rudolf d'Cotta, the choirmaster of St. Joseph's Church, was entertained at a complimentary dinner at tbe parochial house, by tbe President and members of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Church wardens, aud others. Father Baptists, the President, was in the chair, with
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  • 117 12 A bate given by the Acting British Resident ami Mrs. Treacher at Taiping. on the •Joth instant, is said to be a success, about a hundred guests being present. The Residency bill aud grounds were illumiuated a omird of the Perak Sikhs was iu at
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  • 1135 12 of PnOCSSDinos ov the Municipal Commissioners OS Wednesday. 11th May. IS;>2. Present: The President Alex. Gentle, Esq. T. Sohst, Esq.; The Hon'ble Tan Jiak Kim; A. Donaldson. Esq.; C. G. Paterson, Es. J. P. Jooquini, Esq. Ansnn r The Col. Engineer The Hon'ble M-ijor McCallum. K. E., C. M.
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  • 1043 12 [Pinang GoSStti The colony of the Straits Bettlementa has been guilty of breach of trust in its politi *al dealing, with lhe Protected Native States aid it, iu turn, i^ aon smarting nnder breach <>t" trust, similar in degree though different in kind, at the hands
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 110 12 THE "DJSPI.NSAItV Aerated Waterworks /Pmrnmrn^^ r^OISP_HS^.-^^=-_____^ /Xa^Ratedwaterworks >S^; .< NONE ?-________________B__S I W---mm-Z_____\ fli '-.limr __T<__HlfnPß___:.' 4 I -f* rnwr \MrJTilmiJruM^^m'. t M, tmm mmm. I, SICHATViRf -BCjLjj/ 4 »lf ll!i_P^ 1 1 Aerated Waters of the hiurhesfl possible class manufactured under Professional Supervision hyj the latest and most improved
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 298 13 IHED 1865. EY Brass Founders, c.k Builders, Shipvl Contra, toks. rtTALA LUMPUR. tag Yard. M VESSELS always B, from :>8 ft. to 150 ft. it design and finish. wading British Firms -rtificates. This de_LED EUROPEAN he vessels aro always iction by Lloyds and •rs. Works. ge additious to our r
      298 words
    • 590 13 y£?SS_? E^^A J ffßB jf g 'onnd by sxpsrisneTto hs ths hsrt ij^-mm KJ for shallow nyer navigation, and of these Messrs. Yarrow h.v. constructed .lanr' ,n, her of sneesesfol examples for all parts of tho world K e. sels ou this system are constructed, when required, to draw as
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1198 13 SHIPPING. HunMßiin; .>,,,_,,..„,»,,,.,,,,.„„. .m., v Under this heading the following abhrevia- H<>m Sadong, 22nd. Coal. Patenon Bimsns bona are used .—str.— steamer; sh.— ship; bq. Co. hor Brooketown, 2sth —N. H W barque; Brit.— British; U. S.— United Statt» H Raby, Brit itr. IIS tons, Capt D'Crusc t*ai Fr -French
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1061 14 AKKIVALB <i) Vesski/s Namf.l A I'ons.i Captain. From. ISaiukd' Co_rsioiTß_to, O Kio May 28 Ruby j Brit, str 110 D'Oruze Palembang May 21 'Lim Lan A Co. 23 Aden Sar. str. ISO Ijfathie Sarawak .May 211 Borneo Company Limited 23 Perse Brit, str 132 Babekost Pahang- May 22 Knight A
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    • 35 1 The Straits Times SUPPLEMENT TO THE WEEKLY ISSUE. i Established, 1831. j HB B^^______ a a) aa^^^ Published FOB Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamei ['Pkice 40 Cents. I j^ SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1892.
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    • 1018 1 iTlic m >Vil(1 lt P> lv (Straits Times, 31st Uay.) BonbBt Bottom has left it on record as his matured and deliberate opinion that in all animated nature there is no more fearful wildfowl n than "jour lion." Were the immortal weaver afforded au opportunity of perusing
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    • 34 1 Fire broke out on the P. O. steamer Verona iu Yokohama harbour, on the llth iust., among some bales of cotton in the hold, but it was extinguished before much j damage was done.
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    • 34 1 The tea seasou has commenced. The Mutual" steamer Moyune and the Russian Volunteer steamers Sar at off wad. Peters, burg leftWoosung yesterday. These steamers are all consigned at Siugapore to the Borneo Company Limited.
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    • 350 1 A telegram in the Deli Oourani shows that the earthquake of the 1 7th May shook the whole west coast of Sumatra. Loss of life is reported from the province of Tapanuli, and also great damage from landslips and from chasms forming in the ground. Several villages have been overwhelmed
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    • 48 1 Fin consequence of the mail mrrtmgements it is usually necessary to give the latest news oj' the week in a loose supplement and for tke convenience of thoee who die th- paper Qthr news contained in the loose supplement is always repeated next week in Us proper plar,-.
