Straits Times Weekly Issue, 1 September 1891

Total Pages: 13
1 1 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 29 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series to for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer I Piiice 40 Cents VOL XLVII. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1891. NO. 3,6 10.
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    • 89 1 Mark't Quotations. SuuiMmrv tho Wook. Renter's Tslafiams Local tiui Gteaeral News The I)>m-v:>li 3 s at DoagoU The SitQAtioa \n Chili LaasxtUon of Limbaag Tue Aastriau Wi:- L^.-lifet A 7oy*gi t.. th> Cocoa IslaacU. Straits Trade. Paris Lstt«E Raui». Hy! him r. Baroneana The Sin.irvp're Ofiekst Club. Tiie T.mj
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  • 343 1 Singapore. Ist September, ISiU. Produce. Gambier, o !'.">. do Cube No. 1, B. To. do do No. 2. 7.37*. Copra Bali, 3.70. do Poutwitiak, 0.2<». Pepper Black. 11.25. Sago Flour. 2.t>5. Pearl Sago, 2.85. Coffee Bali 27.60. Coffee Liberiau, 27.50. Tapioca small Flake 3.45. do do Ist
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  • 231 1 SUMMARY OF THE WEEK Mr. A. L\ T&lbot has been appointed to act as Colonial Secretary m the room of Sir J. F. Dtcksoa abaeat oa leave. Other resultiu^ official changes aro gatetfced. The Strait 6 trade returns lor the second quarter of 1891, takes m the gross, show a
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  • 211 1 F<>r Strait* T\WU6. Xhk Fightix*; m Chili. LonJ" it. tWtlt August.— The insurgents ou Saturday repeatedly charged Presidents Balntaoeda'i position but at each attempt wrere repulsed. The carnage was horrible; th«> battle was stopped by darkuess, uud both armies rested on Monday. 'J'he Dervishes. The Dervishes are again
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  • 46 1 An inspired pamphlet has been published iv Vicuna insisting on the necessity of addiui? one millioa to the Austrian War budget iv order to place the Army iv readiness for war. The pamphlet has caused a sensation both iv Vienna and Berlin.
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  • 53 1 THE STRAITS TIMES FINANCIAL TELEGRAMS RAUB SIIAKKS. Tuesday, 25th Angost, "J."J-"> p.m. The price ol Banb Shares is B«U©r* 2/6 Buyer- 1 OSWG noue. The above i$ the official price dedaii <I on Brisbane Stock Exchange. The last telegram was eleven days previous, aud thf })iic«'s then Were:— Sellcr> 2/3
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  • 586 1 Ka.iah Brooke arrived yesterday from Saivwak by the Sarawak (roverunient gunboal Alim The British steamer Diamond which arrived from Amoy yesterday with 39 I passenger*, reports two deaths during the voyage ot which one ise was from di irrhcea. She was placed iv quarantine. The Aterage Amount
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  • 250 1 On Saturday night Mr. Ronald S medley gave a dramatic, literary and musi< enteitainmeut at the Masonic Hall, sujpotted by several local amateur*. A fair number «>i people asfmhled. T! Dirhter und Bui; by Suppt ugh it hasmore tli an oik c
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  • 239 1 The last duf of tbo Golf Tournament was on Saturday, Messrs. Mcttitchie and Maekay being the winners tbe following are the complete scores Scratched. J. H. Drrsd&le ..65 ii W. (intcher :t6 C. Sagdea U C. O. Pateroon M 1 Ist day's 2u«l day's Less Grand score. score. Total.
