Straits Times Weekly Issue, 1 March 1892

Total Pages: 14
118 131 Straits Times Weekly Issue
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  • 13 118 At T>l\ umiUi, on tin 2<»th Jan.. Walter Hknry West, Auditor, Selan^or.
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  • 107 118 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY. MARCH 1st, 1892. CONTEXTS Mar tHtiotis. Sum iry ot' the \V ReutiT- Telegram^ liooil and Teu«*r«l News The f. t,)rji'. Sit uit ion. Pensions for Old Au ri> Tho We Church." The Electoral Bonn About EteminijcfMict'o French Politic. Th«i Legislative CounciL The (jort m m IGo tte.
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  • 418 118 Hongkong Bank ($125 ,»,l) 163% P ,v,,i. mi—*4 Nation d Bank of China 0 d«*/oi- B.thM«», fon £4.lo .s<il«< ll«i». Founders* $200 Mllm. New Oriental Bank (§.50 pd) $_>> Majnard Co. ($lOO pd) $ttj/£ Pengjran* Planting Co. ($5O jxl) ,Hir *«U«'r*. S»yle*Co. (J«i..l) m s, Straits Insurauce
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  • 189 118 Tai Legislative Council met ou Thursday, the business doue being com ui it tee ou the JiuricLsha Bill. The Couucil imvts a^ain ou Weduesdav next. Three candidate*, Messrs. C. Gr. Patersou, J. P. Joaquim, and Tay Geok Teat have been nouiiuaU'd for the vaeaut Municipal seat
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  • 462 118 For Straits limes. The Egyptian Budget. London, 23rd Fekruarj, The Egyptian budget has been published aud shews a surplus of more than oue million over that of last year. The G-overuineut reserve fund uow amouuts to nearly three million pounds. The Cask <>k M::. L>k Cobaut. London, <>4th
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  • 790 118 French Politics. Fkk.n. h Ministries under the pVMMIi form of Government have ever been short-* lived, and tbe late one had only held office tinea March lSi>o. If. de Freycinet who filled tbe premiership, besides taking charge of the Wat Department, choi his colleagues from Opportunist. Radical,
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  • 108 118 r -«fIn re J. Bertram Mosslt. This morning in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Golduey, Mr. Buckley, on behalf of a petitioniu^ creditor, Messrs. John Little <&; Co. asked that a Receiriog Order be made against J. Bertram Mosely, carrying ovi business as a dentist at 8
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  • 370 119 LOCAL AND GENERAL. WEDNESDAY, 24th FEBRUARY. i ling Ann (Batu Pahat to lining to her anchorage this morning sac rau into a j lining th<- second mate of the j l 7///»' T< an«J two shore enginee ■»amj>au cooht, 1 was drowned, and the !t- picked up liv liit.' Aii
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  • 54 119 Qtiuu ot the Legislative C'-miu- j to the following Hi" iii > <ri-tr-t( s li tv«* ju-t > u'.'.i on iat i of 're-'-ity or i. ng (<f tl h:- 'ii iiu.'d H\ 'I'-il. There is too much v. in hired bi:l. .1 I and ...ii
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  • 523 119 reach <>'oiisul ajiila, t\l. de B.r- .'-iI.mI to |.|i Foreign Uf^.i on the Pliiii k^mtjm X> I/Ecoi\oiui.-te L<\<!,, dosi j?* patd .it or ji reduction i f io r o o Wi.i p ro Ho nltlii, uilii r-xer an li.« started tor col •> i jfto< i?aV' ;i
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  • 147 119 The reconttitntion of the Volunteer Force is at present engaging t lit" attention of the Hongkong Government. The Daily Prem finds that as regards efficiency probably the present Corps compares favourably with any Volunteer Corps in the Empire, but its numerical strength has so dwindled that it
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  • 89 119 The mail despatched from Singapore to Louden, via Brindisi, on the '27ih ultimo was delivered on the 22nd instant. Inspkctoh Bat< u:au of the W (hi and sures J'• ari ducted imi, of false weighl morning lii Cl $5 im l tor ofEen< important cases involving
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  • 62 119 Fhi lq Rarliame a Police Bill, wlutii makes the playing of the game of crickei HitherJo the la been supposed to stand this form of health v Sui One of the speakers said that, as young men in that Colony had rery little with which 1 ccnpy
