Straits Times Weekly Issue, 16 December 1891

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 31 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. I New Series l bushed FOR Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Prick 40 I i hEM VOL XLVIX SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBEB 10, 1891. NO. 3,655
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  • 36 1 r( tl tin, 12th instant, at St. Andrew'Cathedral by the Venerable -krehdaaon Porham,.Agnes Marl fourth daughter of the late harlea BCscrse R iWtaon, o! Liverpool to Ohvki.ks Paul, third son of (Jeor^' Derrick. ..t Singapore
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  • 62 1 litatioas. Bammarj of th.* \>.>k Etent *'s T Local .-Mid News. Mr. Donal I n m Hr.-i/.il. Iharmoni** Socie The [nt Rifle Match Rifle. Tiu* Malay Peninsula 1 The He. V P-fts^ Shipping List *> Raid. T«*leg Mail Neirs The Manicipal I »mi lissi
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  • 428 1 ISfNOAPORI IoTH DECW-BEK. l&U. Produce. inb'..*r. |5 lo I io do No, 7 pra B 357 lo 3.28 pper Black. [?o Flour. Sarawak 3.75. arl Sago nominal. flVe Bali, 2&50. ffee Li I- 26."". •a small Flake t_'» lo do Ist quality t.7*>. lo mcd. tlake 4kSO.
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  • 947 1 Prince Georoe of Wales. London, 7th Dec. H. R. H. Prince George has had a relapse and his condition is less satisfactory. Prince Albert Victor Betrothed. H. R. H. the Duke of Clarence aud Avondale is betrothed to H. R. H. the Priucess Mary of Teck. [The Duke
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  • 79 1 The Norwegian steamer I arrived this morning from Mauila I ports that, ou the Bth D naber, she picked up 5 meu, a woman and a girl m North Latitude 11 14' and tude 118 M Mr. Justi dney goes t iv the Sea Belle this afternoon
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  • 3 1 df
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  • 329 1 Tl trnor has passed regulal i engagement, pension til" Police Force. A. draft bill to be 1 j, tiv I giving legal Eaciltti rs transacting the business of the Netherlands Tra ompauy has b-aen publish *d. The Municipality at an meeting* r thema managing tl E
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  • 50 2 LOCAL AND GENERAL. TUESDAY, 8th DECEMBER. Thb lodo-China steamer Chelydra lost twenty hors< m the bad weather she experienced on the voyage up to Hongkong from Singapore. The animals were being trought up for a Chinese firm who intend to establish a service of hack gharries m hat Colouv. w
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  • 71 2 In connection with the seizure of arms smmunition on board tie* steamer McAlister on Tuesday hist, two Chinamen named re*p«*< iv< Wee Soon Shew and G-oh Setlg Lye have been arrest..1., and they havo been formally charged before the magistrate with attempting to export five cases of arms and ammunition
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  • 58 2 The programme for tbe Land Sports on Now Yea'"- Pay is issued and. it coutains the usual events for As it s. The Asiatic will be during the morning and a portion of the afternoo Sports for Europeans will commence at i- p. m. 1 latter include three ices, a
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  • 34 2 Military j. Tbe krno an As i be v. Ac I if h take them I at P be >C time bei •ud that all thes rom India be v 'sion tbat Peruk ion.
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  • 65 2 At the mishap m at the cm hich ;»i hi t hat it i a small marked on chart. Ho but althougi ■iv that it gation. wbi rt by a dotted he on!- on of tbe occurn •piuiou is tbat. i* avoid junk- m tbe way by g ni-'sf r..b
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  • 74 2 *?aW tO l>e v! •st the ins for ing purposes to I tradei s frequentThat argument has now that the il.-ugl lihj Ptees ur_*es the mercantile conimunitv jno of Sin wh< it points out, statist';.- oi im- n-ts the inn umty m that port, so far hardship t>r
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  • 143 2 loss af the Messaeerles Maritime* Steamer Delia." I. w and Passengers. Thi: Mes es Maritimes steamer Ua foundced about 7.25 on the morning he 28th ult., about halfway betwi ■biuau Head and Tien-pak, a town on tbe Accord ii*'.*; the China Mail, b! untered very heavy weather after leaving Haipoug
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  • 117 2 Cai-tain Cameron, r. k.. Deputy I Colonial Engineer, has, we learn, resigned bis appointment m order to return to j active duty m the corps of Koyal Engineer*, from which he has been seconded I now nearly B years. His resignation has been accepted by the Government.
