Straits Times Weekly Issue, 27 January 1892

Total Pages: 16
42 57 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 26 42 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. "New Sebie? Publishe,, for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Stkamkb [Price lo Csitn VOL XLVIII. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27^ l«J)i>. NO. :{.(>(>!
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  • 17 42 A,t Cnigmord, Chancery Lane, on the 22nd insfc., the wife of David Donaldson, of a son.
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  • 97 42 Markt-t Quotation*. Summary of ttio Weok. Reutor's Tolt'irram-. Local and (;<u«m'hl News The Faquir Risin*. Local Financ*. The intitieu/a. The Fiuaucos of Pahant: The Uardeus Crocodilo A Plea for the Straits Tiu at Malacca. The Late Prises Albert Victor The Honiripal Commission The Lt>t;i*]a«iv«. Conncil.
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  • 423 42 Sint.a! '.re, 3{\:h January, 1 \1 Produce. TaiiiVtior <,-, do Cube No. 1, H do do No. 2 7 Copra Kali, 575 do Pontianak. 3 15 Pepp* r Black. Sago Flour, N-owik Pearl Sapo 1 Coffee Bali. 29.50 Coffe* Liberiau, Tapioca small Flake 4-jc. do do Ist
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  • 370 42 Tin- Pah&Bj R ;i continues with sli-ht pUnge for the better iatlwisitßatioD, !»ut neiaforcesaeotfl are on the w (iV to the foreea m the fcld irhich are now under eowmand of >]„j .|i ui)l u!lu arrived at KUn-.m tbe tUi inataat. A funeral m vies held
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  • 584 42 For Straits Time*. Funeral of Privce Albert Victor. London, 20th Jan. —To-day, Wednesday I j will be observed iti England as a day of mourniug. Numberless foreign priuceti will attend the faneral of H. B. H. the I PukL'ofCUrenct'uuJAroiidale. Telegrams J w s.vmpifhv liav,- been received i>v the
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  • 58 42 i from Rmb to the dired ot the R iub Australian fyodicato >«»■ d from B tub 22nd J»noai I i m. Received at Singapore 220 d p. m. ///A t j u i- to Pump. I eipeci to b eommeDce patDpin^ at t.n<-,-. ir<>/. m i, ,4,1, ■'>
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  • 380 42 A-Mowg rhe Arcli l««aroi Porhain [let; the U G. M. Keitb Mr. aod bin A. I, D 1 1 >naldson tor [odia oa 1 ii r i\ d tb€ I -ck«>l< itn.l 8 useful i <..iin from the office of the v oik .iiort li. B tan.
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  • 118 42 A new and iutorestiug item of export appearing m tht expor. .igt of the Ceylon Cham U>r of Commerce is d<*iccat»-d coconut the. manufacture of which— aud other protects derived from nuts, —affords employiiVut to a large uumber of labourers both ljale aud female m Colombo au<l ''Isewhae- Formerly the
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  • 563 10 LOCAL AND GENERAL. TUESDAY, 19th JANUARY. I A* 3p.m. to-day there was received j from Perak a telegram that the Perak men could not come and bo Singapore at one- telegraphed Hongkong thai tlio Straits would not send a t.-am. Mi>. William Charles Niblett, an Eogliflh banister, was this morning
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  • 115 10 The Proposed Ihter-Port Match. The committee of the Singapore Cricket Olub held a meeting last evening f or the purpose of considering the arrangements with regard to the Straits Settle nents sending a representative team to Hongkong to play m the triangular matches there, m which Shanghai wouK be
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  • 129 10 The Hongkong Daily Press says: If there is one department m tho .idministmtion of the Government of this. Colony which N 1< ->s <>]M'fi tliMii another to criticism .md blaiuv. it is tlio European section <>f tlie Police Force. It would be difficult to rind either
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  • 330 10 Charles Wilkik, Andrew Potts, aud Alexander MaoLeau, three Eurofn'an police constables, were charged before Mr. Woodward yesterday with druukenness aud insubordination. Mr. Superintendent Newlaud aud several other police officers were called, the alleged facts upon which the charge was based being that on the night of the