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  • 1686 119 (From a Correspondent.) It is intended (o bold festivities injohore on the 2nd March, that being the Mini, versarjofthe Coronation dav of H. H the Sultan. The Programme at present is as follows, viz. 7 a. m., Prayer au.l, when finished, a i salute of 21 guDs from
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  • 788 120 ZfttlMtre and Taujoncr Pajrai(Bhr<uU« Times February V.V.) T<*-bay, Mr. Cosmo Gordon Paterson was nominated as a muuieipal candidate for the Taojoug Pagar Ward of Siugapore. The noiniuators are the Hou'ble (x. S. Murray and Mr. Blair of Tanjoug Pagar Dock. The uouiiuation is made at the ■expiv.s desire of
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  • 249 120 Si rait# Ti mes February 24.) BMJJTmM tells iu to-day's telegram how Egypt continues to prosper and the figurei brought forward are indeed eloquent, •peaking as thej do of a bug I surplus and an increasing reserve fund The surplus exceed! bj one million that of last year
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  • 351 120 Straitt I i Feint ir i 24. i Mk.J. P .I< \-jr r m shews great pluck in ii^aiu resolving to contest the T*njoag Pagar Ward for which, ou previous oclioo, lie was I- laten by the influence of the dock companies aud the merchants, the same
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  • 1082 120 (Straits Tim ex February 2i.) 1 The industrious poor haw really some claim ou the society that they have served, and on the State as its representative. After a life of unremitting toil at a remuneration which has barely sufficed for daily wants, they ought not
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  • 336 120 b rait* Times February < majority which, accord iug to K has i motion in the IT"--of Commons to disestablish tin- Chun h io W ales shows au iucrease over that whi threw out a similar motion last rear. Ou the :J<>tli February last, Mr. Pritchard Morgau
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  • 832 121 K ratty Turn* February 26 b. Cosmo Gordon Paterson is to be ratulated on the manner in which he seems to have won the hearts of the Asiatic ratepayers. Although he was yesterday the nominated candidate for the Rochore Ward of the Singapore Munici- pality, he did
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  • 422 121 I Vestkkday afternoou, Mr. Cosmo Gordou Patersou was elected a Municipal Commissioner for Kocbore Ward, tweiitythroe votes being polled. At 4.30 p. ui. Mr. Tav Geok Teat was nominated tor the Tanjoug Pagar vacaucy by the Hon'ble Tan Jiak Kim aud Mr. Lee Cheng Yean. The voters,
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  • 139 121 From a correspondeKt. i At the present time the vessel, trading herearehavinirquiekdespatchasth.suppW of areeanuts appear, to be so far inexhaustible, and shippers find it hard to get cargoroom from the quantity ottered for freight being more than the steamers can readily take away, A large quantity has to
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  • 263 121 MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Thursday. 25th Fkbkuary. A meeting of the Legislative Council was bold in the Council Chamber, yesterday, at 2.:J<> t>. at. Ttie following mewben were present His Excellency the Governor. iSir Cecil Clementi Smith. 0.C.M.0.1 The Hon'ble Um Acting Colonial Secretary A. P. TiilWrt.l the Attorney-General,
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  • 2840 121 The Colouabo Li«;ht s. himi t A I'PRON hiTHE Sepakaie Jinui»km{\ Finp HOT A.PPBOYI l> The Council then went into Uommittee to farther consider the" Jinrikish* Bill. The following Bub-section frag added to Section 18: "A puller, who without t lie content of i!.-- owner bands over bit
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  • 345 122 Information has been brought into Singapore to the effect that at Kuala Hahang^ aud all along the eastern side of tbe State of Fabang, there is a belief that tbe Dato Kayah of Jellei (the principal Chief of Jellei ami one of the four great
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  • 260 122 tmaiher. VboiM .4 }{(>•>, i» Anwrnmalai Cliifhj, Claimmmi. This wms an iut.'rest iujjf interpleader suit in which 1 1 i plaintiff had issued writ of//. Min »-x- ution of judu p m« n' obtaiued against the defendant and bad insttnWed the Sheriff to seise certain articles jf jewellery