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  • 117 2 The Shenpao, a vernacular newspaper published iv North China, gives currency to the following snake story A Singapore Chinaman, with an assistant kept a _roeery store m one ot' tie* Straits Settlement*. Lstely pfter a h ary night's rain the Chinaman finding th*» mornim* dr lobe
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  • 321 2 I i auti ith If r, tl i ;i. th ti for tl 30.4. Ibe Shane- on on folio Live Police Extortion Case. This morning, before Mr. \Yoodwar\L B. P. C. No. 14 William Brember appeared \>n remand charged with extorting moi from oi c Kee
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  • 198 2 I aangl T i j > ihi tirst interim t ol 1". .•••nt of their liabilities waa i I m- the firm of Jucker, on Sat urday last At an extraordinary general mm f the Shun Electric Lighting I v. hold on Monday, the board oi were re-elected,
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  • 285 2 How S [NO- pore Neg< v r SULTA N <»f Jon." TheSuitan- b nr«aa_« Tonoib. The Suave md Tbriu__,e Chief Police. j Tin: rBARFUL Pl MSB Ml insoi I'knanu vs. Miss BisLUfn m h< r Flying Trip rxmnA tht //'(.>/./ describes a has!, visit to Singapore,
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  • 43 2 I'm: Ceylon revenue and figures for the current year tO show a surplus of 2,4t The Time* of Ceylon says but seldom that the Island has* ha.. tpe nence of what a *»urplu aud urges that this urn be laid out m re*
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  • 369 3 r First Public Comckrt nre^nt l^ 1 a| ab Ut of tbe -ore *n* heiV Was m Singapore an association, having for its name for Ph ilh r Society, Z __Tl Ln °i b if tb "*™*eement of mus ical knowledge, and the systematic twin! of
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  • 2106 3 rt 11. Cow* THI R..sK M n." The Quean of the Flower Fairies, weary of a lif e of unbroken calm, pra s 'It" aea returnctl Spring that he will bestow apon ll also the gift t love that h > lx upon man. H'- warns her
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  • 81 3 I There is almost a rice famiue m Singapore. There is not a fortnight's supply m stock. There is little at sea and there is uo neighbouring country where rics at present cau be bought freely. Prices have risen one-fourth since three months ago aud they are
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  • 22 3 I'wKi.vK Malays, of whom six w< women, were arrested yesterda moon ai 28 Hadji Lav.* for gambling m a common gaming boose
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  • 27 3 Tin; Orontes with troops for the Straits and China loft Portsmouth tm the 12th \->\ mber and is timed to arrive at Siu_ pore ..11 the 29th instant.
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  • 26 3 Mi.*. T. de Moulton Braddell arm Irom London yesterday morning, aud m the afternoon Mr. R. Uraddell left for Europe by the Preach Mali steamer Natal.
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  • 26 3 Q ird has Ik*cu, or is about t.. I. appoiuted Deputy I: istrar oi the Supreme Court at Penang m ssi m \o Mr. K sh.-.