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  • 354 10 (Perak GoveivimetU Ouzttte, (si) January.) Fhb Kuala Kungnar month)} report for November details how three' Chinamen, -aid to be member* of the Broken Coffin Society, were tried that month for gang robbery, and convicted, and each sentenced to ten years' rigoroui imprisonment. The robbery waft committed at about
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  • 158 10 Thk Himalaya with drafts for the 2nd Bat: Northamptonshire Kegt. will arrive bete on the Ist of February will leave for Penaug on the *2iul will leave PenaDg on the sth and be m Singapore on the 7th ami on the Bth she will leave for HoDgkoog. The
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  • 206 10 Os\ Saturday, at uoon, Messrs. Riley Hargreaves A Co., launched from their yard the new Steam Launch Em jut** to the order of the General Officer Com mauding. Her dimension*} are <>t> ft. over all by 11 ft. 3 inches beam by «> ft. ♦>
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  • 582 10 On the eveuing 01 1 1 1 1 llUi iii>Uni. ilw admiral on tbe'Cbioa Station received tbe following telegram from Captain Barer al Swatow SN'jiih"]', name unknown, f nodered L 2 mil off Cupchi. 100 Ohioet* onboard ■boat Bnropeans. All lt>-t except 29 Chiwho -;iv<d
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  • 141 10 jJftoWnrf, -if'th 7)rr. The UOSgMMfC Regiment will be raited M Jheliim. ami will consist of tour courpaQH* Hindastaoi Mahoinedans, ami t \v.» (■••inpanio* iV\sfroutier Pat ha us. About 50 pef cent of the Native 0 Acer I and nifii are to be obtained bj volunteering and the
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  • 498 10 [Htmffbtng Daily }'re**.) Ox the 11th iustant Messrs, Rau Mob A (.'(>.. at Hongkong received news continuing the supposition that the steamer X<nnck<>»\ tor which they were a<_r«nts, was the itWHT seta to founder off Cupehi Point by the Merj\*>. The captaiu of the
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  • 136 11 The annual general meeting of the Siegaptae H l)ifiuir Society was hell iv the Pbotographic S u-iety's rooms last ni^ht. Thr re was a good attendance. Mr. A. Kuight was re-elected President. It was decided that a compiini-Mitary dinner should gr*ea U> the President as a mirk
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  • 130 11 A. Chi w,as 3 esterday ova mipria beiug drunk .t id c lusiug miw [1 v be note i thai m the i' ilence of drunteon B 8 aud k aa with fagrancv was loeke I up iv 1 cell pal ktiou yesterday 1 uiuif aud this moroing
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  • 176 11 .By las* advi< s I oui i' X liOn m North Cb i h.t j.u: '.vii. Th«j 11 is V ill j i m hunting be ii\z\ bad six iv aud < Lilt it V Ot I. ids, i il Minfimnit idiis. arms and nsioi An
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  • 217 11 }>v yt iy there left the Straits on lea to of absence, the HoVble Sir JTdwaid O'JVfaliey, Chief Justice. To I farewell to the Chief Justice there v. represent the Attorney-General, the Puisn< Messrs. Burkinshaw, FrnfoVsoti i, Reii, Ve\%e, Hudbod, X considerable Dumber of others. In bidding t
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  • 1241 11 Official Assignee verm* Dst. Row cli.. iir. Biuddell appeared for the Official Assignee, and the Attorney-General in■fructed by Mr. Bailey for the defendant. The statement of claim set forth that vlwin Koek, on or before the 16th April, m, resided and carried <>n the profession or busioesi
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  • 113 11 The Shipping Uffi v ;ssin> the following not icrs t<» mariners Prov th«* L6tfa instant and until farther notice, a white Buoj will be placed on the site of So. 7 Beacon, South Channel, Penang Harbour, pending the re-ereetioa of the Beacon. From and after the 18th
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  • 73 11 The Chronicle and Directory for China, Japan, Straits Settlement s, hido-Uhinu, Philippines, and so on, tor the cunvnt year, issued l\v the Hongkong Daily Pn§*, is now published. The work shows a material increase iv size over the 18J)1 issue, aud the maty useful subjects of information