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  • 133 2 {'•<•', 26th August. Two Chinese— one employed m a Firm m Rangoon, aud r at Messrs. Robiuson <t Cos. store gapore, —were arrested here upon »l h r Inspector Bkukburne for alleged criuiiual misappropriation of two hundrrd and .evenly five Rupees and *?14Ud respectively. The preliminary Umkv haviutf
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  • 462 2 LOCAL AND GENERAL. WEDNESDAY, 26th AUGUST. Thk Home Government has refused to restrict Sunday loadiug at Hongkong. The British steamer Baujt nnassiyi which arrived from Sourabaya this morning brought several more persous who had feeeu shipwrecked iv the Hntuj Ann. The U'itish steamer Anyerton, which ariived fruin Smi- ;il>.na yesUrdav,
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  • 146 2 Selangor N otes. {From our Correspondent.) At the Lake Club, on Saturday the lb'th inst., a presentation was made to Mr. H. 0. Holmes, the Houorary Seerolarv of the Gymkhaua Club, m recognition of his eminent services m that capacity. The presentation took the form of a handsome gold watch
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  • 581 2 (From our Corrttptmdent Kuala Filah, UHh Aug. -Tin- District Officer with the Superintendent P. W. D. left for Taiu pin on Monday last Mid is expected back with the Resident (Mr. Paul) on Thursday. The Magistral.' at Tainpiu (Mr. Hale) loaves for Europe to-morrow ou iwelvu j
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  • 934 2 (From our CorrerpoixJ* nt.) {Delayed m pnhUcation by pre*» of other matter. Ttkcm, Wth Auynri. Ou Thursday au I official circular was issued by the Acting Resident to the effect that the Governor wo ald arrive 1 Pekau on the morningof the l.
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  • 685 2 News from Celebes trlls of a riot resulting m bloodshed ;if Bonthttio ia that inland. Three influential natives thereto it turns out, happening to be soul toUii for defying the local Resident their partisans surrounded the prison with a vim to release theai by force. The native beadman
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  • 933 3 Ujtder this heading we give a brief description of the current numbers of the English M«4r**ineH, our design beiug to take note only of such articles as uiav interest the geueral reader here. The Magaei&ee for August present probably a more varied range of subjects
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  • 544 3 Tvbsday, 25th August, 1891. At the meeting of the Singapore Debating Society last night, the President took the chair. The resiguatious of Messrs. Howard Newton aud J. Polglase from membership, and the elections of two new members .Missis Ait ken and B.oad -were announced. The subject for
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  • 102 3 H. Al.'s guuboat Rattler, Lieutenant Commander J. G. Heugh, R.N., arrived from the Cocos Islands via Batavia last night about 8.30 p.m. She weut to coal at the Borneo Wharf this inorniog* The British steamer Nam Chow which arrived from Amoy this morning, reports four deaths duriug
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  • 333 3 Sir Frederick Dickson 's Departure ;an d Lady Clementi Smith's Journey to Perak. The Colonial Secretary, Sir Jobu Frederick Dicksou, K. C. M G., left for England with La,dy Dickaou and family by the Penina-ulnr yesterday afternoon, Lady Clementi Smith and Miss Smith proceeding to Peuang m the same vessel.
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  • 830 3 OoMMunieaied. CoVPUUWrt against domestic servants arc not i now failure of civilised lif«* as those who have had any experience of the avenge English slavey or the Irish "help" of the doited state- van testify, but oom plain ta of the kind urged against the H\ lam
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  • 1474 3 Telegraph ic Summary. Supplementary to Straits Time* Telegrams.) 1 m Ceylon. London, I'ittt Au'jxtt. E upland and France are pre»intr the Cir.ii->e Government for an indemnity for outrage* committed on f >rei<, m residents ami minion* m China. It i> stated that the sum claiiii;'«i is six and a half
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  • 1029 4 AN AMUSING *JABK. Ou Tuesday afternoon before Mr. Thornton, seuior magistrate, Oug Gun Toug.Soo Chiu Hin, and two others, ricksha owners, were charged with counterfeiting a properly mark used by a public servant under section 484 of the Penal Code. Whoever, with intent to cause
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  • 1361 4 {From our C*HTt*tH>H<h'nt) Na*y Reform. Path, 86ik July. Be- premier Hiissoi*, is the man of the moment. As reporter on the navy estimates to the Budget Commission, that deputy has deli Dented a srheme which must make the mouths of patriot! water. He proposes to overhaul the whole
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  • 106 4 Handicap. Ist Round's Score. Mr. Justice Golduey 54 T. E. Earle 71 Major Rioh 43 R. N. Bland 64 A. W. Stiven 56 .1 W^-Ritohie .64 A Maekay... 50 J. B. Rol>ertMoii 54 Hou'blo J. W. Bonder 69 J. Burkinshaw lot* J Meikle 85 P. A. Gillespie
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  • 543 5 hay. Mr Trevenen. Consul at Brunei, lett tor Labuau. I The Bwgkok Times of the 22ud instant Jhat the n-quiroil capital for the Pakuam lailwav has boon fully subscribed. Thk s s. SnUan arriyed from J,ddah ■te>dav with 820 pilgrims, reporting rt-u «K»aths on the voyage