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  • 31 3 Thi i- sull of tic firgt croehtng ..t quartz from the Malay Peninsula IV pecting Cos. property, viz a bar ol weighiug ...Id, waa shipped t.. England yesterday through the Charter
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  • 33 3 Six Frederick Dickaou, k.c.H the Straits Settle* ments, who recently arrived ia Ku_*laud on leave, has, Bays the China Express oi the 13th November, been sent to Gibraltar .m importaut official 1 i
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  • 55 3 I'm* China M i I favours th of Municipal <iov.u-titr.-nt m BongBZo ig and thmks the mercantile bod should have more say m harbour mattThe Mail, iucidently, notes the system "t allowing certain linns to lay down bu. m the harbour aud says that by ti. means tic* larger part
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  • 75 3 Tut Times oi tue 11th Nov 1. votes nearly a column to the Boys looial Institute meeting outuel'Mi ol November, giving the Larger part of that space to Mr. Maxwell's paper.. TheJlisi I' sain date gives a qu kltec ot a column to the Colonial lus tute me our only
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  • 89 3 A <o_ s has beeu apj 11 lleucy Maj >r-General G. Digby liarker, C. !>., Acting Governor, to iuquire into the system of quarantine aud quarantine regulations is applicable to tl port oi Hougkong. While, under the present s> si em, vat lye junks arriving from Mnall pox i villages
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  • 98 3 The Collector t.f Kuala Kaugsjt, m his report for October, meutious tbat dun the i.i..nth several planters f**om < !<>u, who were auiongst the tirst t< ap) forthe land offered ou special terms m the ('uvular of the __nd April, 18° d, visited the coffee m the dv .ud inspected
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  • 185 3 The discovery of diamonds m Western Borneo, recently reported, seems to something behind it. About 'Jo*' o_en beeu working for the last two or thn mouths at a pl ice called Pautik, ou the left-baud bauk of the Laudak River going up, aud situated between Ineewara Belie and Sepaugok. The
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  • 5824 4 1 rirst meeting of tin* new sesdon of tho R *yai (Jol mid institute was held on the 10th unher, m tie Whitehall H>oms of the Hotel Me-Kvoie. to hear a paper read by Mr. W. E. Maxwell, CM.}, the British R"s dent at
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  • 118 5 (Finos >,j Ct ijlon Correspondent.) Lnndtoi, nth _\,,cr. Sir J. F. Dickson has been m Loudon for some days, and tauito recently I called Upon him iv his tempo i ary home m Maida Vale, where I found lum aud his family enjoying the cool bracing open
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  • 517 5 s s r i--i -i n.) Ber\ -Geaaral Von Oaprivi, the Imperial lor, speaking ia the Reichstag t-> d \y di dared that t 0 risil -1 1 be French Heet t<. r oustadt badmsde aochani m the positiou betweeu rauce, and Etuseis *uul ihe Triple Alliance. 1
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  • 266 5 On Taerday altemcon .botfly aft. o'clock Lady Clementi Smith piesented the piisee to the winners m the tennis tournament that had just finished. 11 the Governor was also present. Although the af.ernoon was dull and cloudy, and although Ihe grass lawn was very damp, the attendance
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  • 45 5 We hear, says tin* China Mail, that through sonic misunderstanding theSin^. pore team, m the interport rifle match. did uot adhere to the Bisley rules. The match will then fore have to be shot again or the Hist place awarded to Efongkong.
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  • 42 5 Thi: .V m noticing Mr. \V. Maxwell's pape; on the Malay Peninsula thinks that it is a question whether the li" ived when Englisfcli) B Uld take steps to make the: full) acquainted as are the Dutch with Malay literature,ethnology, and philolo_
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  • 64 5 A NKw steamer called the Ban l Guan of 1,000 tons dead weight capacity, tilted throughout with light, 1 built through M Gluthrie and Co.. tor Messrs. Wet Bin and Co Siugapore, arrived m port tl morning from England. Sheiscomn by Captain Henry Stratton, formerly m.. ter of tin- McAliMer
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  • 96 5 i -1 ERD.w tin- t 'ommitt- of the Association ac. pt,d th.- nsiguation Mr. S.rnger, wi b ,v, ami who therefore n shi}.. In doing so they minuted the I of the Commit. te for Mr. String, r's very valuable aid. Ur. Anderson reigned t post of vicc-pn sidt nt
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  • 136 5 School for Chinese styled the Chinese Educational Institute has just b* staited here with a committee <>t Chinese gentlemen, and the Rev. A. I mout as teacher. The classes vie. tin 11 Ti m peran cc Institute, Hockiani Street, on Moudav and Thuisday evenings. It has I.eon started without any