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  • 54 11 WeDNKM>AV. iiOTH JVNVAKY. Thk onlinarv fortui^htlv >n Municipal Coiniuiusiouer* vv;«s held <l;jy m theTo iri ii ill. TL Messn A Qq| l» r g |J e m H oper.T. 11. Sobst. A.L.U Lira ECeoK the Ii >o. i Ji ik Kirn. Tbe roiuut| s of the v re
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  • 249 11 THE LATE PRINCE ALBERT VICTOR. thai I Bg iv 1 nth tiio v.m, ol airr. W.ii to \iw Board. I ii J rei vi A Fa- ii v S i ki>. The )'i v ii, •i J <ii.l Dot Dl I I> v tlu> pol Tii rtoa Tl rta bich
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  • 443 11 A long auJ technical di place ;is t.i the interpretation l">o of the Munic J Ordiaaoc irbi reads: If any lmildin* or .ur, fliintf nfli < I i <l ■••iu»ml l»v t'u« Conn i.. m a ruinous «>iik«'iv t(» fall or m .i- d»nthe inli*bitautM or *uvh
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  • 320 45 The memorial service vesterdaj a Johore was most reverently and snitabh conducted. The Hon. E. E. Isemonger has armed from Malacca, and Colonel Barton-Brown from Bangkok. The rec- nt heavy weather m the China Sea is causing great anxiety m shippingcircles at Hongkong. The yacht Ariel, U
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  • 1362 45 The Peuang Municipal progress report for November 1891, is published. The President says During tli"t discussion on the budget, tie question of Police contribution again came up. It is felt by the Commissioners to be an unfair rax OB the revenue of the M«>nic pality. People
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  • 366 45 Ho.\..k<>\.: >, OJ BovaKONG sii,,t oif ;n i|, r ab>>ye imt.-h ai the Riii. AsM)oi.t...!i\ K.-iu^. Kowlooo, on\ ih,' :,th inst«al [t will be r.-in.-in-bervd.aeyfl the Homgkomg Daily Prew, thai intorjH.rt match took pUce towi 1 :i 1 of 1.-.-t \.-hi-, hui nwinir «o»ome m'smnderK'auding
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  • 351 45 {Frtm Mr. Bibby at Jfc» Raub, Monday, IBtb January (Remimdat Singapore «t 5 /<.»/»• s/ttd day.) I expect the war to continue for i time iv any cast- it is impossible to send supplies up the Bilut River for a lon g time. Clifford and his force*
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  • 248 45 SumhnN Figrlitin?. Pbe following telegran was received «A th«- Btrait§ rime* Office yesterday (Tuesday) "'v.'iiiiii:, sometime after the public*. tion of that .lay's j.;ij.rr Koala Lumper, Tuesday, I.9th .Jaii. 125» |>. m. HiifMH.: D«'WB nvi'ivt'd on Sahird.-ty ni^ht stated v a ili« i ii.'in\ wan then b*
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  • 1890 45 The following was ivr,.ived from th. Colonial Seeretory'a Office this morniog:--1 Information has been received that, m connection with some attack on Mondmj, the 18th iustant, not yet explained, Mr. I>-Aan received a wonud m hi* thigh there wen- no other casualties. Major McCallum has beeu ordered
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  • 1308 5 THE LATE PRINCE ALBERT VICTOR. The Governor has received n telegram from the Secretary of State conveying the thanks of Her Majesty the Ojiepn and Their Royal Highnesses, the Prince tad Prineeta of Wales, for the message which had beeu received, expressing the sympathy of the Colony and the Proti
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  • 104 5 The liaud fund. w«> are sorry t<» Bhowi a deficit, to the cml of the war, of $500 Ingulfs providing for this amount. provision will have to be made during the comiog year for sending tin- i bad: to Manila at the commencement of 1 aud
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  • 123 5 LIKUT.-Colone] U. M S m it h from halfpay, H A., succeeds to the command of th< Royal Artillery at Siugapore, vic«> Col. A. Burton-Brown, /< *.c, who- »d »»t tenure bM eipired. AlluJiuu: t> thi- meat < which is •juite iv error )&he