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  • 74 5 At the fifth ordinary general meeting of shareholders m the Bangkok Tramways Company, Limited, held there on the 19th instant, the Chairman remarked that it was extremely gratifying to the Directors to be able to declare a dividend at the rate of L 5 per annum, and
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  • 176 5 Allahabad. Sth Auguxt— The trial of the I Banyaba.<i'x people which will presumably ©me oft' at the ensuing Calcutta High Court jjv£Jes.sious, will be an interesting 1 one m many M-ts, and particularly because it promises kMt the question whether we possess m this i country
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  • 523 5 KEI-ORT OF THE CoM.MITI KE FOR THE yi- ak, Ending 30 June, 189 J. Your Committee h«.g to submit to you the yonry report ended 30 June 1891, ami i,ave iueh pleasure .in reporting the tatbfactorv fißMdaJ position of the club. The cash Imlnuce '^Vlr^^^.l;},. shewing an
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  • 229 5 The Dtli Cntiraut of the liUh August notes the arrival there of Mr. Vau Deu Pfordten from Batavia to take the necessary measures for taring the telegraph table from Labuau-Deli to Peuantr. On oue of the estates of the Deli Company, a steam plough is vow at work
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  • 105 5 According to the Kobe Yashin Nipp ou some local English and Japanese merchants of Kobe and Osaka are about to order from England a sieamer built expressly for the kerosene trade between Russia and Japan. The engines of the steamer will be placed m the stern, and the remainder
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  • 170 5 The Superintendent of Lower Perak m his report for July, notes that, since the 14th of that mouth there have been 25 cases of cholera at Ttluk Anson— viz., 20 admitted into hospital, with 16 deaths, and five deaths outside of it. That the outbreak has
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  • 429 5 PeraM Oomummtmi Gazette, 21.<t Auguit.) Land. The laud rents amounted to 1685, against an estimate off 750; this amount was exclusive of $70 collected for ladaug passes, aud credited to license*. owing to recent orders, instead of to land revenue, us was done m 1889. Had
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  • 233 5 On tbe 24th July, the case of M Reiguer v. Boyce was tried at London before the Common Sergeant (Sir W. T. Charley, Q.C.) and a jury. The case raised a point of great importance, and one upon which there has been no judicial
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  • 297 5 Mr. J. H. EnoLs, of tbe Malay Peuiusula Prospecting Company, Limited w ritmi; from hs workings ou'that Company's property at Raub under date of 20th August, 1891, to the Secretary of the Company m Singapore, report! ai follows Tbe new shaft has been sunk a further depth
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  • 605 5 {Perm* Government Gazette JhtAugl.) Agricultural Land. —The amount dj laud beld uuder certificates of title aud agreements for leases is about 3,471 acres, held under U74 titles. Town Land. There are st>2 town lotfl ou the reut roll, but a great many of these lots have
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  • 318 6 A- itu illustration of the vitality of the Chinese, l>r. Pritchard in his recent report ou the working of the Pekio Mission Ho»=pit&l quotes the case of a man who had been 10 beaten over the sliius m a street fiay I that the bonea of the leg
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  • 77 6 S. C. C. verstt* ENGINEERS. Tin* mateh Association game was play. J on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, the Club baring a distiuct advantage throughout, and eventually winning by five goals to none. The game was very fast and the shooting at times extremely bad. For the Club, Lightfoot. A.
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  • 181 6 We, Kvrth Chi no Herald, lejtrn that the Western Governments are takiu&r up the questiou of the recent outbreaks m China seriously. We have news from Pekin that the British Government has put the th following questions to the TsungM Yanuu: ■J Why was not the
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  • 357 6 In New South Wales eonsiderabls alarm, U said, is entertained us tv that colony's euai trade. The ♦rouble dates from the hilt ship- j K.g-and-mmevr» strike, and U one ol ny U»^;u-i»'s of woe which th?\t disastrous struggle has lafl behind it. Bines
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  • 163 6 Messrs. McAlister »fc Co. sold batch of Australian horses e.r Clitns at Abcauis's yard yesterday. There was a fair^attendance of buyers and the horses realised fair The Hongkong Daily Telegraph says it lias ascertained that there is uo tin m KowloOO (near Hongkong); every one of the
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  • 966 6 Ann UAL MSKTI KG Thi annual genet*] meeting of the Singapore Cricket Club was held m the l\i\ iliou -it 5 p.m. y. sterdar, about ieventj i,., mbers being present, Mr. C. Stringer, I President m the Chair. Xbe Chairman read the newspaper no- I the meeting.