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  • 64 5 Lord Salisbury having be. v appr by -persons engaged m the oil trade 11} the subject of permitting the p of bulk petroleum steamers through thCanal, has, it is stated, replied that as the proposal involves many interests and grave responsibilities, be has referred
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  • 226 6 The election of Mr. A. L. Donaldson (Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court) as a member of the Board of Municipal Commissioners, m the place of Mr. Tan Bene* Wan, resigned owing to illuess, commenced at the appointed time this morning. By half past 11 o'clock
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  • 775 6 OM V A FoKTXluHl's SUPPLI IN 1 11 X Placi In cons ->t reated iragraph iv rday's i**.sue regarding tbe short supply oi rice, the Straits detailed a reporter to m the full truth, with the result that we find definitely that there is at the
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  • 119 6 Tin following gives the first rumours of the rebellion m t ra irds ab surdly magnified; ami nos *.'-l by the mi ess i ree red t•- 1 1\ Dl* I Nov* mher "J."* pub. Rumours !i t\ i. en cnlal ii g in certain
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  • 71 6 Thl siguiug X tract is still v I [I mid the illlj.beil shell pay the jj ling over 1 This teems very i g the import. ar supf m- nti it of ths firm. a •>. tst i to Messrs Mm r iy, C iinpbell a
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  • 481 6 A the < ruildhall, oa v. \i, Justice Lawrence and iry, the ess of Hooking the Pahang mon Limited waa tried. M- Buwan Rowlands, Q.C., and Mr J. A Sunt'; _ppear_d f>r the plaintiff, and Mr Bfurphy, Q I _J fondaut. The ui.\ Mr.
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  • 2048 6 Wednesday, December H9l. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of tbe Municipal Commission was held m the Board Room, Towu Hall, yesterday afternoon at 2 .10. There were present, Messrs. Alex. Gentle President Sohst, Miller, Biceard, Hooper. Bog Keng, ami tin* Hon'bles Major McCalluui and Tau Jiak Kiui.
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  • 1257 7 OS Plv.H BBDISaS OI THS Ml x Ivliwi. COM-sriSSIOSB-Mi at ay Ordinary Mketix.; ov Wklnksdav. '2"» th Novbkbcs, Im-1 Present.— Tie* President^ A si Gentle, Esq., the Acting Inspector Qanersl uf Police, H. H. Riccard, Es M T. Sohst. Esq., C. E. Crane, Es., th* Honourable Tan Jiak Kirn.
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  • 696 7 OV Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners AT A SPECIAL MIBTIVU <>N WbD-NSSSAY, 2nd December 1891. Present. Tin* President Alex. Gentle Fs.|. The /*.ctg. Inspector General of Police. H. H. Kit-card. Esq.. T. Sohst. Koq., C. E. Crane. Est* The Hou'ble Tan Jiak Kirn, Lim Eng mug, Ksq., James Miller,
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  • 66 7 The Hou. C. P. Chater aud party left Hongkong ou the 3rd iust. m the steamer Avochie for the Hongay coal-mines. Rumour has it, that telegraphic imelligen has been received from Loudon, to the effect that arrangements with a Loudon syndicate for the better working of the coal de*H>sits there
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  • 435 7 A Cornish employee of the Raub A traliau Syndicate, named Wilton, lately died from au accideut at the mines. The following particulars of the fatal oecurren are from it letter writteu to Mr. Bibbv by Mr. Gilbert Bowbyes at Haul. Mr. Bibby received the letter at
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  • 1497 8 (Strait* Times December 8.) In another coluuiu we publish a remarkable extract from a Penang newspaper. That uewspaper, commenting upon a bill which empowers the Governor to enroll paid volunteers when the Colony is m danger, proceeds to argue that such a pioposal is a gross iusult to the
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  • 904 8 i Strait.< Times 1)> cembt r i hkkk m our columns there will U' found the substance of the address m winch, at the Colonial Institute. Mr. Maxwell modestly recited the achievements of himself and other minor persons j iv Malaya Wah the bulk
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  • 1014 8 Suobtli if for 11 -v, to-day. Mr.D .1 tobeaMuuicinal I ntral Ward, more than the requisite number of twenty votes hour. Of I out, nusssr* who had inteuded to have Mr. Dona on became someit. notwithstanding Ihal p.m. there bad been polled UM hil s.s a
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  • 175 9 I {Straits Times December 11.) In another column a correspondent who -igns himself "Anti-Badge" writes a reasonable letter upon the management of the Fire Brigade. The truth is that the tnt rules of management are absurd, and if the rights of the Fire Commissioners were used there
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  • 268 9 (Straits Times December 1/A _T is reported that if Sir Frederick Dickson gets an appointment elsewhere, Mr. Maxwell, Besides! of Selangor, may get the appointment of Colonial Secretary of the Straits, Mr. Hodge, remaining m Selangor. It might be SO; ami it might not. Mr. Maxwell is
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  • 15 9 The London Bank Bats was yesterday reduced from 4 to per tvut.