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  • 2041 17 Prospects of Coffee Cultivation in the Malay Peninsula. Malay C flon Obterter. r>th J<w»ary.) Our readers will be interested m the in>n«aii!*>d m the (ollowinjr article, ntul most authentic which is avnilTh.« n nf mil", eat th<> preseui nent i: »!<l^ mit such roinises of su))stanlij,j—not to *ay immense retains
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  • 94 17 Amu...., s.:< I lsl night, it was report?* lll:lt «*emp! bad 1,... <>n cbqnirv n wag found tint <'i w T i»du,,, ,l:!;;': !r; h ba,l „,,,u kl T1 J bad U,l „rof,,s lv and was r mov d t llhmv are o». l, orvs ll(
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  • 178 17 [NFLUENZA, whirl) is distress at honi has rea -aporr. ami is gradually becoming epidemic Whole families aiv stricken, i> fresh c 'd. I' 1 lt IV> an also suff sto .1 <*n extent, arad the chilly vviuds, with the preseu.t monsOon, m to have tin eft'eel ii
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  • 123 17 A. the Sapphire* J pauy at [..-it! ..ii -i! the 21 the chairm I tin have taken sion <»f niii. oi £em-produciiu; ground, out •I com.', ssioi have already ..htaiued 2l<>,< s 'pphii n:oi. s. On p*i o f W,OOO carats id uome to
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  • 724 45 The rattan? Using. ■XStraUe Times January J Her will be seen from uews m another column t the rebellion iv Pnfcang drags i slow Jeugth along aud that the Or«ng Knynh is holding his STow. it is a month since this rising be^an and, if it were a big
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  • 499 45 {Straits Time* January 1.9.) We believe that withiu the last two months the Straits Governnieut has gold to private investors the whole of the five per cent. Siugapore Municipal loan of 1889, amounting to 8400,000. The sale of this loan has boon made at par, aud the investors
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  • 454 45 its 2 •■./<■ The Son'ble Major Kd a I urn, R B. C.M.G.; Colonial Engineer; Com mandani «>r the Singapore V rinnteer Artillery, is appointed to be Commander-in-Chief oi the armies m Pahang, and Generalissimo for the Allied Soltam I Pahaug, >■ angorand Perak. That statement, if
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  • 307 45 t Strait* I > 21. > n/. now >.> fatal I v prevalent bad before raged them epidew i.-ulh m 1833, 1837; Nt 7. L 857, 1864, uud Him. The disease takes the character it :i 6lg fever, both epidemic i pandemic, sudden i«i onset aad of >ii
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  • 516 45 (Strait*. Tiim* January 22.) At yesterday's Labial itive Council H. E the Governor m for mod Mr. Burkinshaw that the State of Pahanj? had Dot obtained auv tiuaucial assistance from any quarter other thau the Colony and that the financial affairs of Pahaug would shortly bo
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  • 1185 45 January The full list oi New if ear boa now before us. l>v the mail which arri. yesterday; and certaiu entries m that list will give cause of .1 ive mindol the StraiUS ttlemeoU. it will be obaervedthat John Charles Saoau -t, who has been
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  • 313 40 {Straits Time* January iis.) ToiHHiNa tLe tin discoveries on and near the shore at Malacca it is as yet unknown whether the deposits are or are not valuable. The Malays working the deposits could not get any one to advance money on their biji (which was impure
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  • 186 40 [Pinang Gazette 22nd January.) The Race Ball has fallen through. The Singapore horses, Frienditm, Sequence, Herevles, and Rebecca, arrived this morn ing under the tare of Mr Abrams. Touch* ot, Nimblefoot, Muar, aucl Bend' Or arrived some "days previous. Sequence, while lifted from a touokano with the crane,
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  • 887 40 MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. (Thursday. 21st January.) A meeting of the Legislative Couueil was held m the Couueil Chamber this afteruoou. The followiug members were present i His Excellency the Governor. Si it Cecil Clkmknti Smith, g.c.m Th<3 Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Secretary A. P. Taibot the Attorney-General, (J.