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    • 251 1 Thf report of the Harbour Master of Hougkoug for 181*1 calls forth the followiug criticism from the Daily Prt>ss Referring to the registry fees he remarks that these fees have to he paid somewhere, aud there is nothing to prevent owners running their ships under other Hags
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    • 118 1 Thk Hongkong Daily Press reports attain successful results obtained with the Hon- j gay (Cbarbonnages) coal in tbe Douglas st. -am*-!- Hailoong on her last round trip t<> Coast Ports and Formosa. Il was found that there was no difficulty io using thc coal, either in starting
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    • 136 1 The report ofthe Hongkong Harbourmaster for 1891 indicates that the Chinese passenger trade al that port, though larger that year than in 1890, has decreased considerably since 1888. when the number of emigrants reached 96,195 i ompared with 15,162 in 1891. This decline is traceable to
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    • 166 1 On Monday afternoon Mr. Louis, of the arm of Louis and Beeher, mmiugeugineera, Singapore, left here for Cbautaboon, coinpauied semi-officially lo Mr. H. \Y. Smyth, legal adviser to the Royal Alining Department, and also by Mr. Oei ringer, for the purpose of inspecting a concession grautod
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    • 180 1 Mk. T. Blarney was interviewed by a reporter of the Hougkoug Daily Pr there on the 19th iustant, with the following results A> i- known, it i- proposed to reconstruct the Comptny, arid the rhii»f object of Mr. Barney'- \i>it tti Hongkong ia to eouauit with the direet irs
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    • 253 1 Mr. Henry Varley has issued auother, more detailed, appeal t-i the Queen and Parliament of England with regard to the Chinese Coolie Immigration Traffic of which Singapore is the cent re. He says: 1/ The Imperial Government allows Siugapore to be made the receiving house of at
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    • 120 1 Attacks ns Junks. Piracy ou the coast of China has been so frequent and has been carried on with so much persistence that those who have had a long acquaintance with the methods adopted have been obliged to admit that it is an ineradicable evil,
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    • 467 2 TO THE EDITOB OF THE STCAITS TIMES." Sir, The workmen have l>eguu to pull down a building iu Battery Hoad iu order to erect a head office for the Siugapore Insurance Compauy. lam told the ground a verv narrow bit cost 951,000; and that the price
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    • 1075 2 To the Editor ok thk "Straits Times" Sir, With great surprise I road iu your issue of last Saturday a copy, or rather an extract, inserted iu it from the Pioneer which is supposed to have been published by the Board of Directors of the Sonapet
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    • 125 2 Mr. W.R. Collyer, who is the new junior puisne judge for the Straits, is expected to arrive at Singapore about the middle of this month. Mr. Justice Collyer is, we hear, a bachelor but, uo doubt, he has assented to the usual understanding that as a
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    • 60 2 In the absence of most of the witnesses in this case, iu which Thomas Gilrnour Keane, while acting as chief officer of the steamship Memnon, is accused of unlawfully firing at and wounding a Chinese fireman at Saudakan on sth April last, the Hongkong Sessions was
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 668 2 JNOTICKU THE STRAITS TIMES." The price of the Straits Times delivered free is as follows Within British Mmlecya. Daily issue per year 24 dollars. do do copy I<> cents. Weekly issue year l»i dollars. do do copy I<> eents. Ihytoid British Malayo. Daily issue per year 3»> dollars. a d..*
        668 words
      • 621 2 NOTICES. I LEEMANN GATT PATENT FAST DYED KHAKI DRILLS, SERO ES. AND BLPK ARMY DRILLS J THE only Drills guaranteed to keep their J eolonr nnder the The following is one of tie many testimo* nials received. IOPI Marin, [.ines. Uth ll e. Gentlemen. lam mmdi ph-a-. I with quality
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 491 3 '< 'ho OaiOl-i II and (i«nuii:. A WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE tL 4 bears tbe Signature, thou: 1 A-k foi f I__ _E A PERRINS' SAUCE. Ps_f« rf /<"• -y the ProprUtvrt* Worctstrt Creess* Bla-lurll, 1,,,i„n, Sr.. fr. end hu (rr^eri end Odmen ilir<,ugln,ut thr Tl'orltl 1 everywhere. j Wpfi- j.vp
        491 words
      • 323 3 rpiNIUM WINE 2%gji OF LABARRAQUE unique preparation ol this kind, approved by the Academy of Medicine uf Paris, is the condensation of all the active principles of the Cinchona Bark, t A few grammes of the Qui>uion produce the sam* fffect as several kilos of Cinchona.* (Robiquet, Professor at the
        323 words
      • 789 3 Dr. Lalok's Trade-Mark Phospholyaa [4 registered un ler tlie Trale Marx A tor the Indian Empire and attested for the seal ol the registrar. Br Jialor s Phosphodyne ■if%^__L or YEARS tas irainta:npd its uoild-T ide as ths fofiM Ben and ONLY SAFE RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC CURE for tram Wreckage,
        789 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 603 4 I POWELL CO SINGAPORE. PLEASL- RKA.I. THKSK WOW LINES AND BEAL' THEM IN MINI*. rR FCRXITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, an.l i the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drivo oui Woodworking Maehines, Saws. Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts ar.d largo orders can bo put
        603 words
      • 464 4 WALTER MACFARLANE CO. First Class Award International Sanitary Fxhibition. fl TWO GOLD MEDALS. CALCUTTA EXHIBITION A..-lMt. vturu Samlal Vi 9mmi uu] Bagineer i 0g A [roofoun _j ra Home Von am) mU fl COXTIIACrnh-S HY APPiO XTUKXT TO UKli .1/ !.//>/, i, h: pj/tTMK.\ I jfl illustrated Catalogue, Price-List, and
        464 words
      • 361 4 T LEEMANN GATTYS* PATENT FAST DYED KHAKI DRILLS. SXRGBB, AND BLUE ARMY DRILLS. HE only Drills <:uaranteed to keep their colour under the most severe tests. The following is one of the many testimonials received. Copt. Ma,;,,. Lime*, 9ik Decern fa /s G-.HU.MB_r, -I am much nlflsilld with the quality
        361 words
      • 447 4 GOLD MIXING LV I»AHAN v To A I STR ALI ANS VNOOTHE] jL undersigned Pnoi riktors Mi JL M.N.J ('..NTF -s JONS S.-hvUiM^H in Pahang. reput -i to be rich in G*jfl are prep, v.- 1 t > authorise applteal^H' carrv on Prosi-k iix.j .\i> Minin 8. tion- in their
        447 words