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  • 19 9 l>u. Dumbleton is booked for a passage hither per liohilla whi.:fa si to leave Loudon on the 10th instant.
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  • 24 9 The Belgian tVusul-Geiieral leaves next week ova tour m the Protected Native States, and will be away from Singapore for about a fortnight. -i*-
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  • 32 9 At tho election of s member of the Board of Municipal Commissioners, whou the roll closed at 5 o'clock yesterday, forty three votes had been registered for Mr. Donaldson—who is thus elected.
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  • 32 9 Okoin'aky cargo rice, which m other years is sold at between Sl 40c. and Sl 30c. per piciil now commands, says the Bangkok Times, s2 30c. per picul iv tho local market.
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  • 38 9 Our Malacca correspondent under date, iterday, notes the fad that several of the inland police statiou there have boon done away with. Some of the native officers and men occupying thorn have been transferred to Siugapore aud Penang.
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  • 44 9 The M. M. steamer Djemnali ou hor arrival at Marseilles from Siugapore will be relieved ou tho ludc China line by the Tarra from the Australian line. The new steamer Armand Sehic will be sent to Austialia, anu the Djemnah to the j Meditorrauoau.
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  • 68 9 The case against E. P. C. 14, William Brember, who, m company with a Chinaman, is charged with extorting money from a Chiuaman m Hongkoug Street was further hcaid to-day. Another witness was called fo. tho prosecution after which Mr. Gioom, for the constable, submitted tbat there was no case.
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  • 120 9 The following telegram was received today from Mr. Bibby by the Secretary of the Raub Australian Syndicate: Raub ll..", m. lith De-emher. Total depth of engine shaft [western lothl:tO feet. Raub Hole —succeeded! n lowering water to oi feet from the surface. Are making slow pM (great*. The slowness
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  • 81 9 Ths appointment of 11. Paviess Charge (TAffaires Cor Prance m Bangkok has a political significance which cannot be misunderstood. It means that Fiance has determined to see this Mekong dispute through to the end, and she imagines that the way to succeed is to be repre. tented by a man
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  • 112 9 A stu Die v *s tv st B tnjScnik limes, has been p ivately formed ia Bangkok for the iii |ni*se iif collecting an. J -porting caoutchouc m the southern provinces. As the promoters are smart business men the future of the new cute prise is p etty certain, and
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  • 185 9 Ths Bombay QaxetU records s wonderful balloon ascent and parachute drsoonl by Li< ut. Mansfield, KN.11.. at the Victoria Gardens. Bombay. OO the 20th November. Fhe balloon used was the M Wanderer," which has already'figured at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, ami is of 25,0 X) cubic t capacity. The band
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  • 175 9 A Dishonest Ceeenal Beetle Inspector. MUBBA] kk A; i. a Javanese, was yesterday convicted by the Magistrate on a charge of receiving an illegal gratification. From the evidence adduced it appeared that the prisoner was employed by the Director of the Gardens and Forests ss an inspector of coconut trees,
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  • 433 9 {Bangkok Times, sth December.) ABOUT four o'clock yesterday afternoon a serious outbreak occurred at the Gnoi, which was on)\ repressed by the military guard with sonic tlitlicii't Twelve Sikh guarus were engagttl by the Government early this week, aud eleven of these were on duty at
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  • 742 9 At a meeting ot the Hongkong Legislative Council on the t; h D •ceuiber, Mr. hileiiead, one of the uuotficial members. made an unsupported protest itgaiust wl: he called e_travagaace, by moving amendments to th.- Appropriation Poll with a view to reducing expenditure. He first moved
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  • 678 10 ammmmmnmt Many Persons Drowned Geeat Damage to Chinese Craft. A gai.e which proved disastrous was experienced iv Hongkong on tbe night of the 3rd iust., aud the morning of the 4th inst. The gale was not aunouueed by the Observatory. Totally unexpected it swept upon the
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  • 125 10 Thi China Mail objects to legislation for collecting trade statistics at Hou«*. son tin ground that the latter being ely a j ort of call, the figures coled would give a misleading idea ot the traffic; that journal points out that it must never be forgotten
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  • 469 10 The following rumour is probably the basis, or partly the basis, of the absurd telegrams that wore scut to Europe exaggerating certain actual Chinese troubles. The N. C. Daily News of the 30th ultimo ays v News has been received of the outbreak of i
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  • 14 10 Tiik number oi visitors totbeKsMes Library aud Mils.-urn the was 810.