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  • 2392 40 The Governor -The most convenient method of informing the Couucil on tW Pabang question is that I take it up m somewhat of a narrative form as to what has taken place since my report at the last meeting. From the remarks which I have tomake with reference
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  • 561 50 Thk race-horse Camilla was sold at auction yesterday by Messrs. Powell and Co. for s :{<><>. The number of visitors to the Harries Library and Museum enuring the week was :!.•_>:>!>. -<► Thk Sea Belle landed Major MeOalljm at Klang on Thursday night and returned to Singapore,
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  • 464 50 I Official Amlqhbi vtrnu Dr. ROWELL. This morning iv the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Goldoej, the above ease was resumed. The ease is Thomas Herbert Kersbaw, Official Asssignee m re the estate of Edwm Koek, bankrupt, against Dr. T. Irvine KoweM, iv which it was sought
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  • 172 50 The Government Gazette, dated 22nd January. District Delegates are empowered to cancel stumps under Sectiou S»» .t' Courts < Ordinance 1 Tiio t< \t of a bill for tht> 1.-ulati.:. ami control of jinrickshas is published. I < -l.ii-f r.iture m the Bill is that is to be responsible for
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  • 403 50 The first Annual General Meeting will, be held at tli*' committee room of the Singapore Cricket Club on MonO January, at 5.15 p. m. BUSINESB: 1 To receive Ihe Report of tin- I innt.ittap and the accounts submitted by tin* Houoran Treasurer, and ii* upprovtd, pass ilu-Nimi.
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  • 105 51 The Norddentscher Lloyd and their China line. Thl Norddeut seher Lloyd have it is -tid made a change m regard to their China line this year, it has been the custom for their China boats to remain a Mrtnight at Shanghai, but the time has now been shortened to one
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  • 308 51 Tut; ordinary annual meeting of the members of the Singapore Sporting Club AS li"ld m the Kxch;niu r e Room, last\nj, f-»r the purpose of receiving the report and accounts tor the past year. There ■re present Messrs. Cosmo Paterson, Sugtleu, Can-, Mi-Ritchie, J. }>. Sauuders,
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  • 355 51 A suggestion made by a member at the Ul the Singapore Sporting Club yebi- lay is sensible and deserves the eoosideration of the Committee. It is difficult to conceive a raciug club without a rule penalizing l a t, e scratching and thai this
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  • 787 51 In connection with tbe dismissal of the Chinch ew «'i the >. Avayget and the <li>inissal of Captain Busk a meeting oi tfa ■hip-captains, mates, engineers, and others interested m the shipping of Peoaog, lirld at tin- Town Hall on Mood*; after- i dood, for •!)<• purpose of
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  • 984 51 The Governor has recei vei information that the bullet has been successfully extracted from Mr. Duhau's thigh, and that he is progressing favourably. Mr. Clifford, writing officially from Kuala Lipis, under date of 17th instant, says that all is quiet up there and that rumours of disaffection