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  • 929 6 Trade Ki'tiirn* for UM ««1 Quarter of L8tl« Dk» kk.\>i > r:*i>KK lOM BBAOt Wk hiv.« received a c -»py of the fm] aud Kx["»rt Returns for the three saonthi ending 80th Juno lust Th-* gi trade ihewi the ratae ol the Import* to be 18,097,386 compared with
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  • 274 6 Government Gazette," 28th Augt. Sir ,1. Frederick Dickson, k.c.m duU Secretary. ha> t;ik« i v vacation lea three mouths commencing ou the*2. Mr. A P. l\ilb>t. Assistant ColoJM rotAfv A\\\ Olrr'.N moils, acU m£ Acting Colonial Secretary, nr the 1 Sir ,1. Frederick Dtdraoo. Mr. KM. Merewether. acts as A
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  • 501 7 Sir Frederick DicksoN. (Strait* Times August #8 To-morrow, Sir Frederick Dicksou returns to Euglaud ou short leave of ab .enee which may of course be exteuded at home It is less than a year and a-half ago since Sir Frederick returned from long leave ami. during part of that
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  • 269 7 < straits Tinke* Augntl 26,) To-day's telegrams hold out hopes of a decisive turn iv the Chilian revolution, which has been running its course all through the year. The troubles began with difficulties between the President of Chili aud the Congress of that Republic which euded
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  • 241 7 (Strait* Tit/it's August 27.) iWiou where the Dervishes or folio* ertof the Mahdi are again assemble, is ft province m Upper Nubia, iv \7° N, and lies Along the banks of the Nile. Tt occupies an important strategic position. Formerly under Egyptian rule, it fell into
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  • 225 7 (Strait* Auyttst 28. To- day's telegraoi that the hostile armies at Valparaiso aiv resting after the terrible carnage daring th.> reoenl battles, points to the indecisive nature of the results. In estimating the insurgeut chauc<of .sentual success, it should be borne m mind that Presideut lialdiaceda's
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  • 427 7 (Strati* Times August 28.) The Colonial Office has decided that the Rajah of Sarawak may keep the territory of Limbaug which he seized from the Sultan of Brunei about seventeen months ago and that the Rajah must pay to the Sultan such compensation ac the Governor
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  • 266 7 (Strait* Tfmm An 'i nst It.) The Austrian War expenditure has been steadily increasing of lite, and that of last year amounted to 190 millions of tioiins; but, m the opiuiou of some experts, this outlay, heavy as it is, is inadequate, considering the dangers threateuiug.
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  • 159 7 An association foot-ball match between the Straits Chinese Recreation Club and the Chinese Foot-ball Club eauie off on Saturday afternoon ou the latter club's grounds resulting m an easy victory for the former club by five goals to none.* The defeated party must have had a very warm time
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  • 1091 7 n. 31. b. Mttthr returned last Wednesday from the aunual visit to the Cocos Islands, having O n board Mr. Egerton, Commissioner to the Cecot. The Battler left Singapore oo the 25th July and, calling at Batavia, auchored off Christmas Islaud. The anchorage there
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  • 581 8 Half-Yeakly Meeting.. The 55tb ordinary genera) meeting of thi' Tanjonjjj P&gar Dock Company was held at tin* Company's Office. Coliver Qnay, :it uuoo ou Mouday. There were present the Hou'ble Johu Fiuiavson I Chairman Messrs. Miller. Andersou, Sugdeu, Adams, aud Blair (Directors^. The Hon'ble Johu Burkinshaw
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  • 595 8 Thk Pinantj Gaztite would fain stole relief fiom the burden of the enhanced Military Contribution by apply iug the principle of imperial texation to meet the imperial interest m the Singapore defences. Sir Johu Colomb, m the House of Commons, has shown the way
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  • 84 8 %Hl -The a BiUUon arrived this morons with a Mr. Sinnappoo from Singapore, along with a batch of 15 In. diau cooliei to commence operation! on the water worki here. The satisfaction be ha> given at Singapore \n pablio worki mattert speaki well for him. Be expecti 60