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  • 11 10 BansTsro-f's Circus musteri individuals arrived by the steamer Kai this morning.
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  • 13 10 Thk Masoni. Installation Run-net (Lodge Zetland will beheld on Monday the 28th instaut.
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  • 14 10 Mr. Jusnc] tfoldney and Mn Groldoey arrived this morning from Penan- i smer Katori
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  • 18 10 ATsxsoaas p .m\u,r U> the Mangoon > lays.- The Rhodes Qibbee divon commeo vrday :u the Coiaiba: I art
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  • 36 10 Thk Penang police are said to have just arrested twenty-five lepers who were at ouce packed off to Pulo Jerabih This mstituthM is now reported to be fall, there being uo further accommodation for fresh patients.
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  • 52 10 IT is Stated that S petition, addressed to Mr. Tso Pmg Lung, who was to be Chinese Consul m Hongkong, is bein_ circulated among the Chinese at Penang for signature, the prayer m the petttion being that a Clnuese V.ce-Consul may be appointed for Penang. The majority of the Signatories
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  • 160 10 We observe, says the Pinan,, Gonette* m tue Uovernmenl Gazette m regard to the e-asuig of certain farms at Diudings. to the effect that certain assessment books relating to lauds m the Southern district ot the Province will be open tt, inspection ny those concerned on certain dates. Why we
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  • 923 10 Lieut. -General Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois 11.C.M. 0., C. 8., K. Iv. F. Et S. who has been appointed Governor oi the Imperial Institute, has the following record m the Colonial Office List Served .it the Cane of Gihml Hop v. ISU1 S U until
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  • 52 10 WoEl has commenced ou tbe Ipoh. Batu Gagah Ra which Mr. Muarry Campbell. ..f Singap.e .ntractor. <hi Wednesday, the 2nd ii two civil engiu the\ engage I .:l of ni lU mediately comineui p_e work ii ted to be ti a iv about year, the hem
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  • 52 10 eleven to r the Christmas v the pl ie of Pa; Tne now stauds, will be M Wright (Captain), > :r< Peak* McClosky, D. Brown, jun, ter, Anthony. Limb. P>ro Shroj.>hii We regiet t li ar that b ell. but tr r. Tn-- thoin's the P< v
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  • 1006 10 v f th _7th thai Chinese trad nave vexations m that < uiiner has ma It >•'. Ms that the vaia. Ati- ■~X_r th. uiKforth. It is also alleged on that nut mist.ik- i vis re.piiienients briuj and ne through, and tbat son v tiu.*s follow un, lb.-
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  • 1037 11 It Rangoon London, 2nd Dec. The Bishop of Madras has written to the Society for Promoting Christi*n Konwledge. and to other kindred societies, objectiug to the creation of a bishopric iv Tiunevelly which he considers would lie equivalent to an act of disestablishment. Countess Russell, who is suing
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  • 185 11 A billiard-match which excited some interest was played at Lewis's tiffin rooms on Saturday afternoon between Sequah and Robt. Love, General Manager of Harmstou's Circus. At the commencemeut of play it was evident that Sequah was not iv the best of form. At all events he was