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  • 295 122 theke armed m omgapore yesterday afternoon the small steam lauoch Ladjf Weld which loft Kuala Pfchang on Weduesejay jmd made the passage down iu less tbau twenty tour hours. The trip was rather au adveuturous one tSCJng that the present mousoou has uot vet
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  • 641 122 The ordinary half-yearly meeting of the Taujoog ragar Dock Oosapany wag held iu the Company's Office, Collyef Qoftf, at nuou, to-day. There were present I directors -Messrs. John Finlaysoa (Chairman), Theo. Sohst, 0. Sugden, A. P. A.laiDs, aud A. Laspc. Shareholders i the Bon'blet T. Shelford
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  • 100 122 Some rwadenti of Camponi: BencooJeo, and more particularly of Sch-^ie Road, I complain of auuoyauo.' l>\ ni^lit caused by prowling Malays of bad character, h is said that these .fellows, who apparently go about singly, i/iv in the habit of going to houses when tne male members of the family
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  • 2704 123 Me. Reith Wants the Church to be a Family. He DesieeB to Institute a sort of Amateur Confessional or to bbcomk an Advisory Board. Mr. Cook narrates that he was not in slnoapobeaweek before he beuan TO AIjVISE THE I'JWERS THAT BE." Mr. La mont wants Ladiks,
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  • 659 123 Miiiinir Manager's Report for Fortui endiaff 18th February IM»J. I have t h»* honour t>r'p.»r' tin* f. n- ill" progress iiiuli' with tin v;i"ioui«H jit fie niMir for tin- fort light en liagfS above il.lfr. Hunk Ifnh —Tin work of rle.-i'iin/ otf^H flood debris is pr ><•>• >din^ slow
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  • Page 123 Miscellaneous
    • 64 123 Shipping >>u>. Li,o4, s re p Ort t ir t^ e t New York t. I hit. Jf W No ih{Ut o| iuriusß^wi mPiiuiuii Gazcth', Jitd Febrn ap]»li. ition ha-s Ucei, rn*d, It it f«.r i mt*»ion •f ril *J« nninbiT of CUiiues, .o,>li w he milvray ftcln*iii<c) is still
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  • 1575 124 SATURDAY, 27th FEBRUARY. About Reminiseenees. The first of two volumes of remiuiscen|lw from the pen of Dr. A. K. H. Boyd, plod entitled "Twenty-five years of St. Andrews," has been issued by the firm of Longmaus, and its reception at the hands of critics and the public may best be
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  • 74 124 Mk. .1. \V. p. Smith holds a License to conduct Bales under the Bills of Bales Ordinance LBB6 The texts of the Criminal Procedure Enactments Repeal Bill and the Lord's Day Hill are published Additions to the Table of Pilotage I ar.' published. During the auarter ending with
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  • 152 124 Shakespeare, ami numerous leas notabls people, Law depicted the disadvantage* of twinship to the twins Bat twiosbip has ita advantages, and thii was illustrated io Police Court ease <>n Friday. A young Chfttv bad been assault.".] and robbed and two persona wviv cbarged with the offence
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  • 376 124 Foot ball. 81 RVICEfI rsu* S. V A This was a Rugbv match between teajoi rgpiost'Qting the United Servicet and the Singapore Volunteer A-tillerx Corps pla/ed ou toe Esplanade lust evening; ana, from its l>ciiiLT announced us the List match of the season, nsore than ordioarj intei was evinced iu
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  • 643 124 The Annual Report of the Postal Departmeut of the Straits Settlements for the year 1891 which appears in the Gtment Gazette this week, shows that the approximate number ot letters, post -cards, newspapers, books aud parcels, which passed through the post during the year LB9l as 4,823,400
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  • 1106 124 liTDm Suleiman >• Kkramsah. V ester day, in (his ease, before Mr. K yini.Mslrv, Mr. Bailey applied on behalf of tli** defendant and liis partner Abdulasah under the provisions of section 14 of the Distress Ordinance XIV of 183 for the discharge of a distress warrant issued
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  • 1049 125 0* the 25th ultimo, in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Gokhttj there came on for hearing the adjourned motion of Henry Abratns who sought to have judgment ente for $605 against the plaintiff, J. E. Elphick, being the amount of the award of the arbitrator in