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  • 140 8 Bamjkok Times 25th iwfutt. Mr. C. Preston Gibbons, the Special Agent of the Goldtields of Siam Company Ltd., who recently arrived from (Jhantaboon m a very prostrate condition, the effects of an acute attack of fever, is progressing favourably under the care of Dr. Heyward Hays. That there
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  • 387 8 Tono Ah Hono (Appellant) versus W. E. Gamble {ReapQudent.) This case arose out of a collision, ou tb«* 20th June, between a 'ricksha drawn by oue Tan Ah Beug and the dog-cart of M»~ W. B. Gamble, m which, collision the coolie was at fault. The 'rieksba
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  • 239 8 t'r i f Wreayuwtfl nt Pefem, 3SU J//.///W. ys.w. Tb»Keri« deocy has been enlarged and further improrenftenti m the building ha\« just been carri«\i out. Mr. F. \V. Uullivant the *iati mining ■nrveyor who had recently returned (rom Bentoag- bag 1. tt far Suogei Ijebau where sorii" lanrfjf
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  • 15 8 The German steamer DarwuUkU trom to Shanghai passed tbroagfa this pori this moroiog.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 434 8 HO THE BOtTOB OV THB "STKAITS TIMEB." Sir, -Having read your article mi thin subject, I beg to differ with you oo some of the points raised. As probably ;i larger employer of la. hour than either of the Raab Companim aud as baring at
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    • 425 8 To mi: EiTH'K 01 ril -SiK.\ir> TlMl Aitho meeting of tin' Municipal Com* arisaiooen held ou Wednesday, last weak, the newly established Marine ClubappM for jenmssiou to >,-t up a projecting lamp outsulc Us premises in Battery Road. Asa projecting gaj lamp is quite as dangerous
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    • 428 9 Tuauku All um's Succession. To tun Editor of the Straits Times.'" Dear Sir. At about 2.30 p.m. on the 26th iust., I was surprised at seeing that sous oi the Malay Prince of Eampoog Glam had assembled m the Colonial Bectan's Office, accompanying the son of P Tiiauku Ailuiu, His
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    • 382 9 A )i in si 1. i tei:. To the Ei Straits Times." It is M iv Asiativ liiiti>h Subj< who joes to Saigon armed with hi- ate thai Km m tach, and •♦is a protection as a British Sub,i.ut of taxes and to ha unewhat
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 139 8 l*;iss*'imor List. Arrivals. Per P. Jt O. s. s. C>ithu {l from London Messrs. Kerr, T. Cromli, Dr. P. A. NiHitin -ale, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell. From BomUy Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. Per P. O. a. s. Pinitumlar from Hontrkoutf Messr*. J. Noble aud U. Green Pcr s. s. Hydra
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  • 1882 9 IOTHE EDITOR OF THK STRAIT* TIMES." Sir, -The several articles that have lately ap^ared m your paper with reeard to the deplorable way m which the Euro peau inhabitants of Singapore are treated i>y their domestic servants have fairly expressed the feelings of the community on the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 514 9 ESTABLISHED 1885. RILEY HARGREAVES 00. Engineers, Iron BRAts Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Shi builders. General Contractors. SINGAPORE KWALA LUMPUR. Ship Btiltag Van!. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always nuder construction, from :iS ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firm* with Board
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 379 10 Steel wire hawsers and reels, Ropes, Pulley Blocks, Gin blocks, wooden blocks and sheaves. Scuttle glasses, patent deck lights. Skylight hinges, cabin door hinges, locks aud other fastenings. Cera Oil for Lamps. Ventilator Cowls from 12 m. to 24 iv. Ships' sheathing m yellow metal, copper aud zinc, with nails.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 356 10 L uier this heading tho following ab\»irviaions ire ,-ni: str. steamer; sh. ship; bq. barqnp; Brit. British; U.S. United Sta' Rr. French; Ger. German; Dvt Dutch; G. <\ General car<<> d p. d.u*k passenger-*; U.— Uncertain T. P. W. Tanjon^r PawTir Wiiarf T. P. D.— T.injonjjPa^arDock B. W.— Borneo Wharf
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    • 980 10 Calypso, Brit, str. :W!> tons, apt. Inkster. From Deli, JfOth. G. c.and 9r> d. p. W. Mansfield Co. For Deli, 3rd Sept.— T.P.W. Godariry, M. M. str. B<*.» tons, i^apt. Isnard. From Hatavia, 2!Mh. G.c M. M. For Batavia. 2nd Sept.— B. W. Vyti,-r, Sar. str. 40(5 tons, r apt.