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  • 517 51 I- Ojfii-itilfif >rt forth him/or <!<>r, rnm< ,it Gfizei* On thoiMst I)«'Ct'inh»M- ''itforiiiation W;i- ci'ivi'il r/"' Raub a. d'^t .ir'mi. rorffd m Tin Pali.tu/. th«* Mi_'i>t*«t' -it SflllHlltrtM arid the Tiispcrtor of Mino* ));i\injf 1 crii tii-f I at m iM« 17tli. «r Ku.i'» T Malay-
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  • 228 51 Taipiny. > .1 r j},, w Msr.-int M.Mtfi^traM. Go, m c.K.r^- of tl;,> Sum.-ttraii Mala This n'fer.N, im doubt, to tlm "f Bit;, I. w ivfrrml fn iii our Inst i^ IUTfJIt. (I. It is t.. U foreign M«lhv?s Ed P. T,.i P iu<, >:;,d J,,nuanj
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  • 650 52 Collapse of Singapore. shooting ou Saturday of the re- j preseutanves of Singapore id the Inter±*on Xt! Match, between Shanghai Mottgkoug and Singapore, resulted j n the making of a tota Molv Qf ?u j ft oi n 4 points p<-r man; as against ><>< or
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  • 76 52 »«> $00 fIOO T y J yds. yds. total. inspector Maun 33 31 51 < r> g°K s A^- fi oyd S8 27 90 P.C.Watson, 3! 28 2 <> feer^t. Rohortson 31 8] 2(J 88 Col. Serjct. Mack 34 30 >4 88 r f o^ 8.1 30 27 87
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  • 53 52 The first shooting io this match look place (luruiir November, and the sooret of i the respective Ports were m follows SivoAPOftr 200 500 600 puds. To»»l 288 276 298 804 HoNCKON.i. 200 500 600 rails. T..UI W i 7:; 774 SHAN(iHAI. 500 000 ratds. Total 270
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  • 2391 52 Rvpplemt tary to Strait* Time* Tel r a ram* the load sales y e ttou r^ched th UIOW] Uie .;i-i halt" C \v\\r\. lewa h;n iva.'. of.-, terrible exploi i the Kre..> mm.- m tin Ludian T. Two ha <Im-.I pers us are eutojubed; ni. .in ol Mm
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  • 239 52 Ihe Austro-Huugarian Lloyd's Navigation Company i«* iuto a purely Austrian concern, i«» I mn as lilov.rsBt.-anj Navigation Compauv. the change being the resu't of t ;1(V of tb<- Ilnn-anaii Parliament to giving support to national coma aud maritime interests instead of contributing to an
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  • 2242 53 OK PEOOIbeDIKOO OF THB MUNICIPAL o.u mission i a.v obdlnary Meeting on Wednesday, 23rd Dkc^mbeb, it'M Pre.sKNT The President. Alex. Gentle, the Hon"l»!. the Col. Engineer. Major MeOalluML R E CMG. the Acting [nspec-tor-Qeneial of Police, H H. Riccard, F.sq T. v, I B. Crane, Eh<j. the Hon'ble Tan
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  • 814 53 Or Pbockkdinqs of ihb Munich ki A IA I Mektin«; on Wednesday, 30th Dec km bur. 1- i PBKBJ n -T» pPi ■],■>. Km, T. r-. U. B Crane. E Hon'hle Tan Jink Kirn. im Kii^- X W. B. Hooper. Esq. ENT:— The Hon*bl (M. Kis-in <t. Major McC«llum
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  • 454 53 The annual nieetiifg of tb<- PaUattg Central Tin and Exploration Conij-auv (Limited) was held at Win. !•>: on th-' _Mst ultimo, Colom-l Sir U 1.,-rt \V. H.i-l.y, C.1.., presiding. The director*' repot 1 si ited that a statement of the additional capit il required t >
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  • 480 54 The Malay Peninsula in the "Morning Post." espon lent. trd Nov.- -I send you herewith an official notice m which tho S raits Government f ff'-rs ft Concession for i h<« huildin^- of of railway m the Malay Peniusu'a: the iiducemtnt offered heinir First, that tlie I i will tr«t