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  • 226 125 Discussing the proposed institution ot Bench (Joints the Finom, Qam4U savs that Bench CourU, or courts of two or more magistrate are a mistake in practice, ihe UazetU saji that "two heads are better than one' 1 ouly for rousultativo purposes, and concludes.; The true plan, in our
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  • 999 125 Under t lie above beading the folio* letter appears in the Calcutta M*t,*m 1 on tlif tftli instant As I ii >tiYi» tlint you t«krt an inf- ;<• t In thn affairs of the Mmlmv p'tiinMila. on whieh yon .srtMii to wriu-i w;th authority. 1 t):ink tint -oni<» old
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  • 239 126 s'. >U p. in. ot Saturday there died r a very short illness Mr. Tan Kim Cheng who for many years has held a high position in the community. Mr. Kim Cheu^r was bom in Malacca 'and at the time ol his death was sixty lour years of father
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  • 322 126 ■Saturday was a day of great interest 3gd excitement to the pupils of this H^l a competitive examination beiug r.»ndui'ii duriuii: the week, by the Brothers fith obanged classes fort he jmrpose. Bishop ;tud tin l{.«v Br. Director wore took part in the examination. \X in. the pupils assembled
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  • 185 126 L North China Daily Xt/rs has the telegram 14th February. As Mr. Qower the well-known ami popular bill 1 broker of Yokohama, was driving 1 >ju tr<HH yesterflay even'ng", lie was shot a-ttli f'tiuies hv I.itmt. Hetlicrington of the {P u Morion. He has a luilltt in his si»l»>
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  • 338 126 The Office of Atterncy General and the Right of Private Praetice. Mk. John, J. Francis, Q. C., barrister. it-law, and a leading member of the Hongkong Bar, iu a lengthy letter in the Hongkong Daily Pre— argues that the of that Colony should be restored to his proper position
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  • 610 126 Thk Singapore Crickei Club Spring Lawn Fennia Tournament oommenoet to-morrow. The entrieand handicaps art* as follows: Tub Uhammohship. <; P. Oven. St. J P Joaqnim. 1 11. Pe ii <v. VV Mak>p*«er. M. \\\\.d r J Q. Muir. \V. Maitin. G. D. IWr. F.
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  • 538 126 The following Article from the Madra* Time* of the 15th inst. will uo doubt be read \vi»l» mimm»»mii»mit Bn*. although »t»c*n <>i hni be gfoial tin* happy «'ii r \n U r «v,. li i l t.|M,,«1.,l with onfacti* n i «t* it t
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  • 771 126 The year 1892 opened \sitli the Based composed as follows Nominated Mi.mhm^ A. Gentle Esq., President: the Hon. the Colonial Engineer Major McGallani H B. 0.M.G.; the Inspector-General of Police H. H. Eticcard Es 0. E Crane Esq. T. Sohri Esq.
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  • 848 126 Via Rmngoom. Wanhington, /">//< Feb. The Treasury purrh»»ed t >-.. I <>n ouih* >» of silver at 90.51 t«» 90.75 "</'<i/. L>lte last ij i ii T HU ani'i <liin Mt tn the address in reply moved by ?>lr. Station, that Parliament was incapable [reland, and ih>»t the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 414 127 Printed very mttek a* received exeepi that <t few line* of 'further personal rtmeurkt nn t)iK newly imported <lrrlc mre deleted To the Editor of thb "Straits Times." Sik. —Thanking you for the space you bo kindly allow.- 1 to our helpless crj M
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  • 1044 127 To the Editor of the Straits Times." g IR __it is a matter of much regret that the licensing fee of a Jinricksha is to be increased to $12 per annum. Though this is to be the maximum rate, there is ,ve«y reason to fear that the
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  • 776 127 TO THE EIUTOR OV THS "toTKAITS 1 I M I > Sib, If y attention having been diawn to vour aitide of the Ist February entitled what should be done in Pahang will von permit in*-, as theoldest unofficial European, who baa resided io Pahaog tor