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    • 1186 10 From Glasgow. Klyde, May, £2 Hampshire, July, 2.1 From Cardiff. St. Enoch, Apr. 85 County of Roxburgh, (Br. ship.) May, 5 Wenniu^ton Hall, May, 6 Win. Banks, May 8 Altmoro, June, 6 Staffa, May 8 County of Inverness, sh.) June, 2>J From Barry. Taurus, June, ♦> Kweilin, July, From New
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 688 11 5 L ySt ssS y^% tim^Bp Plm I>!;i,.lN \l* ami WORCESTERSHIRE SAUC2 LEA PERRINS' SAUCE. Erjwrt M, iV,,,,,,., 0r |F«wrt» CVw. Mvh^ff, fcni... 4... Or/uirrs and Otimm throughout thi World. R.EXA.IX. EVERY-W-HERE--Bing»pore AgenU, JOHN LITTLE A L<>. Dll. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOBODYNB Tn OKir.INAIi AND ONLY OSVUII Advice to Invalids.—
      688 words
    • 514 11 THE DISPENSARY" AERATED WATEFWO KS aTe r~ vy c v r Uay t PROPRrETOR^^ Arnit,.,] Wutors of t!i«. hi-hrst possible class .nannfa<tuiv»l under PiofessioUa SJupennsioo by the latest and most unproved macbioerf ever imported lhe h.ut-ry coinlacted oq strictly Europ-au lines and cleanliness an,] purity guaranteed. Special attention to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 525 12 HOLLOWtfY'S PILLS. mulS GREAT HOUSBHOLD MEDIJL cixVE KANKB AMONGST THE LEADING NEOESSARIBB OF LIFE. These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and aci most powerfully, yet soothingly. <m tho LIVKK. STOMACH, KIUNKVS. and BOWELS, giving tout*, .mum^v, ami vi^r our to Uie»e graal MA IX SPRINGS OF LIFE. They ar.» confidently
      525 words
    • 769 12 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. "1 > UlliEj hi i I < illl Ho| V- -f t:-- r fl A HKjnrmiuKnwsi \m cll.llNWlir.Kl, srr.AMl'is Ibf experknoe t<> h« tk« ti«k typi rean tr.fwMwwr*. Harrow hnre onn^t nirtn] i lnrv* 1 numlx-r oi *w ».>ful example t sill mn \fsitel!i on tin-
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    • 37 1 Pc oj the mail arrangement* usually ne€emary to five th,- UOs* m ,r, week m loo* iupplameni awl for Vmeconvrnirnr, of thtme Who fiU the paper »tiiiitnl m tki lotm tupplemenl repeated next week m \u proper
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    • 83 1 Strnits Timo*.) Sj moi 'hi:(' H]l ivn i XsrU(;KN^ I to* SUt ,l^^.-Valp :u -a,s, w», L»red by the in^ati oa Thursday Pr»ideol BalmaoecU^ poweri, entity broken and ho him^lf U tt fugitivo. Santi. ■go hw been formaHj handed ow to th, vigors; tliere wm no fighting, the
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    • 600 1 Phe Chilian revolution has so far gone m favour of the iusur-.nts, and President Balmaeeda it a fugitive. The trouble* resuiting m all this hlocKlshed arose from the President claiming the exercise of powers under the coustitution ef Chili, which the opposition iv the Congress of that
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    • 1511 1 Hongkong: and shanghai Banking Corporation. shareholder* m < his Corporation wa, hold at "SPS? Sn««rd»y 22nd August. l»e Chairman said --(^ntlemen, tli« report ■M lemats having been m your hands for ■oma tune, 1 Mhtll, with your permission, lake thorn as read. I nm) tho result of the past halt
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    • 466 1 The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company. Thu Hougkoug uuil Whiiiu[»<>.i Dock Compauy b»»l*l a meeting at Hongkong ou tin* 84th ultimo. The Chairman m the ooaraeof liiss|M'e«'b en the oceeeiea sai.l Von will observe that the nott profits for the half year just dosed amounts to th> resi pectablo sum
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    • 861 1 Nat ive States Appeals. (Bmang Gazrite.) A cOBUMOKDBIfT has dra wu attention to certain ma pediments iv the wav of Appeals from the Native States Coarts Ijidb to the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlement*, first, he .asks, what is to be dooe wh.n the law of i, litigaut's domiciU
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