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  • 965 54 Tmk third ordinary L^nera! met ihmrebolders of ang-Kaltnug Fiimitod ul> Winch He .T.KiKst-lKej.i pqu<»m*»' of t!.' 1 ih.i hoard of the 1 < ll i ive i--. r-in h the _nt the coiiiji my ou March i ;nii h«ppy to report that the amalgamation of the P.-iii _T
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  • 565 54 I Ifh .Tun The terms of the A nUiO-Porti.oriu treajy regarding Gtia >\ •pi re on Thursday next. Ne^oriatioßa for i t PW«I iv 0] .It r th«> pa^t year without result. Ti' Bomln* authorities are J i<>.- emergency rind have men ready Mr tin* frostier enstoms service
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  • 1011 54 The Philippine JsUnds Am lli- ii.-;d. Geographical, Ethnographical. Social, ami Cosnmcrcial Sketch of the Phili pine Arcbipcutgo and iis l»oli icl Depend* n^ie*. By John F.i •fiipni. P.R.O.S. Loudon Sawpsoa Low and 1 d. No original work on t\ePh lij>;.in<'v m fitigli^li lims h.'cii ]tuli!i-lir i for iiiiiny vciirs,
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  • 48 54 vw khav's Rah M.ti.l. a Plate NimbJefsai J The P.Mimi^ Vase SpitmJm 1 Tlim Joh«rp Cu]i itn QritetU p« \V,.|. 1- >1- 'iljs />*../'? f)r 1 T!;.- Griffin's PUte Bri^Ai Be« i Tin /»'<... j Tlu' I illipatinu <'\:\> M r hi Beb j Tfc R)»itti> Cup
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  • 84 54 I h .V- r. VVe irn from the Slr>tit.-< Tim lias ;t<cu|»l •>t Mr. Mm i iv Campbell for thcoi iouof thoK ay. i cans I much ilissatisfactiou among tl xitrautors wlim !<•; rk, iDore particularly as th.> Jin th» i 8 rman. Mr. i ',i;:i|.!-.-!l is
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  • 333 54 c directors state's <" \l.i' ba .1 1 imK witli i n 1 llrt jj,,: DM I«] ichea th»- n July I pm '<» <iit n.c favoural made \>\ mum i 'lYagiie. u|miii rlic i itli of which tl li.-kI been purchased, aud conftcquen+h suitable •'M
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  • 237 55 The third ordiia»ry meeting »»f t lie Strains I'dMjii'i-i iny Syndicate I Limited) vm held on rhe 30 h l)<-<- ml. .r Winchester House, Old R:n d-str. et, Loud n B.C. Air. R B. Did ton j>r< In moving tli" adoption of the report. Ihe i
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  • 131 55 The second anuual meetinor of this commv was held on tb^ 30th December, at the Cannon Hotel, Londoa. Th» Ohairtiiau admitted that proat difficult-- liH'l to h> conteDded with m eudeavom- to conduct the business of the company satisfactorily m so distant a country, the difficulties
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  • Correspondence.
    • 509 55 —fc The s£^S_BSrt lt« object as one gatfeere from the prelacy is to serve as a haoiblk or especially for boys m the schools and for Chinese Merchants who wish to learn English. The author while giviug some rules for the pronunciation of Malay does not consider it necessary to
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  • 369 55 A HKBTIHG of {km sons interested iv the oinotion of it ti Association Football Challenge Ouj) competition was held io the S.C.C. pavilion ou Saturday alter»hood, for the purpose of electing a com-luitt'-r. and arranging the usual preliminaries., l'here was a good representative itheviu^ and the
    369 words
  • 364 55 A UUIVAI.s. Per k. >. Faka* from Pakau via |>.»rts Mr. Brumbeek. mid Mr. Schoait Per*, s. from Klaugriji M >m-. QerranL Robertson, Crame»r, Van.' and Bevd. Damaiy. Per >. b. Sappho From Liang:— Mr Mitchell, Mr. Murray Campbell, Mr. Leembru*. jr-n. Mr and Mr*. Jen-en, Mr