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  • 2177 11 Friday, 11th Dbcemuek. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held m the Board Room of the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, under the presidency of Mr. Alex. Gentle. There were present, the Hon. Major McCallum, r.e., Inspector-General of Police Riccard, Messrs. Sohst, Hoop, er, Lim Eng
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  • 383 12 Pinami Gazi ite. 10th D> c. The Se nit tee of tbe Legislative Council, appointed to report upon Sir John Cood' -me ior the improvement of Peuaug Harbour, have concluded their labours What the exact nature of the evidence has beeu, aud what the Committee's Report
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  • 286 12 {Selangor Government Qazel llth Dec Tin*, senior district officer at Klang reports for October tbat the long expected wel weather has at last set m. All existing contract works are being performed under difficulties. Padi planters are putting down the llings. Tremelbye Estate baa advantage of the- weather
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  • 215 12 M ackay's Team ci-run* Inter-Port Soobb. This was an interesting rifle shooting competition m which it wai ;ht to boat or tie the score made by the Siugapore team ih the recent Inter-port match. There was al* r placed on the result vie that with a coucessiou oi
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  • 343 12 Rules for the port of the Dim! l I have been passed. Auy person convicted of a breach of any of these K.ules is liable to s tine uot i seceding $50. The "Adolpbineu Minstrels," Singapore and the Choo Bug Poh Club, Singapore are
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  • 129 12 An in* tatist cos itatei North ncr of n), Mi Henri Walk. The total number of these com pan md i twenty eight, the principal company being -lie British N.-rth Borneo Company with s capita] of two millions sterling. Theeombined tai oi these twenty eight compai approximately
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  • 185 12 1 ms morning m the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Groldnev, Mr. Drew m an application m the ease of appeal Koh Beng cheang parts* the Queen on the prosecution of Cosmo Paterson MiDrew appeared for the respondent aud .Mr Bailej tor the appellant, lt may
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  • 289 12 The l' S. Warship Lam here yesterday afternoou from New York via Biadeiia, Capetown, Aujer, and Batavia. As the oo July 13th, she took ex id ly li reach Siugapore. The isoi ol I igthy voyage is that until she reached Anjer the vessel was
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  • 169 12 Pn« Woodward's Will Thi following are the scores m thi match played oo Saturday afternoon Pk.'hahles. A V. Qahagas h Qrsj C. Logan c Lightfoot'b Gray A. P. Talbot b. Stewart E M. -derowether b. Stewart H. L Talbot b. Stewart A A Lloyd b. Bcnjaheld Dr. Smith b.
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  • 154 13 [This morning 15,000 bags of rice weio-h. ing perhaps 20,000 piculs arrived by the Apuir steamer Li,,h{. Tht 4 rice is sent to a number of different Asiatic dealers. It should •d that Hongkong is uot a port which under ordinary circumstan. re should receive rice.
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  • 606 13 The Malay Peninsula Prospeeting Company, Limited. El HI held m n. for t ng the annual re- an auditor, and iy ctber bus ness w_ :ht conic forward There was a long delay m getting i quorum of shareholders, but ultimately, Inmuch pressure, the requisite number were brou >ether. Mr.