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  • 133 127 To THE BDITOE OF THE "STRAITS TIME Sir, Influenza in a mild fortn is now attacking horses and ponies in Siu the symptoms being a slight sore i iroat larvugitis accompanied with a disfn ing cough and in some cases discharge from the nostrils. Ti raiment for
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  • 123 127 ,HK El'lP'kol IHi: S 1 li.M I> Tl3|iM[ Sir, The ivsult of tin* Rochoi t iou mo tns a virtury for nif nominee of the Dock Compauu* Talijouu I'tUf v V;ti«l Haviu_ iKiiiied Mr. IVih'tsou had of beiii'^ ivtui u. -.1 for
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  • Page 127 Advertisements
    • 276 127 situations wanted servants wanted artieUi lost or found houses wanted o> to let. Specific articles for sale; ill) \vorl». -mall type close Nflß 3 insertions i- |H 1 uinirli MlB9 For each additional 10 -words, i" v^rds, add one third of those m No advertisements will be insert, ><> ran»s
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  • Page 127 Miscellaneous
    • 158 127 I'asHt'iiKer Lint. Akkivaljj. I 1 b. i*. Cahjjttotrom D«»li Mee> ■el, and r >ri«-t.n fl. Per w Sappho from Klang Mr. F. I nrtt Mr. Bfixeiid.-il.-. Mr. AC Har^r, M C. Maynanl. Mr. M'-K^n/if. .mil Dr. Fr»i€f. i' n. s. Mv il't't from Rangoon Mr. and Baud. For s
      158 words

  • 968 128 The price of tho Birmto THmet delivered free i* aa follows Within Jiritish Malay n. Daily issue \w year 24 dollars. do do copy I<> amis. Weekly i>-u.- year 16 dollars. do do co}>y 4<» et'iitBeyond British Malaya. Daily i^sif )>rv :»<• dollars. d«) do copy
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  • Page 128 Advertisements
    • 566 128 KEStABLISHED 1865. A.RGREAVES CO. jineers, Iron Brass Founders. srmakers, Brii>«;k Builders, ShipltriLDEßs. General Contractors. SINQAPOKE KWALA LUMPUR. Ship Building Yard. HIGH class STRAM VESSELS alway* under conatmc^tion, from :t8 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms with Board of Trade
      566 words
    • 323 128 ENOINEEHS' gTOKEd, *o. Asbestos packc'l cocks hu.l inonntinge Manchester and Fnvorilo steam donkey engines, Sight iVu.; Lui.ricntors, Engine room bunker and space l.tnips Phosphor bronze for valves. ludiaruUhor, Asbestos and other packings. Cylinder aiid entrine oils of all kinds Boiler lluuls Patent Rolled v <\no Fossil meal covering; Fireclay and
      323 words
    • 26 128 k*« Up AKD ROGfcR k here :a. J Mil. V, MHk Vim* Old .Intnuii-'H H ."• Agents for t,Up STra-.ts. I V. UH. VALTHIi>i *UO. I
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  • Page 128 Miscellaneous
    • 443 128 tfHIPPIKti IN PORT. Under thia heading tho following abbreviation* arp >tr. s<<m; i barqn i[( > B Fr.— i).,t Dutch; n —i! T. P. V .arf;T.P.D.— 'l PatfarD .-—Borneo Wharf; Wharf ir. d rbour D< curort m tv 1 et-of-Wak. !vu, r. mins, :-'i. Prom Mala I .is. !!>/,' H
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  • Page 129 Miscellaneous
    • 1032 129 ARRIVALS Vksrkt.'* V.avr. TOVH. DAVTAtK. FROM. SULXD Rk> Feb M K'hn V.u.i: Brit. str. 70 Nacodaii Mnar Felt. 22 Hun Hid I 23 -n-.t ■w Ger. str. 681 Maae Sourabaya b\h. I Z3 Kl.p<iiv. P.O. str. 2131 Moult- Hongkong Feb. !28 Jhn <ier. >ti. B*9 Wendt Saigton Feb. berg fchthidt
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  • Page 130 Advertisements
    • 441 130 'j» i I |y\4ik^B ibjbß WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE bears t hi Signa A-k tor UEA PERRINS' SAUCE. »v- «^/cr fc/wrt *y the Proprietors Wornter Crm» Eoil<foilf 4r .oW A &r^r« rtntf 00mm throughout the WorM. U DETAIL EVERY-W-HERE. Singapore Agebtn, t R)HN LITTLE CO "THK DISPENSARY" AKHATKD WATERWORKS J^T^ERAf ED WAT
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    • 612 130 "^yz*r^ u i"'" tl > "eflcieMSrfS iA IT S?*^ an d Heart D.sease. J ?w«^ r and Llvor Comf lalau, ■"'fT K^iV u_ ii\.io\ Disorders* r?>r^^ -^T A crraaj Consumptlo:i and danercl Debility. "•W-" s -%K^ jK J? a«BC*3 ai: W.^ms ot tiie Vital forces, -vVfcl^ \4&s£ rtom Whmtevmr cause
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  • Page 131 Advertisements
    • 1352 131 POWFLL CO YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. AUCTION EE Its. J^. jss^fcfifc (OR r^ \lj S Aliur-irahs Id* OQ«m*C« 1 I b .->>'<Mti (iruu) Jewel ftaf» t c^Baa^ M I Bft>ruoiQ Hnit*- Jk^iu.'*} Scr«ea» 'f'Vtm I I h. C»-«« I^«mp#> fiILS 1 H<. Sran is Linoleum BMB S_ B) .i»«M Tabi
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