    364 words
  • 86 55 P«»r s. 8. Mirzapore for Hongkong Mr. ami Mrs. T. E. EarK Mr .T. Brock, ami Cn\tt. Cunningham. For Sluinpliri Mr. »nd MrR. Kennedy. Per s. s. R'lrenun for If ftrseQles Airhdea<»oii Ptirnatn. For Prtnaug: Revd. Mr. Reith. For Bombay Mr. ami J. Wlkon, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
    86 words
  • Page 55 Advertisements
    • 508 55 ESTABLISHED 1865 HARGBEAVES CO. En<;i k I-: i; s [BOM A BBAM FOUNDIBB, IIi.iLKKMAKKKs. BbIDGI BuiLDBtB, 3b IP- BVILDBBB, QBM BBAL Con i I I >KS. SINGAPORE A KWALA LUMPUR. Ship Builiiag Yiinl. T.I [GH olaaa STEAM JBSSI I i !n ,l,. r cinsrrucitiin. from 38 ft. .<»]"." length nf
      508 words
    • 518 55 pumps. Steam winches, ChainStill wire hawsers and reels. Rope*, Pull Blocks, Gin blocks, wooden blocks and sheave.*. Scuttle glares, patent deck lights. Skylight hinges, cabin door hinges, locks and other fastening. Cera Oil for Lamps. Veutilator Cowls from I*2 m. to 24 m. Slaps' shoathing iv yellow metal, copper and
      518 words

  • Page 56 Advertisements
    • 477 56 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE At»k tor LEA I»ERFtl*grS' SAUCE. if %l**le and for Export by t& Proprietors U'orrrntrr Cn**e Sc Jtfohrrll. TlUtbu, <Vr.. u,,,l h,+ Grocers and Oi/:,<r» tkrottfAmi the H'orftl. RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE CO V-^Qik- Cl F 9i*l PEARLS SANDAL I>EAHLS J/**< 'U^lW which are highly approved by
      477 words
    • 67 56 VfmP^BHHpHBHBm THE SAFEST MILD R Ik^ I mI I4H Bf Jfcl 9 ■^^■^2 APERIENT FOR I WB m n H|il mW nl. W I B Bl^l delicate consti rrin^TffirfiJLgi- iHh il rlLMakhTtm, mtjl, JK\ A tutions, ladies. children and I'HA i>iidl Kliiuiiui: i?-OJfct ACIDITY OF THE INFANTS AND FOR STOMACH,
      67 words
  • Page 56 Miscellaneous
    • 1192 56 ARRIVAIB «•©> Klao Vesski.'s Najik. A lons. Captain. Prom. Sailkd. Conrain, JanJ Jj Beikwtn Brii.str. l tsi WoMtr London Dm, MM«Nt Mmh4Ci |f Malacca *r. -^Daly Tt-lok An>on Jan. 16 Strait* .steamship Co. Ltd. JJ "<hii Whatt Hrn str. lt»9 Mom Pniitianak Jim. 17 Bun Son X ACo 5 .y
      1,192 words

  • Page 57 Advertisements
    • 88 57 "THE DISPENSARY" AERATED WATERWORKS f/rtfiK A TEgWATE S_^> Aerated Waters of the highest possible class manufactured under Professional Supervision by the latest and most improved machinery eve* imported to the East. The Factory is conducted on strictly European lines and cleanliness and purity iranteed. Special attention to Shipping orders. 76.
      88 words
    • 582 57 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. 1 STERXWHKKL &TSAMEBS Ikiw been foil- <1 Uy rxporiti fo ho fl- l». sMy- «,f for shallow i-iv"" n.-ivi^MtioTi. and «>}' th»-. > Mrssrs V m.i. v\ I \>- «*<m> f ti.<t ♦«1 n Urpe nil btr of su<sow*f al exMvpl#ii for all purts of the
      582 words
  • Page 57 Miscellaneous
    • 616 57 SHIPIMV,; m HMM. r filer this heading the following aM>revia- ti u3 ar* ii»ed str. steamer; air.— •hip; bq. »»ar<{uft; Brit. British; U. S— n nitod States; Fr. French; Ger. German; Put— Dateh; G. r. General cuv"* 1 «1 p. d.»ek passenger*; U. Unoerl>iin T. P. W. Thtijomjt Pair:ir Wharf;
      616 words
    • 475 57 I LiielU, Rrit. str. 866 ton*, Capt. Gtut. Fr..m Bangkok, 20th Nov. Xii ouatead A Co. U. T.l'.W. Kit, Hrit. sell. 10(1 tons. Naoodah. From Pulo Si iiitun. ltii Nov. Copm. Man Ton-. I.— IM>. BiutaiKi Trai Dttt. I It. tons, N')co,la)i. From Hu^io, 2nd Oct. <J. <.-. Hoiv uhan
      475 words