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  • 397 13 Vrittah North Borneo Herald ht December.) The first two mstaiments of coolies direct Irom China have arrived m San dakan by Ihe last two trips of the steamer Memnan* and are now at work at Mr Kallsterm iii's estate i! the Segal md river _nd a
    397 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 971 13 To the Editor OP thk Straits Times." Sir, I was particularly struck by the following resolution which appeared m your report of Wednesday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners Tlu't the Fire Coiuinis.-doners an well m the representatives t.f ..ur local Fi*f Insurance Offiesa be provided with proper
      971 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 571 13 ESTABLISHED 1865 RILEY HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Shu builders. General Contractors. SINGAPORE KWALA LUMPUR. Shiji Building Yard. HIGH c BAM VBSSE] under const ruci ion, from 38 ft. length of keel, of best design ami finish. MACHIK. m leading British Fin. with Board of Trade
      571 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 252 13 Pusseimer Li>t. UIVALS. Psr s. s. Natal from Shmghai Mr M Martin. Mr and Mrs. Rollinson, Mr. H. Geim. From Hongkong -Mr. A. S. OrtaHar, Mr Ganon. Per s. s. Godtir, nj from Batavia M- Psrs M. Abraham, Colin M. Smith, dn Mosch. Malcolm, Lauchlan. Sinclair, and J. C. Voord
      252 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 443 14 "ii. im ---a— MIIPI'INU l> POKT. Luler this heading the following abbreviaus are used: str. steamer; >h. ship. bq. barque; Brit.— British U.S.— Cnited Stai Fr— Fr <;,* r German: Dut —Dutch G. General cargo; d. p.— deck }>as--enger-; U. Uacertain T. P. W.— Tan Pagar Wharf T. P. D.—
      443 words
    • 945 14 From Sourabaya, 7th. O. c., and 29 d. p. "W. Mansfield ft Co. For Basorah. U.— Rds. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit. str. 105 tons. Capt. Thow. rrom Pontianak, 9th G. c., ft 35 d. p. Straits Steamship Co. Ltd. For Pontianak, 21st T. P. W. John Bsislsy, Ain.' bq. 700
      945 words
    • 1081 14 AKRIVALS^ gS| N-M..1 JTo«- Captain. FaOM. |t_iLSB. Cdssiosi _s RIQ I mam* mm v D< SO9 ißoeliftuo Samarang- Dec 3 Messagei-is* Maritime! 7 Goda-ery J?? 18 7 w 'v__iJ*h Muar D*>e. ti Mun Hia A Co. 7 lTi->n Yj-nc Brit. str. 7W Nacoaan __i_-r _r 8 N»t«l M.M str.
      1,081 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 283 15 a IM-MJ-MdWaVT "THE DISPENSARY" mMmmmm k^+**Mnmm\ 1 ft-JMaJT v AERATED WATERWORKS J f' r^_\______TßP \a a -mm. ri U*4 t. -**^__^r_/_l-_* r 7 *^^^3*!^_'i^ir__ti__L'" *--ri T>t-i-»_.-_.Tc, r^_ -J_ B»-H*_meea. ape. a!t.»>».ori Slii,. P q_ on)—. t id. RETA IL _B "ST 13 R -_T -J.T ii __l Si g? Agents,
      283 words
    • 434 15 o. r. u*m\ ,i?r_»-r. il!)^ ST. >|> -Wil. RB ,v CO, V y*^^^^^^^ TO BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITING VVW¥¥»»Mi»Jtl ORIZA-ESS.^ Sweet and Concentrated Perfumes Sfi ?> I ASSORTED IN ALL SCENTS T^_^l_ I L. LEGRAITD'S IkTS I ORIZA PERPUiviEKY jtf-fIBI c _pp3pa[\it^ <& XX -^i^ce cle la IVl.icl. loiae, 3F»_.r»is J'
      434 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 470 16 A.S-E-_ TOJEi, And tea that each Jar bears Baron Liebig's Signature l^Ff'f-il 1 m Blue Ink across the Label. ___T-mH_-_ft^3_?-faW^i^ /l /am J&^J FINEST AND CHEAPEST _^f /s^ 0^ 0\ MEAT-FLAVOURING f /_T^V-^ J STOCK FOR SOUPS. -jT-^l MADE OISHZS AND SAUCES /l Invaluable for India SS It an Efficient
      470 words
    • 227 16 IjARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. STEKXwiIKFI -T '\MKHS h.*iv.- ben f«.n* d by f ve«9 f.,rOm!!'mv n.-K-i_rttioM. .md of v flfl ber of -iiocea^ful example* for Vet (1 svr-rjw nre r-rnisl Meaara. V _*B w rn M l ll 'isal GkirernmentJ I lerrieej i-.i m i.M-.'iJ-* >l full |1 J A
      227 words